Security Clearances - United States Department of State (2024)

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Security Clearances - United States Department of State (1)
Security Clearances - United States Department of State (2)


The Background Investigation Process

National Security Adjudicative Guidelines

Interim Determination


Continuous Evaluation Program


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The Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) conducts personnel security background investigations for the Department of State and other federal agencies.

These investigations provide information for DSS to determine an applicant’s or current employee’s national security eligibility.

DSS conducts more than 38,000 personnel security actions each year for the Department of State and other federal agencies.

Security Clearances - United States Department of State (3)

The Background Investigation Process

Security Clearances - United States Department of State (4)
A job candidate receives a conditional offer of employment and completes and submits the appropriate form – either a Questionnaire for National Security Positions, Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions, or Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions – and other required forms to the appropriate hiring office.

Watch A Welcome Video from Director General Marcia Bernicat

The hiring office reviews and submits the completed questionnaire and other required forms – known as the security package – to DSS.
DSS reviews the security package and formally opens a background investigation.
DSS conducts record and fingerprint checks against commercial and government databases.
DSS verifies and corroborates key information and events from the candidate’s past and recent history. This may include interviews of people who know the candidate well. The investigator may conduct a face-to-face interview with the candidate as part of the process.
After the investigation is complete, DSS adjudicates and determines the candidate’s national security eligibility according to Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 4: National Security Adjudicative Guidelines.
In some cases, background investigations may be forwarded to a Department of State Human Resources suitability panel.
After determining the candidate’s national security eligibility, DSS contacts the appropriate hiring authority.

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Security Clearances - United States Department of State (5)

National Security Adjudicative Guidelines

Whatare the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines?

The guidelines are defined in theSecurity Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 4: National Security Adjudicative Guidelinesand are the single common criteria used to evaluate all individuals who require national security eligibility.

All Executive Branch agencies use these guidelines when rendering a national security eligibility determination.

What factors are considered?

National security eligibility determinations take into account a person’s:

  • Stability
  • Trustworthiness
  • Reliability
  • Discretion
  • Character
  • Honesty
  • Judgment
  • Unquestionable loyalty to the U.S.

What factors may not be considered?

In making a national security eligibility determination, the federal government does not discriminate on the basis of:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • National origin
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation

Negative conclusions cannot be made solely on the basis of mental health counseling.

When will national security eligibility be granted?

DSS considers all available, reliable information about a person – past and present, favorable and unfavorable – when reaching a national security eligibility determination. DSS shall grant national security eligibility only when the information demonstrates that such eligibility is clearly consistent with the interests of the United States. Any doubt shall be resolved in favor of U.S. national security.

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Interim Determination

Whatis an interim determination?

A favorable interim determination allows the applicant to start working before the full background investigation is complete and before DSS grants the final national security eligibility determination.

When is an interim determination granted?

In exceptional circ*mstances, the hiring office may request an interim determination. DSS may be able to grant an interim determination after reviewing a complete security package and after certain investigative checks come back with favorable results.

What does it mean if the interim determination is denied?

If an applicant’s interim determination is denied, additional investigative work must take place prior to a final determination. The denial of an applicant’s interim determination does not have negative implications for the applicant’s final national security eligibility determination.

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Employees are subject to reinvestigation based on their level of security clearance.

What happens during a reinvestigation?

DSS notifies the employee when it is time for a reinvestigation. The employee submits an updated security package, and DSS conducts a background investigation.

What is covered in this background investigation?

The investigation will cover key aspects of the applicant’s life since the previous background investigation. It may be necessary to readdress certain issues as further information or patterns are developed.

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Continuous Evaluation Program

The Office of the Director of the National Intelligence (ODNI) implemented the Continuous Evaluation (CE) program in December 2016 to ensure the federal government maintains a strong and trusted workforce. CE applies to all Executive Branch personnel who require eligibility for access to classified information or eligibility to hold a sensitive position.

What does CE do?

CE maximizes the use of automated records to identify security-relevant information earlier and more frequently than the current reinvestigation cycle. CE records checks supplement information obtained during initial and periodic reinvestigations, transforming them into ongoing reviews rather than snapshots.

Read More About the Continuous Evaluation Program

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Security Clearances - United States Department of State (9)


Security Clearances - United States Department of State (10)
What is the purpose of a security clearance?

The purpose of a security clearance is to allow an individual access to classified national security information.

Can I apply for a security clearance?

No. Applicants cannot initiate a security clearance application on their own.

Who determines whether I need a security clearance? When does this happen?

Hiring officials determine whether a Department of State position will require a security clearance based upon the duties and responsibilities of the position. If the position requires access to classified information, a background investigation must be conducted. This is done after a conditional offer of employment is given to an applicant.

Do I have to be a U.S. citizen to receive a security clearance from the Department of State?

Yes. When the Department of State’s mission has compelling reasons, however, immigrant alien and foreign national employees who possess special expertise may, at the discretion of the Department of State, be granted limited access to classified information only for specific programs, projects, contracts, licenses, certificates, or grants.

How many types or levels of security clearance are there?

There are three levels of security clearance: confidential, secret, and top secret.

Who decides the level of clearance?

The Department of State’sBureau of Global Talent Managementdetermines whether a position will require a security clearance, as well as the level required, based upon the duties and responsibilities of the position and using OPM’sPosition Designation Tool.

What is a public trust? A non-sensitive position?

Public trust and low risk/non-sensitive determinations are not security clearances.

Public trust determinations are requested for applicants whose positions will require access to information at the high- or moderate-risk levels, based upon duties and responsibilities of the position.A public trust background investigation will include many aspects of a full security clearance investigation.

Low-risk/non-sensitive determinations are requested for applicants whose positions have low-risk levels, based upon duties and responsibilities of the position.

What work does a security clearance allow a person to do?

A security clearance allows an individual filling a specific position to have access to classified national security information up to and including the level of clearance that they hold as long as the individual has a “need to know” the information and signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Will my clearance be transferable to other federal agencies?

Reciprocity is the acknowledgement and acceptance of an existing background investigation conducted by an authorized investigative agency; the acceptance of a national security eligibility adjudication determined by an authorized adjudicative agency; and the acceptance of an active national security eligibility determination granted by an executive branch agency. Federal agencies will normally accept another agency’s investigation as the basis for granting a security clearance in accordance withSEAD 7: Reciprocity of Background Investigations and National Security Adjudications. Any significant changes in an applicant’s situation since his or her last investigation may be considered. Some federal agencies might have additional investigative or adjudicative requirements that must be met prior to their accepting a clearance granted by another agency.

Can I transfer my security clearance for private sector employment?

Security clearances only apply to positions that fall under the purview of the federal government. Executive Order 12968, Access to Classified Information, provides that security clearances are only granted to persons employed by, detailed or assigned to, or working on behalf of the federal government.

How long is my security clearance valid after I leave the federal government?
The security clearance must be administratively removed when the employee no longer has need for access. DSS will revalidate a security clearance in accordance withSEAD 7: Reciprocity of Background Investigations and National Security Adjudications.
Does having a security clearance guarantee employmentwith the Department of State?

The hiring process addresses whether someone will be initially selected for a particular position within the Department of State. The security clearance process does not begin until after a conditional offer of employment is given.

Are members of my family or people living with me subject to a security check?

There are circ*mstances in which limited records checks or an investigation may be conducted on a spouse or cohabitant.

How often is a security clearance renewed?

An individual is normally subject to reinvestigation approximately every five years for a Secret or Top Secret clearance.

For what reasons would I be denied a security clearance?

Various reasons exist for denial of a security clearance. Honesty, candor, and thoroughness are very important factors in the process of obtaining a security clearance. Every case is individually assessed, using the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines, to determine whether the granting or continuing of eligibility for a security clearance is clearly consistent with the interests of national security. SeeSecurity Executive Agent Directive 4, National Security Adjudicative Guidelines, for more information about the guidelines and specific concerns and mitigating factors.

How long does it take to process a typical security clearance?

Each case varies based on the specific circ*mstances of the individual subject and the level of security clearance requested.

What happens if I’m denied a security clearance? Is there an appeal process?

If you are denied a security clearance, or your continued eligibility for access to classified information is revoked, you will be notified of the reason(s) and be provided with the procedures for filing an appeal. You will be given the opportunity to address derogatory information that is provided as the basis for denial or revocation.

What is e-QIP?

The Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) system is a web-based automated system, owned by the Office of Personnel Management and mandated for federal government use, that facilitates the processing of standard forms used when conducting background investigations for security, suitability, fitness, and credentialing purposes. The e-QIP system allows the user to electronically enter, update, and transmit their personal data over a secure internet connection to a requesting agency.

What are some typical delays that occur in the security clearance process?

Some of the most common areas of delay include the submission of incomplete forms and information, poorly collected fingerprints, and investigations that involve coverage of extensive overseas activities. Applicants can help the process by ensuring that they have completed all forms thoroughly and accurately, and when possible, providing additional references who can verify their activities. A lot of detailed information is required to conduct a background investigation. When preparing to fill out your e-QIP, collect and verify information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, and dates of birth for immediate relatives. Collect additional references, when possible, in case we are unable to reach those provided initially.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my background investigation?

For assistance with background investigations being conducted by a federal agency other than the Department of State, please contact that agency directly.

If the position is a federal contracting position, contact your company’s facility security officer or human resources office.

For assistance with completing your security clearance package for a Department of State investigation or to inquire about the status of your security clearance with the Department of State, you may email the DSS Office of Personnel Security and Suitability Customer Service Center at[email protected]or call between8 A.M – 5 P.M.EST at(866) 643-4636or(571) 345-3186.

DSS only releases information about the status of an investigation directly to the subject of a Department of State investigation or the hiring authority.

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Contact Us

Phone(866) 643-4636or (571) 345-3186between8 A.M. – 5P.M. EST
Email[email protected]
DSS only releases information about the status of an investigation directly to the subject of a Department of State investigation or the hiring authority.
Security Clearances - United States Department of State (2024)


Who can I talk to about security clearance questions? ›

For questions regarding the status of an individual's security clearance, individuals should contact their security manager or designated security official for assistance.

What should I answer for security clearance? ›

ClearanceJobs always recommends answering the question that is being asked of you fully and truthfully. If one misdemeanor is all you have on your record from a few years ago, remember that time passed and positive patterns in terms of behavior are mitigating factors.

Is it hard to pass a security clearance? ›

But assuming you don't have go down that path, the process to getting a Secret clearance is fairly straightforward. It just isn't always that fast. Timelines have changed over the years, but you'll want to have some back-up work in the hopper while you wait for either an interim Secret clearance or the final decision.

Does the FBI investigate security clearances? ›

The background investigation and records checks for Secret and Top Secret security clearance are mandated by Presidential Executive Order (EO). The EO requires these procedures in order for a security clearance to be granted; the FBI does not have the ability to waive them.

What are the 5 levels of security clearance? ›

  • Controlled Unclassified.
  • Public Trust Position.
  • Confidential.
  • Secret.
  • Top Secret.
  • Compartmented.

What is the easiest way to get a security clearance? ›

How to get a security clearance
  1. Submit an application. The first step in the security clearance process is the initial job application. ...
  2. Undergo the investigation portion. ...
  3. Start the interim eligibility period. ...
  4. Follow status updates for your application.
Mar 10, 2023

What disqualifies you from security clearance? ›

You are not a U.S. citizen. You were dishonorably discharged from the military. You are currently involved in illegal drug use. You have been judged as mentally incompetent or mentally incapacitated by a mental health professional.

What are red flags for security clearance? ›

Financial issues, like a bankruptcy or poor credit rating, also hurt the chances of a clearance approval. Serious debts are a definite security risk, as agencies feel that person is ripe for being bribed or blackmailed. A record of gambling is something else to avoid if you want your clearance to be approved.

Does everyone get interviewed for security clearance? ›

For a secret clearance in a national security position, the investigation requires agents to interview people who have lived or worked with the applicant at some point in the past seven years, or sometimes farther back.

Do they contact references for secret clearance? ›

The security clearance process typically includes a FBI reference check of former employers, coworkers, friends, neighbors, landlords, and schools along with a review of credit, tax, and police records.

Is it normal to have an interview for security clearance? ›

Not every security cleared position will require a face-to-face interview. Some lower-level clearances, such as Security Check (SC) or Counter Terrorism Check (CTC) roles, will often only require a written questionnaire and a background check. For higher level clearances, an interview is a must.

What percent of people fail security clearance? ›

“Probably 5 to 10 percent of the people who go through the process experience some degree of issues,” Bigley estimated.

How many secret security clearances are denied? ›

The National Security Agency (NSA) had 6.1% denials and 2.3% revocations.

How many security clearances are denied each year? ›

From fiscal year (FY) 2016 through FY 2019, the DoD denied or revoked an average of roughly 5,657 security clearances annually. This number includes all branches of the military services except the Coast Guard (which has its own CAF and is housed within the DHS), along with DoD civilian employees and contractors.

Do security clearances check Internet history? ›

Although security clearance background checks can be intensely thorough, the government can't view your emails, Internet browsing history, hard drive data, and other virtual assets without a subpoena or warrant.

What security clearance do CIA agents have? ›

Members of the CIA or FBI would need higher security clearances (secret or top secret) and federal employees working on special programs may also need top secret security clearance with SCI.

What type of clearance do CIA agents have? ›

Because of the classified nature of our work, all CIA applicants must go through a comprehensive security clearance process.

What is CIA security clearance level 5? ›

Tier 5 – Top Secret Security Clearance

As the highest level of security clearance, applicants can expect a more rigorous examination. If approved, this clearance gives cleared personnel access to information or material that could cause disastrous damage to national security.

Who has Yankee White clearance? ›

Yankee White is an administrative nickname for a background check undertaken in the United States of America for Department of Defense personnel and contractor employees working with the president and vice president.

What is the most secret security clearance? ›

The U.S. government recognizes three levels of security clearance: confidential, secret, and top secret. Using a federally mandated rubric, government officials classify documents in one of those levels. Candidates can receive clearance for information up to the level for which they qualify.

Can you speed up security clearance process? ›

Usually it is not possible to expedite the adjudication of a security clearance, however my office can contact the appropriate agency on your behalf to ensure that progress on the application continues.

How many people have Top Secret clearance? ›

The 1.3 million individuals with Top Secret clearances are supporting a wide variety of missions, from the CIA to the Department of Commerce. Just because you have a Top Secret clearance doesn't mean you have access to any information out there that's classified Top Secret.

How long does it take to pass security clearance? ›

The security clearance process takes an average of three to four months to complete but can take up to a full year to complete depending on your background.

Can family members affect security clearance? ›

Your spouse may be involved, as well, and may be included in your background investigation and interviewed. Some individuals applying for security clearance are concerned their application will not be approved because their spouse has debt or a poor credit history.

What does the government look for in a security clearance? ›

This comprehensive process examines your criminal record, credit history, and other personal details to confirm you are “reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and loyal to the United States” [1]. Security clearance must be issued before you can begin working.

Will I lose my security clearance if I fail a drug test? ›

Self admission of drug usage on the SF-86 or as a result of a positive drug test will result in deferral of the application for clearance.

Does security clearance check bank accounts? ›

Not normally, unless you have bad credit then you might be asked to show how you plan to pay off your debts. But in most cases the security clearance doesn't look at your bank accounts.

Why would you not pass a security clearance? ›

Almost half of all denials are due to financial issues. These could range from high levels of debt, unpaid taxes, or even moving without informing a creditor of your new address.

How to pass a security clearance interview? ›

5 Tips for a Telephone or VTC Security Clearance Interview
  1. Act like it's in person. Follow the same advice as if you were being interviewed in-person. ...
  2. Don't be a time stuffer. ...
  3. Don't interview and drive. ...
  4. Watch what you wear. ...
  5. Don't Multitask.
Feb 21, 2022

What questions do they ask for secret clearance? ›

General interview questions
  • How did you learn about this position?
  • What makes you qualified for this position?
  • What are some of your most important personal values?
  • Are you a punctual person?
  • Do you consider yourself responsible?
  • Do you take pride in your work?
  • What do you think your greatest strengths are?
Mar 10, 2023

Do they check text messages for security clearance? ›

While it is true that security clearance investigators can dig deeply into all the financial, personal, and social aspects of your life, your text messages, and private online accounts are safe, for now.

Does secret clearance interview friends? ›

So friends may be interviewed. It honestly depends on what kind of MOS you are going in for. The more secret the material, the more likely someone will ask more people more questions about you. I didn't have secret level clearance so I do not know how to answer this question.

How do you know when your secret clearance is approved? ›

Contact your Security Officer with questions about the status of your security clearance or adjudication of your investigation. The agency that requested your background investigation is responsible for adjudicating your completed background investigation and granting your security clearance.

Is it easier to get a job with a security clearance? ›

Having a security clearance is similar to having a special certification or degree on your résumé. It makes you more marketable, helping you stand out from other candidates and increasing your job prospects. An active or current clearance may also increase your earning potential.

Do FBI agents have clearances? ›

Required security clearance

To work as an FBI agent, you're required to get a Top Secret security clearance. To complete this process, the FBI investigates your personal life. It's a lengthy process that can often take a while to complete.

How often do people fail security clearances? ›

myth #1: Many security clearances are denied.

Peregrine noted the rate of security clearance denials is incredibly low. Less than 1% of security clearances investigations result in denial. Individuals may not be eligible for an interim clearance, and they may have significant issues that need to be mitigated.

How often are security clearances investigated? ›

There are circ*mstances in which limited records checks or an investigation may be conducted on a spouse or cohabitant. How often is a security clearance renewed? An individual is normally subject to reinvestigation approximately every five years for a Secret or Top Secret clearance.

How far back do security clearance questions go? ›

Form must be completed going back 10 years.

If not back 10 years, it will slow down the processing time of your background investigation. The SF-86 form requests information back 7 years for employment and residence; however, to comply with the investigative standards, 10 years is required.

Do security clearances look at social media? ›

The policy is clear that clearance holders will not be asked to share information like passwords. If you keep your accounts appropriately protected, you help keep your personal identity – and clearance eligibility – safe.

Do they interview spouse for secret clearance? ›

Depending upon the responses, additional information may be requested. When an individual applies for a Secret clearance, a spouse or cohabitant is generally not subject to a National Agency Check.

What level of clearance do FBI agents have? ›

The mission of the FBI is vital to the safety and security of our nation and its citizens. Often, our work is very sensitive in nature. Therefore, all FBI positions require at least a Top Secret Clearance; special agents must be able to obtain a Top Secret SCI Clearance.

Do janitors need security clearance? ›

May be required to obtain and maintain a security clearance, including successfully completing a thorough background investigation. Ability to obtain and maintain a secret clearance.

Do DEA agents have security clearance? ›

For consideration to work under the contract, the Contractor must hold a current Facility Clearance at the TOP SECRET or INTERIM Top Secret level through the U.S. Department of Defense/Defense Security Service (DOD/DSS).

Does a DOD clearance transfer to CIA? ›

All agencies use the same criteria for granting security clearances – but they don't all use the same database to store them. If you move from the Department of Defense to the CIA, your clearance information needs to be transferred to a new database. Unfortunately, this can take time.

Do Congress members have security clearances? ›

Members of Congress are not required to have security clearances. The Executive Branch, through E.O. 12333 as amended has chosen to control dissemination of information to only those with the need-to-know.

What is the highest CIA level? ›

Top Secret – This is the highest level of classification. Information is classified as Top Secret if it “reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security,” according to a 2009 executive order that describes the classification system.

How in depth is a CIA background check? ›

The background investigation will include credit and criminal history checks, records checks to verify citizenship of family members, verification of date of birth, education, employment history, and military history.

How thorough is a CIA background check? ›

Background Issues

“The CIA is going to look in your finances, your use of alcohol, sexual behaviors and prior problems with the law,” said Morgan. “This is much like any security clearance background check. The CIA wants to know that you can manage money and are not in debt.

How much is a TS SCI clearance worth? ›

TS SCI Clearance Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$171,500$14,291
75th Percentile$148,500$12,375
25th Percentile$90,000$7,500

What is the easiest clearance to get? ›

Confidential: This security clearance level is the easiest of the three to obtain. This offers access to the lowest level of classified information. Secret: This is the second tier of security clearance, which provides holders with access to sensitive classified information.

Can you buy a Top Secret clearance? ›

You cannot obtain a security clearance for yourself. Your current or prospective employer has to do this for you. Since the process is costly and time-consuming, organizations won't do it unless it's absolutely essential.

Who holds Top Secret clearance? ›

Top Secret Clearances

A Top Secret clearance may be granted to those persons who have a "need-to-know" national security information, classified up to the Top Secret level, and who need unescorted access to FBI facilities, when necessary.

Do all soldiers have a security clearance? ›

Not every position in the military requires a clearance (culinary specialists and some support positions may not), but all officers do obtain a security clearance as a part of their service and all service members undergo a background check and complete some form of security application.

What disqualifies you from secret clearance? ›

You are not a U.S. citizen. You were dishonorably discharged from the military. You are currently involved in illegal drug use. You have been judged as mentally incompetent or mentally incapacitated by a mental health professional.

What security clearance does military have? ›

There are three levels of personnel clearance: Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret.

What can jeopardize a security clearance? ›

Reasons for revocation

Criminal sexual behavior, p*rnography and repeated, high-risk sexual behavior are all examples that suggest lack of self-control and trustworthiness to retain security clearance.

What can delay security clearance? ›

What can delay the security clearance process?
  • Problems with your paperwork. According to the United States Marine Corps, incomplete security application packages are a common cause of delay. ...
  • Problems with your fingerprints. ...
  • Inadequate documentation of foreign activities.
Jun 18, 2022

What to do if security clearance is denied? ›

If the decision is to deny or revoke the security clearance, the individual has the opportunity to appeal the decision to the Appeal Board. The Appeal Board will review the case file and render its decision. This decision is final and concludes the appeal process.

How much does a Top Secret clearance add to salary? ›

Based on survey data, on average, a security clearance generates 10-20% salary premium with higher clearances commanding the largest increases.

What percentage of people get denied Top Secret clearance? ›

“The denial rate for the DoD (which issues more than 90 percent of security clearances) has traditionally been reported at one percent to three percent,” she said.

Can you talk about getting a security clearance? ›

The fact that you have a security clearance is not classified, so there's no reason you can't tell someone you have a security clearance. In fact, the State Department and other government agencies advise applicants who have a clearance to include this information on their resumes.

Who conducts security clearance interviews? ›

Who conducts security clearance background investigations? The Department of Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) conducts security clearance background investigations for DoD and dozens of other federal agencies.

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