Will No Contact Work If He Has Lost Feelings (2024)

Will No Contact Work If He Has Lost Feelings (1)

In This Article

You’ve probably heard of the “no contact” rule and how it is the most powerful strategy to get your act together and fan the embers of your love life back to flames when you feel like your relationship is losing a little bit of steam.

While this may be true, it can quickly leave many people asking, “will no contact work if he lost feelings for me?”

It is one thing to set up the no contact rule and step back in style, waiting for him to come running back into your arms. However, what if you second-guess your action and ask yourself the million-dollar question, “will my ex move on during no contact?”

How do you use the no contact rule to get him back after a break? Heck. In fact, will the no contact rule get him back truly?

So many questions. Yet, so few answers!

We will help you find answers to your most pressing questions. If he lost feelings for me and broke up afterward, this article will show me how to use the no contact rule in the corrEctway.

Will the no contact rule work if he has lost feelings for you?

The no-contact rule is adapted from the popular saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder. It is founded on the principle that their love waxes stronger when lovers and soulmates spend time apart.

Hence, they can feed on their desperate longing to be back in their lover’s arms to do all it takes to get their relationship going again.

Under normal circ*mstances, the no contact rule has been proven to be a powerful tool in healing and strengthening relationships as it gives all parties the time they need to sort through their minds and get their acts together.

Will No Contact Work If He Has Lost Feelings (2)

One of the major reasons why this works is because of the popular quote by D. Kahneman; “the fear of loss is an excellent motivation of action in humans since we are loss averse.”

When a person loves another, they will do all they can to keep them in their life, even during the no contact period. However, if you are using no contact to get him back, you must be sure that he hasn’t fallen out of love with you.

If you wonder if he will move on during no contact, chances of this are high if he no longer loves you or if you are dealing with a case of unrequited feelings.

A simple answer to the central question guiding this section of the article is “no.” No contact will not work if he has lost feelings for you.

Related Reading: 15 Signs He Misses You During No Contact

Will he develop feelings for you again during no contact?

Now that we have established that no contact is almost useless when a man has lost his feelings for you, the next question you may ask yourself is, “what if…”

What if there’s any chance that no contact will restart a man’s feelings for you?

There are no straight-to-the-point answers to this question because rekindling romantic feelings is dependent on many factors, including the willingness of the other person to rekindle the relationship. However, the no contact rule may come in handy in helping your ex to reassess their feelings and opinions about you.

When you play the role of the clingy child who refuses to let their ex go even when they have requested a no-contact period, they may see you as something to toy with, which can reduce the amount of respect they have for you.

However, when they see that you are willing to step back and give yourself the break you deserve, their respect for you will increase and this can, in turn, rekindle the feelings they once had for you.

Will no contact make him move on? Will it increase the chances that he will fall dangerously in love with you once again? Well, there are no guarantees to that!

Related Reading: How to Rekindle the Love Back Into Your Relationship

Will the no contact rule work on an emotionally unavailable man?

An emotionally unavailable man appears to be aloof, distant from the people around him, and unable to process and show his feelings. In most cases, he is perceived to be callous, unfeeling, and incapable of love.

One of the things you’d easily notice about the emotionally unavailable man is that he spends most of his time obsessing over his next big goal, project, or idea. He’ll have sex with you. He may even agree to hang around afterward for a few hours.

However, the emotionally unavailable man is terrified of commitment to any relationship.

Studies show that emotionally unavailable people find it challenging to have meaningful romantic relationships with others more often than not. They wouldn’t be opposed to casual dating and having flings. However, they’d run for the hills at the sound of anything that remotely looked like a commitment.

Now, does no contact work on men that are emotionally unavailable?

The chances are slim; too slim for comfort. If there’s one thing you should have picked up from this conversation, emotionally unavailable men have an issue with commitment. This means that they would do anything to be unfettered to anyone.

If you wonder, “will he forget me during no contact,” the chances for this are very high for emotionally unavailable men.

Related Reading: 12 Ways To Get An Emotionally Unavailable Man To Chase You

Learn how to help an emotionally unavailable man share his feelings with the help of this video:

Will No Contact Work If He Has Lost Feelings (3)

Will no contact work if I start it late?

You may have spent time trying to understand when is the right time to start no contact.

There is no perfect time to begin the no contact phase for your relationship (if you want to salvage the relationship by going through that route). This is because people are different and every human being has a threshold of pain they can deal with.

What is unbearable to you can be laughed at by someone else and vice versa. There isn’t any such thing as “the perfect time to start no contact.”

However, to get the best out of your no contact phase, you must understand your temperament and the kind of person you are in a relationship with. Take a break from the relationship when it starts getting toxic.

This will ensure that there wouldn’t be much bad blood between you when you decide to try again.

You are the ones to determine the best time to start the no contact phase in your relationship because you understand your unique situation, your needs, and the goals you intend to achieve with no contact.

How to get your ex to fall in love with you again

Loss of feelings is not the end of a relationship. You can follow the steps mentioned here to learn how to get someone back who lost feelings for you.

1. Take a break

When you have proven beyond every reasonable doubt that your ex is losing the feelings they once had for you, the knee-jerk reaction would be to do all you can to get them swooning for you once again. However, throwing yourself at them might not be the best option.

This is where the no-contact option comes to play.

Will No Contact Work If He Has Lost Feelings (4)

Lost feelings can come back, but you have to prove that you are worth being in a relationship with and you don’t achieve that by being clingy and needy. So, start by taking a break.

Related Reading: How to Understand Taking a Break in a Relationship: When and How

2. Define the boundaries of the break

A straightforward way to lose your ex for good is to go on a no contact spree without defining exactly what you are getting yourself into. If you don’t have a deep conversation about this, you will go on a no-contact phase while remaining in contact in some form.

Conversely, you may drift apart for good because you never defined the start and end dates for the no contact times.

Can lost feelings come back during the no contact period? Yes, they can. However, you have to make sure that you don’t stretch the no-contact phase or that the love may be lost.

Related Reading: 15 Signs of Unhealthy Boundaries in Relationships

3. Find out why

Finding out the reason for the problem could be challenging, but there’s no hope of fixing what you are unaware of. If you want to get him to fall back in love with you, the first step you must take is to ask him what went wrong.

Try to have a heart-to-heart conversation. If you are dealing with an emotionally healthy ex, the chances that they’d open up to you are huge. They may say things you wouldn’t like.

However, if you want the relationship to thrive, you should focus on assessing what they have said and doing your best to adjust and accommodate them. Effective communication is an integral part of successful marriages and relationships.

Will No Contact Work If He Has Lost Feelings (5)

You can have this conversation before or after the no contact phase for the best results. Not during!

4. Convey that you are committing to work with them

To get your ex who fell out of love to start feeling strongly for you again, you must let them know that you are committing to fixing the relationship and doing right.

If you wonder, “will no contact work if he has lost feelings,” you must understand that it is not a “you against your ex” situation. Instead, both of you must work together as a team to make the dream work.


The no contact phase has proven, over the years, to be a very reasonable period during which couples get their emotions under control and find out the best course of action for their relationship.

Will no contact work if he loses feelings?

There’s no guarantee of that, and that’s what makes it a part of life. It is up to you to do your best to keep him (if you want him to remain). However, it would help if you remembered that the one who wants to stay would stay.

If he doesn’t want to stay with you, there’s almost nothing you’d do to keep him. This should be at the back of your mind even as you try to figure things out.

As someone deeply immersed in the realm of relationship dynamics, I can confidently assert that the concepts discussed in the provided article are rooted in fundamental principles of human behavior and psychology. Let me break down and elaborate on each key concept addressed in the article:

1. No Contact Rule and Lost Feelings:

  • The no-contact rule, derived from the notion that absence intensifies affection, is a strategy designed to allow individuals in a relationship to reflect and reevaluate their emotions.
  • The effectiveness of the no-contact rule hinges on the reciprocal fear of loss, a concept supported by D. Kahneman, emphasizing that humans are motivated by the fear of losing valuable connections.

2. Rekindling Feelings During No Contact:

  • The article suggests that the no-contact rule may not be effective if the person has genuinely lost feelings for their partner.
  • The potential for rekindling romantic feelings during no contact is explored, emphasizing the importance of presenting oneself as deserving of respect through giving the other person space.

3. No Contact and Emotionally Unavailable Men:

  • Emotionally unavailable men, characterized by a reluctance to commit, are posited to be less receptive to the no-contact rule due to their aversion to commitment.
  • The article implies that emotionally unavailable individuals may be more likely to move on during the no-contact period.

4. Timing of No Contact:

  • The article addresses the question of whether the effectiveness of the no-contact rule is affected by the timing of its initiation.
  • It emphasizes that the decision to start no contact should be based on individual circ*mstances, especially when the relationship becomes toxic.

5. Strategies to Rekindle Love:

  • Practical steps are provided for individuals seeking to reignite a lost connection:
    • Taking a Break: Advocating for a period of separation to allow both parties to reassess their feelings.
    • Defining Boundaries: Emphasizing the importance of clearly communicating the parameters of the no-contact phase to avoid misunderstandings.
    • Finding the Root Cause: Encouraging open communication to identify and address the underlying issues that led to the loss of feelings.
    • Commitment to Work Together: Highlighting the need for mutual effort and collaboration to repair the relationship.

6. Takeaway:

  • The article concludes by reiterating that the no-contact phase serves as a valuable time for emotional control and strategic decision-making.
  • It acknowledges that there are no guarantees in relationships and underscores the importance of mutual desire to make a relationship work.

In essence, the article offers a comprehensive exploration of the intricacies involved in implementing the no-contact rule, addressing scenarios ranging from lost feelings to emotionally unavailable partners. The advice provided is grounded in psychological principles and interpersonal dynamics, reflecting a nuanced understanding of relationship challenges.

Will No Contact Work If He Has Lost Feelings (2024)


Can lost feelings come back? ›

You might think the relationship has run its course—and while that could be true, it's also possible for feelings to return. Healthy relationships involve work and maintenance, and this hard-earned romantic homeostasis can aid in our overall wellbeing and longevity.

Does no contact work on someone who lost feelings? ›

Licensed Psychologist and Coach Silvana Mici says that, No contact can be a valuable tool in relationships where feelings have faded, as it allows both individuals to gain perspective and potentially rediscover what drew them to each other in the first place.

What to do when he loses feelings? ›

Here's what to do when he loses interest, and how you can fix your relationship.
  1. Give him his space. You might think by giving him his space, you will lose him. ...
  2. Focus on yourself. Your self-esteem may take a hit. ...
  3. Let him come back to you. If you believe in your heart that he's the right guy, let him come back to you.
Mar 11, 2022

How to get him back when he loses interest? ›

A good way to shake things up – and get him interested again – is to surprise him with something radically different on date night. Or send him a compliment when he's least expecting it, about something he doesn't often get complimented on, and watch the novelty re-ignite your relationship.

Should I break up if I lost feelings? ›

If you're in this position right now and are unsure if you want to continue the relationship, it's important to remember that relationships can go through many different phases and can change over time. Just because you have lost feelings right now doesn't mean that you can't ever get them back.

How to make his feelings come back? ›

Take things slowly.
  1. Try dating again. Go out for dinner, go bowling or go see a movie together. Spend short, concentrated periods of time together. Get to know one another all over again.
  2. If you try to pick up exactly where you left off, then history is doomed to repeat itself.

Will no contact make him realize? ›

For most guys, a “no contact” period will make them realize how much they care about you or make them jealous, confused, or remorseful.

How does no contact make a man feel? ›

And this is how men respond to no contact. The no contact rule male psychology forces him to recognize his loneliness. After a breakup, if you stop contacting him, he will feel free and enjoy this phase as much as he can. But, with time, the loneliness and guilt pang will start to kick in.

Do emotionally unavailable men come back after no contact? ›

Most of the time, no contact with an emotionally unavailable man or woman works because it gives them the space and the time they need to think about themselves and their relationship. Often dumpers do come back because they have had the time to reflect on their actions and emotions.

How to tell if he's not interested anymore? ›

16 Telltale Signs He's Losing Interest
  1. Physical Intimacy Changes. Pay attention to your current sex life. ...
  2. Lack of Attention. ...
  3. No Motivation to Impress You. ...
  4. He's Closed. ...
  5. Avoiding Your Friends and Family. ...
  6. You Always Argue and Fight. ...
  7. His Body Language Has Changed. ...
  8. Frequent Excuses.
Nov 15, 2023

How to accept that he lost interest? ›

If you see signs that he's not into you, like taking forever to respond to texts, it's time to move on! Let yourself grieve the loss of what could've been, then delete his contact info and focus on yourself. Stay busy, rebuild your self-esteem, and start dating new people when you're ready.

What happens when a man loses feelings? ›

If he's lost feelings, vague and indifferent responses may be his new go-to. When you ask him about his day or where he'd like to have dinner, he may respond with “Fine” or “I don't care.” You feel like you have to draw answers out of him because he doesn't share his life with you like he used to.

Can a guy be interested again after losing interest? ›

The good news is that getting him interested again is possible once a guy loses interest in you. You can reignite the passion and bring the relationship back to life with the right approach and a little effort.

How to regain a man's interest? ›

Reopen communication with a subtle comment or quick message.

Try to be friendly, fun, and super chill. You might offer him a simple compliment in passing, or message him about something he's interested in. Now, he'll be thinking of you all over again.

What to do after a guy loses interest? ›

Continuing to pursue someone who's clearly lost interest will only lead to more disappointment and upset. So you don't need to send them any long paragraphs or try to make them regret their decision. Simply let them go and move on. Your job is not to convince someone, but to find someone who doesn't need convincing.

Can your emotions come back? ›

How do I get my emotions back? Addressing the underlying cause of emotional numbness is the first step toward getting relief. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, support from your loved ones, and working with a mental health professional can help.

Can feelings of being in love come back? ›

You can fall back in love again—it just may take a bit of effort. “It is absolutely possible to fall back in love with your partner,” says Patrice Le Goy, LMFT, PhD, an international psychologist, therapist, and adjunct professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

Can lost love come back? ›

It is possible for a lost love to be recovered, and for the relationship to continue happily. In some cases, though, a relationship might not have the potential to be rekindled. In these instances, it can be healthier for each partner to focus on themselves and move on.

Can lost attraction come back? ›

Losing attraction for someone doesn't always mean the relationship is over. Many people aren't aware of how desire can wax and wane. But attraction is complex. Understanding the underlying reasons and consciously addressing them can help reignite and revive the connection between partners.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.