Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (2024)

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Today we’re going to talk about exactly how long it usually takes for an ex to miss you after a breakup.

In fact, based on our research you can expect the average ex to begin missing you anywhere between 2.5 to 5.2 months after a breakup assuming you put forth signals that you are “moving on from them.”

We’re going show you how we came to this conclusion by drawing on our knowledge on,

  • Attachment Styles
  • Real Life Success Stories
  • Client Interviews

The idea is to use all this knowledge to come up with a specific time frame based on research and psychology that is realistic.

Too often I see people claiming to expect an ex to miss you in something like 30 days when the reality is that this isn’t what we’ve seen in the field at all.

I’d like to put an end to all the speculation and come up with something today based on research.

First things first, when it comes to an ex missing you what kind of behaviors are we looking at?

Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (1)

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Creating The Missing Framework

So, when we talk about an ex missing you what kind of behaviors are we really looking at? Well, this isn’t rocket science so here’s what I think counts as an ex missing you,

  • An ex admitting they miss you
  • Asking you out on a date
  • Bringing up positive emotional memories from your past
  • Their response time to your texts is quick
  • The conversations you have are much longer than normal
  • They talk about “dreaming about you.”
  • They start texting you during odd times (usually when they are alone.)
  • Social media stalking

But here’s the thing with exes missing you. At first, it probably will feel like the behaviors listed above will never happen. After all, usually after a breakup most exes do everything they can to avoid you.

The Wheel Of Death

In fact, I’d encourage you to look at the emotional experience of the typical “ex” that we study by paying attention to the wheel of relationship death,

Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (2)

  1. They start out wanting someone to love them
  2. Then they find you, and at first, things are great
  3. But something about your behavior sets them off (we will talk about what that is in a minute)
  4. They use that as an excuse to think about leaving you
  5. Then they actually decide to leave the relationship
  6. Then of course they party and are happy they left the relationship
  7. But there is a loneliness in the silence and they start to grow depressed
  8. They ultimately sit and wonder why this always happens to them. Why can’t I ever find the one?

Which in turn leads them to start the cycle over and over again. They are trapped in a prison of their own making and the crazy part is most of the time they aren’t even aware of it.

Now, I’m going to use this cycle a lot throughout this article to explain when you can expect your ex to miss you and I’m going to back it up with real research.

So, let’s start with a personal favorite topic of mine.

The Avoidant Attachment Nostalgia Factor

Recently, I’ve poured most of my research time into better understanding avoidant attachments but without going too far into the weeds everything I’m going to talk about in this section of the article can be found by watching this video,

Specifically the part about the “nostalgia factor.”

But first things first, most of the exes we’ve studied tend to be avoidant,

Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (3)

This means that they are fiercely protective of their independence. In fact, I think an argument can be made that when it comes to relationships they are usually happy until the person they are with threatens that independence.

For those counting, that would be this part of the wheel of death,

Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (4)

Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (5)

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At the first sign of trouble they actually use it to self sabotage the relationship. In fact, according to free to attach,

At this point, although avoidants ultimately want connection and a secure long-term attachment like the rest of us, they will start to avoid it, self-sabotage and push away for protection. Having learnt not to expect to be reliably happy around caregivers – that love comes with a degree of neglect – they are always expecting something to go wrong, and their subconscious mind moves to recreate this output.

At the heart of every avoidant lies an interesting paradox.

They want love more than anything else but they won’t let anyone close enough to give them that love.

But something fascinating happens right around here on the wheel of death after they ultimately break up with their partner,

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A type of nostalgia kicks in. It’s at this point that we have found exes are most likely to fall victim to missing you.

From a psychological perspective what’s going on?

Well, a lot of things.

There is obviously the self loathing aspect kicking in. The feeling sorry for oneself here,

Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (7)

But it all culminates in this nostalgia phenomenon where they can finally feel “safe” missing you. Once again pulling from Free To Attach,

Without the danger of reciprocity (so particularly after an ex has moved on), liberation from the fear of engulfment finally gives free reign to an avoidant’s latent romanticism. An ex being truly unavailable may even produce a perverse enjoyment – they are at liberty to fully miss and think wistfully of them while it also confirms their self-belief people won’t stick around them (sometimes in relationships they may imagine their partner with another to trigger this)

This is often why it can seem like it takes FOREVER for an avoidant ex to miss you and brings me nicely to the next bit of research I’d like to pull up for you.

Learning From Our Success Stories

One of the pages that often gets overlooked on our website is our success story page,

I’m proud of it because I feel like Ex Boyfriend Recovery is one of the only outfits that actually interviews our clients in depth on how they succeeded in making an ex come back.

But what’s particularly relevant about that page is we’ve combined all of our information into bite sized snippets so you can see what real success looks like and how long it typically takes,

Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (8)

The thing that probably jumps out to you immediately on that page is the success time frame.

On average it takes our clients about 5.2 months to see success in getting their ex back after they begin working with us.

The key part to remember there is “after they start working with us.”

So, all of those “get your ex back programs” that claim they can get your ex back in 30 days… Well, let’s just put it this way. Based on everything we’ve actually experienced they are complete bullsh*t.

And the science backs us up on that.

An avoidant, the average attachment style of our clients ex, isn’t going to even entertain the idea of missing you until they feel like you’ve completely moved on from them. Only then will they feel safe enough to miss you.

And you know what it takes for them to “feel safe?”

Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (9)

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Of course, if you want to get really technical here exes probably do begin missing you a tad earlier than 5.2 months. In fact, many times we first notice the signs of them missing you during the texting phase of the value ladder,

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So, usually right around 2.5 months is when the first signs of an ex missing you start to fall through but it’s a delicate tightrope you are forced to walk.

Any type of overly anxious behavior can actually trigger an avoidant again and then it’s as if the clock starts all over.

So yes, you need to have emotional control before you even entertain the idea of texting an ex. In fact, this is why we make it a point to focus our no contact periods around “outgrowing” an ex.

We know that if you can authentically get to a place emotionally where you are ok not getting an ex back then you are actually more likely to make them miss you.


Well again, it harkens back to that nostalgia factor. It puts forth signals to the avoidant that you have “moved on” and it’s at that point the nostalgia kicks in and they can begin missing you.

One final point, this outgrowth mindset. It’s not something you can fake either. You actually have to make an effort to outgrow your ex.

So, what are you waiting for?

As someone deeply immersed in the field of relationship dynamics and breakup psychology, my expertise spans various facets, including attachment styles, real-life success stories, and client interviews. I draw upon a wealth of knowledge to decipher the intricate nuances of post-breakup scenarios and shed light on the often murky waters of ex-partner behavior.

The key concepts underpinning the article are Attachment Styles, Real Life Success Stories, and Client Interviews. These elements serve as pillars for constructing a framework that seeks to determine the average duration it takes for an ex to miss their former partner after a breakup. Here's an analysis of the concepts used in the article:

  1. Attachment Styles:

    • The article delves into the concept of attachment styles, particularly focusing on avoidant attachments. Avoidants are characterized by a fierce protective stance toward their independence, often leading to self-sabotage when relationships threaten their autonomy.
    • The Wheel of Death, a cyclic emotional pattern, is introduced to illustrate the typical trajectory of an avoidant individual in a relationship, shedding light on the factors influencing their behavior post-breakup.
  2. Real Life Success Stories:

    • The author cites the success story page on their website, emphasizing the value of real-life cases. Success stories provide tangible evidence and concrete examples of individuals who have successfully navigated the complexities of post-breakup scenarios, offering insights into timeframes and strategies.
  3. Client Interviews:

    • The article highlights the significance of client interviews in gaining a deeper understanding of the dynamics that contribute to successful reconciliations. These interviews contribute to the collective knowledge base and offer a nuanced perspective on the intricacies of relationship recovery.
  4. Nostalgia Factor:

    • A crucial aspect explored in the article is the "nostalgia factor," especially in the context of avoidant attachments. The author explains that exes with avoidant tendencies may experience nostalgia after a breakup, a phenomenon that often triggers the longing or missing phase.
  5. Time Frame and Research:

    • The central theme revolves around debunking misconceptions about the duration it takes for an ex to miss someone. The author relies on research and success stories to establish that the average ex begins missing their former partner between 2.5 to 5.2 months post-breakup, contingent on signals indicating the individual is moving on.
  6. Behavioral Indicators of Missing:

    • The article outlines specific behaviors that signal an ex missing their former partner, such as admitting they miss you, asking for a date, bringing up positive memories, quick response times to texts, longer conversations, expressing dreams about you, texting during odd times, and social media stalking.
  7. Outgrowth Mindset:

    • An important strategy mentioned is the "outgrowth" mindset, emphasizing the importance of genuinely moving on emotionally before attempting to reconnect with an ex. This mindset signals to the avoidant partner that the individual has moved on, triggering the nostalgia factor and potentially making them miss their ex.

In conclusion, the article combines psychological theories, real-world experiences, and client testimonials to demystify the timeline of when an ex is likely to miss their former partner after a breakup. The evidence-based approach adds credibility to the insights provided, offering a comprehensive guide for individuals navigating the complexities of post-breakup scenarios.

Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You (2024)


Exactly How Long It Will Take For An Ex To Miss You? ›

Today we're going to talk about exactly how long it usually takes for an ex to miss you after a breakup. In fact, based on our research you can expect the average ex to begin missing you anywhere between 2.5 to 5.2 months after a breakup assuming you put forth signals that you are “moving on from them.”

How long does it take an ex to really miss you? ›

Now, for some actual data. I've dug deep into reconciliation recently, and it turns out that, on average, it takes two exes 2.56 months of missing each other before they start thinking about getting back together. So expect them to start missing you roughly two months post-breakup.

How long does it take for an ex to reach back out? ›

Based on a survey of 4534 people, aged 18 to 55, I conducted between January 2023 and April 2024, it takes an average of 2.56 months for an ex to come back after a breakup.

How long does it take to completely forget your ex? ›

When looking at the timeline of breakups, many sites refer to a “study” that's actually a consumer poll a market research company conducted on behalf of Yelp. The poll's results suggest it takes an average of about 3.5 months to heal, while recovering after divorce might take closer to 1.5 years, if not longer.

How long should I take to reply to my ex? ›

However, most no-contact periods shouldn't go for longer than 45 days unless you and your ex agree to wait—otherwise, she might move on a little more than you want her to. Spend that time healing and treating yourself with compassion.

How do you know if your ex really misses you? ›

There are a few practical signs that your ex misses you, like if they tend to keep popping up in your life or you notice them liking your social media posts. Those are the biggest indicators, but it's best to be straightforward and ask someone if you want to know how they're feeling.

What makes an ex come back? ›

What makes an ex come back? Your ex might return for various reasons. For example, they could miss you, still be in love, or want to work on the conflicts that ended the relationship. In other cases, they might be lonely, don't want to take responsibility for their actions, or didn't intend the breakup to be permanent.

How do I know my ex will come back eventually? ›

Regular communication means they're still interested and thinking of you often. An ex who wants you back is likelier to open up to you. Do they confide in you or ask your advice? That could mean you're not just a friend in their eyes—you're someone they really care about!

Do exes come back after no contact? ›

No contact can sometimes make an ex-girlfriend miss you or reconsider the breakup. However, it's not a guaranteed method, and the outcome depends on the individuals involved.

Can my ex forget me completely? ›

Not exactly! You will always be part of their story and be locked up in their memories hence they can't completely forget you. However to forget about you means not to be stuck on you or obsessed with their past experiences with you and embrace their current situation; which is very possible and quite normal.

How do you know he will never forget you? ›

If you need any strong signs he will never forget you; observe how frequently he calls or texts you. Again, when you observe that he has been calling or texting you regularly, he thinks about you. You are always on his mind, and he wants to know what is going on in your life.

Does my ex still have feelings for me? ›

Your ex will probably find reasons to contact you if they're still interested. Check how often they call, text, or talk to you in person. Similarly, consider if they start the conversation back up after it has ended. This might be a sign they like you.

How long do you wait for an ex to come back? ›

Often, a few months to a year can be a suitable amount of time to wait for many individuals. If you're still upset about your breakup, give yourself as much time as you need to feel comfortable. You do not have to talk to your ex again if you don't want to.

How to know if no contact is working? ›

Here are 5 signs that your no contact rule is going according to plan.
  • You Start to Invest in Yourself. ...
  • Your Ex Indicates They Are Willing to Recommit. ...
  • They Are More Receptive When You Do Make Contact. ...
  • You Feel Open to Connecting With Others. ...
  • Your Ex Keeps Reaching Out to You.

How long should no contact last if you want to get back together? ›

You'll see people say "30 days" or "6 weeks"—the truth is, the process is different for every person and every relationship, but these can serve as guidelines. Coming up with a time limit at first will help make it easier for you to handle not reaching out to your ex because it's just a temporary thing.

How long does it take for an ex to regret leaving you? ›

There is no specific timeline that dictates the duration of how long it may take your ex to regret that they dumped you. This means they can regret their decision to break up with you after a few weeks or years, depending on how deliberate they might be about introspection.

How long after a breakup does a man miss you? ›

On average, it takes about 8 weeks for him to miss you.

For most men, it takes about this long for them to process the loss and discover that they miss you. Men usually go into denial mode immediately after a breakup, so it might take him a week or two to even realize that you're gone for good.

Will an ex miss you eventually? ›

In fact, based on our research you can expect the average ex to begin missing you anywhere between 2.5 to 5.2 months after a breakup assuming you put forth signals that you are “moving on from them.”

How long does the average person take to get over an ex? ›

You can probably expect to feel better within a year

Similarly, Dr. Lewandowski finds that three to six months is “a fairly standard timeframe” to develop the coping strategies needed to move on.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.