Ranger (2024)

Ranger (1)ARTICLERanger (2)GALLERYRanger (3)HISTORY

Ranger (4)

"A long-range cliff tower that deals heavy damage."
―Store Description

Ranger (5)

"A long-range cliff tower that deals heavy damage with a railgun."
―Former Store Description

Ranger (6)

"A long-range tower that can be placed on cliffs and deals heavy damage with a railgun."
―Former Store Description
See Also

Ranger (7)

"A long-range tower that can be placed on cliffs and deals heavy damage."
―Former Store Description


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Upgrades
  • 3 Stats Table
  • 4 Skins
  • 5 Strategy
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Update History
  • 8 Notes


The Ranger, formerly known as the Outlaw, is an advanced cliff tower with long range that can be purchased in the store for Ranger (8) 12,000.

The Ranger deals high damage with very long range but has a slow firerate. As a cliff tower, it can detect flying enemies, but cannot detect hidden enemies at any level. The Ranger can also damage lead enemies at any level. Additionally, it is immune to all stuns by default. At Level 2, it gains the ability to give towers a range buff within its inner radius at the start of every wave for 20 seconds. At Level 4, it also deals splash damage.

The Ranger deals extremely high damage at higher levels, but is expensive to upgrade to these levels. Due to these reasons, it is considered a mid-to-late game tower and is most effective for harder gamemodes.

The Ranger has a placement limit of seven per player.


Level 1 - Faster Reloading - Ranger (9)$1,500
Ranger (10)

4.508 > 3.508 Firerate Ranger (11)

Sell Price changes to Ranger (12)$2,000

Level 2 - Intelligence Radio - Ranger (13)$4,500
Ranger (14)

+60 Damage Ranger (15)

+15% Range Buff Ranger (16)

•12 Buff Range Ranger (17)

•Lasts 20 seconds Ranger (18)

Sell Price changes to Ranger (19)$3,500

Level 3 - Trained Outlaw - Ranger (20)$13,500
Ranger (21)

3.508 > 3.258 Firerate Ranger (22)

+160 Damage Ranger (23)

Sell Price changes to Ranger (24)$8,000

Level 4 - Experimental Weapon of Destruction - Ranger (25)$27,500
Ranger (26)

+825 Damage Ranger (27)

3.258 > 7.008 Firerate Ranger (28)

+Explosive Impact

•200 Splash Damage Ranger (29)

•3 Explosion Range Ranger (30)

Sell Price changes to Ranger (31)$17,166

Stats Table

To see all the previous statistics of this tower, see the history page, while for the statistics without the Firerate Bug, visit the Firerate Bug page.

LevelTotal PriceDamageSplash DamageFirerateRangeBuff RangeExplosion RangeRange BuffDPS
0Ranger (32)$4,50080N/A4.50850N/AN/AN/A17.75
1Ranger (33)$6,00080N/A3.50850N/AN/AN/A22.81
2Ranger (34)$10,500140N/A3.5085012N/A15%39.91
3Ranger (35)$24,000300N/A3.2585012N/A15%92.08
4Ranger (36)$51,5001,1252007.0085012315%189.07[2]


To see all the upgrades of a skin, see the gallery page.

Ranger (37)Ranger (38)Ranger (39)Ranger (40)
CostN/ARanger (41) 120Ranger (42) 1,250Ranger (43) 1,250
Obtained FromMission QuestsPremium SkincrateBasic SkincrateBasic Skincrate
Ranger (44)Ranger (45)Ranger (46)Ranger (47)
SkinBlack OpsPartisanValentinesBunny
CostRanger (48) 85Ranger (49) 105N/AN/A
Obtained FromPremium SkincratePremium SkincrateValentine SkincrateBunny Skincrate
Ranger (50)Ranger (51)Ranger (52)Ranger (53)
SkinGun GaleDark MatterFrostEclipse
CostRanger (54) 560Ranger (55) 120N/AN/A
Obtained FromDeluxe SkincratePremium SkincrateFrost SkincrateSolar Eclipse Season
Ranger (56)Ranger (57)Ranger (58)Ranger (59)
SkinClassicPumpkinPhantomBeast Slayer
CostRanger (60) 120Ranger (61) 5,000N/AN/A
Obtained FromPremium SkincrateHalloween SkincratePhantom SkincrateKrampus' Revenge Season
Ranger (62)Ranger (63)Ranger (64)Ranger (65)
Daily Store CostRanger (66) 4,500N/ARanger (67) 105Ranger (68) 3,000
Obtained FromDaily Skin StoreMission QuestsPremium SkincrateDaily Skin Store


  • The Ranger is a cliff tower. Its viability changes depending on the map's available cliffs and their locations.
    • It is important to know a map's layout before using the Ranger. Some maps, like Abandoned City, have many cliff spots in good locations, while others, like Dead Ahead have very few of them.
  • Being a cliff tower, the Ranger is immune to almost all stuns. It is recommended to deal with enemies like the Vindicator.
    • The Ranger is only not immune to some stuns from event enemies, like the Jack-o-Bot.
    • However, it is not immune to debuffs.
  • The Ranger is a very expensive tower to use. As such, the Ranger should not be used as an early game option, due to its high cost and weaknesses. It should be reserved for mid-to-late game.
    • Economy towers like the Farm or Golden Cowboy are highly recommended to utilize the Ranger's maximum potential.
    • The DJ Booth provides upgrade discounts, effectively making it cheaper to upgrade the Ranger.
  • The Ranger grants a range boost to nearby towers at higher levels, so it is recommended to place towers near the Ranger.
    • The range buff stacks with the DJ Booth's.
    • Other expensive towers like the Turret may not be as viable as you may not have enough cash to use both towers in tandem, though this depends on the gamemode and how you use your Farms and/or Cowboys.
    • When a support tower, like the DJ Booth and Commander, is affected by this range buff, the towers in the buffed range will keep their buff even when the range buff ends, making it quite close to a permanent buff, which is especially useful for the DJ Booth.
      • If a support tower is upgraded after the range buff ends, towers in the buffed range will not receive the stronger buff until the range buff is applied to the support tower again.
      • Selling a support tower will remove the buffs from towers in the buffed range, even if the range buff is not active.
      • For the Commander, the Call to Arms ability only affects towers in the buffed range while the range buff is active. If it not active, the firerate buff will not be applied to them, only making the passive firerate buff active.
  • The Ranger's slow firerate makes it struggle against some fast enemies.
    • Towers with a fast firerate or towers that can damage multiple enemies at once should be used. The Commander should also be used to help boost the Ranger's firerate.
  • The Ranger has splash damage at Level 4, making it useful against hordes of enemies.
    • Additionally, it deals full damage to defense enemies, making the Ranger slightly more useful against them.
  • When using the Ranger, it should be upgraded to Level 2 as soon as possible, as it is the most cost-efficient upgrade.
  • The Ranger should be set to Strongest in most scenarios to ensure it does its maximum damage.
    • Other towers should be used to kill lower health enemies in case they leak.
  • The Ranger has flying detection and lead detection, making it useful against enemies such as the Lead Balloon.
  • The Ranger does not have hidden detection, meaning it is ineffective against enemies like the Shadow Boss and Soul Boss. While the splash damage from Level 4 can indirectly damage them, it is usually too weak to have a major effect on them, requiring multiple Rangers.
    • A Level 4+ Ace Pilot can grant it permanent hidden detection, but it must be close to do so.
    • The UAV can grant it hidden detection plus extra range, but only for 30 seconds and with a limit of 4 uses.


  • Prior to the MEGA Update, the Level 4+ Ranger (then called the Outlaw) used to deal splash damage, dealing splash damage to all enemies within the impact radius. This meant that the targeted enemy was dealt 150% of the quoted damage.
  • The Outlaw's purple laser used to make a unique zapping sound when fired.
  • The Ranger currently has the highest total damage per shot in the game.
  • The Ranger currently has the longest range of any publicly available tower in the game.
    • If exclusive towers are included, the Mecha Base has larger range of 100 at Level 4 and 5.
  • The Ranger currently has the highest firerate of any tower in the game.
  • The Ranger is the second most expensive store item that can be purchased with Ranger (69) Coins in the game, only being beaten by the Golden Skincrate.
  • When the Ranger was added, the game thumbnail called it the Space Outlaw even though it was only called Outlaw in the game.
  • Originally, the Ranger was meant to give hidden detection at the beginning of the wave. However, this was changed to a range buff when the Lunar Overture Update rework released.
    • It is unknown if the hidden detection was only given to the Ranger itself or given to towers in its range like the Ace Pilot.

Update History

For previous cosmetic variations, see the gallery page.

  • 29 June 2019
    • Outlaw added.
  • 10 July 2019
    • Statistical changes:
      • Base
        • Cost increased from Ranger (70)$1,250 to Ranger (71)$2,000.
        • Damage increased from 4 to 10.
          • Bug: These changes are not shown in the store.
      • Level 1
        • Damage increased from +1 to +5.
      • Level 3
        • Firerate changed from 2.05 > 6.05 to 2.05 > 4.05.
      • Level 4
        • Damage increased from +25 to +35.
        • Splash damage increased from +37 to +47.
      • Level 5
        • Firerate changed from 6.05 > 3.55 to 4.05 > 3.05.
        • Damage increased from -10 to +25.
        • Splash damage increased from -5 to +13.
  • 2 August 2019
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 2
        • Damage increased from +5 to +15.
      • Level 4
        • Splash damage increased from +47 to +52.
          • Bugfix: Store description is now correct.
  • 13 October 2019
    • Upgrade names added.
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 2
        • Cost increased from Ranger (72)$1,500 to Ranger (73)$2,500.
        • Damage increased from +15 to +30.
      • Level 3
        • Cost increased from Ranger (74)$7,500 to Ranger (75)$8,500.
        • Damage increased from +40 to +80.
      • Level 4
        • Cost increased from Ranger (76)$10,000 to Ranger (77)$10,500.
        • Damage increased from +35 to +100.
        • Impact removed (explosion range decreased from 4 to 0).
      • Level 5
        • Damage increased from +25 to +65.
    • New skin: Railgunner
  • 8 December 2019
    • New skin: Wraith
  • 24 December 2019
    • Placement limit of ten added.
  • 1 January 2020
    • Statistical changes:
      • Base
        • Range increased from 15 to 20.
      • Level 1
        • Range increased from +3 to +5.
      • Level 3
        • Range increased from +2 to +5.
      • Level 5
        • Range increased from +5 to +6.
          • Bug: This was not shown in the upgrade description.
  • 12 January 2020
    • New skins: Blue, Green, Black Ops
  • 26 January 2020
    • New skin: Partisan
  • 14 February 2020
    • New skin: Valentines
  • 4 March 2020
    • New SFX.
  • 18 March 2020
    • Statistical changes:
      • Level 2
        • Cost increased from Ranger (78)$2,500 to Ranger (79)$3,500.
      • Level 3
        • Cost decreased from Ranger (80)$8,500 to Ranger (81)$7,500.
  • 6 April 2020
    • New skin: Bunny
  • 29 October 2020
    • Renamed from Outlaw to Ranger.
    • Unlock cost increased from Ranger (82) 4,250 to Ranger (83) 8,500.
    • Level 15 requirement added.
    • Firerate decreased due to the Firerate Bug being made less severe.
    • Skin rarity added to Basic Skincrate and Premium Skincrate skins.
    • Statistical changes:
      • Base
        • Damage increased from 10 to 40.
        • Firerate increased from 2.05 to 5.03.
        • Cost increased from Ranger (84)$2,000 to Ranger (85)$3,500.
        • Hidden detection removed.
        • Flying detection added.
      • Level 1
        • Damage decreased from +5 to +0.
        • Renamed from Gloves to Improved Handling.
      • Level 2
        • Cost decreased from Ranger (86)$3,500 to Ranger (87)$1,500.
        • Damage decreased from +30 to +25.
        • Renamed from Upgraded Eye Tech to Steady Aiming.
      • Level 3
        • Cost decreased from Ranger (88)$7,500 to Ranger (89)$3,500.
        • Firerate changed from 2.05 > 4.05 to 5.03.
        • Damage decreased from +80 to +60.
        • Renamed from Bigger Gun to Railgunner.
        • Lead detection added.
      • Level 4
        • Damage decreased from +100 to +80.
        • Firerate changed from 4.05 to 5.03 > 4.03.
        • Renamed from Star Lord to Trained Assassin.
      • Level 5
        • Range decreased from +6 to +5.
        • Damage increased from +65 to +95.
        • Firerate changed from 4.05 > 3.05 to 4.03 > 3.53.
        • Renamed from Even Bigger Gun to Cyber Assassin.
    • Bug: Level 3 upgrade description does not mention that the Ranger gains lead detection.
    • New skins: Gun Gale, Dark Matter
  • 8 May 2021
    • New Skin: Frost
  • 4 December 2021
    • New skin: Eclipse
  • 12 March 2022
    • Ranger is now immune to all stuns.
    • Firerate decreased due to the Firerate Bug being made less severe.
    • Statistical changes:
      • Base
        • Firerate decreased from 5.03 to 5.008.
      • Level 4
        • Firerate changed from 5.03 > 4.03 to 5.008 > 4.008.
      • Level 5
        • Firerate changed from 4.03 > 3.53 to 4.008 > 3.508.
  • 17 April 2022
    • Ranger can no longer be targeted by most enemy abilities.
  • 21 December 2022
    • Level requirement removed.
    • Skin rarity added to all skins.
    • Statistical changes:
      • Base
        • Damage increased from 40 to 60.
      • Level 1
        • Firerate changed from 5.008 to 5.008 > 4.508.
      • Level 2
        • Cost increased from Ranger (90)$1,500 to Ranger (91)$1,800.
        • Damage increased from +25 to +40.
      • Level 3
        • Damage increased from +60 to +65.
      • Level 4
        • Cost increased from Ranger (92)$10,500 to Ranger (93)$11,500.
        • Damage decreased from +80 to +65.
        • Firerate changed from 5.008 > 4.008 to 4.508 > 4.008.
      • Level 5
        • Cost decreased from Ranger (94)$25,000 to Ranger (95)$22,500.
        • Damage increased from +90 to +220.
      • Dark Matter skin rarity changed from Legendary to Rare.
    • Partisan skin rarity changed from Common to Uncommon.
  • 21 March 2023
    • Bugfix: Level 3 upgrade description now mentions that the Ranger gains lead detection.
  • 28 October 2023
    • Placement limit decreased from 10 to 6.
    • Statistical changes:
      • Base
        • Damage increased from 60 to 80.
        • Firerate decreased from 5.008 to 4.508.
        • Range increased from 20 to 50.
        • Lead detection added (moved from Level 3).
        • Cost increased from Ranger (96)$3,500 to Ranger (97)$5,000.
      • Level 1
        • Firerate changed from 5.008 > 4.508 to 4.508 > 3.508.
        • Range decreased from +5 to +0.
        • Name changed from Improved Handling to Faster Reloading.
        • Cost increased from Ranger (98)$550 to Ranger (99)$1,500.
      • Level 2
        • Cost increased from Ranger (100)$1,800 to Ranger (101)$4,500.
        • Damage increased from +40 to +60.
        • Range decreased from +5 to +0.
        • Now grants a 15% range buff to all towers in its 12 buff range for 20 seconds.
        • Name changed from Steady Aiming to Intelligence Radio.
      • Level 3
        • Cost increased from Ranger (102)$3,500 to Ranger (103)$17,000.
        • Damage increased from +65 to +160.
        • Range decreased from +5 to +0.
        • Firerate changed from 4.508 to 3.508 > 3.258.
        • Name changed from Railgunner to Trained Outlaw.
      • Level 4
        • Cost increased from Ranger (104)$11,500 to Ranger (105)$35,000.
        • Damage increased from +65 to +825.
        • Firerate changed from 4.508 > 4.008 to 3.258 > 7.008.
        • Now deals additional 125 splash damage to at max 3 enemies with 3 explosion range. Damage is always 125, regardless of how far away the enemy is.
        • Name changed from Trained Assasin to Experimental Weapon of Destruction.
      • Level 5 removed
        • Statistics:
          • Name: Cyber Assasin
          • Cost: Ranger (106)$22,500
          • +5 Range
          • +220 Damage
          • 4.008 > 3.508 Firerate
    • New skin: Classic
    • Bug: Ranger stops firing at Level 4.
      • This was fixed later at the same day.
    • Bug: Railgunner is removed from the game.
  • 31 October 2023
    • New skin: Pumpkin
    • Bugfix: Railgunner is now in the game again.
  • 21 December 2023
    • Unlock cost increased from Ranger (107) 8,500 to Ranger (108) 12,000.
    • New skins: Phantom, Beast Slayer
  • 28 January 2024
    • New skin: Propellars
    • Bug: Beast Slayer is removed from the game.
      • This was fixed later the same day.
  • 5 April 2024
    • Railgunner skin rarity changed from Uncommon to Legendary.
  • 10 May 2024
    • Bug: Ranger can no longer damage Lead enemies with its main attack.
  • 11 May 2024
    • Bugfix: Ranger can now damage Lead enemies with its main attack.
  • 31 May 2024
    • Bug: Ranger does not attack enemies at Level 4.
    • Bug: Splash damage no longer bypasses defense.
    • Bug: Splash damage is no longer the same for each enemy hit.
  • 3 June 2024
    • Bugfix: Ranger now attacks enemies at Level 4.
  • 7 June 2024
    • New skin: Steampunk
  • 21 June 2024
    • Bug: Regular damage is no longer boosted by damage buffs, but explosion damage still is.
  • 19 July 2024
    • New skin: 5ouls
  • 2 August 2024
    • Statistical changes:
      • Base
        • Cost decreased from Ranger (109)$5,000 to Ranger (110)$4,500.
      • Level 3
        • Cost decreased from Ranger (111)$17,000 to Ranger (112)$13,500.
      • Level 4
        • Cost decreased from Ranger (113)$35,000 to Ranger (114)$27,500.
        • Splash damage increased from 125 to 200.
        • Max hits removed from the explosion, now can hit an infinite amount of enemies.
    • Bugfix: Regular damage is now affected by damage buffs.


  1. Through splash damage from Level 4, hidden enemies may be hit indirectly if another detectable enemy is nearby.
  2. 160.53 Normal DPS + 28.54 Splash DPS.
    DPS assumes only one enemy is hit.

Ranger (115)

IntermediateMilitantMedicFreezerFarmShotgunnerRocketeerTrapperAce PilotPyromancerMilitary BaseCrook Boss
AdvancedElectroshockerCommanderWardenCowboyDJ BoothMinigunnerRangerTurretMortarPursuitMercenary Base
Golden PerksGolden MinigunnerGolden Crook BossGolden PyromancerGolden ScoutGolden CowboyGolden Soldier
ExclusiveGladiatorCommandoSlasherFrost BlasterArcherSwarmerToxic GunnerSledgerExecutionerElf CampNecromancerJesterCryomancerWar MachineMecha Base
Military BaseHumveeHumvee 2Humvee 3TankRailgun TankMotorcycle (Removed)Truck1 (Removed)Truck2 (Removed)Truck3 (Removed)
EngineerSentryRifle SentryMinigun SentryWar Machine Sentry
Crook BossPistol GoonTommy GoonBody GuardBody Guard (Removed)Body Guards 1 (Removed)Body Guards 2 (Removed)Golden Crook (Removed)Golden Mafia (Removed)Crook (Removed)Mafia (Removed)
Golden Crook BossGolden Pistol GoonGolden Tommy GoonGolden Body GuardGolden Body Guard (Removed)Golden Body Guards 1 (Removed)Golden Body Guards 2 (Removed)
CommanderGunner APCMissile APC
Mercenary BaseRiflemanGrenadierField MedicRiot Guard
Elf CampElfSnowball ElfBomber ElfGuardian ElfCannoneer ElfRipped ElfGift BomberGunner Elf
NecromancerSkeletonSword SkeletonGiant SkeletonSkeleton KnightHallow GuardExecutioner Skeleton
EnforcerSWAT Van (Removed)
Mecha BaseMark IMark IIMark IIIMark IVMark VXR600 (Removed)Armored XR600 (Removed)XR700 (Removed)XR900 (Removed)XR901 (Removed)
Trick or Threat TownCitizen 1 (Removed)Citizen 2 (Removed)
Tower Gallery Pages
IntermediateMilitantMedicFreezerFarmShotgunnerRocketeerTrapperAce PilotPyromancerMilitary BaseCrook Boss
AdvancedElectroshockerCommanderWardenCowboyDJ BoothMinigunnerRangerTurretMortarPursuitMercenary Base
Golden PerksGolden MinigunnerGolden Crook BossGolden PyromancerGolden ScoutGolden CowboyGolden Soldier
ExclusiveGladiatorCommandoSlasherFrost BlasterArcherSwarmerToxic GunnerSledgerExecutionerElf CampNecromancerJesterCryomancerWar MachineMecha Base
Unit Gallery Pages
Military BaseHumveeHumvee 2Humvee 3TankRailgun Tank
EngineerSentryRifle SentryMinigun SentryWar Machine Sentry
Crook BossPistol GoonTommy GoonBody Guard
Golden Crook BossGolden Pistol GoonGolden Tommy GoonGolden Body Guard
CommanderGunner APCMissile APC
Mercenary BaseRiflemanGrenadierField MedicRiot Guard
NecromancerSkeletonSword SkeletonGiant SkeletonSkeleton KnightHallow GuardExecutioner Skeleton
History Pages
IntermediateMilitantMedicFreezerFarmShotgunnerRocketeerTrapperAce PilotPyromancerMilitary BaseCrook Boss
AdvancedElectroshockerCommanderWardenCowboyDJ BoothMinigunnerRangerTurretMortarPursuitMercenary Base
Golden PerksGolden MinigunnerGolden Crook BossGolden PyromancerGolden ScoutGolden CowboyGolden Soldier
ExclusiveGladiatorCommandoSlasherFrost BlasterArcherSwarmerToxic GunnerSledgerExecutionerElf CampNecromancerJesterWar MachineMecha Base
Ranger (2024)


Ranger? ›

A ranger is typically someone in a law enforcement or military/paramilitary role specializing in patrolling a given territory, called "ranging" or "scouting". The term most often refers to: Park ranger or forest ranger, a person charged with protecting and preserving protected parklands and forests.

What is a ranger in the military? ›

ranger, in U.S. military usage, a soldier specially trained to act in small groups that make rapid surprise raids on enemy territory. Ranger has also been the designation for the Texas state constabulary and for national-park supervisors and forest wardens. Related Topics: infantry.

Who is called as ranger? ›

WWF uses the term “ranger” to refer to any professional involved in the protection and management of national parks and natural areas.

Is a ranger like a Navy SEAL? ›

Army Rangers perform special operations and reconnaissance in foreign territories, while Navy SEALs participate in surveillance, counterterrorism activities and rescue missions on land, air or sea.

What does "ranger" mean in Australia? ›

Rangers are responsible for enforcing off-road vehicle laws by patrolling bush lands, beaches and reserves to protect sensitive areas from unauthorised off-road vehicles use. A Ranger is only authorised in the Local Government Authority (LGA) District he or she is employed.

Are Rangers an elite force? ›

The United States Army Rangers are elite U.S. Army personnel who have served in any unit which has held the official designation of "Ranger".

What is the most elite Ranger unit? ›

75th Ranger Regiment (75RR)

The 75th Ranger Regiment, known as the 75RR, is the U.S. Army's premier large-scale special operations force, and it is made up of some of the most elite Soldiers in the world. The Rangers specialize in joint special operations raids and joint forcible entry operations.

Is Ranger the same as Special Forces? ›

The short answer is no, they're not. While both Army Rangers and Special Forces are elite and highly trained soldiers, they have different missions, areas of expertise, and training.

What's the difference between Army and Ranger? ›

Rangers and Special Forces are both Army Soldiers. but Rangers are basically special operations infantry units. basically same organization structure as a regular infantry unit but with better funding. think of them as: need something destroyed, they are the sledgehammer to destroy the thing.

Can anyone be a Ranger? ›

Who Is Eligible to Apply? Army Ranger candidates must be U.S. citizens who are 17 to 34 years old. They must be Army volunteers who pass written tests with a minimum required score and who qualify for airborne training.

Who is tougher Marines or Rangers? ›

US Army Rangers are an elite force inside of the Army and is much harder. There are many aspects and nuances in the Rangers Battalions. Specialized training well beyond boot camp. I'm a Marine and without a doubt US Army Rangers are harder, more qualified than a basic US Marine.

Are SEALs harder than Rangers? ›

Both the Army Rangers and Navy SEALs have difficult selection processes with high attrition rates. These communities require their members to be both mentally and physically tough, as they will be expected to deal with extremely challenging situations. The Army Ranger pipeline is shorter than the Navy SEAL pipeline.

What is the most elite military unit in the US? ›

Special Forces (Green Berets)

Special Forces, also called the Green Berets, are guerrilla warfare experts who use unexpected and unconventional techniques to carry out missions abroad.

What do Rangers call themselves? ›

Rangers F.C.
Full nameRangers Football Club
Nickname(s)The Gers The Light Blues The Teddy Bears
FoundedMarch 1872
GroundIbrox Stadium
11 more rows

What authority does a Ranger have? ›

Park rangers, park police, and even game wardens and other officials not only have the authority to arrest you themselves, but they can also refer your matter to local law enforcement or federal law enforcement.

What makes you a Ranger? ›

To become a Ranger, you'll first be tested in the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP)—a two-phase program to test your abilities and train you to become an Army Ranger. Following RASP, you can volunteer to go through Ranger School, known as one of the toughest training experiences in the Army.

Is a Ranger the same as a police officer? ›

What is the difference between Texas Rangers and police? Texas Rangers are a more elite group of law enforcement officers that fall under the Department of Public Safety. They have specialized training and responsibilities, and have jurisdiction over the state and other police departments.

What is Army Ranger pay? ›

As of Sep 6, 2024, the average hourly pay for an Army Ranger in the United States is $20.66 an hour. While ZipRecruiter is seeing hourly wages as high as $39.66 and as low as $12.02, the majority of Army Ranger wages currently range between $17.31 (25th percentile) to $21.39 (75th percentile) across the United States.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.