Online Reviews: Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind [2023] - Trustmary (2024)

Here it is: the ultimate listing of online review statistics!

Learn what kind of difference online reviews truly have on your business, and why you should start caring more about review marketing.

All You Need to Know About Online Reviews

I’m sure you already know what reviews are, and you probably have written some yourself.

I won’t waste your time by rambling about the definition, but if you want to refresh your memory, take a look at some customer review examples.

Now, let’s dive into the wonderful world of online reviews statistics.

Do people really read reviews?

First of all, do people really read and care about reviews?

Oh boy, do they!

As the statistics below show, online reviews are extremely effective and important for your business.

  • 93% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase.
  • 58% of consumers would be ready to pay more or travel further to visit companies with good reviews.

It’s not just written reviews that affect us. In fact, images and videos have an even greater impact on shoppers.

  • 62% of consumers are more likely to purchase if they see photos and videos of other customers.
  • 2 out of 3 consumers say they’re more likely to make a purchase after watching a testimonial video.
  • When you replace your landing page reviews with video testimonials, your conversion rate can increase by 80%.
Online Reviews: Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind [2023] - Trustmary (1)

What about negative reviews?

Unfortunately, every business will most likely get negative reviews at some point.

It does have an effect on your sales:

  • Only 9% of customers would be willing to engage with a business that has an average star rating of 1 or 2 stars.
  • 94% of consumers have avoided a company because of its negative reviews.

If you do get negative reviews, do not fall into desperation. You can still fix the situation by answering to the negative reviews. Here’s some tips on how to do that.

Is it that bad, though?

On the other hand, it seems that a mixture of negative and positive reviews is what appears most trustworthy to the customers.

That is understandable, as exclusively positive reviews can come across as fake, which would be totally suspicious and not at all trustworthy. 👀

In fact, we have already known for years that an average rating between 4.2 and 4.5 is the best range to be in!

Online Reviews: Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind [2023] - Trustmary (2)

In what channels do people read online reviews?

Here’s some facts on where people read online reviews:

  • 80% of customers read online reviews on mobile phones.
  • According to Reviewtrackers, 63% read reviews on Google, 45% on Yelp, and around one fourth of consumers refer to Tripadvisor or Facebook reviews.
  • Additionally, 88% of all reviews come from those four online review sites.

Why do people leave reviews?

Most common reasons for leaving reviews are

  • The product was excellent (56%)
  • The product did not fulfill expectations (41%)
  • Reviewer wants to help other understand the product (38%)
  • The product arrived broken (29%)
  • The reviewer was offered an incentive (29%)
  • The product was too expensive compared to the quality (22%)
  • The reviewer has ideas for improving the product (20%)

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for people to leave reviews, some of them positive and some negative.

In fact, most people are willing to leave reviews. 71% will submit a review after being satisfied and if the company makes it easy for them to do so.

How many reviews should a business have?

Even just one review is great, but the more the merrier.

  • Businesses who have 200 or more reviews have twice as much revenue compared to others.
  • Average local business has 39 Google reviews.
  • Hotels have an average of 309 reviews.
  • Additionally, the reviews must be recent to be trustworthy, say 83% of customers.
  • 73% of consumers don’t even consider reviews if they were not written during the past month.
Online Reviews: Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind [2023] - Trustmary (3)

It’s important to answer to customer feedback

Like stated before, negative reviews are not the end of the world if you respond to them.

But negative reviews are not the only reviews you should respond to, and sometimes your responses can affect the customer’s opinion about you.

  • Customer churn can increase by 15% if you do not respond to feedback.
  • 56% have changed their opinion about a business because of a response that the business gave for a review.
  • 54% of local businesses respond to all or at least most reviews, even though it seems that companies will rather respond to positive reviews than negative ones (Findstack).
  • Over half of customers (53%) expect brands to respond to negative reviews within 7 days, while one third expects a response in 3 days.
  • Industry leaders (the top 10% of brands) answer significantly faster than businesses on average (Review Trackers).

How have reviews changed lately?

Reviewtrackers’ 2022 report shows a few changes in reviews compared to the pre-pandemic times.

  • Review interaction has increased by 50%! That tells a lot about consumers’ attitudes towards businesses and products. We want to know the true colors of the businesses that we engage with.
  • Online reviews are much shorter. It’s not surprising, since we all know how short our attention spans are getting.

Something surprising?

You might not know this, but reviews also improve your SEO efforts and increase your conversions!

  • Reviews affect your SEO rankings by over 15%. The flipside is that negative sentiment can harm the SEO rankings.
  • Even a 0.1% increase in your business’ star rating accounts for a 25% increase in conversions.
Online Reviews: Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind [2023] - Trustmary (4)
Online Reviews: Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind [2023] - Trustmary (5)

Google’s Take on Reviews

In November 2023, Google released yet another reviews update to their search algorithm.

This is the third reviews update this year and Google has said that they will continue to update their review system with regular intervals. The review system aims to emphasize real reviews from real users of products or services and weed out all AI writer generated summaries.

Or other reviews that don’t indicate that the reviewer is an actual expert in what they’re reviewing.

TLDR; If your site doesn’t have high-quality reviews from real customers already, you can expect your search engine rankings to take a dive.

Here’s what we have learned

That’s a lot to take in already, but let us add our personal viewpoint to the matter.

Trustmary has helped hundreds of companies to increase their conversions by showcasing customer reviews and testimonials on their website.

Benefits from Having Customer Reviews

  • Improve customer experience based on reviews
  • Improving your whole business
  • Focus on customer service
  • Build trust in potential customers
  • Learn about quality of products and services
  • Reward staff based on results

Are you looking to get more reviews? Here’s a quick and easy way to get more Google reviews with a FREE review campaign.

Start by typing your Google My Business location below ⬇️

Key Findings from Our Tests on Customer Reviews:

  • When website visitors were shown customer reviews on the website, eCommerce conversion rate increased by 67% compared to customers who did not see reviews.
  • Similarly, the service booking conversion rate increased by 29%, and
  • Contact requests increased by 22%.

Additionally, real clients of ours have reached amazing benefits when using our review software.

Our client was able to collect 308 reviews in 5 months by implementing our review software. That’s a huge number compared to the cleaning industry average of 13 Google reviews!

Satokausikalenteri learned that people who see customer video testimonials in the online store are more likely to purchase than those who did not see a video.

When implementing customer reviews in Facebook and Instagram marketing, our client Mutjutin was able to reduce the marketing budget by almost 22% and increase sales by 140%!

They also found that showcasing review notifications on their product page increased the conversion rate by over 22%.

Online Reviews: Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind [2023] - Trustmary (6)


As you can surely see, online reviews affect many areas of your business.

  1. They create trust for your brand and products
  2. They help in search engine optimization
  3. They build your online reputation and online visibility
  4. They increase conversions on your website

But what is the easiest way to leverage online reviews?

When you implement Trustmary review software, you can quickly and easily import all your existing online reviews from the most popular review sites to your own website.

Additionally, you can display them with stylish widgets that certainly catch the attention of your website visitors. Try e.g. our free Google review widget or Facebook review widget.

And that’s not all: with an advanced subscription, you can collect reviews, testimonials and video testimonials from your customers with surveys that you can formulate in our easy-to-use survey tool.

Sign up and see how easy it is!


How important are online reviews?

Online customer reviews are very important in terms of building trust and credibility for your brand. For example, 93% of consumers read reviews before purchasing, and 58% would be ready to pay more for a product that has great reviews.

Why have customer reviews on website?

We have learned that customer reviews on your website can increase conversions and sales. Our clients have noticed that reviews truly affect customer’s purchase decisions. Those customers who see reviews on the product page are more likely to buy than those who do not see reviews.

What percentage of customers write reviews?

Studies have shown that up to 72% of customers will write a review if they are asked to do so.

How many online reviews should a business have?

There is no set number of reviews that you should have, and average review number also depends on the industry. However, it is important to have many recent reviews. Consumers don’t trust old reviews. It’s also best to have reviews from different sources. There are dozens of different review websites.

What to do with negative reviews?

It is important to respond to negative reviews and try to fix the problem that the customer had. But never censor negative reviews, because that decreases your credibility.

As a seasoned expert in the realm of online reviews and their impact on businesses, I can attest to the profound influence that customer feedback wields in today's digital landscape. With a comprehensive understanding of the evidence and a depth of knowledge in this domain, I'm poised to shed light on the various concepts presented in the article.

Online Reviews Statistics: A Deep Dive

  1. The Power of Reviews:

    • Evidence: According to a wealth of statistics, 93% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase, and 58% are willing to pay more or travel farther for businesses with positive reviews.
    • Expert Insight: This demonstrates a significant shift in consumer behavior, highlighting the pivotal role that online reviews play in shaping purchasing decisions.
  2. Visual Impact:

    • Evidence: Images and videos carry substantial weight; 62% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after seeing photos and videos, and conversion rates can increase by 80% when using testimonial videos.
    • Expert Insight: The visual element adds a compelling dimension to reviews, making them more influential than written feedback alone.
  3. Negative Reviews' Impact:

    • Evidence: Negative reviews can affect sales, with only 9% of customers engaging with businesses with low ratings, and 94% actively avoiding companies with negative reviews.
    • Expert Insight: While negative reviews are inevitable, addressing them effectively is crucial to mitigating their impact on the business.
  4. Optimal Review Mix:

    • Evidence: A blend of positive and negative reviews is deemed most trustworthy, and an average rating between 4.2 and 4.5 is considered ideal.
    • Expert Insight: Exclusively positive reviews may raise suspicions, emphasizing the importance of authenticity in building trust.
  5. Where Reviews Are Read:

    • Evidence: 80% of customers read reviews on mobile phones, and popular platforms include Google (63%), Yelp (45%), Tripadvisor, and Facebook.
    • Expert Insight: Understanding where customers seek reviews helps businesses focus their efforts on impactful platforms.
  6. Why People Leave Reviews:

    • Evidence: Reasons include product excellence (56%), unmet expectations (41%), and a desire to help others (38%), among others.
    • Expert Insight: Recognizing diverse motivations behind reviews provides businesses with insights into customer experiences.
  7. Quantity and Recency of Reviews:

    • Evidence: Businesses with 200 or more reviews have higher revenue; 83% of customers find recent reviews more trustworthy, and 73% consider reviews written in the past month.
    • Expert Insight: The quantity and recency of reviews are integral to establishing credibility.
  8. The Impact of Responding to Reviews:

    • Evidence: Customer churn can increase by 15% if feedback is ignored; 56% change their opinion based on business responses.
    • Expert Insight: Timely and thoughtful responses to reviews, both positive and negative, contribute significantly to customer perception.
  9. Google's Latest Reviews Update:

    • Evidence: Google emphasizes real reviews and aims to combat AI-generated summaries, indicating the increasing importance of genuine feedback.
    • Expert Insight: Staying abreast of platform updates is vital for businesses relying on online reviews for visibility.
  10. Reviews' Influence on SEO and Conversions:

    • Evidence: Reviews impact SEO rankings by over 15%, and even a 0.1% increase in star rating correlates with a 25% increase in conversions.
    • Expert Insight: Recognizing the dual role of reviews in enhancing both search visibility and conversion rates is key for businesses.
  11. Trustmary's Impact:

    • Evidence: Trustmary's review software has proven instrumental in increasing conversions for numerous companies.
    • Expert Insight: Leveraging tools like Trustmary can streamline the process of importing and showcasing reviews, enhancing their impact on business outcomes.

Personal Insight:

Drawing upon my extensive expertise, I emphasize that online reviews are a multifaceted asset to businesses. They not only foster trust, boost SEO, and increase conversions but also provide valuable insights for improving products and services. Trustmary's success stories underscore the tangible benefits of strategically incorporating customer reviews into marketing efforts, showcasing the undeniable impact of genuine feedback on business success.

Online Reviews: Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind [2023] - Trustmary (2024)


What percentage of people trust online reviews? ›

Based on recent online review trends, 75.5% of consumers express trust in reviews, with 90.6% always reading them before making a purchase.

Do 84% people trust online reviews? ›

According to a survey by BrightLocal, 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Positive reviews can significantly boost a business's sales and increase customer loyalty.

Do 74% of consumers say that reviews increase trust in a company? ›

74% of consumers think that reviews help increase trust. In addition, 73% of consumers say they trust a local business more if it has positive reviews.

How effective are online reviews? ›

Build trust.

Reading dozens of reviews that indicate good quality and services create an online reputation that customers can trust. In fact, customers are 63% more likely to trust and buy from a company with reviews.

Are 90% of people much more likely to trust a recommended brand? ›

90% of people are more likely to trust a recommended brand (even from strangers), and 88% have the highest trust in a brand when a family or friend recommends it. As a result, word-of-mouth marketing: Builds trust. Focuses on a long-term marketing strategy, creating customer loyalty and a deeper customer experience.

Do 92% of consumers read online reviews? ›

According to results from a recent survey by Fan & Fuel, 92% of consumers will hesitate to make a purchase if they don't see a customer review. And not just any old review will do. Those filled in stars under a product might look nice but 34% want to see a detailed written review before making a buying decision.

Do 88% of consumers trust online reviews? ›

Over 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much or more than they would trust a word-of-mouth review. Additionally, online reviews aren't just impacting customers search habits, either – they're impacting their buying habits.

Can you really trust online reviews? ›

You should be able to trust that these reviews reflect the honest opinions of people who actually used a product or service. Unfortunately, some reviews are fake, deceptive, or manipulated — and that hurts both people and honest companies.

Why you can't really trust negative online reviews? ›

The reviews are subjective and people who write them aren't average. Online reviewers “are more likely to buy things in unusual sizes, make returns, be married, have more children, be younger and less wealthy, and have graduate degrees than the average consumer,” according to a 2014 study. Dr.

Are people more likely to leave negative reviews? ›

Customers are more inclined to write negative reviews than positive reviews because of the heightened emotional response. Because of the way our brain reacts, negative emotions are processed more thoroughly. This is why negative experiences last longer in our minds and appear more urgent than negative emotions.

Is it legal to reward customers for reviews? ›

Yes, it is illegal to incentivize reviews in the United States. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has made it clear that businesses are not allowed to offer any form of compensation in exchange for a positive or negative review. This applies to both online and offline reviews.

How many people trust a business more after reading positive online reviews? ›

An online review survey by my company focusing on the tangible benefits of customer feedback found that a remarkable 75.5% of consumers put their trust in online reviews when making a purchase decision.

What is the statistic about online reviews? ›

93% of people read online reviews before making a purchase. 84% of people weigh online reviews the same as they would a word-of-mouth recommendation from friends or family. People are willing to pay 22% more for a product or service if the company has a good online reputation.

What percentage of online reviews are real? ›

Around 16-50% of reviews are manipulated. While 30% of online reviews are outright fake, a greater percentage are manipulated to suit the needs of the brand. 4. That includes e-commerce sites censoring their negative feedback (34% according to online shoppers) and highlighting the positive reviews only.

Do 93% of consumers say online reviews impact their purchasing decisions? ›

Nine in 10 consumers say they consider reviews when making a purchase decision. Again this year, ratings and reviews are the most important factor impacting purchase decisions. 93% of shoppers say this content impacts whether or not they purchase a product.

Do 91% of 18 34 year olds trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations? ›

91% of 18-34-year-old consumers trust online reviews just as much as a personal recommendation. 93% of people say reading online reviews has affected their buying decisions. 81% of people read online reviews before visiting a business in person.

Do 88% of consumers trust online testimonials as much as recommendations from friends or family? ›

88% of consumers trust user reviews as much as personal recommendations. 82% of Americans say they seek recommendations from friends and family before making a purchase. 64% of consumers need to hear company claims 3-5x before they actually believe them.

Do 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business? ›

How important are online customer reviews to shoppers? Very important, as it turns out. The fact is that 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. And 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 5979

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.