Moodle: Courses Not Showing Up (2024)

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Last Modified on 08/14/2023 10:57 am EDT

" + "

    "; var el, title, navLink, sectionID, sctn, headerNesting; // Grab all the H2s, H3s, H4s and turn them into TOC titles. // Define the heading levels you want to use in ascending order. // Can add additional headers or remove unneeded. $(".hg-article-body h2, .hg-article-body h3, .hg-article-body h4").each(function() { el = $(this); // Shorthand for the header itself title = el.text(); // The text we write in the editor for the header if (title != '') { // If the [title] is not blank... var anchorTitle, level; anchorTitle = el.text().replace(/([~!@"#$%^&*()_+=`{}\[\]\|\\:;'<>,.\/\? ])+/g, '-').toLowerCase().trim(); // Set all headers to a 0-nesting level. headerNesting = 'header-nesting-0'; // Adjust header-nesting layers so that they point to the correct html tag. // header-nesting-1 should match the second .hg-article-body h# listed above; // header-nesting-2 should match the third, etc. // li-h# classes are used to style the links per header level, independent of indentation. if ($(this).is('h2')) { level = 'li-h2'; } else if ($(this).is('h3')) { headerNesting = 'header-nesting-1'; level = 'li-h3'; } else if ($(this).is('h4')) { headerNesting = 'header-nesting-2'; level = 'li-h4'; } navLink = "#" + anchorTitle; newLine = "
  • " + "" + title + "" + "
  • "; ToC += newLine; // buttonID and buttonLink used for the 'Copy section link to clipboard' button, // as seen in the subsequent lines starting with el.html var buttonID, realURL, buttonLink; buttonID = anchorTitle + '-button'; // Build buttonLink: realURL = window.location.href; // Grab the page URL as seen in the address bar function cleanURL(URL) { // removes any current hash (#) anchor at the end of the URL if (URL.includes("#")) { let end ="#"); let washedURL = URL.slice(0, end); return washedURL; } else { return realURL; }; }; buttonLink = cleanURL(realURL) + navLink; el.html(''+ '

    '+el.html()+ ''+ '

    '); // Wrap
    elements with unique IDs around the header and its following elements, // up to the next header: // Append '-section' to create a unique identifier for the sections we are defining. sectionID = anchorTitle + '-section'; // .nextUntil() selects all the sibling elements (elements with the same parent) // after the header, until the next header (':header'). // .add() adds additional elements to the selected pool, in this case the header // itself. // .wrapAll() surrounds the group of selected elements with the specified HTML. el.nextUntil(':header').add(el).wrapAll(""); } }); // Take the ToC created above and add /ul, /nav, and /div to close its constituent elements, // setting the complete ToC as all of it together. ToC += "

" + "" + "

"; // Add the complete ToC to the page above (before) this script. $("#snippet-prepend").before(ToC); /* Junk attempt to adjust the scroll of the toc: var topPad = $('#nav-column').css('top'); var navColumnH = $('#nav-column').height() - topPad; $('#nav-column').css('height', 'navColumnH');// navColumnH -= topPad;// $('#nav-column').height({// $('#nav-column').height() - 80;// });// var navColumnH = $('#nav-column').height();// var navBlockH = navColumnH - 80;// $('#nav-block').height(navBlockH); */ // ---- TIPPY ---- // // Tippy tutorial content: // Create tippyTextAttribute plugin to handle setting the content of the tippy instance: // Necessary to cleanly pass the content from the specific instance's reference to the // initializing script. See the Plugins and FAQ sections of above docs for details. const tippyTextAttribute = { name: 'tippyTextAttribute', defaultValue: true, fn() { return { // onShow() effectively resets the content of the tooltip each time it is triggered // to be shown. Allows simple functionality to keep the "Copied! message (written // below in the on('click') function) as long as it is in focus instead of // automatically resetting after a set amount of time. onShow(instance) { if (!instance.props.tippyTextAttribute) { return; } const tippyText = instance.reference.getAttribute('tippy-text'); if (tippyText) { instance.setContent(tippyText); } } }; } }; // Settings for clipboard-button tooltip: tippy(".clipboard-button", { allowHTML: true, // HTML instead of just a text string placement: 'top', // Appear above button hideOnClick: "toggle", // Don't immediately disappear when mouse is removed distance: 9, // Pixel distance from top border of button theme: 'owlbert', // Custom theme; see Tippy CSS section tippyTextAttribute: true, // Generate tooltip based on an attribute [double check] plugins: [tippyTextAttribute], // Enable above }); // On clicking the button, copy the "clipboard-link" to the clipboard and // set the tippy to show "Copied!" message: $(document).on("click", ".clipboard-button", function () { // On click of clipboard button, do: var button = $(this) // button = the button clicked var copyText = button.attr("clipboard-link"); // Simplify code: set link URL as var navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText); // Copy URL to PC clipboard this._tippy.setContent('Copied!'); // Make the tooltip show 'Copied' // Overwrite the HTML within the clipboard button (replacing the old icon with check icon): button.html(''); // Set the time before the resetClipTip function (below) is run clipboard-check icon resets to original clipboard icon: setTimeout(resetClipTip, 3000); // delay: 3000ms (3 seconds) function resetClipTip() { // Define the resetClipTip function // Overwrite the button's HTML with the original check-less clipboard icon: button.html(''); }; }); });

Are you logged into Moodle but not seeing an academic course or site? These steps can help you pinpoint and fix what is causing the problem.

Check your visibility settings

The My coursespage in Moodle contains a Course overview of the Moodle sites for all courses—past, present, and future—for which you are a participant

If you can't find a course within this menu, change the time period filter.

Moodle: Courses Not Showing Up (1)

Set it to In progress to show only your current courses. Set it to All to show every course you are or have been enrolled in.

Check that you're in the right Moodle.

Each member of theTri-College Consortiumhas its own Moodle site. Academic courses will show up on the Moodle site of the college hosting the course:

  • Bryn Mawr courses (course numbers starting with B, e.g., HIST B200).
  • Haverford courses (course numbers starting with H, e.g. HIST H200).
  • Swarthmore courses

Check that you're enrolled in Bionic.

If an academic course is missing from your My Coursespage, double-check that you are enrolled in it on Bionic, as that's where enrollment for academic courses happens first. That enrollment data is then sent to Moodle to create class participant lists.

If you are not enrolled in a course on Bionic,please do the following:

  • Students: contact the Registrar’s Officefor help with Bionic.
  • Faculty: contactyour department chairor the Provost's Office.

If you just enrolled in a course on Bionic,please wait 24 hours. It can take that long for Bionic to transfer information to Moodle. If you need acsess to a course page in the meantime,please do the following:

  • Instructors:contact the Help Desk and ask to be added as an instructor on the Moodle course page.
  • Students: access aMoodle course as a guest to view course materials, if possible. Ask the course's Instructor of Record toenroll you as an Auditorif a course isn't guest-accessible or if you need to complete course activities and submit assignments.

Note:Auditors andRegistered studentshaveexactly the same permissions in Moodle. When registration data from Bionic syncs to Moodle, any Auditorwho is a Registered student will be listed as having both roles. This will not affect any of their permissions or work they have submitted.

If 24 hours have passed and a coursestill isn't showing up on yourMy Courses page, please contact theHelp Deskand tell us the course subject, number,and any sectioninformation (e.g., CHEM.B101.002). Also, if you're trying to get anyone added besides yourself, please provide their name.

Other kinds of Moodle courses

Many departments use Moodle pages for things other than academic courses, such as placement tests, advising programs, and academic resources. These courses are created manually and thus are not handled by Bionic. As a result, Instructor of records or Other editing teachers manually add students to the course.

  • Students:If a non-academic course Moodle site is missing from your My courses page, contact the person or department who manages it and ask them to enroll you as a participant.
  • Faculty:If you manage a non-academic Moodle site, you can enroll anyone who is not already a course participant. If someone is already a participant but can't access your site, contact the Help Desk and give them the person's name and the course's name.


If you have any additional questions or problems, don't hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk!

Phone: 610-526-7440 | Library and Help Desk hours
Email: [email protected] |Service catalog
Location: Canaday Library 1st floor

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Moodle: Courses Not Showing Up (2)

Thank you! Your feedback has been submitted.

    As an expert in educational technology, particularly Moodle and online learning platforms, I can confidently share insights and information related to the concepts mentioned in the provided article.

    Visibility Settings in Moodle: The article mentions checking visibility settings in Moodle to address issues with not seeing academic courses. In Moodle, visibility settings are crucial for determining which courses are displayed to users. Users can customize their course overview based on time periods such as "In progress" or "All." This is a standard feature in learning management systems to help users manage their course lists efficiently.

    Tri-College Consortium Moodle Sites: The article highlights that each member of the Tri-College Consortium has its own Moodle site, with academic courses showing up on the Moodle site of the college hosting the course. This emphasizes the decentralized nature of Moodle instances and how institutions can have their own dedicated platforms within the consortium.

    Enrollment in Bionic: The article emphasizes the importance of being enrolled in Bionic, the academic system, to ensure proper visibility of courses in Moodle. Enrollment data in Bionic is transferred to Moodle to create class participant lists. This integration is a common practice in educational technology, where different systems work together to streamline administrative processes.

    Role Permissions in Moodle: The article briefly mentions the roles of Auditors and Registered students in Moodle. It notes that Auditors and Registered students have the same permissions in Moodle. Understanding roles and permissions is fundamental in Moodle administration to ensure that users have appropriate access to course materials and activities.

    Manual Enrollment in Non-Academic Courses: The article mentions that many departments use Moodle for non-academic purposes, and these courses are manually created. In such cases, instructors or other editing teachers manually add students to the course. This manual enrollment process is a common practice for non-academic courses or special programs within Moodle.

    Help Desk Support: The article provides guidance on contacting the Help Desk for assistance with Moodle-related issues. This reflects the importance of having dedicated support services for users encountering problems with online learning platforms, ensuring a smooth experience for both students and faculty.

    In conclusion, the article covers various aspects of using Moodle for academic and non-academic purposes, addressing common issues related to visibility, enrollment, and system integration. The information provided demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of Moodle and educational technology, and the recommendations align with best practices in the field.

    Moodle: Courses Not Showing Up (2024)


    Why aren't my courses showing up on Moodle? ›

    Your filter is set to exclude courses that haven't started yet: This is by far the most common cause. One frequently-employed tactic for reducing the list of classes displayed on the dashboard is to select In progress as the filter.

    How long does it take for a course to appear on Moodle? ›

    We aim to check and approve courses within 48 hours, though it can sometimes take a little longer, so please be patient. Courses for download undergo a virus scan before being manually checked. Courses for enrolling in are manually checked.

    Where are my courses on Moodle? ›

    Accessed from the main site navigation at the top of the screen, the My courses page displays the Course overview block to display the courses a user is enrolled in.

    How do I make my course visible in Moodle? ›

    In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the "gear" icon. From the resulting drop-down list, choose "more" to see course administration page. Select Edit settings on the resulting webpage. In the General section of the settings, click the Course visibility menu and select Show.

    How do I add my course to Moodle? ›

    Go to Administration > Site Administration > Courses > Upload courses. Upload a CSV file either by dragging and dropping or using the button to select from the File picker. Select your import options and click Preview. If the settings are acceptable, click Upload.

    How do I reset my Moodle course? ›

    How to Reset - step by step
    1. Log in and go to the course area you want to reset.
    2. Resetting a given activity is irreversible, so ensure that you have taken a Backup of your area including the user data - this is a snapshot and can be reinstated if necessary.
    3. From Course navigation > More > Course reuse, select Reset.
    Apr 26, 2022

    Can Moodle detect cheating? ›

    Can Moodle detect cheating? Moodle itself cannot detect whether a student is cheating. However, it can easily be integrated with external tools that allow you to keep a closer eye on your students. It also gives you access to student activity logs through which you can keep tabs on suspicious behavior.

    Why is my course not showing up on Moodle Unsw? ›

    Moodle Courses must be released to students via the administration bar on top of the course home page. To release a course or check if students have issues opening a course, ensure that 'Course visibility' is set to "show" within the course settings. To hide a course, simply change this setting back to "hide".

    How do I unhide a course in Moodle? ›

    Hide/show entire course

    Choose Settings. Set Course Visibility to Hide (invisible to students, even if enrolled) or Show (visible). Click Save and Display.

    Where are Moodle courses stored? ›

    "moodledata" is a folder that contains user files, course files, site language, cached and other information. It is created in the Moodle install process. It should be located outside of the "moodle" folder and is called by default "moodledata".

    Can you see old courses on Moodle? ›

    Access will still be simple: from the Moodle My Courses page, the timeline filter button (indicated below) can be used to switch between 'In Progress' or current modules, 'Past' and 'Future' course pages.

    How do I enroll in a course on Moodle? ›

    Navigate to Self-Enroll Page: Find the Setting block on the left or right side of the page (or docked on the top left). Select Settings> Course administration> Enrol me in this course.

    How to make a course available in Moodle? ›

    How to Make a Course Available in Moodle
    1. Log in to Moodle and select the desired course.
    2. Click on the Administration Menu Gear Icon and then select Edit Settings.
    3. Click the Visibility dropdown menu at the top right, and select Show.
    4. Click Save and Display at the bottom of the page.
    Jan 10, 2024

    How do I make my Moodle course public? ›

    Course settings for guest access

    With other themes, click Administration > Course administration > Users > Enrolment methods and then Guest access. Enable guest access by clicking on the "eye" icon or by choosing it in the 'Add method' dropdown menu.

    How do I publish a course to students in Moodle? ›

    Publishing a course for people to enrol in
    1. Go to Settings > Course administration > Publish (only available to users with the capability moodle/course:publish)
    2. Click the button 'Advertise this course for people to join'
    3. Select the hub where you want to advertise your course.
    4. Enter information about the course.
    Jun 17, 2020

    Why are my courses not showing up on D2L? ›

    Course Not Active: The course instructor has discretion when a course on D2L become activated and available for students to access. Some courses do not use D2L at all. If you are unsure if the course is supposed to be active and on D2L, contact your instructor to verify.

    Why are my grades not visible to students in Moodle? ›

    On the Gradebook setup page and locate the grade item what was set to hidden (The hidden item's color is in light gray indiating the item is hidden), and click Edit of the item and select Show. The grade item will change back to red to indicate the item is now visible to students.

    Why are my courses not showing up in canvas? ›

    If a course says “No” under published then the teacher has not published the course yet for students and you will not be able to see it yet. Contact your instructor or your division help to learn more about when it will be published.

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    Article information

    Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5794

    Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

    Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

    Birthday: 1996-05-19

    Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

    Phone: +5983010455207

    Job: Legacy Representative

    Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

    Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.