FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (2024)

Google gives everyone with a Google account 15 GB of storage by default. You can expand this limitation throughvarious meansand take action toreduce your space usage. Still, the fact remains that a cap is always going to be there outside of a few specific, enterprise-level situations.

What happens when your Google Drive (or general Google Account) storage is full?

Here are the answers to the most common questions about this situation.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (1) Note: To check where your storage is used in Google Drive, you can use the Storage Analyzer. Also, the Folder Size Analyzer will help you view your folder sizes in Google Drive.

Table of Contents

What Does My Error Message Mean?

What Happens When Google Storage is Full?

Which Google-Related Apps Aren't Impacted?

Is There a Soft Cap?

What Happens to My Data When the Storage Limit is Reached?

What Happens If Google Changes Its Storage Limits?

Why Am I Getting Messages Saying Google Drive Is Full When I Have No Files?

How Can I Free Up Space in Google Drive?

How Long Before Google Counts Free Space?

What Does My Error Message Mean?

Google services all use the same Google account. That 15 GB of storage you’re given applies to Google Drive, the whole Google Workspace set of productivity apps (formerly G Suite), Gmail attachment storage, Google Photos storage, and everything else you might use.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (2)

That means there are various errors you might encounter, depending on the service you’re trying to use. While all of the errors mean roughly the same thing – that your Google Account Storage is full – they present themselves in different ways.

  • Google Drive: “Storage Full.”
  • Gmail: “Gmail is out of space.”
  • Google Photos: “Photos Storage full” or “Out of Storage.”

Most of these errors are self-explanatory. Sometimes you might get a more specific error like an “upload failed” or “attachment failed” error stemming from a lack of available space. Usually, though, Google is good at pointing out the cause of the error.

This message is often a 403 error, with JSON information about what caused the error.You can see Google’s documentation about it here. Likewise, Google’s APIs have a variety of errors that can crop up, particularly when you exceed a limit on usage or storage space.

What Happens When Google Storage is Full?

Since so many different parts of Google rely on your central Google account storage, filling it up and reaching your limit can have a knock-on effect across various services.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (3)

There are too many possible issues to list them all here, but the most common are:

  • Syncing files between a computer or phone and Google Drive stops.
  • You can no longer create new files in Google apps like Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, or Jamboard.
  • All of your files become “locked” to editing; neither you nor anyone you’ve shared files with will edit them.
  • You cannot upload new files.
  • You cannot download new Android apps that require Google account storage.
  • You can no longer send or receive Gmail messages; people who send you messages will get a “Message could not be delivered” error.
  • You cannot back up or sync photos or videos in Google Photos.

In short, anything that uses Google storage will stop working, whether you’re trying to squeeze in another few kilobytes or manipulate multi-gig files.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (4) Note: You can still log in and use your Google account for other things; Google does not lock you out of your account when you’ve exceeded your storage limit. After all, how would you free space back up if they did?

Which Google-Related Apps Aren’t Impacted?

While I’ve said that your Google Account storage generally applies to all Google apps, there are a few exceptions.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (5)

Several Google-owned properties have their own storage systems. These include YouTube, Google Sites, Google Keep, and Blogger. Each of these apps has unique restrictions on content.

Is There a Soft Cap?

A “soft cap” is traditionally a limitation that halts some usage, but not all, when you’re approaching a limit. In Google’s case, a theoretical soft cap might prevent uploading new files or photos but not prevent using apps or sending and receiving emails. Does such a soft cap exist, though?

The answer seems to be no.The closer you get to your storage limit, the more Google will send you notifications that you’re approaching your limit, but they don’t limit what you can do until you reach it.

It is, essentially, an all-or-nothing hard cap with no soft caps involved.

What Happens to My Data When the Storage Limit is Reached?

When your storage limit is reached, it’s a reasonable concern to wonder what will happen to your data.

Fortunately, the answer is simple: nothing, as long as you free up some space in under 3 months. More on that in a bit.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (6)

When you reach your storage cap, Google will prevent you from adding more files to your storage until one of three things happens.

  1. You delete files and free up space, bringing you back under your limit.
  2. You pay Google for an upgrade to get more storage space. The bump from 15 GB to 100 GB is only $2 per month.
  3. Your account remains inactive for two years.

Google does not suspend your account or block you from accessing your data. However, they prevent you from editing files in your Drive because this generally creates more data, such as temporary backup versions, or saves larger versions of the files, taking up more space.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (7) Note: If you’re unsure which Google service is taking up the most space, you can start by visiting the Storage tab on Google One. This page will break down each Google app and the amount of storage used by your apps, which can help you quickly identify which one is primarily responsible for hogging your storage quota.

Does Google Ever Delete My Data?

Yes. However, you likely don’t have to worry unless you’re in a specific circ*mstance.

The only time Google will delete your data is if your account is continuously over your quota for two years and you have made no attempt to get back under quota. In other words, if your account hits the storage limit and you abandon it, Google will eventually flag it for removal.

This situation is pretty rare!There are very few reasons why you might have an account you reach the limit on and abandon entirely.

It’s most likely related to personal circ*mstances, like extended hospitalization, military deployment, or other lifestyle disruptions. Even then, Google will send you plenty of notifications before taking any action to purge your account.

The most common reason this happens is an issue with your billing method like an expired or declined credit card.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (8)

If you were paying for the storage space upgrades and stopped paying for them, your quota would go back down and you’ll be way over your limit on a free account. Then, leaving that account alone for two years makes potentially more sense.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (9) According to Google, they will give you “at least three months” of notice before deleting files.

Note that one extenuating circ*mstance has a particular procedure: when a family member or loved one pass away and you need to access their account, perhaps to save their data. Googlehas a process for thisand will attempt to work with you to access their data with sufficient proof of circ*mstance and identity.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (10)

There’s also the option to use the Google Inactive Account Manager. The Inactive Account Manager is an option you can set, such that if your account is left idle for a certain period you specify (such as six months or one year), a trusted contact is notified. You can also choose to transfer some access permissions to that authorized user. You canread more about this here.

What Happens If Google Changes Its Storage Limits?

Google loves to make changes to its various apps. In the last few years, in particular, they have linked Google Photos with Google Drive, so photos are no longer stored for free. They have also linked G Suite/Google Workspace apps so that saved files in Docs, Sheets, Slides and other apps also count against your storage.

On top of all this, formerly-unlimited storage was capped for some users and caused problems for many who relied on larger storage caps and sub-enterprise pay rates.

If Google changes its terms to put you over the storage cap, you suffer all the effects of exceeding it. That is, you cease being able to add or edit files or use those apps until you go back below the storage cap, either by upgrading it or removing files.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (11)

Google isn’t unreasonable about this, however; when they make a change that starts counting files against your storage quota that didn’t count in the past (for example, on May 2, 2022, they made Sheets/Docs/Jamboard/etc. files count against your storage), anything that was already there isn’t held against your quota. However, new files and edited older files will start to count.

Why Am I Getting Messages Saying Google Drive Is Full When I Have No Files?

Some users don’t use Google Drive but still receive messages saying that their Drive storage is near-full or full and that their accounts will only work once they go below the quota. What’s going on?

Google Photos uses your Google Drive storage, but the photos don’t generally show up in Drive the way they do in Photos. As you may have guessed, this is usually caused by extensive use of other Google apps. You can read more aboutthe differences between Photos and Drive here.

Similarly, extensive use of Google Docs/Sheets/Slides and other apps can create enough documents to fill up your storage quota and result in you running out of space. Gmail accounts with large numbers of attachments saved in the archive will also run into this issue.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (12)

If you’re getting this message, you’ve used up your storage quota through Google apps other than Google Drive. You will need to clear up space in those other apps to go back under quota, keep using the app, or pay for more storage for your Google account.

If you believe you’re receiving these messages in error, I recommend visiting the Storage tab on Google One, as I mentioned above. You might be surprised to learn that one of your Google services is hogging your storage, and you’ll have the information you need to look in the right places. You can then use Filerev to scan your files and uncover duplicates, massive files, hidden files, and things you don’t need anymore.

How Can I Free Up Space in Google Drive?

There are many ways to free up space in Google Drive, and they all come down to one thing: deleting files.

I recommend using Filerev. Identifying files you want to remove without extensive sorting and digging through a Google account’s various app data sections is challenging. Some forms of data are hidden from plain views, such as app data from an Android device, and those files are even trickier to locate and clean up.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (13)

Filerev, among other things, will scan for data taking up the most space or that hasn’t been accessed in a long time and allow you to manage and remove it, even if those files are hard to find or completely hidden.

If you want to remove data manually, here are some things to look for:

1. Emails with old attachments you no longer need. In Gmail, use the search filter “has:attachment” to see all emails with attachments. You can add additional filters to filter by size.Additionally, emails in both Spam and Trash still count, so empty those too.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (14)

2. App data you no longer need. Google stores hidden app data for apps that use it as storage space, so if there are apps you no longer need, you can purge that data.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (15)

3. Large, uncompressed photos. If you have copies of large images and don’t need them or don’t need them at full size, consider removing them from Google Drive or Google Photos. Alternatively, you can compress them to reduce the space they take up or move them. You can easily see your largest photos in Filerev and remove what you no longer need.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (16)

4. Purge your trash. When you delete items from Google Drive, they are stored in your Drive Trash for 30 days before being permanently deleted. Until the trash is emptied, those files still take up space, so make sure to empty the trash before wondering why your account still needs to be in good standing.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (17) Note: As mentioned above, photos from before June 1, 2021, and Workspace files from before May 2, 2022, are all exempt from counting against your storage until you edit them.

How Long Before Google Counts Free Space?

Many people, when deleting files, find that Google doesn’t immediately reflect the freed-up space the way a typical PC hard drive would. This phenomenon is generally due to the lag time in Google reflecting various statistics for user accounts.

FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (18)

As mentioned above, the first thing to do is ensure you’ve cleared deleted items out of your trash folders. Otherwise, it will take 30 days before the space is cleared.

If you’re confident you’ve entirely deleted the files, it can take anywhere from a few hours to 24 hours for Google to reflect the changes. Typically, it will be resolved by the next day, however. Unfortunately, even if you’ve deleted files, you still might be restricted from using various Google products for the day.

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FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? (2024)


FAQ: What Happens When Your Google Drive Storage is Full? ›

Learn what happens when you run out of space in Google Drive

What happens if you go over the Google storage limit? ›

When you're over quota, it means you use more storage space than you have available. If you go over your storage quota: You can't upload new files or images to Google Drive. You can't back up any photos and videos to Google Photos.

What to do after Google storage is full? ›

Clean up storage through Google One
  1. On your Android device, open the Google One app .
  2. At the bottom, tap Storage. Free up account storage.
  3. Select the category you want to manage.
  4. Select the files you want to remove. To sort files, at the top, tap Filter . ...
  5. After you select your files, at the top, tap Delete .

Why do I keep getting messages that my Google storage is full? ›

If a user receives a large volume of emails with attachments, stores a lot of emails with large attachments, or has been using Gmail for a long time without managing their emails, they may reach or exceed their storage quota. Large Attachments: Emails with large attachments consume more storage space.

What is taking up all my Google Drive storage? ›

Go to Storage manager. You'll see Clean up suggested items: Files in Trash, Spam emails, Unsupported videos, and Large photos and videos. These are all categories that can take a lot of space. Click Review under any category to see what's in there.

What happens if Google Drive is full? ›

When your account reaches its storage limit: You can't sync or upload new files. You can't create new files in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, or Jamboard. Until you reduce the amount of storage you use, neither you nor anyone else can edit or copy your affected files.

Will I get emails if my storage is full? ›

Your storage is shared across Gmail, Google Photos and Google Drive. When your account reaches its storage limit, you can't: Send or receive emails through Gmail.

Why is my Google Drive storage still full after deleting everything? ›

The reason for this is simpler than you might think: “deleted” files are actually just moved to Trash, where they continue to take up storage space. Google does it this way because it's a security measure that prevents users from accidentally deleting important files.

Why is Google Drive telling me my storage is full? ›

If you're getting this message, you've used up your storage quota through Google apps other than Google Drive. You will need to clear up space in those other apps to go back under quota, keep using the app, or pay for more storage for your Google account.

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If your storage plan is canceled or expires

At the end of your billing cycle, you may be over quota. If you're over your storage quota for 2 years, all the content that counts toward your storage quota may be deleted. Once you reach or exceed the no charge storage quota: Gmail: You can't send or receive messages.

Why does Google keep telling me my storage is full? ›

Reasons for Gmail Storage Full But It's Not Error

There are some reasons should be responsible for Gmail account storage is full but it's not, let's find out: Deleted emails in Trash or Spam folders still taking up space. Large attachments impact storage. Shared files and folders using up storage quota.

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This could include:
  1. PDFs.
  2. Images.
  3. Videos.
  4. Items in your Trash. Learn how to empty your trash.
  5. As of June 1, 2021, newly created Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard files count towards your storage.

What is the fastest way to clean up Gmail storage? ›

3 Free up space in Gmail
  1. Find emails that you can delete using Gmail search . For example: ...
  2. Select the emails that you want to delete and click Delete .
  3. Click Trash and confirm that you want to delete the emails. ...
  4. Click Empty Trash now.

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5 Ways to Get More Storage on Google Drive for Free
  1. What Happens When Your Storage Fills Up? ...
  2. Option 1: Use Multiple Drive Accounts. ...
  3. Option 2: Use a Non-Profit Workspace Account. ...
  4. Option 3: Use Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals. ...
  5. Option 4: Delete and Clean Up Old and Hidden Files.
Aug 26, 2024

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Click Storage. Under "Get your space back," click Free up account storage. Under "Clean up suggested items" or "Clean up by service," click a category or service you want to review. Select the files to delete.

What happens if I clear data on Google Drive? ›

Resolution. Once you have deleted your data from Google, they will be sent to your Trash. Data in Trash will be automatically deleted after 30 days. However, data in Trash still count against your storage limit, so you should empty your Trash after deleting it.

What happens if I stop paying for extra Google storage? ›

If you cancel your storage plan, you'll lose all additional storage for your account. At the end of your billing cycle, you may be over quota. If you're over your storage quota for 2 years, all the content that counts toward your storage quota may be deleted.

Will Google delete my photos if I don't pay? ›

You're also exempted from the deletion of your photos and videos if you have an active Google One membership with no outstanding payment or quota issues. If you're inactive in Google Photos for 2 years or more, your content may be deleted from Google Photos.

Will I lose my photos if I stop paying for Google storage? ›

The short answer is that if you don't instantly pay for additional storage, Google Photos won't remove your previously taken pictures and videos. You can no longer add new content, but your existing content is still safe.

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Account Inactivity

If you're over your storage limit for 2 years or longer or if you don't free up or purchase more space to get back under your storage limit, all of your content may be removed from Gmail, Google Photos, and Google Drive (this includes Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard files).

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.