William James Moriarty (2024)

William James Moriarty (1)

William James Moriarty (2)

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Villain Overview


William: From this point on, I will have the people of London witness many crimes and deaths planned out by yours truly. In other words, the crimes will turn the city into a stage and the citizens will be audience to the excitement
Albert: Turning the city itself into a theater, are you?
William: And then the plays that the audience must witness will be deaths that effectively expose this world's corruption. So it is up to us to stage, embellish and give meaning to these deaths with the aim of truly opening the eyes of the people and the country.
~ Williams' declaration to be the Lord of Crime
Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes.
~ William to Sherlock aboard the train.

William James Moriarty is the titular main protagonist of the 2016 manga series, Moriarty the Patriot, and of its 2020 anime adaptation.

He is the adopted brother of Albert James Moriarty and of the original William James Moriarty, and the older brother of Louis James Moriarty. Having burned down the Moriarty Manor and taking the place of the William Moriarty, he grows up to become a professor of mathematics at Durham University at the age of 24. Behind the scenes of his job, he acts as a detective and a vigilante, the infamous Lord of Crime who seeks to take down corrupt aristocrats who have actively harmed people, to bring forth his vision of equality to the English society. Upon noticing the skills of the freelance detective, Sherlock Holmes, Moriarty organizes his success to use him as his pawn to expose the corruption of high society. He is based on the famous archenemy of Sherlock Holmes, James Moriarty, which in-universe is the collective identity William and his 2 brothers form to be the Lord of Crime.

As an adult, he was voiced by Soma Saito in Japanese and by Aaron Dismuke in the English dub. As a child, he was voiced by Shizuka Ishigami in Japanese and by Emily Neves in the English dub.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Biography
    • 3.1 Past
    • 3.2 Present
      • 3.2.1 The Earl's Crimes
      • 3.2.2 The One Grapefruit Pie Arc
      • 3.2.3 "The Dancers on the Bridge" arc
      • 3.2.4 The Case of the Noble Kidnapping
      • 3.2.5 The Noahtic Act Arc
      • 3.2.6 A Study in S Arc
      • 3.2.7 The Hunting of the Baskervilles Arc
      • 3.2.8 The Man with the Golden Army Arc
      • 3.2.9 The Two Detectives Arc
      • 3.2.10 A Scandal in the British Empire Arc
      • 3.2.11 The Phantom of Whitechapel
      • 3.2.12 The Adventures of One Student Arc
      • 3.2.13 The White Knight of London
      • 3.2.14 The Two Criminals Arc
      • 3.2.15 The Final Problem Arc
  • 4 Abilities and Weapons
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 External Links
  • 7 Navigation


Moriarty is a tall yet skinny man with blonde long-ish hair and crimson eyes that he shares with his brother, Louis James Moriarty. In his childhood, he wore either worn-down clothing or "fancy" clothing. In his adulthood, he dresses very fancily, commonly wearing tuxedos (especially when blending in with the aristocratic population of England to look for those whom he needs to punish with death). He tends to commonly have a very expressionless face as well while occassionally sporting a charming smile he would use to ease into other's trusts. After the Final Problem arc, he has become even skinnier, having lost an eye and now wears an eyepatch, and he is wearing mostly black due to his ordeal with Sherlock Holmes.


Moriarty is a kind and courteous, yet intelligent and knowledgeable man. He has highly altruistic tendencies as he helped his peers at mathematics and other subject-areas of knowledge, using his wits to help others. His intelligence impressed adults to the point of where they let him solve mysteries easily. Despite his genuine altruism, he also had rebellious and somewhat murderous tendencies towards aristocrats (especially those who have abused him).

As an adult, he grew into an elegant gentleman and a head-to-toe perfect noble who can easily earn the respect of those around him through his intelligence, his sophistication, and his charisma. He rarely ever shows emotions to the outward world, which makes him appear as somewhat cold and unfriendly in nature.

Although he is a serial-killer, he is still generous, affable, charismatic, stoic, altruistic, gentle, and sympathetic towards those who have been hurt by the abuses of the aristocracy. He is a well-intentioned extremist in nature, and he has been so since childhood because of his past. Because of his intelligence, it is easy for him to see right through people's lies, which makes him a very good detective in nature. William deeply cares for his family and for his allies to the point that he sees his organization as family to him.



The boy was an orphan who alongside his younger brother Louis has been living in poverty on the slums of London. Having housed themselves on an orphanage, the boy came to learn that an aristocrat named Viscount Baxter had been scamming money from the orphanage. Upon learning of this, the boy has come to the man on the guise of erasing the man's debt to the orphanage, while lending him even more money he has to pay back and sign a contract, which he had based on one of the boy Shakespeare's plays in which the terms involve a pound of flesh cut out. the boy had used this to base his contract as he knew Baxtor will fail to pay and a trial will occur where he will try to abuse loopholes in the contract to save his skin and get away with the money. Baxtor having fallen to his trap completely, the boy manages to refute each and one of his arguments before sending the grown man cowering and complying the boy's demands to give hi all his assets. He and Louis will donate a large portion of the money back tot he orphanage before he purged himself and his brother of any and all legal traces.

Arriving to live at another orphanage, the boy becomes well known for his exceptional intelligence, which Moriarty will use to help people with any sort of favours on any field, ranging from mere horticulture and building, to outright bank heists. The boy uses his intelligence to to act as a leader to the other children, captivating everyone with his vision to end the abusive aristocracy and wipe them all out from British society. That's where he met the oldest son of Earl Moriarty, Albert, who too was captivated by Moriarty's vision and thus had his father adopt him and Louis as his brothers.

Disgusted by the classist behaviours of the Moriarty household, especially of his namesake, William James Moriarty, the boy conspired with Louis and Albert to burn the entire mansion down. Luring William to his and Louis' room to be killed by Albert, the boy will set up gas leaks across the house and then set it aflame, burning down the mansion and killing everyone inside while he, Louis and Albert hid in the cellar to protect themselves. Framing the entire incident as just a mere accident, the boy will assume the identity of William James Moriarty for himself as he and his brothers get adopted by Rockwell family where William will be mentored by their butler, Jack Reinfield, on the art of killing in order to survive. Entering Eton College, William will become a King's Scholar for his proficiency in mathematics, becoming a university professor at the young age of 21, and for 3 years has been continuing that profession.


The Earl's Crimes[]

In the anime-only premiere, Moriarty is introduced reading the recent "Chavi-Slasher murders" involving the sons of a tailor, goldsmith, watchmaker, hat maker, stable keeper and a mere orphan on the streets, William deduces that the mruders can only be committed by a noble and expresses his disgust. William heads to the public to conduct his own investigation to get clues on the final murder victim, as he meets with a boy playing a concertina and deduces his instrument is not his. Being informed that it belonged to the most recent murder victim, William deduces that the murderer must've watched the child from the window of the Gastros Club, a place where aristocrats will meet up. Upon seeing Earl Argleton sitting beside the window seeing the boy perform, William strikes conversation with Argleton and deduces from his appearance that he is the Chavi-Slasher through his suit, hat, watch, ring and where his horses are parked.

Knowing that Argleton sent a constbale constable to silence William, he backs him up to a corner where Louis is present to interrogate him at knife-point. When Albert sets up a meeting between William and the vengeful Eden, whose son was killed by Argleton, William becomes his crime consultant and tries to advice him against his decision. But when it seems his mind is made up, William has Argleton kidnapped and strapped in the same place where he killed his victims where he has Eden kill the corrupt noble. William leaves Argleton's corpse to rot on the closed space, leaving no traces of the crime to either Eden or himself, having committed the "perfect crime".

The One Grapefruit Pie Arc[]

In the "The One Grapefruit Pie" arc (or in the anime the "A Rare Breed" arc), William is transferred to be the Mathematics Professor at the University of Durham. He then discovers the looming problem of Baron Leonard Tomas Dublin (or Viscount Belfor in the anime) having been exploiting the people of the region for years, a notable story that irked him being when the Baron refused to offer help for his gardner, Mr. Burton, when his son became terminally ill and even threatened to fire him. Making his presence in Durham known as he familiarizes himself with the commoners of Durham and make it clear that he doesn't mind them at all. Being invited with Baron Dublin in his mansion, he learns of his vast garden that could've only been made possible through Mr. Burton and his lack of regard for him, he also notes about his poor heart condition and need to take his medications. There, William approaches Mr. Burton and formulates a plot to kill the Baron, in which William meets the Baron in his garden and Burton gives him grapefruit juice. As William planned, the effects of the Baron's medications got negated as a result of the grapefruit and he ends up dying of a heart attack. William wishes the Burtons well when they leave Durham following the Baron's death, the latter who are grateful for avenging their fallen son.

"The Dancers on the Bridge" arc[]

During William's lessons, he notices the absence of one of William's students named Lucien Atwood. Personally investigating the matter, he was then confronted by a man named Dudley Bale who informed him that Lucien is simply recovering at the hospital. Upon learning that Dudley was a landlord on Durham who is aware of the alumni's wealth, William enters Lucien's dorm and discovers opium and journal entries talking about his plans to marry girl and learns that the girl's name is a brothel worker named Frida Macaulay. Requesting help from Sebastian Moran and Fred Pollock, he discovers the real story between Lucien and Frida, who fell in love with each other and Frida getting pregnant to which they plan to get married, but then was informed by Dudley that Lucien left her, driving Frida to suicide. When Moran and Lucien discovers Lucien on an opium warehouse. There he sets up a trap for Dudley on the bridge and trick him into confessing he drugged Frida to kill her by having Fred disguise himself as her. William then makes his appearance as a signal for Sebastian to shoot him and trick Dudley into falling off the bridge and drowning, having his crime exposed and framing his death as a suicide.

The Case of the Noble Kidnapping[]

In this mange exclusive arc, William, upon dealing with Bale, had uncovered a larger smuggling ring that has even ties to government officials that made them untouchable. Having learnt of Albert's idea of forming the M16, a separate, very secret government that does not appear in paper and directly answers to the queen, they both formulate a plan to stage an incident that will see ALbert's troops stationed nearby and uncover the entire operation. Disguising himself, William orders a kidnapping on himself once he arrived in London by the people running the ring. This comes to fruition upon William's arrival on Albert's request. While everyone pretends that it is an accident, William is dragged to the old Moriarty mansion where the mooks and their boss Marlin torture him for information on the opium confiscated. William remains unfazed by this, as everything ahs gone as planned, as the military was stationed right on time to raid the estate. William then frees himself and kills one of the mooks and Marlin. This incident saw the nobles protecting the opium ring taken down and MI6 formed with Albert heading it officially, while the brothers go out for dinner to celebrate the success of their plan.

The Noahtic Act Arc[]

William set sup a meeting between himself, Louis, Albert, Sebastian and Fred where he announces his plans to become the Lord of Crime, making London his theatre stage for various acts and flood the city with crime and murders and use them to expose the nation's true corruption and reform society to be more equal, thus founding the MI6. He then plots how the team should dispose their first target, Lord Blitz Enders aboard the Noahtic, a renowned noble who also is infamous for rumours for hunting people down like animals, a rumour William wants to expose as true. He meets him on the ship's diner and introduces himself before walking through the ship before stopping to admire the design of a spiral staircase. There he will meet his intellectual rival Sherlock Holmes, to which they greet each other and deduce each other's traits, instilling a feeling of mutual respect for their skills.

Meanwhile Moriarty's plan to agitate Enders works, culminating on him murdering a commoner named Thomas Michaelson. William then pretends to be concerned over the incident upon walking into it, and helps Enders dispose of the corpse. In truth, he had the corpse secretly revealed. He then meets with Enders at the opera performance the next day, informing him that there is a man who looks similar to the one Enders killed the previous night, in truth one of Moriarty's associates in disguise. As predicted, Enders yields to his paranoia as he stabs Thomas' corpse on the raisable platform of the stage, exposing his rumours as true and horrifying the audience. Enders then on his escape unintentionally leads to him being propelled to his death. After the Noahtic docks, he meets with Sherlock again, to which Sherlock notes that he believes there is a potential mastermind behind the murder on the Noahtic. Impressed, William voices the possibility of him being a potential threat o a potential asset for his plans.

A Study in S Arc[]

TO begin his test on Sherlock's skills, Moriarty decides to create crimes scenes and use Sherlock as his pawn to uncover the true corruption over the nobility. Approached by a man named Jefferson Hope whose fiancée was brutally murdered by Count Enoch J. Drebber, Moriarty grants Jefferson the tools to carry out the murder and write Sherlock's name in blood to begin his test, culminating on Sherlock deducing Jefferson as the killer as well as uncovering the vile acts of Count Drebber to be released to the public. William also has Jefferson grant Sherlock the opportunity to shoot Jefferson dead to gain information on who the Lord of Crime is, but Sherlock refuses, a decision that William feels was due to having a deep rooted moral compass underneath. When Jefferson is arrested and the Count's crimes as well made public, William is satisfied and declares Sherlock to be the hero of the tail, prompting him to set up even more crimes for Sherlock to uncover and make the nobility's corruption mroe public.

The Hunting of the Baskervilles Arc[]

In this mange exclusive arc, William is informed by Fred and Sebastian that Enders' infamous human hunting grounds are still going as a man named Charles Baskerville allies with numerous aristocrats and lure children to hunt them down for sport. Disgusted by this, William sets his team out to put an end to such inhuman hunts for good as the beginning of the new month, and thus of Baskerville's infamous hunt, is near. Shortly after, Louis expresses his sentiments of joining the charge against Baskerville with WIlliam, much to his initial refusal before realizing that he was a tad too prideful over it and allowed Louis to join. Following one of the associate's carts to the hunting grounds at dawn, William was walking past a wooden bridge that snaps while he was on it, managing to get to the other side but was separated from his comrades. Reassured that his comrades are skilled enough to handle everything on their own, William personally goes to headquarters to save a pair of children while killing Charles out of contempt for his crimes. William is then happy that the others succeeded in saving all the children and killing the corrupt aristocrats, and then assures Fred that as long as Fred despises evil, William will always be his ally..

The Man with the Golden Army Arc[]

In this manga-exclusive arc, "The Man with the Golden Army", William is notified by the new mission granted to Moneypenny and Sebastian to stop another war brewing between Afghanistan and India. Knowing the potential problems that could be faced, William sends a letter to Moneypenny detailing Moran's tragic past upon being betrayed and his squad he was close with kille din front of him while Moran was marked dead. There William uses this to note that their current target, Due Graham Dunderdale, is responsible for it, and so sent the letter so that an eye can be kept. The mission succeeds and William is satisfied, ahving known this mission will bring out the spark that used to be in Sebastian.

The Two Detectives Arc[]

William and Louis board a train to which they were approached by Sherlock who was also on the train. Sherlock then talks about how there is a criminal mastermind behind the recent murders and then makes an accusation that William can possibly be this mastermind. While Louis prets on this being a potential trap, William also catches onto it and calmly tells Sherlock that it would be his job to prove it, keeping heat off himself . Sherlock remarks it was just a playful joke, continuing it to ask William what would he say if he really was the criminal mastermind, to which William plays along replying "Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes".

Shortly after, a corpse is found near Sherlock's companion, Dr. Watson. William and Sherlock then engages themselves on a competition on who can solve the murder first, only having less than an hour. They then quickly piece the crime scene together upon investigating the crime scene, deducing the murderer was a member of the staff, who drugged the victim in order to rob him, but upon the victim waking up, the killer stabbed him to flee from the scene. William then interviews all of them personally, secretly putting a drop of blood on them to agitate the criminal as he knew it will be evasive. This comes in handy as he deduces that Eddie Hawthorne is the killer, using the blood he secretly put on his spectacles to worry him into confessing that he is the killer. Sherlock, who had seen William's bluff, invites him for a meal on the diner cart, to which William agrees, and then secretly tells how he solved the murder to Louis.

A Scandal in the British Empire Arc[]

William later meets Albert who comes to him with news on being appointed by Mycroft Holmes to retrieve stolen documents from the Buckingham Palace and to eliminate the thief, who was Irene Adler, and inform William on how it is a useful opportunity for MI6. William is eventually informed by Albert on what the documents really were, evidence that the entire French Revolution was set up by the British Empire as a social experiment, to which he agrees they must retrieve the document for the power it has.

Using Albert, William sets up negotiations with Irene to get the documents in exchange for protection from the government. Knowing that Sherlock will get involved, he sets up an insurance plan to make sure Sherlock knows their true name in case of Irene's death. Upon waiting for Albert and Irene, he sets up a meeting with Sherlock's brother who works in the government, Mycroft Holmes, revealing MI6 and their agenda to reshape British society, stringing Mycroft along to his vision and ask him for his silence. Mycroft agrees and takes their vision under his jurisdiction on the condition that they don't deviate form it and harm the British Empire. William then ahs the documents handed over to Albert, who promptly has Irene officially declared as deceased. William then watches as Irene changes her identity to James Bonde.

The Phantom of Whitechapel[]

William then reads onto the recent Jack the Ripper murders on Whitechapel, William has Moran, Louis, Fred and James to retrieve something for him from a bank, in anticipation of a robbery taking place. William had used this as an opportunity to test the group's ethics and have them bond to take down the robbers much to their success. On their return, he has the team meet Jack Reinfield, the original Jack the Ripper off the army, for a plot to take down the imitator in Whitechapel.

Visiting Whitechapel to investigate the situation, they witness tensions that have been built from the situation, on citizens who arm themselves as protection, and Scotland Yard, who aim to de-arm and deescalate the situation. Reading into the police reports, William deduces the true nature of the Jack the Ripper murders: a cult formed by multiple people who are setting up tensions between Whitechapel militia and Scotland Yard and spark a revolution that will spread all across Britian and tear the entire nation apart to rule what is left on the chaos. William then comes up with his own plan to stop the cult, faking a Jack the Ripper murder so that Scotland Yard and the citizens can unite t catch the killer, while stationing Moran, Fred and James to clear a way for Jack (who is pretending to be Jakc the Ripper) to buy William time as a distraction.

Meanwhile William and Louis use this distraction to track down the cult's location and start killing all of their members when they make a futile attempt for a negotiation. When some of the men escape, William sets up an explosion to kill them all, and have the bodies be left as they are for Sherlock to arrive and solve the case. Sherlock realizes the truth, but has to lie and cover it up on the guise that 'Jack the Ripper is still on the loose. William is satisfied with this, but figures Scotland Yard will frame an innocent man as Jack the Ripper. So he has his mole, Inspector Zack Peterson, help the heroes expose Chief Inspector Aterton's corruption as well as have Zack take over his position as Chief to supply him with valuable Scotland Yard intel. However, unbeknownst to William, the real mastermind behind the Jack the Ripper murders, Charles Augustus Milverton saw William in secret, and knowing that William is his biggest rival to his power over the British criminal underworld, swears to destroy him.

The Adventures of One Student Arc[]

In this manga exclusive chapter,, William holds a Maths exam for his students in Durham university, keeping the last question intentionally very hard. That's where he found Sherlock, who had snuck into the exam hall for the sake of conversing with William. There Sherlock converses William on the Lord of Crime, giving his profile as a man of noble intentions, but still committing acts of evil that need punishment which William himself agrees on. William then reassures Sherlock that he will be doing well since he is willing to give up his life for the mystery of the Lord of Crime. He then suddenly notices that a person ahs aced the exam, even solving the final question. William and Sherlock then figure out it was Bill Hunting from Durham Printing. Bringing Bill to his office, William voices his admiration while encouraging him to hone in his skills despite his commoner background, to which Bill accepts William's offer to joint he unicersity as a student while he makes a deal with the Dean. William then sees Sherlock off in the train station, having referred to Sherlock by his first name, while the latter couldn't hear it. William then looks forward to having to meet Sherlock once again.

The White Knight of London[]

William eventually is informed by Fred that Milverton has taken his old court records against Viscount Baxter. Realizing the power Milverton now has against him with this and predicting that he has even uncovered the truth about the fire at Moriarty Manor, William deems Milverton as the greatest enemy they need to eliminate. Upon learning of Member of Parliament Lord Adam Whitely's vision for equality, William sets up a test for Adam, to which he attends a park opening that sees him berated in public, to which upon seeing Adam's honesty, deems him worthy of the information he has to blackmail the House of Lords into giving him power for his Equality Bill.

But upon Milverton killing off Adam's entire household so that e can manipulate Adam into killing the murderer in a fit of rage, William meets Adam on the cemetery, to which William asks Adam to give him his life, to which Adam readily agrees. The following morning, William kills Adam in public as he hides under the identity of the Lord of Crime, just as he and and Adam planned. As William planned, he becomes the most hated entity int he eyes of all people, (in the anime only) as he swears to finish off Milverton on a battle between "necessary evil" and "pure evil.

The Two Criminals Arc[]

Knowing that Milverton is behind Lord Adam's downfall, William is then informed on dire information that Milverton has, to expose William as the Lord of Crime in case Milverton dies. This sparks determination within William to take Milverton down even if his name spreads. Infiltrating Moriarty manor, William holds Milverton at gunpoint. However as Milverton plotted, Sherlock arrives to discover William as the Lord of Crime. Milverton is using the scenario to force Sherlock to arrest William, otherwise William will be exposed as the Lord of Crime and Mary Morston too extradited to France. But William and Sherlock rejects Milverton's game, as Sherlock knew from the Noahtic that William was always the Lord of Crime and Milverton no longer has evidence to blackmail Mary. Sherlock then eventually shoots Milverton, whose corpse falls into the ocean to be undiscovered. William then realizes that he may have made Sherlock his pawn, but he had misinterpreted him all along and that Sherlock would kill him next, and so decides to initiate the final part of his plan.

The Final Problem Arc[]

Beginning "The Final Problem", William orders his allies to stay behind as he personally eliminates the remaining nobles. making a public statement announcing himself as the Lord of Crime, announcing his intentions to annihilate the privileged classes and that he is an unstoppable entity. Spending the rest of the night killing aristocrats, Moriarty is confronted by Fred, who tries to convince William to not die as he is bringing justice, William says that he can't forgive himself for all his crimes and wishes to face death, but only once his gambit has come to fruition. William then infiltrates the residence of a noble named Glover, who cowardly hid behind his children, while his oldest son stood up to William to protect his father. Killing Glover and bypassing the boy, William compliments the boy for his bravery and wishes he is the one to strike the killing blow against him but leaves to continue his plans.

During a night, William visits Sherlock's apartment to speak to him and ask him to complete their story as he feels he is beyond forgiveness. Not giving a proper answer to why William chose Sherlock, William is startled when he heard that Sherlock wanted him to be the Lord of Crime as he wanted his greatest enemy to actually be his friend. William then gives Sherlock 2 letters, one with the final location, the other with address on the East End, where William hid all is criminal plans and another letter for Sherlock revealing his personal feelings as he entrusts his world with him..

In the meanwhile, William has his team set empty buildings aflame so as to start a devastating fire over London, using this to unite the upper and lower classes to put out the fire and deal with the common enemy, William himself as he watches the situation unfold over the Tower Bridge for a final confrontation with Sherlock. Sherlock arriving at the agreed time, they have a fight until William requests to end this, Sherlock begs William to still live and that they can atone together. But William bids Sherlock as he causes the scaffolding to collapse so that he can fall onto River Thames. btu Sherlock catches him by the wrist as he lets out his personal feelings and telling him to live so that he can properly atone for his crimes, stunning William. Admitting his loss, William uses his sword to injure Sherlock's wrist so he can let William go. But Sherlock quickly jumps around to catch him, telling him that they must both live. Upon their fall, William and Sherlock's fate became unknown to the world.

But in truth, Sherlock and William survived due to miraculous circ*mstances. Having been touched by Sherlock's words, William abandons his criminal ways to properly atone for his sins.

Abilities and Weapons[]

  • Academic Profiency: As a child, William was a prodigy. Even as a poor child living in poverty, William was highly literate, able to read and right very well and use this knowledge to help others. As he grew up, he excelled in his academics, being a prodigy at Mathematics to Chemistry and History, becoming a King's Scholar alongside his brothers. This all eventually builds up to him being reputable enough to be the Mathematics Professor at Durham University at the young age of 24.
  • Deduction: William is a master detective. This is best demonstrated when confronting Argleton. Upon being informed he sits by the window observing a young child doing his concerta, just by merely looking he is able to deduce that his suit is custom made by Eden's Tailors, his ring comes from Goldstein Jewellers, his pocket watch comes from R. Masters Clock Smith, his hat from Morgan Bros. Company and his horses are stabled at the Shannon Racing Club, and from that, tie him as the true identity behind the infamous Chavi-Slasher.
  • Stealth: As a crime lord, William prioritizes his stealth so as to not be deduced and arrested before the time he deems fit. In all of the crime scenes William will do, he will make his footsteps be as silent as possible, leaving no traces to himself. Even when having to do his crimes in public, as seen when he has Lord Whitely killed, Moriarty ensures there is no glimpse of his actual face. And then he fakes his own death in the end of the Final Problem arc, having been undiscovered for years.
  • Manipulation: Perhaps William's greatest intellectual skill. William reads the people around him as if they were books. He is easily able to see through their motivations, their personality, their background, their goals, etc. Viewing everyone as mere puppets on a theatre for him to control, William pulls the strings to make everyone move only in a way he wants to. This is demonstrated during the Noahtic arc, in which William upon noticing him murder a man, maneuvers his corpse and bait him into stabbing him in front of the stage and expose him. Even when pitted against Sherlock, as Sherlock ends up figuring out, everything he knew about the cases he had solved, it was all what Moriarty was feeding him and just that, using this to expose the aristrocracy's corruption without him even realizing he was Moriarty's key player. The biggest one is when he plants false evidence during the murder on the train to bait the suspect, Eddie Hawthorne, into confessing.


  • Moriarty was born on April 1st.
  • Moriarty was shown to be compared to Maximillian Robespierre since they both united opposing sides against a common enemy, those common enemies being Robespierre and himself (the former was executed by the people).
  • He is directly inspired by Moriarty from the original books, but his backstory is given and his honor is shown in greater depths.
  • He is the only version of Moriarty to genuinely be friends with Sherlock Holmes.
  • In both the first and second popularity polls of the series, William has been ranked #1 on both times.

External Links[]

  • William James Moriarty on the Heroes Wiki
  • William James Moriarty on the Magnificent Baddie Wiki
  • William James Moriarty on the Moriarty the Patriot Wiki



James Moriarty | Sebastian Moran | Charles Augustus Milverton | Irene Adler | Jonathan Small | Tonga | Mr. Jack Stapleton | Hound of the Baskervilles | James Windibank | Baron Adelbert Gruner | Culverton Smith | Jack Ferguson | Maria Gibson | Count Negretto Sylvius | James Winter | Josiah Amberley | Mortimer Tregennis | Von Bork | Clarence Devereux | Dr. Grimesby Roylott | Beppo | Abe Slaney

Young Sherlock Holmes: Eh Tar | Mrs. Dribb
The Great Mouse Detective: Professor Ratigan | Thugs (Fidget & Felicia)
Sherlock Holmes: Lord Henry Blackwood | Lord Coward | Irene Adler | James Moriarty
Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes: Tom & Jerry | James Moriarty |
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows: James Moriarty | Sebastian Moran
Sherlock Gnomes: Moriarty | Reggie and Ronnie | Irene Adler
Holmes & Watson: Mrs. Martha Hudson | James Moriarty
Enola Holmes: Dowager Lady Basilwether | Linthorn
Enola Holmes 2: Mira Troy | Superintendent Grail | Lord McIntyre

Sherlock: Jim Moriarty | Eurus Holmes | Culverton Smith | Charles Augustus Magnussen | Irene Adler | The Black Lotus (General Shan) | Vivian Norbury | Jeff Hope | Dr. Bob Frankland | Lord Moran | Jonathan Small | Miss Wenceslas | The Golem
Elementary: Jamie Moriarty/Irene Adler | Sebastian Moran | Charles Augustus Milverton | Frank Da Silva | Natalie Gale | Lisa Hagen | Margaret Bray | Beth Roney | Dana Powell | Marla Ridgely Moore | Laura Lyons | Beth Stone | Gail Lundquist | Dr. Sepi Chamanara | Hannah Gregson | Marilyn Whitfield
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty | Louis James Moriarty | Albert James Moriarty | Charles Augustus Milverton | Blitz Enders | Argleton | Leonard Tomas Dublin | Dudley Bale | Enoch J. Drebber | Charles Baskerville | Graham Dunderdale | Daryl | Jack McGinty | Sebastian Moran

Video Games
The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures: Ashley Graydon | Tobias Gregson | Jezaille Brett | John H. Wilson | Joan Garrideb | Nash and Ringo Skulkin | Magnus McGilded
The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve: Mael Stronghart | Seishiro Jigoku | William Shamspeare | Selden | Olive Green | Odie Asman | Courtney Sithe | Enoch Drebber | The Red-Headed league | Klint van Zieks | Genshin Asogi

Moriarty: James Moriarty | Jade | Gottfried/Tartarus

See Also
House MD Villains | Moriarty the Patriot villains

William James Moriarty (2024)
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Article information

Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 5850

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.