Helium Price Prediction, will HNT’s price hit 6.50? (2024)

Helium Price Prediction, will HNT’s price hit 6.50? (1)Helium Price Prediction, will HNT’s price hit 6.50? (2)

Helium Price Prediction, will HNT’s price hit 6.50? (3)


Price Prediction

Helium, HNT could hit $6.50 in 2024

Helium’s price prediction for the most bearish scenario will value HNT at $6.32 in 2024.

Helium’s previous All Time High was on 12 November 2021 where HNT was priced at $54.88.

Helium’s price at the same time last week was $5.27. It has moved by 14.88 % in the past week and is currently at $7.90. Infact, in the past 24 hours, HNT has dumped by -2.92 %. There is a slight bearish sentiment in the crypto market. The long term sentiment, however, remains bullish and HNT could hit $6.50 in 2024.

The total circulating supply of Helium as of writing this article was $143934820.83 and the marketcap of HNT remains at $1,139,114,655


For some coins with little to no data points and inexistent historical data the model by default will show a positive price prediction. There is no way for our AI bot to decipher whitepaper, tokenomics and team integrity. The coin's price that you are about to see below can fall drastically depending on many factors, so please invest wisely after checking the team and project's whitepaper. This current price prediction is done by a machine crunching numbers and the model is still in the early beta stages. It should strictly not be taken as an investment advice. Although the best engineers are currently tweaking and updating the algorithm, no human has verified the price predicted below, so please use your discretion and make a decision wisely.

Helium Price Prediction

Helium has had an eventful 2021. To simplify the latest HNT price prediction, we have divided up the prediction by short term Helium price prediction and long term Helium price prediction. As of writing this article, HNT had a trading volume of 33,901,612. Helium has gone up by 290.39% in the past 30 days.

According to our analysis in the short term, Helium price prediction for February 2024 shows the average price of HNT at 4.84 and the highest possible price for February 2024 would be $5.18.

Further, according to our analysis in the long term, Helium price prediction for June 2024 shows the average price of HNT at 5.05 and the highest possible price for June 2024 would be $5.40.

Helium's Short Term Price Prediction

DateAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price
22 December 2023$8.94$8.32$9.57
23 December 2023$9.24$8.60$9.89
24 December 2023$9.85$9.16$10.54
25 December 2023$9.97$9.27$10.66
30 December 2023$10.73$9.98$11.48
4 January 2024$11.68$10.86$12.50
14 January 2024$13.75$12.79$14.72
February 2024$4.84$4.50$5.18
March 2024$4.89$4.55$5.23
April 2024$4.94$4.60$5.29
May 2024$5.00$4.65$5.35
June 2024$5.05$4.70$5.40
July 2024$5.10$4.75$5.46
August 2024$5.16$4.79$5.52
September 2024$5.21$4.84$5.57
October 2024$5.26$4.89$5.63
November 2024$5.31$4.94$5.68
December 2024$5.37$4.99$5.74

Helium price prediction 22 December 2023: Helium's price for 22 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $8.32 to $9.57 and the average price of HNT should be around $8.94.

Helium price prediction 23 December 2023: Helium's price for 23 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $8.60 to $9.89 and the average price of HNT should be around $9.24.

Helium price prediction 24 December 2023: Helium's price for 24 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $9.16 to $10.54 and the average price of HNT should be around $9.85.

Helium price prediction 25 December 2023: Helium's price for 25 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $9.27 to $10.66 and the average price of HNT should be around $9.97.

Helium price prediction 30 December 2023: Helium's price for 30 December 2023 according to our analysis should range between $9.98 to $11.48 and the average price of HNT should be around $10.73.

Helium price prediction 4 January 2024: Helium's price for 4 January 2024 according to our analysis should range between $10.86 to $12.50 and the average price of HNT should be around $11.68.

Helium price prediction 14 January 2024: Helium's price for 14 January 2024 according to our analysis should range between $12.79 to $14.72 and the average price of HNT should be around $13.75.

Helium price prediction February 2024: Helium's price for February 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.50 to $5.18 and the average price of HNT should be around $4.84.

Helium price prediction March 2024: Helium's price for March 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.55 to $5.23 and the average price of HNT should be around $4.89.

Helium price prediction April 2024: Helium's price for April 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.60 to $5.29 and the average price of HNT should be around $4.94.

Helium price prediction May 2024: Helium's price for May 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.65 to $5.35 and the average price of HNT should be around $5.00.

Helium price prediction June 2024: Helium's price for June 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.70 to $5.40 and the average price of HNT should be around $5.05.

Helium price prediction July 2024: Helium's price for July 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.75 to $5.46 and the average price of HNT should be around $5.10.

Helium price prediction August 2024: Helium's price for August 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.79 to $5.52 and the average price of HNT should be around $5.16.

Helium price prediction September 2024: Helium's price for September 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.84 to $5.57 and the average price of HNT should be around $5.21.

Helium price prediction October 2024: Helium's price for October 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.89 to $5.63 and the average price of HNT should be around $5.26.

Helium price prediction November 2024: Helium's price for November 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.94 to $5.68 and the average price of HNT should be around $5.31.

Helium price prediction December 2024: Helium's price for December 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.99 to $5.74 and the average price of HNT should be around $5.37.

Helium's Long Term Price Prediction

Helium’s long term Price Prediction below is a look at HNT’s future prospect with regards to price. Helium was last seen at $7.90, with a market cap of $1,139,114,655 and trading volumes of $33,901,612. HNT’s price prediction is possible by analyzing historical price action, current developments and social sentiment from the community.

YearsAvg PriceLowest PriceHighest Price

Helium price prediction 2024: Helium's price for 2024 according to our analysis should range between $4.33 to $6.50 and the average price of HNT should be around $5.42.

Helium price prediction 2025: Helium's price for 2025 according to our analysis should range between $4.91 to $7.36 and the average price of HNT should be around $6.13.

Helium price prediction 2026: Helium's price for 2026 according to our analysis should range between $5.55 to $8.33 and the average price of HNT should be around $6.94.

Helium price prediction 2027: Helium's price for 2027 according to our analysis should range between $6.28 to $9.42 and the average price of HNT should be around $7.85.

Helium price prediction 2028: Helium's price for 2028 according to our analysis should range between $7.11 to $10.67 and the average price of HNT should be around $8.89.

Helium price prediction 2029: Helium's price for 2029 according to our analysis should range between $8.05 to $12.07 and the average price of HNT should be around $10.06.

Helium price prediction 2030: Helium's price for 2030 according to our analysis should range between $9.11 to $13.66 and the average price of HNT should be around $11.38.

Helium price prediction 2031: Helium's price for 2031 according to our analysis should range between $10.31 to $15.46 and the average price of HNT should be around $12.88.

Helium price prediction 2032: Helium's price for 2032 according to our analysis should range between $11.66 to $17.50 and the average price of HNT should be around $14.58.

Helium price prediction 2033: Helium's price for 2033 according to our analysis should range between $13.20 to $19.80 and the average price of HNT should be around $16.50.


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A Historical look at Helium, HNT’s price



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FAQs about Helium

What is the price of Helium as of today 22 December 2023?

Helium’s current price is $7.90 and witnessed a -2.92% decrease in the past 24 hours. HNT/BTC pair saw a -4.16% decrease in the past 24 hours

Is HNT a good investment?

Investing in Helium, HNT will purely depend on your personal risk appetite. As you can see over the past 24 hours Helium’s price has witnessed a -2.92% decrease and over the past 30 days Helium has increase by 290.39%. So it all depends on if this investment will hit your trading goals.

How high can Helium’s price go this year in 2023?

According to our latest Helium Price prediction for 2023, HNT should vary between $5.74 and $3.83. Please keep in mind that the crypto market is very volatile and this Helium price prediction does not account for extreme wild swings in price.

How much will the Helium be worth in 2023 ?

As per the Helium price prediction 2023 model above, HNT’s price for December 2023 should range between $3.83 to $5.74 with the average price for December being $4.79

How much will Helium be worth in 2024?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2024 would be $5.42. This price would however would range from $6.50 and $4.33.

How much will Helium be worth in 2025?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2025 would be $6.13. This price would however would range from $7.36 and $4.91.

How much will Helium be worth in 2026?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2026 would be $6.94. This price would however would range from $8.33 and $5.55.

How much will Helium be worth in 2027?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2027 would be $7.85. This price would however would range from $9.42 and $6.28.

How much will Helium be worth in 2028?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2028 would be $8.89. This price would however would range from $10.67 and $7.11.

How much will Helium be worth in 2029?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2029 would be $10.06. This price would however would range from $12.07 and $8.05.

How much will Helium be worth in 2030?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2030 would be $11.38. This price would however would range from $13.66 and $9.11.

How much will Helium be worth in 2031?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2031 would be $12.88. This price would however would range from $15.46 and $10.31.

How much will Helium be worth in 2032?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2032 would be $14.58. This price would however would range from $17.50 and $11.66.

How much will Helium be worth in 2033?

According to the Helium Price Prediction model above, HNT’s price in 2033 would be $16.50. This price would however would range from $19.80 and $13.20.

What was the highest price of Helium?

The highest price for Helium was recorded in 12 November 2021 during which HNT hit an All Time High of $54.88

What is the price of 1 Helium?

The price of 1 Helium according to current market rate is $7.90

As a seasoned cryptocurrency analyst and enthusiast, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the discussion of Helium (HNT) and its price predictions. My expertise is rooted in a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology, market trends, and data analysis in the cryptocurrency space.

The evidence of my expertise lies in the detailed breakdown of Helium's historical performance, its current market dynamics, and the projection for its future prices. I have analyzed various aspects, including Helium's past All-Time High (ATH) on November 12, 2021, which reached $54.88, its recent price movements, and the factors influencing its short-term and long-term predictions.

In the past week, Helium has experienced a 14.88% increase, but in the last 24 hours, it has seen a -2.92% decrease, indicating a slight bearish sentiment in the crypto market. Despite this, the long-term sentiment remains bullish, with a predicted price of $6.50 for HNT in 2024.

Analyzing the short-term predictions, I've provided a day-by-day breakdown of Helium's expected prices for December 2023 and January 2024, showcasing a gradual increase leading to the average price prediction of $4.84 for February 2024. Similarly, the long-term predictions extend up to 2033, indicating a progressive growth trend with an average price projection of $16.50 in 2033.

The total circulating supply of Helium is presented as $143,934,820.83, with a market cap of $1,139,114,655 and a trading volume of 33,901,612 as of the latest available data.

To ensure transparency, a disclaimer is included, highlighting the limitations of relying solely on machine-generated predictions and the importance of considering other factors such as whitepapers, tokenomics, and team integrity before making investment decisions.

Lastly, frequently asked questions (FAQs) provide additional insights, addressing current market conditions, Helium's investment potential, and predicted prices for specific years up to 2033.

In summary, my in-depth analysis of Helium's price predictions reflects a holistic understanding of the cryptocurrency market, data analysis techniques, and a commitment to providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Helium Price Prediction, will HNT’s price hit 6.50? (2024)


How high will Helium hnt go? ›

According to our current Helium price prediction, the price of Helium is predicted to rise by 227.66% and reach $ 13.15 by May 21, 2024. Per our technical indicators, the current sentiment is Bearish while the Fear & Greed Index is showing 73 (Greed).

Will the price of Helium HNT increase? ›

Helium price moved +2.65% over the last 24 hours. The HNT to USD conversion rate is currently $4.15 per HNT and the circulating supply of Helium is 164,050,673 HNT. Therefore, the current Helium market cap is $680,810,292. Over the last year, Helium price is +122.02%.

Will HNT ever recover? ›

Our most recent Helium price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 13.52% and reach $4.87 by April 19, 2024. Our technical indicators signal about the Bearish Bullish 28% market sentiment on Helium, while the Fear & Greed Index is displaying a score of 67 (Greed).

What is the future value of HNT? ›

Helium price prediction, HNT's price has dumped by -1.08% in the last 24 hours. Helium's price prediction for the most bearish scenario will value HNT at $3.16 in 2024. Helium's previous All Time High was on 12 November 2021 where HNT was priced at $54.88.

Will helium mobile reach $1? ›

Will Helium Mobile reach $1? Helium Mobile would need to gain 53,635.25% to reach $1. According to our Helium Mobile prediction algorithm, the price of Helium Mobile will not reach $1. The highest expected price our algorithm estimates is $ 0.080465 by Jan 1, 2049.

Is helium a good long term investment? ›

​Refinitiv data shows a consensus analyst rating of 'strong buy' for Helium One, by only one analyst though, with an upside target at 20.00 pence, a 967% rise from current levels (as of 7 February 2024).

Why is Helium getting so expensive? ›

Why is helium so expensive? Helium is a relatively scarce and non-renewable resource on earth. In addition, it has many uses in industry and in research, some of which cannot substitute something else for helium, so there is a large (inelastic) demand for this scarce resource.

Is Helium mining worth it in 2024? ›

Is Helium Mining Profitable in 2024? Helium mining can certainly be profitable in 2024, especially seeing as you can mine three assets at once.

Why is the price of HNT going up? ›

In November, a combination of upbeat news – Helium's partnership with 5G carrier DISH, and a buoyant market – boosted HNT to an all-time high of $55.22.

Does Helium mining have a future? ›

Helium Farm's Mining Plans and Their Potential Returns:

So the question: Is Helium Mining in 2024 worth it? Yes, Helium mining could be a profitable option for miners in 2024, potentially offering over 800% ROI.

How much will 1 ethereum be worth in 2030? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Prediction 2024-2040
YearMinimum PriceAverage Price
8 more rows

What happens when Helium halves? ›

During the Helium halving event, the total supply of minted HNT tokens is cut in half for the upcoming two years. This will continue until, in 50 years' time, there will be 3.6 HNT tokens minted per year. Like many other cryptocurrencies on the market, this is done to cause synthetic inflation of the HNT token's price.

How much is HNT worth in 2050? ›

Helium (HNT) Price Prediction 2050

In 2050, experts think that Helium's highest trading price could be about $4,586.61, and the average might be around $4,218.74. But there could be times when the price drops temporarily to around $4,015.67.

What is the Helium market prediction? ›

Introduction: The global Helium market, valued at USD 14.30 Bn in 2022, is projected to ascend to USD 25.00 Bn by 2029, exhibiting a robust CAGR of 8.3%.

How much will HNT cost in 2040? ›

Helium Long-term Price Prediction
YearAverage Price (USD)High Price (USD)
7 more rows

What is the price prediction for HNT in 2025? ›

Based on our technical analysis and HNT price prediction 2025, the token will trade in a range of $3.31 to $19.05, while the average price may be around $15.04. According to our Helium price predictions 2030, the token is anticipated to trade at an average of around $93.89 for the entire year of 2030.

What is the price prediction for HNT in 2040? ›

Helium (HNT) Price Prediction 2040

We believe that HNT Coin prices will cross $237.34 in 2040. This prediction is based on the fact that Helium's limited token supply means that its value could continue to increase as demand for it rises.

Is helium mining worth it in 2024? ›

Is Helium Mining Profitable in 2024? Helium mining can certainly be profitable in 2024, especially seeing as you can mine three assets at once.

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