Will AI Replace Investment Banking Jobs? An Analysis - IIM SKILLS (2024)

Are you also worried about taking away your position? Will AI replace investment banking jobs? Do you wonder how AI can be used in Investment Banking? Investment banking is becoming more innovative and customer-oriented due to AI. By making intelligent choices and increasing efficiency based on data, AI-powered systems are helping banks save money. AI is a definite trend that will remain alive and upgrade in the coming years. However, financial institutions are already enjoying its benefits. Chatbots, cyber threat security, data analysis, process automation, and fraud detection are some of the most popular AI banking applications.

Will AI Replace Investment Banking Jobs? An Analysis - IIM SKILLS (1)

AI is accelerating the overall process rather than serving as a replacement for investment banking. Using AI by investment banking professionals will make them more efficient, as they will no longer have to do repetitive and complicated jobs. AI might find patterns that a person doesn’t easily discern, enabling it to make accurate guesses. Before answering this question, “Will AI replace investment banking jobs?”

What is Investment Banking?

Investment banking helps people, companies, and government agencies with investments and money matters. This differs from traditional banking, which allowspeople to meetconventionalbanking andpeople to meettheir everyday cash needs. Bankshelp companies and organizations with their money by lending it, merging with other businesses, and collecting money. Theyalso give people tips on how to spend their money the best way. With this knowledge, they can tell a company about possible threats before it pays, and they know a lot about risks. For example, if the business wants to use the fundsto buy another company, it could seek out an investment bank.

Investment banks’ main job is connecting businesses to investors and financial institutions. This allows companies to do initial public offerings (IPOs) and secondary stock offerings (SSOs). The investment bank helps sell financial tools to make the most revenue and follow regulations. They also find institutions that want to buy corporate bond issues and set up financing for corporate debt. Investment banking is excellent because it gives you access to high-profile projects, knowledgeable and focused coworkers, quick career growth, and personal satisfaction. Rajesh Shah set up Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd. in 1996, which has multiplied quickly to become one of the best banking institutions in India. These services include advising on insurance, getting access to loans, and managing assets.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

AI is a human creation that thinks, feels, and acts as if it were a person. Without receiving direct instructions from another person, it uses logic to make decisions.

Artificial intelligence tries to figure out how problems can be fixed with the help of computers and large data sets. These include machine learning, deep learning, and so on. AI studies and creates innovative tools like computer systems that can think independently.

Artificial intelligence (AI)-based solutions make monitoring trends and automating repetitive operations simple, reducing stress for employees and freeing up classroom time for students. Options range from enhancing transportation to mechanizing support for existing customers. Even if an artist already has a small fan following, being popular on social media or YouTube might help them gain a larger audience, leading to tremendous financial success or exposure. This is highly relevant to commercial exchange plans.

With machine learning and AI, companies can act on natural intelligence, making more critical deals with better risk-based strategies. Some examples of artificial intelligence are facial recognition, disease mapping, social media monitoring, Netflix’s recommendations, automated financial investing, proactive healthcare management, social media Friends recommendations, Siri, Alexa, and other assistants, self-driving cars, chatbots, navigation, email spam filters, machine translation, industrial robots, and virtual travel booking agents.

Recommend Read,

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  • Financial Services vs Investment Banking
  • Investment Banking Business Models
  • Career Opportunities In Investment Banking
  • Investment Banking Industry

Types of AI: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

This is the type of AI that most people use. They also give a specific function that describes the kind of action and the handles that go with it. Their features only work in certain situations, like making suggestions for a customer in eCommerce or predicting the weather. They sometimes act like humans and are sometimes better than humans in a limited context.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Currently, AGI is only an assumption. AGI refers to AI processing that can process language, arithmetic, logic, reasoning, and visuals with human-level intelligence. It takes supercomputers like Fujitsu’s K5 and IBM Watson roughly 45 minutes to simulate one second of neuronal life. This demonstrates how difficult it would be to create an AGI with existing technology and how complicated the human brain is.

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

ASI sounds like something from science fiction right? But the time of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and artificial superintelligence (ASI) is getting closer. Once AI systems have general artificial intelligence, they will quickly improve and move into areas we have not considered.

Types of Investment Banking Jobs

  • IB analyst: Jobs in investment banking often include assisting customers in raising capital from investors. Clients may also rely on them for data analysis, M&A, and financial forecasting assistance.
  • IB Associate: Answering inquiries regarding financial models, valuations, CIMs, marketing materials, PowerPoint presentations, and pitch books is a significant part of an investment banking associate’s work.
  • Venture capital or account manager: Venture capital firms generate money by investing in and supporting the expansion of small businesses. They do this by financing high-risk but highly rewarding start-ups.
  • Director or senior account manager: A senior account manager’s role is crucial to the sales department’s success and is often responsible for supervising other team members. They must assist team members in becoming more effective at task allocation, sale closure, and performance monitoring.
  • Managing director: Meeting new people, listening to what they say, and answering their questions are all part of a managing director’s job. The primary responsibility of a managing director of an investment bank is to build and sustain connections with customers to generate revenue.

Will AI Replace Investment Banking Jobs? An Analysis - IIM SKILLS (3)

Will AI Replace Investment Banking Jobs?

Machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing have long been part of trading, risk management, and investment research. AI will change how businesses operate and can transform investment banking, but it won’t replace bankers soon. AI may simplify tasks and improve decision-making, but investment banking relies on human perception and connections.

AI may eliminate some jobs but generate others. Thus, a complete replacement is impossible. But people who can acquire new skills and use new tools will be in demand. AI won’t replace investment bankers, but it will enhance them.

Still, there are specific job roles that AI may replace: data analytics, data entry, research analysis, customer support, traders, financial analysis, administrative functions, and compliance officers. There are a lot of reasons to think that AI could take the place of investment banking. Let’s talk about them:

“Will AI replace investment banking jobs?” Reasons that AI may replace investment banking:

High Efficiency, Faster Speed, and Without Errors:

Frameworks powered by artificial intelligence can quickly look at a lot of financial data, which speeds up dynamic cycles and makes people better at doing different economic tasks. High efficiency, faster speed, and error-free work are significant explanations for the query “Will AI replace investment banking jobs?”.

Data Analysis on Larger Data Sets:

Artificial intelligence (AI) allows you to analyze massive volumes of historical data and identify patterns and trends that human specialists overlook. This feature will enable you to make better decisions and more accurately evaluate risks. AI and banking solutions simplify data collection and analysis, improving the customer experience.

Portfolio Management:

Artificial intelligence-based risk management solutions may analyze investment portfolios and adjust them depending on several threat factors. These resources provide timely insights that help mitigate risks and boost portfolio performance. Artificial intelligence algorithms can analyze current market conditions, historical trends, and even consumer preferences about their financial resources. Financial advisory organizations employ AI to provide customers with financial recommendations based on their goals, risk tolerance, and the current state of the market.

Low-budget and Faster Customer Service:

Using AI-powered chatbots in the investment banking industry, AI can simplify customer tasks through improved customer service. Clients may anticipate simple investment procedures, quick responses to inquiries, and individual recommendations.

AI is also many times faster in response. Specifically, clients can discuss issues with AI-driven applications or log onto websites rather than write in paper forms. AI accelerates the KYC process at investment banks and enhances customer service. It could compare scanned identifications with model and file records as part of its verification processes.

AI can examine customer data based on information obtained from credit companies and government records. It eliminates the need for human monitoring. Machine learning may enable AI to detect odd behaviour more efficiently. In addition, AI can generate customer risk profiles by evaluating their financial health and risk orientation.

Personalized Customer Experience:

AI and machine learning are used for AI personalization to look at customer data, determinewhat customers want and need, and make an experience unique to each customer. Good data, clear goals, regular tests and growth, accessibility, and full integration across all channels are all things you need to get the most out of this. Manycustomer data can be searched through algorithms powered by AI to find the services and goods that will keep customers happy, interested, and wantingto spend more money. This could mean a better customer experience forcustomers, more sales, fewer customers leaving, and more data-based insights.

High-speed and Automated Trading With an Algorithm:

In this way, machine learning algorithms analyze historical data, improve trading methods, and adjust to different market conditions for a system of automatic trading to generate more benefits. With the use of AI in trading tools, traders’ emotions do not affect their mode of operation as much; therefore, fewer mistakes are made through the system.

Risk Management:

By eliminating human mistakes, the technology of AI ensures that financial jobs have accuracy in forecasting, fraud detection techniques, and risk evaluations. With AI, financial institutions can determine the probability that a customer will fail on a loan. Using data from past actions and the user’s electronic devices, it makes future predictions about their probable actions. Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled risk management tools and approaches give businesses real-time data analytics and implement human approval before taking specific steps or blocking transactions that might be false.


By streamlining and automating procedures, AI may help financial organizations save operating expenses, boosting profits. AI may help you save money in many areas, including creatingcontent, electronification, analytics, and even phone calls to clients. While it’s true that developing and teaching an AI system is costly, the overall investment is significantly less than hiring a person to perform the same work. With AI, it’s simpler for programmers and engineers to design strong programming at investment institutions like Goldman Sachs. All that is required is routine maintenance and an electrical connection.

24/7 Readily Available:

AI-powered risk management solutions are easily accessible whenever needed. Without time limits, firms may more easily identify and manage threats. AI also allows firms to be more proactive, to identify and address issues rapidly, and to take immediate corrective measures. Thus, the round-the-clock availability of AI also favours the question, “Will AI replace investment banking jobs?”

Automating Repetitive Tasks:

AI-powered systems can make reports, enter data, and analyze documents. This lets investment bankers focus their time and energy on things that add value. Investment banks can successfully cut costs, improve efficiency, and boost output by automating these processes and increasing production. AI is almost ready to replace jobs like data entry with jobs like basic finance research. As technology improves, AI will improve at automating routine tasks and studying vast amounts of data, making these jobs useless.

How Does AI Benefit Our Daily Lives?

Digital personal assistants: personalized services using AI on smartphones. AI-powered bots answer questions from users and set up their daily plans without them having to do anything. Several other factors support the argument, “Will AI replace investment banking jobs?”. These are:

Online shopping: Our technology uses formulas to give the user personalized suggestions based on past searches and purchases and provide the user with customized tips.

Cybersecurity: AI-powered solutions enable finding and stopping cyberattacks with pattern recognition and tracking methods.

Machine translations: AI-driven language translation tools help with translations, subtitle generation, and language recognition so users can see goods in different languages.

Artificial intelligence is also helpful against diseases because it helps find an outbreak, manage requests for care, and track its spread. We have revolutionized how we accomplish our daily tasks through virtual digital companions. They are making quick progress because they can show themselves without help and have the same natural linguistic skills as people. Alexa from Amazon and Siri from Apple are examples.

Must Check,

Reasons that AI Will Not Replace Investment Banking:

There are job roles that AI cannot replace, such as traders, risk managers, financial advisors, and portfolio managers. Technology can help find trends and risks, but it needs to know what’s happening. Document analysis may be easier with the help of technology, but knowing the law and making plans still take work and creativity. Compliance officers study complicated rules and help staff with them.

They are great at making laws and carrying them out. AI-powered trading programs are famous, but they need to catch up to the speed and understanding of human workers. AI can help with data analysis and screening deals but can’t replace bargaining, building trust, or making good business decisions. AI can make auditing easier and find mistakes, but it can’t think as critically as a human auditor.

Briefly, AI can’t compare to humans regarding understanding, dialogue, and adaptation and can’t replace a person’s sense of what is best for a client. The following are some points to consider about the question, “Will AI Replace Investment Banking Jobs?” Isn’t it time investment banks started using AI as a competitive skill?

Data Security:

Finding a technology partner with experience in AI and banking who can provide various security solutions is crucial for protecting your customers’ personal information.

Ensuring Ethical Compliance:

Now more than ever, it’s up to compliance officers to ensure that all financial institutions are acting ethically and legally. Compliance officers are responsible for assisting employees in understanding and adhering to regulations. Although technology has made it easier to keep tabs on compliance procedures and identify potential infractions, it cannot replace the need for careful consideration and moral judgment when dealing with more complicated compliance concerns. They have an unparalleled understanding of how rules function and how to put them into practice in the real world.

Strategic Advisory to Clients:

An advisory is the main thing a financial advisor does to help people and groups make sound financial choices. But in a different light, where every action is immediately visible, our options are much more straightforward. This thing is both freeing and scary at the same time.

Human financial advisors are different from robo-advisory services because they can communicate, have understanding, and change with life. Financial advisers earn the trust of their clients by giving them help that is unique to them and their goals for the future.

Managing Crises and Risks:

To handle risk well in banking, you must know about market dynamics, financial tools, and regulatory systems. Technology can help find trends and threats but can’t determine their meaning. Expert risk managers may evaluate potential benefits against drawbacks, create strategies to watch and control risks throughout their life cycle and respond quickly to problems. We trust them to do many things but need enough authority to protect banking companies and their assets.

Trends in Investment Banking Technology

Various trends in investment banking technology in recent years raise the question, “Will AI replace investment banking jobs?”. These are:

  • RFQ pricing optimization: Pricing optimization for RFQs (requests for quotations) helps companies gain the most value from their price requests. It’s all about balancing client preferences, market conditions, and the level of competition to arrive at optimal pricing for each order.
  • Algorithmic trade execution: It’s a kind of trading where computers and financial markets coordinate to ensure that deals occur at optimal times. Algorithmic trading allows you to minimize delays, eliminate emotional interference, place orders instantly, and reduce trading costs.
  • Research recommendations: Working as a research analyst for an investment bank will allow you to forecast the performance of various securities. Equity or fixed-income investments are examples. Successful researchers often have a fertile imagination and excellent interpersonal abilities. You’ll need to be very well-versed in economics and business practices.
  • Operational break-and-failure prediction: Profitability and solvency ratios are the most reliable indicators of when banks may collapse. Poor lending practices, ineffective risk management, unfavourable economic conditions, and abrupt cash problems are potential causes of such collapses. The losses may be devastating, causing stress on the economy and losing individuals of their hard-earned cash.
  • Trade and communications surveillance: Regarding the stock market, trade surveillance means checking financial institutions’ activities and their workers. It’s all about watching for unusual trade activity and learning more about it.
  • Regulatory due diligence: Legal, financial, and commercial due diligence are the three basic categories of due diligence. Legal due diligence entails investigating a company’s past, current, and future actions to guarantee compliance with applicable laws. Financial due diligence aims to verify a firm’s legitimacy by investigating its finances and offerings. The purpose of commercial due diligence is to guarantee that all of a company’s initiatives and workers are legally compliant. On the other hand, regulatory due diligence occurs when an M&A firm ensures there are no such problems at the target firm.

Frequently Asked Questions About “Will AI Replace Investment Banking Jobs?”

Q. Why is AI important, and will AI replace investment banking jobs?

These days, measuring how much data humans and machines can generate is far more essential than how well humans interpret and use that data. Artificial intelligence is the foundation of all machine learning and the basis of all complex guidance. AI will not replace investment banking soon. But, in the long run, the most significant developments in corporate strategy will include artificial intelligence and deep learning. Artificial intelligence (AI) is influencing several facets of modern life. The new concept offers several advantages, including better productivity, customization, and precision.

Q. Which big banks are using AI?

J.P. Morgan Chase handles studies on artificial intelligence, Capital One promotes artificial intelligence, and Wells Fargo favours projects involving artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can improve nonstop trading by using clever automation techniques and working on repeating processes that need direction. Indian companies are planning to use artificial intelligence. For example, the State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, Hub Bank, and ICICI Bank have all made plans for AI.

Q. What is an example of AI in financial services?

PayPal’s misrepresentation recognition framework is an example of a system that uses artificial intelligence to find theft. PayPal uses AI formulas and rule-based methods to deal with constant screen exchanges and determine which workouts are fake.

Chatbots run by artificial intelligence can also complete customer trades. For example, a robot can help clients move money between banks and fill out a credit application. This feature makes it less likely that clients will need to go to a bank or call customer service, saving them time and effort.

Conclusion to the Question “Will AI Replace Investment Banking Jobs?”

AI makes investment banking more creative and customer-focused. Data-driven AI systems save banks revenue by making intelligent decisions and improving efficiency. Chatbots, data analysis, process automation, cyber security, and fraud detection are popular AI banking applications. Investment banking assists businesses in financing, combining, acquiring, and fundraising by connecting them to investors and financial institutions. Innovative AI solutions simplify trend monitoring and repetitive tasks, decreasing employee stress.

AI can streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and automate repetitive jobs, saving time and money. AI will automate mundane operations and analyze massive volumes of data, rendering many positions redundant as technology develops.

Online commerce, cybersecurity, machine translations, and digital personal assistants use AI extensively. Several banks use artificial intelligence, including J.P. Morgan Chase, Capital One, and Wells Fargo. Financial services AI examples include PayPal’s misrepresentation recognition system and chatbots.

So, will AI replace investment banking jobs? The answer is “No”. Due to its efficiency, speed, and data analysis accuracy, AI may replace some investment banking jobs. AI may boost portfolio management, risk management, low-cost customer support, customized customer experience, automated trading, cost-effectiveness, and 24/7 availability. Still, investment banking requires human vision and relationships. Thus, a total replacement is unattainable.

Chatbots run by artificial intelligence can also complete customer trades. For example, a robot can help clients move money between banks and fill out a credit application. This feature makes it less likely that clients will need to go to a bank or call customer service, saving them time and effort." } }]}

Will AI Replace Investment Banking Jobs? An Analysis - IIM SKILLS (2024)


Will AI Replace Investment Banking Jobs? An Analysis - IIM SKILLS? ›

AI is accelerating the overall process rather than serving as a replacement for investment banking. Using AI by investment banking professionals will make them more efficient, as they will no longer have to do repetitive and complicated jobs.

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With the improvement of AI technology, the investment banking sector can effectively focus on better decision-making, better productivity, customization, and precision with much more accuracy. Though AI will not replace investment banking.

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The Role of AI in FP&A

Contrary to dystopian narratives, AI is expected to augment, not replace, human workers. By embracing innovative technologies like AI to manage tasks ripe for automation, FP&A professionals can transition from being mere functionaries to strategic partners to the business.

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Q1: Can AI fully replace Data Analysts? Answer: While AI can automate certain tasks traditionally performed by Data Analysts, such as data cleaning and preliminary analysis, it is unlikely to fully replace the need for human analysts.

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Overall, the results of this research support the notion that AI has the potential to replace human analysts in certain aspects of predicting financial performance.

Is investment banking a declining career? ›

Banks don't break out investment banker headcount specifically, but data released last week by research firm Coalition, suggests investment banker headcount across the industry fell only 4% year-on-year in the first half, which is when many of the cuts at Goldman and Morgan Stanley took place.

Will finance analyst be automated? ›

While automation will take over some tasks, it is unlikely to completely replace financial analysts. Instead, it will change the nature of their work, emphasizing tasks that require human insight and strategic thinking.

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Could Business Analysis Be Automated? There's no need to panic – the Business Analyst role isn't going anywhere anytime soon! Business analysis involves a lot of critical thinking, emotional and social intelligence, and complex communications and discussions among multiple parties.

Will ChatGPT replace data analysts? ›

No, ChatGPT and similar natural language processing models are not designed to replace data analysts. While these models can assist with certain tasks related to natural language understanding, they lack the specialized skills, domain knowledge, and analytical abilities that human data analysts bring to the table.

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In five years' time, I predict that the role of data analyst will look much different if it even exists at all. But for data analysts, this is not a bleak outlook for your career prospects, it's a huge opportunity that you are in a prime position to capitalise on.

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The data analyst job outlook in 2024 is robust, reflecting the vital role of this position in leveraging data for competitive advantage.

Will FP&A be replaced by AI? ›

Will FP&A be replaced by AI? No, AI is unlikely to completely replace FP&A. Instead, it will automate many of the routine and time-consuming tasks currently handled by FP&A professionals.

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Not to mention, human financial analysts bring creativity and critical thinking AI doesn't tend to possess. So, it is unlikely that AI will fully replace financial analysts, or at least any time in the near future. Instead, they may work together to improve efficiency and accuracy in decision-making processes.

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Career advancement for senior analysts can include becoming a portfolio manager or fund manager where they manage a company's investment portfolio. They have the ability to move into high ranking roles in investment banking.

Will research analysts be replaced by AI? ›

To put it simply, AI will not fully replace human researchers. The relationship between AI and humans is less about competition and more about collaboration. As we delve into this topic, it's crucial to understand that AI's role is to augment and support human efforts, not to render them obsolete.

Will AI replace hedge fund analysts? ›

Artificial intelligence (AI) might take your job, but the hedge fund industry isn't at risk. At least, that's if you believe what Citadel Founder and CEO Ken Griffin has to say on the topic. “There are people that have a fantasy that large language models (LLMs) are going to tell you what stocks to buy. ...

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It's unlikely that AI will replace financial advisors and financial planners. Investment is still a human activity, driven by emotion and uncertainty, which means that there are no “right” answers that a computer can solve.

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