12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024 (2024)


Is everything losing the human touch? Whether you are a cybernaut or not, chances are you’ve heard the debate about “What jobs will AI replace? It can’t do that.” According to IBM, about 85 million jobs globally are grappling with the risk of becoming obsolete at the hands of automation by 2025. This leads many to wonder, what jobs will AI not replace? Artificial intelligence is making headlines by introducing new technologies that could handle most human work.

In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of AI-generated content, with models like ChatGPT, developed by the startup OpenAI, putting the jobs of writers and content marketers at risk. Industries such as sports use AI to automate diet planning, prevent player injuries, and more. Customer service has embraced chatbots, creating an environment where AI handles interactions easily.

In this rapidly changing landscape, fields like bookkeeping and social media management integrate AI to streamline processes. As businesses and startups adopt new technology, workers are encouraged to learn new skills to stay relevant. This scenario does make us wonder if there are any jobs that AI can’t replace.

But based on what we discussed above, do you think writers, dieticians, or customer service agents must resort to another career path? Well, once we reach the end of this article, you can decide for yourself. Let’s discuss the top 12 jobs that AI can’t replace.

12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024 (1)

Table of contents

  • Jobs With Lowest Risk of Automation by AI
  • Top 12 Jobs that can not be replaced by AI
    • Jobs Requiring Human Interaction and Empathy
    • Therapists and Counselors
    • Social Work and Community Outreach Roles
    • Musicians
    • High-Level Strategists and Analysts
    • Research Scientists and Engineers
    • Performing Arts
    • Judges
    • Leadership and Management Roles
    • Human Resources and Talent Acquisition Positions
    • Customer Service and Support Positions
    • Surgeons and Healthcare Professionals
    • Athletes
  • Impact of AI on the Job Market
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Jobs With Lowest Risk of Automation by AI

According to the U.S. Career Institute, the following jobs are the least impacted by the introduction of AI. These jobs have a job automation risk probability of 0.0% due to the abilities, knowledge, skills, and activities required to perform them well.

12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024 (2)

Top 12 Jobs that can not be replaced by AI

  • Therapists and Counselors
  • Social Work and Community Outreach Roles
  • Musicians
  • High-Level Strategists and Analysts
  • Research Scientists and Engineers
  • Performing Arts
  • Judges
  • Leadership and Management Roles
  • Human Resources and Talent Acquisition Positions
  • Surgeons and Healthcare Professionals
  • Athletes
  • Public Service

Jobs Requiring Human Interaction and Empathy

We can talk to Alexa, check up on a data science course, and take up an AI job. We have an AI lifestyle and will continue to become acclimated to it. But is there a replacement for roles that involve support, service, or comfort through a subjective experience or conversation? Here are such jobs that AI can’t replace:

Therapists and Counselors

12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024 (3)

The counseling and therapy field has jobs that AI possibly can’t replace, and for good reasons. Roles involving mental health support, counseling, and therapy require empathy, active listening, and understanding of human emotions. The ability to establish a trusting relationship, adapt to individual needs, and offer personalized guidance makes these professions highly dependent on human interaction.

Therapists and counselors are about emotional intelligence, above all. Although AI can help predict disorders, personalize therapies, and even provide immediate support, it can never take over the role of a compassionate therapist.

Social Work and Community Outreach Roles

Social workers assist individuals and communities facing various challenges, such as poverty, abuse, or mental health issues. They provide emotional support, assess needs, and connect people with necessary resources. Social work involves deep empathy, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to navigate complex social dynamics, which artificial intelligence struggles to replicate.


12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024 (4)

Can AI replace musicians? Music and other performing arts transcend boundaries and converse with the depths of our psyches. While AI can compose melodies and generate music based on algorithms, it struggles to replicate the emotional depth and artistic interpretation human musicians bring. The ability to infuse personal experiences, emotions, and improvisation into performances and the intuitive understanding of rhythm, dynamics, and expression keeps human musicians at the heart of musical creation.

High-Level Strategists and Analysts

AI has the prowess to process and analyze large volumes of data. It can also suggest ideas and give something to seek inspiration from. However, human expertise is still required to interpret the results accurately. Analysts and scientists are jobs that AI can never replace as they require domain knowledge and critical thinking skills to derive insights and identify patterns. After a thorough understanding, humans can make informed decisions based on the information per the market’s changing demands, which artificial intelligence cannot do.

Research Scientists and Engineers

Scientists experiment, analyze data, and draw conclusions based on their knowledge and experience. While AI can help them with data processing and analysis, the creativity, intuition, and scientific judgment necessary for ground-breaking discoveries are uniquely human.

Performing Arts

Can AI replace performing arts? Well, that can never happen. The expressions, agility, and precise movements portrayed by professional dancers and theatre artists cannot be reenacted by AI. Directing a play or choreographing a performance are tasks that AI cannot be trained to do anytime soon. Similarly, AI cannot replace other performers, such as magicians, acrobats, circus artists, etc.


12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024 (6)

While AI excels at repetitive legal tasks, human empathy, and ethical considerations make complete replacement unlikely. A hybrid approach with AI assisting judges in specific areas like data analysis is more likely. The legal profession will likely see AI enhance judges’ work, not replace them entirely.

Leadership and Management Roles

12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024 (7)

Managers and leaders in any organization assess market trends, competitive landscapes, and long-term business strategies. Their decisions involve weighing multiple factors, considering risks, and making choices that align with the organization’s goals and values. This requires emotional intelligence, striking a perfect balance between unbiased decisions and the company’s greater good, which is, by all means, a role that AI cannot do on its own.

Human Resources and Talent Acquisition Positions

Those of you who doubted that AI would replace HR? Human resources are one of the jobs that AI can’t replace. HR professionals handle various aspects of employee management, including recruitment, training, conflict resolution, and employee well-being. Their role involves empathy, understanding human dynamics, and making subjective judgments based on individual circ*mstances. Human resources may employ AI tools to filter job applicants, generate emails, schedule work, and perform other routine tasks.

Customer Service and Support Positions

Customer service representatives and support staff handle customer inquiries, complaints, and problem-solving. Their role involves empathetic communication, active listening, and understanding nuanced customer needs. Even when AI handles customer issues at a base level or responds with pre-trained solutions, human interaction must address specific issues and overlook AI responses. Moreover, human agents can adapt to unique situations and offer emotional support, which enhances customer satisfaction.

Surgeons and Healthcare Professionals

The impact of AI in healthcare is increasing for good. However, as much as it helps diagnose certain conditions, medical professionals make complex decisions involving empathy, patient interaction, and ethical considerations. Treating patients requires a holistic approach that combines medical knowledge with personal judgment. Thus, the medical industry still has a safe spot for jobs that AI can’t replace.


12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024 (8)

Just like healthcare, the craze of AI in sports is booming. But athletics is one of the jobs AI can’t replace. Sports that demand physical agility, coordination, and precise movements, such as gymnastics, figure skating, or martial arts, require skill and athleticism beyond what AI can achieve. The essence of physical competition and emotional sportsmanship are also very human to be imitated by AI.

Public Service

Artificial intelligence can assist in public service by automating routine tasks and improving efficiency. Still, it cannot replace the nuanced decision-making, empathy, and ethical considerations required in these roles. Public service jobs often involve complex human interactions, understanding diverse community needs, and making judgments considering the broader social impact—elements that AI lacks the emotional intelligence and moral reasoning to handle effectively.

Environment Conservation

While AI tools can enhance data analysis, monitoring, and modeling efforts in environmental conservation, they cannot replace the on-the-ground work that requires human judgment, passion, and physical presence. Conservation efforts often involve fieldwork in diverse and unpredictable environments, collaboration with local communities, and advocacy work, all of which rely heavily on human qualities such as empathy, adaptability, and the ability to build trust and motivate others.

Investigative Reporter

Generative AI, like ChatGPT, can assist investigative reporters by analyzing vast amounts of data, identifying patterns, and generating basic reports. However, it cannot replace the critical thinking, intuition, and ethical judgment that investigative journalism requires. Investigative reporting often involves building relationships with sources, understanding complex human behaviors, and making sense of nuanced stories that require deep contextual knowledge and a human touch. The ability to question, empathize, and challenge in ways that hold power accountable is a uniquely human trait that AI systems cannot replicate.

Impact of AI on the Job Market

The AI-driven change in the job market has become a significant topic of discussion due to many trends and buzz. While the technology has the potential to automate specific tasks and transform industries, there are several jobs AI cannot replace. But before we go there, here’s everything that has been happening ever since technology caught the attention of the world:

Automation is Replacing Jobs

One of the concerns surrounding AI is the potential for job displacement, as automation replaces specific tasks previously performed by humans. According to research, AI could cause about 400 million to 800 million people to lose jobs or look for another career path by 2030. AI technologies, such as robotics and machine learning, can automate routine and repetitive tasks in various sectors, reducing the demand for specific jobs. Industries like manufacturing, customer service, transportation, and data entry are most susceptible to automation-driven job displacement.

New Roles are Being Created

While AI may eliminate some jobs, it also has the potential to create new job opportunities and augment existing roles. As AI technology advances, new roles will emerge to develop, implement, and maintain AI systems. Additionally, there will be a growing demand for professionals skilled in data analysis, machine learning, AI ethics, and algorithm design. Organizations will require individuals to oversee AI systems, ensure ethical considerations, and make strategic decisions based on AI insights.

Upskilling is As Important As Developing Skills

The widespread adoption of artificial intelligence will likely result in a shift in the skills demanded by the job market. Specific low-skilled and repetitive tasks may be automated, emphasizing skills complementing AI technologies. This includes critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, adaptability, emotional intelligence, and complex decision-making skills. Upskilling initiatives will be crucial for employees to acquire the necessary competencies to adapt to the changing job market.

Socio-Economic Considerations Are in the Spotlight

The impact of AI on the job market has broader socio-economic implications. It can contribute to income inequality if the benefits of AI are not equitably distributed. Specific communities or individuals with limited education or resources may face challenges adapting to the changing job market. Policies and initiatives that address skill gaps support lifelong learning, and promote inclusive access to AI technologies can help mitigate potential inequalities.


As we navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, it’s clear that while AI-generated technologies like ChatGPT and other AI models developed by startups like OpenAI are revolutionizing various industries, there are still many jobs AI cannot replace. Despite the advancements in automation and AI tools, roles requiring emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and complex human interactions remain uniquely human.

While AI is transforming the job market and causing significant shifts, it also creates new jobs and career paths, particularly in developing and managing AI technologies. Workers are encouraged to upskill and adapt to these changes, ensuring they remain relevant in a world where automation and machine learning are increasingly prevalent. Now, when asked, what jobs won’t be replaced by AI, you can confidently list these vital roles.

This presents an opportunity to upskill or find a new career path in AI. If this sounds like you, enroll in a certification course like the , which prepares tomorrow’s experts by providing a real-world learning environment and personalized training. A course like this helps you amp up your skill game and boosts your chances of landing the most lucrative job!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What percentage of jobs can be replaced by generative AI?

A. According to a report by Goldman Sachs, 300 million jobs could vanish due to automation led by generative AI.

Q2. Will AI take over data analytics?

A. AI capabilities can collect, refine, and analyze data, sparing humans’ time and generating outcomes quickly. The technology will eradicate the repetitive tasks involved in data analytics but will not replace the critical thinking and ethical and safety approaches humans follow.

Q3. What tech jobs will be safe from AI?

A. Jobs involving creative problem-solving, complex decision-making, and human interaction, such as AI ethics specialists, software developers, and cybersecurity experts, will be relatively safe from AI.

Q4. What jobs will be gone by 2030?

A. Routine and repetitive jobs, such as data entry clerks, telemarketers, and some manufacturing roles, will likely be automated and potentially gone by 2030.

Q5. What jobs are future-proof from AI?

A. Jobs that require emotional intelligence, advanced cognitive abilities, and intricate human interaction, like healthcare providers, educators, and roles in creative industries, are considered future-proof from AI.

AIArtificial IntelligencechatbotChatGPTGenerative AIGuidejobsjobs that ai can't replacejobs that cannot be replaced by aijobs that will not be replaced by aiwhat jobs ai can't replacewhat jobs will ai not replacewhat jobs will not be replaced by aiwhat jobs won't be replaced by aiwhich jobs ai can't replace

Nitika Sharma27 Aug, 2024

Hello, I am Nitika, a tech-savvy Content Creator and Marketer. Creativity and learning new things come naturally to me. I have expertise in creating result-driven content strategies. I am well versed in SEO Management, Keyword Operations, Web Content Writing, Communication, Content Strategy, Editing, and Writing.

Artificial IntelligenceBeginnerchatbotChatGPTGenerative AI

12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024 (2024)


12 Jobs That AI Can’t Replace in 2024? ›

Jobs that involve data analysis, bookkeeping, and basic financial reporting are highly susceptible to automation. These roles, which focus on repetitive administrative tasks, are prime candidates for AI-driven efficiency improvements.

What job will never be replaced by AI? ›

Creative jobs that won't be replaced by AI
  • Sculptor.
  • Painter.
  • Jeweler.
  • Dancer.
  • Stage actor.
  • Watchmaker.
  • Glassblower.
  • Blacksmith.
Jan 16, 2024

What jobs will AI replace in 2024? ›

What Jobs Will AI Replace First?
  • Data Entry and Administrative Tasks. One of the first job categories in AI's crosshairs is data entry and administrative tasks. ...
  • Customer Service. ...
  • Manufacturing And Assembly Line Jobs. ...
  • Retail Checkouts. ...
  • Basic Analytical Roles. ...
  • Entry-Level Graphic Design. ...
  • Translation. ...
  • Corporate Photography.
Jun 17, 2024

What jobs are in danger from AI? ›

Jobs that involve data analysis, bookkeeping, and basic financial reporting are highly susceptible to automation. These roles, which focus on repetitive administrative tasks, are prime candidates for AI-driven efficiency improvements.

What are 3 jobs that will disappear in the future because of AI? ›

“Examples include data entry, basic customer service roles, and bookkeeping.” Even assembly line roles are at risk because robots tend to work faster than humans and don't need bathroom breaks. Zafar also points out that jobs with “thinking” tasks are more vulnerable to replacement.

What jobs will be gone by 2030? ›

Hit and declining occupations
  • Data entry and data processing. For years, data entry and data processing tasks have been fundamental to the technology sector. ...
  • Manual software testing. ...
  • Routine customer support roles. ...
  • Telemarketing roles. ...
  • Fast food workers. ...
  • Administrative legal positions. ...
  • Outbound sales people. ...
  • Drivers.

Which career is best for the future? ›

Here are the best careers for the next ten years that are worth considering if you're looking for a future-proof profession:
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Specialist: ...
  • Cybersecurity Specialist: ...
  • Digital Marketing Specialist: ...
  • Data Scientist: ...
  • Software Developer: ...
  • Financial Analyst: ...
  • Project Manager: ...
  • Entrepreneur:
Feb 9, 2024

How to prevent AI from taking over jobs? ›

5 ways to protect your career against AI
  1. Be flexible. First and foremost, flexibility is paramount in a working world that's fast evolving. ...
  2. Foster your “people skills” Despite its many advancements, there are certain human abilities that AI will never replicate perfectly. ...
  3. Build your network. ...
  4. Continually learn about AI.

How many jobs will be lost to AI by 2025? ›

How many jobs will be lost to ai by 2025? The World Economic Forum has estimated that artificial intelligence will replace some 85 million jobs by 2025.

Will lawyers be replaced by AI? ›

Ethical Concerns: The impersonal nature of AI raises questions about client confidentiality, privacy, and the erosion of the lawyer-client relationship. Hence, AI is highly unlikely to replace human lawyers. Dependence on Technology: Overreliance on AI tools may lead to skill atrophy among legal professionals.

What jobs are future proof from AI? ›

The 65 AI-Proof Jobs and How Much They Are Projected to Grow
OccupationProjected Growth by 2032
3Physician Assistants27.60%
4Mental Health Counselors22.10%
5Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Post-Secondary21.50%
61 more rows

What is the biggest danger of AI? ›

Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation-spurred job loss.
  • Deepfakes.
  • Privacy violations.
  • Algorithmic bias caused by bad data.
  • Socioeconomic inequality.
  • Market volatility.
  • Weapons automatization.
  • Uncontrollable self-aware AI.

What jobs have the highest exposure to AI? ›

These high-AI-exposure, low-automation-risk professions make up an estimated 16% of the U.S. workforce. Conversely, occupations with both high AI exposure and high risk of automation include loan officers, accountants, and paralegals, whose tasks and knowledge can be more easily learned and replicated by AI systems.

What job won't be replaced by AI? ›

Freelancing platform Upwork looked at 119 professions that it says AI can't replace, including skilled trades like construction, public service posts like firefighting and healthcare positions like nurses and surgeons.

Which jobs will be obsolete in 20 years? ›

15 Jobs That Will Disappear In The Next 20 Years Due To AI
  • DRIVERS. ...
  • CASHIERS. ...

What new jobs might exist in 10 years? ›

4. Which new jobs will be created by 2030?
  • Organ Creator.
  • Metaverse Planner.
  • Augmented-reality Journey Builder.
  • Makeshift Structure Engineer.
  • Biofilm Installer.
  • Earthquake Forecaster.
  • Algorithm Bias Auditor.
  • Human-machine Teaming Manager.
Aug 13, 2024

Which jobs will remain after AI? ›

10 Jobs AI Can't Replace
  • Human Resource Managers.
  • Sales Managers.
  • Marketing Managers.
  • Public Relations Managers.
  • Chief Executives.
  • Event Planners.
  • Writers.
  • Software Developers.
Aug 28, 2024

Which engineering cannot be replaced by AI? ›

Streams such as civil engineering, aerospace engineering, biomedical engineering, robotics engineering, and environmental engineering are immune to full automation. These disciplines rely on a blend of technical expertise, critical thinking, problem-solving, and human judgement that machines cannot replicate.

Who will lose their jobs to AI? ›

Goldman Sachs economists said in March last year that as many as 300 million full-time jobs could be lost or diminished globally by the rise of generative AI, with white-collar workers likely to be the most at risk.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.