What you need to know about online graduate courses (2024)

Taking individual graduate courses can be a great way to learn specific skills without having to apply and enroll in a graduate degree program, and before you know if you want to take on both the commitment and the investment. Prospective students have many questions about online graduate courses and we’ve put together some of the top questions to help you determine if you want to pursue one.

What is taking a graduate course online like?

Many universities offer courses online. Every institution is different and it’s important you review the structure of each unique course and program. In Stanford’s online graduate courses you can watch recorded graduate level lectures or watch the lectures in real time as it takes place on campus. You are able to hear directly from the professors and students and benefit from all questions asked during the discussion, and you can participate in course forums. Our courses are not reused from quarter to quarter, so the material is always current and timely discussions happen in real time.

What are the benefits of taking graduate courses online?

There are many benefits of taking courses online including added flexibility, ability to watch lectures more than once, and opportunities to connect with a global network of fellow students.

Rewatching Lecture Recordings

Many of our students have told us it’s invaluable to be able to access lecture recordings. They are able to revisit lectures as many times as they need to and add to their notes and homework. It also helps to prepare for exams.

Flexibility of both Live and Lecture Recordings

Another highlight is being able to “attend” course lectures as your schedule allows. Most of our students take courses while working full-time. Some weeks you may be able to sit in for the live stream of the lecture and the following week you may have a conflict and need to watch the recording after work. Due to the nature of online courses, you aren’t required to be present during the live lectures so you have flexibility when you need it the most!

Networking with other online students in your course

There are several opportunities throughout the quarter that will allow you to virtually connect with other students taking the same course online with online study sessions and homework discussions. In some courses, group projects allow students to work together frequently and expand their network even further.

Can I take graduate level courses as an undergraduate?

This depends on the requirements for the program you are applying to. At Stanford, a bachelor's degree is required before admittance into any graduate course. This establishes that you have a baseline understanding of certain core principles and topics that won’t be covered at an introductory level in a given graduate course. Our requirements ensure students have the academic background and courses necessary to succeed in a graduate-level course.

Can I take graduate courses without being in a program?

At Stanford, the answer is yes! You can take graduate courses without being in a graduate certificate program or master’s degree program. You will still need to submit a graduate course application and enroll to be admitted into a course. You can take as many graduate courses as you like, and never need to declare a program. Some of our students enroll in individual courses as their schedule allows, and study a variety of topics.

What do I need to enroll in an online graduate course?

The requirements will vary depending on the university. At Stanford we require a conferred bachelor's degree and a minimum GPA. Some courses have additional prerequisites.These are listed on the individual course pages, and our team can help you determine a good match for your background. Our helpful application guide can answer some of your top questions about what you need to know.

What will I receive after completing an online graduate course?

Many universities will issue credentials for completing courses online. Not all of those credentials are directly comparable. It’s important to understand the specifics about the credential you’re earning. This includes things like the issuing institution, the number of credits the course is worth, and what school or department the course is in. At Stanford, for every graduate-level course you complete, you will receive academic credit and a Stanford University transcript. Many of our students tell us the knowledge they gained from their studies gave them more confidence and enabled them to achieve professional goals. If you decide to continue to take more courses online and want to earn additional credentials, we have a wide range of graduate certificates and master’s degree programs to consider. Credits earned from graduate courses may count toward a graduate certificate, and in some cases toward a master’s degree, as determined by the academic department.

If I find graduate courses too rigorous, what other courses can I take?

Graduate courses cover advanced material and require many hours of study. To get a better feel for what our graduate courses are like, we recommend watching some of our past course lectures on YouTube. The material changes every quarter a course is taught and the material may be different based on the professor.

If your schedule or circ*mstances change, there are many alternatives to taking graduate courses online. You may consider a professional course, a free course, or learning from seminars and webinars online. You can benefit from all learning opportunities and it’s important to find a good cadence of studying that works with your schedule. If you need any help finding a course or content in a certain topic area, please reach out to our team.

Online graduate courses are a great way to pursue an advanced education with the flexibility you need.


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What you need to know about online graduate courses (2024)
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