How Do Online Classes Work? What to Know Before You Start (2024)

Whether you’re considering going back to school to start or to finish a degree, taking online courses is an option that allows you to maintain control of your schedule.

Before you decide what course format you want to pursue, you may be wondering exactly how online college classes work.

How are Online Classes Different Than Face-to-Face Classes?

You might be familiar with taking a college class in a face-to-face environment in a traditional college setting. The basic premise is still the same online; you’ll have a syllabus to introduce you to what the class — or course — is about and the learning outcomes you'll work toward.

The syllabus also shows you what materials are required for the course, the types of assignments to expect, grading information, the assignment schedule and academic policies.

Attending classes on campus may tie you to a traditional semester schedule, limiting opportunities to begin a degree program to once or twice per year. Online classes may differ, offering term start datesyear-round. At Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), for example, there are 8-week terms for undergraduate classes and 10-week terms for graduate, allowing ample opportunities for you to enroll throughout the calendar year.

What to Expect in an Online Class

How Do Online Classes Work? What to Know Before You Start (1)Your assignments will be much like what you might expect or have experienced on campus, except they will be virtual. Rather than an in-class discussion, you’ll use online forums for discussion posts and responses. There may be readings and additional resource materials, along with quizzes, academic papers, presentations and other assignments pertinent to specific areas of study.

A vast array of resource materials is available through a virtual library, and quite often with 24/7 chat assistance.

Every class also has an instructor you can reach out to with questions or if you need support. These instructors bring a wealth of experience relating to the course's subject matter, which means they can help you connect the dots between what you're learning and how it applies to the industry.

Are Online Classes On Your Own Time?

Online classes that follow an asynchronous learningformat do not meet at a defined time each week. Instead, you’ll have the flexibility to do coursework when it makes sensefor you within the framework of the course schedule.

How Do Online Classes Work? What to Know Before You Start (2)

For instance, at SNHU, courses in online degree programs are broken out by week-long modules with due dates clearly defined each week. You may choose to complete all assignments for that week within a two-day period or chip away at work throughout the week. Depending on whether you're a night owl or an early bird, you can find the time of day that's most convenient and productive for you.

Robyn Roberts '23, a semi-truck driving great-grandmother, said she completed a majority of her online bachelor's in business administrationdegree while the road. "I pulled into rest areas and stopped and did discussion boards," she said.

What is the Online College Community Like?

And while the work will be done from wherever you are, you’re not alone if you choose a school that has supports in place to help you succeed.

How Do Online Classes Work? What to Know Before You Start (3)

Online students at SNHU work with an admission counselor to ensure the degree program they choose is the right fit. Upon enrollment, an academic advisor is assigned to them to provide support throughout each course and assist with scheduling, resource advice and lend a hand whenever needed. Adjunct instructors are available throughout each SNHU course to clarify information, answer questions and facilitate learning.

If you'd like to get involved with extracurriculars, some schools have an online portal where you can connect with other students, join clubs and participate in activities. Events including SNHU's annual LEADS conferencealso allow you to connect with others in the community while also focusing on your personal and professional development.

There are many opportunities to engage in experiential learning, too, at SNHU, no matter your degree program. Experiential learning is a type of learning that allows you to develop and apply your skills in real-world projects. If you're earning a healthcare-related degree at SNHU, for instance, you could participate in the Higher Education and Real World Training (HEaRT) Challenge. During a HEaRT Challenge, you'll learn about a problem an employer is facing and team up with your classmates to propose a solution.

How Do Online Classes Work? What to Know Before You Start (4)There are also career advisors ready to assist you whether you're angling for a promotion at work or want to leave your joband find a new one. You can also gain career insights and assistance in building your connections and personal brand with the help of an alumni network. At SNHU, you'll find there are more than 240 thousand graduates.

While these supports may not be in place at every school you consider, it’s important to focus on what is meaningful for you — and ensure you select a degree program at a university that has what you need to work toward your goals.

How Many Classes Do You Take in College?

How many classes you take depends mostly on you: whether you’ve already taken courses or not, how much time you can commit to school and which degree you hope to earn.

The number of credits it takes to graduatefrom college depends on your program:

  • An associate degreeis generally 60 credits in length, or about 20 classes.
  • A bachelor’s degreeprogram typically requires 120 credit hours (or approximately 40 classes).
  • A master’s degree could be anywhere from 30-40 credits, and sometimes up to 60 credits (from 10-20 classes), depending on the program you choose. For example, an MBA— or Master of Business Administration — may take as few as 30 credits to complete, while a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writingcould take 48 credits.

    Part-time or Full-time Student: How Many Classes is Full Time?

    How Do Online Classes Work? What to Know Before You Start (5)Two online classes per term is considered full time at SNHU. If you’re hoping to maximize the number of courses you take each term to move faster to your degree, you may be surprised by how manageable two courses can be.

    This may vary at other schools, so it’s important to ask questions up front to understand what constitutes full and part-time — and how your financial aid awardmight impact your options.

    Is It Harder to Do Online School?

    The best online classes have academic rigor and knowledgeable faculty with expertise in their fields. That winning combination, along with supportive resources and staff, creates a learning environment comparable to what you’d expect in a face-to-face class setting.

    Some classes may feel easier than others for you based on your interest and comfort level with what’s required of you in a particular course. If writing is something you absolutely love and a class is writing-intensive, that course may be one you’ll feel really comfortable in. If a course seems like it may be challenging, it’s important to consider what resources are available to assist you in the areas you feel you need additional help.

    For example, some schools offer 24/7 drop-in tutoring sessions as well as access to a writing center. Leveraging these resources can help you turn in your best work.

    Knowing what supports are in place for you as a student can turn what might have been a difficult experience into a course you may thrive in.

    Success Tips for Online Classes

    To do well, it’s important to assess the time you have available for coursework and plan accordingly, leaving yourself some flexibility to pivot as needed if challenges in other areas of your life come your way. Schoolwork may be something entirely new for you, and you could be uncertain about how to maximize your success in a course.

    Here are two tips to help:

    • Managing your time is essential for your success — and there are time management strategiesthat can help you tremendously, including prepping well for a project, prioritizing tasks and developing a schedule and sticking to it.

    • Practicing good study habits is another way to boost your learning. Think about how you learn; how you best engage with new information and what sticks and what doesn’t. Be sure to put yourself in an environment where you can best focusand retain information.

      Ensuring you have ample time to complete your assignments is equally as important. You’ll have a hard time focusing if you’re short on time and feeling stressed— and when you allow yourself the time you need, you’ll have an opportunity to reach out for help should you get stuck on any part of an assignment.

    While your experiences or concerns may feel uniquely personal, rest assured that others have been where you are now and had the same desire to earn their degree.No matter where you’re planning to continue your education, the basic ingredients for college success are the same.

    Pamme Boutselis ’15, ’17G is an award-winning writer and content producer, currently serving as a senior director of content and a communication adjunct at Southern New Hampshire University. She loves hearing and sharing stories. As a writer spanning a 25-year career, her work has been featured in print and online via news media, career and education-focused blogs, regional magazines, technology publications and more.

    A bachelor’s and master’s in communication – earned as an adult learner – positively impacted her life and career, melding decades in diverse industries with professional and academic knowledge and experience. A serial volunteer, Boutselis has been a TEDx organizer since 2013 and a speaker coach. She’s been fortunate to work with dozens of nonprofits throughout the years. Learn more on LinkedIn.

    How Do Online Classes Work? What to Know Before You Start (2024)
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