What Happens to Microchip When Dog Dies? (2025)

Microchipping is a procedure that involves injecting a small computer chip (about the size of a grain of rice) into your pet's body. The chip contains a unique identification number and is designed to last for 25 years.

If your dog is lost, the chip can be scanned and retrieved to help find you. This can dramatically increase the chances of your pet being returned to you.

No batteries or moving parts

When your dog dies you can choose to have their remains disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. This will involve cremation.

When you do this the microchip will be left behind and will be incinerated along with your pet’s ashes. This will be the quickest and easiest way to dispose of your beloved pet’s remains.

It is a good idea to let your vet know you have opted to cremate your pet as they will be able to advise on what the best process would be.

As you can see, microchips are a multi-functional piece of kit that will benefit you and your pet throughout their lives. The most obvious function is of course finding your pet if they ever get lost, but there are many other useful applications that will have an impact on your day to day life. From fighting crime, to tracking your health and even letting you pay for things using your phone - there are numerous benefits that will help you lead an efficient and secure lifestyle.

No need to remove it

The dog is one of the two most common domestic animals (the other being the cat). They fill a variety of roles in human society, from hunting companions and protectors to objects of adoration and friendship.

Microchips are made of a type of silicon wafer with tiny electronic parts that are hundreds of times smaller than the size of a fingernail. They are a part of computers, guided missiles, "smart" bombs, satellites for communication and scientific exploration, hand-held communications devices, airplanes, spacecraft, and motor vehicles.

A microchip contains a number of transistors that control how information is transmitted and stored on the chip. That information is based on a kind of alphabet called binary code.

This information is encrypted and only accessed by authorized people like veterinary offices or animal shelters. Because the chips are inactive until they come into contact with a scanner, they shouldn't need to be removed or replaced during your pet's lifetime.

Can be buried or cremated

The loss of your pet can be a devastating experience. It can be tough to make a decision on how you want to dispose of their body, but it’s important to choose the best way to honor them.

Some owners bury their pets, while others prefer to have their remains cremated. Both options come with their own advantages and disadvantages, so you will need to decide what’s right for you.

Choosing between burial and cremation can be difficult, but it’s a decision that you will have to make soon after your pet passes. It’s also an important part of your own personal grief process, so don’t rush into a decision until you are ready to.

If you opt for a cremation, the cremator will remove any non-organic materials that may be in the cremains before turning them into ashes and bone. This process is done to ensure that the cremains are completely pure.

No need to worry

Microchips are a great way to identify a lost pet. When your dog becomes lost, a shelter, animal-control facility or veterinarian will scan the microchip and contact you.

But sometimes, it doesn't happen this way. Often, a lost pet is scanned but the chip is not found.

There are several reasons why this happens. One is that the microchip can migrate and get lost in your dog's body.

Another reason is that the microchip may stop working. And, it may even become expelled from your dog's body.

However, that doesn't mean you should worry. Rather, it's important to take some time to consider your options and put a plan into action.

What Happens to Microchip When Dog Dies? (2025)
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