What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (2024)

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Understand their needs


Set SMART goals


Provide resources and support


Encourage autonomy and creativity


Celebrate progress and achievements


Inspire and challenge them


Here’s what else to consider

As a servant leader, your role is not only to guide and support your clients, but also to help them achieve their goals and fulfill their potential. Whether you are a coach, a consultant, a mentor, or a manager, you can apply some best practices to empower your clients and foster their growth. Here are some of them.

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  • What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (3) 6

  • SUBHENDU MOHANTY Vice President at Pharma Access

    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (5) 5

  • Frank Sonnenberg Author, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose

    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (7) 4

What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (8) What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (9) What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (10)

1 Understand their needs

The first step to helping your clients achieve their goals is to understand their needs, motivations, challenges, and aspirations. You can do this by asking open-ended questions, listening actively, empathizing, and providing feedback. By understanding your clients' needs, you can tailor your approach, offer relevant solutions, and align your goals with theirs.

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  • SUBHENDU MOHANTY Vice President at Pharma Access
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    Alignment of goal is very important aspect while working with client on a project. Listening actively and emphatically helps to understand the client well.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (19) 5

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    The greatest leaders I have worked with are those who enable success of the team. They manage any dysfunction in, around or above the team. They avoid micromanaging. Instead, they make sure that every individual in the team has what they need to perform. They set out collective visions and objectives that unite the team and they celebrate effort equally with achievement.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (28) What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (29) 3

  • Gabriel Morelli Interim Chief Transformation, Strategy and Commercial Excellence Officer for Life Sciences
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    You need to "fall in love" with you client, in a genuinely and authentic way so you get as close as you can to get your soul in their game. You need to be able to feel how they do and understand how they need to be helped; sometimes is not obvious and sometimes is just not possible.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (38) What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (39) 2

  • Mark Seabright Coaching business leaders
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    This assumes that they know themselves well enough to understand their motivations, challenges and needs, and that they have aspirations that are relevant to the business.You may need to start the communication a little earlier in the process.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (48) What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (49) 2

  • (edited)

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    I completely agree with this, often times I have found organizations not having a baseline understanding of collaborative working relationship with clients to achieve common goal, the reason for this is not understanding the needs of the client. The planning stages of any project should focus on getting to know your client, their needs and their challenges. I have also seen that some organizations approach clients only based on a contractual agreement on paper, this is important but not the core of delivering the services. To make things work, first get to know your client and establish a good working relationship so that both parties can be flexible enough to reach solutions as project progresses towards completion.


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2 Set SMART goals

The second step to helping your clients achieve their goals is to set SMART goals with them. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART goals are clear, realistic, and trackable, which helps your clients stay focused, motivated, and accountable. You can help your clients set SMART goals by breaking down their vision into smaller steps, defining success criteria, and establishing deadlines.

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  • It’s important to set ambitious, yet realistic, short-term goals as you pursue your long-term interests. Remember, small wins provide momentum while long-term goals enable you to win big.Establish a clear goal. Before beginning any task, ask yourself, “Is this activity instrumental to achieving my goal?” That’s because random activities can be wasteful or even work at cross-purposes with each other. Remember, when tasks work in concert, progress is compounded.Walk before you run. Success is a game of inches. When you do something well day in and day out, the cumulative impact is huge. As Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.”


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (67) 1

  • Mohammedi Miabhoy Having 40 plus years experience in FMCG operations looking for consultantcy.
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    An organisation should have an agreed Vision & Mission statement which should reflect the organisations reason of existence. This should be initiated from the top by sharing his/her vision for the organisation & reason of existence. These statements do not change,however unless the business model changes drastically it should not be reviewed. Setting SMART goals it is imperative that top man is involved, the first set of goals come from his/her office. These stem from the Vision and Mission statement. Other departments than develop their goals in support of the executive goals. These should be reviewed for monitoring progress periodically. Goal achievement is also made a part of yearly appraisal.Consultants can definitely play a role.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (76) 1

  • Angel Mgawe Director of ESG and Sustainability | VP Professional Development - PMITZ Chapter | PMP | Certified Digital Transformation Specialist | Learning and Talent Development | Trainer | ISO Lead Auditor | Technopreneur
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    The SMART framework refines vague goals into clear, actionable steps, grounding aspirations in reality. By breaking goals into measurable components, clients feel more empowered and less overwhelmed. Each step's success fuels motivation towards the overarching objective, bridging the gap between aspiration and realization.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (85) 1

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    When clients craft goals following this framework, it provides a clear roadmap for success. By guiding clients through the SMART goal-setting process, you empower them to be more strategic, focused, and accountable in their pursuits. It’s a proactive way to turn aspirations into attainable achievements.

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    While SMART Goals are good for transactional aspects of life, one needs to identify similar SMART Indicators for behavioural and attitudinal changes and transformations - and while these may often not be "measurable", they need to be regularly "assessed" to ensure progress and momentum that is essential for continual motivation......


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3 Provide resources and support

The third step to helping your clients achieve their goals is to provide them with the resources and support they need. This may include tools, materials, information, training, feedback, or encouragement. You can provide resources and support by sharing your expertise, recommending sources, facilitating learning, or connecting your clients with other experts or peers. By providing resources and support, you can help your clients overcome obstacles, learn new skills, and gain confidence.

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    Rather than "provide" we need to enable the client to identify as many resources available to them and help build their confidence and capability to make conscious strategic choices on which mix of resouces would be best for them.....

  • Mohammedi Miabhoy Having 40 plus years experience in FMCG operations looking for consultantcy.
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    As a consultant you cannot know the detail functioning of the business and what resources are required to run it efficiently, the team would know it better. As a consultant it is important to identify the bottlenecks, areas which are retarding the business and making loss for the business through inefficiencies. With the help of the team together we can identify those areas, come up with solutions and work out the required resources, may it be new or reapplying existing resources differently or shifting them to different areas or operations. It is never a good idea to increase cost in the form of providing new resources unless absolutely necessary.

  • Angel Mgawe Director of ESG and Sustainability | VP Professional Development - PMITZ Chapter | PMP | Certified Digital Transformation Specialist | Learning and Talent Development | Trainer | ISO Lead Auditor | Technopreneur
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    Helping clients succeed means giving them the right tools and a supportive nudge. It's like sharing a favorite book, connecting them with a friend who "just gets it", or cheering from the sidelines. By offering resources and backing them up, you're saying, "I believe in you, and I'm here to help."

  • Ben Hardie Head of Agile at Computershare (Shareplans)
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    As a servant leader instilling a growth mindset within your clients helps everyone to achieve their full potential. Promoting clients to be honest when they don’t know can save a lot of time and energy as the answer can be identified collaboratively. This helps team members feel like they have influence earlier in the process, and it builds trust with clients.

  • Mark Seabright Coaching business leaders
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    Providing resources risks infantilising people by making them dependent on you as their source.Pointing people in the right direction to find the resources for themselves is often a better long term solution.The best leaders teach their people to fish.


4 Encourage autonomy and creativity

The fourth step to helping your clients achieve their goals is to encourage their autonomy and creativity. This means giving them the freedom and flexibility to choose their own methods, strategies, and solutions, as long as they align with the agreed goals. You can encourage autonomy and creativity by delegating tasks, offering options, asking for input, and celebrating innovation. By encouraging autonomy and creativity, you can help your clients develop their own style, voice, and identity.

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    Autonomy in choices is essential for ensuring ownership of actions and behaviour. Here again, we need to empower the clients by building their capacity to identify options for actionable change and transformation, thereby enhancing their confidence and commitment to their chosen options, ensuring maximum ownership of the same......


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (150) 6

  • Angel Mgawe Director of ESG and Sustainability | VP Professional Development - PMITZ Chapter | PMP | Certified Digital Transformation Specialist | Learning and Talent Development | Trainer | ISO Lead Auditor | Technopreneur
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    Encouraging clients' autonomy and creativity is like giving them the paint and canvas but letting them craft the masterpiece. It's about trusting their unique perspective while guiding the journey. By offering choices, seeking their ideas, and cheering on their innovations, you're saying, "Your voice matters, and I believe in your vision."


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (159) 1

  • Mohammedi Miabhoy Having 40 plus years experience in FMCG operations looking for consultantcy.
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    Agreed 100%. Empowerment, delegating, encouraging new ideas, supporting the team and helping them focussed towards the agreed goals are essential motivation if you want the business to grow, have the employees feel the ownership and remain dedicated towards achieving the corporate goals. Consultants can help in giving management the confidence that empowerment gives good results and should be practiced.

  • Mark Seabright Coaching business leaders
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    You encourage creativity by giving people space and time to develop their curiosity, and suspending judgement until their thoughts are fully formed.You encourage autonomy by building self-confidence.Both of these often conflict with the close task focus of management and leadership.If leaders really want to do this they often need external coaching to help them develop their own skills first.


5 Celebrate progress and achievements

The fifth step to helping your clients achieve their goals is to celebrate their progress and achievements. This means acknowledging their efforts, results, and improvements, as well as their challenges and failures. You can celebrate progress and achievements by giving praise, recognition, rewards, or feedback. By celebrating progress and achievements, you can help your clients feel appreciated, valued, and satisfied.

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  • Frank Sonnenberg Author, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
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    Most of us like to see progressright away. So, when we take baby steps and can’t detect advancement, we abandon our efforts, thinking that we’ve failed. The truth is, measuring progress is often like watching grass grow. While it’s difficult to detect movement on a daily basis, it’s simple to see growth over time. Focus on inches and you’ll win by a mile.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (184) 4

  • Angel Mgawe Director of ESG and Sustainability | VP Professional Development - PMITZ Chapter | PMP | Certified Digital Transformation Specialist | Learning and Talent Development | Trainer | ISO Lead Auditor | Technopreneur
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    Celebrating a client's journey is like cheering at every milestone, not just the finish line. It's recognizing the sweat, setbacks, and small wins alike. Through genuine praise, feedback, and sometimes just a pat on the back, you're saying, "I see your effort, and every step you take matters."


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (193) 1

  • Mohammedi Miabhoy Having 40 plus years experience in FMCG operations looking for consultantcy.
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    Every human being expects to be appreciated, this not only motivates but gives the confidence to be able to keep on raising your own bar. No one is always at his best, there are times when you can feel stuck and need help. Message should go out that everyone is welcome to come consult, share their issue and together a solution will be reached. Remember the yearly goals have to be achieved and it can only be achieved if all get the job done on time and correctly. During the monthly meetings of progress towards the goal it is good time to highlight achievements and achievers and together come up with solutions for areas which are facing difficulty in achieving their goals.

  • Ben Hardie Head of Agile at Computershare (Shareplans)
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    It is really important to recognise and celebrate success, every small win build towards a larger success. However it is also important to celebrate failure, as you cannot successfully increase innovation and creativity without the risk of failure. Failure is when we grow the most, it’s uncomfortable, but it’s part of the route to success. Celebrate the good and the bad to help people remain motivated and achieve their full potential.


6 Inspire and challenge them

The sixth and final step to helping your clients achieve their goals is to inspire and challenge them. This means motivating them to pursue their vision, passion, and purpose, as well as pushing them to stretch their limits, take risks, and learn from mistakes. You can inspire and challenge them by sharing stories, examples, or quotes, asking powerful questions, or setting higher expectations. By inspiring and challenging them, you can help your clients grow, evolve, and excel.

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    Leading often comes with clients (or teams) relying on leaders for guidance and support. While this is essential, encouraging clients to take proactive steps, think ambitiously, and embrace calculated risks empowers them to become self-sufficient and achieve even greater success. This shift from a dependent dynamic to a proactive one not only benefits clients but also allows leaders to focus on more strategic aspects of their role.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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    Help your Clients see beyond the goals. Help them see the whole system of their growth & development. Inspire them to upgrade their goals within the system. Make sure they don't fixate of safe, easy goals for the sake of instant gratification, but set bold, outrageous goals that scare them and at the same time boost their growth.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (226) What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (227) 2

  • Paul McAleer EurIng BEng MBA PgCert ChPP MAPM CEng MIEI Principal Programme Sponsor, Southern Region at Network Rail
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    Great leaders don’t just speak a speak-up culture into existence — they understand that doing so in the absence of true psychological safety is an abdication of leadership ……….


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (236) What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (237) 2

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    At Horizon, we go beyond mere compliance with client requests. We believe in a collaborative approach, where our expertise enriches your vision. While clients know what they want, we offer a deeper understanding of how to achieve their objectives effectively.Rather than just executing tasks, we engage in a dynamic partnership. We attentively listen to your goals, complementing them with our insights. This collaborative process unfolds at every step, ensuring that together, we shape a strategy that not only meets but surpasses expectations.Our commitment is to be a trusted partner on your journey towards unparalleled success. Client satisfaction isn't our goal; it's the starting point for outcomes that exceed your wildest expectations.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (246) 1

  • Mark Seabright Coaching business leaders
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    Servant leadership is only one of many leadership approaches.There is very little reliable evidence as to how well servant leadership works compared with other approaches.Even if it is the ‘best’ approach limiting yourself to servant leadership solutions regardless of the problem will make you a one trick pony. You risk becoming progressively less effective as a leader.


    What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (255) 1

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What are the best practices for helping clients achieve their goals? (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.