Valtan Legion Raid Gate 2 (2024)


Valtan Gate 2 Introduction

After successfully defeating the boss in gate 1, players will now be able to challengeValtan himself in gate 2. This fight brings alot more mechanics to the table, includingdestroyable surroundings as well as the instant death mechanic when being thrown off the map.Players will be rewarded with gold, materials and accessories upon clearing this gate.


Valtan Gate 2 Overview

Players will have to remember and execute alot more mechanics this time around.The fight is segmented into three phases, easily distinguished by the arena orValtans appearance.Phase 1 starts in an enclosed arena, in which players have to lure Valtan into the wallsto break the arena apart, unlocking more space and allowing players to dodge incomingattacks and mechanics.Phase 2 is triggered at around 115 HP bars. Valtan leaps into the air and the playerswill see a short cutscene, in which Valtan breaks the outer walls of the arena.The majority of the fight will take place in this phase as well as most mechanics.Valtan will continue to break parts of the arena at certain HP thresholds, at which pointplayers need to tread carefully as getting knocked out near the edge will resultin an instant death regardless of your current HP.Phase 3 will start once Valtan is brought to 16 or fewer HP bars, after which heturns into a ghost, which is why this is commonly referred to as the "ghost phase".After entering the third phase, the final 40 HP bars will appear and players areon the final push to clear the first Legion Raid.


Valtan Gate 2 Battle Items

While not needed, bringing the right battle items will make parts of the fight alot lessdangerous and allows for smoother runs. It is highly recommended to bring thesein order to ensure survival and proper execution of mechanics.

  • Seven players should take Destruction BombsValtan Legion Raid Gate 2 (1) to break Valtans armor in Phase 1
  • Player eight brings a Corrosion BombValtan Legion Raid Gate 2 (2) instead to improve destruction power.
  • Time Stop PotionValtan Legion Raid Gate 2 (3) to block certain mechanics

Optional battle items are:

  • Dark GrenadeValtan Legion Raid Gate 2 (4)
  • Flame Grenade Valtan Legion Raid Gate 2 (5)
  • Campfire Valtan Legion Raid Gate 2 (6)


Valtan Gate 2 Mechanics

Valtan himself will throw players into multiple mechanics throughout the fight. Thissection will cover the various mechanics players will encounter.


Charge and Armor Break

The players first goal is to lure Valtan into the breakable walls on the outer sideof the arena. When done right, Valtan will knock himself down, allowing the party to breakhis armor, which increases the overall DPS of the raid. There are various ways on how to moveValtan around, the following pattern is one of such ways.


Example Armor Break Strategy

All players should immediately move to the far right at the start of the fight. OnceValtan charges, dodge out of the way and keep your Destruction Bombs ready. TheCorrosion Bomb can be applied while he is pounding the ground before the charge.Continue to use skills with Destruction to break his first stack.When done right, players should move to the 1 o' clock. Valtan will leap after the players and willspin as a follow-up, breaking more walls which makes the fight easier.The next location is 11 o' clock, which will be Valtans second charge target. Allgrenades should be on cooldown at the moment, so just use destruction abilities this time.Valtan will leap into the air and throw down spears, after which he lands in the center,causing a massive floor wide AoE. The safezone for this AoE the outer layer of the arena,which, if done right, should be partially accessible due to how Valtan was lured earlier.Players should assemble at around 9 o' clock to break the last stack of armor. Repeatthe same strategy, use Corrosion and Destruction Bombs and the armor should breakwithout problems.

The first scripted mechanic players encounter in this fight. This can be a very tricky mechanic if the partydecides to not use the Sidereal Balthorr. It is highly recommended to use this method overthe regular clear unless you are taking on Inferno Valtan. Valtan will smash the ground twice.The first smash creates a dodgeable pattern, the second smash is an undodgeable floor wide AoE.


Sidereal Balthorr Method

Highly recommended in this fight, using Balthorr before he slams the ground grants all playersprotection against the two upcoming hits. You take minimal damage from the two smashes which wouldotherwise be lethal. The raid leader should ping and all players have to be inside the circle whenBalthorr strikes down with his hammer. The buff lasts 30 seconds.


Normal Method

Only advised if you are with a fully capable party or doing Inferno. In order to survivethe second smash, all players need to consume one of the blue orbs which reside on the pillarsaround the arena. Players can take multiple orbs, so be careful not to steal them from other members.When Valtan smashes the ground for the first time, all players need to dodge the attack bystepping out of the red indicator. If you do get hit by the first hit already, your buff will beconsumed and the second hit will kill you.


Four Stone Pillars

Valtan will leap into the air and four stone pillars will appear in a cross shape. The arenawill be covered in a yellow circle with one random player targeted by a red cone. To avoiddamage from the yellow zone, players must hide behind the stone pillars. The targeted playershould move the red cone in between two pillars. It will stop tracing after a few seconds,at which point the players must dodge out of the red cone. There are two options to survive:

  • The player manages to hide behind one of the pillars to avoid the yellow zone damage.
  • The player uses a Time Stop PotionValtan Legion Raid Gate 2 (7) once out of the red cone.

Upon landing, Valtan will target a random player again with a red cone, all other playerscan utilize this window to deal damage. No items are needed as long as everyone stays out ofthe cone


Arena Break and Stone Pillars

The first major change to the arena, Valtan leaps into the air and breaks one side of thearena. From this point on, any knockdowns near that edge will cause instant death. Tread carefully.Players should move to the opposite side. You cannot fall down by yourself, even if you clickoff the map, so hug the wall.After the wall break, four pillars will appear, similar to the mechanic before. Players need tohide behind them to avoid the yellow zone damage. Just like in the mechanic before, one randomplayer will be targeted with a red cone, make sure to move it away from your partymembers.The hit will also cause the pillars to detonate, so be prepared to dodge or use movement abilities.


Charge Grab/Counter

Valtan will position himself in the center once again, accompanied by a short cutscene.After that, he will reach out with his hand, preparing for a charge which grabs all playerswho are in the line of the charge. A counter is needed to prevent that and instantly end themechanic. The timing is fairly strict, ideally players count to three in their heads.Valtan will continue charging if the players are unable to counter. Getting grabbed usuallyresults in death, but sometimes players can survive.


Arena Break and Stone Pillars

Valtan will leap into the air and break the other side of the arena, leaving the playerswith nothing but a platform to fight on. Players should hug the opposite side, remember, you cannot"walk" off the plattform, so do not be afraid to click outside of the map. After the floor break,the pillar mechanic will commence, following the same pattern as before. Yellow zone is avoidedby standing behind the pillars, the random target should drag the cone away. Prepare to move ordodge away from the exploding pillars.


Ground Pound into Ghost Phase

The final mechanic before entering the third and final phase of the fight, Valtan leapsup again and comes down with a smash from the southern side of the platform. After landing,he will execute four strikes in all cardinal directions. The easiest way is to dodge the firstone and then stand inside the area where the first strike landed, as he will not hit thesame place twice. This is also the ideal place to use the Sidereal Balthorr. After the laststrike, Valtan will pound the ground causing explosions to appear underneath every player.Stacking all players and then moving into a fixed direction, either clock or counterclockwisemakes avoiding those a simple feat of walking. The explosions will lead into stone pillars,a mechanic players should now be familiar with. Hide behind those, and then move intothe open spot to avoid the final blow.Using Balthorr will avoid people getting knocked around, however, you still take damage,so be ready to use Time Stop Potions if needed.


Ghost Phase

Valtan will now appear in an ethereal form, being located in the center of the arena.He will remain stationary throughout the fight. Players should have counters available,as this phase will require continious counters.

There is not really any mechanic to bedone besides surviving and countering the ghosts which will be summoned periodically.Successful counters will strip away an armor stack and build a good amount of Siderealgauge. Once filled, using Sidereal Thirain will unleash a powerful strike which dealsaround 15 HP bars in damage. He will also try to grab players three times, oncedirectly at the start, usually as the second or third attack.The second grab will happen once you drop him below 28 HP bars and the final grabafter 14 HP bars. Valtan will turn 180° degrees after the grab, unleashing a roarthat knockdowns everyone in its path. So position yourself behind Valtan after thegrab. Lastly, clones will rush around the edges of the arena, also knocking playersdown, so watch your step and look out for red indicators.


Valtan Gate 2 Attacks

The following paragraph highlights important and dangerous attacks to look out for.On hard mode, most attacks will knock players down, so tread carefully once the arenahas been broken.


Swipe and Smash Combo

A fairly common combo, Valtan swipes his axe twice before smashing down with ablow, finishing the combo with a spinning hit that also creates a shockwave that expands.


Fist Ground Smash

Valtan puts down his axe and prepares to smash the ground with both fists, causingan explosion at the center followed up by a larger explosion on the outer side.Dodge this by moving out and then into the original fist smash location.


Bum Rush

Valtan opens multiple portals to charge at random locations. This deals majordamage and knocks people around, which is quite dangerous in a broken arena. Move lateralto avoid being hit.



Valtan coils up, waiting for players to attack. If players do not halt, Valtanwill unleash a devastating spin that deals heavy damage and knocks people far away.To avoid that spinning slash, players must stop their attacks. Even if not triggered,Valtan will do a spinning slash, to hide from that, players should locate themselvesbelow his hand and weapon.


Valtan Gate 2 Rewards

Clearing the gate rewards you with materials, accessories, as well as gold. Youalso have the option to purchase an additional material reward with gold, which inreturn grants you more materials and accessories. This chest is useful if your characteris new and you are trying to build any of the artifact sets quickly. After yourcharactr has all the items crafted, buying the chest depends on your personal goals.Check the market for prices and decide for yourself if the chest still holds enoughvalue or if raw gold may be the better option for you.



  • 10 Sep. 2022: Guide Added

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Valtan Legion Raid Gate 2 (2024)


How do you unlock the Valtan Legion raid in Lost Ark? ›

Once you've completed the guide quest, you can visit the “Lunar Knights” NPC located in Vern castle to start the quest 'Resurrected Lord of Destruction' which tells the story of Valtan. Once unlocked, the Valtan Legion Raid is available to enter through a new structure located in major cities.

How do you get the Legion raid quest in Lost Ark? ›

To unlock the Vykas Legion Raid, you need to have completed the introductory guide quest for this endgame feature (“Notice: Legion Raid”). It will become available upon reaching item level 1415.

What Legion commander is Valtan? ›

Valtan is the Commander of the Demon Beast Legion and one of Kazeros' six Legion Commanders. The Demon Beast Commander, who leads the Demon Beasts of Petrania. His unstoppable charge inspires terror in his enemies.

Can you reset gate progress in Lost Ark? ›

Players can enter through the Legion Raid 'Demon Beast Commander Valtan' entry UI by clicking the 'Extreme' button, and the corresponding Party Finder sections have been added to the UI. When a Gate has been cleared, players can reset the progress by using the 'Gate Reset' feature.

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List of Dungeons
TierDungeonGold reward
3Ivory Tower of Chaos (Trampled Garden)2500
14 more rows

How much gold from Valtan? ›

Gold rewards
RaidDifficultyGold reward
38 more rows

How many Legion raids can you do Lost Ark? ›

Each character can face up to three different Legion Commanders each week - meaning your characters can fight both Valtan and Vykas in the same week. However, Normal and Hard difficulties for the same Legion Raid share a weekly lockout, so you can only attempt one difficulty (per commander) per week.

Where are the entrances to Legion raids? ›

The raid entrance is at the end at coordinates 44, 60. If you have no obtained the shortcut portal, you can get there through the building entrance in Suramar City at 46, 64.6. Once you enter, simply continue forward.

Is Valtan a beast or demon? ›

Welcome to the first legion raid in Lost Ark, Valtan the Demon Beast Commander.

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Marching across the battlefield, Legion Commander challenges lone enemies in single combat. Each duel she wins increases the power of her attacks, until at last she can become a relentless one-woman army.

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Smilegate: Of all the Legion Commanders, Thaemine is the most powerful. He rose to power by conquering half of Petrania alone, long ago. Petrania, also called the Chaos Star, is a world created from darkness and chaos. The fact that Thaemine was able to conquer half of that world is proof of his power and malice.

How do you unlock raids in Lost Ark? ›

You'll unlock Guardian Raids upon reaching level 50 and completing the "[Guide] Guardian Raid Certificate" quest.

How do you start Valtan in Lost Ark? ›

Valtan Phase 1 is a TIER 3 Legion Raid and you need to be at least 1415(Normal) or 1445(Hard) Item Level to enter this Raid . This dungeon drops Tier 3 Accessories , Ability Stones , Engraving Books , Cards and materials to craft the sets listed below.

How do I get to Legion raids? ›

The raid entrance is at the end at coordinates 44, 60. If you have no obtained the shortcut portal, you can get there through the building entrance in Suramar City at 46, 64.6. Once you enter, simply continue forward.

What are the entry requirements for Legion Raid Lost Ark? ›

Valtan is the very first Legion Raid which players get access to upon reaching item level 1415. Hard mode is accessible at item level 1445. A total of eight players are required to take on the challenge. Legion Raids are separated into something called "gates", which serve as checkpoints.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.