Top 7 2FA Security Best Practices to Follow in 2023 – Rublon (2024)

If you have already deployed Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in your organization, you are more than halfway to achieving top 2FA security. Nevertheless, there is much more you can do to improve your protection against cyber threats and cyberattacks. To safeguard stakeholders, applications, and servers effectively, a company must use 2FA in a way that utilizes the best 2FA security principles. With that in mind, we have prepared a set of 2FA Security Best Practices that will turn good 2FA protection into the best 2FA protection. Any company, regardless of industry, can use these tips to bolster its cyber defenses and decrease the likelihood of a successful cyberattack.

1. Enable 2FA for All Your Users Without Exceptions

Enabling 2FA for all users sounds like a no-brainer. And yet, some companies still choose to turn on 2FA only for selected departments or user groups. We have addressed this issue before. Companies have different reasons to circumvent full 2FA deployment. But the results are always the same: weaker protection against cyberattacks and at least one gateway hackers can use to gain unauthorized access to a corporate network. If you are going to take just one piece of advice from this article, take this one: Your company needs full 2FA deployment for all your users without exceptions. This is the most important of all 2FA security best practices.

2. Require Users to Use WebAuthn/U2F Security Keys or Authenticator Apps

Any modern and flexible 2FA security solution allows users to choose which authentication method they want to use during each login. For example, Rublon displays a Rublon Prompt that allows the user to choose a second-factor authentication method. Rublon displays the prompt only after the user entered the correct password. In the Rublon Admin Console, administrators can control which authentication methods should be available on a per-application basis. This is an important feature, as 2FA security largely depends on the authentication method. If you want your users to only use the most secure 2FA authentication, mandate a company-wide requirement of using a WebAuthn/U2F Security Key or an authenticator app.

WebAuthn/U2F Security Key

A WebAuthn/U2F Security Key is a physical fob a user has to plug into the USB port on their computer when signing in to their account. Security Keys such as FIDO2 keys are phishing-resistant and can be a powerful security measure that dramatically improves the 2FA security of any company. The downside? Every user needs their own security key, which may be costly.

Authenticator App MFA

But there’s a solution cheaper than security keys. Users can install an authenticator app. Let’s look at Rublon Authenticator as an example of an authentication app each user can use to sign in to their accounts. The Rublon Authenticator is a mobile app each user can install on their mobile phone to unlock these three authentication methods: Mobile Push, Mobile Passcode, and QR Code. Mobile Push is the most interesting of these. It is a form of log-in request notification sent to the user’s phone. Mobile Push ensures high 2FA security and ease of use. One tap is all the user needs to verify their identity. Choosing the right authentication method definitely belongs to 2FA security best practices.

3. Ask Users to Enable Biometric Lock on their Authenticator Apps

Mobile Push is a tad bit less secure than WebAuthn/U2F Security Keys. Thankfully, there is a way to improve the security of Mobile Push, Mobile Passcode, and QR Code logins by enabling Face ID or Fingerprint Lock on the Rublon Authenticator mobile app.

Try and find out if the authenticator app your users have installed on their mobile phones enables them to turn on a biometric lock feature. A biometric lock adds an extra layer of security to mobile authenticator-based authentication methods, which results in higher 2FA security.

The Rublon Authenticator mobile app allows you to secure access to the app with a biometric lock. You can enable a Fingerprint Lock or Face Recognition Lock on the app. Without the biometric lock, when a user chooses to use the Mobile Passcode authentication method, they simply open their authenticator app to look up the code. With the biometric lock enabled, the user has to scan their fingerprint or face before they can see the passcode. This extra 2FA security step can thwart malicious actors who stole or got remote access to the phone. This makes enabling a biometric lock an essential 2FA security best practice.

4. Use Adaptive MFA Policies

The idea that Two-Factor Authentication is only a simple tweak that introduces an additional layer of security to user logins is obsolete. Yes, Two-Factor Authentication is all that, but modern 2FA is much more than just that.

Any modern 2FA security system should allow application-level access control. Think of it this way: a modern company has dozens of applications and servers. If a company wants to enable 2FA on all of them, it is only a matter of time before they realize that they cannot enforce the same configuration on every single service. Different applications are used by different users in different ways. Importantly, every application presents different security risks and requirements. Due to all this, a modern 2FA security solution needs to allow administrators to control how users authenticate to each given application, which proves quite a challenge implementation-wise.

But Rublon found a solution to this challenge: Access Policies.

With Rublon Access Policies, administrators can create custom policies and assign them to one or more applications. Each policy can be configured to allow or disallow particular authentication methods, bypass 2FA for logins from given IP ranges, and remember user devices for a specified number of hours or days. Access Policies allow for a better user experience and easier maintenance of 2FA security in your company. This makes enabling Adaptive MFA policies a top-notch 2FA security best practice.

5. Combine 2FA With Zero Trust

With all the thinking around Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), it is very easy to forget that 2FA is only one element of Identity and Access Management (IAM). 2FA security is also only a part of your overall company security. While 2FA is indeed one of the most important security safeguards any company can use, it is important to remember that a company can profit a lot from combining 2FA with a set of good security practices and cybersecurity principles. One example of that would be the Zero Trust security architecture.

So, here’s one of the greatest 2FA security best practices: Adopt the Zero Trust architecture in your company and buttress it with Adaptive Two-Factor Authentication.

6. Couple 2FA With SSO

Combine your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with Single Sign-On (SSO) to streamline the user experience in your organization. Some users may find it inconvenient to enter their password every time they want to sign in to an application. When an employee has to use five or more applications each day, that translates into them entering their password five times. Coupling 2FA with SSO can remove this hassle.

Rublon’s SSO Portal is an example of an SSO solution that can save the time of your employees. The Rublon SSO Portal allows an administrator to connect multiple cloud apps to the SSO Portal in a way that requires your users to only enter their password once. After the user signs in to the SSO Portal, they can conveniently select the cloud application they want to use. Then, all the user has to do is approve a Mobile Push authentication request on their mobile phone with just one tap. So, the next 2FA best practice tip is this: Pair your Two-Factor Authentication with Single Sign-On for a greater user experience.

7. Mandate Users to Use Strong Passwords

Most 2FA security systems of today combine a password with an extra layer of security like a Mobile Push authentication request. We all know that passwords are far from perfect and come with plenty of security issues. Using just your password is not a good idea. But using a password as one of the two authentication factors during Two-Factor Authentication is still acceptable. In fact, passwords are still predominantly used as the first step of 2FA. For that reason, proper password hygiene is essential.

Here are some useful password practices from NIST Special Publication 800-63B:

  • Passwords should be at least 8 characters long.
  • Passwords should contain at least one upper- and lower-case letter, number, and special character.
  • Passwords should never be reused.
  • Administrators should disallow the use of commonly used and compromised passwords.
  • Administrators should limit the number of failed password attempts before account lockdown.

Summing up 2FA Security Best Practices

There are multiple things you can do to immediately improve your 2FA security.

To recap:

  1. Enable 2FA for all your users without exceptions
  2. Require users to use WebAuthn/U2F Security Keys or Authenticator Apps
  3. Ask users to enable Biometric Lock on their Authenticator Apps
  4. Use Adaptive Authentication Policies
  5. Combine 2FA with Zero Trust
  6. Couple 2FA with SSO
  7. Mandate users to use strong passwords

Stick to these best practices to bolster your 2FA security. Ensure continuous all-embracing Two-Factor Authentication protection for all your users, applications, and servers.

Enable Rublon 2FA Free Trial

Don’t leave your accounts to hackers. Get Rublon Two-Factor Authentication today by signing up for a Free 30-Day Trial.

As an expert in cybersecurity and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), I bring to the table a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience in implementing robust security measures for organizations. Over the years, I've witnessed the evolving landscape of cyber threats and have actively engaged in implementing effective strategies to counteract these risks.

Now, delving into the concepts used in the provided article on "2FA Security Best Practices," let's break down each key point:

  1. Enable 2FA for All Users Without Exceptions:

    • Implementing 2FA across all users is emphasized as a fundamental practice. This ensures comprehensive protection against unauthorized access and reduces potential vulnerabilities arising from selective deployment.
  2. Require Users to Use WebAuthn/U2F Security Keys or Authenticator Apps:

    • WebAuthn/U2F Security Keys: These physical devices offer a secure means of authentication, resistant to phishing attacks.
    • Authenticator Apps: Mobile applications, like Rublon Authenticator, provide flexibility and security through methods such as Mobile Push, Mobile Passcode, and QR Code.
  3. Ask Users to Enable Biometric Lock on their Authenticator Apps:

    • Enhancing security by incorporating biometric features (Face ID or Fingerprint Lock) to authenticator apps, adding an extra layer of protection, particularly for Mobile Push, Mobile Passcode, and QR Code logins.
  4. Use Adaptive MFA Policies:

    • Recognizing that different applications pose varied security risks, adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) policies, such as Rublon's Access Policies, allow tailored configurations for different applications. This ensures a balance between security and user experience.
  5. Combine 2FA With Zero Trust:

    • Acknowledging that 2FA is part of a broader Identity and Access Management (IAM) strategy. The Zero Trust architecture emphasizes continuous verification, considering no entity trustworthy by default, aligning seamlessly with 2FA.
  6. Couple 2FA With Single Sign-On (SSO):

    • Streamlining user experience by integrating 2FA with Single Sign-On (SSO). This reduces the need for multiple password entries, as exemplified by Rublon's SSO Portal, enhancing efficiency without compromising security.
  7. Mandate Users to Use Strong Passwords:

    • Emphasizing the importance of strong passwords even within the context of 2FA. Following guidelines such as those from NIST Special Publication 800-63B ensures a solid foundation for the first step in the authentication process.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive set of 2FA security best practices, covering user inclusivity, diverse authentication methods, adaptive policies, and the integration of 2FA with broader security frameworks. Following these practices will undoubtedly strengthen an organization's defense against cyber threats.

Top 7 2FA Security Best Practices to Follow in 2023 – Rublon (2024)


What is the best practice for two-factor authentication? ›

Summing up 2FA Security Best Practices
  • Enable 2FA for all your users without exceptions.
  • Require users to use WebAuthn/U2F Security Keys or Authenticator Apps.
  • Ask users to enable Biometric Lock on their Authenticator Apps.
  • Use Adaptive Authentication Policies.
  • Combine 2FA with Zero Trust.
  • Couple 2FA with SSO.
Jan 2, 2023

What is the most secure 2FA method? ›

Hardware security keys like YubiKey provide the most secure form of two-factor authentication. Unlike SMS or authenticator apps which can be phished, hardware keys offer phishing resistant authentication by requiring physical possession of the key.

Which 2 are most often used for 2 factor authentication? ›

The first factor is a password and the second commonly includes a text with a code sent to your smartphone, or biometrics using your fingerprint, face, or retina. While 2FA does improve security, it is not foolproof.

What is the best practice for authentication? ›

Authentication Best Practices
  • Use Strong Authentication Mechanisms: Prefer token-based mechanisms like OAuth 2.0 and JWT for their robustness and suitability for RESTful APIs.
  • Implement Rate Limiting and Throttling: Protect APIs against brute-force attacks by limiting the number of authentication attempts.
Jan 19, 2024

Which is the most powerful authentication method? ›

Token-based authentication

This is a possession-based approach in which the user is associated with a physical object, such as a USB key or trinket, that contains a unique identifier. Hardware tokens based on the FIDO2 standard are among the strongest forms of authentication available today.

Why 2FA is no longer safe? ›

Even if the user doesn't respond to a push login request or doesn't enter a One-Time Password (OTP) when prompted, a hacker still knows they have a working password now; how, because the delay for the denied message takes longer... Most of us know where this is going; the hacker is persistent in their login attempts.

What are 2FA security flaws? ›

Another common 2FA vulnerability is SIM swapping, which is a form of identity theft that involves transferring a user's phone number to a new SIM card controlled by a hacker. This way, the hacker can intercept any 2FA codes sent via SMS or phone call to the user's phone number, and use them to access their accounts.

What is the least secure 2FA? ›

In summary, SMS-based 2FA is easier to set up and use, but it is not as secure as TOTP-based 2FA. TOTP-based 2FA is more secure but requires an additional app to be installed on your smartphone.

What are the 4 types of MFA? ›

The four types of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) are knowledge, possession, inherence and location. These authentication types provide a foundation for a number of MFA methods, giving users multiple options for securing their data, ranging from SMS message tokens to hardware security keys.

Which option should be avoided in MFA? ›

Factors that rely on your phone number, such as SMS and phone calls should be avoided if possible as they are the least secure and provide the worst user experience.

What is the safest MFA method? ›

Most Secure: Hardware Keys

Also called FIDO keys, they generate a cryptographically secure MFA authentication code at the push of a button. FIDO keys differ from OTP hardware because they send codes directly to the device via a USB port or NFC connection.

What is the strongest 2FA method? ›

The most secure form of 2FA uses a hardware security key, which you plug into your computer or tap against your phone after you enter your password. They're very secure and resistant to phishing attacks, but security keys are expensive and not widely supported. Authenticator apps split the difference.

Which two step authentication method is the most secure? ›

Two-factor authentication provides a higher level of security than authentication methods that depend on single-factor authentication (SFA), in which the user provides only one factor -- typically, a password or passcode.

What is the best form of multifactor authentication? ›

The most secure Multi-Factor Authentication method is a phishing-resistant type of MFA, which means that attackers cannot intercept or dupe users into providing account access. Phishing-resistant types of MFA include FIDO2 and WebAuthn standard, hardware-based security keys.

What is the best practice for OTP expiration time? ›

OTPs should expire quickly, typically within a few minutes, to minimize the window of opportunity for malicious actors.

Which authentication method is recommended why? ›

A security best practice is to combine multiple forms of user authentication into a multifactor authentication (MFA) protocol. And there's a reason it's not called multi-method authentication. The goal of MFA is to pull from two or more factors so a threat actor can't gain access using a single attack vector.

What are the acceptable methods for 2 step verification? ›

Google offers various kinds of two-factor authentication. Alongside the traditional password, users can enter a one-time security code that they receive via text or voice call or that they generate on the Google Authenticator app, which runs on Android and on Apple's mobile operating system iOS.

What are the 3 ways of 2 factor authentication? ›

Two-Factor Authentication

This adds an extra layer of security that protects you and your accounts in case your password is compromised. Let's explore the most popular forms of 2FA that you can use to secure your accounts today: SMS, OTP, and FIDO U2F.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.