Top 25+ Bank Of America Interview Questions and Answers (2024 Edition) | Simplilearn (2024)

Table of Contents
Interview Process of Bank of America Frequently Asked Bank of America Interview Questions - Telephonic Round Questions 1. Tell me about a project you worked on and the challenges you encountered there. 2. What do you consider to be your greatest personal achievement? 3. What are your strategies for dealing with failure? 4. Give an example of how you demonstrated resilience or motivation in the last six to twelve months. 5. Describe a situation in which you had to analyze data to develop a solution. Technical Round Questions 6. How would you copy an integer from one variable to another without using the third variable? 7. What is an instance of in Java? 8. Explain the distinction between abstraction and inheritance. 9. What is the difference between a process and a thread? 10. What can you do to ensure that no class extends my class? Become a Business and Leadership Professional Here's what learners are saying regarding our programs: 11. What are some of the programming languages that you learned in the past year? HR Interview Round 12. What can you tell us about yourself? 13. Why are you interested in working with us? 14. What can you tell us about Bank of America? 15. What are your plans for the next five years? 16. What, according to you, is your greatest weakness? 17. What will you do if a consumer is irritated? 18. What, according to you, is your greatest strength? 19. Are you a team player? 20. Who are Bank of America's competitors? Additional Questions That You Brush Up On 1. What do you think your previous employers will say about you? 2. When are you planning to join us? 3. Why should we hire you? 4. What do you think the most difficult aspect of this work will be for you? 5. If a long shift is required, how will you handle it? 6. What kind of work environment do you prefer? 7. What inspires you the most in life? 8. Tell us about your last company and your experience there. 9. Are you an excellent leader? 10. How would you evaluate your communication skills? 11. What do you think is the most effective technique to convince a customer? Become a Business and Leadership Professional Here's what learners are saying regarding our programs: 12. Why are you leaving your current job? 13. What is your salary expectation? 14. Do you have any questions for us? 15. What can we expect from you in the first three months of joining? 16. What are your hobbies? Bank of America Interview Tips Dos and Don'ts Dos Don'ts Enroll in Our World-class Programs To Increase Your Chances of Selection Conclusion FAQs

Bank of America is a multinational investment bank and financial services holding company based in the United States. The headquarters of Bank of America is located in North California. It is one of the major banking corporations in the United States. So, if you've been offered an interview, congratulations, but now it's time to get ready.Here is the list of frequently asked questions. Apart from the Bank of America interview questions, there are some frequently asked general interview questions.

Interview Process of Bank of America

There are four rounds of the joining process of Bank of America. You must first pass the online test before proceeding to the telephonic interview, technical round, and HR interview.

  • Online Assessment: This mostly consists of general logical reasoning and aptitude tests.
  • Telephonic round: After passing the online test, you will be required to participate in a telephonic interview. The interviewer will be able to screen you based on your qualifications, experience, and compensation expectations for the role and organization after the telephone interview.
  • Technical Interview: The technical round interview is conducted by the team manager. They will inquire about the projects you have completed and queries regarding new project technologies such as Java, DBMS, Python, SQL, and others.
  • HR Round: The HR round comes after the technical interview. This round mostly assesses your level of stability and confidence. HR will ask you questions about your life and career and why you want to work for Bank of America.

Frequently Asked Bank of America Interview Questions - Telephonic Round Questions

1. Tell me about a project you worked on and the challenges you encountered there.

You should tell them about the assignment you just finished when answering this question. Do not go too far back in time. Also, make certain that you shone brightly or substantially contributed to that effort. If feasible, tell them about the project in which you demonstrated your team's abilities and your own.

Sample answer:

Working at a marketing agency allowed me to work on various hard projects. I was requested to work on a marketing pitch deck for a new client with a small team when I first started at the company. We worked hard on the sales picture, but just two weeks before the presentation, the client revised the entire plan because they were unhappy with the first draft and claimed that it differed too much from the original concept. As a result, we convened a brainstorming session during which the team determined where we went wrong.

We realized we were working on the project based on assumptions rather than asking the client for consent before moving further. As a result, I took on the task of redeveloping the pitch deck, which was both a tremendous challenge and an equally amazing opportunity. It was an excellent opportunity for me to demonstrate my abilities. The first thing I do is clarify the objectives with the clients, including what they are looking for, analyze their input, and set small milestones to track progress. Throughout the pitch deck redevelopment process, we maintained in touch with the client and finished and submitted it one day ahead of schedule. The client was pleased with our job and expressed his gratitude.

2. What do you consider to be your greatest personal achievement?

This is a hard question, so choose your words carefully. You should not simply state your accomplishments; instead, tell them in a way that captures the interviewer's attention.

Sample answer:

My biggest professional achievement was turning around the digital marketing department of my previous employer's success. When I first arrived at the company, the marketing department was in disarray. We were unable to achieve our objectives. So I devised a new marketing strategy, and within six months, we had not only achieved our objectives but even exceeded them by ten per cent. As a result, my team was able to generate more money.

3. What are your strategies for dealing with failure?

The easiest method to start your answer is to convince the interviewers that you do not consider a setback a failure. If you have a setback, you strive to be positive by learning what went wrong and concentrating on the next steps rather than dwelling on the failure.

Sample answer:

Because I have always believed that no one is flawless, I feel relatively comfortable accepting responsibility for my flaws. My strategy is to figure out what I can do differently in the future to avoid such situations.

4. Give an example of how you demonstrated resilience or motivation in the last six to twelve months.

Give an example of when you faced an unexpected obstacle or a project where the learning curve was steeper than you anticipated. And how you handled these events demonstrates your resilience.

Sample answer:

A member of my team was sacked at my previous company. He was considerably behind schedule with his project. Supervisors requested volunteers to help with the workload. I offered, but after I got started, I realized that the project was of terrible quality, and I had to start over. So, I worked overtime to finish my task and the other project. I don't want to jeopardize the work's quality. I've realized that I can't let stress control my life. As a result, I channelled my stress energy into productivity, completing both projects on time and at a high standard.

5. Describe a situation in which you had to analyze data to develop a solution.

You must be able to answer the interviewer's questions about statistics and data in depth. Tell them about your previous work experience where you worked on data analysis.

Sample answer:

I used to work for a financial firm, and one of my clients was looking for some solid investment ideas and suggestions. So, to assist them, I gathered information about equities in which they were interested. After that, I examine the company's one-year trends to pick the most potential returns. The client well received my conclusions, and my manager was impressed with the research I completed.

Technical Round Questions

6. How would you copy an integer from one variable to another without using the third variable?

The swap can be performed without using a third variable by utilizing the addition and subtraction arithmetic operators. Suppose the two variables are x=10 and y=50.

x = 10

y = 50

x = x + y # x = 60

y = x - y # y = 10

x = x - y # x = 50

print("After Swapping: x =", x, " y =", y);

7. What is an instance of in Java?

The "instanceof" operator in Java determines whether an object is an instance of a certain type, a class or subclass or interface.

8. Explain the distinction between abstraction and inheritance.

Abstraction is an OOP concept that conceals implementation details from the user and only reveals the functionality. On the other hand, inheritance is the process of constructing a new class from the methods and properties of an existing one.

9. What is the difference between a process and a thread?

A process is a running program or an active program. A thread is a small, self-contained process that a scheduler can handle. Threads are utilized for remote operations, whereas Processes are used for more heavyweight tasks.

10. What can you do to ensure that no class extends my class?

The final keyword in a class's declaration can be used to prohibit it from being subclassed. Similarly, designating a method as a final method prevents it from being overridden by subclasses. It is impossible to initialize an abstract class; it can only be subclassed.

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    Kevin García Oviedo

    GTM-E Project Manager, Merck KGaA

    I am happy to share that I completed my post-graduate program in Business Analytics offered by Simplilearn and Purdue University after seven months of dedicated learning. It was an incredibly insightful program with unique real-world projects.


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11. What are some of the programming languages that you learned in the past year?

I am well-versed in HTML, C++, and other programming languages. I learned Python and utilized it to create software applications at my previous employment. I learnt Python as part of the projects I worked on there, and I'm comfortable learning new languages as needed.

HR Interview Round

12. What can you tell us about yourself?

This is a question that interviewers ask to check if you're a good fit. They want to know if you're qualified for the job, how well you'll fit in with the team, and how well you'll fit into the company culture. You can start by highlighting some interesting facts about your life, then go to the professional abilities.

Sample answer:

For Freshers: A few months ago, I did my bachelors in IT as a Software engineer. I picked this area because software and programming languages have always piqued my attention. Speaking at a conference on artificial intelligence and its future was one of my most significant achievements during my academic career. I got an internship, which I just finished, and I'm now seeking a full-time job.

For experience: I'm currently employed at XYZ Company, specializing in business marketing. I applied for this job because I observed the job description on your website and believed I could contribute and offer value to this position. In my current work, one of my major accomplishments was assisting my company in achieving marketing goals and generating revenue. I'm convinced I can assist your team in achieving similar outcomes here.

13. Why are you interested in working with us?

While answering this question, provide interesting details about your personality and why you want to join the banking system.

Sample answer:

Banking appeals to me since it is a wonderful match for my ambitious and hardworking personality. I've always appreciated challenging myself and being a part of a culture that values hard work. Being surrounded by smart, motivated coworkers motivates me to produce my best work.

14. What can you tell us about Bank of America?

Focus on the positive features of Bank of America when discussing it. Also, don't be afraid to compliment them. You must present yourself as really enthusiastic about working with them and knows everything there is to know about them. As a result, conduct thorough research.

Sample answer:

Bank of America is the most well-known and largest bank in the United States in terms of assets. It is well-known for providing excellent banking and customer service. In addition, the culture is welcoming, and there is room for advancement in the workplace.

15. What are your plans for the next five years?

They attempt to hire people who want to work for the bank for a long time and advance professionally. They want to evaluate if your long-term objectives align with their requirements.

Sample answer:

I want to advance, and in the next five years, I hope to be in a management position. I want to gradually enhance my abilities and knowledge, do a good job, and eventually work as a manager. I understand that I will need to work a lot and get experience, but I am willing to devote my time and energy to this goal.

16. What, according to you, is your greatest weakness?

Nobody is flawless. The interviewer knows this, and they want to see how you deal with your weakness and what you do to handle it. So, do give your weakness, but remember that whatever weakness you mention should not be related to the job you are applying for.

Sample answer:

I believe I am my worst critic, which can be crippling at times. I constantly strive to produce the greatest work possible, and I find it difficult to be pleased with it. In the past, this has resulted in burnout. But I've begun working on it. I have also started to distinguish when my inner critic is correct and when I need to ignore it.

17. What will you do if a consumer is irritated?

This is a question that requires a lot of thought. The interviewer is looking to evaluate how effectively you can deal with customers and whether you are a good match for the job.

Sample answer:

I employ many strategies when dealing with a furious customer. Listen to the next stage, which is to listen to the customer. This will allow them to vent and allow me to understand the situation. I'll demonstrate that I'm concerned about their issue. One thing I'll never forget is not to blame anyone.

18. What, according to you, is your greatest strength?

This is your chance to show off your skills and why you are qualified for the job. Don't be afraid to talk about your strengths. Concentrate solely on the skills you believe will benefit you in the job you're looking for. Begin with discussing your abilities, and then detail about previous experiences.

Sample answer:

My biggest strength is my ability to pay close attention to details. I have always been thorough in my work, and I appreciate that about myself. One of the reasons I applied was because I noted in your job description that this position requires a lot of detail-oriented work.

19. Are you a team player?

You must respond positively. To assist your firm reach its objectives, you must work as part of a team, regardless of where you work. Demonstrate to the interviewer that you respect and accept that a team of people achieves a company's goals.

Sample answer:

Yes, I am a team player because any industry cannot achieve its objectives without the participation of its employees. I believe that everyone in the company should work together to achieve their objectives. I believe in the need to work as part of a team to achieve success.

20. Who are Bank of America's competitors?

With this question, interviewers want to see how much you are aware of the bank's work and competition. You can only do better if you know who you are competing with.

Sample answer:

The other three major U.S. banks, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, are Bank of America Corporation's main competitors.

Additional Questions That You Brush Up On

1. What do you think your previous employers will say about you?

My prior employers would tell you that I am intelligent and always have new and innovative ideas. I've seen my suggestions have helped my employers on several occasions, and I'm constantly coming up with fresh ideas and solutions for the team.

2. When are you planning to join us?

There are two ways you can answer this question.

For fresher: I'm confident that this position would be a good fit for my expertise and skill set. I am ready to join as soon as the next business week begins.

For experienced: I am very happy to be a part of your team. In my current position at XYZ, I have various projects to complete. I plan to give them two weeks' notice to ensure a proper adjustment for my colleagues, and I'll be pleased to join the team after that.

3. Why should we hire you?

When answering this question, keep it short and sweet and focus on the skills you believe will help you succeed in the position you've applied for. When making your pitch, you want to demonstrate that you're the greatest person for the job and have all the skills. You can say that you have the experience and qualifications that this job requires.

4. What do you think the most difficult aspect of this work will be for you?

This is one of those questions when you try to throw the interviewer off guard by emphasizing some of your strongest attributes. "The toughest challenge" could be "getting to know all team members." But I've worked with a large team before, and I enjoy bringing out the best in my coworkers.

5. If a long shift is required, how will you handle it?

The interviewers are looking to discover if you are willing to put in the extra effort. So, if the job involves longer shifts, you might indicate that you would be willing to work long hours to fulfil the significant projects. The safest answer is that you work as much as is required to complete the task.

6. What kind of work environment do you prefer?

This response demonstrates that you can work in any situation, which an interviewer will appreciate. You also express your gratitude to coworkers who like their jobs. You must demonstrate to the interviewer that you can work in any work culture and value your team members who like their work. You can say, "I love the work atmosphere where the team members have a strong work ethic,". I prefer to work with a capable, kind, and eager team to get things done.

7. What inspires you the most in life?

This is an extremely broad interview question. While there are no wrong answers, some are more appropriate than others. As a result, you can discuss any person who has positively impacted you and how it has benefited your life.

8. Tell us about your last company and your experience there.

This interview question allows you to summarize your education and training that make you the best candidate for the job. As a result, you should focus on the positive aspects of your prior employment and explain to the interviewer about the abilities and knowledge you've gained and how this qualifies you for the new role.

9. Are you an excellent leader?

To answer this question, you must demonstrate your ability to lead a group. You must list the qualities that you believe make you a good leader. You ought to Talk about times when you could display those abilities. Discuss why those abilities are critical for a successful leader. Tell them about the times when you were in charge of a group.

10. How would you evaluate your communication skills?

The interviewer wants to know how you evaluate your ability to communicate. So, on a scale of 1 to 10, tell them how skilled you are. Avoid giving yourself a perfect score; nobody is perfect, and you don't want to be arrogant. Alternatively, don't give yourself too much credit. You don't want to think that you're a communication failure! Try to stay in the neutral range while remaining truthful and accurate. To support your answer, give an example of your good communication.

11. What do you think is the most effective technique to convince a customer?

The interviewer is interested in learning more about your persuasion talents and how you apply them. As a result, you might respond, "I know that customers are more likely to buy if they know the items' benefits." So, rather than focusing on features, I'll concentrate on benefits. If a benefit is presented using simple, strong phrases that inspire emotion, customers will remember it for longer and easier.

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    Here's what learners are saying regarding our programs:

    • Top 25+ Bank Of America Interview Questions and Answers (2024 Edition) | Simplilearn (7)

      Vy Tran

      I was keenly looking for a change in my domain from business consultancy to IT(Business Analytics). This Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis course helped me achieve the same. I am proficient in business analysis now and am looking for job profiles that suit my skill set.

    • Top 25+ Bank Of America Interview Questions and Answers (2024 Edition) | Simplilearn (8)

      Kevin García Oviedo

      GTM-E Project Manager, Merck KGaA

      I am happy to share that I completed my post-graduate program in Business Analytics offered by Simplilearn and Purdue University after seven months of dedicated learning. It was an incredibly insightful program with unique real-world projects.


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    12. Why are you leaving your current job?

    This question shows you how much you know about your potential new employer and how enthusiastic you are about the job. "I believe I am ready to take on additional responsibility," for example. I believe that I have progressed as far as I can in my current role, and now I want to move forward in an environment that will drive me. I want to learn new skills that aren't necessary for my current job.

    13. What is your salary expectation?

    Rather than presenting a specific figure for the income you expect, give the company a range for which you'd like to be paid. Rather than having a wide range, try to keep it tight.

    14. Do you have any questions for us?

    When an interviewer asks if you have any questions, always respond yes. It's crucial to ask questions to understand more about the organization and the challenges of the work. So, pay full attention to the questions asked by the interviewer; this will help you frame the best questions. For example, Yes, I agree. You have difficulty with customer retention based on the questions you asked during the interview. Can you tell me more about the existing circ*mstances and what will be my challenges?

    15. What can we expect from you in the first three months of joining?

    Depending on your work or profile, you may say that your first steps will be learning, planning, and executing. 'I'll spend my time talking to other employees and doing a lot of studies so that I can learn as much as possible,' you could say.

    16. What are your hobbies?

    You want to demonstrate that you have hobbies and that you have the time to execute a good job. Describe why you enjoy it. You can add a short explanation of why you enjoy the hobby and how it fits into your life.

    Bank of America Interview Tips

    The interview process is different for every organization; the same is true with Bank of America. So, before you go to the interview, here are some pointers to consider.

    • You should dress appropriately for the interview. Avoid casual clothes such as jeans, and go for a formal look. This will reflect your seriousness for the job.
    • You should always practice before going to the interview. Mock interviews are the best way. They will help you to gain confidence and answer the question confidently.
    • Also, reach almost fifteen minutes before the interview. This will help you calm your nerves. Also, bring at least three copies of your resume.
    • You should remember that you don't answer fast. You can be nervous, but you don't have to pace out; keep your calm and then answer.

    Dos and Don'ts

    Here are some Dos and Don'ts to follow before your interview


    • Always keep it short and sweet. Never mislead somebody.
    • Always keep the conversation focused on your business; do not bring your personal life.
    • Do your homework about the position and the company.
    • Go over the job descriptions again to understand and comprehend what duties you'll be responsible for.


    • Never discuss your personal life
    • Do not show your nervousness
    • Do not utter bad words about your past employers or coworkers

    Enroll in Our World-class Programs To Increase Your Chances of Selection

    The following programs help you master the most in-demand skills, so sign up for these programs and let your skills talk.

    1. Professional Certificate Program In Business Analysis- If you want to get ahead of the game and learn about tackling complex business problems using in-demand tools, this is just the program you need. You also get to access Masterclasses from IBM, and Purdue University, live sessions by top Business Analyst Experts for real life learning and so much more.
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    So, these were some of the most important questions asked in the BOA interview. With practice and confidence, you can ace this interview. These questions will help you prepare for the position you are looking for.

    Top 25+ Bank Of America Interview Questions and Answers (2024 Edition) | Simplilearn (2024)


    How to pass a Bank of America interview? ›

    Bank of America Interview Tips
    1. You should dress appropriately for the interview. Avoid casual clothes such as jeans, and go for a formal look. ...
    2. You should always practice before going to the interview. ...
    3. Also, reach almost fifteen minutes before the interview. ...
    4. You should remember that you don't answer fast.

    How to answer why Bank of America interview question? ›

    Think of examples from university, work, extracurricular pursuits or elsewhere to support the reasons you give for choosing Bank of America. Maybe you showed great work ethic during a job while at university and were promoted to supervisor or given extra responsibility.

    What questions are asked in a Bank of America relationship banker interview? ›

    Tell me about yourself (why Relationship Banker, why BoA); Tell me about the disagreement you had with the colleague; Tell me about the situation when you had an unhappy client; Tell me about successful sale; Tell me when you had to engage the manager.

    Are Bank of America interviews hard? ›

    Bank of America interviews FAQs

    Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at Bank of America as 68% positive with a difficulty rating score of 2.73 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty).

    How many rounds of interviews does Bank of America have? ›

    Entry-level positions might only require one or two interviews, while more senior roles might require several rounds of interviews with different members of the team. However, many people have described a four-round Bank of America interview process.

    How can I impress my Bank interview? ›

    During the interview, be prepared to provide specific examples from your previous experience that demonstrate your skills and suitability for the role. Show enthusiasm, professionalism, and a strong work ethic. And also, don't neglect your appearance because you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

    What is the best answer for why do you want to join the Bank? ›

    Example 2. "I am interested in banking because it's a good match for my hard-working and highly ambitious nature. I have always enjoyed pushing myself and being part of an environment that celebrates hard work. Being surrounded by intelligent, driven peers also inspires me to do my best work.

    Why should we hire you in a Bank answer? ›

    Example: “I feel that a career in the financial industry would be the most beneficial use of my knowledge and skills in accounting and problem-solving. I have always been fascinated by the financial world, am ambitious and hard-working and can bring great value to your company.”

    Why should we hire you? ›

    A: When answering, focus on your relevant skills, experience, and achievements that make you the best fit for the role.You should hire me because I am a hard worker who wants to help your company succeed. I have the skills and experience needed for the job, and I am eager to learn and grow with your team .

    How to pass a Bank interview? ›

    Some of the most important points that must be kept in mind while preparing for a banking interview are given below.
    1. Build a Strong Resume. ...
    2. Research About the Company. ...
    3. Improve Soft Skills. ...
    4. Knowledge of Banking and Finance. ...
    5. Utilizing Online Resources. ...
    6. Master Common Interview Questions.
    Sep 4, 2024

    What are Bank of America's values? ›

    Guided by Bank of America core values

    We believe in the importance of treating each client and teammate as an individual and treating every moment as one that matters. We strive to go the distance to deliver with discipline and passion. We believe in connecting person-to-person with empathy and understanding.

    What should I say in a banker interview? ›

    You should use this opportunity to explain how you have developed your skills throughout your career and education. You may wish to talk about your sales, communication, time-management or problem-solving skills. Make sure you also emphasize how your unique skills can benefit your potential employer in tangible ways.

    Why Bank of America interview answer? ›

    Good Answers

    I really like Bank of America. I, as well as other members of my family belong to the millions of satisfied clients of your bank. I believe this bank offers the widest portfolio of products, services and solutions for their clients. That's why I would love to work here and would be proud of that.

    Why do you want to work for US Bank of America? ›

    Informal Tone:- I want to work at because it is a leading financial institution and I can learn a lot from working there. Plus, the company has a great reputation and I would feel proud to work for such a company. Good luck with your Interview at Bank Of America.

    What is the hardest job at a Bank? ›

    Wealth managers and Private Bankers are stressful jobs in finance. Finishing near the top on some surveys and further down on others, wealth managers and financial advisors deal with one particular vehicle for stress: they eat only what they kill. Wealth managers get fired nearly as often as they get hired.

    How hard is it to get a job at Bank of America? ›

    On Glassdoor, interviewees rate the Bank of America interview process as 2.8 out of 5 in difficulty. Around 67% of candidates report a positive interview experience, while 12% report a negative one.

    How can I pass a Bank interview? ›

    To pass a bank interview, research the bank's values, understand the banking industry, and practice common interview questions. Showcase your relevant skills, emphasize your customer service orientation, and demonstrate your understanding of financial regulations. Dress professionally and exhibit a positive attitude.

    What are the core values of Bank of America? ›

    We believe in making decisions that are clear, fair and grounded in the principles of shared success, responsible citizenship and community building.

    How long to hear back after interview with Bank of America? ›

    The interview process

    Once the selected applicants have interviewed, you will be notified by email or phone as to whether or not you were selected to move forward to the next step in the process. Depending on the role and the number of applicants being considered this could take two-four weeks.

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    Article information

    Author: Tyson Zemlak

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6098

    Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

    Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Tyson Zemlak

    Birthday: 1992-03-17

    Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

    Phone: +441678032891

    Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

    Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

    Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.