The Best Hobbies for Couples to Do Together (2024)

Lately, possibly more than ever before, couples have been searching for hobbies and ways to incorporate some relaxation and entertainment time into their routines. Many partners have started new home projects and outdoor activities, like gardening. How are you spending time with your significant other?

If you’re searching for new ways to grow together, pick up a new hobby that you are both beginners in and learn together. We’ve got a full list of hobbies for couples to give you some ideas to get started. Plus, we will cover the importance of participating in hobbies together.

Share this list of hobbies for couples with your loved one, and mark the ones that seem the most interesting to you. Then, look up a few tutorials and figure out what you need to get started and have some fun together!

50+ Activities Just For Couples

Need new date options? Adventures from Scratch: Date Edition contains 50+ hidden activity ideas that you can uncover together! All it takes is scratching the surface—like a lottery ticket! This interactive book also offers conversation prompts, tear-out “Reasons Why I Love You” cards, and other interactive elements. With categories such as Create, Discover, Explore, Play, Sugar & Spice, and more, there’s something for every mood. Grab your copy!


The Importance of Quality Time

Spending time with your partner is so important when you’re in a relationship. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the busyness of daily life, so sometimes you need to plan time together to make sure it’s a priority. When you start a new hobby together, you’ll have a reason to spend time together on a regular basis. It’s a great bonding experience for new couples and married couples that have been together forever.

Planning date nights is a great way to plan quality time together, but with a hobby, you’ll have a continued excuse to spend that time together. You’ll be able to continue learning about each other, plus it’s fun to celebrate any wins that you experience together. An important part of the relationship-building process is finding things that the two of you can love together.

20 Hobbies For Couples

Below is a list of the best hobbies for couples. There are some things that will be done more as an individual, but done side by side and other options that require both partners to work together. Find some on this list that look fun for you!

1. Jigsaw Puzzles

If you’re looking for a more relaxing hobby, stock up on some jigsaw puzzles. This is the perfect activity for rainy or cold days. You just need a flat space, like a coffee table, where you can spread out the pieces and start putting your puzzle together. You can find puzzles with just 100 pieces that won’t take long or you can find options with thousands of pieces that might take you weeks to put together.

The other great thing about puzzles is that they come in all kinds of designs. You can find famous pieces of art, photographs, and cartoons. If you love to travel, you can put together puzzles with your favorite destinations on the front. You can even order custom puzzles with any picture you want to be printed.

2. Cooking

Sign up for cooking classes together and learn how to prepare dishes from diverse cuisines. It will be fun to work together to prepare and cook new recipes. You’ll learn techniques in the kitchen that will help you going forward.

Choose from classes online where you pick up all the ingredients and tools from a list ahead of time or attend an in-person class where they will have everything you need on-site. Take turns practicing what you learned in the class to cook dinner for one another in the future.

Cooking helps people unwind, and can be a fun shared activity for you both for years to come. The more that you learn, the better it will be in the future.

3. Biking

Riding bicycles is a great way to get around. It’s a more eco-friendly alternative to cars, plus you’re able to take in your surroundings a lot more while you’re traveling. Get a pair of bicycles (or a tandem bike, if you really want to connect over this hobby) and hit the road. It will take a little time and training to be able to bike all day, but it does get easier with time.

If you want, you can set goals for distance or time so you have a way to measure your progress as you get more comfortable with the bike. There are also mounts that allow you to turn your street bike into a stationary bike in the wintertime and cold weather months so you can enjoy it year-round.

4. DIY Crafts

Crafting is a great hobby to enjoy together because there are so many ways you can participate. You’ll work together to create something and it will have a little bit of both of your personalities in it making it extra special.

Take advantage of the free videos on YouTube that teach you new skills, like calligraphy or drawing shapes and characters. These make for great activities for one sitting and you can tap into these new skills in the future.

If you want something a little more involved or longer-term, you can try scrapbooking, painting, or another one of the creative hobbies that requires a bit more in terms of supplies and commitment.

5. Book Club

Reading is a great hobby for people of all ages. With so many genres available to choose from, there are books for every person. Head to the library or the bookstore and pick out a few that look appealing.

Book clubs are a fun way to read alongside other people. You all read the same book and then gather together at the end to discuss the story and your feelings and opinions.

A two-person book club is totally acceptable but you can also extend the invitation to more of your friends or family. There are options to join an existing book club in your neighborhood as well if you don’t want to organize the group yourself.

6. Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is a low-impact workout that will utilize the majority of the muscles in your body. It’s a great hobby for couples because you can work together to conquer walls or cliffs. Because the sport can also be a tad bit dangerous, it’s important that you start with some training in safety.

Working out together will require being trained in the safety of holding the ropes and belaying your partner. It takes hours of training to become qualified. If you choose to work out at a rock climbing gym, there is usually staff that can assist with this function at the beginning. As you and your partner gain confidence in climbing, sign up for the classes to learn all the appropriate rope techniques and how to tie knots and keep everyone safe.

Once you’ve got the hang of it, this is a fun activity that you can travel to enjoy. There are epic rock climbing spots all over the country including some of the National Parks. You can continue to get stronger and increase your challenge over time.

7. Crossword Puzzles

Most newspapers include some type of crossword puzzle to complete. It might not be in every day’s paper, but most people aren’t able to complete a crossword puzzle each day. Instead, set aside the crossword puzzles and do them together over coffee each weekend. You can each work on one and ask each other when you get stuck or you can share the same puzzle and work through it line by line.

Crossword puzzles are good for vocabulary and learning interesting facts. You’ll be able to improve your ability to focus and memory. If words aren’t your thing, you could also do sudoku puzzles together. For shorter word games, try the new hit sensation, Wordle. With this game, you get six tries to guess the five-letter word with green spaces letting you know when you have the right letter in the right place and yellow spaces when you have the right letter in the wrong place.

8. Birdwatching

Choosing birding as a hobby is just like signing up for a lifelong scavenger hunt. You’ll learn about all kinds of species of birds and where you can watch for them. It’s very simple to do and can be a fun addition to travel activities. Plus, you can continue this hobby for your entire life because all you need is a window and your vision.

To get started, simply pick up a Field Guide that has various species identified with pictures and a description that explains where to find the birds on a map. You’ll want to just look at a couple of pages each day and start with birds that are common in your area. It’s also a good idea to get a small pair of binoculars. They are required, but they will make spotting the birds easier.

All you have left to do is get out there and look for birds. You can select a specific bird that you want to find or work on identifying the ones you spot. Share the binoculars and the book with your partner and team up to figure out what you’re spotting. Take nature trails and experience new areas while you’re looking. You can also change up the type of birdseed you put in your feeder if you are hoping to entice more species in your yard.

9. Kayaking or Canoeing

Water sports are great feel-good activities that mix exercise with play. There are many ways to get on the water, but for a fun and affordable way to start, you just need a kayak or canoe. You can share one larger boat, or pick up some single-person kayaks or paddleboards.

Most lakes and bodies of water are open for anyone to drop a boat in and enjoy. You can plan out a route to explore the whole area, or maybe you just like going for 30-60 minutes once or twice a week. You get to set the pace and the difficulty of your activities.

Paddling is great exercise and can really help build up arm muscles, but there are options if you want something easier. Sailing is a fun hobby and you can sign up to take lessons in many coastal cities or places with large lakes. If you want something with a motor, you can make the investment and buy your own boat or rent one and test drive it to see if you love it. Whichever way you choose to get on the water, you can enjoy everything that these activities have to offer and get lots of fresh air.

10. Learning Languages

Any continuing education as you grow up is so good for your brain. It’s like exercise for that super important organ in your skull. If you grew up in the United States, chances are that you took one or two classes in a foreign language but did not become fluent or retain much of that knowledge. There’s no better time than now to dive back in and start learning a second (or third or fourth) language.

By going to classes or learning alongside your partner, you’ll have someone to quiz you and practice with you all the time. You can talk to each other using the phrases and words that you are learning. This is such great practice. There are many apps and resources available now, so you can learn the language on your own timeline and easily fit it into your schedule.

The best part about learning a new language with your partner is that you can save up and plan for a trip to a destination that speaks that language as a reward for finishing your classes or getting to a certain comfort level in the basics. There’s no better place to practice your new language than with native speakers. Learning Spanish? Plan a trip to Cabo. Learning French? Visit Paris and explore the beautiful French countryside.

11. Board Games

Board games are a classic way to spend an evening in. There are so many options for couples. Choose a two-player game that has been around for years, like Chess or Monopoly. There are some games, like Risk, that take hours to play, so you can start one night and just keep returning to the board to pick up where you left off.

Card games, like cribbage, are fun because you can keep score over time. Just keep adding up points in each game and crown a monthly or annual winner. Scrabble works great for that as well.

If you want to mingle with others, learn how to play a bigger group game, like Catan, and gather a group of friends once a month or as often as your schedule allows. It’s fun to have activities to look forward to, like a game night. Because there is such a huge variety of options, you’ll easily be able to find something that you can both enjoy and get into.

12. Stargazing and Learning About Astronomy

If you’re looking for a romantic hobby, just imagine many evenings spent looking up at the night sky snuggled up close to your partner. Astronomy is a fascinating section of science and you’ll get the chance to do some stargazing. Work together at night to identify planets, stars, and constellations as you learn about them.

To get started, grab a few books from the library and take a trip to the planetarium. Once you learn about some of the basics, you’ll be able to show each other things and have fun exploring and dreaming about space together. You can even purchase a star and name it whatever you want, and that would be an incredible gift to give your partner.

The further into Astronomy you get, you might end up even purchasing a telescope or taking trips to International Dark Sky areas to see more of the stars. Chasing the Northern Lights is another popular activity if you live somewhere that they are sometimes visible. The sky has so much to offer in beauty and mystery. Dive in and start exploring.

13. Sports

The couple that plays together (or watches other people play together) stays together! Get your sporty selves involved in team activities, learn a solo sport, or pick a team to support and ack up the car for tailgating time!

Team Sports

For couples that work well together or want to be better teammates to each other in life, consider learning to play a new sport that allows you to practice teamwork. You can find local meetup groups that are looking for additional players in sports like softball, soccer, and kickball.

There are also a few sports where you can be a team of two and play against others. Two racquet sports that are gaining in popularity are Badminton and Pickleball. You can find simple YouTube videos that explain how to play, as well as techniques for swinging your racket. To play, you’ll just need to locate courts near you and see if there are groups you can join to find opponents. It’s great to have the chance to work together as a team against someone else.

Paintball is another fun team sport where you can play together as part of one team working against the opponents. You’ll likely be paired up with a lot of other people as the team sizes can vary. This is a fun outing and most paintball locations have everything you need available to rent, so you don’t need to own any supplies yourself. You’ll both have tons of fun playing games on the “field” like Capture the Flag and it’s a great chance to work together on something.

Competitive Solo Sports

Team sports are great, but if you both love a little friendly competition with one another, there are some great individual sports you can play against each other. They don’t require more than two people, so you never have to worry about coordinating with someone else’s schedule.

One great example is golf. You can take lessons together and then tee off against each other. Try different courses each time you play to get a change in scenery. During the winter months, you can visit indoor spots like Top Golf to keep practicing your swings and moves. There are also some incredible vacation destinations that center around the game of golf when you need a warm-weather vacation. It’s a game you can easily play for the rest of your lives.

Tennis is another great sport where you can face off against one another. It’s a simple game to learn, although the scoring is definitely unique. There are free and accessible tennis courts in many city parks so all you need are some racquets and tennis balls and you’re ready to go. If you know other people that play, you can pair up and play doubles, but it’s just as simple to play one-on-one.

Spectator Sports

A very simple activity you can do as a couple is cheering for a specific sports team. Pick a sport that you both enjoy watching, make sure you learn all the rules of the game, and then decide which team you are going to cheer for. It might be the case that one of you already has a favorite team and the other person just aligns with that.

There are so many ways you can enjoy this shared activity. Make sure you have a way to watch the games. Some sports require specific TV networks or subscriptions, so make sure you have a way to tune in. If you want to spend a little more money, you can sign up for season tickets and cheer on your team in person. Obviously, this won’t be an option if you choose a team that isn’t local. Another option is to treat yourself to in-person games once or twice a year and then watch online the rest of the time.

Buy some matching gear for your game day activities and have fun cheering your team on together.

14. Ballroom Dancing

Dance lessons are available in just about any type of dance. Ballroom dancing is fun for people because they can often put the dance moves they learn to good use at weddings and other places with a dance floor. This hobby will help you both be more active and use your body. Plus, you’ll improve your coordination and gain a little grace in the process.

Dance lessons are fun when you have a specific event that you know is upcoming, but you can take them anytime and then find yourselves a place to put your new skills to use. Dancing can be a very romantic hobby that brings you and your significant other closer.

15. Wine Tasting

There’s so much people can learn about wine, it’s not just something good to drink. If you both love the taste of wine, consider spending more time learning about it together. You’ll start the process of learning about wine at a vineyard or winery where you can sign up for behind-the-scenes tours. You’ll learn how to observe the aromas, colors, and obviously the unique tastes.

Once you have the basics, you can sign up to take courses to dig deeper. Learn about regions, grape varietals, and the history of wine. Plus, as you collect various wines, you can share your new knowledge with friends and family when entertaining.

16. Playing Music Together

Have you ever wanted to learn to play an instrument? Talk to your partner and see if there’s anything you both overlap on. Take guitar lessons or piano lessons together. This will help you stay accountable when it comes to practicing. If each of you learns a different musical instrument, you can practice using the same songs so you can play together.

Playing an instrument has so many benefits. You’ll increase the capacity of your memory and work that artistic area of your brain. It will help with coordination and even math skills. It won’t be easy, but you’ll have to tap into determination to keep working at it until you get it. And just think, once you both feel comfortable, you could grow your band to include others and your weekend nights could turn into jam sessions.

17. Video Games

There are so many types of video games available on the market today. From brand new Virtual Reality options to old school games that have been around for decades, you can find options that everyone will enjoy. It might seem like a unique couple’s hobby, but there are tons of games where you work together to complete tasks or you can compete against one another.

If you don’t already have a video game system, you can check out Amazon to see what deals are out there. There are also many online options where you don’t even need a system, you just need an internet connection. Put on your comfortable clothes and enjoy some quality bonding time with your loved one playing one of these games.

18. Fitness

Working out together can get your endorphins pumping and while it’s usually an individual activity, there are tons of ways you can include your partner and have some fun together. Start a new fitness routine together where you’re both learning something new and can cheer each other on. Running is a great option because there are many programs for people who are just starting to train and run. It’s a great outdoor activity (or you can run side by side on treadmills). And you can easily train for a 5k and even work your way up to longer races if you want.

Weightlifting is another fun activity to do together. To be safe while lifting weights, you should have a spotter that can help you if things get too hard. Let your partner be your spotter and cheer each other on as you continue to get a little stronger. If you want to train for something specific, there are many gyms that have competitions you can train for.

Another great option for something new is martial arts. You can sign up at any local spot that has classes. It’s not just an option for young children. Start martial arts at any age to take advantage of all the benefits it comes with—strength, discipline, and mindfulness. It will be a cool thing to be able to advance together.

19. Movie Nights

Watching Netflix might not seem like a very strong hobby, but there are ways to enjoy movies and television shows while connecting with your partner. Come up with a list of movies that you want to watch and discuss. There are so many ways you can do this. Do you want to set a goal to watch all the Best Picture winners from the Oscars? Maybe you both love a certain director or actor and you want to watch everything they’ve ever put together. Make your list and then set aside some time each week to snuggle up on the couch and enjoy these movies together.

It’s important to be intentional about these evenings. Avoid scrolling through social media and stay off your phones so you can take in the full movie and be able to talk about it afterward and share your thoughts. If you want to really elevate these movie nights, consider choosing your snacks and drinks to match the theme of the movie in some way.

20. Pottery

Speaking of movies, most of you have probably watched the famous pottery scene in Ghost, starring Demi Moore and the late, great Patrick Swayze. Making pottery isn’t as easy as it may appear, but it is sexy! What a perfect hobby for a couple who wants to get down and a little dirty—literally.

Pottery is more complex than DIY crafts and requires special equipment, so find a nearby studio and see if they offer classes or individual instruction. You’ll have to start small, but before you know it, the two of you will be making masterpieces! Place a few finished pieces around your home, and you’ll be able to recall your time creating them together whenever they catch your eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some outdoor hobbies I can try with my partner?

Outdoor hobbies for couples include sports and fitness activities, birdwatching, canoeing, rock climbing, stargazing, and even wine tasting if you choose a vineyard that offers the samples outside.

What are the best indoor hobbies for couples?

Indoor hobbies for couples include puzzles, book clubs, video games, and crafts. You could also sign up for ballroom dancing, cooking classes, pottery instruction, or learn a second language together.

What hobbies bring couples closer together?

Many hobbies for couples that will help bring you closer. Try new adventures, take a dance class, learn to cook together, or start playing a sport that allows you to work together to conquer opponents!

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The Best Hobbies for Couples to Do Together (2024)


What hobby can my husband and I do together? ›

Twelve Ideas of Hobbies for Married Couples
  • Exercising together. Take some time to walk or go to the gym together. ...
  • Reading a book. Find a spot and get cozy as you and your spouse read a book or listen to an audiobook.
  • Cooking. ...
  • Jigsaw Puzzle. ...
  • Biking. ...
  • Kayaking or Canoeing. ...
  • Learn a Foreign Language. ...
  • Card and Board Games.

Are there any hobbies you want to start together with your partner? ›

Dancing is a fun and romantic hobby for couples in a relationship. Whether salsa, tango, or ballroom, dancing is fun to get close to your partner and learn something new together. Dancing can be a great way to improve your coordination, build confidence, and get exercise while spending quality time with your partner.

Is it good for couples to have different hobbies? ›

It's wonderful for a couple to spend a lot of time together; however, having their own interests and hobbies can make for a healthier relationship," explains relationship therapist Jaime Bronstein. " Jaime Bronstein is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, relationship therapist, and the author of MAN*ifesting.

Why should couples do activities together? ›

Having fun together can help couples feel positive emotions, which can increase relationship satisfaction, help couples to unite in order to overcome differences and give hope when working through difficult challenges (Aune & Wong, 2002; Betcher, 1977; Lauer & Lauer, 2002).

What three hobbies should every man have? ›

One to make you money. One to keep you in shape. One to stay creative.

How can a husband and wife spend time together? ›

Another option if you're looking for things to do as a couple, and a way to connect, is to spend time together exploring a hobby. This can be something that you both enjoy doing, or you might enjoy helping each other explore your individual interests.

What to do if you and your partner have no common interests? ›

Here's how.
  1. Do Something Fun Together (and Often!) Even if you each have your own hobbies and interests, it's helpful that you both do fun things that both of you enjoy. ...
  2. Learn Something New Together. ...
  3. Be Aware of Each Other's Desire to Connect. ...
  4. Go Beyond Interests and Connect Through Values.

What to do when you and your boyfriend have nothing in common? ›

Explore new ways to connect.

If the interests you and your partner actually agree on are limited, consider trying something new with your partner. Maybe you both can agree that you both enjoy being outdoors, so you agree to try rock climbing together for the first time.

What is the 70 30 rule in a relationship? ›

According to relationship experts, one option is to divide your time with and without your partner 70/30. This means that, ideally, you should spend 70% of your time together and 30% of your time apart. During the time apart, you do you. You can continue your hobbies and enjoy your interests with other people.

What do healthy couples do together? ›

Your partner encourages you to spend time with friends without them, and to participate in activities that you enjoy. You feel comfortable expressing your opinions and concerns to your partner. Your feel physically safe and your partner doesn't force you to have sex or to do things that make you feel uncomfortable.

How to make your love life more exciting? ›

10 Ways to Make Your Relationship More Thrilling
  1. 10 Ways to Make Your Relationship More Thrilling. ...
  2. Scare yourselves silly. ...
  3. Spill a secret. ...
  4. Place a bet. ...
  5. Be a little daring. ...
  6. Relive your first date. ...
  7. Cyber-romance each other. ...
  8. See each other in a different light.

What can husband and wife do together at home? ›

If you need to refresh your romance routine, try one of these ideas to make your time at home feel a little more exciting.
  • Cook a gourmet meal together. ...
  • Go on a picnic. ...
  • Wine taste at home. ...
  • Challenge each other to a bake off. ...
  • Have a paint-off. ...
  • Project a movie in the backyard. ...
  • Do a fun cardio workout. ...
  • Take a virtual yoga class.
Jul 13, 2020

What to do when you and your partner have different hobbies? ›

Here are some tips to help you and your partner connect when you don't seem to share many common interests:
  1. Compromise. ...
  2. Agree to Disagree. ...
  3. Explore new ways to connect. ...
  4. Recreate the memories that brought you together. ...
  5. Connect over shared values. ...
  6. Don't be Afraid to Ask for Help.
Feb 8, 2022

What little things can I do for my husband? ›

Here are some ways to make your husband feel loved and respected:
  • Spend time with him. ...
  • Leave him little notes - in his lunch, on the mirror in the morning, on the windshield of his car, etc.
  • Spontaneously touch him. ...
  • Wake him up with a smile. ...
  • Praise him in front of others. ...
  • Buy him a small gift. ...
  • Encourage him.
Jun 14, 2022

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.