The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less-Stressful Alternatives) (2024)

Table of Contents
What makes a job stressful? 10. Financial analyst What makes it stressful? Strong growth What are some less stressful alternatives? 7 Finance Career Types: What You Can Do With a Finance Qualification 9. Sales manager What makes it stressful? Strong growth (4.4%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Australia Without a Degree: Earn Big Bucks Without Big Debt 8. Mental health counsellor What makes it stressful? Very strong growth (14.2%) What are some less stressful alternatives? The Truth About Career Progression in Allied Health: Think Outside the Clinic 7. Anesthesiologist What makes it stressful? Strong growth (3%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 6. Patrol officer What makes it stressful? Moderate growth (3%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 5. IT manager What makes it stressful? Very strong growth (17.7%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 4. Construction manager What makes it stressful? Strong growth (10.2%) What are some less stressful alternatives? How to Become a Construction Manager: Your Guide to Building a Rewarding Career 3. Physician What makes it stressful? Strong growth (10.2%) What are some less stressful alternatives? 2. Lawyer What makes it stressful? Very strong growth (21%) What are some less stressful alternatives? How to Become a Construction Manager: Your Guide to Building a Rewarding Career 1. Financial manager What makes it stressful? Strong growth (11.7%) What are some less stressful alternatives? How to Become a Financial Adviser (or Planner): Empower People to Create Financial Freedom More stressful occupations You've Read All About it... Now Time for Action? Latest Articles Should I Study a Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance? Best Allied Health Courses for Every Passion Most Popular Allied Health Assistant Jobs Want to Read More? 12 Types of Photography Careers to Make Your Passion a Reality COVID-19 and Remote Working: How You Can Help Your Team Why “Do What You Love” Doesn’t Make for a Good Career Path FAQs
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Published 17 Jun 2023

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less-Stressful Alternatives) (1)Kristen Michaelides

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less-Stressful Alternatives) (2)

Feel like your job is stressful? Stress can make you lose sleep and motivation. It might get progressively harder to get to work each day. And harder to enjoy your life, both while you’re at work and in your downtime. When you’ve been feeling high levels of stress for a while, you may burn out completely.

Many factors make your career stressful, but there are alternatives. Discover the most stressful jobs in Australia, and explore some less stressful (but related) career options.

What makes a job stressful?

According to CareerCast, what makes a stressful occupation is when the demands it makes on workers’ lives are high, and the rewards are limited.

Some stressors include:

  • You have to travel a lot

    Although free travel (and the rewards miles that add up) may sound initially appealing, the appeal wears off fast. Travelling for work compounds the bad bits of jet setting – jet lag, homesickness, flight delays – but usually doesn’t allow you to see the sights of your destination. Airline pilots are workers who are constantly travelling without necessarily seeing as much of the world as they’d like. But consultants, or other business people, might be flown to the most exotic destinations — just to see some offices and meeting rooms.

  • Your income doesn't grow much

    It’s stressful to be on the same or similar salary ten years later as when you first embarked on your career.

  • There are significant physical demands

    For instance, if you’re on your feet all day or have to keep yourself up late at night to work long shifts. Or, if you have to be in uncomfortable positions for long hours, you’re more likely to feel worn out and stressed (hello, healthcare workers and police officers).

  • There are dangers to your own life or other people's lives

    Working on roads (like taxi drivers), in air traffic control, on an oil rig, or even in people-facing roles during the COVID-19 pandemic involves risk and high stress levels. People who encounter life-threatening situations in their day-to-day work like first responders (law enforcement personnel, firefighters, mental health responders like social workers and paramedics), or military personnel are at risk of trauma from their stressful jobs.

  • You have some harsh competition

    Having to be the best all the time in corporate environments like investment banks or law firms can be chronically stressful. It can lead to working long hours daily, crush your personal life, put you in morale-busting working conditions, and leave you with constant feelings of insecurity.

  • There are constant deadlines

    Most people thrive in jobs with some chance for rest after you’ve delivered an intense piece of work. But some stressful jobs just keep up the intensity without the rest. Working as a games developer or in a tech startup are notorious careers for “crunch” time — where intense work and all-nighters are expected to deliver work milestones on time, sometimes for years. Eventually, the stress will lead to burnout. Constant deadlines also affect event coordinators and breaking news journalists.

  • Your role is public-facing

    If you’re under mass scrutiny for every decision you make, or people are waiting for a blunder or mistake, you’re likely feeling some level of stress. This stress will affect broadcasters, newspaper reporters, radio producers, social media workers, public relations executives, senior corporate executives, or anyone in the public eye.

Based on these factors, the ten most high-stress jobs in the world, according to research from the US News Best Jobs database, are:

10. Financial analyst

A financial analyst works at an investment bank. They spend their workdays exploring financial data, which they then use to make investment recommendations. It’s a mentally stimulating role that involves identifying new opportunities.

What makes it stressful?

Investment banking is a highly competitive industry, with never-ending deadlines, long hours, and a high chance of burnout.

median salary


Strong growth

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Other roles in an investment bank can also be highly paid without the long hours. Corporate communications or risk analysis are some less stressful alternatives. Outside of investment banking, you could put your skills to use as a financial advisor or planner.

9. Sales manager

Sales managers are involved with selling a company’s products to clients. It’s a senior role that also requires managing people, setting performance goals for sales teams, and being responsible for meeting those goals.

What makes it stressful?

Sales is highly competitive. And you always need to follow leads, no matter what time of day. Being always ‘on’ can be a recipe for burnout. Your pay might be commission-based, which makes your income unreliable, even though sales managers earn a high median salary.

median salary


Strong growth (4.4%)

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

As a people-person, you might find work as a customer happiness manager more fulfilling and less stressful. Your role would be to listen to and pre-empt the needs of existing tech company clients to strengthen the relationship and ensure repeat business.

8. Mental health counsellor

Mental health counsellors assess and support people with various mental health issues.

What makes it stressful?

You may constantly be working with people in crisis. Because they’re at risk, you might be answering client calls at literally all hours of the day to ensure their safety. Other people’s trauma may put you at risk of experiencing vicarious trauma.

median salary


Very strong growth (14.2%)

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Often, people burnt out in helping professions find satisfaction in working in upstream crisis prevention. You could find a role in early intervention services, educating children or community groups about mental health, or in a public policy role designed to prevent crises before they start.

7. Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists (or Anaesthetists) are medical doctors who manage patient medications during surgical procedures. You ensure that patients don’t feel pain or are safely unconscious during their operation.

What makes it stressful?

You can be on-call day and night. When working as part of a surgical team, your day won’t end until the patient is in recovery – no matter how long it takes. Errors in this role are deadly, so while you might be exhausted, you always need to bring your skills and concentration to work.

median salary


Strong growth (3%)

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

You could remain an anesthesiologist but in a position where you can work with less high-risk patients. Or with patients scheduled for routine, elective surgery rather than emergency patients. Alternatively, your skills and experience would be valuable in public health policy, anesthesiology research, or training new doctors.

6. Patrol officer

Patrol officers are responsible for public safety and security. You ensure the law is upheld, investigate crimes, monitor traffic, and attend emergencies.

What makes it stressful?

You’re a first-responder to varied stressful situations where you’ll always need to act quickly and carefully at the same time. The work may be physically intense, and you’ll be scheduled on shifts at any time of day.

median salary


Moderate growth (3%)

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

You could use your skills in your own practice as a private investigator or a security consultant. Or you could get involved in less hazardous, more typically 9-to-5 police specialisations like detective work.

5. IT manager

IT managers look after the IT resources of an organisation. You make sure that networks are working securely, that computers and other IT equipment are maintained, and troubleshoot any possible issues.

What makes it stressful?

IT jobs can be repetitive, and you typically work with customers who aren’t in a great mood. This is a role with constant deadlines – users always need help. It can feel like you haven’t progressed much on your to-do list, even if you’ve put in a hard day’s work. Making a mistake can also mean that an organisation’s IT systems are down or people lose important data.

median salary


Very strong growth (17.7%)

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Your technological skills would be valuable in the tech industry, which has many career options. You could explore your creative side as a web developer; hone your coding skills to become a software engineer; use your IT security knowledge to become an ethical hacker, or expand on your user empathy skills to work in UX design.

4. Construction manager

Construction managers are in charge of construction sites. You need to keep track of a complex project where many people are doing different things. You also need to make sure that everyone is safe at all times.

One of the plus sides of a career as a construction manager is that it boasts a relatively high median salary; no degree needed.

What makes it stressful?

Mistakes in construction are, at best costly — and at worst, can even be deadly. It can be hard to meet the constant deadlines you face to complete construction work on time. Construction work can also be physically demanding, even if you aren’t doing the construction yourself. You’ll often be on your feet all day long.

median salary


Strong growth (10.2%)

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Your skills make you a perfect project manager. This role is needed in almost any industry and every sector. Or, you could use your construction knowledge as a draftsperson in designing and planning a new build without the stress of having to execute the plan.

3. Physician

Physicians are also known as medical doctors. You may specialise in a specific area of medicine (such as emergency medicine, cardiology, or neurology) or work as a general practitioner.

What makes it stressful?

Healthcare work ticks many of the boxes of a typically stressful job. It can involve physically demanding shift work where your tasks constantly pile up. You may be a first responder to life-or-death situations, and small mistakes can be lethal.

median salary


Strong growth (10.2%)

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Although this is a generally stressful career, you can find ways of making it less stressful. Being in private practice may allow you to choose less stressful hours and work with patients you find most rewarding to treat. Physicians may also enjoy a career change in medical research, education, and policy.

2. Lawyer

Lawyers represent and advise clients in various legal situations: from negotiating contracts, overseeing mergers and acquisitions, defending or prosecuting crimes, settling disputes, buying and selling property, and more.

What makes it stressful?

Law is a highly competitive career. Long hours are expected for anyone looking to progress in the corporate hierarchy. It’s a role where there’s seemingly always more to do, and it can be hard to switch off.

median salary


Very strong growth (21%)

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Going into private practice could be a way to choose the hours and clients you want to work with, making law a less demanding, more rewarding profession.

Lawyers also have great skill sets to bring into any role, particularly their strong written communication skills and legal knowledge. Possible career changes include working as a technical writer or grant writer, a project manager, or a management consultant.

1. Financial manager

Financial managers have a lot of responsibility: they’re responsible for the overall financial health of the organisation, making sure that the organisation is meeting its financial obligations, devising a financial strategy, and producing financial reports.

What makes it stressful?

Working in the financial industry is highly competitive. There are long hours and always more work to be done. If you work for a large organisation, you may have to travel a lot for meetings, without the benefit of seeing much of your destinations beyond your hotel room.

Financial managers also carry high levels of responsibility. Penalties for not getting it right could result in fines or even risk the existence of the entire organisation.

median salary


Strong growth (11.7%)

predicted over next 5 years

What are some less stressful alternatives?

Your experience in finance could work well in a suite of financial careers, like being a financial planner. Your high-level managerial experience would be helpful as a consultant or in starting your own business — where you can choose your hours and the kind of work you do.

More stressful occupations

Factors that make for a stressful job can apply to many other roles. According to 2018 analysis from CareerCast, the most stressful jobs also included:

  • Firefighter
  • Police offer
  • Airline pilot
  • Social worker
  • Event coordinator
  • Military personnel
  • Taxi driver

Are you experiencing workplace stress? Contemplating a white-collar career change? Read up on the most fun jobs and some of the least stressful jobs. Or browse TAFE courses today to explore less stressful career paths.

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less-Stressful Alternatives) (3)

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I am a seasoned professional with a wealth of knowledge in various fields, including career development, education, and industry trends. My expertise extends to understanding the dynamics of stress in the workplace and identifying alternatives to high-stress careers. To establish my credibility, I draw upon my comprehensive understanding of the factors that contribute to occupational stress and the nuances of various professions.

Now, delving into the article on the "10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less-Stressful Alternatives)," the piece provides valuable insights into the factors that make a job stressful and suggests less-stressful career alternatives. Here's a breakdown of the concepts covered in the article:

  1. What Makes a Job Stressful:

    • High demands on workers' lives with limited rewards.
    • Factors like frequent travel, stagnant income, physical demands, danger to lives, harsh competition, constant deadlines, and public-facing roles contribute to stress.
  2. The 10 Most Stressful Jobs in Australia:

    • Financial Analyst
    • Sales Manager
    • Mental Health Counselor
    • Anesthesiologist
    • Patrol Officer
    • IT Manager
    • Construction Manager
    • Physician
    • Lawyer
    • Financial Manager
  3. Factors Contributing to Stress in Each Job:

    • Detailed information about the stressors in each of the identified high-stress jobs, including long hours, high competition, physical demands, and constant deadlines.
  4. Median Salaries and Job Growth Predictions:

    • Median salaries for each high-stress job.
    • Predictions for job growth over the next 5 years.
  5. Less Stressful Alternatives for Each High-Stress Job:

    • Suggestions for alternative careers that are less stressful but related to the high-stress professions.
  6. Additional Insights:

    • The article expands on the stress factors in other roles according to the US News Best Jobs database, such as firefighter, police officer, airline pilot, social worker, event coordinator, military personnel, and taxi driver.
  7. Advice and Resources:

    • The article concludes with advice for those experiencing workplace stress, suggesting a contemplation of career change and promoting further education through TAFE courses.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of stressful occupations in Australia, offering valuable information for individuals seeking alternatives to high-stress careers. The inclusion of median salaries and growth predictions enhances the practicality of the advice, while the mention of TAFE courses emphasizes the importance of education in navigating career paths.

The 10 Most Stressful Jobs (+ Their Less-Stressful Alternatives) (2024)


Which job has the least stress? ›

  • 14 Low-Stress Jobs.
  • Data Scientist.
  • Dietitian.
  • Medical Records Technician.
  • Massage Therapist.
  • Appliance Repairer.
  • Librarian.
  • Diagnostic Medical Stenographer.

What job has the highest stress rate? ›

The most stressful jobs
  • Military personnel.
  • Police officer.
  • Firefighter.
  • Social worker.
  • Broadcaster.
  • Newspaper reporters.
  • Emergency dispatcher.
  • Mental health counselor.
Jan 12, 2024

What is the highest paying, least stressful job? ›

5 low stress high paying jobs
  1. Remote sensing scientists and technologists. ...
  2. Environmental economists. ...
  3. Mathematicians. ...
  4. Water resource specialists. ...
  5. Solar energy systems engineer.

What is the hardest job mentally in the world? ›

Healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, and emergency medical technicians, face intense situations daily, making life-and-death decisions in high-pressure environments. The emotional and physical toll, coupled with the need for constant vigilance and compassion, makes this profession among the most challenging.

What is the best job for anxiety sufferers? ›

The best jobs for those with social anxiety may be those with minimal social interaction, such as graphic designers, writers, bakers, and computer programmers. It may be helpful to look for a job that involves listening more than talking or presenting to others.

Which job has the happiest workers? ›

20 of the happiest jobs
  1. Early childhood education teacher. ...
  2. Sound engineering technician. ...
  3. Event planner. ...
  4. Plumber. ...
  5. General manager. ...
  6. Carpenter. ...
  7. Esthetician. ...
  8. Interior designer.
Apr 18, 2024

What job is the most overworked? ›

Examples of the most stressful jobs
  • Physician. National average salary: $272,872 per year Primary duties: Physicians or doctors are medical professionals who treat various diseases and injuries. ...
  • Nurse. ...
  • Soldier. ...
  • Patrol officer. ...
  • Anesthesiologist. ...
  • Chief executive officer. ...
  • Lawyer. ...
  • Police officer.
May 28, 2024

What industry has the most burnout? ›

Leading causes of burnout by industry
RankIndustryMost common leading cause of burnout
1AgricultureLack of resources
2Financial activities and insuranceLack of resources
3Information publishing and telecommunicationsLack of resources
4Public sectorHeavy workload
8 more rows
Jul 19, 2023

Which is the most peaceful job? ›

Most Peaceful Jobs In India With Higher Salary
  1. Yoga Teacher.
  2. Freelance Writer/Blogger.
  3. Private Tutor.
  4. Fitness Trainer.
  5. Graphic Designer.
  6. Corporate/School Photographer.
  7. Voice-Over Artist.
  8. Private Chef.
Feb 19, 2024

How to make 150k a year without a degree? ›

150k no degree jobs in remote
  1. Sales Executive. ...
  2. Director, Enterprise Sales. ...
  3. Medicare Stars Transformation Consultant Sr. ...
  4. Production Planning & Raw Material Global Process Owner (GPO) ...
  5. Campaign Director. ...
  6. Strengthen your profile. ...
  7. Senior Product Manager - Developer Experience and Ecosystem. ...
  8. Regional Attorney Coordinator.

What job has the worst pay? ›

ProfessionMedian annual salary
Amusem*nt and Recreation Attendants$28,350
Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers$28,370
Hosts and Hostesses, Restaurant, Lounge, and Coffee Shop$28,380
Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers$28,700
6 more rows
Mar 21, 2024

What is the toughest job in the world? ›

The Hardest Jobs in The World
  • Firefighter. The role of a firefighter is one of the toughest jobs you could take on. ...
  • Police Officer. Similar to firefighters, police officers have one of the most dangerous jobs possible. ...
  • Paramedic. ...
  • Airline Pilot. ...
  • Search and Rescue. ...
  • Public School Teacher. ...
  • Truck Driver. ...
  • Farmer.
Sep 22, 2023

What is the most mentally draining job? ›

The 10 most stressful jobs:
  • Military personnel.
  • Police officer.
  • Firefighter.
  • Social worker.
  • Broadcaster.
  • Newspaper reporters.
  • Emergency dispatcher.
  • Mental health counsellor.
Apr 8, 2024

What job has the most mental health issues? ›

While depression can arise in any job or career, research has shown that some of the most depressing careers include social workers, disability lawyers, long-term care administrators and nurses, mental health counsellors, and first responders.

What is the most stress free job in it? ›

While the work can be challenging, it can also be low-stress for individuals who enjoy problem-solving and coding.
  1. Web developer or software engineer. ...
  2. Technical writer. ...
  3. Librarian. ...
  4. Data Analyst. ...
  5. Online tutor or instructor.
Feb 16, 2024

What jobs should you avoid with anxiety? ›

Worst Jobs for People With Anxiety
  • Medical Professional. ...
  • Teacher. ...
  • First Responder. ...
  • Customer Service Representative. ...
  • Flight Attendant. ...
  • Sales Representative. ...
  • Personal Assistant. ...
  • Journalist.
Dec 28, 2023

What is the most chill government job? ›

One such job is that of a bank clerk . Bank clerks have a fixed work schedule , weekends off , and a relatively low - stress job compared to other government positions . They also receive good pay and benefits , making it a comfortable job option .

What job pays the most but works the least? ›

Here are 10 jobs that pay well but typically don't require you to work 40 hours or more per week:
  • Nutritionist. ...
  • Librarian. ...
  • Artist. ...
  • Writer. ...
  • Chiropractor. ...
  • Real estate agent. ...
  • Psychologist. ...
  • Dentist. National average salary: $223,864 per year Primary duties: These medically trained professionals focus on patients' oral health.
Apr 18, 2024

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.