The 10 Most Depression Prone Careers | Lalande Disability Lawyers (2024)

The 10 Most Depression Prone Careers

The 10 Most Depression Prone Careers | Lalande Disability Lawyers (1)

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  • The 10 Most Depression Prone Careers | Lalande Disability Lawyers (3)
  • The 10 Most Depression Prone Careers | Lalande Disability Lawyers (4)
  • The 10 Most Depression Prone Careers | Lalande Disability Lawyers (5)
  • The 10 Most Depression Prone Careers | Lalande Disability Lawyers (6)

Depression is recognized as one of the world’s single most significant public health problems. It affects people of all ages, genders and backgrounds and can have far-reaching consequences on the lives of those struggling with depression. According to a report by the CBC, a survey conducted in 2022 found that 27.7% of Canadians between the ages of 18 and 39 reported feelings of depression, with many of those individuals being of working age and having to deal with the serious impact that depression can have on their job performance and daily life.

When it comes to depression, some jobs are depression prone than others for one of many reasons. Individuals who work in particular sectors may be exposed to higher stress levels, depression-inducing conditions or long hours that can all lead to depression. Some jobs may even require workers to confront difficult ethical questions or deal with the emotional toll of working with disabled individuals daily. These situations can often cause depression.

For some individuals, depression may result in work disability. Unfortunately, despite the established connection between depression and work disability, many disability companies will refuse to grant disability benefits to individuals who cannot continue their work due to their depression.

If you’ve been denied your long-term disability benefits, it’s important that you contact us today. Our Long-term Disability Lawyerscan provide the help you need to get the disability benefits you deserve. We have experience in dealing withdepression cases and can provide professional and trustworthy legal representation to ensure that you receive the long-term disability benefits you are entitled to. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment with our firm. Call us today, toll-free, no matter where you are in Ontario at1-844-4-DISABILITY,no matter where you are coast to coast or fill in acontact formon our website, and we will be happy to get right back to you.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mental health disorder that causes persistent sadness and loss of interest in activities. It affects your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour, impacting your relationships and daily activities. In 2022, a survey by Angus Reid revealed that an alarming 23% of Canadians reported depressive symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, frustration and irritability; all these can lead to significant impairment in interpersonal relationships with family or friends and hinder their ability to excel in the workplace. Depression is a severe mental health issue which, if left untreated, could cause long-term disability; it remains essential for those suffering from this affliction to seek appropriate medical help or other forms of support so they may continue leading successful lives.


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When depression affects someone’s career, it can lead to a decline in performance, absenteeism, and in some cases, even disability. Although depression can affect individuals regardless of their work, certain careers can be particularly difficult for individuals suffering from depression to maintain.

What Causes Depression at the Workplace?

Depression is a serious issue for both Canadian employers and employees. Results from a 2002 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) on mental health and well-being highlighted some key reasons why certain careers may be particularly depression-inducing, which included factors related to the working environment, the nature of the job, or elements of the job that make it more likely for an individual to develop depression as well as other issues such as:

Age: employees between the ages of 25-44 are more than twice as likely to develop depression as older colleagues. While it’s difficult to prove why this might be, younger employees often lack the experience to handle stressful situations and may not be adequately supported at work. They are also more likely asked to fill low-income,

Office work: in 2007, research was published by Perspectives on Labour and Income that indicated people working in office positions were twice as likely as people working in other industries (including sales and blue-collar positions). This may result from job pressures, the physical environment and a lack of interaction with other people.

Limited Job Satisfaction: Jobs that are unfulfilling or lack meaningfulness can be depression-inducing, as the sense of purpose and satisfaction that comes from meaningful work is often lacking in these jobs.

Unrealistic expectations: Having unrealistic expectations of oneself can lead to depression. Pressure from supervisors, colleagues or clients to reach unrealistic goals can become demoralizing over time and lead to depression.

Lack of communication: A lack of open communication between colleagues or clients can lead to depression. Employees may feel disconnected and isolated without proper communication, which can contribute to depression.

Despite preconceptions that rates of depression would be higher in people working in poor working conditions (e.g. shift work, positions requiring manual labour, etc) the study’s results actually indicated that higher rates of depression were found in educated individuals with high-paying daytime jobs with regular hours. The study’s researchers observed that this demonstrated a) that individuals with severe depression were likely unable to maintain any sort of employment, including shift and part-time work and therefore would not be accounted in this study and b) that even individuals with stable employment are susceptible to depression.

What are Key Symptoms of Depression?

Many different types of depression can manifest in different ways, depending on the person, the situation and the cause of depression. Depression is often oversimplified and described as “feeling sad,” but depression can manifest in a variety of ways, including changes in behaviour, mood and feelings of hopelessness:

  • A constant state of feeling sad, nervous, or “empty” mood
  • Incurable pessimism
  • Disturbed feelings of irritability, frustration, orrestlessness
  • Feelings of shame, worthlessness, or helplessness
  • Lack of interest or joy in previously enjoyed interests and activities
  • Lowered levels of energy, tiredness, or feeling sluggish
  • Difficulty focusing, recollecting, or decision-making
  • Difficulty with sleep, waking up in the early morning or sleeping too much
  • Changes in appetite or unanticipated shift in weight
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide
  • Physical pain, headaches, aches and discomfort, or digestive problems without a clear physical causethat does not ease even with treatment

Part of the reason why developing depression as part of the job is so dangerous is that for many working individuals, depression can go undiagnosed or untreated. By the time that there is a clear diagnosis of depression is acknowledged, the depression may have already caused significant damage to both their mental and physical health, not to mention being the likely reason for them to leave their place of work.

Depression and Work Disability

When described as a general sense of feeling “down,” it can be hard to imagine that depression is a condition that can seriously affect an individual’s productivity at the office and ability to work entirely. Depression, however, has been identified as one of the most significant contributors to long-term disability in individuals of all ages.

  • According to the World Health Organization, depression is the most common cause of long-term sick leave, with depression being the second most common cause of disability worldwide.
  • In Canada, 16% of workers with depression reported missing at least one day of work a week. Employees report depression affecting their ability to stay on task, concentrate, and make decisions.
  • Depression can have a particularly profound impact in individuals suffering from other psychiatric or mental health issues. It’s often the case that depression is the cause of alcohol or drug abuse, and depression can also be a contributing factor for physical illnesses such as chronic pain or other disabilities.
  • The social nature of working with coworkers and reporting to management is an aspect that can be a serious source of stress for individuals with depression. People with depression can resort to using negative coping mechanisms to deal with stressful situations, such as avoidance and self-isolation during frustrating and difficult times, which can further contribute to depression-related disability.
  • People with depression are more likely to report perceptions of feeling undervalued or not supported by coworkers at the workplace. Between individuals in similar positions, people with depression are more likely to experience a decreased sense of job security and stability.

Not only does depression have a serious impact on people’s mental health, but it can also be a major contributing factor to long-term disability. This is made worse when someone is working in an environment or at a position that might be the cause or a contributing factor to their depression. Understanding the kinds of jobs that are more likely to result in depression is an important way to help individuals protect their mental health while they’re in the workplace.

The 10 Most Depression-Prone Careers

Below are CBC’s reported 10 careers, picked out of 21 major job categories, in which full-time employees are most likely to report an episode of major depression in a given year. But it certainly does not mean you should pick another profession.

1. Nursing home workers/caregivers: according to a survey from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, nursing home workers were four times more likely to experience depression compared to other occupations. The nature of having to take care of people who are ill and in need of constant care can be overwhelming, as it often requires dealing with difficult emotions, long hours, and high-pressure situations.

2. Food industry workers: depression is common in people who work in the food industry, including restaurant workers and fast-food chefs. The long hours, low pay, difficult working conditions and perception of being underappreciated make it common for individuals working in the food industry to experience depression. Women in this field of work are especially vulnerable to depression due to the gender gap in wages, as well as the fact that they are often overworked or underpaid; 15% of women in the food industry are reported to be depressed, compared to just 10% of their male peers.

3. Social Workers: working in a job that requires providing emotional and practical support to individuals in need can be very rewarding, but it also comes with a high risk of depression. Social workers are exposed to difficult and traumatic stories, which can lead to depression, burnout and compassion fatigue. In 2009, a paper published in the Canadian Social Work Review revealed that more than 1,000 Ontario social workers had reported feelings of stress (60%), depression (40%) and frequent illness when surveyed three years prior. This data underscores just how taxing it can be to work as a social worker.

4. Healthcare workers: depression is especially common among healthcare workers such as doctors, nurses, and other personnel working in the health profession. Styra et al. (2021) reported that 31.5% of Canadian healthcare workers were experiencing depression as a result of their work. The uncertainty surrounding the different dangers of working in a hospital, the long hours and the constant exposure to trauma can all contribute to depression.

5. Creative individuals: writers, musicians, and artists often face a lifestyle of inconsistent salary, schedules and opportunities. This can lead to depression due to financial insecurity and the inability to control their career trajectory. Creative individuals are often impacted by depression, as they typically battle depression, anxiety and creative blocks while pursuing their passion. It can be challenging for these individuals to find a balance between artistic expression and managing depression. In some cases, these individuals move into their creative field to find an outlet for their emotional struggles, only to have their daily work fuel their experience of depression.


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6. Teachers: depression is very common among teachers due to the demands of the job. Long hours, low pay and lack of autonomy can lead to depression in this line of work. Limited resources, difficulties with challenging students and the feeling of having to constantly prove themselves can be overwhelming for teachers, resulting in depression. The CTF/FCE did a survey in 2020 of teachers across Canada. Startlingly, almost 70% of the respondents were anxious about their mental health and welfare, citing problems like COVID-19, salary concerns and increasing violence at schools.

7. First responders: depression is very common in the first responder community due to the job’s high emotional and psychological demands. Exposure to traumatic events, burnout and PTSD can all cause depression. A study conducted by the Canadian Mental Health Association in 2017 found that firefighters and police officers were at higher risk of depression due to the high risk of depression associated with their lines of work.

8. Accountants: despite the fact that accounting is often viewed as a secure and lucrative profession, depression can be common in this field due to the demands of the job. There is a great deal of stress connected with being responsible for large sums of money and making sure that everything is done accurately and on time. Long hours, tight deadlines, and the pressure to get everything right can all lead to depression.

9. Administrative assistants: depression is common among administrative assistants due to the high stress and pressure of the job. Administrative assistants are expected to juggle multiple tasks, meet tight deadlines, and maintain a professional attitude while dealing with difficult colleagues or clients. The pressure of keeping up the workload, coupled with low levels of job satisfaction and recognition, can contribute to depression.

10 . Mental Health Professionals: ironically, depression can be particularly common among mental health professionals. The highly demanding nature of the job, long hours and low pay, coupled with the constant exposure to depression and other mental health issues, can all cause depression in this profession. Mental health professionals are expected to be understanding of their clients’ struggles, but they can also struggle with depression themselves due to their own difficulties in managing the emotional and psychological demands of their job. According to the Canadian Psychological Association, depression is one of the most common mental health issues among psychologists and other mental health professionals.

Suffer from Depression and Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits?

The effects of depression on someone’s ability to maintain a productive career cannot be understated. If depression has caused you to experience a decline in your ability to perform your job duties, or if you have been denied long-term disability benefits due to depression, it is important to get the legal advice and representation of a qualified disability lawyer.

Lalande Disability Lawyers represent clients with depression who have been denied their long-term disability benefits. If you have any questions, contact us today for a free consultation.

Our long-term disability lawyers are able to provide claimants with depression with the tools they need to make informed decisions and take action. Our team of legal experts is knowledgeable in the area of bipolar disability claims, and is dedicated to helping claimant receive the support they need. Contact us today to learn more about how our experienced bipolar disability lawyers can help you today. We’re here to help you receive the resources and treatment you need for long-term recovery.

Since 1984,Ontario Disability LawyersMatt Lalandeand Karen Camporese have recovered tens of millions in compensation for disability claimants who are were going to the worst times of their lives. Stop struggling with a faceless insurance company – and call our Ontario long-term disability lawyers to get your free consultation today.

We can help represent disability claimants all over Canada can help you get the compensation deserve you you. Our consultations are 100% free – and if you decide to work with our disability lawyers, the fee is free. We do not charge our clients anything unless we win their case.We are happy to provide you the legal advice you need in order for you to make an informed decision about your own particular situation. Call us no matter where you are in Ontario at1-844-4-DISABILITY. Alternatively, you can send us aconfidential email through our website– and we would be happy to explain your long-term disability rights and legal options to you, at no cost.



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FAQ Summary

What exactly is depression?

Depression is a mental illness characterized by feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities that one used to enjoy. It can also cause problems with sleeping, eating, concentration, and energy levels.

How common is depression in jobs?

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, depression affects approximately 6.7% of the US adult population each year. While depression can arise in any job or career, research has shown that some of the most depressing careers include social workers, disability lawyers, long-term care administrators and nurses, mental health counsellors, and first responders.

What can I do if depression is preventing me from working?

If depression has caused you to experience a decline in your ability to perform your job duties, it is important to get legal advice and representation from a qualified disability lawyer. Camporese Lalande Disability Lawyers can help you explore all your legal options and protect your rights as you seek the financial support you need.

What if I have been denied long-term disability benefits due to depression?

If you’ve been denied long-term disability benefits due to depression, it is important to seek legal advice from a qualified disability lawyer. Camporese Lalande Disability Lawyers can help you stand up for yourself and get the compensation that you need.

How can a disability lawyer help me?

If you’ve been denied long-term disability benefits due to depression, it is important to seek legal advice from a qualified disability lawyer. Camporese Lalande Disability Lawyers can help you stand up for yourself and get the compensation that you need.

Does depression qualify for disability?

Yes, in certain cases, you can receive long-term disability benefits for depression. You may qualify for long-term disability benefits if your depression symptoms keep you from performing the substantial duties of your own occupation.

How much does a disability lawyer cost?

When you work with us, you don’t need to worry about paying for our services upfront, since we work on contingency, meaning that we only get paid if and when we are successful in getting you the benefits you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you with depression and long-term disability benefits.

The 10 Most Depression Prone Careers | Lalande Disability Lawyers (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.