The 10 Best Countries For University Education | William Russell (2024)

The 10 Best Countries For University Education | William Russell (1)

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William Cooper

Marketing Director

05 April 2024

When it comes to choosing a university to move to as an international student, there are many things to consider. You’ll want to be sure you’re choosing a country renowned for its academic pedigree, that offers excellent job opportunities to graduates, and – perhaps most of all – provides a culture that is both stimulating and inviting.

To help you decide where to move to as an international student in 2024, we’ve ranked the top 10 countries according to which ones have the greatest number of QS World Universities Rankings Top 500 universities. (This list, published by British firm Quacquarelli Symonds, is renowned as one of the most comprehensive rankings of the quality of universities worldwide.)

We’ve also factored in which universities have the most diverse student populations, and the greatest opportunities for graduates.

Best countries for university education in 2024
  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. Germany
  4. Australia
  5. Canada
  6. France
  7. Spain
  8. South Korea
  9. Netherlands
  10. New Zealand

The 10 Best Countries For University Education | William Russell (2)

The best countries and universities to study abroad

1/ United States of America

The United States is, without a doubt, the educational powerhouse of the world.

Number of international students

Percentage of international students

Average annual undergraduate tuition fees

QS Top 500 Universities





Pros of studying at university in America

In 2024, American university Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ranked as the 2024 QS Top Universities best university in the world, while Harvard, Stanford and University of California, Berkeley also made it into the top 10.

It’s no wonder then that America attracts over 1 million students from around the world to study at its world-class universities, and with over 4,000 institutions to choose from, you’ll find no dearth of opportunity whatever you choose to study. American universities are particularly renowned for their investment in STEM subjects and business courses, and graduates in these fields can expect to find themselves going into high-earning careers.

American universities are renowned for their excellent sports programmes and extra-curricular activities. Studying at an American university also opens pathways to settle in the United States as a permanent resident. After graduation, alumni can remain in the USA if they receive a job offer – and, given the incredible employment opportunities available, there’s a good chance you will want to do this.

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Cons of studying at university in America

On the downside, the USA is also one of the most expensive countries worldwide to study, especially as an international student. American universities can also seem cliquey to international students, especially if they are unfamiliar with American traditions such as sororities.

It is absolutely essential that international students take out private health insurance while studying in the USA. America is the most expensive country in the world for healthcare and has no state-funded healthcare system, meaning individuals are responsible for paying for their own health insurance.

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in the USA

York University

University of Southern California

Columbia University

13,178 international students

12,334 international students

11,510 international students

The 10 Best Countries For University Education | William Russell (3)

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2/ United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has been at the forefront of global education for almost 1,000 years, with its oldest institution Oxford University founded in 1096 AD.

Number of international students

Percentage of international students

Average annual undergraduate tuition fees

QS Top 500 Universities





Pros of studying at university in the UK

Today, Oxford and its rival institution Cambridge occupy the second and third spots in the QS Top Universities 500 best universities in the world, with Imperial College London and University College London also making their way into the top 10. The UK is also home to the Russell Group, a collection of research-focused universities where students will benefit from tuition at the cutting edge of academia.

No matter which of the UK’s 160 universities you choose to study, you’ll find it to be a fantastic country for international students. The UK has a strong student culture that includes all manner of societies, sports teams and social activities. Students will also benefit from streamlined access to top graduate jobs. Finance and business are especially popular for graduates looking to work in the capital city, London, while cities such as Manchester and Edinburgh attract graduates interested in working in the media.

Even if those subject areas don’t appeal to you, you’ll find plenty of course options across UK universities, from STEM to humanities, art and design, architecture and much more.

Cons of studying at university in the UK

While the UK is generally open and inviting to students of all nationalities, some students may find the culture of the UK to be a little overwhelming. Many international students in the UK report experiencing culture shock, with factors such as the British drinking culture, weather and high cost of living contributing.

Also, while most universities worldwide charge international students a premium, the UK charges the highest average tuition fees for international students in the world. Many institutions also have strict entry criteria, which can make it difficult for students from certain countries to apply.

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in the UK

University College London

University of Manchester

King’s College London

23,360 international students

14,465 international students

10,905 international students

Source: UniSearch

The 10 Best Countries For University Education | William Russell (4)

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3/ Germany

Germany has been a world-leader in education since the establishment of Heidelberg University in 1386, and today produces some of the world’s top STEM graduates.

Pros of studying at university in Germany

Germany has the highest proportion of graduates in the OECD, and has some of the world’s best teachers in the fields of engineering, electronics and architecture. Student culture in Germany can be demanding, but will suit those students who yearn for an intense academic culture, with the pay off being a degree from some of the EU’s – and indeed the world’s – best universities.

As well as ranking as the top university in Germany, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) attracts the most international students of any institution in the EU, and specialises in natural sciences and engineering. Graduates of TUM are often hand-picked to work in Germany’s world-class manufacturing sector, which is at the forefront of automotive, machine and plant engineering. Better still, Munich ranks as one of the least-stressed cities in the world, making it the perfect place to relax into student life.

Wherever you choose to study in Germany, you’ll find no shortage of culture to keep your interests piqued. Germany is awash with art and cultural activities, and the German people are famously open and inviting. Better still, many courses in German are taught exclusively in English to help them appeal to as wide a demographic as possible, and certain universities even specialise in teaching international students.

Cons of studying at university in Germany

The rigorous expectations of German universities may not suit those who want a more laid-back approach to learning. Whether you’re studying the sciences or the arts in Germany, you’ll find the courses to be highly demanding. Entry standards can also be rigorous, and many students will find that they need to sit a German language test (even if their course is due to be taught in English).

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in Germany

Technical University of Munich

Technical University Berlin

Constructor University, Bremen

20,700 international students

10,000 international students

1,600 international students

Source: UniSearch / Erudera

The 10 Best Countries For University Education | William Russell (5)

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4/ Australia

Australia is rapidly emerging as a world leader in education.

Number of international students

Percentage of international students

Average annual undergraduate tuition fees

QS Top 500 Universities





Pros of studying at university in Australia

Australia has pumped a considerable amount of capital into its tertiary education sector. The driving force behind this investment has been to attract international students, and scholars coming from overseas can expect Australia to roll out the red carpet for them.

Australia’s university scene is concentrated in its major cities, with Melbourne being a particular favourite among international students. Art, medicine and business are just some of Australia’s specialisms, and international students will find ample employment opportunities after graduating in an inclusive, relaxed and sun-swept society – in fact, we recommend Australia as one of the best countries in the world to work as an expat. Australia is also proudly home to the Group of Eight (Go8) universities, which are world-leaders in cutting-edge research.

And as for culture? Well, as our friendliest country in the world, it should come as no surprise that international students will fit right into student life in Australia. Expect plenty of days spent surfing at the beach, invites to barbecues, and intrepid trips to the Outback, all while gaining a degree from one of the world’s top universities.

Cons of studying at university in Australia

With its universities concentrated in major metropolitan areas, student life in Australia is famously very expensive, which is why many undergraduates Down Under take up part-time work to support their lifestyles.

International students may also find the visa application system for Australia to be long and cumbersome. For one thing, despite being one of the best countries in the world for healthcare, foreign students will need to take out international health insurance to cover them for the duration of their studies.

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in Australia

RMIT University

Monash University

Curtin University

26,590 international students

22,140 international students

15,598 international students

Source: Erudera

The 10 Best Countries For University Education | William Russell (6)

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5/ Canada

Canada is serious about tertiary education.

Number of international students

Percentage of international students

Average annual undergraduate tuition fees

QS Top 500 Universities





Pros of studying at university in Canada

Not only does Canada have the second-highest number of university graduates in the OECD, it’s also pouring astronomical sums into its tertiary education sector, with the most recent grant being a US$1.4 billion investment in large-scale research initiatives.

Top-quality graduates and high-quality research institutions are both vital to Canada’s rapidly-growing economy, and as a student yourself in Canada you can expect to be courted by top employers looking for your valuable skills. Fortunately, Canada makes it easy to accept these lucrative offers by offering a special post-graduation work permit. So, you can come to Canada for the world-class education and stay for the cutting-edge job – win-win!

Canada may not be the cheapest place in the world to study, but with over 100 universities offering more than 15,000 courses, you’re sure to find an institution that will suit your academic ambitions. Be sure to take full advantage of everything student life has to offer in the country we’ve named as the fourth-best place to live, the third-happiest in the world, and one of the safest.

Cons of studying at university in Canada

Despite its natural beauty and thriving cities, life in Canada can come as a bit of culture shock to some people. For one thing, its vast interior can leave certain towns and cities feeling quite isolated, while big cities are notoriously expensive. Canada is also extremely cold in the winter, which may not appeal to some students.

Also, while Canada boasts a strong public healthcare system, international students may experience long waiting lists, a lack of access to high-quality treatments and a shortage of medical facilities, especially in more remote areas. We recommend international students moving to Canada should take out international health insurance.

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in Canada

University of Toronto

University of British Columbia

McGill University

23,068 international students

19,420 international students

12,000 international students

The 10 Best Countries For University Education | William Russell (7)

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6/ France

As the birthplace of some of history’s most renowned academics, it should come as no surprise that France is one of the best countries for international students.

Number of international students

Percentage of international students

Average annual undergraduate tuition fees

QS Top 500 Universities





Pros of studying at university in France

Bolstered by a strong private equity sector on one side and government funding on the other, French universities are going from strength to strength in the race to attract students from overseas.

France is a country that thrives on a strong tertiary education sector, and as a student you’ll no doubt notice the country’s petrochemicals and aeronautical engineering sectors fishing for top-quality graduates within these historic halls.

But if you’re thinking of studying in France, you needn’t limit your search to its 71 universities. There are also more than 3,000 private institutions spread across the country, which offer specialist teaching in all manner of disciplines, with smaller class sizes and total independence to set their own syllabi.

It doesn’t take much to sell France as a destination. We’ve named it the best country in the world for healthcare, one of the greenest countries in the world, one of the friendliest, and even one of the best countries to settle down and raise a family. But best of all? It’s the country of love, the country of fine dining and great wine, and the country of art and culture par excellence.

Cons of studying at university in France

Despite everything it has to recommend it, life in France can come as quite the culture shock to the unprepared international student. Students may find themselves particularly stung by the high cost of living, which is exacerbated by France’s high rates of tax and astronomical rents.

And, while it may seem a stereotype, the French are particularly partial to striking. This can often impact the education sector. As a paying student, there’s nothing worse than having your lectures and seminars cancelled at short notice due to a strike, but you may find this an irritatingly common occurrence.

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in France

Sorbonne University

Université Paris Cité

Université Paris-Saclay

10,200 international students

10,000 international students

10,000 international students

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7/ Spain

Spain has been climbing the leaderboards in terms of internationally-renowned universities in recent years.

Number of international students

Percentage of international students

Average annual undergraduate tuition fees

QS Top 500 Universities





Pros of studying at university in Spain

Spain has been making it onto a number of leaderboards recently. As well as being the healthiest country in the world, the second-most friendly country for expats and a top destination for digital nomads and entrepreneurs, Spain can now also boast that it’s one of the best countries in the world to study as an international student. Not that this will come as a surprise to anyone in Spain. As the home of one of the oldest universities in the world – the University of Salamanca, established 1134 – Spain has been attracting intellectuals from around the world for nearly 900 years.

Since 2021, Spain has added five new universities to the QS Top University’s list of the best universities in the world. This is the result of a recent spate of investment in Spanish universities, much of which has come from investors in the USA looking to make Spain a global destination for international students.

Not that anyone would need much convincing. From the fast-paced metropolitan capital city of Madrid, to the sunny beaches of Barcelona and Valencia, and more historic cities throughout the interior, Spain offers everything a student could want. Add to that list world-leading business schools, high-calibre humanities programmes and an easily-accessible student visa system, and it’s easy to see why Spain is a top destination for international students.

Cons of studying at university in Spain

While Spain is an excellent destination, the quality of its universities can be hit-or-miss. While many can be found near the top, some of Spain’s institutions are rooted to the bottom of international tables. Before deciding to pack your bags and head to Spain, make sure you’ve vetted your chosen institution to see if it is competitive on the world stage.

Students may also find entry criteria inconsistent between Spanish universities. Some will only offer their courses in Spanish, and intending students will need to demonstrate impeccable language skills in order to be accepted.

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in Spain

University of Valencia

University of Granada

University of Barcelona

10,000 international students

6,000 international students

5,000 international students

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8/ South Korea

For students looking for a truly intrepid university experience while gaining a top degree, there’s no place like South Korea.

Number of international students

Percentage of international students

Average annual undergraduate tuition fees

QS Top 500 Universities





Pros of studying at university in South Korea

Education is serious business in South Korea: not only does it have the highest proportion of university graduates in the OECD, it has also recently kicked-off a five-year plan to attract a further 300,000 students by 2028.

Part of this plan involves the creation of the Global Korea Scholarship, which will fund over 8,000 university placements for foreign students. South Korea has also committed to making it easier for STEM graduates to acquire citizenship after graduating.

The cherry on top of this already attractive cake is that South Korea offers some of the highest-quality education found worldwide. With a number of universities specialising in both STEM and humanities subjects, plus the opportunity to study Korean language, foreign students have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in their studies while also benefiting from South Korea’s amazing culture.

Cons of studying at university in South Korea

Despite its ambitions, South Korea isn’t quite there yet, and as such many students will find life in South Korea to be difficult. South Korea is the most stressed country in the world, which can be attributed to its long working hours, strict social etiquette and widespread discrimination, especially against LGBTQ people.

South Korea is also experiencing an acute crisis in its medical sector, owing to its low number of trained healthcare practitioners. As an international student studying in South Korea, it’s recommended you take out an international health insurance policy, especially one that will entitle you to private healthcare, so that you can skip the long queues for a hospital bed when you need one.

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in South Korea

Yonsei University

Kyung Hee University

Korea University

5,800 international students

4,900 international students

4,000 international students

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9/ Netherlands

The Netherlands offers low tuition fees, courses taught in English and are excelling in the studies of philosophy, religion, foreign languages, history, language arts, performing arts and visual arts.

Number of international students

Percentage of international students

Average annual undergraduate tuition fees

QS Top 500 Universities





Pros of studying at university in the Netherlands

Arts students should take note in particular. Where other countries focus on science, technology and business, Dutch universities are excelling in the humanities. That, coupled with the low cost of education (tuition fees at many Dutch universities begin as low as €1,900 for EU students and €6,000 for non-EU students), plus the fact most courses are taught in English, puts the Netherlands firmly within the 10 best countries for international students.

Studying in the Netherlands, you’ll find yourself immersed in the same world that inspired famous artists and thinkers like Rembrandt, Van Gogh and Erasmus. That last name is particularly noteworthy in the context of one of the Netherland’s greatest educational achievements, the Erasmus Programme, which invites students across Europe to take part in short-term ‘Erasmus Years’ at other foreign universities. As a student in the Netherlands, you’ll have the opportunity to try this yourself, hopping over to Germany, France, the UK and elsewhere to spend one or more years studying your course and benefitting from the diverse perspectives found in other countries.

And while the Netherlands may be small, it punches well above its weight when it comes to lifestyle and culture. Especially in the capital city of Amsterdam, you’ll find world-class museums and art galleries, incredible nightlife and excellent travel opportunities all on your doorstep.

Cons of studying at university in the Netherlands

As with other major European cities, the cost of living in the Netherlands can be extraordinarily high, which may put cultural activities out of reach to some international students. As such, many students in the Netherlands tend to take part-time jobs to supplement their incomes.

Students may also find it hard to adapt to the Dutch way of life, which is very focused on individualism. This extends to education, where many Dutch professors encourage students to figure out problems on their own. This style of learning may not suit those who prefer more direct tuition.

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in the Netherlands

University of Amsterdam

Maastricht University

Erasmus University Rotterdam

13,900 international students

11,000 international students

7,800 international students

Source: Statista

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10/ New Zealand

Recognising the need to develop its population with skills for the future, New Zealand has recently started to heap money into its education sector.

Number of international students

Percentage of international students

Average annual undergraduate tuition fees

QS Top 500 Universities





Pros of studying at university in New Zealand

In 2023, Universities New Zealand added US$32 million to its budget for the purpose of investing in world-class research fellowships. At the same time, the national budget offered a cushion for students against the cost of living crisis by discounting travel for people aged 13–24. The ultimate aim is for New Zealand to push its universities in the direction of becoming world-class destinations for STEM subjects.

This, of course, makes now a great time to make the big move to New Zealand. While it may be a minnow in terms of the number of institutions it offers, all eight of New Zealand’s universities are already deemed world class according to QS Top Universities. That’s saying nothing of life in New Zealand, a country we named one of the happiest in the world as well as one of the friendliest. For that, you can expect a strong sporting culture, plenty of downtime on the country’s famous beaches, and the opportunities to make oodles of friends, whether on your campus or in the country’s metropolitan cities.

Why not bolster your learning experience in New Zealand by not only coming home with a world-class degree, but a qualification in surfing or scuba diving too? There’s much more than the traditional degree subjects on offer in New Zealand.

Cons of studying at university in New Zealand

Despite the recent spate of investment, New Zealand’s position on this list is precarious, owing to a prolonged downturn in education spending. International students who have their hearts set on New Zealand should do their research to ensure their university has not been affected by cut-backs and still offers the quality of teaching they’d hope to expect.

Top 3 most popular universities for international students in New Zealand

University of Auckland

University of Waikato

University of Canterbury

8,277 international students

2,000 international students

1,900 international students

The 10 Best Countries For University Education | William Russell (12)

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Remember to take out international health insurance

If you’re thinking of moving abroad to study, make sure you’ve looked into international health insurance. Many countries will require you to have private medical insurance before you can apply for a student visa.

At William Russell, we have over 30 years’ experience helping international students like you to get the best deal on international health insurance. Our policies give you access to an extensive network of over 40,000 medical facilities worldwide, meaning you’ll always have access to the best-quality treatment when you need it.

Let us help you start your new life as an international student. Get an online quote today and start your journey through education with total peace of mind.

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1. United States. Imagine studying in a country that hosts over 1 million international students annually. The U.S. boasts the largest number of globally-ranked universities, including MIT, Harvard, and Stanford.

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United States

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  • Denmark. #1 in Well-developed public education system. ...
  • Sweden. #2 in Well-developed public education system. ...
  • United Kingdom. #3 in Well-developed public education system. ...
  • Finland. #4 in Well-developed public education system. ...
  • Germany. #5 in Well-developed public education system. ...
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  • 2- Canada. ...
  • 3- Japan. ...
  • 4- Luxembourg. ...
  • 5- Ireland. ...
  • United Kingdom. ...
  • Lithuania. ...
  • Netherlands.
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As of now, the United States education ranking is in the 13th place with a score of 0.883, trailing behind countries like Germany (2nd) and New Zealand (3rd). In the QS World University Rankings 2023, 11 out of the top 20 universities are American, including prestigious institutions like MIT, Stanford, and Harvard.

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3Chinese Taipei547
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The U.S. Dominates in Higher Education

Not only does the U.S. have the most top 100 universities (36), it is also the most represented country (169 universities) in the entire ranking catalog of nearly 2,000 schools.

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Finland has been ranked as one of the countries with the most demanding education system in the world. The country's education system follows a 9-3-3 structure. In addition to Finland, several other countries, like South Korea, Singapore, and China have some of the toughest education systems.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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According to the 2024 rankings, the United Kingdom has the most well-developed education system in the world. The United States comes in second place, followed by Australia, the Netherlands, and Sweden. France is ranked sixth, Denmark seventh, Canada eighth, Germany ninth, and Switzerland tenth.

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The Finnish education system has garnered widespread acclaim for its progressive and inclusive practices, which prioritize individualized learning, student well-being, and overall holistic development. At the heart of Finland's education system is the principle of equity.

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As a Dutch child psychologist who works with families in the Netherlands, I've observed a number of different parenting styles across many cultures. While each approach has its benefits, Dutch kids are consistently ranked as the happiest in the world.

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The U.S. Dominates in Higher Education

Not only does the U.S. have the most top 100 universities (36), it is also the most represented country (169 universities) in the entire ranking catalog of nearly 2,000 schools.

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Top 10 Countries with Best Education System in the World
  • Australia.
  • Netherlands.
  • Sweden.
  • France.
  • Denmark.
  • Canada.
  • Germany.
  • Switzerland.
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The US system is as good as, and in many cases better than, the public school systems in other countries. Many people see the PISA international scores where the US ranks 38th of 71 in math, and 24th in science in a recent assessment. This is an internationally scaled test, given over years, so it has high reliability.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.