Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (2024)

Both platforms are great for writers, but the ways they distribute content vary. Here's how to figure out the right approach for you.

If you publish an article online and no one ever sees it, did it even really make a sound? đŸ€”

Substack and Medium are two of the most popular platforms for writers looking to get more eyeballs on their work. Each platform has its nuances, but they both attract users who actually enjoy reading, a rare and valuable demographic in today’s social media-saturated landscape.

More importantly, Substack and Medium both help you solve the problem of distribution that often trips up writers and creators. In this article, we’ll compare the two sites to help you decide which platform is best for you.

Substack Vs. Medium at a Glance


Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (1)Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (2)

Founding Year




Journalists, columnists, political commentators

Independent writers and authors

Business Model

Takes a 10% commission on subscriptions writers sell to their own readers.

Sells a $5/month premium membership to readers.

How Do Users Get Paid?

Selling a paid newsletter to your readers.

Royalties from the Medium Partner Program.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (3)

“A valuable investment of my time”

Dial in your strategy on Medium with The Medium Workshop, a comprehensive on-demand workshop replay that covers everything you need to know. One payment, lifetime access.

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Key Takeaways

  • Medium as a website has higher domain authority and a vast reader base.
  • If you don’t have an audience yet, Medium can be a great way to build your audience and also earn money along the way.
  • Substack, in contrast, presents an opportunity to gather paid subscribers.
  • Paid subscriptions can be a powerful revenue generator, but you’ll need a loyal subscriber base to keep things humming along.

Table of Contents

  • Substack Vs. Medium: Overview
  • Substack Features
  • How Paid Subscriptions on Substack Work
  • Medium Features
  • How the Medium Partner Program Works
  • Which Publishing Platform Is Best?

Substack Vs. Medium: Overview

Let's start with a rundown of each tool.

Substack is an online publishing tool that lets anyone start and scale a newsletter. The allure of paid newsletter culture, combined with more souped-up social features and cool factor, has made it very popular with writers.

Unless you have highly compelling content that people love to share, you’ll need to develop a digital marketing strategy to get the word out about your Substack newsletter when you start writing.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (4)

Substack home page. Screenshot taken Oct. 5, 2023

Medium is an open-source website in which anyone can start publishing essays of their own, without the need for your own website.

Medium offers new writers a built-in readership, and this built-in audience can help you develop your own audience without the long-game audience build that is common with SEO.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (5) home page. Screenshot taken Oct. 5, 2023

Substack Features

Substack is a platform designed specifically for writers and newsletter creators. You can also use it to launch your own “micro media empire”, and the platform recently added podcast hosting functionality.

With Substack, you can distribute their content directly to subscribers through email. Blog pages and social media feeds are notoriously distracting; newsletter distribution is one way to increase the amount of time users spend reading your work.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (6)

Posts on Substack populate as articles, with hard-coded social proof buttons at the top.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (7)

You can create publications and customize your publication menus in Substack.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (8)

The podcast function lets you upload audio versions of your newsletters or other audio content and feature it in your publication.

One of the key advantages of Substack is that it allows writers to monetize their newsletters. Creators can choose to either publish free content or charge a subscription fee and limit content to paying members only.

With Substack, writers have complete control over their subscriber base and can even export their subscriber list if they choose to switch platforms in the future. To increase in-app discoverability, the platform recently added a feature called Substack Notes.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (9)

Example of the Substack Notes feature, which launched in April 2023.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (10)

My test publication is killing it. 😜 You can see publication performance in a backend dashboard at any time.

How Paid Subscriptions on Substack Work

Substack’s crown jewel is the way it lets creators offer memberships to paying subscribers. Substack wasn’t the first to do this, but they’re one of the best at making this process easy, which is what many creators want.

When readers subscribe, you can give them the option of whether they have to pay to receive your content.

Pro Tip:To build a successful paid newsletter, Substack suggests you first get good at developing an existing mailing list. This is sound advice.

Payment processing for subscriptions happens within the Substack interface, thanks to a direct integration with Stripe. Like most processors, Stripe charges a 2.9% processing fee on all transactions. Substack itself then takes an additional 10%, and this is the startup’s primary revenue source.

This isn’t an unusual business model. Patreon takes a 6% cut, OnlyFans takes a 20% cut, and apps hosted on Apple’s App Store take a blistering 30% cut. If you’re just getting started with content creation, however, letting Substack take a slice of your paid subscribers’ dues might be worth it in exchange for a turnkey solution.

Substack has a paid newsletter checklist available for PDF download on their On Substack publication -- the post is here.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (11)

Key Takeaways

  • With Substack, you don’t need a website. You can set up a custom domain if you want to, though.
  • You can have your work shared by other writers, which can result in more referred memberships.
  • The platform lets you create publications, which can replace the need to have your own blog.

Medium Features

Medium, on the other hand, is a blogging platform that aims to provide a space for writers to share their thoughts and ideas. It has a wider reach compared to Substack, as its articles are accessible to millions of users both within the Medium community and on the internet in general.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (12)

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (13)

The stats dashboard on Medium is limited, but easy navigate. Like Substack, impressions are not measured.

One feature that makes Medium powerful is its domain authority. Medium is one of the largest websites in the world; if you’re trying to get discovered on search engines for certain niche topics, publishing on Medium will probably be a better strategy than publishing on your blog.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (14)

Each story on Medium has its own reporting that automatically updates.

How the Medium Partner Program Works

Unlike Substack, Medium does not offer built-in monetization features. However, creators can join the Medium Partner Program, through which they can earn revenue based on engagement and readership of their articles.

With the Medium Partner Program, you have the option to place your articles behind Medium’s paywall. You’ll then be paid based on read time from paying Medium subscribers. Medium readers don’t subscribe to individual authors; instead, they pay $5 per month to have access to all of Medium.

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (15)

When enrolled in the Medium Partner Program, you'll connect a Stripe account. Royalty payouts are then paid out each month, based on member read time on your articles.

Most articles won’t pay much. If you have an article get picked up by Medium’s algorithm, however, there’s huge potential to not only earn income, but also reach a broader audience.

Key Takeaways

  • Medium doesn't require as much consistency as Substack, although publishing regularly does tend to snowball growth.
  • Established writers don’t necessarily have an advantage over newbies on Medium, which makes the platform a great tool for beginners to cultivate their own audience.

Which Publishing Platform Is Best?

It’s hard to say. One thing to remember about Substack is that its success stories are personalities and journalists who already had huge followings before they came to the platform. Some of these writers were also given cash advances and extra publicity when they came over to Substack.

If you don’t already have an audience, Substack can be tough. The platform is working on improving discoverability.

In contrast, Medium is less cool, but is a great platform if you’re more focused on audience growth than subscriptions. Medium is my preferred battle ax, but the two platforms are both great for independent writers, and they’re worlds better than social media if you’re trying to build thought leadership.

Tip:It’s important for established writers to develop a personal brand. Part of this work is learning how ideas get distributed on various platforms on the internet.

Related: 10 Substack Alternatives to Build Authority Online

Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (16)

“Thorough, down-to-Earth, and road-tested”

Dial in your strategy on Medium with The Medium Workshop , a comprehensive on-demand workshop replay that covers everything you need to know. One payment, lifetime access.

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Write for Both Substack and Medium?

Yes, it's possible to post similar articles on Medium and Substack. Some publications might require that your work not be published elsewhere, though.

Which is Better: Substack or Medium?

Substack empowers independent writers with paid subscription functionality. However, Medium has a broader reader base, better discoverability, and immediate monetization opportunities.

Why Use Substack Instead of a Blog?

Substack makes it easy to start a newsletter, so if a simple setup is important to you, it might help you start publishing your work sooner without having to deal with any tech setup.

What Are the Disadvantages of Substack?

Substack lacks important features compared to other email service providers. You’ll also need to market your newsletter regularly in order to build awareness; it can be a challenge to start from scratch and gain momentum.

Is Substack the Best Newsletter Platform?

Absolutely not. Substack combines basic email features with a social feed, and has good optics. However, other platforms have better features, including ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, and beehiiv.

Start Publishing Online Today

If you have an existing audience and want to build recurring revenue, Substack is the way to go. On the other hand, if you seek a wider audience reach and potential revenue through engagement alone, Medium might be a better fit.

Take the time to evaluate your needs, consider your target audience, and weigh the pros and cons of each platform before making your final decision. ◆

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Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? (2024)


Substack Vs. Medium: Which Platform Is Better in 2024? â€ș

In general, Substack is a better option if you want to build your own audience and monetize with subscriptions, while Medium can be a nice option if you just want to write, and like the idea of accessing Medium's built-in audience (rather than building your own standalone audience).

What is better than Substack? â€ș

One alternative to Substack is Ghost, an open-source blogging platform. Ghost is similar to Substack in that it allows users to create and publish content, but it includes additional features that Substack is missing that might make it an appealing option for more established independent bloggers or small publications.

What is the downside of Substack? â€ș

Cons of Substack

If you decide to monetize your Substack, they take a 10% cut PLUS Stripe takes an additional 3% - so 13% of your earnings will automatically be taken out. This can become more than what you would pay for most monthly newsletter subscription services.

What is better than Medium? â€ș

Platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Blogger offer different features and functionality than Medium, allowing writers to customize their websites and have more control over their content. By exploring these alternatives, you can find the platform that aligns with your blogging goals and preferences.

Is Substack the best writing platform? â€ș

Moreover, Substack as a platform-building tool is really best for nonfiction writers. If you're trying to publish your fiction on Substack, good luck with that. Writing and publishing on Substack isn't going to magically lead to a readership without a content strategy behind it.

Should I use Medium or Substack? â€ș

Which platform is more suitable for niche content creators? Substack's emphasis on targeted niche communities makes it ideal for niche content creators, fostering a loyal and engaged audience. Medium, with its broad exposure, is suitable for those seeking diverse readership.

Should I switch to Substack? â€ș

If you don't have a blog and are just focused on Instagram, then yeah, I'd give it a go! and if you already have an established email list, I would just think twice before making the switch. I know several people who have gone from a classic newsletter platform to Substack and are very happy.

Why do people still use Medium? â€ș

Medium is great for writers who invest time and energy in their work. It rewards in-depth, well-researched, and useful articles, not just popularity or brand awareness.

Can I publish the same article on Substack and Medium? â€ș

So, the game plan is simple: publish your article on Substack first, and then, after a day or two, you can republish it on Medium while specifying the canonical URL (more on that in a bit).

Who uses Substack? â€ș

Content. Substack users include journalists, subject-matter experts, and media platforms.

Can you make a living writing on Substack? â€ș

With millions of paid subscriptions, the most successful Substack writers are earning hundreds of thousands per year while growing their audiences faster than ever before.

Which is better Substack or Ghost? â€ș

Ghost and Substack are two of the most popular platforms for publishing newsletters. In terms of features, Ghost offers more flexibility and robustness than Substack. Both platforms offer core features such as: Blogging.

What is better, Substack or Patreon? â€ș

Substack is primarily known for facilitating the creation and distribution of newsletters, while Patreon offers a broader range of options for creators to connect with their audience.

Which is better Substack or Mailchimp? â€ș

Mailchimp undoubtedly offers more comprehensive analytics compared to Substack. With Mailchimp, users have access to in-depth data on virtually every aspect of their email campaigns, including open rates, click rates, subscriber retention, and detailed engagement metrics.

What is the difference between Tinyletter and Substack? â€ș

The difference between Tinyletter Vs Substack:

Substack is free for an unlimited number of email subscribers. There is no cap on how many free email subscribers you can get. Tinyletter is free for 5000 email subscribers, beyond that you have to pay to use their services.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.