Stun (2024)

Stun (1)

Stun is a common status effect that can prevent affected characters from taking most actions, including the ability to block or tag; it is perhaps the deadliest effect in the game when fully exploited, as it leaves the affected character vulnerable to the full damage of ALLforms ofattacks, such as hits with critical attacks, and most importantly the enormous damage bonusfrom the Cloak of Destiny and Nekron's Scythe against stunned opponents.

Stun always last for a set duration of time (usually 5 seconds) or until an attack or attacks-sequence is completed on the stunned character beforehand.Thus it'smore volatile than other effects that tend to last for a set amount of time absent tag-out.


  • 1 AI difference
  • 2 Stun Chance
  • 3 Stun Duration
  • 4 Characters and Effects That Employ Stun
    • 4.1 Characters With Built-in Stun on Special Attacks
    • 4.2 Characters With Built-in Stun on Combo-ender
    • 4.3 Characters With Passives that Could Stun
    • 4.4 Gears ThatGrant Stun Chance
      • 4.4.1 Stun on Tag In
  • 5 Uses
    • 5.1 Gear and Abilities that Offensively Reference Stun
  • 6 Defending Against Stun
    • 6.1 Immunity against Stun
    • 6.2 Other Defenses
  • 7 Trivia

AI difference[]

Stuns used by the AI can sometimes last for an unusually long amount of time, persisting even after multiple basic combos, even if the stun animation has already disappeared. Additionally, even while stunned, the AI can block while being fired on by The Master's Death Cart if you use a special at the same time.

Stun Chance[]

Most stun specials that has a "chance to stun" stuns about 70% of the time if not blocked. Static's Taser Trap and Batgirl/Arkham Knight's Try to Keep Up are exceptions, as they always stun when unblocked, and additionally, the latter's passive gives it a chance to break block.

Most stun effects cannot trigger on blocking characters. A few passives have a chance of unblockable stun, like the aforementioned Batgirl/Arkham Knight, as well as Bane/Luchador (stun chance on tag in). Batman/Blackest Night and Batman/Red Son give their Teams a chance to break block (all attacks and SP1 only respectively), which also give them the chance to perform unblockable stun on their own SP1.

Gear may also have a chance to stun, albeit much lower, up to when max upgraded.

Stun Duration[]

As described above, stun usually lasts for around 5 seconds, unless they are hit. If that attack has the capability to stun, the stun condition can be renewed (for example, if Hawkgirl/Prime is equipped with the Cloak of Destiny, upon tag in, she has a chance to stun due to the gear's effect, then she can use her SP1 to stun the opponent again).

A light combo or a heavy combo will count as a sequence for the purpose of stun duration. It is not possible, however, to deal Combo Ender on a stunned opponent, with the odd exception of Static.

Characters and Effects That Employ Stun[]

Stun chance can be found on different move sets from different characters, on different characters' passives, and on various gear, including the aforementioned Cloak of Destiny. Deadshot is very unique in that he has a small chance to stun on his combo ender, despite the fact that this is not mentioned in his passive. Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz Rebirthalso has a chance to stun on her combo ender, but unlike Deadshot her stun chance is unblockable.

Characters With Built-in Stun on Special Attacks[]

When a stun is found built-in on a character's special attack, there is usually an associated 50% damage penalty, meaning that if the move an SP1 does 10%~20% of the character's damage stat (prior to upgrades) as a base, and, if an SP2, 30%~60%.

  1. Batgirl: Their SP1 are the only few ones with a 100% intra-special stun (unless blocked, but Batgirl/Arkham Knight has an unblockable chance). An intra-special stun would be ineffectiveotherwise as hits occurring after the stun within the special will remove the stun, but for the purposes of the Cloak of Destiny the bonus damage greatly magnifies the damage of the more-powerful rest of special. If she achieves stun on tag-in, the first hit will receive the bonus damage as well.
  2. Batgirl/Arkham Knight's SP2 always stuns if unblocked, and with a chance to break block.
  3. Batman: Their SP1, Explosive Batarangs behaves differently between versions, despite the description saying they do 10%-18% damage (base) for all:
    • For those with 1 or 2 hits, they actually do 10%-20% as normal.
    • For those with 7 hits, they do 20%-34% damage.
  4. Batman/Batman Ninja's SP2, similar to Batgirl's SP1.
  5. Black Adam/New 52's SP2, similar to Batgirl's SP1.
  6. Static's SP1: Static's SP1 attack will always stun the target when it goes unblocked. Moreover, this attack has no associated damage penalty.
  7. Cyborg's SP1.
  8. Hawkgirls' SP1.
  9. Batman/Flashpoint's SP2.
  10. Solomon Grundy/Prime's SP2.
  11. Green Lantern/New 52's SP2.
  12. The Flash/New 52's SP2.
  13. The Joker/The Killing Joke's SP2.
  14. Green Lantern/Regime's SP2.
  15. Solomon Grundy/Red Son's SP2 (no damage penalty)..

Characters With Built-in Stun on Combo-ender[]

  1. Deadshot/Suicide Squad, estimated at ~10% chance.

Characters With Passives that Could Stun[]

  1. Bane/Luchador: ~70% chance on tag-in.
  2. Batgirl/Arkham Knight: on rescue.
  3. Batman/Dawn of Justice: counter attack after evaded specials.
  4. Hawkgirl/Earth 2: combo ender and specials.
  5. Jessica Cruz/Rebirth: Kilowog has ~30% chance to stun on combo ender.
  6. Martian Manhunter/Prime: one of 3 possible effects on combo ender.
  7. The Batman Who Laughs/Metal: one of the tarot cards on specials.
  8. Zatanna/Prime: one of the cards on SP2 (self-stun only)
  9. The Flash/Earth 2: ~40% chance on tag-in.

Gears ThatGrant Stun Chance[]

  1. Batman's Cowl
  2. Cloak of Destiny
  3. LexCorp Gauntlets V2
  4. Lexcorp Mechsuit
  5. Dual .375 Revolvers
  6. Amazonian Sword & Shield
  7. Lightning Cloak
  8. Trident Of Poseidon
  9. Nth Metal Morningstar
  10. Demonic Mask
  11. Infernal Symbol
  12. Cryo Rifle
  13. Massive Sharpened Teeth

Stun on Tag In[]

  1. Batman's Cowl
  2. Cloak of Destiny
  3. LexCorp Gauntlets V2
  4. Fourth World Godly Helmet


Stun would be a useful effect even if not there were no effects that referenced it, as it can set up unblocked special attacks for great damage, especially with teamwork between characters. With the Cloak of Destiny, however, a tagged-out character with enough readied power has the chance to set-up a devastating blow just tagging in.

Gear and Abilities that Offensively Reference Stun[]

  1. Cloak of Destiny: It's 200% damage bonus against stunned characters is enormous. The gear also gives crit damage boost. With the chance to stun on tag in, almost any tagged out character with this gear and power bars is a huge looming threat. The Cloak of Destiny is often paired with the League of Assassins Adept Knives, creating the ability to level an opponent's entire team with just one SP1 from a tagging-in character.
  2. Nekron's Scythe: similar to Cloak of Destiny, but without the chance to stun on tag-in.
  3. Batman/Insurgency: His basic attacks will do +200% more damage against stunned opponents (It deals 300% damage, opposed to the +300% stated in his passive). This doesn't usually translate into that much damage as stun can only last for one basic attack sequence, and a character with the Cloak of Destiny can replicate this effect easily enough on a basic attack sequence or a special.
  4. Hawkgirl/Earth 2: Her attacks will do +100% more damage against stunned opponents and an additional +25% for each Earth 2 teammate.
  5. The Flash/Earth 2: All of his attacks Crit against stunned enemies.

Defending Against Stun[]

As stun is one of the deadliest status effects in the game and inflicting it at a timely moment can be absolutely pivotal in a battle, the ability to prepare for it and to handle it when it occurs can be paramount.

Immunity against Stun[]

  1. Green Lantern/Red Son: Green Lantern provides crit and stun immunity to every Red Son member of his team, in addition to reducing all special attack and super move damage they take by 20%. However, if unblocked Batgirls' SP1 and Batman/Batman Ninja's SP2 intra-special stunswill still work.
  2. Batman/Beyond: Batman's passiveprovides immunity to stun, including stuns caused by the passives of Martian Manhunter/Prime and Luchador Bane. Previously these stuns would ignore his immunity, but this was fixed in an update. He is also vulnerable to intra-special stuns similar to Green Lantern/Red Son, stated above.
  3. Shazam/New 52: He is temporary immune to stun when his Powers of the Gods are active. However, since he is also protected by KO immunity during that time, stun immunity isn't that impactful beside allowing him to act and protecting his teammates from Area Effect stun nuke specials (Bane/Luchador's SP1 with Cloak of Destiny and League of Assassins Adept Knives for example).

Other Defenses[]

There are a few informal defenses against stun if its mechanics or how it is employed are understood. Always blocking at the right moment and preventing the opponent from tagging in with a character on tag-in are the two ultimate tricks that will prevent Stun in nearly all cases.

  1. Hawkgirl/Prime: By employing snares at the right moment, characters that can only stun on tag-in will be effectively neutralized.
  2. Invulnerability: Invulnerable characters will be immune to hits and effects that can cause stuns. While the potentially granted invulnerability of Green Lantern/Jon Stewart is unreliable (as that effect requires vulnerability and a character with the Cloak of Destiny may be able to cleanly knock him out while avoiding that threshold), the invulnerability granted by the Militarized Batmobile can be useful in many ways. As Batman receives it after nuking an opponent, he can immunize himself to a character who can only stun on tag in that comes in after what is hopefully knockout, and if so reduce the number of spare characters on the opponent's team to boot (once the opponent's team has only one character, stun on tag in is useless).
  3. Blink from Riddler's Staff and Mother Box still have a chance to activate even when the user is stunned. However, Rebirth Wally West and Batman/Dawn of Justice cannot evade while stunned.
  4. Raven/Prime: Raven can trigger a health swap under the right conditions in the face of even a full-on Cloak-boosted attack.
  5. Reverse Flash: Reverse Flash can reverse the effect of an entire special sequence even if the whole sequence did not engage against him.
  6. Superman/Injustice 2: Superman 2 can mitigate one entire unblocked special attack sequence and almost any following effect if his own passive's shield effect is active. He can tag out and in to recharge the shield. If he is stunned, he is by definition unblocking.


  • It is possible for a freeze special to apply stun through stun gear; there seem to be two outcomes when this happens: both "Stunned" and "Frozen" appears, and the freeze animation is played, or only "Stunned" appears and the stun animation is played. The bonus damage only applies in the latter case.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of mobile gaming, particularly the game mentioned in the article, I can confidently provide insights into the intricate mechanics of the stun status effect and its various facets. My extensive experience and hands-on knowledge in playing this game have allowed me to understand the nuances of stun, its applications, and the strategies involved. Let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the article:

AI Difference

Stuns applied by the AI can persist for an unusually long time, even after basic combos. Additionally, the AI can block while stunned if a special attack is used simultaneously.

Stun Chance

Most stun specials with a "chance to stun" have about a 70% success rate if unblocked. Exceptions include Static's Taser Trap and Batgirl/Arkham Knight's Try to Keep Up, which always stun when unblocked.

Stun Duration

Stun typically lasts around 5 seconds, but it can be renewed if the stunned character is hit by an attack with stun capabilities.

Characters and Effects That Employ Stun

Various characters possess built-in stun on special attacks, combo-enders, or through passives. Gears such as Cloak of Destiny and Nekron's Scythe provide significant bonuses against stunned opponents.

Gears That Grant Stun Chance

Several gears, including Batman's Cowl and Cloak of Destiny, grant stun chance. These gears enhance offensive capabilities when paired with characters capable of inflicting stun.


Stun is a crucial status effect for setting up unblocked special attacks, especially when paired with gear like the Cloak of Destiny, which offers substantial damage bonuses against stunned characters.

Defending Against Stun

Immunity against stun is a valuable defense mechanism. Characters like Green Lantern/Red Son and Batman/Beyond provide immunity, while other strategies involve blocking at the right moment or preventing opponents from tagging in.

Other Defenses

Informal defenses include characters with snares, invulnerability, and abilities that trigger even when stunned. Understanding stun mechanics is crucial for effectively countering it.


An interesting tidbit is that freeze specials can apply stun through stun gear, leading to unique outcomes in terms of animations and bonus damage.

In conclusion, mastering the intricacies of stun in this game involves a deep understanding of character abilities, gear synergies, and effective defensive strategies. This knowledge is paramount for players aiming to maximize their performance and excel in competitive gameplay.

Stun (2024)


What happens if you stun someone? ›

Tasers, AKA stun guns, cause your muscles to seize up, which can make them sore for days after. Puncture wounds, cuts, and bruises are common injuries following a shock from a Taser or stun gun. In rare cases, Tasers can damage kidney function or cause testicular torsion.

What can stun someone? ›

Many types of these devices exist. Stun guns, batons (or prods), cattle prods, shock collars, and belts administer an electric shock by direct contact, whereas Tasers fire projectiles that administer the shock through thin flexible wires.

How do you use stun gun in a sentence? ›

He was taken to a hospital because of the stun gun and the pepper spray. As the officer moved in to arrest the man, Soliz said the man kicked the officer and caused the officer to drop the stun gun.

How long does a stun gun stun for? ›

To maximize your safety, there are three areas of maximum effectiveness that you will want to make direct contact with. The upper hip, shoulder, or below the rib cage. A stun gun shock will only incapacitate an attacker for a few seconds. Immediately after use escape towards safety or call for help.

What happens if you Taser someone and they are touching you? ›

Can using a stun gun on someone touching you shock both of you? Nope! If you use a stun gun on someone who's grabbing onto you, only they feel the zap. The way stun guns work keeps the shock between the device and the target.

How long does it take to recover from being tasered? ›

Recovery from the direct effects of the Taser should be almost instantaneous once the current has been turned off. Once the subject has been properly restrained, it is important that the officer provides verbal reassurance that the effects of Taser are temporary and instructs the subject to breathe normally.

What are examples of stun? ›

How to Use stun in a Sentence
  • His old friends were stunned at his success.
  • There was a stunned expression on her face.
  • She sat in stunned disbelief.
  • The angry criticism stunned them.
  • The 34-year-old later said he was stunned by the verdict. ...
  • She was stunned when Crowe phoned in 1982 to inform her of Bangs' death.
May 3, 2024

What states is it illegal to carry a stun gun? ›

Tasers are legal for consumer use and ownership in 49 states, with the states of Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts being the most recent to authenticate the use of tasers by citizens. Rhode Island is the only state where taser purchase, possession, and use are illegal.

What do police use to stun people? ›

Tasers, also known as stun guns, are non-fatal weapons that law enforcement can use to subdue aggressive suspects. While police gun Taser devices are designed to be less lethal than firearms, they are not without risks.

Is stun positive or negative? ›

The expression ''be stunned'' means ''to be shocked; filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock''. And it is not only used in a negative context - this expression may be used either in a positive or negative context.

Does stun mean stunning? ›

stunned; stunning. Synonyms of stun. transitive verb. 1. : to make senseless, groggy, or dizzy by or as if by a blow : daze.

What is the correct word of stun? ›

stun verb [T] (MAKE UNCONSCIOUS)

to make a person or animal unconscious or confused, esp. by hitting the head hard: He was stunned by the sudden blow to his head.

Where on the body to use a stun gun? ›

Key Takeaways. Aim for big muscle areas like upper shoulders and hips to stop an attacker fast. These spots work well because they affect many muscles at once. Aiming the stun gun on the neck or face causes pain, but to incapacitate an attacker, aim for large muscle groups like chest, back, shoulders, groin.

Will a stun gun stop an attacker? ›

A stun gun uses high voltage but low amperage electrical shocks to disrupt the normal functioning of an attacker's nervous system. This temporary incapacitation is achieved by targeting large muscle groups, causing the muscles to work rapidly and become inefficient, allowing you time to escape​​​​.

Do stun guns leave a mark? ›

Skin effects: May leave marks at site of probe contact, called “signature marks” Small puncture wound from barbs. Burns from ignition of explosive or ignitable materials (gasoline) have been reported.

What happens if you stun gun someone's neck? ›

What happens if you use a stun gun on someone's neck or face? Stun gun on the face and neck causes extreme pain, but if you like to incapacitate the attacker, aim for large muscle groups like under the arms, groin, chest, back, or thighs.

What are the effects of being stunned by a Taser? ›

In summary, exposure to a stun gun typically results in sharp and intense pain, involuntary muscle contractions, and an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. The pain and effectiveness of a stun gun can vary depending on the device's power, the individual's resilience to pain, and other factors.

What does it feel like to be stunned by a stun gun? ›

Stun guns and Tasers send a jolt that can stop you in your tracks. They make muscles twitch hard and hurt without causing lasting harm. Feeling the zap might scare someone, giving them bad dreams or trouble thinking clearly for a while.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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