Stateful vs. Stateless Applications – Differences, Pros & Cons, Use Cases (2024)

In the world of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become a go-to platform for building scalable, reliable, and efficient applications. When designing applications on AWS, one of the fundamental decisions developers must make is whether to build a stateful or stateless application. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the application and its intended use. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key differences between stateful and stateless AWS applications, and provide insights into how to make an informed decision for your project.

As their name implies, stateful applications retain information, or “state,” regarding previous interactions. In contrast, stateless applications operate without knowledge of previous events. Every interaction with a stateless application is regarded as independent, and the application has no memory of previous interactions. This characteristic frequently results in increased simplicity, scalability, and adaptability.

AWS provides many services that meet the requirements of stateful and stateless applications. Understanding the distinction between these application types is crucial for developers working with AWS, as it directly influences architectural decisions, resource allocation, and the overall efficiency of applications deployed on this cloud platform.

Stateful applications retain data between sessions, but stateless applications don’t. For example, stateful applications remember products in a user’s cart after logging out, while stateless applications treat every login as a new session and cart information is lost.

Self-contained stateless apps scale well. Adding or removing resources is easier without prior interactions. Stateful apps must synchronize state data across several instances, making scaling harder.

Now that you know what are stateful and stateless apps, let’s discuss stateful applications in more detail and explore the advantages and disadvantages of using stateful applications.

What is a Stateful Application?

Stateful applications save info about the user’s “state” by keeping track of what they do. This information, like login information and user choices, affects how the user feels about the site. Here are some popular examples of stateful applications:

  • Online shopping carts that keep track of what you put in them
  • Banking systems that keep track of account information
  • Social media sites that display information based on user’s preferences

Now that you know what stateful apps are, let’s talk about their pros and cons.


  • They use the information they’ve saved to give customers what they want, which increases customer engagement.
  • Remember what the user was doing before and pick up where they left off, retaining useful information and improving the customer journey.
  • Secure apps save user login and session data, which protects important information.


  • Developers have to work harder to keep state info, which makes it challenging to develop and maintain stateful apps.
  • Creating a stateful app is not an easy task. It’s hard to keep track of state info across instances.
  • Stateful apps use more resources, especially memory, and storage, which slows them down.
  • In the event of a loss, it is hard to get the application back to the way it was because you also have to recover the lost data.

What is a Stateless Application?

Stateless software applications are those applications that do not save information about previous interactions, user sessions, or events. These applications do not preserve context or state between requests in a stateless design.

Some examples of stateless applications are:

  • HTTP: HTTP is a stateless internet data transfer protocol. Each client-server request and response is treated independently. Cookies and session management are used to keep user data across requests.
  • RESTful APIs: Networked applications often use Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture. RESTful APIs are stateless; thus, each request has all the information the server needs to process it without relying on prior requests.
  • Stateless microservices: Stateless microservices perform specified activities without storing state information. Since each instance processes requests independently, adding instances can scale these services horizontally.

Let’s discuss the pros and cons of using stateless applications.


  • Stateless apps scale better because each request is processed separately. Adding more application instances without state consistency concerns improves load balancing and horizontal scaling.
  • Stateless applications require less state management logic, making them easier to design, create, and maintain.
  • Stateless applications don’t store state across requests, thus one failure doesn’t affect the others. System fault tolerance improves.

Listed below are some of the drawbacks associated with using stateless applications:

  • Stateless apps must send all data with each request and response, which may increase overhead. Stateless applications may have lower performance and latency as they do not have to send all the data with each request.
  • Chat, gaming, and real-time collaboration apps require state management. These cases may not suit stateless architecture.
  • Stateful activities can complicate stateless apps. Developers must implement mechanisms for managing state across multiple requests, such as cookies, tokens, or databases to manage state across requests.

Differences between Stateful and Stateless AWS Applications

Let’s discuss the differences between stateful and stateless AWS applications based on architecture, scalability, and cost.

Architecture and design considerations for stateful and stateless applications

Stateful applications need permanent state storage. This could be a database, file system, or DSS. State data must be easily accessible. Stateless applications don’t need persistent storage because they don’t store state. Stateless applications interpret each interaction as a new request without context.

Online gaming platforms, login-required e-commerce websites, and database-driven applications are stateful applications. Web servers, CDNs, and DNS servers are stateless.

Scalability and performance considerations for stateful and stateless applications

Stateful applications require disc I/O operations, data consistency checks, and synchronization systems to manage state information. Stateful apps may take longer to respond and use more resources than stateless ones.

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Since they don’t manage state information, stateless applications can perform better and respond faster. Stateless apps scale horizontally because they handle each request independently and in parallel. Stateless applications are suited for big workloads due to their high throughput and low latency.

Cost implications of stateful and stateless applications

Stateful applications generally require more resources to maintain state information, making them more expensive to run compared to stateless applications. This includes backup and recovery systems, persistent storage, and additional computational resources to manage the state data.

Stateless applications don’t need persistent storage, thus, they’re cheaper to run. Stateless apps can scale horizontally with low-cost computing resources. Generally speaking, Stateless apps operate cheaper than stateful apps.

Use Cases for Stateful and Stateless Applications

Use cases for stateful applications

Some real-world use cases for stateful applications include:

  • Stateful applications include databases. They store, manage, and track data status. MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL are examples.
  • Online gaming platforms require stateful programs to store user session data and game state. Users can save and resume playing. Steam and Xbox Live are examples.
  • E-commerce websites, such as Amazon, Walmart, and eBay. To enable users to log in and make purchases, it is necessary to store their session state. Users can add items to their shopping cart, log out, and finish the purchase later.

Use cases for stateless applications

Here are some use cases for stateless applications:

  • Stateless applications include web servers. They respond to inquiries without state information.
  • CDNs cache and distribute content without state information. Cloudflare, Akamai, and Amazon CloudFront are some famous examples.
  • DNS servers convert domain names to IP addresses without state information. Cloudflare, Google, and OpenDNS are a few examples.

Hybrid use cases for stateful and stateless applications

There are some hybrid use cases for stateful and stateless applications as well; let’s go through some use cases below:

  • Microservices – Microservices are small, independent services that constitute a bigger application. Stateful microservices manage user session data, whereas stateless ones handle requests. Netflix streams use microservices as the core architecture for its streaming platform.
  • Real-time data processing involves both stateful and stateless architectures. Stateless apps can analyze data fed into stateful data storage for real-time insights. Financial trading platforms and social media surveillance tools are some of the examples of the hybrid approach.
  • Serverless computing – Cloud infrastructure runs apps without servers or infrastructure management. Serverless apps are mostly stateless but may save state in stateful services like databases or message queues. AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions are some common examples.

AWS Services and Tools for Building Stateful and Stateless Applications

AWS services for building stateful applications

Here are some AWS services for building stateful applications:

  • Amazon RDSA cloud-based relational database service. RDS supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.
  • Amazon ElastiCacheReduces database requests to increase application performance and scalability. ElastiCache supports Memcached and Redis.
  • Amazon DynamoDBA fully managed NoSQL database with fast and predictable performance and seamless scaling. DynamoDB supports key-value and document databases.
  • Amazon Aurora – a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database service. Aurora is built for mission-critical reliability.

AWS services for building stateless applications

Here are some AWS services for building stateless applications:

  • Cloud-based virtual server Amazon EC2. Stateless, horizontally scalable apps use EC2 instances because they can be launched quickly.
  • Amazon ECS makes containerized applications easy to run and grow. Docker supports ECS.
  • Amazon Lambda allows developers to run code without provisioning or managing servers. Lambda supports event-driven designs and on-demand computation capacity for stateless applications.

Best practices for using AWS services for stateful and stateless applications

Below we have compiled some best practices for using AWS services for both stateless and stateful applications:

  • Use managed services. AWS offers many managed services to simplify stateful and stateless application management. RDS, ElastiCache, and DynamoDB simplify stateful application management with automatic scalability, backups, and monitoring.
  • Use autoscaling for stateful and stateless apps. Autoscaling lets apps adjust capacity to demand. AWS autoscales EC2 instances, ECS tasks, and Lambda operations.
  • Fault-tolerant architectures enable high availability and durability for stateful applications. Aurora and RDS Multi-AZ are AWS fault-tolerant services. ECS and Lambda provide fault-tolerant frameworks for stateless applications.
  • Encrypt and secure stateful and stateless apps. AWS KMS and IAM support encryption and follow security best practices.
  • Monitor and log stateful and stateless apps. AWS CloudWatch and CloudTrail allow monitoring and logging. These services allow you to quickly discover application bugs and monitor performance.

Choosing between stateful and stateless applications requires a clear understanding of their differences, pros, cons, and use cases. By weighing the advantages and drawbacks of each approach and assessing your project’s requirements, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and delivers the best possible outcome. Remember, whether you choose stateful or stateless, what matters most is the quality of your application and its ability to meet the needs of your users.

Ready to Take Your Tech Career to the Next Level?

If you’re interested in expanding your knowledge of cloud computing and application architecture, you may want to consider pursuing an AWS certification. Here at Digital Cloud Training, we provide extensive training and certification programs for professionals seeking to enhance their skills in cloud computing and related technologies.

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So, are you ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? Enroll now in one of our AWS training programs that will prepare you for real-world challenges.

Stateful vs. Stateless Applications – Differences, Pros & Cons, Use Cases (2024)


Stateful vs. Stateless Applications – Differences, Pros & Cons, Use Cases? ›

Stateful apps may take longer to respond and use more resources than stateless ones. Since they don't manage state information, stateless applications can perform better and respond faster. Stateless apps scale horizontally because they handle each request independently and in parallel.

What is the difference between stateless and stateful use cases? ›

The key difference between stateful and stateless applications is that stateless applications don't “store” data whereas stateful applications require backing storage. Stateful applications like the Cassandra, MongoDB and mySQL databases all require some type of persistent storage that will survive service restarts.

What is an example of a stateful application? ›

One example of a stateful application is a stateful web service that stores client authentication data on the server, labeling clients as having a “connected” or “disconnected” state. It also stores information about previous requests from the same clients.

What are stateful applications good for? ›

Applications best suited for stateful architectures include: Online gaming applications, which need to keep track of player positions, scores, and interactions. Banking systems, which need to consistently manage and record transactions to ensure accuracy and integrity.

What is the difference between stateless and stateful communication models with examples? ›

Stateless Protocol does not require the server to retain the server information or session details. Stateful Protocol require server to save the status and session information. In Stateless Protocol, there is no tight dependency between server and client. The Stateless protocol design simplify the server design.

Is rest API stateless or stateful? ›

Stateless: REST APIs are stateless, meaning that calls can be made independently of one another, and each call contains all of the data necessary to complete itself successfully.

How do you tell if an application is stateful or stateless? ›

The key difference between stateful and stateless is whether an application retains information about the current state of a user's interactions or if it treats each request as an independent, isolated transaction.

What are the disadvantages of stateful application? ›

Cons: Developers have to work harder to keep state info, which makes it challenging to develop and maintain stateful apps. Creating a stateful app is not an easy task. It's hard to keep track of state info across instances.

Is https stateful or stateless? ›

HTTP and HTTPS both are stateless protocols. The S in HTTPS stands for Secure and it refers to use of ordinary HTTP over an encrypted SSL/TLS connection.

Which is more secure stateless or stateful? ›

For larger enterprises, stateful firewalls are the better choice. Because they offer dynamic packet filtering, they can adapt to a variety of threats using data gathered from previous network activity to ascertain the danger level of novel threats.

What are stateless applications? ›

What is a stateless application? A stateless app is an application program that does not save client data generated in one session for use in the next session with that client. Each session is carried out as if it was the first time and responses are not dependent upon data from a previous session.

Is TCP stateful or stateless? ›

Examples of stateful protocols include the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Stateless protocols improve the properties of visibility, reliability, and scalability.

Why is HTTP called a stateless protocol? ›

By default HTTP protocol doesn't have any implicit provision for the server to identify a unique browser client (user). That's because HTTP protocol doesn't provide any inherent mechanism to maintain the state between multiple requests originating from the same client. Hence it's been called a stateless protocol.

When would you use stateful vs stateless components? ›

Stateful Components: Use them when you need to manage state, lifecycle methods, or when dealing with complex UI logic that requires the component to keep track of changes over time. Stateless Components: Ideal for presentational components that focus solely on the UI and do not require any state management.

What is the difference between stateless and stateful widget example? ›

Stateful Widgets have an internal state. They will be rendered once and will not update themselves, but will only be updated when external data changes. They can re-render if the input data changes or if Widget's state changes. For Example, Text, Icon, and RaisedButton are Stateless Widgets.

What is the difference between stateful and stateless rules? ›

Stateful firewalls keep track of the state or context of connections by maintaining a state table. This allows them to differentiate between legitimate packets belonging to established connections and potentially malicious or unauthorized packets. Stateless firewalls do not track the state of connections.

What is the difference between stateless and stateful variables? ›

Stateful web services hold information about previous user interactions on the server side. However, stateless services don't hold this information and require the user to hold this data on the client side (usually in the form of web cookies) and remind the server every time they send a request.

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