SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (2024)

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (1)Sreekanth T(2014-12-13)

I am using IE7.
I am getting this error on screen like what has shown above.
But in other system IE6 its coming in Pop up message.
Please let me know how to get the same error in Pop ups in IE 7.
Because i am running scripts to test it which can handle the pop ups only.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (2)Nick(2014-12-13)

I used the checker tool on this site and it said the SSL was fine.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (3)Faheem(2014-12-13)

hello hi
i have read the above document but i'm still not able to get rid of the error plz help me in step by step procedure to get rid of ssl error
it would be an honor for me to receive ur feed back

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (4)ujef(2014-12-13)

i know some time you will get ssl error,
because the ssl provider a using new root in old
browsers and device, intermedia certificate link
the new root and trusted certificate.
check ssl provider.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (5)Andy(2014-12-13)

I'm really confused on why GeoTrust isn't a trusted SSL cert for Google Chrome. None of the other browsers I have tried are giving me errors and things seem to check out.

Even your little SSL checker says it's all good:

Any ideas on why Google Chrome is showing the Not Trusted error message?

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (6)Robert(2014-12-13)

Sometimes you will get this error on certain web browsers or devices but not on others. This could be because the SSL provider is using a new Root certificate that isn't included in the old browsers and devices. The error can usually be fixed by installing an Intermediate certificate that will link the new Root certificate to an old trusted certificate. Check with your SSL provider.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (7)Nick(2014-12-13)

I started getting this "not trusted" error on one of my sites today. I have not changed anything about the SSL in months. IE, firefox, and google chrome from my office location started giving me the error. My home location and other computers on a different network do not display the error. Any ideas?

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (8)Unknown(2014-12-13)

That's not really the case all the time. For example, we have users in an overseas domain that get this error while domestic users do not. That tells me that it can just as easily be a browser issue or security settings issue.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (9)John(2014-12-13)

These truly are a load of crap. - I have just tried to install their trial certificate only to find that I could not access their tester because trial certificates do not give you an order number or login details ...and that there is a file, cert, etc. available from Thawte to fix this is a complete and total myth.

On the plus side, the certificate did install without problem, though, and the details were available immediately and it was not necessary to wait several hours for them to be emailed to me.

With the IE problems and lack of tester, though, and proposed 'fix' (mutilating your httpd.conf and .htaccess files) I would say avoid at all costs and use Digicert or Comodo.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (10)Robert(2014-12-13)

It's true that some browsers allow you to skip or disable this error, but in the vast majority of cases, this error indicates that you are using an untrusted certificate or you haven't installed all of the Intermediate certificates properly. See and it should tell you the specific problem.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (11)Paul(2014-12-13)

I know this is an old post but I am getting this error with a godaddy cert and the ssl checker says all is good but yet anyone who visits in firefox 3.6 sees site not secure i also get this error going to godaddys site to log in uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not trusted.

(Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)

Is this on my end or is it there trouble they say I am not getting an error and in not so manny words have called me a lier

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (12)Robert(2014-12-13)

Hi Andrew,

The solution (as stated in the "How to Fix The Untrusted Error" section) is for the administrator of the website to install one or more intermediate/chain certificates onto the web server. If you aren't the web site administrator, you will need to contact them so they can fix it.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (13)Robert(2014-12-13)

Hi Paul,

I'm not sure why you would receive the error if the SSL checker didn't report any problems. I'm able to access in Firefox 3.6 without receiving any errors. Do you receive a similar error in any other web browsers?

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (14)Sean(2014-12-13)

I just installed Clear Wimax on two laptops, one running XP the other Vista. Both machines have Chrome and IE7. Using both browsers on both machines I get "untrusted security certificate" Anyone else have this problem? If so, how does one fix this?

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (15)Andrew(2014-12-13)

I get this error (on firefox only .. )
with geotrust .....
the article does not include a solution ..... or even a proposed solution, completely pointless ...

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (16)MarjanT(2014-12-13)

A vista computer has been connected to internet a week ago for the first time. https connection-->ceritficate invalid because issuers certificate is not trusted/valid was received for provider's digicert isued service site. ssl checker showed certificate OK, with possible issues with intermediates at server site.
The problem this time was client side, the client side certificate store root certificates have been expired.
I had a night work/waiting applying updates (Vista told all updates were applied and SP-1 was not even shown as available).
After all restarting firefox still showed same diagnose. I found I had to access the site in question once in IE (8 after all the updating) and IE certificate finaly got up to date and valid root certificates, and in IE problem got away. For firefox I assume I have to restart firefox (or/and computer) - which I am going to do after sending this

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (17)Steve(2014-12-13)

Only solution is the web server vender to work on getting his certificate trusted and not expired.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (18)Steve(2014-12-13)

Means Certificate just got expired recently 0r you have the worng date and time on the system.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (19)Rose(2014-12-13)

Renewed SSL certificate and changed the vendor. Facing this issue on OS AIX, IBM WebSphere Application server. Solving the issue with help of vendor but no solution. Would appreciate if any one can help on this.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (20)mysun(2014-12-13)

Dear sir!
I setup CA local, i setup ssl for web server, i browser such: IE, firefox,... is Untrusted Error
What can I do? i try install root CA for browser but Untrusted

Thanks pro

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (21)Justin(2014-12-13)


How comes 2 computers using same browser and internet provider but one gives error message when in https and the other does not? Any ideas?

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (22)Jeydey(2014-12-13)

Set your time and date in exact

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (23)MarjanT(2014-12-13)

After restarting computer (which of course includes stop/start of firefox) ssl checker finds it OK but for 'The certificate is not trusted in all web browsers'.
Issues with IE are over, but firefox (up to date version) still has same problem. Shall forward to mozzila and server owner.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (24)sarang(2014-12-13)

You can add CA certificate in trusted store of a browser.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (25)Jerry(2014-12-13)

Make sure the date and time is current. I got this error fixed after I realized I set the date wrong.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (26)Marty McGee(2014-12-13)

I am running Apache on Windows, and I'm using a GoDaddy-issued certificate. Robert's suggestion to try the SSL-Checker tool made me realize that I had not set a pointer to my GoDaddy Chain File (gd_bundle.crt). So fyi @Paul, GoDaddy DOES use a valid security certificate, as long as you download and install the Chain File correctly.

In Apache, my virtual host settings are now:

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/
SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/www_my-domain_com.key
SSLCertificateChainFile conf/ssl/gd_bundle.crt ( this was the line I was missing)

Thanks everyone!

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (27)Gideon7(2014-12-13)

I ran into a similar problem when renewing my Web SSL Certificate with Thwate on Windows Server 2008 R2 running IIS 7.5. It failed and my e-commerce web site was down for days. Ultimately the problem was traced to a bad intermediate CA.

After hours of debugging I finally figured out the trick was to first delete from my server all of the old intermediate Thawte CA certificates. I then imported the entire chain using my new Web SSL cert file downloaded from (which included a new chain of Thawte certificates).

On Windows Server 2008 R2 there is a bogus self-signed cert named "thawte Primary Root CA". This conflicted with my new cert's chain of intermediate CAs (one of which is also named "thawte Primary Root CA") that was embedded in the Web SSL cert that I purchased from The new "thawte Primary Root CA" cert was an intermediate signed above by "Thawte Premium Server CA". (Yes, the so-called 'root' cert was really an intermediate.)

There is a Thawte Knowledge Base article that acknowledges the problem at

The Thawte KB article explains how to disable the old bad root cert "thawte Primary Root CA". However, the workaround in the KB article does not fix the problem. I had to physically delete the entire chain, including the self-signed root cert "thawte Primary Root CA", from my web server's certificate database. It was only after deleting the whole chain and re-importing it that the web server would publish the correct SSL certification chain to web browsers.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (28)Metaljoe(2014-12-13)

I Had this problem on my laptop and could not fix cause the error was not showing all the error when clicking the link to see all the message. I had to hit the tab button to get all the message then was able to continue fixing this error. Strange but it worked.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (29)kameswararao(2014-12-13)

This webpage has a redirect loop
The webpage at has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
Learn more about this problem.
Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects.

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (30)rasik.k.t(2014-12-13)

thanks forever....
i update my system time&date
then my problem....has gone

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (31)ari(2014-12-13)

#26 (Marty McGee) is the key to SSL Nirvana.

Follow that advice -

In Apache, my virtual host settings are now:

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/
SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/www_my-domain_com.key
SSLCertificateChainFile conf/ssl/gd_bundle.crt ( this was the line I was missing)


SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (32)Hameed(2017-11-10)

wow, i also missed that line, thanks for saving my hours :-)

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (33)Raadjy Skillz Henry(2018-07-07)

was missing this too!!! you sure it works fine?

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (34)Jay(2014-12-13)

Hi guys,

I'd like to add one point that you can check if you got "Untrusted Certificate" error (related to IIS web server).

Check that default website doesn't have https:// binding. If so, remove it because if you server has a single ip, it will conflict with a website in which you're trying to add ssl.


SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (35)QMII Inc(2020-09-29)

I am a developer and getting this error on installing ssl The certificate is not trusted in all web browsers. You may need to install an Intermediate/chain certificate to link it to a trusted root certificate. Learn more about this error. The fastest way to fix this problem is to contact your SSL provider. for and, and Any way to quick fix. Its lets encrypt certificates. thanks

SSL Certificate Not Trusted Error (2024)


How do I fix an SSL certificate not trusted? ›

How to Fix SSL Errors
  1. Make sure you have SSL installed. ...
  2. Reinstall the SSL. ...
  3. Diagnose the problem with a web SSL checker. ...
  4. Renew your SSL certificate. ...
  5. Change all URLs to HTTPS. ...
  6. Update your browser or OS version. ...
  7. Install an intermediate certificate. ...
  8. Generate a new Certificate Signing Request.

How to fix SSL certificate cannot be trusted vulnerability? ›

How to Fix SSL Certificate Error
  1. Diagnose the problem with an online tool.
  2. Install an intermediate certificate on your web server.
  3. Generate a new Certificate Signing Request.
  4. Upgrade to a dedicated IP address.
  5. Get a wildcard SSL certificate.
  6. Change all URLS to HTTPS.
  7. Renew your SSL certificate.
Apr 3, 2024

How do I bypass an SSL certificate error in Chrome? ›

  1. Right-click the Google Chrome shortcut on your desktop and select Properties.
  2. In the Target field simple append the following parameter after the quoted string: --ignore-certificate-errors.

How to make an SSL certificate trusted? ›

Trusting an SSL Certificate on a Client Machine
  1. Step 1: Compare Host Names. Make sure that the host to which the certificate is issued is the same as the host name for your Secret Server website: ...
  2. Step 2: Transfer a copy from your server to the client computer. ...
  3. Step 3: Install the certificate on the client computer.

How do I get rid of a not trusted certificate? ›

Instructions for Android
  1. Open the Settings application, and select the Security option.
  2. Navigate to the Trusted Credentials.
  3. Tap on the certificate that you would like to delete.
  4. Tap Disable.

How to resolve an SSL certificate issue? ›

Suggested fix
  1. Update your system date and time.
  2. Check if your SSL certificate is valid.
  3. Configure your browser for the latest SSL/TLS protocol support.
  4. Verify that your server is properly configured to support Server Name Indication.
  5. Make sure the cipher suites match.
Sep 25, 2023

How to get past an SSL error? ›

How to fix SSL certificate errors as a website visitor
  1. Step 1 ⇨ Manually review certificate details. ...
  2. Step 2 ⇨ Hard Refresh / Force Reload. ...
  3. Step 3 ⇨ Restart your browser. ...
  4. Step 4 ⇨ Browser Privacy Sandbox. ...
  5. Step 5 ⇨ Verify system clock & time zone. ...
  6. Step 6 ⇨ Temporarily disable VPN & antivirus software.
May 2, 2023

How to disable SSL certificate error? ›

​​ Disable Universal SSL certificate

Select your domain. Go to SSL/TLS > Edge Certificates. For Disable Universal SSL, select Disable Universal SSL. Read the warnings in the Acknowledgement.

How to change SSL certificate in Chrome? ›

Go to chrome://settings.
  1. On the left, click Privacy and security.
  2. Click Security.
  3. Scroll to Advanced.
  4. Click Manage certificates.
  5. In the list, find the newly-added CAs.

How to update SSL certificate? ›

How to Renew an SSL Certificate
  1. Set reminders for SSL expiration.
  2. Generate a Certificate Signing Request.
  3. Purchase and activate your new SSL certificate.
  4. Complete domain control validation.
  5. Install your new SSL certificate.
Apr 3, 2024

How to clear SSL state in Chrome? ›

In the 'Content' tab, you'll find the 'Clear SSL state' button, along with buttons for 'Certificates' and 'Publishers. ' To clear the SSL cache for the Google Chrome browser, simply click the 'Clear SSL state' button.

How to fix SSL error in Chrome? ›

  1. Set correct system date, time & region. ...
  2. Clear Chrome's cache and cookies. ...
  3. Disable QUIC Protocol. ...
  4. Disable extensions. ...
  5. Remove your system's hosts file. ...
  6. Clear SSL State. ...
  7. Lower your internet security and privacy level. ...
  8. Disable your security tools for a moment.

How to untrust a certificate in Chrome? ›

To remove the certificate from the browser, follow these steps:
  1. Open Google Chrome, click the Customize and control Google Chrome icon (the three vertical dots ) > go to Settings > at the left margin, click Privacy and security > click Security.
  2. Under Advanced, click Manage certificates.

Why am I getting certificate errors on all websites? ›

If you run into this error, it can be due to various reasons. For example, your browser might be using an outdated version of SSL, or a firewall might be interfering with the certificate. Alternatively, the certificate might not have been configured properly.

How to restore an SSL certificate? ›

  1. Enter the keystore password of the deleted keystore.
  2. Enter The alias to be assigned to the certificate (in the key store that will receive the certificate).
  3. Select the 'Managed key store' radio button.
  4. Select the key store from the drop down list that will receive the certificate.
  5. Click Apply then OK.

How to trust an SSL certificate in chrome? ›

Navigate to chrome://settings and scroll down to 'Advanced'. Under "Privacy and Security," click "Manage Certificates." On the popup that was launched, select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities'.

How to clear SSL cache in chrome? ›

2. Clear Chrome's SSL/TLS cache by typing "chrome://settings/clearBrowserData" in the address bar, checking "Cached images and files," and clicking "Clear data."

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.