Solar Energy Pros And Cons: What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages? (2024)

Solar technology’s recent prevalence has seen both large organizations and individual consumers choose to integrate solar power into commercial facilities and homes nearly everywhere. Solar power’s renewable, eco-friendly supply of energy isn’t the only factor to consider when deciding to transition your household to a solar system, though. While the best solar companies simplify the solar panel installation process, it is still a lengthy, complex process with many factors and variables to consider.

If you’re thinking about offsetting both your environmental impact and power bill by adding solar power to your home or business, our guide on solar energy’s pros and cons can help you decide if it’ll be a sustainable option for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Some of the solar energy pros are: renewable energy, reduced electric bill, energy independence, increased home resale value, long term savings, low maintenance.
  • Some of the cons of solar energy are: the cost of adding solar, depends on sunlight, space constraints, solar energy storage is expensive, installation can be difficult and environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing panels.
  • Solar panels last 25 to 30 years.

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Solar Energy Pros And Cons: What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages? (1)

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What Is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is electrical or thermal energy harvested from sunlight. Solar panels contain photovoltaic (PV) cells made up of semiconductor materials (such as silicon) to absorb elemental particles from the sun called photons. When absorbed by the panel, the photons release electrons from the atoms of the semiconductor material and the flow of these electrons within the cell creates an electric current we can direct to our circuits.

Solar panels can be placed anywhere with an abundance of sunlight, such as open fields or rooftops. The more light the panels sit exposed to, the more electricity production potential.

The sun’s constant barrage of energy in the form of photons can be collected, transformed and used to power our world—but for you, the question may be more about cost-effectiveness. Is solar efficient enough to power your home or business? Below are the pros and cons of this process and what solar’s availability and cost mean for consumers.

Pros and Cons of Solar Energy

Advantages of Solar EnergyDisadvantages of Solar Energy

Decreases use of non-renewable resources

High upfront costs

Reduces power bill

Sunlight dependent

Energy independence

Space constraints

Long-term savings

Environmental impact of manufacturing


Difficulty with relocation

Benefits the community

Scarcity of materials

Diverse Uses

Disposal/recycling options may be limited

Power prices are rising

Tech is improving and prices are decreasing

Advantages of Solar Energy

Renewable Energy Source

Fossil fuel remains a resource in declining supply that, when burned to create energy, releases harmful byproducts into our atmosphere. Solar power has the potential to help us minimize our use of fossil fuels and the impact we have on the environment.

Reduces Electric Bill

Solar energy can help most consumers power their homes as an alternative or supplement to purchasing electricity from a grid. With power prices on the rise, consumers stand to save a considerable amount on monthly power bills by switching to solar.

Energy Independence

A home reliant entirely on solar power features the capacity to function entirely off-grid, especially when supplemented with a solar battery system to maintain power during non-daylight hours. These battery systems can also turn solar systems into emergency backups during power outages.

Solar Panels Increase Home Values

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, every dollar a solar panel saves you on your electrical bills increases the value of your home by $20. Also, homes with solar panels sell for four percent higher than those without them. If a home has solar panels, its owners will be saving money in the long run, increasing its appeal and value.

Long-Term Savings

The start-up costs for a solar system represent a significant expense, but the costs are usually mitigated by savings on the electric bill. Consumers can often break even on the investment—usually within six to 10 years—and then start reaping the benefits well before the system needs replacement or considerable maintenance.

Low-Maintenance Costs

Once installed, a solar system requires little maintenance as long as it remains unaffected by environmental factors. If panels are kept clean and free of debris, they should continue to function without any additional action by the consumer for many years.

Regarding maintenance, professional service for your panels can cost between $140 to $180, while an annual inspection or cleaning can cost about $150. However, solar panel warranties typically cover them with performance guarantees.

Benefits the Community

A process known as net metering allows consumers to sell excess electricity their panels produce back to the utility company, further reducing utility bills. This often reduces a community’s reliance on fossil fuels, as well.

Diverse Uses

Solar energy is extremely versatile, and can provide power not only to our homes and appliances but to places where channeling power from a grid is impractical or impossible, such as remote, off-grid regions, satellites and boats.

Rising Power Prices

The price of electricity has been on the rise for the past ten years and remains unlikely to decrease in the near future. Solar power can help the consumer keep bills low and with net metering, many consumers can even sell extra energy back to the utility company to turn rising electricity prices to their advantage.

Technology Is Improving and Prices Are Decreasing

Technology has improved tremendously since the early days of solar power and advancements continue to be made every day. Better yet, despite these advancements, solar’s ubiquity appears to have driven its cost down, making solar more accessible to more consumers. Many state incentive programs and a federal tax credit can also help consumers minimize the out-of-pocket amount they spend on a new solar system.


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Disadvantages of Solar Energy

High Cost of Solar Panels

Despite decreases in the cost of solar panels over the past ten years, a complete solar installation still requires significant investment. On average, a consumer can expect to pay around $18,000 on a complete solar setup for a home before accounting for any incentives and the federal solar tax credit.

Sunlight Dependent

Without sunlight, a system reliant on solar energy cannot produce power. This can pose a problem for consumers in areas with less-than-ideal levels of sun exposure or poor weather. Solar batteries to store excess energy can help mitigate this issue and even under constant-clouds the best solar panels will still remain cost and energy efficient enough to be worth the installation.

Installation Can Be Difficult

Although most of the components in installing solar panels are relatively simple, if you’re not a fan of being on a roof or not comfortable working with electricity, solar panel installation can be complicated. For instance, tying the panel wiring into the home can be complex for the average DIYer and should be left to the professionals.

Space Constraints

Solar panels and the associated wiring take up space. Depending on the number of solar panels needed, finding enough space with adequate exposure can be difficult, especially in less-spacious residential areas.

Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive

Since solar batteries store the excess energy generated by your solar panels, they are essential to your solar panel system. However, they can be costly depending on the type and size of the battery. For instance, a single lead-acid battery can cost between$200 and $800, while aresidential lithium-ion solar system can cost$7,000 to $14,000.

Environmental Impact of Manufacturing

The production of solar technology has its environmental downsides, as the mining of materials and manufacturing of solar panels creates a considerable amount of greenhouse gas. The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy issued a report revealing that solar panels pay for themselves in terms of greenhouse gas emissions within one to four years of use, so while certainly still a downside, much of the issue can be mitigated.

Difficulty With Relocation

Uninstalling a solar system and moving it can be difficult, time-consuming and expensive, so the semi-permanence of the structures means panels are not often something you’ll take with you from house to house. They’re often best considered an investment in the structure or property they’re added to.

Scarcity of Materials

Sunlight may be unlimited, but the materials required to manufacture solar technology are not. The availability of the raw materials required to produce solar products may not be sufficient to meet future demand and the options for mining these materials can have a significant environmental impact.

Disposal or Recycling Options

Solar technology contains some of the same environmentally-harmful substances in many consumer and industrial electronics, so proper disposal is critical. At present, recycling options for solar panels remain limited.

How Sustainable Is Solar Energy?

Solar energy certainly remains more sustainable than fossil fuels, which are limited in supply and release harmful greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere when burned. The limiting factor in the sustainability of solar energy overall primarily comes from a scarcity in the raw materials required to produce solar technology, the greenhouse gasses emitted during manufacturing, and the impact of panel disposal on the environment.

The use of solar power in lieu of grid power, however, offsets the emissions and carbon footprint of production within four years of use. Additionally, solar panels are ultimately recyclable, as they’re made from glass, metal and silicon. At present, we lack adequate infrastructure to collect and facilitate the recycling process on a large scale.

Who Should Use Solar Energy?

Solar energy is now accessible to both large-scale industry and individual consumers. Any consumer with the substantial means to invest in a solar system installation can benefit from the pros of solar energy, and the long-term savings mentioned above. Solar loans also may offer solutions to those without the hefty capital required.


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Is Solar Energy Worth the Cost?

Typically, yes, solar energy is worth the cost. But whether or not it’s right for you depends on many variables you’ll need to investigate for yourself, including your location, tax rebates and incentives and net metering availability among others. While pros of solar energy significantly outweigh cons, the feasibility of a solar venture will vary based on the consumer’s financial means, living situation and space constraints.

Bottom Line

The pros of solar energy considerably outweigh the cons. It may take several years, but purchasing and installing a solar system can eventually result in major savings on electricity for the consumer in addition to benefits for our environment.

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Future Outlook for Solar Energy

The sun is a powerful force, one of Earth’s most reliable and plentiful energy sources. As a result, solar energy is experiencing a remarkable surge in growth, and it is expected to remain a prominent player in the energy landscape for the foreseeable future.

In the past few years, solar power has been steadily increasing in popularity, which is expected to continue. This exponential growth is driven by several key factors, including the reduction in the cost of solar panels, which has made harnessing the sun’s power more affordable than ever. Additionally, advancements in solar technology have increased its efficiency, making solar energy systems even more attractive to both residential and commercial owners. This combination of cost-effectiveness and efficiency will certainly drive the continued adoption of solar energy across the United States.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the advantages of solar panels?

Aside from significantly reducing your electricity bill, there are certainly a few advantages to installing solar panels, such as reducing your carbon footprint, preparing your home for grid outages and improving the value of your home.

How long do solar panels last?

The average solar panel should maintain peak performance for about 25-30 years. After this time a solar panel can still produce electricity but may experience a decline in efficiency and energy production.

Do solar panels work in the rain?

Yes, solar panels will continue to work in the rain, but production may not be as high as on sunny days. Solar panels can still produce at least 30 to 50% of maximum output during cloudy weather and about 10-20% of maximum output if it’s raining heavily. The use of solar batteries can provide backup power during rainy days for those relying completely on solar.

Do solar panels work in the winter?

Yes, solar panels will continue to work in the winter. Cold weather itself will not impact the efficiency of solar panels, but other factors such as accumulated snowfall and shorter days can decrease the amount of energy produced by the panels throughout the day.

Solar Energy Pros And Cons: What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages? (2024)


What are the pros and cons of solar energy? ›

Pros and Cons of Solar Energy
Advantages of Solar EnergyDisadvantages of Solar Energy
Reduces power billSunlight dependent
Energy independenceSpace constraints
Long-term savingsEnvironmental impact of manufacturing
Low-maintenanceDifficulty with relocation
5 more rows
May 2, 2024

What are 3 advantages of solar? ›

Solar energy is sustainable, renewable, and plentiful. As the cost of using solar to produce electricity goes down each year, many Americans are increasingly switching to solar. Now, there are over a million solar installations across the country.

What are 10 disadvantages of solar energy for kids? ›

10 Major Disadvantages of Solar Panels
  • Solar Power is Expensive. ...
  • Location and Sunlight Availability. ...
  • Installation Area. ...
  • You Can't Move if You Get Solar. ...
  • Solar Panels Have a Negative Energy Balance. ...
  • Solar Doesn't Work at Night. ...
  • Solar Panels Are Inefficient. ...
  • Solar Panels Could Damage Your Roof.

Which is positive and negative on solar panels? ›

Measure with a Voltmeter

This determines the solar panel's polarity. Even when inside a building, a simple voltage reading will reveal the polarity of a solar panel. Put the red positive meter lead on one side and the black negative lead on the other. This measures across the terminals or wires of the solar panel.

Do solar panels work at night? ›

The short answer is: no, solar energy systems only operate during the day. This is because the power from the sun is key to how a solar panel turns light into electricity.

Do solar panels really reduce electricity bills? ›

Based on our research, homeowners can expect to save an average of $1,530 on annual energy bills by installing a solar system. This means that it will take most people who install solar around 9 years to accumulate savings equal to the cost of their system.

What is the biggest problem with solar energy? ›

Solar intermittency and storage challenges

Solar intermittency is the most obvious issue related to PV panel efficiency. The sun is not visible for 24 hours per day except for a short time each year at extreme latitudes.

Is getting solar panels worth it? ›

Solar panels are worth it for many homeowners due to the estimated $25,800 in savings over the estimated 25-year lifetime of a solar system after recovering the upfront cost in around 8.5 years.

Is solar energy expensive? ›

Are Solar Panels Worth It Despite The Cost? While the typical home solar system is very expensive, costing anywhere from $15,000 to $25,000 before government tax credits and other incentives are factored in, the benefits of solar power begin immediately and increase over time.

Does solar energy have negative effects? ›

Impacts to Soil, Water, and Air Resources

Construction of solar facilities on large areas of land requires clearing and grading, and results in soil compaction, potential alteration of drainage channels, and increased runoff and erosion. Engineering methods can be used to mitigate these impacts.

Which type of solar is best for home? ›

Monocrystalline panels typically have the highest efficiency and power capacity. They can reach efficiencies of over 22% and provide over 300 watts (W) of power capacity. Many even exceed 400 W. Polycrystalline solar panels, on the other hand, rarely exceed 17% efficiency and tend to have lower wattages.

Is my house good for solar panels? ›

The size, shape, and slope of your roof are also important factors to consider. Typically, solar panels perform best on south-facing roofs with a slope between 15 and 40 degrees, though other roofs may be suitable too. You should also consider the age of your roof and how long until it will need replacement.

What is a negative for solar? ›

In a solar power system, the negative grounding provides a path for electrical current to flow back to the ground in the event of a fault, such as a short circuit. This helps to prevent the buildup of dangerous electrical voltages that could pose a hazard to people or equipment.

What are the positive and negative effects of solar energy? ›

Solar energy is a sustainable energy source, has a low environmental impact, and promotes energy independence. On the other hand, it is limited by how long the sun is out, may cause a scarcity of materials, and contains hazardous materials similar to electronics.

What are the pros and cons of renewable energy? ›

Summary: The pros and cons of renewable energy
It's infiniteHigh upfront costs
It's environmentally friendlyNot always reliable
Reduces international dependence on fossil fuel-rich nationsLimited storage capabilities
Creates job opportunitiesGeographic limitations
2 more rows
Aug 2, 2022

What are the pros and cons of electricity? ›

The primary advantages of electricity are that it's efficient, easy to use, and clean—it doesn't release any noxious emissions. One key disadvantage of electricity is that it's hard to store large amounts of it affordably.

What are the pros and cons of a solar lease? ›

The main benefit is delegating all the financing, installation and maintenance costs to a provider. So if your system needs a repair during your lease term, your provider is responsible. The downside is having to use your energy savings to cover monthly payments.

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