Reserve Bank of India (2024)

A Guide to the deposit insurance and credit guarantee corporation (DICGC)

Outline of the System and Q & A

1. Which banks are insured by the DICGC?

Commercial Banks : All commercial banks including branches of foreign banks functioning in India, local area banks and regional rural banks are insured by the DICGC.

Cooperative Banks : All State, Central and Primary cooperative banks, also called urban cooperative banks, functioning in States / Union Territories which have amended the local Cooperative Societies Act empowering the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to order the Registrar of Cooperative Societies of the State / Union Territory to wind up a cooperative bank or to supersede its committee of management and requiring the Registrar not to take any action regarding winding up, amalgamation or reconstruction of a co-operative bank without prior sanction in writing from the RBI are covered under the Deposit Insurance Scheme. At present all co-operative banks are covered by the DICGC.

Primary cooperative societies are not insured by the DICGC.

2. What does the DICGC insure?

  • The DICGC insures all deposits such as savings, fixed, current, recurring, etc. deposits except the following types of deposits

  • Deposits of foreign Governments;

  • Deposits of Central/State Governments;

  • Inter-bank deposits;

  • Deposits of the State Land Development Banks with the State co-operative bank;

  • Any amount due on account of and deposit received outside India

  • Any amount, which has been specifically exempted by the corporation with the previous approval of Reserve Bank of India

3. What is the maximum deposit amount insured by the DICGC?

Each depositor in a bank is insured upto a maximum of ₹ 5,00,000 (Rupees Five Lakhs) for both principal and interest amount held by him in the same right and same capacity as on the date of liquidation/cancellation of bank's licence or the date on which the scheme of amalgamation/merger/reconstruction comes into force.

4. How will you know whether your bank is insured by the DICGC or not?

The DICGC while registering the banks as insured banks furnishes them with printed leaflets for display giving information relating to the protection afforded by the Corporation to the depositors of the insured banks. In case of doubt, depositor should make specific enquiry from the branch official in this regard.

5. What is the ceiling on amount of Insured deposits kept by one person in different branches of a bank?

The deposits kept in different branches of a bank are aggregated for the purpose of insurance cover and a maximum amount of upto Rupees five lakhs is paid.

6. Does the DICGC insure just the principal on an account or both principal and accrued interest?

The DICGC insures principal and interest upto a maximum amount of ₹ five lakhs. For example, if an individual had an account with a principal amount of 4,95,000 plus accrued interest of 4,000, the total amount insured by the DICGC would be 4,99,000. If, however, the principal amount in that account was five lakhs, the accrued interest would not be insured, not because it was interest but because that was the amount over the insurance limit.

7. Can deposit insurance be increased by depositing funds into several different accounts all at the same bank?

All funds held in the same type of ownership at the same bank are added together before deposit insurance is determined. If the funds are in different types of ownership or are deposited into separate banks they would then be separately insured.

8. Are deposits in different banks separately insured?

Yes. If you have deposits with more than one bank, deposit insurance coverage limit is applied separately to the deposits in each bank.

9. If I have my funds on deposit at two different banks, and those two banks are closed on the same day, are my funds added together, or insured separately?

Your funds from each bank would be insured separately, regardless of the date of closure.

10. What is the meaning of deposits held in the same capacity and same right; and deposits held in different capacity and different right?

If an individual opens more than one deposit account in one or more branches of a bank for example, Shri S.K. Pandit opens one or more savings/current account and one or more fixed/recurring deposit accounts etc., all these are considered as accounts held in the same capacity and in the same right. Therefore, the balances in all these accounts are aggregated and insurance cover is available upto rupees five lakhs in maximum.

If Shri S.K. Pandit also opens other deposit accounts in his capacity as a partner of a firm or guardian of a minor or director of a company or trustee of a trust or a joint account, say with his wife Smt. K. A. Pandit, in one or more branches of the bank then such accounts are considered as held in different capacity and different right. Accordingly, such deposits accounts will also enjoy the insurance cover upto rupees five lakhs separately.

It is further clarified that the deposit held in the name of the proprietary concern where a depositor is the sole proprietor and the amount of Deposit held in his individual capacity are aggregated and insurance cover is available upto rupees five lakhs in maximum.


Savings A/C Current A/C FD A/C Total Deposits Deposits Insured upto
Shri S. K. Pandit (Individual) 4,17,200 22,000 80,000 5,19,200 5,00,000
Shri S. K. Pandit (Partner of ABC & Co.) 4,75,000 50,000 5,25,000 5,00,000
Shri S. K. Pandit (Guardian for Master Ajit) 97,800 3,80,000 4,77,800 4,77,800
Shri S. K. Pandit (Director, J.K. Udyog Ltd.) 4,30,000 2,45,000 6,75,000 5,00,000
Shri S. K. Pandit jointly with Smt. K. A. Pandit 87,500 4,50,000 70000 6,07,500 5,00,000
Deposits held in joint accounts (revised w.e.f. April 26, 2007)

If more than one deposit accounts (Savings, Current, Recurring or Fixed deposit) are jointly held by individuals in one or more branch of a bank say three individuals A, B & C hold more than one joint deposit accounts in which their names appear in the same order then all these accounts are considered as held in the same capacity and in the same right. Accordingly, balances held in all these accounts will be aggregated for the purpose of determining the insured amount within the limit of ₹ 5 lakhs.

However, if individuals open more than one joint accounts in which their names are not in the same order for example, A, B and C; C, B and A; C, A and B; A, C and B; or group of persons are different say A, B and C and A, B and D etc. then, the deposits held in these joint accounts are considered as held in the different capacity and different right. Accordingly, insurance cover will be available separately upto rupees five lakhs to every such joint account where the names appearing in different order or names are different.


Account (i)
(Savings or Current A/C)
First a/c holder- "A"
Second a/c holder - "B"
Maximum insured amount upto ₹ 5 lakh
Account (ii) First a/c holder - "A"
Second a/c holder - "C"
Maximum insured amount upto ₹ 5 lakh
Account (iii) First a/c holder - "B"
Second a/c holder - "A"
Maximum insured amount upto ₹ 5 lakh
Account (iv) at Branch ‘X’ of the bank First a/c holder - "A"
Second a/c holder - "B"
Third a/c holder - "C"
Maximum insured amount upto ₹ 5 lakh
Account (v) First a/c holder - "B"
Second a/c holder - "C"
Third a/c holder - "A"
Maximum insured amount upto ₹ 5 lakh
(vi)(Recurring or Fixed Deposit)
First a/c holder - "A"
Second a/c holder - "B"
The account will be clubbed with the a/c at (i)
Account (vii)
At Branch ‘Y’ of the bank
First a/c holder - "A"
Second a/c holder - "B"
Third a/c holder - "C"
The account will be clubbed with the a/c at (iv)
Account (viii) First a/c holder - "A"
Second a/c holder - "B"
Third a/c holder - "D"
Maximum insured amount upto ₹ 5 lakh

11. Can the bank deduct the amount of dues payable by the depositor?

Yes. Banks have the right to set off their dues from the amount of deposits as on cut off date. The deposit insurance is available after netting of such dues.

12. Who pays the cost of deposits insurance?

Deposit insurance premium is borne entirely by the insured bank.

13. When is DICGC liable to pay?

If a bank goes into liquidation, DICGC is liable to pay to the liquidator the claim amount of each depositor upto Rupees five lakhs within two months from the date of receipt of claim list from the liquidator. The liquidator has to disburse the claim amount to each insured depositor corresponding to their claim amount."

If a bank is reconstructed or amalgamated / merged with another bank: The DICGC pays the bank concerned, the difference between the full amount of deposit or the limit of insurance cover in force at the time, whichever is less and the amount received by him under the reconstruction / amalgamation scheme within two months from the date of receipt of claim list from the transferee bank / Chief Executive Officer of the insured bank/transferee bank as the case may be."

14. Does the the DICGC directly deal with the depositors of failed banks?

No. In the event of a bank's liquidation, the liquidator prepares depositor wise claim list and sends it to the DICGC for scrutiny and payment. The DICGC pays the money to the liquidator who is liable to pay to the depositors. In the case of amalgamation / merger of banks, the amount due to each depositor is paid to the transferee bank.

15. Can any insured bank withdraw from the DICGC coverage?

No. The deposit insurance scheme is compulsory and no bank can withdraw from it.

16. Can the DICGC withdraw deposit insurance coverage from any bank?

The Corporation may cancel the registration of an insured bank if it fails to pay the premium for three consecutive periods. In the event of the DICGC withdrawing its coverage from any bank for default in the payment of premium the public will be notified through newspapers. Registration of an insured bank stands cancelled if the bank is prohibited from receiving fresh deposits; or its licence is cancelled or a licence is refused to it by the RBI; or it is wound up either voluntarily or compulsorily; or it ceases to be a banking company or a co-operative bank within the meaning of Section 36A(2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949; or it has transferred all its deposit liabilities to any other institution; or it is amalgamated with any other bank or a scheme of compromise or arrangement or of reconstruction has been sanctioned by a competent authority and the said scheme does not permit acceptance of fresh deposits. In the event of the cancellation of registration of a bank, deposits of the bank remain covered by the insurance till the date of the cancellation.

17. What will be the Corporation's liability to the banks on de-registration.

The Corporation has deposit insurance liability on liquidation etc. of "Insured banks" i.e. banks which have been de-registered (a) on account of prohibition on receiving fresh deposits or (b) on cancellation of license or it is found that license cannot be granted. The liability of the Corporation in these cases is limited to the extent of deposits as on the date of cancellation of registration of bank as an insured bank.

On liquidation etc. of other de-registered banks i.e. banks which have been de-registered on other grounds such as non payment of premium or their ceasing to be eligible co-operative banks under section 2(gg) of the DICGC Act, 1961, the Corporation will have no liability.

Notice: Information given above is to convey the basic provisions of the deposit insurance scheme of the Corporation. The information is of a non-technical nature and is not intended to be a legal interpretation of the deposit insurance scheme.

Reserve Bank of India (2024)


Who is the owner of India Reserve Bank in all? ›

The Central Office is where the Governor sits and where policies are formulated. Though originally privately owned, since nationalisation in 1949, the Reserve Bank is fully owned by the Government of India.

What is the role of the Reserve Bank in India? ›

It controls the monetary policy concerning the national currency, the Indian rupee. The basic functions of RBI are the issuance of currency, sustaining monetary stability in India, operating the currency, and maintaining the country's credit system.

What is the minimum balance in Reserve Bank of India? ›

Minimum balance in savings bank accounts

Reserve Bank of India has not issued any guidelines regarding the minimum balance to be maintained in savings bank accounts.

Who is the Reserve Bank of India in 2024? ›

Reserve Bank Governor Shaktikanta Das on Thursday (September 5, 2024) said the fundamental drivers of the Indian economy are gaining momentum and the country is moving on a sustainable growth path.

Who controls Indian banks? ›

Reserve Bank of India also works as a central bank where commercial banks are account holders and can deposit money. RBI maintains banking accounts of all scheduled banks. Commercial banks create credit. It is the duty of the RBI to control the credit through the CRR, repo rate, and open market operations.

Who runs the Reserve banks? ›

Today, the Fed is tasked with managing U.S. monetary policy, regulating bank holding companies and other member banks, and monitoring systemic risk in the financial system. The seven-member Board of Governors, the system's seat of power, is based in Washington, DC, and currently led by Fed Chair Jerome Powell.

Who issues coins in India? ›

Coins in India are issued by the Government of India. It is the sole responsibility of the Government of India to mint coins of all denominations. But the responsibility of distribution lies with the RBI, the central bank.

How many reserve banks are there in India? ›

Reserve Bank of India is spread over 31 different locations in India. It is headquartered in Mumbai. Most of the RBI offices are located in state capitals. RBI has 19 regional offices and 4 zonal offices.

What is the currency of India? ›

The Indian currency is called the Indian Rupee (INR). One Rupee consists of 100 Paise. The symbol of the Indian Rupee is ₹. The design resembles both the Devanagari letter "₹" (ra) and the Latin capital letter "R", with a double horizontal line at the top.

What is the maximum amount of money you can put in a bank account in India? ›

50,000 or more. But in case you don't have a PAN card, you can declare about the particulars of the deposit in Form 60. How much money can I keep in my savings account in India? In India, there is no upper limit to how much money you can keep in your savings bank account.

What is the minimum amount to be kept in bank of India? ›

The minimum balance in a BOI savings account (Savings Bank Ordinary Account) should be Rs. 500 (for rural/semi-urban areas) and Rs.

What is the deposit limit for Indian bank savings account? ›

Savings Bank Account
ELIGIBILITYIndividual – Single Accounts Two or more individuals – Joint Accounts Illiterate persons Blind persons Associations, Clubs. Trusts HUF Institutions/Agencies/ Societies/Government Departments specially permitted by RBI.
7 more rows
Oct 20, 2023

Which bank is best in India? ›

Overview of 10 Best Banks in India 2024
  1. HDFC Bank. HDFC Bank is one of the most popular banks in India, with its headquarters in Mumbai. ...
  2. ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank is an Indian multinational financial services bank headquartered in Mumbai. ...
  3. SBI. ...
  4. Kotak Mahindra. ...
  5. Axis Bank. ...
  6. IndusInd Bank. ...
  7. Bank of Baroda. ...
  8. Punjab National Bank.
Aug 8, 2024

What does Reserve Bank do? ›

The SARB has a mandate to protect and enhance financial stability. We identify and mitigate systemic risks that might disrupt the financial system. The Prudential Authority regulates financial institutions and market infrastructures to promote and enhance their safety and soundness, and support financial stability.

What are the powers of the Reserve Bank of India? ›

Powers of the RBI

i) Inspect the bank and its books and accounts. ii) Examine on oath any director or other officer of the bank. iii) Cause a scrutiny to be made of the affairs of the bank. iv) Give directions to secure the proper management of the bank.

Who is the owner of the Reserve Bank? ›

South African Reserve Bank
show 10 other official names
Established30 June 1921
OwnershipPrivately owned
GovernorLesetja Kganyago
Central bank ofSouth Africa
7 more rows

Who is the owner of the RBI group? ›

Restaurant Brands International
Logo used since 2019
Company typePublic
Total equityUS$4.73 billion (2023)
Owners3G Capital (30.8%) Capital World Investors (7.9%) Pershing Square Funds (6.3%)
Number of employees6,300
14 more rows

Who owns the stock in the Reserve Banks? ›

Federal Reserve Banks' stock is owned by banks, never by individuals.

Who is the banker to every Indian? ›

SBI : the banker to every Indian.

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