React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (2024)

The frontend web development space is filled with multiple JavaScript frameworks to work with. However, two top contenders come to mind: Vue and React. Both frameworks are efficient and flexible solutions for building modern web applications and have enjoyed widespread adoption, even from major brands like Adobe, Airbnb, Alibaba, Figma, and Netflix.

While Vue and React serve the same purpose, we must take note of their difference when deciding which to work with. Choosing the right framework is crucial because our choice can greatly impact the development process and the overall success of our application.

In this article, we will compare Vue and React to see how they measure up against each other. We will examine their similarities, differences, pros and cons, and factors to consider when deciding between them.

At the end of this article, you’ll be able to make an informed decision. Along the way, we’ll also get our hands dirty by building a basic project with both frameworks. Let’s dive in!

What is Vue?

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (1)

Vue, pronounced as “view” or Vue.js, is an open-source progressive JavaScript framework for building websites and applications. It was developed by Evan You, a former Google engineer, who officially launched the framework in February 2014. Some popular brands that use Vue include Adobe, Gitlab, and Apple.

Vue is designed to be lightweight and easy to understand, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced developers. It focuses on the view layer of an application, allowing developers to create interactive and dynamic web interfaces with ease.

Vue has gained immense popularity over the years because of its simplicity, flexibility, and performance. It is easy to learn because it has a simple templating syntax that sticks closely to the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals. Another framework that’s widely known for having an easy-to-understand syntax is Svelte.


  • Vue has a gentle learning curve and is beginner-friendly.
  • Vue has a compact and lightweight core library with a size of 34.7kb when gzipped.
  • Vue can easily be integrated into existing projects and supports gradual adoption. We don’t need a full-scale rewrite to work with Vue.


  • Vue has a smaller ecosystem than its counterpart, React, meaning there are fewer community-generated libraries and tools.
  • There is no native support for mobile support.
  • While it is a solid framework, there is a lower demand for Vue developers than for React.

What is React?

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (2)

React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces for web applications. It was developed by Facebook (now called Meta) and was initially released internally until it was released to the public on May 28, 2013. Watch this video to learn more about the history of React. Some popular brands that use React include Netflix, Facebook (obviously), and Uber.

One of React’s key features is the virtual DOM (Document Object Model), which is a lightweight copy of the actual DOM elements and their properties. React uses a diffing algorithm that compares the virtual DOM with the actual DOM and only updates the parts that have changed. This makes React very fast and efficient, especially when dealing with large and complex applications.


  • React supports iOS and Android development via React Native, its mobile development framework.
  • React has a large ecosystem that is full of a wider range of open-source third-party libraries and tools.
  • React is actively maintained and enjoys frequent updates. An example is the release of React 18 in March 2022, which came with features like Server Components and the new startTransition API.


  • React has a steeper learning curve, especially for beginners.
  • The ecosystem is full of several third-party solutions for state management, routing, UI, animations, etc., which can be a disadvantage and lead to decision paralysis, particularly in teams where developers have different preferences.

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React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (3)

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Key similarities between Vue and React

Component-based architecture

One of the main similarities between Vue and React is their component-based architecture. Both frameworks allow us to break down UI interfaces into reusable and self-contained components. This allows us to create complex frontend layers by combining and reusing these components while our code remains modular and maintainable.

Virtual DOM

React introduced the virtual DOM. However, both tools use it to efficiently update and render UI components. Instead of directly manipulating the actual DOM, changes are first made to the virtual DOM and then applied to the actual DOM only when necessary. This results in improved performance and makes the rendering process more efficient.

Meta frameworks

Vue and React have Meta frameworks based on them. With Vue, we have Nuxt.js and static site generators like Gridsome and VuePress. With React, we have Next.js, Gatbsy, and Remix, among others.

Flexibility and Scalability

Vue and React are highly flexible and scalable frameworks. They can be integrated into existing projects or used to build new ones from scratch. They can be used to create simple single-page applications or complex enterprise-level applications.

Key differences between Vue and React

Popularity and adoption

According to Stack Overflow’s 2023 Developer Survey, React is more popular than Vue. Based on his stat, 29,137 developers use React, while 11,761 developers use Vue. These percentages have stayed relatively the same since 2022’s Stack Overflow survey, which showed that 42.62% of developers used React, while 18.82% used Vue.

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (4)

Syntax: JSX vs templates

One of the most notable differences between Vue and React is the different syntaxes they offer. Vue provides a template syntax, which is an HTML-based syntax that provides a clear separation between the presentation layer (HTML) and the logic layer (JavaScript).

It supports data binding, attribute binding, regular JavaScript expressions, and special Vue-based attributes called directives. The template syntax was heavily inspired by Angular. One of the things I love about Vue is how easy the syntax is to grasp in one go.

Here’s a sample code of Vue’s Syntax for a number increment button:

<script setup>import { ref } from "vue";const count = ref(0);</script><template> <button v-on:click="count++">Count is: {{ count }}</button></template><style scoped>button { font-weight: bold;}</style>

React, on the other hand, provides JSX, which stands for JavaScript XML. It allows us to write HTML-like code directly within our JavaScript files. Any JSX code we write is transpiled into regular JavaScript before it is executed in the browser.

I’ve gotten used to JSX over the years. However, it was a bit difficult to understand as a React beginner. JSX was initially disliked by some developers because it went against the conventional pattern of separation of concerns, which separated HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Here’s the same increment button in React’s JSX syntax.

import { useState } from 'react';function Counter() { const [count, setCount] = useState(0); return ( <div> <button onClick={() => setCount(count++)}>Count is: {count}</button> <style> {` button { font-weight: bold; } `} </style> </div> );}

Learning curve

React has a steeper learning curve than Vue. This is mainly because of their different templating syntaxes. React’s JSX syntax JavaScript and HTML, which makes it challenging to grasp, particularly for beginners. On the other hand, Vue’s template-based syntax is more similar to traditional HTML, making it easier for beginners to understand.

Mobile development support

React supports mobile app development with React Native. Besides mobile development, React Native provides support for building Windows and macOS applications. It was released in 2015 and is used by brands like Instagram, Pinterest, and Uber Eats.

Vue once had its mobile development offering called Vue Native. However, it has long since been deprecated. While there is no official solution from the Vue team, we can use NativeScript as an alternative for Vue-based mobile development.

Built-in transition components

Just like Angular, Vue provides built-in transition components, <Transition> and <TransitionGroup>, that we can use to elevate the user experience. We can use these components to create different types of effects like enter and leave animations, CSS-based transitions, and reusable transitions. On the other hand, React does not provide native animation or transition capabilities. However, we can use animation libraries like Framer Motion or React Transition Group.

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (5)

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (6)

Component-based architecture

Supports component-based architecture

Supports component-based architecture

Virtual DOM

Uses a virtual DOM

Uses a virtual DOM

Flexibility and scalability

Ensures flexibility and scalability

Ensures flexibility and scalability


Less popular than React

Very popular


Uses template syntax

Uses JSX syntax

Learning curve

Has a low learning curve

Has a steeper learning curve

Mobile development

Has no official tool for mobile development

Provides official support for mobile development with React Native

Transitions and animations

Provides built-in transition components

Does not provide built-in transition components

GitHub stars



Factors to consider when choosing between Vue and React

Let’s explore some factors to consider when choosing between Vue and React.

Learning curve

One of the first factors to consider is the learning curve associated with each framework. React has a steeper learning curve compared to Vue, especially for developers who are new to JavaScript frameworks. Vue, on the other hand, has a gentle learning curve and is considered to be more beginner-friendly. Depending on project timelines, we may want to choose the tool that we can grasp and get started with quicker.

Community support and ecosystem

The size of a framework’s community can greatly impact its growth and support. React has a larger community and a more well-established ecosystem than Vue. Take GitHub stars as a metric: React currently has 216k stars, while Vue has 40.6k stars. The React ecosystem is so large that Next.js has more stars than Vue, 113k stars, to be precise. Vue shouldn’t be counted out of the game, though, because it has been rapidly gaining popularity, and its community keeps growing.

Job market and industry demand

Except if you’re learning a JavaScript framework as a hobby or for personal projects, you most likely intend to use it to get a job and earn money. In that case, it's safe to consider what tool is in high demand in the job market. One way to determine this is by examining 10 to 20 frontend developer or software engineer job applications to see which tool is most required for those roles.

Easy access to third-party solutions

Except we plan on building every feature from scratch, then easy access to third-party solutions like pre-built UI components, styling solutions, authentication systems, animation libraries, image optimization libraries, etc., is important. This is one area where React shines forth, as the community has provided, and keeps providing, libraries tailored to different needs. However, Vue also has some great packages worth checking out.

Cross-platform requirements

If the only platform being considered is the web, then our framework of choice use does not matter that much. However, suppose we plan on building iOS and Android applications. In that case, it may be best to use the solution with a battle-tested and well-supported mobile (iOS and Android) development framework that top brands like Microsoft, Skype, Shopify, and Pinterest actively use.

Getting started with Vue

Follow the steps below to spin up a new Vue application.

Step 1: Install the create-vue scaffolding tool

Run the command below to create a new Vue project. The command will install and trigger create-vue, a Vite-powered scaffolding tool. It provides prompts we can use to configure Vue applications according to our preferences.

npm create vue@latest

Here’s a screenshot of the configuration options.

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (7)

Step 2: Install dependencies and start the dev server

Run the following commands consecutively to complete the installation process. The first command navigates into the project’s directory, the second installs the third-party dependencies Vue needs, and the last command starts the dev server.

cd <name-of-project>npm installnpm run dev

The default port for Vue applications is http://localhost:5173/. Navigating to that URL on the browser gives us the below web page. Explore Vue's documentation for more info on getting started.

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (8)

Recommended courses for learning Vue

Some great free and paid resources to learn more about Vue include:

Useful Vue Libraries

While Vue’s ecosystem does not have as many open-source solutions as React, it does have some great libraries and tools we can work with. Some options include:

Building a simple Todo app with Vue

In this section, we will build a simple Vue-based todo application. The image below shows the application and its different components.

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (9)

The todo application consists of:

  • A TodoList component containing the different todo items
  • An AddTodo component containing the input field and submit button
  • The homepage that renders the UI and handles the state and functionalities

We’ll build the application by following the steps below.

Step 1: Create the user interface

Note that we’re using plain CSS for the interface. For simplicity, the following code blocks don’t include the styling, but if you would like to style your project as seen in the image above, feel free to use the styling found in this sandbox.

To start, let’s create two files in the components directory.

First, the TodoList component. For now, we’ll hard code the todo items. However, we’ll change that and populate them programmatically.

<!-- ./src/components/TodoList.vue --><template> <ul> <li>Read some awesome articles on Prismic blog</li> <li>Watch One Piece</li> </ul></template>

Then, the AddTodo component.

<!-- ./src/components/AddTodo.vue --><template> <div> <input type="text" placeholder="Add todo item" /> <button>Add Todo</button> </div></template>

Lastly, we register the components and bring them together in the homepage, which is the App.vue file.

<!-- ./src/App.vue --><script>import AddTodo from "./components/AddTodo.vue";import TodoList from "./components/TodoList.vue";export default {components: { AddTodo, TodoList, }, setup() { return { AddTodo, TodoList }; }};</script><template> <div id="app"> <h1>Todos</h1> <AddTodo /> <TodoList /> </div></template>

Step 2: Create the todo state and the state update functionality

To achieve this, we need to update the App.vue file.

<script>import AddTodo from "./components/AddTodo.vue";import TodoList from "./components/TodoList.vue";export default { data() { return { todos: [ { id: 1, item: "Read some awesome articles on Prismic blog" }, { id: 2, item: "Watch One Piece" }, ], }; }, methods: { addTodo(item) { let newTodo = { id:, item, }; this.todos.push(newTodo); }, },};</script><template> <AddTodo @add-todo="addTodo" /> <TodoList :todos="todos" /></template>

Here, we did the following:

  • Created a todos state and populated it with some tasks.
  • Created an addTodo method, which takes the todo a user submits and adds it to the todos state.
  • Passed the addTodo method and the todos state to the AddTodo and TodoList components, respectively.

Step 3: Track the user input and handle the form submission

To achieve this, we need to update the code in the AddTodo.vue file.

<script>export default { name: "AddTodo", data() { return { todoInput: "", }; }, methods: { handleClick(val) { if (!val) return; this.$emit("add-todo", val); this.todoInput = ""; }, },};</script><template> <div class="form-container"> <input v-model="todoInput" type="text" /> <button @click="handleClick(todoInput)">Add Todo</button> </div></template>

Here, we did the following:

  • Created a todoInput, which would hold the state of the input field, and synced it with the input through the v-model data binding.
  • Created a handleClick function that captures that text in the input when the user submits it and sends it to its parent component, which then updates the todos state.
  • Passed that handleClick function to the button’s click event handler.

Step 4: Display the todos from the state

Lastly, we need to display the todo items that are in the todo state instead of hard-coding them in the TodoList.vue component.

<template> <ul> <li v-for="todo in todos" :key=""> {{ todo.item }} </li> </ul></template><script>export default { name: "TodoList", props: { todos: { default: () => [], }, },};</script>

With that, we have successfully built the todo app with Vue. This is the most basic version of a todo app. We can improve by adding more features like local storage, database integration, role-based permissions, editing and deleting tasks, and more.

Getting started with React

The React team recommends using React-powered frameworks like Gatsby, Next.js, and Remix for building applications. For this article, we will work with Next.js.

Follow the steps below to spin up a new React application.

Step 1: Create a new Next.js app with create-next-app

Just like create-vue, the create-next-app CLI tool helps create and configure a new Next.js application. Run the command below to create a new project.

npx create-next-app@latest

If you are following this tutorial step-by-step, you can select the following configuration options:

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (10)

Step 2: Install dependencies and start the dev server

Like with Vue, the first command navigates into the project’s directory. We used create-next-app to create our project, which handles the dependencies for us, so all we need to do is start the dev server with the second command below.

cd <name-of-project>npm run dev

The default port for Next.js applications is http://localhost:3000. Navigating to that URL on the browser gives us the below web page. Explore React’s documentation for more info on getting started.

React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits (11)

Recommended courses for learning React

Some great free and paid courses to learn more about React include:

Useful React Libraries

React’s ecosystem is full of several great open-source solutions we can take advantage of. Some great libraries and tools include:

Building a simple Todo app with React

Let’s create the same todo application we created earlier, only this time, in Next.js. You can view this sandbox to get the code or follow along using the steps below.

Just like the Vue application, the Next.js version’s UI consists of the same components, TodoList, AddTodo, and the homepage that holds everything together.

Step 1: Install Chakra UI and uuid

The user interface for the React application is the same as the Vue version, so we won’t go over the details. The only difference is that we’ll be using Chakra UI here.

So first, let’s install Chakra UI by running the following command in a separate tab in your terminal (if you aren’t using npm, you can follow the other installation instructions here):

npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion

We will also be using uuid to give each todo item a unique ID. So, in a new tab in the terminal, run the following command so you don’t get an error when we add that code.

npm install uuid

Step 2: Update the layout

If you haven’t already, open your project in your code editor.

Now, let’s update our layout.js file to import our Chakra component by adding the following code:

// ./src/app/layout.jsimport './globals.css'import { ChakraProvider } from "@chakra-ui/react";export default function RootLayout({ children }) { return ( <html lang="en"> <body> <ChakraProvider> {children} </ChakraProvider> </body> </html> )}

Step 3: Create the todo state

The state will live in the homepage component, which is in the /src/app/page.js file. Update it with the code below.

// ./src/app/page.js"use client";import { useState } from "react";import { Heading, VStack } from "@chakra-ui/react";import AddTodo from "@/components/AddTodo.js";import TodoList from "@/components/TodoList.js";export default function Home() { const [todos, setTodos] = useState([ { id: "1", item: "Read some awesome articles on Prismic's blog" }, { id: "2", item: "Watch One Piece" }, ]); const addTodo = (todo) => { setTodos([...todos, todo]); }; return ( <VStack p={4} mt="28"> <Heading size="2xl">Todos</Heading> <AddTodo addTodo={addTodo} /> <TodoList todos={todos} /> </VStack> );}

Let’s break down the code above.

  • We imported useState from React, which is React’s in-build state management hook.
  • After that, we used the hook to create a todos state and populated it with some default todo items.
  • Next, we created a addTodo function responsible for adding todo items. The function takes a todo object as a parameter and adds it to the todos state with the setTodos function.
  • Lastly, we pass addTodo and todos to their respective components through props. Props are a major way of passing data between React components.

At this stage, if you go to the front end of your site, you will notice an error. This is because we are trying to import components that don’t exist yet, so let’s create those next! 👇

Step 4: Track the user input and update the state

Inside /src, create a /components directory and add our AddTodo.js file inside. Add the below code to the AddTodo.js file.

// ./src/components/AddTodo.jsimport { useRef } from "react";import { Button, HStack, Input } from "@chakra-ui/react";import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';export default function AddTodo({ addTodo }) { const todoRef = useRef(null); const handleSubmit = (e) => { e.preventDefault();if (!todoRef.current.value.trim()); const todo = { id: uuidv4(), item: todoRef.current.value, }; addTodo(todo); todoRef.current.value = ""; }; return ( <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <HStack m="8"> <Input variant="filled" border="gray.600" placeholder="Add todo item" ref={todoRef} /> <Button type="submit" colorScheme="green" px="8"> Add Todo </Button> </HStack> </form> );}

Here, we:

  • Imported the useRef hook from React and used it to get a reference of the input field and track its value. It helps us know if a user has typed on the input or not.
  • We created a handleSubmit function that adds a new todo object to the todos state with the addTodo function we passed in step 2. handleSubmit also confirms that the input field is not empty with todoRef first before adding it to the state. This is because we want to ensure that todos can only be added when someone fills the form.

Step 5: Display the todos from the todos state

Now, add a TodoList.js file inside our /components directory and add the below code to the file.

// ./src/components/TodoList.jsimport { HStack, Text, VStack } from "@chakra-ui/react";export default function TodoList({ todos }) { return ( <VStack w="100%" alignItems="stretch" maxW={{ base: "90vw", sm: "80vw", lg: "50vw", xl: "40vw" }} > { => ( <HStack key={} bg="gray.700" borderRadius="lg" p="4"> <Text color="white">{todo.item}</Text> </HStack> ))} </VStack> );}

Here, we accessed the state through the todos prop, mapped through the array, and displayed the todos in the state. With this setup, anytime a new todo object is added to the state, it gets updated, and the new todo item shows up in the UI.

With that, we have successfully built the todo app with React.

Whether you’re in the React camp or prefer working with Vue,Prismichas got you covered. Love building with React and Vue meta frameworks? Well, Prismic provides seamless integration withNext.jsandNuxt.js, allowing you to leverage features like Slice Machine to create powerful, modular, and easy-to-maintain websites.

Prismic also provides SDKs forReactandVue.jsif you prefer using the parent frameworks themselves. Ready to get started? Then,create an account.


Vue and React are powerful JavaScript frameworks for building modern web applications. They both have their advantages and disadvantages. When choosing between them, it's important to consider factors like cross-platform support, learning curve, personal preferences, project requirements, ecosystem, and job market.

Regardless of your choice, learning either Vue or React will surely enhance your skills and open up new opportunities in the ever-evolving field of web development. Also, whichever one we choose, it's important to pay attention to their conventions and best practices to fully harness and get the best out of them.


React and Vue are great frontend frameworks for building websites and applications, and they both have their strengths and limitations. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, factors like the project requirements, personal preference, and the developer ecosystem are worth considering when deciding which framework to use.

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React vs. Vue: Which to Choose in 2024? Key Differences & Benefits? ›

One of the biggest differentiators here is mobile development. If you plan to create mobile apps that work on both iOS and Android, then React is a far better choice. But if your priority is web development with a focus on speed and efficiency, then Vue might be the better option.

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Data from a Statista study shows that React JS is the most in-demand web framework in 2024, with 40.41% of software developers globally indicating they use it to develop web applications.

What are the key differences between Vue.js and other front-end frameworks? ›

  • Vue. js is much simpler than Angular, both in terms of API and design. ...
  • Vue. js is a more flexible, less opinionated solution. ...
  • Angular uses two-way binding between scopes. While Vue also supports explicit two-way bindings, it defaults to a one-way, parent-to-child data flow between components. ...
  • Vue. ...
  • Vue.

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The main difference between React and Vue here is that the default method of styling in Vue is through more familiar style tags in single-file components. Single-file components give you full access to CSS in the same file as the rest of your component code.

Why to choose React over Angular and Vue? ›

Ease-of-use - React, though tougher than Vue, has a less steep learning curve than Angular JS. Customizable - The crucial difference between the library and framework is about control. This is where React is ahead of Angular- it is highly customizable.

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The estimated total pay for a Reactjs Developer is ₹4,73,727 per year, with an average salary of ₹4,33,227 per year.

What is replacing ReactJS? ›

Preact. Preact is a lightweight JavaScript library designed to be an efficient alternative to React. It is compatible with React, allowing developers to scale an MVP into a full React application. Preact's small virtual DOM and 3KB size enable quick transfers from server to client and optimize load times.

Which is lighter, React or Vue? ›

Both Vue and React leverage a virtual DOM, resulting in faster and more responsive applications. However, Vue's more recent and lightweight nature may offer slight performance advantages over React.

Why use Vue over JavaScript? ›

Vue. js has a higher speed than other frameworks because of the effective implementation of the virtual DOM. As a result, the developers' work is made simpler and more productive. The Vue-CLI (Command Line Interface) comes with various unique tools, parts, and project templates.

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On one hand, reactive can only work with object types. That is Object , Array , Map and Set . The much more flexible ref can work with any other type of value, including primitives like String and Number .

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However, Vue. js shines when it comes to how easy it is for developers to learn, and how fast, efficient, and lightweight it makes the applications. One of the biggest differentiators here is mobile development. If you plan to create mobile apps that work on both iOS and Android, then React is a far better choice.

Can I use Vue and React together? ›

Sometimes, you might have a React application, but there's a specific feature best suited for Vue. You can easily bring Vue components into your React app, combining the strengths of both. Example: Imagine embedding a Vue chart component into your React app for a visually appealing analytics section.

What is the difference between React and Vue hooks? ›

React imposes rules for using Hooks, such as calling them at the top level of function components and avoiding placement inside loops or nested functions. On the other hand, Vue's setup() default behavior prevents such issues, executing before the component creation.

Why people choose Angular over React? ›

Angular enables developers to divide codes into individual files, making it easier to reuse templates and codebases in other projects. While talking about React, it doesn't have any fixed format for writing codes. It has a very well-structured and readable codebase.

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Svelte offers more abstractions compared to React, as well as more speed. The additional abstractions are what create more concise code. Svelte also compiles to native JavaScript, rather than shipping with the large React runtime.

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Easy to Learn and Use: Compared to other popular frontend frameworks like Angular and Vue, React is much easier to learn. This simplicity is a big reason why React has become so popular so quickly. It allows businesses to develop their projects faster.

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High usage. Many existing web applications are built with ReactJS and companies still opt for it for their upcoming projects. Therefore, there will be a demand for ReactJS in 2024 for maintaining existing apps and creating new ones.

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React Native stands as a compelling choice for mobile app development in 2024, offering a blend of cross-platform efficiency and native-like performance. Its advantages, including a shared codebase, native UI, and robust community support, make it a popular framework among developers.

Should I learn Flutter or React Native in 2024? ›

In conclusion, Flutter offers better performance at the rendering level and in terms of CPU usage, while React Native is better with memory usage and provides a more native feel to applications. Both have their own strengths based on performance considerations.

What is React 2025? ›

React 2025 is a journey from zero to production for a real SaaS app. You'll learn how to build a modern web application straight from the future.

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Article information

Author: Jonah Leffler

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Views: 6193

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.