Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (2024)

AzioniDiners Club International

Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (1)

Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (2)


Codice IsinUS2547091080

Lotto minimon° 100

Titolo adatto per trading in opzioni: NO

Indice dei Contenuti

Azioni Diners Club International quotazione in tempo reale

Bull N Bear l’economia in un Click

Diners Club InternationalQuotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (4)
Anno Fondazione1950
SettoreServizi Finanziari
Titoli del settoreVedi sotto
Fatturato11,08 miliardi di $(2020)
Utile netto1.10 miliardi di $ (2020)
Dipendenti15.500 (2020)



QUAL È IL SIMBOLO DEL TITOLO Discover Financial Services?

Discover Financial Services negozia sul Nyse con il simbolo ticker “FDS”.

QUAL È IL CODICE ISIN DI Discover Financial Services ?

Il codice Isin di Discover Financial Services è : US2547091080

QUAL È IL FATTURATO DI Discover Financial Services nel 2019?

Il fatturato di Discover Financial Services nel 2020 ammonta a 11,08 miliardi di dollari.

QUAL È IL SITO UFFICIALE DI Discover Financial Services?

Il sito ufficiale di Discover Financial Services è : www.discover.com/company/our-company/

COME POSSO CONTATTARE Discover Financial Services?

Discover Financial Services
2500 Road Lake Cook
IL 60015 Riverwoods, Illinois

Phone : +1 224 405900
Fax : +1 224 4054993

Come fare trading sul titolo Diners Club International

Acquistando CFD Diners

Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (6)

Acquistando Azioni Diners

Acquistando/vendendoFutures Diners sul mercato dei titoli derivati

Acquistando/vendendoOpzioni Diners sul mercato dei titoli derivati

Manager Discover Financial

Roger HochschildPresidente, amministratore delegato e direttore2018
John GreeneDirettore finanziario e vicepresidente esecutivo2019
Amir ArooniResponsabile dell’informazione e vicepresidente esecutivo2020
Robert EichfeldFunzionario capo delle risorse umane e amministrativo2018
Gregory CaseDirettore indipendente2007
Jeffrey S. AroninDirettore indipendente2008
Mary K. BushDirettore indipendente2007
Michael H. Moskow, Dr.Direttore indipendente2007
Thomas MaherasPresidente indipendente2020
Cynthia A. Glassman, Dr.Amministratore Indipendente2009

Descrizione titoloDiscover Financial Services, IncDiners Club International

Discover Financial Services, Inc. è una società americana di servizi finanziari che possiede e gestisce Discover Bank, che offre conti di controllo e di risparmio e carte di credito.

Possiede e gestisce anche le reti Discover and Pulse e possiede Diners Club International.

Discover Card è la terza società di carte di credito negli Stati Uniti, con quasi 50 milioni di titolari di carta.

Diners Club International (DCI), nata come Diners Club, è stata la prima società indipendente di carte di credito del mondo e ha creato il concetto di un’azienda autosufficiente che produce carte di credito per viaggi e intrattenimento.

Diners Club International fornisce servizi a in tutto il mondo con operazioni in 59 paesi.

Aziende concorrenti di Discover Financial Diners Club International


Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (9)


Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (10)

American Express

Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (11)


Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (12)


Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (13)

Bilancio Discover FinancialDiners Club International 2020

Il fatturato 2020 ammonta ad circa 11,08 miliardi di dollari, in peggioramento rispetto ai 11,45 del 2019.

L’utile si è assestato sui 1,10 miliardi di dollari in peggioramento rispetto ai 2,90 del 2019.

Totale ricavi11.088.00011.459.000
Spesa per interessi1.865.0002.530.000
Utile ante imposte1.435.0003.835.000
Imposte sul reddito294.000878.000
Utile da attività operative in esercizio1.141.0002.957.000
Utile netto1.141.0002.957.000
Utile netto disponibile per gli azionisti ordinari1.104.0002.908.000
EPS di base0,1666666709.09
EPS diluito0,1666666709.08
Azioni medie di base307.000320.000
Azioni medie diluite307.000320.000

Bilancio Discover FinancialDiners Club International 2019

Il fatturato 2019 ammonta ad circa 11,45 miliardi di dollari, in miglioramento rispetto ai 10,70 del 2018.

L’utile si è assestato sui 2,95 miliardi di dollari in miglioramento rispetto ai 2,68 del 2018.

Totale ricavi11.459.00010.709.000
Spesa per interessi2.530.0002.139.000
Utile ante imposte3.835.0003.597.000
Imposte sul reddito878.000855.000
Utile da attività operative in esercizio2.957.0002.742.000
Utile netto2.957.0002.742.000
Utile netto disponibile per gli azionisti ordinari2.908.0002.689.000
EPS di base09.090,34791667
EPS diluito09.080,34652778
Azioni medie di base320.000344.000
Azioni medie diluite320.000345.000

Andamento fatturato Discover FinancialDiners Club International

Il fatturato ammonta ad circa 10,70 miliardi di dollari, in miglioramento rispetto ai 9,87 del 2017

L’utile si è assestato sui 2,742 miliardi di dollari in netto peggioramento rispetto ai 2,099 del 2017.

Totale ricavi10.709.0009.897.000
Spesa per interessi2.139.0001.648.000
Utile ante imposte3.597.0003.537.000
Imposte sul reddito855.0001.438.000
Utile da attività operative in esercizio2.742.0002.099.000
Utile netto2.742.0002.099.000
Utile netto disponibile per gli azionisti ordinari2.689.0002.031.000
EPS di base0,3479166705.43
EPS diluito0,3465277805.42
Azioni medie di base344.000374.000
Azioni medie diluite345.000374.000

Dati in Milioni di Dollari

Maggiori azionisti Discover Financial Diners Club International

Vanguard Group, Inc.7.96%
Capital World Investors7.37%
Blackrock Inc.7.25%
State Street Corporation4.46%
Primecap Management Company4.10%
FMR, LLC2.72%
Boston Partners2.42%
Lsv Asset Management1.83%
Geode Capital Management, LLC1.55%
JP Morgan Chase & Company1.49%

Maggiori azionisti Fondi Comuni Discover Financial Diners Club International

Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund2.88%
Washington Mutual Investors Fund2.44%
Fundamental Investors Inc2.38%
Vanguard 500 Index Fund2.03%
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust1.13%
Primecap Odyssey Stock Fund1.05%
Vanguard/Primecap Fund0.97%
Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund0.96%
Growth Fund Of America Inc0.92%
JP Morgan Equity Income Fund0.86%

Commenti su Discover Financial Diners Club International

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Quotazione Diners Club International, Discover Financial | Bull N Bear (2024)


Why does my Discover card say Diners Club International? ›

However, since the takeover of Diners Club International by Discover Financial Services, international cards have had the Discover logo on the back and the Diners Club International network is part of the Discover network.

Is Diners Club International the same as discover? ›

Now, Diners Club International Ltd. is a direct banking and payment services company owned by Discover Financial Services (NYSE: DFS), one of the most recognized brands in US financial services. As a member of Discover® Global Network, we have the capabilities to suit your needs.

What happened to the Diners Club Card? ›

Although Diners Club corporate cards are still issued, you can't apply for a Diners Club card as an individual in the United States. Consumer cards have been closed to new U.S. applicants for years, and as of March 2021, the professional (aka small-business) cards also offered no way to apply.

What bank owns Diners Club? ›

Diners Club International is a banking and payment services company owned by Discover Financial Services. The Diners Club Card was the world's first multipurpose charge card to be used for dining and travel expenses.

How to cancel Diners Club International credit card? ›

A: Contact us at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377) for information about adding additional cardmembers to your Diners Club account. Q: How do I cancel my card or additional cards on my account? A: Contact us at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377) if you need to cancel any of the cards on your account.

What is the point of a Diners Club card? ›

Cardmembers earn Club Rewards points for eligible charges to their Diners Club Cards and can redeem them for hundreds of exciting options — including frequent flyer miles on a choice of major airlines, custom travel, brand-name merchandise and more.

Does Discover card have airport lounge access? ›

As a part of our Premium Global Card program, Diners Club International® offers access to more than 1,500 airport lounges and experiences around the world. Travelers can escape busy airport terminals and get work done or just unwind before their flight.

Is Diners Club closing down? ›

Your account will automatically close on 30 July 2024, unless closed earlier at your request. Below, you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions that will address how this will impact your Diners Club membership.

Where is Diners Club International accepted? ›

Accepted Together

Discover a world of opportunity with acceptance at more than 55 million merchants1 across 200+ countries and territories2. Based on data provided to Diners Club International by merchants, acquiring institutions and other third parties as of December 31, 2023.

Do all Diners Club cards have lounge access? ›

All Diners Club Clubmembers with valid card accounts will be granted access to any of our more than 1,500 airport lounges and experiences worldwide. Entry fees and guest fees will vary by your card benefits.

Why are diners not popular anymore? ›

What led to the decline of the family-friendly American diner? Along with the cultural renaissance, bra-burning feminism, and rock and roll of the 1960's came the decline of the traditional American diner. The introduction of highways and the rising car culture of America brought competition to the food industry.

Can I use my Discover card where Diners Club is accepted? ›

Discover Card is accepted at millions of places around the world,3 allowing you to use your card when traveling internationally. And you can look for the Discover and Diners Club International® acceptance marks when making a purchase. Even if you don't see the acceptance marks, you can try using your card.

How much does it cost to join the Diners Club? ›

You are responsible for the use of each card issued on your account according to the terms of this Agreement. The annual membership fee is $95 for the primary card and $35 for each additional card.

Why is Diners Club not accepted everywhere? ›

Limited market share: Compared to Visa and Mastercard, Diners Club holds a smaller market share, which can limit its acceptance. Higher merchant fees: Diners Club's merchant fees can be higher than those of other networks, which may deter some businesses from accepting the card.

Which bank issues Diners Club credit cards? ›

Diners Club in North America is a key franchise within the Diners Club International® network and is owned by BMO® Financial Group, whose corporate headquarters is in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

What is Diners Club International? ›

Diners Club International is a premium global brand with a rich heritage as the world's first charge card and is issued in 55 countries.

What is the Diners Club International Lounge program? ›

What is the Diners Club® Airport Lounge & Travel Program? The Diners Club Airport Lounge & Travel Program provides Clubmembers with access to lounges in airport terminals all over the globe, regardless of class of travel or airline flown.

Does Discover Card have access to airport lounges? ›

As a part of our Premium Global Card program, Diners Club International® offers access to more than 1,500 airport lounges and experiences around the world. Travelers can escape busy airport terminals and get work done or just unwind before their flight.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.