Privacy Policy – (2024)

Privacy Policy –

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Privacy Policy – (4)


South Africa




Cote D’Ivoire

Congo Brazzaville


Guinea Conakry

Guinea Bissau




South Africa




South Sudan



Privacy Policy – (23) Privacy Policy – (24)

Contact us

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Privacy Policy – (25)

Privacy Policy

Please view our customer privacy policy. By clicking "Accept", you agree to terms as outlined in our Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

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';}function menuback(){ document.getElementById("primary-menu-container").innerHTML=menuContents;}function selectcountryinheader(){ menuContents = document.getElementById("primary-menu-container").innerHTML; document.getElementById("primary-menu-container").innerHTML='

Privacy Policy – (26)Regions


South Africa




Cote D’Ivoire

Congo Brazzaville


Guinea Conakry

Guinea Bissau




South Africa




South Sudan



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To start, dial *671# to open a MoMo account and select option 6 to refer your family and friends

Ensure you dial the referral code first before engaging them to open their MoMo account.Promo runs from 15th June - 9th August 2023

",// ];// const buttons = ["SEE MORE DETAILS", "SEE MORE DETAILS"];// const styles = ["style1", "style2", "style3", "style4", "style5"];// let currentIndex = 0;// function changeTextAndButton() {// document.getElementById("dynamicText").innerHTML = texts[currentIndex];// document.getElementById("dynamicButton").textContent = buttons[currentIndex];// console.log("dynamic-nigeria")// const dotsc = document.querySelectorAll(".dotc");// dotsc.forEach((dotc, index) => {// if (index === currentIndex) {// dotc.classList.add("active-dotc");// dotc.classList.remove("inactive-dotc");// } else {// dotc.classList.add("inactive-dotc");// dotc.classList.remove("active-dotc");// }// });// currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % texts.length;// }// // Call the function initially and then every 3 seconds// changeTextAndButton(); // Initial call// setInterval(changeTextAndButton, 3000); // Call every 3 seconds// function redirectToURL() {// window.location.href = "";// } // }// JavaScript codeconst texts = [ "Become a Millionaire in the MoMo Refer & Win Promo", "

To start, dial *671# to open a MoMo account and select option 6 to refer your family and friends

Ensure you dial the referral code first before engaging them to open their MoMo account.Promo runs from 15th June - 9th August 2023

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  • Privacy Policy – (45)À propos
  • Privacy Policy – (46)Support client
  • "// document.getElementById("footer-nav").innerHTML=frtext; // document.getElementById("aboutUsno").innerHTML = "Privacy Policy – (47)À propos";// document.getElementById("customerSupportno").innerHTML = "Privacy Policy – (48)Support client";// const poweredby="
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    • Termes et conditions

    MTN (PTY) LTD est un prestataire de services financiers agréé. Numéro de licence FSP : 44774

    ";// document.getElementById("powered-by").innerHTML=poweredby;// const frmodal = "

    Choisis ton pays ou région×

      Privacy Policy – (49)
      Pays non trouvé
      Le pays que vous recherché n’est pas encore disponible. Sélectionnez un autre pays s’il vous plaît.

      Pays recommandé

      South Africa




      Cote D’Ivoire

      Congo Brazzaville


      Guinea Conakry

      Guinea Bissau




      South Africa





      South Sudan



      ";// document.getElementById("myModal").innerHTML=frmodal;// const frselector = "
      English Français
      "// document.getElementById("lang-selector-id").innerHTML=frselector;// const frcontactus = "Privacy Policy – (68)

      Privacy Policy – (69)


      Vous pouvez nous contacter par email au [email protected] ou envoyer directement un message à partir de l’application (Compte > Obtenir de l’aide)

      ";// document.getElementById("contactus").innerHTML=frcontactus;// }if(lang=="fr"){ if(window.location.href==""){ window.location.href = ""; } else if(window.location.href==""){ window.location.href = ""; }} if(window.location.href=="") { if(localStorage.getItem("country")=="Zambia"|| localStorage.getItem("country")=="Ghana"|| localStorage.getItem("country")=="Uganda"|| localStorage.getItem("country")=="CDI") window.location.href=""; } if(document.getElementById("tutorial-cards")) { document.getElementById("tutorial-cards").addEventListener("scroll",checkscroll); } if(document.getElementById("testimonial-cards")) { document.getElementById("testimonial-cards").addEventListener("scroll",checkscrolltest); } if(document.getElementById("footer-cards")) { document.getElementById("footer-cards").addEventListener("scroll",checkfooterscroll); } if(document.getElementById("partner-container")) { document.getElementById("partner-container").addEventListener("scroll",checkpartnerscroll); } if(document.getElementById("cards")) { document.getElementById("cards").addEventListener("scroll",checkinfocardsscroll); } if(document.getElementById("download-cards")) { document.getElementById("download-cards").addEventListener("scroll",checkappcardsscroll); } if(document.getElementById("overlay-cards")) { document.getElementById("overlay-cards").addEventListener("scroll",checkoverlaycardsscroll); }if(localStorage.getItem("country")=="CongoB"||localStorage.getItem("country")=="Gconakry"||localStorage.getItem("country")=="Afghanistan"||localStorage.getItem("country")=="Liberia"||localStorage.getItem("country")=="Rwanda"||localStorage.getItem("country")=="Nigeria"||localStorage.getItem("country")=="Sudan"||localStorage.getItem("country")=="South Sudan"){ if(getCookie("lang")=="fr") {document.getElementById("menu-item-1707").style.display="none"; } else{document.getElementById("menu-item-1462").style.display="none"; }}if(localStorage.getItem("country")=="SouthAfrica"){ document.getElementById("card-consumer2").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("nigeria-merchant-btn").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("download-dots").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("download-cards").style.overflowX = "hidden";}if(localStorage.getItem("country")=="Cameroon"){ document.getElementById("menu-item-2747").style.display="block"; if(window.location.href==""){ window.location.href = ""; }}else if(localStorage.getItem("country")=="Zambia"){ document.getElementById("menu-item-2747").style.display="block"; if(window.location.href==""){ window.location.href = ""; }else if(localStorage.getItem("country")=="Nigeria"){ document.getElementById("menu-item-2747").style.display="block";document.getElementById("menu-item-1951").style.display="none";document.getElementById("menu-item-1466").style.display="none";document.getElementById("menu-item-1456").style.display="none"; if(window.location.href==""){ window.location.href = ""; } else if(window.location.href==""){ window.location.href = ""; } if(document.getElementById("ng-content")){ document.getElementById("ng-content").innerText="Go mobile with managing your money safely via our app and USSD. 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      Privacy Policy – (70)

      Privacy Policy – (71) Privacy Policy – (72) Privacy Policy – (73)



      Privacy Policy

      This Website privacy policy describes how we process information we collect and/or receive from you. 1. Information we collect and receive

      We collect and receive information about you in the following ways:

      1.1. Information you give us

      This includes any information that you provide to us directly:

      1.1.1. when you sign-up to utilise our services;

      1.1.2. by filling in forms on our Website, or those provided to you; or

      1.1.3. when you contact us or we contact you and you provide information directly to us.

      1.2. What personal information we collect

      1.2.1.When you register to use our services, you will be required to provide us with the following information, your:

      name and surname;

      contact number and email address;

      physical address;

      identity or passport number; and

      date of birth.

      1.3.Information we collect or receive when you use our Website

      We collect information when you use the Website by using cookies, web beacons and other technologies. Depending on how you access and use the Website, we may receive:

      1.3.1.log information;

      1.3.2.information we infer about you based on your interaction with products and services;

      1.3.3.device information (for example the type of device you're using, how you access platforms, your browser or operating system and your Internet Protocol ("IP") address);

      1.3.4.location information.

      1.4.Information from third-party sources

      We may receive additional information about you that is publicly or commercially available and combine that with the information we have collected or received about you in in other ways.

      2.How we use the information we collect and receive

      We use the information we collect and receive for the following general purposes: provide you with information, products or services you request from us; order to refer you to an appropriate third-party service provider; communicate with you; provide you with support; provide effective advertising (for example to be provide you with news, special offers and general information about other goods, services and events which we offer, that are similar to those that you have already hired or enquired about).

      3.How we share the information we collect and receive

      3.1.We don’t sell your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes.

      3.2.We may share information with:

      3.2.1.our affiliates, in other words, other companies in our group;

      3.2.2.we may disclose your personal information to a limited number of our employees and third party service providers (other than those who we refer you to), who we assist you to interact with;

      3.2.3.our business partners. We may share non-personally identifiable information with select business partners;

      3.2.4.other parties in response to legal process or when necessary to conduct or protect our legal rights;

      3.2.5.companies that provide services to us. Companies that provide services to us or act on our behalf may have access to information about you. These companies are limited in their ability to use information they receive in the course of providing services to us or you;

      3.2.6.third-parties where you provide consent. In some cases, third-parties (often advertisers) may wish to attain information about you in order to promote their products to you, or for whatever other reason. We may share information with third-parties where you provide consent in the form of an explicit opt-in. Before we ask you to opt-in, we will endeavour to provide you with a clear description of what data would be shared with the third-party. Remember that once you have opted in to allow us to send your information to the third-party, we cannot control what they do with your data; therefore, be sure to investigate their privacy policies before providing permission for us to share your information.

      4.Your rights

      4.1.You have the right to ask us not to contact you for marketing purposes. You can exercise this right at any time by using any of the various "opt-out" options that we will always provide to you when we communicate with you. We won’t send you marketing messages if you tell us not to but we will still need to send you service-related messages.

      4.2.Our Website uses cookies. If you wish to reject our cookies, you can configure your browser to do so.

      4.3.We want to make sure that any data we hold about you is up to date. So, if you think your personal information is inaccurate, you can ask us to correct or remove it.

      5.Retention of data

      We will retain your personal information only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy policy or to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

      6.Our commitment to security

      The security of your data is important to us. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. However, we do employ a number of safeguards intended to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or disclosure of your information. We will do our best to protect your personal information and we will use up to date technology that will help us to do this. We will at all times comply with our obligation under applicable law.

      7.Transfer of data

      7.1.We are based in and operate from South Africa. Your information, including personal information, may be transferred to and maintained on servers located outside of your country of residence, where the data privacy laws, regulations and standards, may not be equivalent to the laws in your country of residence.

      7.2.We might transfer your personal information to places outside of South Africa and store it there, where our suppliers might process it. If that happens, your personal information will only be transferred to and stored in country that has equivalent, or better, data protection legislation than South Africa or with a service provider which is subject to an agreement requiring it to comply with data protection requirements equivalent or better than those applicable in South Africa.

      7.3.Your use of our website, followed by your submission of information to us, represents your consent to such transfer.

      7.4.We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

      8.Links to other websites

      Our Website may contain links to and from websites, mobile applications or services of third parties, advertisers or affiliates. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other parties and advise you to read the privacy statements of each website you visit which collects personal information.

      9.Changes to this privacy policy

      We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes that we may make to our privacy policy will be posted on our Website and will be effective from the date of posting.

      10.Access to your personal information

      10.1.You may at any time request:

      10.1.1.confirmation that we hold your personal information;

      10.1.2.access to your personal information;

      10.1.3.the identities or categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed your personal information; or

      10.1.4.that we correct or delete any personal information that is incomplete, misleading, inaccurate, excessive or out of date.

      10.2.Requests may be made in writing to [email protected]

      11. Use of cookies on our website

      11.1.We might use cookies and other techniques such as web beacons when you visit the website “Cookies” are small text files used by us to recognise repeat users, facilitate your on-going access to, and use, of our Website. Cookies allow us to track your usage behaviour and compile aggregate data that will help us to improve the functionality of our Website and content. For example, by storing your preferred settings for the next time you visit our Website. “Web beacons” (also called web bug, tracking bug, tag, web tag, page tag, tracking pixel, pixel tag, 1×1 GIF, or clear GIF) are small, clear picture files used to follow your movements on our website. For example, by showing us whether you accessed certain content.

      11.2.The information we collect from cookies enables us to:

      11.2.1 tailor our Website to your personal needs;

      11.2.2. remember the notifications that you have been shown, so that you are not shown them again;

      11.2.3. help us link your browsing information to you and your personal information, for example, when you choose to register for a service

      11.2.4. make improvements and updates to our Website based on the way you want to use them; and

      11.2.5. we generally do not use cookies to identify you personally.

      11.3 The type of information collected by cookies is not used to personally identify you

      12. What kind of cookies do we use?

      We use the following categories of cookies:

      12.1 Category 1: necessary cookies

      Necessary cookies enable you to use our Website and all its features, such as enabling access to secure areas of the Website. Without these cookies you may not be able to use all the features of our Website.These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information

      12.2 Category 2: performance cookies

      Performance cookies collect information about how you use our Website so we can improve the Website for you in future. For example, they collect information on which pages you visit most often and any error messages you may get. The information collected by these cookies is anonymous. They do not collect any information that can identify you personally.

      12.3 Category 3: functionality cookies

      Performance cookies collect information about how you use our Website so we can improve the Website for you in future. For example, they collect information on which pages you visit most often and any error messages you may get. The information collected by these cookies is anonymous. They do not collect any information that can identify you personally.

      12.4 Category 4: targeting/advertising cookies

      Performance cookies collect information about how you use our Website so we can improve the Website for you in future. For example, they collect information on which pages you visit most often and any error messages you may get. The information collected by these cookies is anonymous. They do not collect any information that can identify you personally.

      12.5 Category 5: social media cookies

      Performance cookies collect information about how you use our Website so we can improve the Website for you in future. For example, they collect information on which pages you visit most often and any error messages you may get. The information collected by these cookies is anonymous. They do not collect any information that can identify you personally.

      13. How can you manage your cookie settings?

      13.1. To ensure you get the best possible experience when visiting our websites, we recommend that you accept cookies. However, you can opt-out of each cookie category (except strictly necessary cookies) by clicking on the “cookie settings” button or disable cookies in your web browser.

      13.2. Cookies may, however, be necessary to provide you with certain features available on our Website. If you disable cookies you may not be able to use these features, and your access to our Website will be limited

      Privacy Policy – (74)

      Les offres MoMo

      Prêts, épargne, assurance, envois de fonds, options de paiement et plus.

      Privacy Policy – (75)

      Les offres fintech

      Des services financiers pur les commerçants, les entreprises, les sociétés fintech, les banques, les institutions finanières, les fournisseurs de services numériques et d’autres organisations.

      Privacy Policy – (76)

      Le service à

      Plus de 50 millions d’utilisateurs mensuels actifs avec plus de 910 000 agents et 62 600 commerçants.

      " document.getElementById("footer-opt").innerHTML=optfrtext1; document.getElementById("aboutUsno").innerHTML = "À proposPrivacy Policy – (77)"; document.getElementById("customerSupportno").innerHTML = "Support clientPrivacy Policy – (78)"; const poweredby="
      • Politique de confidentialité
      • Conditions Générales
      • Politique de Cookies

      MTN (PTY) LTD est un prestataire de services financiers agréé. Numéro de licence FSP : 44774

      MoMo est une filiale du groupe MTNPrivacy Policy – (79)

      "; document.getElementById("powered-by").innerHTML=poweredby; const frmodal = "

      Choisis ton pays ou région×

        Privacy Policy – (80)
        Pays non trouvé
        Le pays que vous recherché n’est pas encore disponible. Sélectionnez un autre pays s’il vous plaît.

        Pays recommandé

        South Africa




        Cote D’Ivoire

        Congo Brazzaville


        Guinea Conakry

        Guinea Bissau




        South Africa





        South Sudan



        "; document.getElementById("myModal").innerHTML=frmodal; const frselector = "
        English Français
        " document.getElementById("lang-selector-id").innerHTML=frselector; const frcontactus = "Privacy Policy – (99)

        Privacy Policy – (100)


        Vous pouvez nous contacter par email au [email protected] ou envoyer directement un message à partir de l’application (Compte > Obtenir de l’aide)

        "; document.getElementById("contactus").innerHTML=frcontactus; document.getElementById("contact-div").innerHTML = "

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        Notre vision est d’étre la première platerforme numérique en Afrique, débloquant la croissance économique gráce à des solutions financières et numériques. Nous voulons inclure financièrement 100 millions d’utilisateurs actifs et numériser plus de 750 milliards de dollars de valeur de transaction d’ici 2025.

        " } else{ document.getElementById("footer-para-desk").innerHTML='

        Our vision is to be the leading digital platform in Africa, unlocking economic growth through financial and digital solutions. We want to financially include 100 million active users and digitize more than $750 Billion of transaction value by 2025

        '; } }) lidesk[0].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ lidesk[1].className="liclass"; if(getLang("lang")=="fr") { document.getElementById("footer-para-desk").innerHTML="

        Nous exploitons la puissance de la technologie pour fournir des paiements sans friction et à faible coût aux consommateurs et aux entreprises de toutes tailles.

        Lorsque le voyage MTN MoMo a commencé en Ouganda en 2007, nous avons permis les paiements de personne à personne pour les abonnés à travers le pays. Depuis lors, MoMo s'est étendu à 16 marchés et le porte-monnaie électronique a évolué au-delà des transactions de base.

        " } else {document.getElementById("footer-para-desk").innerHTML='

        We harness the power of technology to provide frictionless and low-cost payments for consumers and businesses of all sizes.

        When the MTN MoMo journey started in Uganda in 2007, we enabled person to person payments for subscribers across the country. Since then, MoMo has expanded into 16 markets and the electronic wallet has evolved beyond basic transactions.

        '; } })var li = document .getElementById("head") .getElementsByClassName("liclass"); for (var i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { li[i].addEventListener("click", function () { var current = document.getElementsByClassName("active"); current[0].className = current[0].className.replace(" active", ""); this.className += " active"; }); } li[1].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ console.log("check "+getLang("lang")); if(getLang("lang")=="fr") { document.getElementById("footer-para").innerHTML="

        Notre vision est d’étre la première platerforme numérique en Afrique, débloquant la croissance économique gráce à des solutions financières et numériques. Nous voulons inclure financièrement 100 millions d’utilisateurs actifs et numériser plus de 750 milliards de dollars de valeur de transaction d’ici 2025.

        " } else{ document.getElementById("footer-para").innerHTML='

        Our vision is to be the leading digital platform in Africa, unlocking economic growth through financial and digital solutions. We want to financially include 100 million active users and digitize more than $750 Billion of transaction value by 2025

        '; } }) li[0].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if(getLang("lang")=="fr") { document.getElementById("footer-para").innerHTML="

        Nous exploitons la puissance de la technologie pour fournir des paiements sans friction et à faible coût aux consommateurs et aux entreprises de toutes tailles.

        Lorsque le voyage MTN MoMo a commencé en Ouganda en 2007, nous avons permis les paiements de personne à personne pour les abonnés à travers le pays. Depuis lors, MoMo s'est étendu à 16 marchés et le porte-monnaie électronique a évolué au-delà des transactions de base.

        " } else {document.getElementById("footer-para").innerHTML='

        We harness the power of technology to provide frictionless and low-cost payments for consumers and businesses of all sizes.

        When the MTN MoMo journey started in Uganda in 2007, we enabled person to person payments for subscribers across the country. Since then, MoMo has expanded into 16 markets and the electronic wallet has evolved beyond basic transactions.

        '; } }) var headingLi = document.getElementById("footer-nav").getElementsByClassName("headingLi"); headingLi[0].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ var widthcheck = window.innerWidth; console.log(widthcheck); if(widthcheck<482) { document.getElementById("pricing").style.display="flex !important"; // pricing for uganda document.getElementById("pricing1").style.display="flex !important"; if( document.getElementById("footer-opt-mob").style.display=="none"||document.getElementById("footer-opt-mob").style.display=="") { document.getElementById("customersupport").src="" document.getElementById("aboutus").src="" document.getElementById("footer-opt-mob").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("footer-opt-2").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("fdot1").setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #FFCB05 !important'); if(getLang("lang")=="fr") { document.getElementById("aboutussub").innerHTML ="À propos"; document.getElementById("ourvision").innerHTML ="Notre vision"; document.getElementById("footer-fr-container").innerHTML = "

        Nous exploitons la puissance de la technologie pour fournir des paiements sans friction et à faible coût aux consommateurs et aux entreprises de toutes tailles.

        Lorsque le voyage MTN MoMo a commencé en Ouganda en 2007, nous avons permis les paiements de personne à personne pour les abonnés à travers le pays. Depuis lors, MoMo s'est étendu à 16 marchés et le porte-monnaie électronique a évolué au-delà des transactions de base.

        Privacy Policy – (101)

        Les offres MoMo

        Prêts, épargne, assurance, envois de fonds, options de paiement et plus.

        Privacy Policy – (102)

        Les offres fintech

        Des services financiers pur les commerçants, les entreprises, les sociétés fintech, les banques, les institutions finanières, les fournisseurs de services numériques et d’autres organisations.

        Privacy Policy – (103)

        Le service à

        Plus de 50 millions d’utilisateurs mensuels actifs avec plus de 910 000 agents et 62 600 commerçants.

        " } } else{ document.getElementById("aboutus").src="" document.getElementById("footer-opt-mob").style.display="none"; } } else{ if( document.getElementById("footer-opt").style.display=="none"||document.getElementById("footer-opt").style.display=="") { document.getElementById("customersupport").src="" document.getElementById("aboutus").src="" document.getElementById("footer-opt").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("footer-opt-2").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("fdot1").setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #FFCB05 !important'); if(getLang("lang")=="fr") { document.getElementById("aboutussub").innerHTML ="À propos"; document.getElementById("ourvision").innerHTML ="Notre vision"; document.getElementById("footer-fr-container").innerHTML = "

        Nous exploitons la puissance de la technologie pour fournir des paiements sans friction et à faible coût aux consommateurs et aux entreprises de toutes tailles.

        Lorsque le voyage MTN MoMo a commencé en Ouganda en 2007, nous avons permis les paiements de personne à personne pour les abonnés à travers le pays. Depuis lors, MoMo s'est étendu à 16 marchés et le porte-monnaie électronique a évolué au-delà des transactions de base.

        Privacy Policy – (104)

        Les offres MoMo

        Prêts, épargne, assurance, envois de fonds, options de paiement et plus.

        Privacy Policy – (105)

        Les offres fintech

        Des services financiers pur les commerçants, les entreprises, les sociétés fintech, les banques, les institutions finanières, les fournisseurs de services numériques et d’autres organisations.

        Privacy Policy – (106)

        Le service à

        Plus de 50 millions d’utilisateurs mensuels actifs avec plus de 910 000 agents et 62 600 commerçants.

        " } } else{ document.getElementById("aboutus").src="" document.getElementById("footer-opt").style.display="none"; } } }) headingLi[1].addEventListener("click", ()=>{ if( document.getElementById("footer-opt-2").style.display=="none"|| document.getElementById("footer-opt-2").style.display=="") { document.getElementById("aboutus").src="" document.getElementById("customersupport").src="" document.getElementById("footer-opt").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("footer-opt-2").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("fdot1").setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #FFCB05 !important'); if(getLang("lang")=="fr") { document.getElementById("contact-div").innerHTML=" " } } else{ document.getElementById("customersupport").src="" document.getElementById("footer-opt-2").style.display="none"; } })

        Privacy Policy – (2024)
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        Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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        Author information

        Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

        Birthday: 1994-06-25

        Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

        Phone: +128413562823324

        Job: IT Strategist

        Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

        Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.