Prepper Supplies | The Top 5 Prepper Items & Supplies To Have Ready in 2023 - Valley Food Storage (2024)

Stockpiling prepper supplies is not just about collecting everything until your home is packed from floor to ceiling with food you may not eat and supplies you won’t ever utilize.

On the contrary, prepping supplies is a deliberate and systematic collection process based on your survival priorities and the emergencies you plan to be prepared for.

Keep reading to learn about the core four survival priorities and our recommended list of prepper supplies to help you stockpile for 2023.

Survival Priorities For Your Prepping Supplies

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In a survival situation, efficiency becomes critical. You must prioritize what’s essential and quickly create a plan for gaining access to or securing whatever that priority may be.

Survival experts have crafted many ways to look at and organize the various essential survival priorities. Depending on who you talk to or what you read, there could be as many as seven survival priorities. But for the sake of this article, we will focus on the core four:

  1. Clean air
  2. Shelter
  3. Water
  4. Food

According to thesurvival rule of three, a human can survive up tothree minutes without clean, breathable air. Think, for example, about smoke from a wildfire or flooding from hurricanes. That’s not very much time.

A human can survive for little more thanthree hours when exposed to harsh elements. Extreme cold from blizzards and snowstorms or heat from heatwaves and fires can quickly become a life-or-death situation. That is whyadequate shelter survival supplies are second on the list of survival priorities.

Humans can survive for aboutthree days without reliable access topotable water. Suppose the municipal water source is knocked out; in that case, it won’t take long for you to become dehydrated and unable to cook with water or complete other necessary chores that rely on water, like bathing and going to the bathroom. For that reason, water is more of a priority than food.

Believe it or not, humans can survive forthree weeks without food. Surviving that long without food is not ideal, but the human body is exceptionally resourceful regarding how it sustains itself without you consuming food. Of all the core four survival priorities, you can survive the longest withoutfood, which is why it’s last on the list in terms of importance.

We mention these core four priorities to help you brainstorm and organize your prepper supplies. Ideally, when prepping supplies, you are considering what’s essential.

The decisions you make regarding what prepper items you stockpile and how much of each should be based on logic, not emotion—in other words, your top concern should be what your body requires, and not simply what makes you feel secure.

Prepping Supplies for Shelter

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Having an adequate shelter is the number one survival priority. It’s the most vital, even if you decide tobug out vs. bug in. Shelters keep you warm during cold weather and shield you from heat. That means that the prepper items related to shelter are key.

For most of us, the shelter we plan to utilize during an emergency is our home. However, it’s essential to consider other shelter options, just in case.


Tents have come a long way since their earliest versions. Gone are the days of canvas-sided tents that weigh a ton and require a crane for assembly. That might be an exaggeration, but that’s how it feels compared with how easy-to-use and lightweight tents have recently become.

We can think of many scenarios where a lightweight and portable tent would be convenient, if not critical. For that reason, it’s one of ourgo-bag essentials.


Tarps are second to tents. They are not as easy to use, but they can keep you sheltered like a tent, which could be the difference between life and death—especially if the climate is not cooperating.

We like tarps because of how versatile they can be. Without trying too hard, we can think of tenimprovised survival shelters you can create with a tarp that will put a layer of protection between you and the harsh elements. That’s why tarps are a critical prepper supply.

Sleeping Bags

A vital component of shelter is warmth. If it’s cold and you cannot warm up, life-threatening hypothermia could be around the corner. Therefore, we’ve included sleeping bags in this category.

Sleeping bags keep you warm on the go in your tent, and at home in bed when the heat goes out. We recommend having two sleeping bags for every family member—a heavier and bulkier sleeping bag at home, and a lightweight and portable one for inside your bug-out bags.

Extra Specialty Clothing

Humans are fragile beings that do not do well when exposed to extreme heat or cold. That’s why we cover ourselves in clothing, unlike other mammals. So we've included extra clothing in this category.

Specialty clothing can be critical for survival. For example, if you know that where you live is at risk of polar vortex storms that cause blackouts and freezing temperatures, extra warm clothing like hats and gloves should be a no-brainer.

Other specialty clothing, like waterproof clothes, sun hats, ponchos, and lightweight and breathable shirts, can all shelter your body from whatever Mother Nature has in store.

Prepping Water Supplies

Everyone knows they need water to survive. It’s critical for staying hydrated, cooking, personal hygiene, and other household chores. Preparing your water supplies plays a critical role in being fully prepared.

Water Barrel

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If you have room, we recommend filling up awater barrel or other bulk container to hold hundreds of gallons of water. These luxury survival items are perfect in the basem*nt, garage, or backyard.

Water Jugs

Not everyone has room for a massive container of water. Stackable and portable water jugs are the next best thing.

And even if a bulk container like a barrel is realistic for you, we recommend having smaller water jugs prepped. They are more convenient and ideal for refills and portability.

Water Filters

Typically, we know the water we are prepping at home or at our bug-out locations to be safe for drinking. However, if you ever find yourself on the go and drinking from a water source that may be unreliable, water filters are critical.

There are a myriad of different water filters on the market. We won’t go into detail in this article; however, we recommend having three different methods forfiltering and treating water.

Three methods are essential, so you can have versatility in how you filter water based on what type of water source becomes available to you.

Rainwater Collection System

Rainwater collection systems are the epitome of water self-reliance. Rainwater collection systems use the roof of your house like a funnel to collect rainwater every time it rains. The water is filtered and stored in bulk containers, where you can access it for drinking or household chores.

We know installing a rainwater collection system may only be viable for a fraction of those reading this article, so we listed it last. But if you have the money, time, and space to install a collection system in your home, we strongly recommend it.

Food Prepper Supplies

Food is the fourth survival priority. Therefore, the prepper supplies you stockpile regarding food should come after the things you are collecting for the other three priorities.

Prepping food is less about hoarding roomfuls of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup and more about covering all your bases to ensure you have a balanced selection of food types.

To prep responsibly, you need to consider your family size, dietary preferences, restrictions, and the physical space you have (or don’t have) to store the food you want to stockpile.

Dry Bulk Food Staples

There is a lot of food to consider when considering what you buy to put in your prepper pantry. High on your list should be dry bulk food staples.

Legumes, rice, pasta, and grains should be in your pantry, along with dried fruits, meats, and herbs.

Professionally Prepared & Freeze-Dried Food

The bulk of yourlong-term food storage should be professionally packaged freeze-dried and dehydrated food. Professionally prepared and packaged freeze-dried food has a shelf life of over 25 years.

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This type of food is like insurance. You invest in it, hoping never to have to use it. Meanwhile, you get peace of mind knowing you have it and that if something terrible were to happen, you would have nutritious food ready and waiting for your consumption.

And if you don’t want to adjust your diet during an SHTF event, there are evenvegetarian emergency food supplies to accommodate your preferences.

Alternate Fuel Types

In a disaster scenario, you may lose electricity or natural gas access. Therefore, you must be prepared to cook with alternate fuel types, such as wood, propane, butane, charcoal, lighter fluid, white gas, and matches.

These alternate fuel types can also be used for heating if the context of your survival scenario includes cold and wet weather. And with all things related to fire—please be safe.

Camp Stoves

Without gas or electricity, your stovetop and oven are just hunks of useless metal. So if you want to prepare food while you bug in at home, you’ll need a backup stove. Two-burner or single-burner camp stoves are the ideal tools for the job.

We also recommend having a second lightweight, portable camp stove for evacuation.

Animal Feed

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Your beloved furry friends and pets need to eat too. So if you have house pets or raise livestock, it’s worth considering prepping animal feed to keep your animals happy and healthy.

Baby Formula

Similarly, if you have a baby in the family, or predict that one day you will, having a small stock of baby formula will guarantee that you can keep your little one fed until they are ready to eat solid foods. Just keep an eye on the formula’s expiration date.

First Aid Prepping Supplies

When stockpiling prepper supplies, consider first aid supplies. A well-stocked first aid kit is essential for treating minor injuries and ailments. Make sure your kit includes items like bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, medical gloves, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications. Remember, in a crisis situation, you may not have access to medical professionals or pharmacies for an extended period. Being prepared to handle medical emergencies can make a significant difference.

This will require building out first aid kits with supplies that treat burns, dislocations, contusions, fractures, sprains and strains, and lesion injuries. An extensive first aid kit should be prepped for at-home usage, and additional smaller kits should be included in your prepper items for bug-out bags and vehicles.

Medications and Prescriptions

An essential part of any first-aid kit is medications and prescriptions. Ideally, you will have a selection of over-the-counter medications to treat basic illnesses if and when they arise.

In addition, it’s essential to consider what prescriptions you or someone in your family requires to remain healthy. If possible, we recommend stockpiling any prescriptions that may run out in an SHTF event.

First Aid and CPR Training

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Stockpiled first aid supplies are one thing, but knowing how to use them is another. We recommend signing up forfirst aid and CPR classes to hone your skills and become more self-reliant.

If you want to have medical training for wilderness contexts, we recommend signing up for awilderness first responder course.

Feminine Care Products

Feminine care is simply non-negotiable for women because it’s going to happen anyway. Inadequate feminine care can lead to infections, infertility, and birth complications. Therefore, if there is a woman in your family who may need these products, it’s a good idea to prep some ahead of time.

Personal Hygiene Products

Goodpersonal hygiene is critical. We aren’t just talking about smelling good—we are talking about being able to brush your teeth, take care of your skin, and perform other self-care rituals that help your body feel happy and healthy.

These don’t have to go by the wayside in an emergency. Instead, we recommend preparing these supplies ahead of time. You can probably leave out the hair dye, but make sure to remember toothpaste and lotions.

There are several other prepper items that you might not immediately think of but can be essential in certain situations. One such item is a manual can opener. In an emergency, you may have a significant amount of canned food, but without a can opener, accessing this food source could be problematic. A manual can opener, unlike electric models, won't be affected by power outages and can be a lifesaver when you're trying to access your food supplies.

Other Essential Prepper Items

Besides the core four survival priorities, you may want to collect other prepper supplies. What you end up prepping will vary based on your family size, where you live, and the risks that threaten your livelihood.

Therefore, no list of items we recommend will be perfect and exhaustive. Nonetheless, here are some other essential prepper supplies you may consider adding to your stockpile.

Gas mask

Clean air is the number one survival priority. Therefore, gas masks and other types of facial coverings are essential for fires, chemical warfare, and pandemics.


Having a garage full of special tools is fantastic. But if you are on the go, we recommend a multi-tool. They can be indispensable during an emergency.

Emergency Radio

Staying connected to critical announcements from local authorities during a disaster can be the difference between life and death. So don’t take the chance of missing important news by forgetting an emergency radio.

Emergency Pet Supplies

Pets are often overlooked when people prepare for emergencies, but they are an essential part of our lives. Don't forget to include pet food, a leash, and any necessary medications in your prepper supplies. Not only will this ensure your furry friends are well cared for, but maintaining normalcy in the care of your pets can also contribute to a sense of comfort and calm during uncertain times.

Bucket Toilet

If your sewage or septic tank is knocked out, then you’ll understand what we mean by a SHTF event.

Traditional Batteries, Auxiliary Batteries or Generator

A diverse selection of batteries is ideal for keeping your electronic devices functioning. We recommend keeping conventional batteries, along with rechargeable batteries.

Solar Panels

The power grid may go down, but the sun will not. Thus, you can keep your electronic devices charged if you have solar panels.

Headlamps, Lanterns, Candles, and Flashlights

You can’t do much if you cannot see. We recommend having a selection of lighting methods when the power goes out.

Garden Seeds

If fresh produce becomes unavailable and you need to transition to subsistence farming, you’ll be glad you have a stock of seeds. These prepper supplies don’t take up any room and could feed your family for decades. That sounds like a good investment to us!

Fire Extinguisher

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Imagine this—you’ve got candles in the bedroom, a fireplace woodfire, and a kitchen propane stove. It sounds like a good scenario for a fire extinguisher, doesn't it? We agree.

Sewing Supplies

The limited clothing you have in a SHTF event is precious. If you tear a hole in something, it would be a waste to just get rid of it. Therefore,learning to sew is a valuable skill.

Fishing Gear

Give a man a fish, and he will eat one meal. Take away his grocery store and give him fishing gear, and he’lllearn to fish. There’s simply no other option.

Entertainment Items

A positive mental perspective and morale are almost as critical as the core four during a survival situation. That’s why we like to keep some books, cards, and board games handy for entertainment.

Additional Prepper Items

One overlooked prepper item to stockpile is a good quality multi-tool. This compact device comes with a variety of tools including a knife, screwdriver, can opener, and even a pair of pliers. In a survival situation, a multi-tool can be a real lifesaver, helping you with everything from preparing food to making repairs. It's a versatile piece of equipment that should be a part of every prepper's supplies.

Don't forget about communication and navigation tools when stockpiling prepper supplies. A reliable hand-crank or battery-operated radio can keep you updated with important news and weather forecasts during a crisis. Also, consider a physical map and compass as backups for when digital methods fail. You might want to invest in some survival books and manuals too. These can provide valuable information and instructions on a variety of survival situations.

Consider your power sources when prepping supplies. In a survival situation, access to electricity might be limited or non-existent. Solar-powered chargers and devices can provide a sustainable power source, allowing you to keep essential electronics running. Portable power banks can also be useful, providing a short-term solution for charging devices like cell phones and radios.

Final Thoughts On Prepper Supply Essentials

As you can see, there is a lot to consider when deciding which prepper supplies you should stockpile. To help you make your decisions, we recommend using the core four survival priorities for guidance: clean air, shelter, water, and food.

Here are a few other tips for prepping supplies:

  • Take your time and do the research.
  • Stockpile a little bit at a time.
  • Reassess what you stockpile as things change.
  • Continually monitor and maintain the supplies you have cached.

Prepping supplies isn't just about collecting items, but about being strategic in how you store them. Storage is one area many preppers overlook. It's crucial to have a well-organized storage system for your prepper items. Having your supplies scattered around can make it difficult to find items when you need them the most. Your storage space should be dry, dark, and cool to extend the shelf life of your food items. You can use shelves, bins, and containers to organize your items by category or expiration date. It's also important to have a running inventory list and check it regularly. This way, you can quickly restock items as needed and avoid wasting food.

To get started prepping, we recommend a72-hour emergency kit.

Prepper Supplies | The Top 5 Prepper Items & Supplies To Have Ready in 2023 - Valley Food Storage (2024)


What are the best items for preppers? ›

Items like tarps, rope, stakes, and twine are endlessly useful in a multitude of situations. Consider nuts, bolts, screws, and nails as well. If you sew, you very likely do so with a sewing machine. Be sure to keep fabric, thread, and needles available for hand sewing, too, in case there's a long-term loss of power.

What is the first thing a prepper should do? ›

Everyone should be prepared for basic emergencies. First aid, some water (two cases per person at least), an emergency radio and a survival manual are a good start. Then do an Area Study, as we did in Special Forces, to evaluate yourself, those around you, your situation, your potential threats and your assets.

What do preppers stockpile? ›

Choose foods that don't require refrigeration and are not high in salt. Your stockpile should also contain flashlights, a radio, manual can opener, batteries and copies of important documents. Depending on your family's needs, you may also need medical supplies, pet food, contact lens solution or diapers.

What is the first rule of prepping? ›

The First Rule Of Prepping: You Do Not Talk About Prepping.

What is the most essential survival item? ›

Here are a few suggested essentials:
  • Map & Compass. Technology can be a great tool, especially with GPS, however it's important to not solely depend on your smartphone when you're lost in the backcountry. ...
  • First-Aid Kit. ...
  • Fire Starter. ...
  • Water Purification System. ...
  • Flashlight or Headlamp. ...
  • Solar Blanket.
Oct 2, 2022

What is the preppers rule of 3? ›

You can survive for 3 Minutes without air (oxygen) or in icy water. You can survive for 3 Hours without shelter in a harsh environment (unless in icy water) You can survive for 3 Days without water (if sheltered from a harsh environment) You can survive for 3 Weeks without food (if you have water and shelter)

What to put in a doomsday box? ›

Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
  1. Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)
  2. Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food)
  3. Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.
  4. Flashlight.
  5. First aid kit.
  6. Extra batteries.
  7. Whistle (to signal for help)
Jul 9, 2024

How many guns should a prepper have? ›

Most guns can serve multiple roles if you have to make them. I suggest a minimum of 3. A 12-gauge shotgun of any kind can be used in home defense (00 buckshot), small game hunting (birdshot and smaller buck), and medium/big game hunting within 100 yards (slugs).

How much cash should a prepper have? ›

Have enough cash on hand to cover one month of living expenses. This is different for everyone — some may need $3,000 to survive for a month, while others need $10,000. Determine what's realistic for your family. Don't keep it all in $100 bills.

What are the top 10 survival foods? ›

  • Meats & Beans. Canned meat, chicken, turkey, seafood. and other protein-rich foods, such as. ...
  • Vegetables. Canned vegetables and vegetable juices. ...
  • Fruits. Canned fruits and fruit juices. ...
  • Milk. Canned, boxed or dried milk and shelf- ...
  • Grains. Ready-to-eat cereal, crackers, pretzels, ...
  • Water. Enough for 1 gallon per day.

What is the longest lasting food for prepping? ›

Soft grains include things like oats, rye, and quinoa. They are stable for about 8 years on average, but this can be increased to 20 years in ideal conditions. Hard grains include buckwheat, corn, flax, mullet, wheat, and more. These grains can last from 12 years to 30 or more!

What is the best canned food to stockpile? ›

These are the healthy pantry items you'll want to have on hand
  1. Canned tuna and salmon. These are great sources of protein. ...
  2. Canned sardines. ...
  3. Canned beans. ...
  4. Shelf-stable vegetables. ...
  5. Canned fruit. ...
  6. Mixed nuts. ...
  7. Milk options. ...
  8. Low-sodium veggie soups.

How much food is enough for prepping? ›

To prepare, pack at least 2,000 calories of food per adult per day. In addition, pack at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation in clean plastic containers.

What is a reasonable amount of prepping? ›

Start Your Prep with Two Weeks of Supplies

The Department of Homeland Security suggests having enough supplies in your home to last 72 hours. While that's a good start, you really should be preparing for more — even as a new prepper.

What are preppers doing now? ›

Preppers are now "people making sure that if the supermarkets are closed, or the electricity goes out or there's no fuel", they can "look after themselves and their families, keep warm, have something to eat and survive", she told The Telegraph. The demography of preppers is shifting in the US, too, said NBC News.

What goods should I stockpile? ›

  • Meats & Beans. Canned meat, chicken, turkey, seafood. and other protein-rich foods, such as. ...
  • Vegetables. Canned vegetables and vegetable juices. ...
  • Fruits. Canned fruits and fruit juices. ...
  • Milk. Canned, boxed or dried milk and shelf- ...
  • Grains. Ready-to-eat cereal, crackers, pretzels, ...
  • Water. Enough for 1 gallon per day.

What is the best food to stock up on for survival? ›

Ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits and vegetables. Canned juices, milk, soup (if powdered, store extra water) Staples " sugar, salt, pepper. High energy foods " peanut butter, jelly, crackers, granola bars, trail mix.

What should you always carry in a survival pack? ›

A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:
  • Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)
  • Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food)
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.
  • Flashlight.
  • First aid kit.
Jul 9, 2024

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.