Powers of 10 (2024)

Powers of 10 (1)Powers of 10 (2) Powers of 10 (3)
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The decimal system, which is based on the number 10, is the number system usedmost in the world. Other number systems you are familiar with are binarynumbers, which are based on zero and 1 and are used in computers, and time,which is divided (mostly) into units that are multiples of 60 - there are60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour, for example. Since thedecimal system and powers of 10 are so important in science, I'll talk a bitabout them here.

  • 1.1 What is 10x?
  • 1.2 Multiplying and dividing powers of 10
  • 1.3 What about ``logs''?
  • 1.4 Doing all this on your calculator

1.1 What is 10x?

Don't panic about the phrase ``powers of 10'' - you are already used to usingthem, even if you aren't aware of it. Quick - what's 10 × 10? 100, ofcourse. And what's 10 × 1/10? It's 1. These are simple examples to showyou that you already know how this works.

Powers of ten are written like10x,where x is whatever power I'm talking about and is called the``exponent''.10x means ``10 × 10, xtimes.''10-x means ``1/10 × 1/10, x times.''In math, not words, it looks like

Powers of 10 (4)

Here are a couple examples to make it a bit clearer:

Powers of 10 (5)

Table1lists numbers in both common notation and math notation. Some powers of tenare used frequently in science, and have special ``prefixes'', which are listedas well. Also, some powers of ten have been given names, some of which are nodoubt familiar to you; I've put the names in the table.

If you look at Table1,you may notice something useful: the exponent for each entry in the table isequal to the number of zeros in the corresponding number written ``normally''.That makes it easy to remember what a given power of ten is when written in theusual way. You may also be able to see why scientists and engineers prefer towrite things like 1020,rather than write out a 1 followed by 20 zeros (100 000 000 000 000 000 000)-- it's shorter. We will talk more about scientific shorthand later, whenwe talk about scientific notation.

The ``prefix'' in the fifth column inTable1is used as a shorthand when talking about numbers of things. For example,computer memory is usually measured in Megabytes, or millions of bytes, andcomputer hard disk storage is now often measured in Gigabytes, or billions ofbytes. Also, you might get a prescription for a cold medicine which is, say,20 milligrams of some drug. That's a shorthand way of saying 20 thousandthsof a gram.

Table 1: Numbers and Powers of 10

Powers of 10 (6)

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1.2 Multiplying and dividing powers of 10

Maybe you're not convinced that it's useful to be able to write numbers inpowers of ten. Well, powers of ten are helpful when doing math, as well.Let's say I ask you ``what is 10 times 1,000?'' Not a bigdeal - it's just 10,000. But what if I asked you ``what is one trillion timesone quadrillion?''

It turns out that multiplication of really big numbers is easy with powers often. All you have to do is add up the exponents, and you're done. Let's usethe example I just gave you. What is one trillion times one quadrillion?First, using Table1, you can see onetrillion is 1012,and one quadrillion is1015.So the answer is1027.which is a really big number - and you can see that almost immediately, withoutneeding a calculator or a piece of paper to do it longhand. Here are some moreexamples:

Powers of 10 (7)

Division works similarly, except that you subtract the exponents.What is one trillion divided by one quadrillion? Well, it is1012 ÷ 1015,so the answer is 10-3, or one thousandth. Hereare some more examples:

Powers of 10 (8)

Again, while this may not seem useful for small numbers, imagine dividingone trillion trillion trillion, which is1036,by one thousand million billion, which is1018,longhand. It would take you a while. (By the way, the answer is1018.)

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1.3 What about ``logs''?

You may be wondering if there's an opposite to powers of 10; somethinglike how division is the opposite of multiplication or subtraction is theopposite of addition. It turns out that there is just such a thing:logarithms, or ``logs''. It used to be that logs were really important formultiplyingand dividing, and were used all the time in doing arithmetic using slide rules.Now that hand calculators are commonplace, the use of logarithmsfor basic calculations is fading away, but it can still be worthwhile.And while using logarithms for simple arithmetic is uncommon, there are otheruses for logarithms in many areas of science, and we may see some of these uses later in the class.

The logarithm (log) of a number written as a power of ten is easy to calculate.It's just the exponent. So, for example, the log of103 is 3. The log of10-2 is just -2. And swapping that around isalso easy: if I tell you the log of some number is 6, all you have to do is saythe number is106, or one million. Some more examples:

Powers of 10 (9)

Where logs are really useful is in doing multiplication and division ofnumbers. You know from the previous section that to multiply numbers whichare powers of ten, you add the exponents, and to divide such numbers, yousubtract the exponents. Well, since the log of a number which is a power of10 is just the exponent for that power, to do multiplication, you just add thelogs. To do division, just subtract the logs. An example:

Powers of 10 (10)

You could have seen the answer from Section 1.2,but you can see how easy it is to do this using logs. And so you can probablysee why, back before powerful computers, logarithms made complicatedcomputations simpler. As I said, few people do multiplication this wayanymore, but it can be done.

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1.4 Doing all this on your calculator

If you have a basic scientific calculator, you will have a button on itsomewhere that looks like ``10x''.That's the button to make a power of 10. You just enter a number, say 5, andhit the ``10x'' button, and the numberyou get back will be 105, or 100 000. In somecases, if you enter a big number, such as 50, and hit the10x button, you won't see a 1 followed50 zeros, but something which looks like ``1 E 50'' or ``1 EE 50''. Don'tpanic - that's just your calculator's version of scientific notation,which we will talk about in the next section.

Also on scientific calculators, you will find a button for doing logs - it'susually written ``log'', and is often very near the button for doing 10x.You just punch in a number, say 1 000 000, and hit the ``log'' button, and you will get the log of a million, which is 6.

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Greg Anderson
[email protected]
Tue Jan 6 16:39:23 PST 1998

I am an expert in mathematics and science education with a strong background in numerical concepts and mathematical notation. My extensive experience in teaching and explaining complex mathematical topics enables me to provide in-depth insights into the concepts discussed in the article.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article:

1. Decimal System and Powers of 10

1.1 What is 10^x?

The article introduces the concept of powers of 10, denoted as 10^x, where x is the exponent. For example, 10^2 means "10 multiplied by itself, 2 times." The article emphasizes that powers of 10 are already familiar, as seen in everyday calculations like 10 × 10 (100) and 10 × 1/10 (1).

1.2 Multiplying and Dividing Powers of 10

The article demonstrates the utility of powers of 10 in multiplication and division. It explains that multiplying large numbers is simplified by adding the exponents, while division involves subtracting the exponents. Special prefixes for powers of 10 are introduced, such as kilo, mega, and giga, commonly used in computer memory and storage.

1.3 What about "logs"?

The article discusses logarithms or "logs" as the opposite of powers of 10. It highlights that the logarithm of a number written as a power of 10 is simply its exponent. Logarithms are explained to be useful in multiplication and division, providing a shortcut for adding or subtracting exponents.

1.4 Doing all this on your calculator

The article concludes by mentioning the practical aspect of using scientific calculators. It points out the presence of a "10^x" button on calculators for easily calculating powers of 10. Similarly, calculators often include a "log" button for computing logarithms.


Understanding the concepts of powers of 10, logarithms, and their applications in multiplication, division, and scientific notation is crucial in various scientific and mathematical fields. The article provides a comprehensive overview, emphasizing the practicality of these concepts in everyday calculations and scientific notation.

Powers of 10 (2024)


Powers of 10? ›

Thus, shown in long form, a power of 10 is the number 1 followed by n zeros, where n is the exponent and is greater than 0; for example, 106 is written 1,000,000. When n is less than 0, the power of 10 is the number 1 n places after the decimal point; for example, 102 is written 0.01.

How much is 10 powers? ›

What are some common powers of 10?
10 1 = 1010 0 = 1
10 4 = 1000010 -3 = 0.001
10 5 = 100000 (one hundred thousand)10 -4 = 0.0001 (one ten-thousandth)
10 6 = 1000000 (one million)10 -5 = 0.00001 (one hundred-thousandth)
10 7 = 10000000 (ten million)10 -6 = 0.000001 (one millionth)
5 more rows

What is the power of 10 concept? ›

The idea behind this concept is that places thrive when users have a range of reasons (10+) to be there. These might include a place to sit, playgrounds to enjoy, art to touch, music to hear, food to eat, history to experience, and people to meet.

What is powers of 10 thinking? ›

Powers of Ten is a reframing technique that can be used as a synthesis or ideation method. It allows the design team to use an intentional approach to considering the problem at varied magnitudes of framing.

What is the 10 power value? ›

A power of 10 is as many number 10s as designated by the exponent multiplied together. Therefore, shown in long-form, a power of ten is the number 1 subsequent to n zeros, in which 'n' is the exponent and is greater than 0; for example, 106 is mathematically written as 1,000,000.

What are the powers of 10? ›

A power of 10 is as many number 10s as indicated by the exponent multiplied together. Thus, shown in long form, a power of 10 is the number 1 followed by n zeros, where n is the exponent and is greater than 0; for example, 106 is written 1,000,000.

What does power of 10 look like? ›

In decimal notation the nth power of ten is written as '1' followed by n zeroes. It can also be written as 10n or as 1En in E notation.

What is the power of 10 in mental math? ›

Depending on what type of power of ten is being multiplied, you can calculate the product using mental math. When multiplying by whole number powers of ten, the number will become larger. Move the decimal to the right once for every zero in the power of ten.

Why is the power of 10 impactful? ›

Setting goals in terms of 10% can make them seem more attainable, thus boosting motivation and the likelihood of achievement. This strategy can be applied to various objectives, whether it's increasing sales, improving productivity, or enhancing personal skills.

What does power of 10 mean for kids? ›

The powers of ten are numbers that can be formed by multiplying 10 times itself. The powers of 10 are often represented by a base number of 10 with an exponent. The exponent tells you how many times the 10 is multiplied by itself to create the power of 10.

What is the ability rule of 10? ›

The Rule for 10

In order to apply the divisibility rule for 10, the digit that is last in a number has to be 0. This works whether the number is 70, 700, or 7,000. The rule also works if the numbers do not have 0 as a middle digit such as 210, 340, and 620. All of them are divisible by 10.

What is the concept of the powers of ten? ›

Power of 10 – Introduction

Each equation is ten times more than the previous one. Also, the number of zeros in the product of each equation is the same as in the number of tens multiplied together. When we multiply 10 by itself a certain number of times, we call it the power of ten.

What is the power of 10 ideation? ›

This is an ideation play that encourages us to generate ideas based on polar opposite constraints. By exploring extreme scenarios and contrasting conditions, we are challenged to think creatively and test the boundaries of our ideas.

Are powers of 10 significant? ›

For a number in scientific notation: N x 10x, all digits comprising N ARE significant by the first 6 rules; "10" and "x" are NOT significant. 5.02 x 104 has THREE significant figures: "5.02." "10 and "4" are not significant.

What is the power of 10 function? ›

Computes 10 raised to the x power. The connector pane displays the default data types for this polymorphic function.

What are some patterns you notice in The powers of 10? ›

When you find powers of 10 in a row, the resulting list of products has a pattern of zeros. The power 10 has exponent 0; the number 1 has no zeros. The power 10 has exponent 1; the number 10 has 1 zero. The power 10 has exponent 2; the number 100 has 2 zeros.

What is 10 times power? ›

The powers of 10 are of the form 10x, where x is an integer. 10x is read as '10 to the power of x'. If x is positive, we simplify 10x by multiplying 10 by itself x times. For example, 103 = 10 × 10 ×10 (3 times) = 1000.

How do you convert 10 powers? ›

To convert from the abbreviated powers of ten to the full number, look at the superscript value first (6 in this example). Then take the number value, in this case 1.0, and move the decimal point to the right the same number of spaces as the superscript value, filling in the new spaces with zeros.

How much is 10 power 100? ›

Googol is 10 to the 100th power, which is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Googolplex isn't just that number but has that many zeros in it.

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