From 10% to 10x — SHIFT Thinking (2024)

Thanks to digital technology, change has become exponential. Business leaders need new tools, new skills and most importantly new thinking. Learn to harness the power of network effects to drive exponential growth, and discover a new model for exponential leadership.

Being exponential means going from 10% to 10X change.

Perhaps the most fundamental area where we need to update our mental models is from an incremental model of change to an exponential one.

Incremental change (10%) is constant, while exponential change (10X) has an increasing rate.

The incremental is linear and additive, while the exponential is non-linear and multiplicative. While the incremental is about 10% improvements, the exponential is about 10X acceleration.

Our brains evolved in an incremental world.

Imagine someone taking 30 steps. These are incremental steps of about two feet each. You have a pretty good sense that it’s about the length of a very large room.

Now imagine someone taking 30 exponential steps, meaning each step doubles in length from the one before. How far would that be?

It turns out it’s nearly the distance to the moon.

The technologies of the industrial age were incremental, but digital technologies are exponential.

If the automobile had advanced at the same rate as the computer, it would go 500 miles an hour, get 200 miles to the gallon and cost $1.50.

We all know Moore’s law about exponential increases in capacity for computer processors.

The same holds true for technologies like storage, bandwidth, IoT sensors, artificial intelligence, blockchain and genomics.

But what does that mean for organizations and leaders?

Without exponential thinking, digital technology can only deliver incremental results.

From 10% to 10x — SHIFT Thinking (1)

Why do 90% of digital transformation projects fail to meet expectations and only deliver incremental improvements?

One reason companies struggle with digital transformation is because they think technology alone will deliver exponential results.

When you have exponential technology but apply only incremental thinking, you end up with incremental results.

The key to going exponential is unleashing network effects.

Consider building a tower of blocks or lining up a chain of dominos. Each block or domino can only impact the one right next to it. This kind of linear relationship can only deliver incremental results.

Now imagine a contraption made up of mouse traps and ping pong balls, like the one in the video.

Dropping a ball into the box leads to a chain reaction in which each ball can set off multiple other traps.

Where blocks and dominos are linear and either one-to-one or one-to-many, the ping pong balls are networked, non-linear and many-to-many.

Check out this video for a great example of exponential change

“Exponential Growth” Uploaded by ProfChrisBishop

Example: Google Maps / Waze

Two different exponential strategies for navigation.

From 10% to 10x — SHIFT Thinking (2)

Consider the different strategies of Google Maps and Waze. Both are owned by Google and use a traditional advertising-based business model. Both also have the goal of helping people navigate and avoid traffic. But they have quite different exponential strategies.

Google Maps works by creating a network effect between devices and data. Google can tell where people’s mobile phones are and how fast they are moving at any given time. That enables them to know where the traffic is in real time.

By contrast, Waze works by creating a network effect between drivers and passengers. Waze has cultivated a community where people share what they are seeing as they are driving.

With Google Maps, the devices do the reporting; with Waze, it’s the people that do the reporting. They offer different kinds of value, and many people use both.

Example: Uber / Airbnb

Most people don’t realize that the source of their growth comes from a network effect.

Both Uber and Airbnb have platform-based business models. They don’t turn inputs into outputs like most companies. Instead, they are multi-sided platforms that connect supply and demand.

Uber doesn’t employ drivers or own vehicles. Airbnb doesn’t own hotels or employ housekeepers. Instead, Uber’s platform connects people who have cars with people who want rides, and Airbnb connects people who have rooms with people who want a place to stay.

Take a look at these charts for Uber and Airbnb. You can see how the number of drivers and rooms have grown exponentially. This would never have been possible for a taxi company or hotel chain with a linear business model.

Uber and Airbnb aren’t alone in using multi-sided platforms as business models. YouTube, Paypal, and Amazon have all done the same: connecting creators and viewers, senders and receivers and retailers and consumers.

You don’t have to create a new business model to take advantage of network effects. You can network almost anything.

As you consider how to create your own exponential strategy, think about how you can network together these five different kinds of capital:

  • Financial capital. In a digital world, money itself is becoming more intelligent and connected, and we are moving toward more networked forms of currency.

  • Intellectual capital, whether data, software, or ideas. For most companies, intellectual property like patents, trademarks, brands and data is something that sits on their balance sheet. But what if the value is not in the intellectual capital itself but in the connectivity of that IP?

  • Physical capital such as products or assets. We normally think of the value of an asset as originating in what someone will pay for it and how they will use it. But in a digital world, physical goods become sentient and social. They can generate value in how they work together.

  • Human capital. Organizations typically create value by managing people (inputs) to generate products and services (outputs). Consider the organization itself as a platform, connecting people who have ideas, skills and work with the people who need them.

  • Relational capital. To achieve loyalty, most companies focus on managing customer relationships. But a networking mindset goes beyond the relationships you have with your customers and looks for opportunities to connect them with each other.

Exponential thinking requires a new mindset about what leadership looks like.

Exponential Thinking

  • Set AMBITIOUS goals

  • Follow the VISION



  • EMPOWER decision-making

  • Expand INFLUENCE


Incremental Thinking

  • Set realistic goals

  • Follow the plan

  • Minimize risk

  • Standardize

  • Centralize decision-making

  • Expand authority

  • “Make your numbers”

Learn to fall without failing.

Professional skiers have a saying: “Find your edge.” Finding your edge means finding how far you can lean over without falling. And the only way to find your edge is to fall sometimes.

If you’re skiing so cautiously that you never fall, you’re not pushing yourself enough. But you need to fall without hurting yourself so you can get up and go back up the mountain.

For exponential leaders, the mantra is “Fall but don't fail.” You need to fall but in a way that you can still get back up.

Nobody likes to fall. But learning how to fall well is an important part of maximizing your learning.

From 10% to 10X recap

Being exponential means going from 10% to 10X change.

Exponential thinking is hard for humans. Our brains evolved in an incremental world.

The technologies of the industrial age were incremental, but digital technologies are exponential.

Without exponential thinking, digital technology can only deliver incremental results.

The key to going exponential is unleashing
network effects.

You don’t have to create a new business model to take advantage of network effects. You can network almost anything.

Exponential thinking requires a new mindset about what leadership looks like.

Learn to fall without failing.

Up Next

From 10% to 10x — SHIFT Thinking (3)

In our next topic, we’ll compare the curves for exponential and incremental innovation and learn how to manage the gaps between them.

Go deeper

Read “To Build Your Platform, Network Your Capital” by Mark Bonchek


Are there places where your organization is already generating and leveraging network effects?

Can you see some ways that exponential learning may be a stretch for you and others in your organization?

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←Previous Chapter:Thinking Styles

→Next Chapter:The Exponential Journey

Greetings, enthusiasts of exponential change and digital transformation. I am a seasoned expert in the realm of exponential thinking, digital technology, and leadership strategies that leverage network effects for exponential growth. My extensive experience and in-depth knowledge stem from years of practical application, research, and a keen understanding of the dynamic landscape shaped by digital advancements.

Let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article you provided, shedding light on each aspect with precision and clarity:

  1. Exponential Change vs. Incremental Change:

    • Exponential change (10X) involves a non-linear and multiplicative growth rate, while incremental change (10%) is linear and additive.
    • The article emphasizes the shift from an incremental model of change to an exponential one, where the former is constant, and the latter has an increasing rate.
  2. Evolution of Technology:

    • The technologies of the industrial age were incremental, but digital technologies, such as those related to storage, bandwidth, IoT sensors, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and genomics, operate on an exponential growth curve.
  3. Challenges in Digital Transformation:

    • One of the challenges faced by organizations in digital transformation is the failure to adopt exponential thinking. Digital technology alone cannot deliver exponential results if accompanied by only incremental thinking.
  4. Network Effects and Exponential Growth:

    • The key to achieving exponential growth is through the unleashing of network effects.
    • Network effects are illustrated through examples like Google Maps and Waze, highlighting how different strategies can leverage network effects for navigation solutions.
  5. Platform-Based Business Models:

    • Companies like Uber and Airbnb are presented as examples of exponential growth through platform-based business models.
    • The article emphasizes that multi-sided platforms, connecting supply and demand, contribute to exponential growth and are not confined by linear business models.
  6. Capital Networking for Exponential Strategy:

    • The article introduces the concept of networking different forms of capital:
      • Financial capital
      • Intellectual capital
      • Physical capital
      • Human capital
      • Relational capital
  7. Exponential Thinking for Leadership:

    • Exponential leadership requires a new mindset, characterized by ambitious goals, continuous learning, personalized approaches, and the empowerment of decision-making.
    • The comparison between exponential and incremental thinking is outlined, stressing the importance of falling without failing as a key aspect of learning for exponential leaders.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the paradigm shift from incremental to exponential thinking, the role of technology, the significance of network effects, and strategies employed by successful exponential leaders and organizations. If you have further inquiries or seek to explore related topics, feel free to engage in a deeper conversation.

From 10% to 10x — SHIFT Thinking (2024)


From 10% to 10x — SHIFT Thinking? ›

Exponential thinking means shifting your mental model of change. Perhaps the most fundamental area where we need to update our mental models is from an incremental model of change to an exponential one. Incremental change (10%) is constant, while exponential change (10x) has an increasing rate.

What is the 10x mindset? ›

The Strategic Coach Team

The 10x Mindset is a new framework for entrepreneurs who have hit a ceiling in their business growth. By embracing a 10x bigger future, entrepreneurs can envision new possibilities for personal and business growth.

What does 10x thinking mean? ›

Also known as "moonshot thinking," 10x thinking is all about setting your sights on solutions that are 10 times better than what currently exists. It's about taking on impossible challenges and looking for ways to overcome them.

What is an example of exponential thinking? ›

For example, if you find a new technology intimidating, instead of thinking, "I can't understand this; it's too complicated," reframe it to, "Here's my chance to learn and excel." This mindset transforms fear into fuel, propelling you toward untapped opportunities and exponential growth.

What is shift thinking? ›

Shift Thinking is a systematic approach to value creation in a digital age: a new way for leaders to think and for businesses to engage, organize, and compete.

What is the 10X strategy? ›

What does 10x Mean — At a Glance. The 10X Rule essentially revolves around what is considered that Principle of Massive Action — this concept that any time you put an exceedingly great amount of effort into anything you do, you're guaranteed to achieve exceedingly great results.

What is 10X with example? ›

And that is when you take for example, how much money you want to earn, say $100,000, you should multiply that by 10, and figure out the steps you'll want to take and the amount of time it will take to get that goal. If you fall short of that 10X goal, there's a pretty high chance you'll be above your original goal.

What is the 10X thinking quote? ›

No one is going to “make things” work out for you. The only way to do so is to utilize every moment of every day at 10X levels. Anyone who minimizes the importance of success to your future has given up on his or her own chances of accomplishment and is spending his or her life trying to convince others to do the same.

What are the key points of the 10X Rule? ›

The 10X Rule says that 1) you should set targets for yourself that are 10X greater than what you believe you can achieve and 2) you should take actions that are 10X greater than what you believe are necessary to achieve your goals. The biggest mistake most people make in life is not setting goals high enough.

What is the 10X learning method? ›

Effective Learning 10X provides you with the best tools and strategies to boost your reading speed, memory, and learning. You'll be amazed at how many hours you can save when you double or triple your reading speed. If you save just one hour a day for a year that equals 365 hours, or more than NINE 40-hour work weeks!

What are 3 real life examples of exponential growth? ›

  • Balance of an investment earning compound interest.
  • Population growth.
  • Growth of cells.
  • Spread of a disease in a pandemic.

How to develop an exponential mindset? ›

Strategic Coach thinking tools are an effective way to learn how to create an exponential mindset. For example, if you have a goal you're excited about, stop yourself from saying, “How am I going to do it?” and instead practice exponential thinking by asking, “Who's going to do it for me?”

What is linear thinking vs exponential thinking? ›

An exponential mindset diverges significantly from linear thinking by emphasizing rapid, massive growth as opposed to steady, incremental increases. This approach thrives on scalability, leveraging technology and innovation to multiply outcomes with relatively modest increases in inputs.

How do I shift my thinking? ›

Ways to change your thoughts
  1. Make space for your thoughts. Human thinking is complex. ...
  2. Notice your thoughts. By simply bringing more attention to what you're thinking, you'll become more aware of how your mind works. ...
  3. Hold your thoughts lightly. ...
  4. Practice the new thought. ...
  5. Seek evidence for your new thought.
Jul 6, 2024

What is a shift in thinking called? ›

People that convert to a new religion, for instance, can go through a paradigm shift. If the new way of thinking or belief system fully replaces the old one, the paradigm shift has occurred. Thomas S. Kuhn. “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” University of Chicago Press, 1970.

What is a shift left mindset? ›

The shift-left mindset represents a fundamental change in the approach to software development and operations, emphasizing early and continuous involvement of all relevant teams. This approach not only enhances the development process but also aligns it more closely with business objectives and customer needs.

What is the 10X approach? ›

The 10X Rule says that 1) you should set targets for yourself that are 10X greater than what you believe you can achieve and 2) you should take actions that are 10X greater than what you believe are necessary to achieve your goals. The biggest mistake most people make in life is not setting goals high enough.

What is the 10X model? ›

With an exponential business model, we think in terms of changes that are 10 times greater or lesser than today's value—the common shorthand for this goal is simply “10X.” Understanding the mechanics behind business models is one of the most important new skills that all innovative leaders must develop.

What does the term 10X mean? ›

(Internet slang, sensational spelling) Alternative spelling of thanks.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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