Lifeline (2024)

Lifeline (1)

Apex Legends content

This article concerns the subject and the content related to it in Apex Legends. For the subject in Apex Legends Mobile, see Lifeline (Mobile). For the background of the subject in Apex Legends universe, see Lifeline (character).

They call us Legends… that’s good for them, but I couldn’t care less. I’m not here for the title. After the war, many people were left with nothing. If you ask me, it doesn’t matter what side they were on. We all had our own part in the war. No one is truly innocent, so we all deserve help. Like I said, I don’t care about the title, but don’t let that fool you, I am here to win...for them. The Legends are out there...they just don’t know it yet.[1]
Lifeline (2)
Combat Medic
Real NameAjay Che
ClassLifeline (3) Support
Tactical AbilityLifeline (4) D.O.C. Heal Drone
Passive AbilityLifeline (5) Combat Revive
Ultimate AbilityLifeline (6) Care Package
Real-world Info
Voice ActorMela Lee [2]

Lifeline (7) Lifeline is a Lifeline (8) Support Legend. She is unlocked by default.

A Legend with healing abilities, Lifeline is a Legend best for keeping her team alive and up in a firefight. Her tactical ability Lifeline (9) D.O.C. Heal Drone places an immobile drone that heals all players nearby over time. Her passive ability Lifeline (10) Combat Revive allows her to revive her teammates automatically using her drone. Her ultimate ability Lifeline (11) Care Package calls down a care package containing useful support gear such as shields or attachments.


  • 1 Abilities
    • 1.1 D.O.C. Heal Drone
    • 1.2 Combat Revive
    • 1.3 Care Package
    • 1.4 Legend Upgrades
  • 2 Lore
  • 3 Cosmetic items
    • 3.1 Skins
    • 3.2 Finishers
    • 3.3 Heirloom Set
    • 3.4 Badges
    • 3.5 Emotes
    • 3.6 Skydive Emotes
    • 3.7 Banner Frames
    • 3.8 Banner Poses
    • 3.9 Holosprays
    • 3.10 Music Packs
    • 3.11 Transitions
  • 4 Voice lines
  • 5 History
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 See Also
  • 8 References

Abilities[ | ]

D.O.C. Heal Drone[ | ]

Lifeline (12)TacticalQ/Lifeline (13)/Lifeline (14)/Lifeline (15)
D.O.C. Heal Drone
DescriptionThe Drone Of Compassion (DOC) automatically heals those near it over time.
Cooldown45 seconds
  • Info

  • Interactions

  • Tips

  • Bugs

  • Places a hovering healing drone that heals all players within 6 meters.
  • Heals 8 health per second with an infinite healing pool, and lasts 20 seconds.
  • The drone cannot be moved around once placed.
  • Can be destroyed by The Ring after 2 damage ticks.
    • If placing the heatshield first before deploying D.O.C. Heal Drone, it will not be destroyed. However, playing drone first in ring, then cover it with heat shield, will still destroy it.
  • Caustic's gas will make the D.O.C. Heal Drone malfunction while inside of the gas and will not be able to heal anyone.
  • Crypto's Lifeline (16) Drone EMP can destroy the D.O.C. Heal Drone.
  • Gibraltar's Lifeline (17) Dome of Protection and Caustic's Lifeline (18) Nox gas Traps can be placed on the D.O.C Heal Drone, but they disappear as the drone does.
  • Can be attached to the Trident to heal while repositioning.
  • The drone should generally be used liberally to help recently revived allies recover their health faster, or to conserve their Lifeline (19) Med Kits.
  • Drop the drone while performing other actions where the player is not moving much to accomplish two things at once. For example, use it...
    • ...while fighting and behind cover.
    • ...before/while replenishing shields to recover both shields and health at the same time.
    • ...on top of enemy body-boxes after finishing a fight so that the player and their allies can heal while looting.
    • ...on top of a respawn beacon or a downed ally so the player can heal while channeling to revive them.
  • The player can also use one Lifeline (20) Syringe to speed up the healing process, but not too many, as this will waste the ability itself.
  • If an injured ally is far away but running to Lifeline, it is possible to drop the drone early so that Lifeline can advance in position while the ally runs to the drone for health.
  • Avoid using the drone mid-air; it might never reach the ground, and if it does not reach the ground, then it will never start healing anyone.
  • The player cannot push the drone around so make sure it is placed properly and/or behind cover.
  • Sometimes the D.O.C. Heal Drone has environmental interaction issues, which can cause the Heal Drone to go through a Door, Wall, Crate, etc.
  • The D.O.C. Heal Drone will sometimes randomly float upwards.

Combat Revive[ | ]

Lifeline (21)Passive
Combat Revive
DescriptionDeploy D.O.C to revive teammates, leaving Lifeline free to defend.
  • Info

  • Interactions

  • Tips

  • Pressing "Use" (Default: E) once near a downed teammate will deploy D.O.C. to start the auto-revive process.
    • The player can leave D.O.C. to continue the revive, giving the player the capability to revive another teammate, or defend the teammate being revived.
    • Player does not have to hold down the "Use" to complete the revive.
    • Teammate can press "Character Utility Action" (Default: H) to cancel their revive.
  • Can revive two players at the same time.
  • Players being revived by Lifeline can cancel their revive.
  • If a player is in the process of being revived by D.O.C., the revive will not be canceled when the last player in the squad is downed and therefore the squad will not be eliminated until the revived player is killed.
  • When Revenant's Lifeline (22) Silence hits the reviving player, it cancels the revive.
  • If a Lifeline is silenced by Lifeline (23) Silence, then she can no longer auto revive teammates with D.O.C, and instead she will manually revive teammates.
  • When D.O.C. is destroyed by bullets or ordnances, it also cancels the revive.
  • Since Lifeline can auto-revive, it can be beneficial to revive allies in the middle of a fight.
    • however, without cover, and especially without a Lifeline (24) Gold Knockdown Shield, there is a high probability that they get downed again immediately afterward or killed during the revive.
    • Engaging the enemy or after letting D.O.C. continue the revive or canceling the revive could increase the teammate's survivability.
  • There is a brief loss of momentum when starting the auto-revive.
    • Sliding into the auto-revive removes the brief loss of momentum.
  • To get the most of this ability, try to revive teammates behind/near cover or in conjunction with Gibraltar's Lifeline (25) Dome of Protection.
  • Use the Lifeline (26) D.O.C. Heal Drone to heal recently-revived allies, and/or to heal oneself during revives.
  • Teammates should press the "Character Utility Action" when one sense a firefight nearby.

Care Package[ | ]

Lifeline (27)UltimateZ/Lifeline (28)+Lifeline (29)/Lifeline (30)+Lifeline (31)/Lifeline (32)+Lifeline (33)
Care Package
DescriptionCall in a droppod full of high quality defensive gear.
Charge time3.5 minutes
  • Info

  • Interactions

  • Arenas

  • Tips

  • Care Packages come with 3 item slots, and always guarantee an upgrade to the player's squad’s current loadout, if possible. Each slot contains one of the following:
  • Unlike natural airdrops, Lifeline's care packages are blue and are not marked on the map or announced. They emit a blue light when unopened.
  • Takes 8 seconds to land once called in.
  • If Lifeline and her squad die before the Care Package is opened, it will contain three Lifeline (46) Mobile Respawn Beacons.
  • While not as flashy as some other legend's ultimates, the high chance of getting epic-tier Lifeline (48) Evo Shields is worth its weight in gold especially if the player's squad has not had the good fortune to get anything above Common, as well as supplying Lifeline (49) Shield Cells and Lifeline (50) Med Kits if they have been depleted after a particularly grueling fight.
  • Can be used as a cover in an area with low covers, or as a stepping stone to climb up to greater heights.
  • Lifeline's team should prioritize pinging out and giving her most if not all of the Lifeline (51) Ultimate Accelerants they find, at least in the early-mid game.
  • Lifeline can use her Care Package on Round 6 to take up nearly all the space in the final area, provide cover, and can be used to climb up to safety as the chaos unfolds.
  • Care Package should generally be used as soon as it comes off cooldown unless the team is worried about enemies being very close by or if the player's team is running from something dangerous.
  • Lifeline care packages are very obvious and can thus compromise the team's exact position. Be on guard when using it, as nearby enemies may decide to come running over.
    • This issue is exacerbated in the very late game with 2-3 squads remaining, where a small circle makes getting ambushed that much more likely.
    • Conversely, this can be used to Lifeline's advantage, as bait: Lifeline could use the package away from her team to mislead enemies, or in a spot where her team can watch the care package and ambush whoever comes.
    • If enemies are standing underneath the package as it drops, they will be crushed.
    • As an enemy squad, watch out for the various visual and audio effects. Calling in a Lifeline Care Package makes the same sound as when a regular care package is called in, but it is not announced. This sound especially is audible over a long distance.
    • Though the sound effects are different, be sure not to confuse the blue beacon of light with the light blue one of a Lifeline (52) Replicator.
  • The player can also use it after you have respawned a teammate to replenish a bit of their loot, but like the aforementioned tip, be on guard when using it as enemies have an extremely high chance of coming to you because of the Respawn Ship and the Care Package.

Legend Upgrades[ | ]

Main article: Legend Upgrades

Legend Upgrades are special perks introduced in Season 20 to all Battle Royale modes. These add upgrades to a Legend's abilities as you level up your Evo Armor. Only one option may be chosen per level-up for a maximum of two perks total.

Level 2 Upgrades

  • Quick Response: Increase Revive speed by 20%.
  • Tactical Cooldown++: Reduce Lifeline (53) D.O.C. Heal Drone's cooldown by 25 seconds.

Level 3 Upgrades

  • Last Stand: Gain a Self-Revive.
  • Gold Plated: Next care package contains gold equipment and healables.

Lore[ | ]

Main article: Lifeline (character)

Ajay Che, aka Lifeline, isn’t someone you would expect to find in the Apex Games. The child of wealthy war profiteers, she left home when she learned of the damage her family had caused and enlisted in the Frontier Corps, a humanitarian organization that aids Frontier communities in need. She’s since devoted her life to helping others and joined the Apex Games to fund the Frontier Corps with her winnings.

Since no one in the Games is innocent — they all know what they signed up for — and every one of her victories means help for those in need, Lifeline has no problem engaging in the popular bloodsport. Or so she tells herself. She may seem sarcastic and callous, but deep down she wants to help people and make the world a better place. If that means taking a few people down in the process, so be it.[3]

Cosmetic items[ | ]

Skins[ | ]

There are a total of 87 Legend skins for Lifeline; 1 Iconic, 29 Legendary, 16 epic, 25 Rare and 16 Common.

  • Iconic

  • Legendary

  • Epic

  • Rare

  • Common

  • Lifeline (54)

    Lifeline (55) Runaway Hit

  • Lifeline (56)

    Peak Performer
    Lifeline (57) 1,200

  • Lifeline (58)

    Vital Signs[Story 1]
    Lifeline (59) 1,200

  • Lifeline (60)

    London Calling[Story 2]
    Lifeline (61) 1,200

  • Lifeline (62)

    Organized Anarchy
    Lifeline (63) 1,200

  • Lifeline (64)

    Lifeline (65) My Wave
    Lifeline (66) 1,200

  • Lifeline (67)

    Lifeline (68) Lifeline Bling
    Needs Peak Performer

  • Lifeline (69)

    Lifeline (70) First Responder
    Needs Organized Anarchy

  • Lifeline (71)

    Lifeline (72) Judge Jury Executioner

  • Lifeline (73)

    Lifeline (74) From the Ashes
    Level 53

  • Lifeline (75)

    Lifeline (76) Guardian Angel

  • Lifeline (77)

    Lifeline (78) Balance Shift
    Needs Vital Signs

  • Lifeline (79)

    Lifeline (80) Rejuvination
    Needs London Calling

  • Lifeline (81)

    Lifeline (82) Pirate Queen

  • Lifeline (83)

    Lifeline (84) Breach and Clear

  • Lifeline (85)

    Lifeline (86) Worlds Apart

  • Lifeline (87)

    Lifeline (88) Bad to the Bone
    Level 50

  • Lifeline (89)

    Lifeline (90) Ghost Stalker

  • Lifeline (91)

    Lifeline (92) Hell Raiser

  • Lifeline (93)

    Lifeline (94) Alabaster Titan

  • Lifeline (95)

    Lifeline (96) Mic Check

  • Lifeline (97)

    Lifeline (98) Combat Survivalist

  • Lifeline (99)

    Lifeline (100) Mischief Medic[Story 3][note 1]

  • Lifeline (101)

    Hyped Healer[Story 4] [note 2]

  • Lifeline (102)

    Lifeline (103) Healing Huntress

  • Lifeline (104)

    Lifeline (105) Angel of Death

  • Lifeline (106)

    Lifeline (107) Freestyle

  • Lifeline (108)

    Lifeline (109) Shinobi Surgeon

  • Lifeline (110)

    Lifeline (111) Haunt+Heal


  1. This skin changes Lifeline's Legend select animation.
  2. Store exclusive, included in the Hyped Healer Bundle

Story of Lifeline:

  1. Vital Signs: Ajay Che was always the first with her hand up to volunteer for the most extreme expeditions in her time with the Frontier Corps - so much that they were informally dubbed "Chexpeditions."
  2. London Calling: On a trip to Solace, Lifeline befriended and joined a touring punk band called The Flyer Liars. It was a small step out of her parents’ wealthy world - one that eventually gave her the strength to leave home for good.
  3. Mischief Medic: Joining the Frontier Corps was Lifeline's way of making up for her family's mistakes, but even with the best intentions, she couldn't escape her family's reputation.
  4. Hyped Healer: On a trip to Solace, Lifeline befriended and joined a touring punk band called The Flyer Liars. It was a small step out of her parents' wealthy world - one that eventually gave her the strength to leave home for good.
  • Lifeline (114)

    Blockchain Reaction
    Lifeline (115) 400

  • Lifeline (116)

    Daemon Hunter
    Lifeline (117) 400

  • Lifeline (118)

    Fiber Optics
    Lifeline (119) 400

  • Lifeline (120)

    Heat Sync
    Lifeline (121) 400

  • Lifeline (122)

    Neural Net
    Lifeline (123) 400

  • Lifeline (124)

    Lifeline (125) Desert Doctor
    Lifeline (126) 400

  • Lifeline (127)

    Lifeline (128) Pain Killer

  • Lifeline (129)

    Lifeline (130) Green Widow

  • Lifeline (131)

    Lifeline (132) Snow Crystal

  • Lifeline (133)

    Lifeline (134) Hot Blooded

  • Lifeline (135)

    Lifeline (136) Jammer

  • Lifeline (137)

    Lifeline (138) Cold Compress

  • Lifeline (139)

    Lifeline (140) Hardcore Heals
    Level 1

  • Lifeline (141)

    Lifeline (142) Alchemist

  • Lifeline (143)

    Lifeline (144) Sundown Surgeon
    Level 1

  • Lifeline (145)

    Lifeline (146) Electric de Chocobo

  • Lifeline (147)

    Blacklight Classic
    Lifeline (148) 60

  • Lifeline (149)

    Brain Candy
    Lifeline (150) 60

  • Lifeline (151)

    Checkered Past
    Lifeline (152) 60

  • Lifeline (153)

    Coastal Waters
    Lifeline (154) 60

  • Lifeline (155)

    Desert Scorpion
    Lifeline (156) 60

  • Lifeline (157)

    Dot Product
    Lifeline (158) 60

  • Lifeline (159)

    Electric Synapse
    Lifeline (160) 60

  • Lifeline (161)

    Mint Condition
    Lifeline (162) 60

  • Lifeline (163)

    Lifeline (164) 60

  • Lifeline (165)

    Self Organized
    Lifeline (166) 60

  • Lifeline (167)

    Sizzle Reel
    Lifeline (168) 60

  • Lifeline (169)

    Tie Dye
    Lifeline (170) 60

  • Lifeline (171)

    Tropic Streak
    Lifeline (172) 60

  • Lifeline (173)

    Lifeline (174) 60

  • Lifeline (175)

    Woodland Warfare
    Lifeline (176) 60

  • Lifeline (177)

    Lifeline (178) Revolutionary
    Level 01

  • Lifeline (179)

    Lifeline (180) Neon Dream
    Season 1

  • Lifeline (181)

    Lifeline (182) Blossom
    Lifeline (183) 500

  • Lifeline (184)

    Lifeline (185) Health Drain
    Level 01

  • Lifeline (186)

    Lifeline (187) Tide Pool
    Season 6

  • Lifeline (188)

    Lifeline (189) Pastel Dreams
    October 2020

  • Lifeline (190)

    Lifeline (191) Data Driven
    Level 74

  • Lifeline (192)

    Bow Blossom[note 1]

  • Lifeline (193)

    Lifeline (194) Ocean Groove
    Season 17

  • Lifeline (195)

    Lifeline (196) Jewel Tones
    Level 57


  1. Store exclusive.

Finishers[ | ]

Main article: Finisher

Heirloom Set[ | ]

Main article: Heirloom

Lifeline (230)

The set contains:

  • A Melee Weapon Skin: Shock Sticks
  • A Banner Pose: Shock Sticks
  • An Intro Quip: "Check yo self - or wreck yo self. (laugh)"

Badges[ | ]

Emotes[ | ]

Main article: Emote

  • It's Funky Enough - Lifeline (231) 1,200
  • Shout Outs - Lifeline (232) 1,200
  • Hip Hip Hooray [note 1]
  • Bust A Move - Lifeline (233) 400
  • Lifeline (234) Little Trickster
  • Lifeline (235) Footwork - Level 12
  • Lifeline (236) Last Laugh
  • Jammin' - Default


  1. Store exclusive, included in the Hyped Healer Bundle

Skydive Emotes[ | ]

Main article: Skydive Emote

Banner Frames[ | ]

  • Legendary

  • Epic

  • Rare

  • Common

  • Lifeline (242)

    Lifeline (243) 1,200

  • Lifeline (244)

    Feel the Beat
    Lifeline (245) 1,200

  • Lifeline (246)

    Good Medicine
    Lifeline (247) 1,200

  • Lifeline (248)

    Search and Rescue
    Lifeline (249) 1,200

  • Lifeline (250)

    Shooting Star
    Lifeline (251) 1,200

  • Lifeline (252)

    Lifeline (253) Tailed Reflections
    Lifeline (254) 400

  • Lifeline (255)

    Lifeline (256) Winged Guardian

  • Lifeline (257)

    Lifeline (258) Tools of the Trade
    Level 72

  • Lifeline (259)

    Lifeline (260) Car Package
    Level 68

  • Lifeline (261)

    Lifeline (262) Leader of the Pack
    Level 71

  • Lifeline (263)

    Lifeline (264) Heat Treatment
    Level 72

  • Lifeline (265)

    Lifeline (266) Rebel With A Cause
    Level 42

  • Lifeline (267)

    Lifeline (268) Preyed Upon

  • Lifeline (269)

    Lifeline (270) Fear and Loathing
    Level 79

  • Lifeline (271)

    Lifeline (272) Herbal Medicine

  • Lifeline (273)

    Lifeline (274) Robot Resupply
    Level 74

  • Lifeline (275)

    Lifeline (276) Rejuvenation

  • Lifeline (277)

    Called Shots
    Lifeline (278) 60

  • Lifeline (279)

    In Stitches
    Lifeline (280) 60

  • Lifeline (281)

    Patched Up
    Lifeline (282) 60

  • Lifeline (283)

    Lifeline (284) 60

  • Lifeline (285)

    Temperature Rising
    Lifeline (286) 60

  • Lifeline (287)

    Lifeline (288) Detention Center
    Lifeline (289) 60

  • Lifeline (290)

    Lifeline (291) Pick Me Up
    Level 61

  • Lifeline (292)

    Lifeline (293) Perfect Execution
    Level 18

  • Lifeline (294)

    Lifeline (295) Square Dance
    July 2019

  • Lifeline (296)

    Lifeline (297) Crystalized Ice
    Level 35

  • Lifeline (298)

    Lifeline (299) Deadly Fortune
    August 2020

  • Lifeline (300)

    Lifeline (301) Midnight Ride
    Season 17

  • Lifeline (302)

    Rookie Card

  • Lifeline (303)

    Lifeline (304) 30

  • Lifeline (305)

    Lifeline (306) 30

  • Lifeline (307)

    Lifeline (308) 30

  • Lifeline (309)

    Stripe 3
    Lifeline (310) 30

Banner Poses[ | ]

  • Mythic

  • Epic

  • Rare

  • Common

  • Lifeline (311)

    Shock Sticks

  • Lifeline (312)

    Bad D.O.C.
    Lifeline (313) 400

  • Lifeline (314)

    Drumroll Please
    Lifeline (315) 400

  • Lifeline (316)

    Lifeline (317) 400

  • Lifeline (318)

    Good Vibes
    Lifeline (319) 400

  • Lifeline (320)

    Lifeline (321) Head on a Swivel
    Lifeline (322) 400

  • Lifeline (323)

    Joy Ride
    Lifeline (324) 400

  • Lifeline (325)

    Lifeline (326) Preventative Measures

  • Lifeline (327)

    Lifeline (328) 60

  • Lifeline (329)

    Lifeline (330) 60

  • Lifeline (331)

    Lifeline (332) 60

  • Lifeline (333)

    Lifeline (334) 60

  • Lifeline (335)

    Let's Go!
    Lifeline (336) 60

  • Lifeline (337)

    Lifeline (338) 60

  • Lifeline (339)

    Lifeline (340) 60

  • Lifeline (341)

    Talking Game
    Lifeline (342) 60

  • Lifeline (343)


Holosprays[ | ]

Main article: Holospray

  • Lifeline (344)

    Try And Stop Me!
    Lifeline (345) 1,200

  • Lifeline (346)

    Bleed, Patch and Keep Movin'
    Lifeline (347) 400

  • Lifeline (348)

    Get A Life
    Lifeline (349) 400

  • Lifeline (350)

    Got A Job To Do
    Lifeline (351) 400

  • Lifeline (352)

    Patch 'Em Up
    Lifeline (353) 400

  • Lifeline (354)

    The Doc Is In
    Lifeline (355) 400

  • Lifeline (356)

    The Last Laugh
    Lifeline (357) 400

  • Lifeline (358)

    Lifeline (359) DOC on Lock
    Lifeline (360) 400

  • Lifeline (361)

    Lifeline (362) I Got Ya Beat
    Level 34

  • Lifeline (363)

    Lifeline (364) Let's Rumble
    Level 04

  • Lifeline (365)

    Lifeline (366) Smoking Kills
    Level 48

  • Lifeline (367)

    Lifeline (368) Cold Blooded
    Level 73

  • Lifeline (369)

    Lifeline (370) Double Trouble
    Level 43

  • Lifeline (371)

    Lifeline (372) I'm Yuh Lifeline

  • Lifeline (373)

    Lifeline (374) Don't Mind If I Do

  • Lifeline (375)

    Lifeline (376) Doc's Orders
    Level 75

Music Packs[ | ]

Main article: Music Pack

  • Lifeline (377)

    Lifeline (378) Lifeline

Transitions[ | ]

Main article: Transition

  • Lifeline (379)

    Lifeline (380) Paying Forward
    Level 84

  • Lifeline (381)

    Lifeline (382) “Pas Me Dat Suga” Cookies
    Level 70

  • Lifeline (383)

    Lifeline (384) Strong-Arming
    Level 24

Voice lines[ | ]

History[ | ]

Patch notes 
February 14, 2023 Patch
  • Lifeline (385) Combat Revive:
    • Reduced the slow penalty on Lifeline when initiating a revive
  • Lifeline (386) Care Package:
    • Decreased the drop animation speed of Care Package from 14s to 8s
    • Increased the deployment range of Care Package
June 21, 2022 Patch
  • Lifeline (387) Combat Revive:
    • Moved revive cancel option from Lifeline to the player that’s getting revived.
  • Lifeline (388) D.O.C. Heal Drone:
    • Healing pool increased from 150 to infinite (still lasts 20s).
    • Doubled the healing radius.
  • Lifeline (389) Care Package:
    • Cooldown reduced from 5 minutes to 3.5 minutes.
    • The weapon attachment panel now comes with a Lifeline (390) Shield Battery instead of two Lifeline (391) Shield Cells.
    • No blue beam on initial drop (will still show up after the Care Package lands).
June 29, 2021 Patch
  • Increased hitbox size.
May 04, 2021 Patch
  • Lifeline (392) Combat Revive:
    • No longer deploys a shield.
    • Can now revive two players at the same time.
    • Can now cancel active revives in progress to allow your teammate to defend themselves with their Lifeline (393) Knockdown Shield.
  • Lifeline (394) D.O.C. Heal Drone:
    • Heal rate increased from 5hp per second to 8hp per second.
    • Deployment time before healing begins reduced by roughly 33%.
  • Lifeline (395) Care Package:
    • Cooldown reduced from 6 minutes to 5 minutes.
    • Now guarantees an upgrade (if possible) in three categories: Body Shield, Other Equipment (Helmet, Backpack, and Knockdown Shield), and Weapon Attachment, based on your team’s current gear when the Package arrives.
  • Removed Lifeline (396) Low Profile.
October 06, 2020 Patch
  • Fixed an issue with the Guardian Angel Skin having a stretched neck when using Lifeline (397) Emplaced Minigun "Sheila".
  • Fixed an issue where care packages would not be allowed to be placed on certain parts of Capacitor, Rig, or Salvage in Kings Canyon.
August 18, 2020 Patch
  • Lifeline (398) D.O.C. Heal Drone: Fixed an issue where if Death Protection runs out with an active D.O.C. nearby, it would not start healing you.
June 23, 2020 Patch
  • Passive:
    • Changed name from Combat Medic to Lifeline (399) Combat Revive.
    • Deploy D.O.C to revive teammates. D.O.C. will deploy a shield and revive Lifeline’s teammate, leaving Lifeline free to defend or revive someone else.
    • Increased revive time from 4.5 seconds to 6 seconds.
    • Removed 25% fast healing.
    • Now disabled if silenced by Revenant.
  • Lifeline (400) D.O.C. Heal Drone:
  • Lifeline (403) Care Package:
    • Now contains more items:
      • 3x more small healing items, when it decides to spawn small healing items.
      • 2x more attachments, when it decides to spawn attachments.
    • Fixed an issue with Lifeline able to drop her care package on a Quest Artifact location, preventing users from picking up the artifact.
May 12, 2020 Patch
April 07, 2020 Patch
  • Lifeline (407) Combat Medic
    • Lifeline can now access secret compartments with more loot on Blue Supply Bins.
      • Blue bins are found randomly replacing ordinary bins. These rare bins will have a secondary compartment that only Lifeline can open.
      • The secondary compartment will always contain some mixture of health items, weapon attachments, and Lifeline (408) Knockdown Shields.
  • Lifeline (409) Low Profile: Leg shots now deal as much damage as body shots.
December 03, 2019 Patch
October 01, 2019 Patch
August 13, 2019 Patch
  • Made adjustments to hitbox.
July 16, 2019 Patch
  • Lifeline (412) Care Package: Fixed some cases of the Care Package clipping through map geometry.
July 02, 2019 Patch
May 20, 2019 Patch
  • [PS4] Fixed "Pick Me Up" Banner Bug.
March 19, 2019 Patch
  • Lifeline (415) Combat Medic: Fixed issue where the revive shield wouldn’t stay put while on a moving platform.
  • Lifeline (416) D.O.C. Heal Drone:
    • Fixed bug where occasionally the drone would stay connected to a player but not heal them.
    • Limited the number of drones that can connect to a player to 2.
  • Lifeline (417) Care Package: Removed slight chance that Level 4 armor and helmets will appear on the Care Package.

Gallery[ | ]


  • Lifeline (418)

    Lifeline climbing an icy mountain.[4]

  • Lifeline (419)

    A letter from a fan.[5]

  • Lifeline (420)

    Early concept art of Lifeline.[6]

  • Lifeline (421)

    Concept art of Lifeline.[7]

  • Lifeline (422)

    Concept art of the D.O.C. Heal Drone.[8]

  • Lifeline (423)

    Concept art of Lifeline's Pirate Queen skin.[9]

  • Lifeline (424)

    Concept art of Lifeline's London Calling skin.[10]

  • Lifeline (425)

    Concept art of Lifeline's Judge Jury Executioner skin.[11]

  • Lifeline (426)

    Concept art for Lifeline's My Wave skin.[12]

  • Lifeline (427)

    Concept art for Lifeline's Breach and Clear skin.[13]

  • Lifeline (428)

    Concept art for Lifeline's Mischief Medic skin.[14]

  • Lifeline (429)

    Concept art for Lifeline's Healing Huntress skin by Gadget-Bot Productions.[15]

  • Lifeline (430)

    Catalyst's Twins tarot card, depicting Lifeline and Octane

  • Lifeline (431)

    A Funko Pop of Lifeline released in November 2019.

  • Lifeline (432)

    An exclusive version of Lifeline's Funko Pop, featuring her Tie Dye skin.

  • Lifeline (433)

    A Figures of Fandom statue released by Weta Workshop.

  • Lifeline (434)

    Lifeline Nendoroid.

See Also[ | ]

References[ | ]

v · d · eLegends in Lifeline (435) Apex Legends

Lifeline (452) GibraltarLifeline (453) LifelineLifeline (454) MirageLifeline (455) LobaLifeline (456) NewcastleLifeline (457) Conduit

Italicized Legends must be unlocked with Lifeline (462) 750 or Lifeline (463) 12,000.
Lifeline (2024)


How to get better with Lifeline? ›

Crouch, Slide, and Rev. Reviving downed teammates in the middle of a fight is one of the best ways to use Lifeline's passive effectively. However, deploying the drone will slow down your movement and can cancel your momentum. What top-tier Apex Legends Lifeline players do is crouch and slide before reviving a teammate.

Can Lifeline revive with her drone? ›

Lifeline deploys her D.O.C to revive teammates. Once activated, Lifeline is free to move as she pleases as the drone does the revive action.

Can Lifeline pick herself up? ›

Witness an unbelievable play in Apex Legends as Lifeline self-revives multiple times, leaving players in awe.

Can you destroy a Lifeline drone? ›

Can be destroyed by The Ring after 2 damage ticks. If placing the heatshield first before deploying D.O.C. Heal Drone, it will not be destroyed. However, playing drone first in ring, then cover it with heat shield, will still destroy it.

Is Lifeline getting a rework? ›

The combat medic Lifeline is going to receive a significant rework in Apex Legends Season 22. Leaks and data mining have unveiled exciting changes to her tactical and ultimate abilities.

What does Lifeline Ult do? ›

Ultimate: Care Package

An important ability of Lifeline in Apex Legends gameplay is her ability to call down a personal Care Package (Ultimate) geared towards survival.

Are Octane and Lifeline dating? ›

Based on in-game voice interactions, Lifeline and Octane's relationship resembles more of bantering siblings than lovers. Not to mention, Octane frequently refers to her as "hermana," which translates to "sister" in English.

What is the point of lifeline? ›

Lifeline is Australia's leading suicide prevention service. We are a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis support. We are here for you.

How confidential is lifeline? ›

Lifeline keeps all the information it collects and holds secure. Lifeline is committed to the security and data protection of your information to ensure it is kept safe. Lifeline will never ask you for personal details, such as your credit card numbers, bank account details, or any passwords to a service.

Can Seer stop Lifeline Revive? ›

That's when it's best utilized to cancel the revive or healing item and show your teammates where this vulnerable enemy player is. A few important tips and unique interactions to keep in mind if you're playing Seer. This ability does not cancel a Lifeline revive since it's not her doing the reviving but the drone.

Is Lifeline getting a prestige skin? ›

Unlock 'em all before the event ends to automatically receive Lifeline's Prestige set including her new skin, “Apex Corruptor,” and finisher, “RidDOCulous.”

Does Lifeline drone work in storm? ›

@FrostXEmpire If you place the drone before the storm hits, the drone will not be destroyed. Otherwise if you place it while inside the storm than it will be destroyed.

How to do a Lifeline exercise? ›

The Lifeline Exercise: an exercise to think about yourself
  1. 1) Get a blank A4 sheet of paper.
  2. 2) Draw a horizontal line across the middle of the long part of a page. ...
  3. 3) Now draw your lifeline – as you move from birth to your current age, what are the significant events and relationships?
Jun 3, 2021

What is the benefit of Lifeline? ›

Lifeline provides subscribers a discount on qualifying monthly telephone service, broadband Internet service, or bundled voice-broadband packages purchased from participating wireline or wireless providers.

What is the point of Lifeline? ›

Lifeline is Australia's leading suicide prevention service. We are a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis support. We are here for you.

When to use Lifeline? ›

Lifeline Digital

Anyone across Australia who is experiencing a personal crisis, contemplating suicide or caring for someone in crisis can contact Lifeline.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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