Karmic Relationships: Identifying & Escaping Them — Talkspace (2024)

Published on: 27 Jan 2023

Karmic Relationships: Identifying & Escaping Them — Talkspace (1)Clinically Reviewed by Reshawna Chapple, PhD, LCSW

  • Karmic Relationships: Identifying & Escaping Them — Talkspace (2)Written byElizabeth Keohan, LCSW-C
  • Jan 27, 2023
  • 6 minute read

Karmic Relationships: Identifying & Escaping Them — Talkspace (3)Clinically Reviewed by Reshawna Chapple, PhD, LCSW

Karmic Relationships: Identifying & Escaping Them — Talkspace (4)

Does your relationship feel like a series of dramatic highs and lows? Do you have a strong connection to your partner but feel like you keep having the same fights over and over again?

Karmic relationships are intense connections characterized by passion and drama. People drawn to these intense relationships can feel an instant connection to their partner, but they find it challenging to maintain a healthy or stable relationship with them. In a sense, karmic relationships are related to karma because they are seen as relationships that are necessary for our own personal growth.

These relationships can be addictive, and though they might feel good at times, they can also be toxic. Learning to recognize karmic relationship signs will help you break the drama cycle and move on so you can establish healthy, fulfilling partnerships with people in your life.

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Are Karmic Relationships Soulmates?

When you meet a karmic partner for the first time, it can feel like you’ve found your soulmate. The connection is often described as feeling “magnetic.” You might think you’re “meant to be,” or you must have known each other in a past life.

Unfortunately, while these relationships seem perfect initially, the karmic bond quickly becomes unhealthy. Karmic relationships are often volatile and exhausting, even when you care deeply about one another, so, no, there’s no such thing as a karmic soulmate relationship. Additionally, some people confuse karmic relationships with “twin flames,” but there are vast differences when comparing a karmic relationship vs twin flame.

Over time, a karmic relationship will become increasingly difficult to maintain, but while these unhealthy relationships tend to be short-lived, they can be learning experiences and opportunities for personal growth.

What Are the Signs of a Karmic Relationship?

When caught up in a karmic relationship, it can be hard to recognize red flags. It’s easy to overlook issues when you have passionate feelings for someone. If you feel magnetically drawn to your partner, watch out for these common karmic relationship patterns and signs.


A karmic relationship can feel all-consuming. You may feel like you’re addicted to your partner or like you need to be around them all the time. A codependent dynamic can make it challenging to end things, even when one or both partners feels unhappy in the relationship.

“Karmic relationships indicate feeling or expressing a passionate response very early on in a relationship. Oftentimes, instant chemistry is mutually felt. Sometimes, the drain of that connection or addiction to a partner is described as exhausting rather than feeling calmly settled in a grounded partnership.

Talkspace therapist Elizabeth Keohan, LCSW-C, LICSW, LCSW


While healthy relationships are characterized by stability, karmic relationships tend to be full of ups and downs. These relationships can be explosive, shifting from moments of passion to fiery arguments at the flick of a switch. At times, you may feel thrilled with your partner, but at other moments, you might feel miserable with your relationship problems.

Constant arguing

It’s normal for couples to disagree every once in a while, but you and your partner shouldn’t be discussing how to stop fighting in a relationship all the time. Most couples in healthy relationships won’t argue every day, or even every week. Your relationship may have a karmic dynamic if you and your partner are constantly in conflict and seem to always have unresolved issues.

Feeling on edge

It’s hard to know what to expect in a karmic relationship, and that instability can lead to constant feelings of unease, and even relationship anxiety. When minor disagreements erupt into major arguments, it can feel like the relationship is doomed to end at any time. If you’re in a karmic relationship, you may feel like you’re always waiting for something to go wrong.

The Tricky Dynamic of a Karmic Relationship

Couples with karmic bonds often have intense chemistry. When your relationship is going well, you may feel as though things are perfect. The unpredictability of the relationship can even feel exciting. These emotions often make it difficult to acknowledge the more negative aspects of your relationship.

Even though a karmic connection can feel good at times, this relationship dynamic can be deeply toxic. These relationships may lead to potentially harmful behaviors, such as:

  • Feeling desperate for your partner’s approval
  • Lying or hiding things from your partner to avoid a fight
  • Possessiveness or jealousy
  • Feeling emotionally and physically drained
  • Wanting to control your partner
  • Feeling guilty when you express how you feel
  • Being intimidated or fearful of your partner

How to Get Out of a Karmic Relationship

It can be hard to end a relationship, especially if you and your partner have a strong bond. People often report a decline in their well-being after ending a romantic relationship. While a breakup may be painful in the short term, ending a toxic relationship can lead to long-term fulfillment and growth.

If you’re ready to leave your karmic partner but aren’t sure how to walk away, these tips will help you find the strength you need.

Find sources of support

It’s common for people in karmic relationships to feel dependent on their partner. Reaching out to family and friends for support can give you the strength you need to leave. Research also shows that a strong support system can reduce feelings of psychological distress.

Be firm

When you end things, be clear and firm in your feelings. Try to avoid an argument or a long, drawn-out conversation. If you’re worried about how your partner will react, it’s OK to end the relationship via text or email for your safety.

Cut off contact

After you end a karmic relationship, you might miss your partner or find that you’re starting to focus on the relationship’s positive aspects. This can lead to a break-up/make-up cycle. It’s best to cut off contact with your partner, including contact on social media, so you both have the space you need.

Practice self-care

Instead of allowing negative emotions to consume you or beating yourself up for the past, try to create a positive environment. Focus on activities you love and spend time with people you care about. While you won’t feel better overnight, self-care can help you to heal.

Consider therapy

Leaving a karmic relationship can be difficult, but recovering from it can be even more complicated. Through certain types of either in-person or online therapy, such as Imago therapy, a therapist can help you to understand what went wrong in your past relationship. With their help, you’ll be able to learn healthy communication skills, grow as a person mentally, and identify what you need in future relationships.

“We grow from every relationship, and although it may be time to separate, it’s more than OK to take some time to reflect independently about what is not serving you in a relationship any longer, especially if you feel overworked from your point of view. Accepting your growth or change is one place to start to better understand what you may need elsewhere. Of course, talking it through with a professional or trusted friend can always help add perspective on how to move on healthfully.”

Talkspace therapist Elizabeth Keohan, LCSW-C, LICSW, LCSW

Finding the Courage & Toolset to Break Free

Karmic relationships can be enticing, but these dramatic partnerships are ultimately toxic. If you have an unhealthy karmic connection with your partner, a therapist at Talkspace can help you to end the relationship and move forward. Don’t be afraid to seek help for your mental health if you feel trapped in a destructive relationship.


  1. Bacon I, McKay E, Reynolds F, McIntyre A. The lived experience of codependency: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2018;18(3):754-771. doi:10.1007/s11469-018-9983-8. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11469-018-9983-8. Accessed October 19, 2022.
  2. Sbarra DA, Emery RE. The emotional sequelae of nonmarital relationship dissolution: Analysis of change and intraindividual variability over time. Personal Relationships. 2005;12(2):213-232. doi:10.1111/j.1350-4126.2005.00112.x. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1350-4126.2005.00112.x. Accessed October 19, 2022.
  3. Horowitz B, Reynolds C, Charles S. Understanding associations among family support, friend support, and psychological distress. Personal Relationships. 2014;22(1):79-91. doi:10.1111/pere.12063. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4441343/. Accessed October 19, 2022.

Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards.

Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions.

Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to in the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.

Elizabeth Keohan, LCSW-C

Licensed Talkspace Therapist, Elizabeth Keohan LCSW-C, MSW, LICSW, LCSW is licensed Certified Social Worker-Clinical in Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia with over 20 years of experience in the mental health profession. Elizabeth combines a compassionate, holistic approach with Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT), to help clients counter their somatic response to stress, anxiety, mood, grief and loss. In addition to her work at Talkspace, Elizabeth works in a public school and has been working for a national Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) since 2015 as a Psychiatric Social Worker. As a Clinician of Color (COC) and a first generation Filipino American, she cherishes the privilege of serving professionally and clinically in this capacity.

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Karmic Relationships: Identifying & Escaping Them — Talkspace (2024)


How to identify karmic relationships? ›

If you feel magnetically drawn to your partner, watch out for these common karmic relationship patterns and signs.
  1. Codependency. A karmic relationship can feel all-consuming. ...
  2. Unpredictability. ...
  3. Constant arguing. ...
  4. Feeling on edge.
Jan 27, 2023

What should you do if you realize you're in a karmic relationship? ›

If you believe you're in a karmic relationship, ask yourself why, and think deeply about what needs to change to move past it. If you feel trapped in the relationship, seek support from family, friends or a mental health provider.

What are the red flags of a karmic relationship? ›

being emotionally draining. jealous or possessive behavior. the relationship becoming toxic and damaging in the long term. each individual bringing out the worst in each other.

How long does a karmic relationship last? ›

Some believe karmic relationships may last between a few weeks and a few months, says Scott, although several breakups and makeups may occur in between. Other karmic relationships last years or decades, depending on the people involved, according to Amias and Dr. Ruan.

How to break a karmic connection? ›

Allow your heart and your life to heal. Remember to seal off any remaining energy from your karmic bond. Once you have absorbed your karmic mission and have learned your lesson, that's the time that your relationship ends and you can move on and start anew.

What are the signs of a karmic soulmate? ›

Signs of a Karmic Relationship
  • There's a lot of drama.
  • You notice red flags.
  • You both become codependent.
  • You don't communicate well.
  • You argue passionately.
  • You are drawn in fast.
  • You may feel addicted to them.
  • You feel exhausted.
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Do karmic partners love each other? ›

Karmic relationships aren't considered “healthy” relationships. They're turbulent and volatile and can evoke many negative emotions and experiences. “Twin flames and soulmates typically relate to individuals whose level of compatibility with each other creates a more synergistic romantic connection,” says Stainer.

What comes after karmic relationship ends? ›

After exiting a karmic relationship, the final stage involves healing and personal growth. You reflect on the lessons learned, allowing yourself to heal from any emotional wounds.

How to release karmic patterns? ›

Let go of resentment and fear. Along with forgiving yourself, it's important to release built-up anger. Learn to |forgive those who have harmed you and let go of grudges. Not only does this help break a karmic cycle, but it can also improve your mental health and invite healthier relationships into your life.

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A complete karmic cycle ( end of reincarnation ) according to me, ends when we have reached a very high level of wisdom. Those who successfully arrived there, i.e at the end of the cycle, will automatically know it. They will feel a sense of freedom they have never felt before.

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Navigating and Learning from Karmic Relationships

By introspecting and reflecting on our patterns and behaviors, we gain valuable insights into the lessons that karmic relationships bring forth. Additionally, practicing forgiveness is essential. Seeking personal growth and evolution from the experience is crucial.

How can you tell the difference between a karmic and a soulmate? ›

Soul connections – love across lifetimes
  1. A soulmate is a deep and harmonious connection between two individuals. ...
  2. Twin flame is a spiritual counterpart to your soul, believed to be one soul split into two bodies. ...
  3. A karmic partner is a connection that involves resolving past issues or lessons from previous lives.

How do you know if you are in a karmic cycle? ›

If things feel oddly familiar in your life, yet you don't remember being in a similar situation, it may be a karmic cycle. On the other hand, perhaps you can see similar connections in your life. Maybe your partner reminds you of your rageful mother, or you drink past your limit each night as your father used to.

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You have a history of toxic, abusive, or difficult relationships. Repetitive cycles of toxic, abusive, or difficult relationships is a strong indicator that you are carrying karmic debt and need to learn a lesson before the cycle will cease.

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