Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (2024)

What Is the Instagram Algorithm?

The Instagram algorithm is a set of rules and calculations that organizes and prioritizes content for users across various sections of the app, including the main feed, Stories, the Explore page, and Reels. Each section uses a tailored algorithm designed to enhance user engagement.

This algorithm aims to present users with the most relevant and engaging content based on their behavior, preferences, and interactions on the app.

Here are a couple of elements influencing how the Instagram algorithm works in 2024:

  • Purpose: This algorithm aims to enhance the user experience by presenting users with the most relevant and engaging content tailored to their behavior, preferences, and interactions on the app.
  • User engagement: The algorithm favors posts with high engagement, including likes, comments, shares, and views, especially soon after they’re published.
  • Recency: Newer posts are given some preference, ensuring users see fresh content, though not in strictly chronological order as in Instagram’s early days.
  • Relationships: If a user frequently interacts with another account (likes, comments, DMs), the algorithm recognizes this relationship and prioritizes content from that account in the user’s feed.
  • Profile searches: Regularly searching for a specific profile indicates a strong interest, prompting the algorithm to showcase more of that profile’s content.
  • Content type and interaction: The Instagram algorithm takes into account the kind of content you’re viewing (like photos, videos, or carousels) and how long you spend on it. Based on this, it decides what type of content to show you more often in your feed.
  • Direct sharing & DMs: Content shared through direct messages or Stories suggests high engagement and might get a boost from the algorithm.
  • Following count: Users following many accounts might not see all posts from every account due to the sheer volume of potential content.
  • Diversified content streams: Your main feed, Instagram Stories, Explore Page, and Reels have their own algorithms, with frequent interactions dictating which content gets prioritized.

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

The Instagram algorithmaims to enhance the user experience, favoring posts with high engagement, recency, and strong user relationships. There are different Instagram algorithms for the main feed, Stories, Explore Page, and Reels, each with its own factors influencing content visibility.

Simply put, social media algorithms are the invisible hands that curate and guide our online experiences. Instagram, one of the most popular social platforms, continually tweaks its algorithm to ensure user satisfaction and engagement.

Let’s stay ahead of the curve and understand how Instagram’s multifaceted algorithm works and how you can adjust your strategy for better results.

1. How Does the Feed Instagram Algorithm Work?

The Instagram Feed is designed to showcase how many posts you’ve missed since your last visit. This feed curates a blend of posts from the people you’re following, and from Instagram profiles that might align with your interests, determined by predictive algorithms.

Since the very beginning of the year, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri has announced that the platform will focus more on photos when it comes to Instagram feed content.

Here are some other factors that influence the Instagram feed algorithm:

  • Your likelihood to engage with certain post through comments, likes, or shares
  • The probability of you checking out different profiles
  • How long you’re expected to spend reading a post

The sequence in which posts appear is determined by your past interactions, the post’s popularity, information about the person who posted, and your relationship with their account.

To personalize your Feed, you can mark certain accounts as favorites, positioning their content at the forefront. Alternatively, you can switch to the Following Feed to view posts from accounts you follow in the order they were posted.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (1)

In 2024, effectively navigating Instagram’s algorithm requires more than simply sharing photos; it demands a strategic approach. To truly stand out and harness the platform’s potential, adapting to its current algorithm is essential.

Here are three tips for mastering the Feed algorithm:

  1. Post at the right time.
  2. Craft original content.
  3. Monitor your Instagram DMs and comments.

Tip #1: Post at the Right Time

To maximize the reach and impact of your content, it’s essential to schedule Instagram posts when your audience is most active. Understanding your users’ interests and behavior plays a crucial role in determining the optimal times to boost engagement.

It’s not just about posting frequently; it’s about posting strategically. Optimal timing can significantly enhance the visibility and engagement of your content.

Best day to post on InstagramWorst day to post on InstagramBest time to post on Instagram
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • 6 AM – 9 AM
  • 12 PM – 2 PM
  • 5 PM – 6 PM

To learn more about the best times to post on the most popular social media channels, check out our article here.

2. How Does the Story Instagram Algorithm Work?

The Instagram algorithm ranking factors are driven by various signals derived from your past interactions with Stories. These signals are pivotal in deciding the order in which Stories are presented to you or other Instagram users.

Instagram assesses all the Stories from your followers over the last day to understand which ones capture your attention first. Instagram’s objective is not just to showcase any story, but to predict the ones you’ll potentially open, respond to, show emotions for, or even like.

When you launch the Instagram app, prominently displayed at the top is a line-up of the most recent Stories from the profiles you follow. The Instagram Stories algorithm works meticulously behind the scenes to curate this lineup.

Look how @ribble_cycles uses the poll feature to generate engagement on their Stories:

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (2)

These are some of the factors that influence the way Instagram’s Story algorithm works:

  • Frequency of viewing: How often you’ve watched Stories from a particular creator or account in the past few weeks.
  • Interaction level: The regularity with which you engage or interact with a creator’s Stories.
  • Connection depth: Determined by how often you’ve messaged or communicated with the creator.

By aligning Stories based on these personalized proxies, signals, and predictions, Instagram aspires to prioritize Stories from those you have the deepest connections with or care about the most.

Here is how you can ensure that your Stories gain the view count and engagement you want:

  1. Host AMAs.
  2. Share polls.
  3. Give exclusive offers.

Tip #1: Host AMAs

Hosting AMAs, or “Ask me Anything”, can boost your visibility within the Stories algorithm. When you engage your audience through AMAs, you’re not only driving high levels of interaction but also encouraging longer view durations—both of which are key metrics the algorithm loves.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (3)

Regular updates through multiple Stories keep your profile active, increasing the chances of your content appearing at the top of your followers’ feeds. The use of interactive features like question stickers and polls fosters direct engagement, which the algorithm rewards.

Plus, when your followers submit questions to your AMAs, it signals to the algorithm that your content is valuable and worth promoting.

Tip #2: Share Polls

Polls, like AMAs, drive high engagement by encouraging your audience to interact directly with your content. This increased interaction signals to Instagram that other users deem your Stories interesting.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (4)

Polls also promote longer view durations as followers take the time to read the question and consider their response. The longer they spend on your polls, the more Instagram will favor your Stories.

Instagram is constantly including new stickers and interactive options to their Stories, and making use of them is an easy way to engage your audience while keeping them entertained.

And, as a bonus, polls can help you collect valuable information about your followers’ preferences, which will prove useful for your brand in the future.

Tip #3: Give Exclusive Offers

Offering exclusive deals through Instagram Stories is an excellent strategy to leverage the Stories algorithm for several reasons. Firstly, exclusive offers create a sense of urgency and excitement, prompting immediate engagement from your followers. This spike in interactions signals to the algorithm that your content is relevant.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (5)

The possibility of more offers coming up determines followers to regularly check your Stories, boosting view counts and engagement metrics. Anticipation of special deals leads to more shared content, and the limited-time nature of Stories drives higher participation rates.

3. How Does the Explore Page Instagram Algorithm Work?

Instagram’s Explore page is informed by the same cues used for the feed and Stories, but its specialty lies in personalizing and ranking content that resonates most with individual users.Among the many interactions, the algorithm holds likes, saves, and shares in the highest regard.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (6)

Let’s consider a user who has a passion for gourmet coffee. Instagram’s algorithm might highlight posts about specialty coffee brewing techniques, reviews of local coffee shops, or even broader themes like tea or pastry pairings. This is all in an effort to cater to their taste preferences.

To boost the chances of your posts landing on someone’s Explore page, it’s essential to integrate relevant hashtags and be in sync with current trends. For instance, if a particular coffee bean or brewing method is gaining traction, incorporating that into your content can elevate its chances of being showcased.

Being in tune with what’s trending in your specific niche or industry can help your content resonate more with users and the Instagram Explore page algorithm.

Here are three tips for raising the possibility of your posts being featured on the “Explore” page:

  1. Use relevant hashtags and keywords.
  2. Add location tags.
  3. Collaborate with others.

Tip #1: Use Relevant Hashtags and Keywords

Using relevant hashtags and keywords is more than just a way to categorize your content; it’s about providing essential information about the post and ensuring it reaches the right audience.

By incorporating the right hashtags, your photos and videos become discoverable to a broader target audience thanks to hashtag pages. This means visibility to those who might not be your followers but share similar interests.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (7)

Instagram’s algorithm ranks content based on its relevance, and one way it gauges this is by evaluating the hashtags used in relation to users’ interests and behavior.

Instagram’s Carol Lynn mentions that using relevant, high-quality hashtags is crucial for content discovery on Instagram. Rather than adding a large number of generic hashtags, focus on those that are directly related to your content.

She also highlights that generic hashtags like “Reels” can hurt your post performance because Instagram prioritizes engagement. If your content doesn’t engage the initial audience, it won’t be recommended to more users, ultimately reducing its reach and effectiveness.

Tip #2: Add Location Tags

Geotagging, or adding location tags to your posts, provides valuable information about the person who posted and the context of the content. This feature is especially beneficial for photos and videos that have a location-centric appeal.

By geotagging, you cater to a local audience or those interested in that particular location.

The Instagram algorithm often factors in location-based user activity across the platform, making it more likely for your content to reach users who have shown interest in that specific area or locale.

Instagram states that tagging locations triggers what they call signals: “our algorithm relies on ‘signals’ based on how you interact with the app, and how other people interact with you.”

Tip #3: Collaborate with Others

Instagram Collab posts have the following characteristics:

  • The header of each post will display the names of all accounts.
  • Everyone involved will have their followers updated on the post.
  • This post will be visible on every profile grid.
  • Every account will be able to see the views, likes, and comments.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (8)

Collaborative Instagram posts are great for boosting your visibility and engagement. When you team up with someone, you get to share your post with their followers too, reaching way more people than you would on your own.

Plus, when both of you promote the post on your profiles and Stories, it brings in even more views and interactions. This is a smart way to get more eyes on your content and encourage more engagement.

4. How Does the Reel Instagram Algorithm Work?

The Instagram Reels algorithm uses content diversity, sound popularity, past interactions and user preferences to curate short-form video recommendations. Its primary function is to curate and present compelling content within users’ feeds, ensuring that audiences are consistently exposed to fresh and engaging short-form vertical video content.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (9)

Here’s a breakdown of how the Instagram Reels algorithm works:

  • Diverse discovery: Unlike the regular Instagram feed which mainly showcases posts from followed accounts, the Reels algorithm aims to introduce users to new, compelling short form video content from a broader range of creators.
  • Sound popularity: When you post Reels, you can add an audio track to each one of them. The sound’s popularity can also boost the visibility of your Reel content.
  • Interaction history: The algorithm takes note of the Reels users have previously engaged with (viewed, liked, commented on, or shared), using this data to predict what they like and recommend new videos.
  • Similar user preferences: By observing what similar users like or engage with, the Instagram Reels algorithm decides what to recommend.

Mastering Reels is crucial for any Instagram strategy, as they generate twice the reach of other Instagram posts. While a video-only strategy is not enough for an entire Instagram strategy, knowing how to create Reels that get views is a huge step forward.

These are three proven ways to post consistently successful Reels on the platform:

  1. Participate in trends.
  2. Remix other Reels.
  3. Grab attention in the first seconds.

Tip #1:Participate in Trends

Trends are a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy, and for good reason. They’re catchy and make people want to engage. By participating in trends, you can make the Instagram Reels algorithm work in your favor.

Trending content naturally attracts more views, likes, comments, and shares, which are key metrics that the algorithm favors. When you participate in trends, your content is more likely to appear in the Reels tab and on the Explore page, increasing your chances of being discovered by a broader audience.

Instagram’s algorithm often promotes content that aligns with current trends. Additionally, trends make your content more relatable and timely, which can resonate better with viewers and prompt more interactions. This leads to more shares, which further extends your reach beyond your immediate followers.

One great example of a brand that keeps up with current trends is Duolingo.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (10)

Duolingo uses their famous owl mascot quite a lot in their Instagram marketing strategy to participate in different trends. Their content often goes viral and is very popular especially among Gen Z users due to its unique humor and relatability.

Instagram’s @creators account always provides updates on best practices when it comes to their algorithm. From creators to Instagram employees, a variety of people share their expertise on everything algorithm-related to keep you informed.

Here are a few of the tips you may find on their page:

  • Creator@juixxe says, a bit less conventionally, “throw the spaghetti at the wall”. What he means is that people who create Reels should test their content ideas until something sticks, and pursue something they love.
  • Instagram’s Chiru Weinstein busts the myth that the performance of previous posts affects future reach and engagement. “We primarily evaluate each post on its own merits. Just because a post underperforms doesn’t mean future posts are going to see reduced reach or distribution.”
  • Creator @mcckenziebrooke gives a rundown of how trending sounds help you grow: “Instagram shows popular trends on Reels and your audio is a big piece of how Instagram detects what trends are happening on the platform. If you use a popular audio in one of your Reels you’re more likely to be discovered by new people.”

Tip #2: Remix Other Reels

Remix on Instagram is very similar to TikTok’s duet tool, which you might be familiar with. In order to react to Reels from other creators, any Instagram user—personal accounts or businesses—can participate in a video that plays side by side with the original.

Though its original intent was to promote dancing collaborations, humorous reactions, and challenges, smaller creators or companies can now use the remix Reels feature to add more value to popular videos by showcasing their own insights and expertise.

Using the feature to create your own Reel is easy. Simply hit the three dots from the bottom-left corner of the video you want to duet, select “Remix,” and then select either “With original video” or “After original video” as the format.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (11)

Similar to other apps, you can choose to have the original video play next to yours or play it for the first few seconds before your video appears. The original creator of the Reel you remix will be tagged in your post.

Reposting Reels has a number of benefits:

  • When you remix a Reel, your version is linked to the original, allowing you to tap into the original content’s viewership. This connection increases the chances of your Reel being discovered by a broader audience.
  • Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes content that fosters community interaction and engagement. Remixing promotes collaborative content creation, which aligns with these goals.
  • Remixing allows you to add a unique twist or perspective to existing content, keeping your profile fresh. This can help improve your visibility.

Tip #3: Grab Attention in the First Seconds

Starting your video with a good hook is important to capture attention. The initial few seconds set the tone for the rest of the Reel. A strong opening can pique curiosity and interest, encouraging viewers to continue watching and engage with your content.

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (12)

The competition on social media platforms is high, and attention spans nowadays are shorter than ever. When people encounter your video on the Reels feed, in order to pay it any attention, they need to be intrigued by it from the very beginning.

You can make sure your video is catchy from the beginning by starting it with a question, or a statement that can generate a strong reaction from the viewer. Moreover, a well selected audio can make all the difference.

When your video has the same song or sound as other videos, it gets added to a dedicated audio page and can gain even more visibility from there. Trending sounds can open your content to a new audience.

Important: Respect Community Guidelines

Abiding by Instagram’s community guidelines is not just a matter of principle but also has a direct impact on the visibility and popularity of a post. The platform has set rules that rank content based on its adherence to these guidelines.

For instance, video content that violates any of these norms might not only get lower engagement but could also face penalties or removal.

Instagram accounts, especially business accounts, need to be particularly vigilant. Ensuring that their content aligns with these guidelines is paramount not just to maintain a good reputation but also to encourage engagement and reach on the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide (2024)


Instagram Algorithm Explained: Your 2024 Guide? ›

The 2024 Instagram Explore page algorithm

How do Instagram algorithms work in 2024? ›

User engagement: The algorithm favors posts with high engagement, including likes, comments, shares, and views, especially soon after they're published. Recency: Newer posts are given some preference, ensuring users see fresh content, though not in strictly chronological order as in Instagram's early days.

What is going on with Instagram in 2024? ›

In their Spring 2024 algorithm update, the IG team made several algorithm changes to impact this bottom line: Changes to ranking that will give smaller creators more air time. The algorithm will work to replace reposts with the original content when it appears in recommendations.

Why is my engagement so low on Instagram in 2024? ›

This could be due to similar reasons such as low reach or low engagement, such as posting low-quality or irrelevant content, posting at the wrong times, using the wrong hashtags or keywords, having a low-quality or inactive following, or being affected by the Instagram algorithm.

How to get noticed on Instagram in 2024? ›

20 Ways to Get More Followers on Instagram in 2024
  1. Don't Buy Followers.
  2. Have a Strong Personal Brand.
  3. Create a Cohesive Feed.
  4. Optimize Your Bio.
  5. Write Descriptive Captions With Keywords.
  6. Find the Best Hashtags.
  7. Create a Consistent Posting Schedule.
  8. Find Your Best Time to Post.
Mar 21, 2024

Are hashtags dead on Instagram in 2024? ›

It is more important than ever to know how to use hashtags on different platforms as we move through 2024. So are they dead? The short answer: No, we definitely should still use hashtags. Hashtags are a crucial resource in your arsenal of digital marketing tools.

How does Instagram determine suggested for you? ›

If the account you're viewing has fewer than 1,000 followers, the system tries to find and suggest accounts from people in your social circle that are relevant to the account you're viewing, such as your friends and family who also follow the account.

How to beat the Instagram algorithm? ›

11 Tips to Beat the Algorithm
  1. Post more often. The first solution may seem too simple and easy, but it really works. ...
  2. Create high-quality content. ...
  3. Post videos frequently. ...
  4. Keep the Stories coming. ...
  5. Mind the peak hours. ...
  6. Don't hesitate on going live. ...
  7. Write compelling captions. ...
  8. Use hashtags cleverly.

Does adding location on Instagram help in 2024? ›

With this new algorithm, the longer people spend looking and interacting with your post, the higher the ranking it earns. One way to increase time spent on your post is by adding a location. People will be more inclined to click on the location tag and on your profile, exploring more of your pictures.

Why am I not getting a lot of views on Instagram? ›

If you're not getting the Instagram Story views you want, it could be because you're posting at the wrong times. If you're posting to your Story at a time when your followers aren't active, then it makes sense that you're not getting many views. This is because Instagram prioritizes new content.

Why am I not growing on Instagram in 2024? ›

Test, Test, Test. Because there is so much content on Instagram these days, it's getting harder and harder to stand out. Some creators believe the algorithm will only reward content with a 20% engagement rate, meaning you have a one-in-five chance for your post even to be prioritized in the feed or Explore page.

Should I post every day on Instagram in 2024? ›

You should aim to post on Instagram three to five times per week. The type of posts you share depends on your audience and brand, but you should strive for at least three posts per week, whether you prefer Instagram Reels, carousels, or static posts.

How to start a successful Instagram account in 2024? ›

9 strategies for Instagram marketing success in 2024
  1. Create a content calendar. ...
  2. Instagram stories. ...
  3. Experiment with content form and posting times. ...
  4. Utilize Automated DMs. ...
  5. Set up an Instagram shop. ...
  6. SEO. ...
  7. Increase reach with Instagram influencer marketing. ...
  8. Make use of User-Generated Content.
Jul 3, 2024

Why does my Instagram look different in 2024? ›

It's May 2024, and Instagram has 'slightly' changed its look, e.g., eliminating colors in CTA buttons in users' bios and making other cosmetic changes. Probably the most prominent visual change is in Stickers in Instagram Stories.

Is Instagram adding profile views in 2024? ›

Is a profile views feature being added to Instagram in 2024? No, Instagram is not adding a profile views feature in any of the 2024 updates.

Are carousels effective on Instagram in 2024? ›

On average, carousel posts receive 154 more interactions than single-image posts. And carousels see a year-over-year increase of 16% in interactions. This results in higher engagement rates compared to other post formats on Instagram.

What is the difference between Instagram reels and posts in 2024? ›

Reels are brief, often no longer than 90 seconds, designed for quick consumption and higher engagement through full-screen vertical videos. Posts can vary significantly in format from single static images to multi-image carousels and longer videos up to 10 minutes for larger accounts.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.