How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (2024)

Most people have a love-hate relationship with their email inbox. On the one hand, email can be incredibly useful — whether you're making progress with a client, replacing a meeting with a (much more efficient) email thread, or receiving an invitation to a fun social gathering.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (1)

On the other hand, though, email can be overwhelming — especially if you lose control. And boy is it easy to lose control. Many of us get bombarded by new emails on a regular basis, and it's stressful to know that we might be missing out on the truly important stuff amid the flood of less pertinent stuff.

Luckily, there are a lot of tools and free apps for startups that can help us get more organized. In this post, we'll go through how to best organize your email and suggest some tools to make the process easier.

Skip to:

  • Email Organization Basics
  • Best Way to Organize Email
  • Email Organization Tools

How to Organize Your Email

Before we dive into the tools that can help you take control of your inbox, let's go over some of the basic best practices that can help you maintain email organization as much as possible. Here are our three golden rules:

  • Get rid of the old email you don't need. I still have email invitations to events from 2006, most of which I never even attended. Do I need them? No. Should I delete them? Yes. Clear your inbox of anything but new emails and previous ones that you'll absolutely need to refer to later. You can even clean your inbox with AI.
  • Unsubscribe. Seriously. We all have those I-swear-you‘re-going-to-read-this-newsletter-really-just-as-soon-as-I-have-a-minute emails. You’re not going to read them -- get rid of them. Some of the tools below will help you do this in bulk.
  • Combine multiple email accounts. I‘m a big believer in keeping work and personal email separate -- but sometimes, having to toggle between the two isn’t conducive to staying organized. Some of the tools below can help you consolidate different email addresses -- Mail and iCal on Mac devices, for example, allow you to streamline multiple accounts in one place.

Best Way to Organize Email

Now that we’ve covered some email organizing basics, let’s dig into how to best go about the task.

1. Use Labels and Folders

You can’t simply delete all of your emails so one easy way to get organized is to create labels and folders for the important things. Storing emails in folders keeps them out of your main inbox and cuts down on clutter.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (3)

You can name these folders something like “needs response ASAP” or after a particular project if you’re getting a bunch of emails related to one topic. Labels are another organizational tool you can deploy. Each mail provider will vary slightly but if using Gmail, labels function like sticky notes and don’t move emails from your inbox like folders do. Instead, you’d search the label name and to view all of the emails with that particular label.

2. Star or Flag Important Emails

Most email providers will come with a star or flag (or both) feature that will enable you to mark emails you’d like to come back to later. Marking emails with a flag or star doesn’t remove them from your inbox, but can quickly give you a visual representation of what emails to focus on next.

In Gmail, simply open your inbox and click the star on the left-hand side of the message. If you’d like to see all of your starred emails, click “Starred” from the left-hand menu like the photo below.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (4)

In Outlook, instead of stars, you can flag an email. Go to your inbox and hit the flag column next to the message you’d like to flag. From there, you’ll have the option to set a due date for yourself to follow up.

3. Set Up Filters

There will always be a steady stream of new emails coming into your inbox, no matter how well you organize them. Applying filters can help you manage new emails as they come in. Filters are rules you can apply to incoming messages that will automatically send them to the correct folder, add the correct label, archive, or delete them.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (5)

Setting filters up can be complicated with other email providers, but for Gmail users it’s pretty straightforward. To create a new filter in Gmail:

  1. Go to your inbox
  2. In the search box at the top, click Show search options.
  3. Enter your search criteria. If you want to check that your search worked correctly, see what emails show up by clicking Search.
  4. At the bottom of the search window, click Create filter.
  5. Choose what you’d like the filter to do.
  6. Click Create filter.

For Outlook users, you can find step-by-step instructions for creating email rules here.

4. Use the Archive Feature

Sometimes you may have emails that are unimportant or not as urgent as others, but also not ready to be deleted. For these, you can use an archive feature that removes them from your inbox and store it for later.

For example, you can archive an email for a future task. Once you’re ready to complete it, you can pull the email up, complete the task, and delete it when finished.

5. Regularly Clean Out Your Inbox

We spring clean and declutter our homes regularly and the same should go for your email inbox. We’re inundated with emails daily and it’s easy to let it spin out of control — even when utilizing the organizing hacks above.

That’s why it’s important to declutter your inbox regularly so that it doesn’t become so overwhelming. Consider clearing out your inbox on a monthly or quarterly basis. For a more detailed checklist, check out our tips for managing your email inbox.

13 Tools for Organizing Your Email

1. HubSpot Sales

Price: Free; Paid Versions Available

Ever wanted to know who opens your emails and when, how many times, and from where? When you download the HubSpot Sales Chrome extension, you can opt-in to get live notifications whenever someone opens or clicks on the links in your email. It integrates with both Gmail and Outlook.

Another cool feature is the contact information sidebar that pops up when you open an email thread. It includes all the relevant information about the person you're emailing, including past contact history (kind of like LinkedIn's “relationship tab” function), social media content, mutual connections, and so on. Soon, the extension will let you schedule emails to send later.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (6)

The free version of Sales Hub provides email open notifications — as well as the ability to schedule emails to be sent later, and a few other functionalities. For unlimited open-and-click notifications (and a slew of other upgraded functions), you can upgrade to Starter for $45 per month.

2. Shift

Price: Free; Paid Versions Available

Shift allows you to access and use all of your email accounts from one convenient desktop application. Not only that, but you can access tons of apps and extensions, including HubSpot Sales, Grammarly, Asana, WhatsApp, and many more.

Shift also has an excellent search function that works across all of your accounts, so you can quickly retrieve and revive conversations. The biggest benefit to using something like Shift is that all of your work and workflows are in one place. You can save a ton of time switching between apps and email accounts using this.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (7)

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Price: Free

The first step to relieving your inbox from all that email is to unsubscribe from all the newsletters you've subscribed to over the years. But unsubscribing manually from tens, maybe hundreds of newsletters would take forever.

Enter, a free tool that lets you mass unsubscribe from all the newsletters you don't read. You can either wipe the slate clean and unsubscribe from everything at once, or you can pick and choose.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (8)

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4. Clean Email

Price: Subscription-based; Free trial available

Clean Email offers a suite of tools to organize and declutter your inbox quickly. With features like Smart Folders and Auto Clean rules, it automates email organization by grouping messages, making it easy to manage them in bulk. The Unsubscriber feature lets you effortlessly opt out of all unwanted newsletters and promotional emails.

For security, the Screener stops emails from unknown senders, placing them in a separate folder for review. Auto Clean automates sorting new emails based on custom rules, and the Privacy Monitor alerts you to data breaches involving your email.

Additional features include Smart Folders for categorizing emails by type, Cleaning Suggestions tailored to your email preferences and habits, and the ability to manage subscriptions with Read Later and Pause options. Clean Email also provides activity summaries to keep you informed about your inbox management.

The app is available on the web, iOS, macOS, and Android, works with all IMAP-based email providers, and ensures your data is private and secure, never sold to any third parties.How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (9)

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5. Hiver

Price: Free; Paid Versions Available

Hiver's email management system transforms your inbox into a powerful help desk, offering unparalleled efficiency and collaboration. With Hiver, you can manage all your support channels - email, chat, voice, and WhatsApp directly from your inbox, eliminating the need for a separate help desk. This integration streamlines communication, ensures accountability, and enhances visibility across your team.

Hiver is designed to simplify workflows, automate tasks, and provide insightful analytics, enabling your team to deliver exceptional customer support without cluttering their inboxes. There are tons of organization and collaboration features including:

  • Assign Emails as Tasks: Easily delegate emails to team members based on their skills or through automated round-robin assignment.
  • Collaborate with Notes & @Mentions: Communicate internally on customer queries without the need for additional emails, reducing inbox clutter.
  • Automated Workflows: Save time with automation features such as canned responses, auto-assignment of emails, and SLA policies to ensure timely responses.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Make informed decisions with data-driven insights from comprehensive analytics and reporting tools.
  • Multi-Channel Support: Manage customer interactions across multiple channels—email, chat, voice, and WhatsApp—within a single platform.
  • Prevent Duplicate Responses: Collision alerts notify team members when someone is responding to an email, preventing duplicate efforts.
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSAT): Collect feedback directly from your inbox to measure and improve customer satisfaction.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (10)Image Source

6. FollowUpThen

Price: Free; Paid Versions Available

Here's another simple but useful tool, this time for reminding you — and even your clients, if you want —to follow up on specific emails.

Here's how it works: Compose an email, and then include [any time] in the “Bcc,” “Cc,” or “To” fields of your email. The "any time“ wording here is pretty flexible: It can be ”[email protected],“ ”[email protected],“ ”[email protected],“ ”[email protected],“ ”[email protected]," and so on.

What happens to that email when you click “send” depends on where you put that email address:

  • Bcc: You'll get a follow-up regarding the email (without bothering the original recipient).
  • Cc: The tool will schedule a reminder for you and the recipient.
  • To: The tool will send an email to your future self.

Here's a video that explains the tool in more detail:

It works for every email client, and it's free for up to 50 follow-ups per month. You can increase the number of follow-ups and add features like calendar integration for teams for $4 per month, per user.


Price: Free

IFTTT, short for “If This Then That,” is an amazing productivity tool that helps you connect the apps and devices you use every day with “if this, then that” statements — which they call “recipes.”

When it comes to inbox productivity, IFTTT can do wonders for automating some of the more tedious, manual tasks. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Get a text message when a specific person emails you.
  • Send email attachments to Dropbox.
  • Save starred emails to Evernote.
  • Schedule reminders tomorrow for the emails you star in your inbox today.
  • Add “receipt” or “order” emails to a Google spreadsheet.
  • Track your work hours by adding an entry into a Google spreadsheet every time you arrive at or leave your office.
  • Turn emails into Trello cards.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (11)

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8. Gmail “Special Stars”

Price: Free

I couldn't write a blog post about inbox organization without including my go-to strategy for getting to — and maintaining — inbox zero. This tool isn‘t an add-on; it’s a methodology developed by Andreas Klinger. It uses two, built-in features in Gmail: “special stars” (a slightly fancier labeling system than Gmail labels) and multiple inboxes. Since writing that post last year, many people have told me it's changed the way they use email and has made their lives a lot easier. I highly recommend it.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (12)

There's just one, notable caveat: No special stars other than the yellow star are supported by Gmail‘s mobile app, so you won’t be able to see your lists on mobile. If you frequently use mobile devices to sort your emails, try Sortd, which is next on the list.

9. Sortd

Price: Free; Paid Versions Available

Sortd is basically a cleaner version of the Gmail Special Stars methodology I described above, in that you don‘t need to star, label, or mark your emails in any way. But it does work right in Gmail: It’s what their team calls a “Smart Skin for Gmail,” meaning that it lives right inside your Gmail inbox so you don't have to leave the app at all.

What it does do is fix the problem of important emails getting lost below the fold — most importantly, by expanding your inbox into a flexible set of lists, organized cleanly into columns. This allows your emails, to-do lists, and priorities to live together in one place, and lets you easily drag-and-drop emails from column to column.

HubSpot's former VP of Marketing Meghan Keaney Anderson is a big fan of Sortd. “I think of my inbox as a conveyer belt of sorts bringing me a rapid succession of requests, resources, and to-dos,” she told me. "Email triage means keeping up with that influx without letting anything slip through the cracks. Before I found Sortd, I was marking any email that needed further action as ‘unread’ in the hopes of returning back to it to complete the review or follow-up. It worked about as poorly as you'd expect."

This is what Anderson's inbox looks like now that she uses Sortd:

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (13)

"Sortd merges your inbox with a drag-and-drop to do list, so I can quickly evaluate the urgency of an email and then decide what to do with it,“ says Anderson. ”I drag it to the appropriate category of response and rename it to a quick summary of the action needed. Then, I can get a birds-eye view of my work for the week."

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (14)

"What's especially nice is Sortd allows me to add tasks that haven't come in through email, for example, a request someone asked of me over chat or in person,“ she adds. ”So my inbox really becomes my central command. I have a column for immediate action items, tasks for the week, a backlog for next week, and resources that I want to have at my fingertips quickly."

Another advantage to Sortd over special stars? You can use it on mobile if you download the Sortd Mobile Companion App on iOS or Android. (Remember, all special stars but one aren't supported by the Gmail mobile app — so this is your best option if you like to sort your email on mobile.)

10. SaneBox

Price: Begins at $7/Month; Premium Options Available

If you're looking to automate prioritizing each email as it comes in, you may want to give SaneBox a try. There‘s nothing to install here: Basically, it works with any email client to create new folders like SaneLater and SaneNews. When a new email comes into your inbox, SaneBox quickly analyzes it to determine how important it is. This analysis is based on your past interaction with your inbox. If SaneBox finds the new email important, it’ll keep it in your inbox. If not, it'll send it to one of those folders.

Later, you'll get a digest of the emails that were sent to those three folders so you can decide whether any of them need your attention when you have the time. Over time, you “train” SaneBox to filter certain types of emails into each of these folders.

SaneBlackHole is a fourth folder that'll help you delete emails and unsubscribe from them in one fell swoop. When you manually drag an email into your SaneBlackHole folder, it'll delete the email and unsubscribe from the source automatically.

There are other cool features in here too, like the “attachments” feature that automatically sends all email attachments into a Dropbox folder.

11. Checker Plus

Price: Free

Checker Plus is a Chrome extension for Gmail that helps you manage multiple Gmail accounts at once so you don‘t have to flip through multiple inboxes. One of the main features is instant email notifications even when Gmail isn’t open. So if you‘re a fan of notifications, then you’ll like this one.

Without opening Gmail in your browser, Checker Plus will give you desktop notifications when you get a new email, along with the option to read, listen to, or delete emails.

I‘m a big fan of the extension’s voice notification feature. If I get an email while I‘m busy cooking dinner or something, I can choose to have the extension read the email out loud to me, even if Gmail isn’t open. (Just remember to shut this off when you head into the office.)

12. Mailbird

Price: Free; Paid Versions Available

There are other email clients out there, but Mailbird manages to stand out.

While it only works for Windows users, this email client unifies your inbox with your apps by rolling your email and all your calendar, task, and messaging apps into an all-in-one interface. And it's a simple user interface, which you can customize in different colors and layouts.

Here's an example of what one layout looks like with email and WhatsApp integration:

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (15)

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Mailbird works for Windows users on desktop and mobile. The Lite version is free, but if you want other, more advanced functionalities — like the ability to “snooze” your email — then you'll have to get the paid version for $3.25/user/month.

13. SimplyFile

Price: Starts at $47.88/year

While Outlook doesn‘t have nearly as many organization tools as other email clients, here’s one for Outlook users only that'll help you spend less time filing your email. SimplyFile adds a toolbar (or “ribbon tab”) to your inbox, with different, customizable files, which is easily accessible so you can file new emails quickly.

When an email comes in, simply drag it into the appropriate folder. You can organize both messages you‘re receiving in your inbox, as well as messages you’re sending — which you can file as you send them.

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (16)

Take Control of Your Inbox

Ready to get started? Great. Start exploring these tools, and get that inbox organized — once and for all.

Editor's note: This article was originally published in October 2017 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Topics: Email Inbox Tips

How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools (2024)


How to Organize Your Email: 13 Management Tools? ›

In Gmail, use labels and filters to organize your email. You can also star, snooze, archive, and delete messages to keep your inbox clear.

How do you Organise your emails? ›

Tips for effective email organization
  1. Move emails into labeled folders. ...
  2. Categorize each email. ...
  3. Delete emails that are no longer relevant. ...
  4. Schedule time each week to organize your emails. ...
  5. Respond right away. ...
  6. Convert the email to a task. ...
  7. Create rules to automatically file or archive certain emails.

When organizing your email messages, what are the five points to consider? ›

Given that, here are five email organization strategies to use right away.
  • 1 – Identify the Most Efficient Processing Techniques. Organizing your Inbox is NOT the goal. ...
  • 2 – Walk Away from Email. ...
  • 3 – Avoid Decision Fatigue. ...
  • 4 – Periodically Declutter Email. ...
  • 5 – Remember the Point of Email – Communication with Others.

What are three ways you can organize your email with Gmail? ›

In Gmail, use labels and filters to organize your email. You can also star, snooze, archive, and delete messages to keep your inbox clear.

How do I automatically organize emails? ›

Auto sort emails in Gmail on desktop

Click the Settings gear icon in the upper right corner and select See all settings. Navigate to the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab and choose to Create a new filter. In the "Create Filter" window, define the filter criteria, such as sender, recipient, subject, or other options.

What are the four D's of email management? ›

The 4D method gives you four options of how you will handle an email: delete it, do it, delegate it, or defer it. The goal of the 4D method is to increase our email productivity by keeping the inbox organized and tidy.

How to set up an email management system? ›

10 Email Management Strategies to Organize Your Inbox
  1. Use an email management tool. ...
  2. Establish an email routine. ...
  3. Organize with labels, folders, and categories. ...
  4. Categorize emails using rule-based filters. ...
  5. Dare to delete (and unsubscribe) ...
  6. Send few, receive few. ...
  7. Set up canned responses. ...
  8. Follow the two-minute rule.
Dec 19, 2023

What is email management system? ›

The definition of this term extends beyond just inbox sorting. Email management refers to organizations properly capturing, retaining and managing emails created and received by employees. As with other business records, classification schemes, retention periods and access controls can be applied to manage emails.

How to organize Outlook efficiently? ›

How to Organize Emails in Outlook
  1. Perform an Initial Cleanup. ...
  2. Take Advantage of the Focused Inbox. ...
  3. Create Outlook Folders. ...
  4. Set Up Inbox Rules. ...
  5. Assign Outlook Categories. ...
  6. Use Flags for Follow-Up. ...
  7. Consider an Email Organizer App for Outlook.
Sep 10, 2024

How do I manage a lot of emails at work? ›

6 actionable tips to manage email overload
  1. Set specific email check-in times. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to be on email patrol 24/7. ...
  2. Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize! ...
  3. Use filters and folders. ...
  4. Unsubscribe ruthlessly. ...
  5. Implement the Two-Minute Rule. ...
  6. Use a different tool for instant messaging.
Jul 20, 2023

What is the best way to organize tasks in Outlook? ›

Select a task in any list to see all of the available options for that task. You can do things like add additional steps, add a task to My Day, make tasks repeating, add a due date or reminder, and add a note or file. Turn off smart lists and change your settings by selecting Settings when To Do is open within Outlook.

What are the 5 C's of email? ›

Conversational, Clear, Concise, Connected, and Correct

Give these 5Cs of communication a try on the next few internal communications you send out and see If you notice any improvements in performance like more views or more comments.

What is the 5 email rule? ›

The 5 sentence email rule is a productivity technique that encourages individuals to condense their email messages into five succinct sentences.

What are the 4 C's of email writing? ›

To help me accomplish that task, I distilled the writing advice I've read and received over the years into the four Cs—clear, concise, correct, and compelling.

What is the correct way to structure emails? ›

The six pillars of perfect business email structure include the following components: Subject Line, Greeting, Introduction/Purpose, Detail, Ask/Action, and Closing/Sign-off. By following these guidelines, you can create an email that is easy to read, understand, and act upon.

What are the 5 folders that all emails have? ›

5 Folders: The Simple System for Getting Your Email Inbox to Zero
  • The Inbox. Getting your inbox to zero requires rethinking your inbox completely. ...
  • An Archive Folder. ...
  • An A – Z Folder. ...
  • An Action Folder. ...
  • A Waiting Folder.

How do you declutter thousands of emails? ›

To declutter your email fast, begin by removing newsletters or promotional emails that you no longer want or read. Delete or archive unnecessary messages like spam or outdated ones. Give your inbox a little love by creating folders or labels and setting up filters to automatically sort incoming emails.

How do I group my emails? ›

Group items manually or create a custom group

On the View menu, in the Current View group, click View Settings. Click Group By. Clear the Automatically group according to arrangement check box. In the Group items by box, click a field to group by.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.