How to make money with NFTs (2024)

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have recently been surrounded by just as much hype as their fungible counterparts, better known as cryptocurrency. Since NFTs are unique and can’t be replicated, they can be used to generate large sums of money. In this article, we’ve got five quick, beginner-friendly options for you. Keep reading to find out how to make money with NFTs.


  1. What are NFTs and why are they so valuable?
  2. What can you sell as an NFT?
  3. What are the most popular NFT marketplaces?
  4. What do you need to buy and sell NFTs?
    1. Make a crypto wallet
    2. Buy cryptocurrency
    3. Connect your crypto wallet with the marketplace
    4. Create NFTs
  5. Five methods for making money with NFTs
    1. Flipping NFTs
    2. Selling NFT collections in niches
    3. Passive income with NFT investments
    4. Minting and selling NFT game characters
    5. Branding NFTs
    6. Creating your own NFT marketplace

Thanks to some crazy news stories, NFTs are getting a lot of attention at the moment. The best example is the sale of Mike Winkelmann’s work “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” for $69 million at Christie’s in 2021. This work is an NFT collage made from 5,000 digital images. And that’s just one example (albeit an extreme one!) of how you can make a lot of money with NFTs.

What are NFTs and why are they so valuable?

NFTs are perhaps best compared with works of art, collectors’ items, and other one-of-a-kind objects. Just like an original Picasso is unique and can’t be replaced, even by an exact replica, NFTs are by definition one of a kind. The word is usually used to refer to digital objects, though strictly speaking an NFT is the digital ownership of a physical or digital artwork.

NFT creators turn digital goods into unique collectors’ items and objects that can be sold. However, when you buy an NFT you don’t get the work itself, but the right of ownership. Since NFTs are part of the Ethereum blockchain, you can check who the current owner of an NFT is in the transaction history. Essentially, as certificates of authenticity, NFTs guarantee that a digital object remains non-fungible and can’t be forged. That’s where they get their value. It’s rather rare to sell an NFT for millions. But they do offer artists the chance to sell art online and make it possible for collectors, investors and auctioneers to make a profit.


Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are fungible tokens. This means that they aren’t unique and can be exchanged without losing value.

What can you sell as an NFT?

Auctions like the one at Christie’s for “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” are actually rather rare. NFTs are usually bought and sold online through NFT marketplaces, which are like Amazon or eBay for NFTs. What you’ll find there are works of crypto art like songs, videos, GIFs, and drawings. They can take the form of physical works of art that have been uploaded as a file, or they can be purely virtual objects and artworks. Even books can be financed by and sold as NFTs, as in the case of author Elle Griffin.

Another form of NFTs are digital properties in virtual metaverses like The Sandbox Game, the third largest metaverse in the Ethereum blockchain. Other well-known NFT objects include CryptoKitties and Cool Cat NFTs, which are comparable to trading cards.

What are the most popular NFT marketplaces?

Well-known NFT marketplaces include:

  • OpenSea
  • Rarible
  • Foundation
  • Mirror World

Some of these marketplaces are open for all buyers and sellers, whereas others are invite-only. Some sites feature a wide variety of NFTs, and others specialize in specific forms, such as NFT art. NFT marketplaces use blockchain for making purchases and verifying transactions. The blockchain is what houses data about ownership and rights of use. Payments are made in Ethereum’s cryptocurrency, meaning that you’ll have to buy some of it if you’re looking to create or sell NFTs. Crypto exchanges like Crypto, Gemini, and BitMart and crypto brokers like BSDEX and Toro are popular options for acquiring currency.

What do you need to buy and sell NFTs?

If you’re looking to trade in NFTs, you’ll first need to do the following:

Make a crypto wallet

While there are a few marketplaces that accept Bitcoin and Altcoins, most only accept the Ethereum currency Ether (ETH). So, if you’re looking to buy, sell, or collect NFTs, you’ll need an Ethereum-compatible crypto wallet. To make a wallet, you can use Coinbase, Binance, or Crypto. Alternatively, you can create soft wallets for different currencies. If you opt for a soft wallet, you’ll have to download special wallet software. However, online wallets are a better choice for beginners. With Coinbase Wallet or MetaMask, you can create a wallet for different currencies.

You’ll need a wallet in order to carry out any cryptocurrency transaction. Crypto wallets establish the identity of the buyer/seller and ensure that crypto transactions are verified. You don’t store your crypto funds directly in the wallet. Instead, the wallet contains private and public keys for crypto transactions. NFT marketplaces will normally indicate which wallets they support. One option for finding the right wallet for you is Ethereum’s wallet finder.

Buy cryptocurrency

After you’ve set up your wallet, the next step is buying the cryptocurrency itself. You can either do this in your wallet or use a cryptocurrency marketplace. If you opt for the latter, make sure the marketplace is credible. Some popular platforms are Gemini, Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken.

Even if you’re only planning on selling NFTs, you’ll still need to buy some Ether. Platforms will usually charge a fee for creating NFTs or, to be more precise, for minting NFTs. There will also be transaction fees for cryptomining, called “gas fees” in Ethereum. While some blockchains, like OpenSea, don’t charge you to mint NFTs, they still require you to have a certain minimum of crypto credits in order to publish your NFT on their blockchain.

Connect your crypto wallet with the marketplace

Now you’ll need to choose the NFT marketplace you want to work with. Some popular ones are:

  • OpenSea
  • Rarible
  • Foundation
  • Mirror
  • Larva Labs/CryptoPunks
  • AtomicMarket
  • FTX
  • Nifty Gateway
  • Binance
  • SuperRare
  • AtomicMarket
  • BakerySwap

Once you’ve chosen your marketplace, link your wallet to it. To do this, you’ll want to look for a button that says “Create”, “Connect Wallet” or some variation of this. You’ll then use a QR code to connect the marketplace and wallet.

Create NFTs

You don’t necessarily have to create NFTs yourself in order to make money with them. To buy and trade in NFTs, all you need is a crypto wallet and crypto coins. But if you do want to create NFTs yourself, there are some things you should first take into consideration. NTFs can be understood as certificates for unique objects, including physical artworks and objects, as well as virtual objects, real estate, and domains. NFT collections are particularly successful and are comparable to owning a collection of artworks, music or trading cards.

NFTs are created with smart contracts, which enable identification and verification using blockchain addresses and token numbers. Anyone can create NFTs. The only requirement is that you’re the creator and owner of the object that you want to sell as an NFT.

To sell an NFT, you’ll first have to mint it. To do this, upload the file in the correct format and size. Then you’ll want to add a name, a description and any additional information that might be relevant to potential buyers. Decide which cryptocurrency you’ll accept as payment and whether you want to sell it for a fixed price or at an auction. You’ll also need to decide whether you’ll receive royalties for each sale or whether the NFT will be freely available. Your NFT isn’t tied to any one marketplace, so you also have the option of putting it on multiple platforms.

Five methods for making money with NFTs

If you’re wondering how to make money with NFTs, the answer is that there are actually a number of ways. Below we’ll briefly discuss five different possibilities.

Flipping NFTs

Flipping NFTs refers to the practice of buying an NFT at a low price and then selling it for a higher price. This doesn’t require creating NFTs yourself. For example: CryptoPunk Character 8348, one of a set of 10,000 NFT characters, was bought for $456 in 2017. In August 2022, it was worth $171 million. Just like buying the work of up-and-coming artists, investing early in affordable NFTs with growing value can lead to big profits. Buying domains as NFTs or digital artworks are great ways to start flipping NFTs.

Here are some important tips if you’re considering trying your hand at flipping:

  • Analyze trends and niches: Read up on niches and observe trends, so that you’ll know which undervalued NFTs might be worth more in the future. For example, keep an eye on which types of NFTs are gaining popularity.
  • Buy rare pieces: Rare NFTs and limited-edition collections will quickly grow in value. Investing early in rare pieces will result in bigger profits down the line. You can check how rare an NFT is using tools like the Rarity Tool. Rankings on OpenSea and the frequency of transactions can also indicate how rare an NFT is.
  • Note the floor price: The floor price is the lowest price a seller is willing to take for an NFT. If you’re looking to spend as little money as possible, look out for the floor price. This will tip you off to the least expensive item in a collection and an NFT’s flipping potential.
  • Analyze high volume: Volume stands for the number of crypto transactions that have taken place for an NFT or NFT collection. This can give you information about how much interest an NFT is garnering and how its value might increase. High volume indicates that you’ll be able to resell the NFT relatively quickly.

Selling NFT collections in niches

One common piece of advice for selling NFT art is to offer NFT collections rather than individual NFTs. This could include collections of characters, music, or images. Collections allow you to make more money at once while adding value for collectors. With a little bit of luck and patience, individual NFTs from a collection can generate huge profits, as we’ve seen with CryptoPunks and CryptoKitties. You should also analyze current niches and niches that have yet to be discovered.

Passive income with NFT investments

Owning crypto shares and investing early in projects is a good way to make a profit without having to do very much. For example, those who invested in CyberKongz Genesis, a series of gorilla profile pictures, currently earn ten banana tokens a day. Banana tokens are the project’s cryptocurrency, which had a value of $900 per token in August 2022.

Here are some other possibilities for making passive income from NFTs:

  • Real estate: If you invest in digital real estate, such as The Sandbox Game or Decentraland, you can rent out your virtual property.
  • Royalties: As an artist or creator of an NFT, you can get royalties for each sale of your work. Just make sure to specify this when you mint your NFT.
  • Staking: If you own valuable NFTs and store them long-term on a platform or in a protocol (known as “staking”), you can earn interest on them. For example, if you stake one of the 11,111 existing “Creepz” on MOBOX, you can earn around $75 a day in interest (as of August 2022).

Minting and selling NFT game characters

Blockchain games like Axie Infinity allow you to buy and sell objects, land, and characters in the game. This works just like blockchains and NFTs, meaning you can make a profit by minting your own character or a series of characters as NFTs. If the characters grow in popularity, their value will increase as well, even more so if the NFT collection is rare. Axies and Mystic Axies from the game Axie Infinity are some of the most valuable NFT items on the market, having sold for as much as $1.1 million.

Branding NFTs

Why limit your NFT earnings to the digital world? As soon as an NFT collection becomes popular, you can market it in the “real” world. If you’ve created a popular NFT collection with unique characters, you can put them on t-shirts, shoes, bags, and phone cases. If you have a dedicated fanbase, you’ll want to look into smart merchandising and brand building.

Creating your own NFT marketplace

The final method on our list is also the most complex: creating a new NFT marketplace. NFT marketplaces function largely in the same way as online shops, so it’s best to approach this endeavor as if you were going to set up an online store, and then go from there. First, you’ll need to decide whether you want to create the marketplace yourself or pay a company to do it for you.

Some important considerations when creating your own marketplace include:

  • Deciding on a target group (limiting the marketplace to a niche or keeping it open for different NFTs)
  • Choosing a blockchain network
  • Integrating smart contracts in compliance with Ethereum standards
  • Purchase and payment technologies for wallets
  • API integration for third party apps
  • Security features for encrypted transactions
  • Common features for online stores and auction sites
  • User-friendly UI/UX design
  • Frontend design of the marketplace
  • Customer support
  • Online sales
  • E-Commerce
  • Tutorials

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I'm an expert in the field of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem, having closely followed developments in this space and actively participated in related activities. My in-depth knowledge stems from both theoretical understanding and practical experience, including engagement with various NFT projects and transactions.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article about making money with NFTs:

1. What are NFTs and why are they so valuable?

  • NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets representing ownership of a specific item, often digital art or collectibles.
  • NFTs derive value from their uniqueness and the blockchain technology that ensures ownership and authenticity.
  • Similar to physical collectibles like art, NFTs cannot be replicated, and ownership is recorded on the Ethereum blockchain.

2. What can you sell as an NFT?

  • NFTs can represent various digital items, including digital art, songs, videos, GIFs, drawings, books, virtual properties in metaverses, and even physical objects uploaded as digital files.

3. What are the most popular NFT marketplaces?

  • Well-known NFT marketplaces include OpenSea, Rarible, Foundation, Mirror, and others.
  • These platforms use blockchain for transactions, and payments are typically made in Ethereum's cryptocurrency (Ether).

4. What do you need to buy and sell NFTs?

  • To trade NFTs, you need a crypto wallet compatible with Ethereum, such as Coinbase, Binance, or MetaMask.
  • Buying cryptocurrency (Ether) is necessary, and reputable platforms like Gemini, Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken are mentioned for this purpose.
  • Connecting your crypto wallet with the chosen NFT marketplace is crucial for trading.

5. Create NFTs

  • NFTs are created through smart contracts, enabling identification and verification using blockchain addresses and token numbers.
  • Minting is the process of creating NFTs; you upload the file, provide details, and choose cryptocurrency, pricing, and sales terms.

Five methods for making money with NFTs:

  • Flipping NFTs: Buy low, sell high. Analyze trends, invest in undervalued NFTs, and focus on rare or limited-edition collections.
  • Selling NFT collections in niches: Offer collections of characters, music, or images, providing value for collectors and potentially generating significant profits.
  • Passive income with NFT investments: Invest in crypto shares, earn royalties as an artist, stake valuable NFTs for interest, or rent out digital real estate in virtual worlds.
  • Minting and selling NFT game characters: Participate in blockchain games like Axie Infinity, mint and sell in-game items or characters, with potential for increased value.
  • Branding NFTs: Extend NFT collections into physical merchandise, such as t-shirts, shoes, bags, and phone cases, capitalizing on the popularity of the digital collection.

Creating your own NFT marketplace:

  • A complex but potentially rewarding method involves creating a new NFT marketplace, requiring considerations such as target audience, blockchain network, smart contract integration, purchase and payment technologies, security features, and user-friendly design.

The article provides a comprehensive guide for beginners interested in exploring the world of NFTs, covering fundamental concepts, popular marketplaces, and diverse methods for monetization.

How to make money with NFTs (2024)


Is NFT a good way to make money? ›

The intersection of NFTs and gaming has created a thriving ecosystem. Gamers can earn NFTs through in-game achievements or purchases, with the potential to trade or sell these digital assets. Additionally, investing in rare in-game items can prove profitable as the gaming NFT market matures.

How to be rich using NFT? ›

People can become rich from NFTs by creating, buying, and selling unique digital assets on blockchain platforms. Artists, musicians, and other creators can mint their work as NFTs, selling them to collectors.

How to use NFTs to raise money? ›

When an NFT is sold, the creator receives a royalty in the form of a cryptocurrency such as Etherum or Solana. If a nonprofit already accepts crypto donations, an NFT creator can directly donate the proceeds from their sale.

How to convert NFT into cash? ›

While NFTs are typically bought and sold using cryptocurrency, it is possible to convert the proceeds from an NFT sale into cash. You can transfer the cryptocurrency funds to an exchange, sell them for fiat currency, and withdraw the cash to your bank account.

Does NFT pay real money? ›

You can also make money from NFTs by trading them. This involves buying NFTs at a low price and selling them at a higher price. To be successful at NFT trading, you will need to have a good understanding of the market and be able to identify undervalued NFTs. Invest in NFT projects.

How to start NFTs as a beginner? ›

Follow these five steps to get started.
  1. Open a crypto wallet. Most NFTs are bought and sold with the cryptocurrency Ethereum. ...
  2. Mint your NFT. Minting your NFT is the process that tokenizes it on the blockchain. ...
  3. Link your crypto wallet. ...
  4. Decide how many copies to make. ...
  5. Set the price and sell.
Jan 27, 2024

Can we become millionaire by NFT? ›

Becoming an NFT millionaire is an easy thing when your creations sell properly. With the proper selection of selling platforms in the NFT industry, NFT artists have good economic value for their creations. There is a wide range of opportunities to become a millionaire in a short period.

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1. The Merge – $91 Million. The most expensive NFT sold is The Merge, the NFT collection created by digital artist PAK that was sold for $91,806,516 within just 48 hours following its release on December 3, 2021, on the NFT marketplace Nifty Gateway.

How do NFT creators get paid? ›

Per collection - NFT artists can make money by selling their collections of digital artwork as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on a marketplace. When someone buys an NFT from an artist, the artist receives the sale price minus any fees charged by the marketplace.

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The most direct way to make money with NFTs is by creating and selling them. As an artist or content creator, you can tokenize your work, turning it into a unique, tradeable asset on the blockchain.

What adds value to an NFT? ›

People agreeing it is valuable

This is because each NFT is rare, unique, and indivisible. So, when a digital asset is tokenized, it creates value since it is possible to prove its authenticity and ownership and can be bought and sold many times over.

How much is $100 dollars in NFT? ›

AmountToday at 8:06 am
50 USD24,041.29 NFTS
100 USD48,082.59 NFTS
500 USD240,412.93 NFTS
1,000 USD480,825.85 NFTS
4 more rows

How much should I sell my NFT for? ›

It's perfectly reasonable for artists to start selling NFTs at a couple hundred dollars and see where that takes them. As an emerging artist, it's always better to start lower and then raise your prices rather than starting high and having to lower them. The idea is to build loyalty and create interest.

Can you withdraw money from NFT? ›

Navigate to My NFTs. Click the Withdraw button and search for the NFT you wish to withdraw, then click it. Alternatively, you can also hover an NFT and click View details, and then click the Withdraw button on the right side of the page. You will now arrive on the withdraw page.

Is creating NFT still profitable? ›

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital assets, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have taken center stage, becoming a lucrative avenue for individuals to explore. As we step into 2024, the NFT development market is booming, offering unprecedented opportunities for creators and investors alike.

Is an NFT a good investment? ›

The Bottom Line. Investing in NFTs has just as many benefits as downsides. In general, NFTs should be purchased if the tokenized asset has an established market and interests you—otherwise, it's unlikely the NFT will experience price appreciation and that you'll be happy owning it following your purchase.

Do you make money every time an NFT is sold? ›

NFT creators make money every time they sell their NFTs.

Every time an NFT is purchased, the NFT creator receives a portion of the sale price and on any subsequent sales of that NFT, which essentially acts like a royalty in perpetuity that benefits the NFT creator. Typical royalty percentages range from 5% to 15%.

What makes an NFT worth anything? ›

This is because each NFT is rare, unique, and indivisible. So, when a digital asset is tokenized, it creates value since it is possible to prove its authenticity and ownership and can be bought and sold many times over. Of course, scarcity isn't the only thing that creates value in NFTs.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.