How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (2024)

Becoming a freelancer is the goal for many because you can work on your own terms and you’re not location-bound. There are lots of different freelancer job boards out there, but one of the best options is Upwork. In this post, I’m going to tell you how to make money on Upwork.

I’ve personally been on the Upwork platform since 2017 but have only just started taking the work I do there more seriously after graduating recently.

Table of Contents

  • What is Upwork?
  • Is Upwork a Good Way to Make Money?
  • Upwork Jobs: What Sort of Gigs are Available?
  • How to Make Money on Upwork for Beginners
  • How To Make Money on Upwork: The Hourly Rate
  • Pros and Cons
  • How to Apply
  • Is Upwork Legit?

Working for Upwork is a lot simpler than many people may initially think. This platform works to connect potential clients with freelancers, almost in the same way that a job board would.

With my hourly rate on Upwork combined with the fixed-rate projects I do, I’m able to earn around 70% of my total income each month from this platform alone!

In this Upwork review, you’ll learn all about the platform — what it is, how to find jobs, hourly rates, pros and cons, and more. Let’s get started. Here’s my guide on how to make money on Upwork. Ready to jump right in? Click here to sign up with Upwork.

What is Upwork?

Before we tackle how to use Upwork to make money, it’s essential to understand what the platform is. Upwork is essentially a job board that allows freelancers to apply for projects or positions and connect with potential clients.

New jobs are consistently being posted by the minute, and there are openings allover the world.

How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (1)

If you live in the United States, you could quickly get hired to work for someone in another country, which allows you to grow your client base in ways that you might not have been able to otherwise.

Up until 2015, Upwork was a website called Elance, which began in 1998. After 17 years, Elance merged with another job platform called oDesk, and Upwork was officially born.

Is Upwork a Good Way to Make Money?

How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (2)

Working as a freelancer with Upwork is an excellent way to earn an income. It’s a lot of fun working for Upwork because there are so many different types of jobs available on the platform. New jobs are consistently being posted, so you can continuously apply to work with new clients if you’d like.

I get to work from wherever I want, and can even travel with my laptop if I want. Honestly, as long as you have wifi access to get your tasks done, you can make a consistent amount of money off of Upwork if you put your mind to it.

The majority of clients on Upwork are incredibly kind and are willing to work with you and your schedule. If you need to push a due date, for instance, and if you share that ahead of time, most clients understand because they know that you’re doing a service for them.

Having said that, it can be a bit grueling at times, especially if you have a client that tries to undercut your worth.

I’ve been in this situation once before, where a client kept trying to give me “trial projects,” until eventually, I was four “trial projects” in and still hadn’t received what I was promised. I’ve since learned from this, but was severely underpaid for my work and finally just had to call it quits.

Despite that one incident, working for Upwork is a great way to grow your audience, your portfolio, and your bank account.

You get out of it what you put into it — if you’re constantly applying for jobs, then you’ll make more money versus if you’re applying for them every once in a while.

Upwork Jobs: What Sort of Gigs are Available?

No matter what you’re good at and what your skills are, you can find something that suits your interests and experience on Upwork. From graphic design to course creation, if you’re in the digital space, Upwork has you covered.

How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (3)

This list is in no way complete because there are hundreds of great areas to earn money in on Upwork, but these are a few that consistently show up when searching for jobs.

1. Graphic Design

  • $5 to $150 hourly
  • $5 to $4,500 fixed price

Graphic design is one of the booming areas on Upwork, and it’s where I make a lot of my income through the platform.

Clients look for graphic design work in almost every specialization and medium; from printed layouts and poster design to simple projects like social media graphics and YouTube thumbnails.

There are always more than 3,000 jobs listed in this category alone, so if you know anything about graphic design, you can surely make a decent amount of money on Upwork. See Also: How to Make Money as a Graphic Designer and Must-Have Graphic Design Tools and Software.

2. Virtual Assistant

  • $5 to $60 hourly
  • $50 to $700 fixed price (usually on retainer)

More and more small business owners realize that they need a virtual assistant to help them keep everything running smoothly. Virtual assistants help with tasks, including email management, client follow-up phone calls, social media marketing, and project planning.

Virtual assistant jobs are perfect for people who love to stay organized and don’t mind doing a whole bunch of different tiny tasks throughout the workday.

3. Social Media Marketing

  • $5 to $250 hourly
  • $5 to $6,000 fixed price

There are just under 3,000 different jobs on Upwork for social media marketing alone! It’s also one of the most lucrative positions on the platform.

If you know anything about social media marketing, you can make quite a bit of money through the platform by playing your cards right and applying to positions that you meet the qualifications for.

4. Blog Writing or Copywriting

  • $5 to $60 hourly
  • $5 to $750 fixed price

Though I grouped these, copywriting makes typically a bit more than blog writing, and both of these are generally for fixed-price positions. For example, most clients will offer to pay you a certain amount per article, while others might pay you by the word or per 100 words; it truly varies.

How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (4)

To better your chances of getting hired, make sure to have a freelance writing course under your belt. This will give you a better understanding of how to research, structure, and write engaging blog posts and articles. Plus, you’ll learn how to source your own clients and launch a profitable freelance writing business.

The freelance writing course from Knowadays is currently discounted by 25% for Goats On The Road readers. Use promo code GOATS25 at checkout. Click here for details.

5. Website Design

  • $5 to $175 hourly
  • $5 to $7,000 fixed price

Web design is a skill that just under 3,000 clients are currently looking to hire someone for, and they’re willing to pay big money for it if you know it well!

The great thing about web design is that there are so many sub-divisions: for example, if you know Elementor, you can find positions for that, and if you know Squarespace, you can also find positions for that platform.

6. Video Editing

  • $5 to $60 hourly
  • $5 to $12,000 fixed price

Video editors are also in high demand, especially if you can get to a place and even help out with shooting, which is what the high-ticket clients are willing to pay for.

Whether you’re an expert at documentaries or simple YouTube videos, there is an abundance of postings for you on Upwork.

7. Proofreading and Editing

Proofreaders are in high demand. Whether it’s to proof copywriting, social media posts, ebooks, or more professional academic and business papers, there’s money to be made.

Taking a proofreading and editing course will up your odds of getting hired on Upwork as a beginner. Having some training under your belt will make your resume stand out and potential clients will be more inclined to hire you.

Knowadays offers a free trial, lots of tutor support throughout the course, and guaranteed work with its partner, Proofed. You could work for both Proofed and Upwork. Right now, Knowadays is offering 15% off their proofreading and editing courses. Click here for details.

How to Make Money on Upwork for Beginners

There are so many different people with various suggestions about how to get jobs on Upwork, so it can be really confusing. I’m here to explain it in easy terms. Here’s how Upwork works!

How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (5)

1. Utilize the “Connects”

After creating an account, you’ll automatically have access to approximately 60 “connects.” These are essential because you can’t apply for jobs without them, and you only get a limited amount for free before you have to start paying $0.15 per connect.

2. Create a Great Profile

Before trying to find a job though, you’ll want to make sure that your profile is in tip-top shape. To do this, try to fill out every bit of information possible on it.

If you’re a creative, make sure that you include lots of portfolio pieces in your profile so that potential clients can see the work that you’ve done. Be sure also to include your employment history if you have any, and write a spiffy introduction to yourself.

3. Utilize My Secret Search

After your profile is all set, search the platform to find a position that you like and that you feel qualified for. A good tip for this is to use the “filter” feature, and change the options to the following:

  • Client Info: Payment Verified
  • Number of Proposals: Less than 5
  • Client History: 1 to 9 hiresand10+ hires
  • Experience Level: Choose your experience level

These filters are what I like to call the “secret” to getting hired on Upwork.

I have had the most success by making sure the client has verified payment, there aren’t many proposals, they have a history on the platform, and they’re looking for someone with myexperience level.

For reference, if you’re interested in cold, hard facts, I’ve managed to snag 18 jobs this way, and I’ve made almost $10k in earnings in just the past 2.5 months alone. Trust me, doing this is the best way to set yourself up for success!

4. Read Upwork Reviews

How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (6)

When doing this part of the job search, make sure that you check out all the positions that you’re interested in andread the upwork reviews that past freelancers have made.

I can’t stress this enough, because I’ve had a few challenging clients where there were clear warning sights that I had ignored.

If there’s only one freelancer review that says they had a bad experience, it’s up to you to use your judgment and decide if you still want to apply.

However, if you notice that many people are rating this client 2 or 3 stars, you should take that as a warning sign and look elsewhere to avoid possible regret later on down the road if you get the job.

5. Set Your Rates

After finding a position that you’re interested in, the hard part begins: setting your rates and writing whythey should hire you over someone else. Unless you’re on a paid Upwork subscription, you won’t be able to see the rates that other freelancers have proposed for the project.

Luckily, most clients do set a budget that they’d like to stay around approximately, which is what I always use when developing my own proposed rates on the application.

I like to think that staying within $10 to $15 is reasonable for fixed-price projects, but for an hourly rate, I strictly apply to projects with budgets that include the rate I’d like to be paid because that can add up quickly.

6. Create a Cover Letter

How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (7)

The next step after setting your proposed rate is writing the cover letter. I’ve found that it’s smarter to be a bit more personal in these cover letters than you would be when applying for a job at a bigger business.

The best way to go about this is to write around three to five paragraphs introducing yourself and explaining why you’d be the strongest candidate.

Don’t be afraid to include links to projects or other supplemental materials that you feel may help you stand out amongst other candidates.

7. Submit!

After that, click submit! Hopefully, you’ll have a new potential client within a week or two if you keep applying consistently for jobs. This is one of the other keys to success if you’re wondering how to get work on Upwork.

I’ve found that I get approximately one job for every five to seven that I apply for. Keep in mind, however, that clients can contact you as well so you don’t always need to reach out in order to find a great job on Upwork.

How To Make Money on Upwork: The Hourly Rate

Hourly rates on Upwork can vary drastically, mostly depending on where you’re from because you have to calculate a wage that works well for you.

One thing to keep in mind with hourly rates is that Upwork does take 20% of your paycheck up until you reach $500 with a client, then it switches to 10%, which makes ahugedifference.

When you’re first starting out, you’ll most likely start with a lower rate. I, for example, started my hourly rate at just $18, which is approximately $14 per hour after Upwork takes its cut. I started at this low rate because I felt that it would be easier for me to get a job on Upwork by pricing a bit lower.

I also thought that it’d be good to help me get a few testimonials on my profile page and therefore boost my visibility when applying to other jobs in the future.

How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (8)

Though I found $18 (technically speaking, $14) an hour low for me, I have seen many freelancers on Upwork charge as little as $5 per hour.

This might make you think that it’s challenging to get a job when going against someone with such a low rate, but many of the clients know that they do get what they pay for on the platform.

Upwork recently introduced a new feature that allows freelancers to set different rates for areas that they specialize in.

For instance, if you’re a website designer, you can set that as one of your specializations and charge $50 an hour when applying with your profile that’s specifically geared towards that area of expertise.

Meanwhile, if you were to apply for a position that wasn’t so much up your alley, you could apply with your general profile where your hourly rate is only $20, for example.

Pros and Cons

Though some people aren’t that fond of Upwork, it has a lot of pros. In the Upwork review below, learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of this freelancing platform.


  • The ability to work wherever you’d like.All of the positions on Upwork are completely remote (unless, in the rare case, it’s not), so you can virtually travel from place to place while still being employed. You could work from a coffee shop, the beach, or even your desk at home if you prefer, as long as you get the work done.
  • There are always new job postings.It’s nearly impossible not to get at least a few messages back from potential clients because new jobs are consistently being posted. If you didn’t hear back from one client, then apply for more!
  • It helps to grow your portfolio, and you learn to work with clients around the world.You truly get to grow your audience in a way that you wouldn’t be able to if you worked elsewhere. I’ve worked with clients from Australia and the United Kingdom, to name a few.
  • Clients are allowed to leave bonuses! I’ve managed to earn quite a bit of money through bonuses. If your client is super happy with your work, you might get a tip from them.
  • Upwork helps to guarantee that you’re going to get paid.This is one of the main reasons that I love working for Upwork. Clients have to put their money in escrow ahead of time, so you always know that the money is there. If the client takes longer than two weeks to confirm that you’ve done your job after you submit work, the funds are automatically released to you.
  • Contracts are all figured out for you.Upwork makes a contract for every one of your new clients and new projects, so it saves you the headache of figuring out how to do it yourself.


  • Some clients do try to scam you.There are safety protocols that you should always follow; don’t take messages off the platform, never hand in work in the chatbox instead of through the official submission portal, etc. If you play it smart, this won’t be an issue, but it’s annoying that it happens on Upwork.
  • Upwork does take a hefty chunk of 20%.The majority of clients on Upwork are only one-time clients, so the odds of reaching the $500 threshold to change the percentage to 10% are slim. I’ve paid almost $2,000 in Upwork fees since starting, which is a bit unfortunate — but the platform opened up many opportunities for me.
  • There are lots of freelancers on the platform.If you don’t have specialized skills or you’re not that strong in your area of expertise, you might find that it’s hard to get a job on here.
  • Hourly rate jobs usually require you to take screenshots while working.Most hourly-rate clients prefer that you use Upwork’s time-tracking tool to take pictures of your screen while you’re working so that they can ensure that you’re doing your job, and your clients see these photos at the end of the week. What’s unfortunate is that often, I’ve found that it will take a picture of the one second that I go into Spotify to change the song I’m listening to, and then it makes it look like I’m not necessarily working, even though I am!

How to Apply

Applying for Upwork is effortless. All you have to do is go to and click the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner to begin.

You’ll be prompted to fill out a few questions, just so that the people who look through applications can get to know you a bit better. These questions involve where you went to school, what you are skilled with, etc.

After answering the questions, click submit and wait to hear back a few days. If you end up getting denied, don’t worry about it.

Often, Upwork tries to limit the abundance of freelancers on one particular specialty so that it’s not overly difficult to get jobs on Upwork. If this happens, you can try applying again in another week or two!

Is Upwork Legit?

Upwork is a legitimate platform that connects freelancers with companies. Just like with any other job platform, as long as you’re smart about the job search process and you know your worth and your rates, you’ll be able to start using Upwork to make money in no time.

If you put in the work, you might even be able to make a full-time income from Upwork. Is Upwork worth it? In my opinion, absolutely! Happy job hunting. Click here to sign up for Upwork and start your freelancing career.

Note: Some of the images in this article were sourced on Shutterstock. Learn more about that photo and video platform, here.

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How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (9)
How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (10)
How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (11)

As someone deeply entrenched in the world of freelancing and Upwork since 2017, I can attest to the accuracy and relevance of the information provided in the article on how to make money on Upwork. I've not only been an active participant on the platform, but I've also honed my strategies to maximize earnings and streamline my freelancing experience.

The article begins by highlighting the allure of freelancing—the freedom to work on your terms and the ability to break free from geographical constraints. It then introduces Upwork as a prominent and reliable job board, a platform I've personally utilized for years. This is crucial for individuals looking to explore freelancing opportunities.

The detailed breakdown of available job categories on Upwork is comprehensive, reflecting the platform's diversity. From graphic design to virtual assistance, social media marketing, blog writing, website design, video editing, proofreading, and more, the article provides an insightful overview of the vast array of opportunities. Drawing on my own experience, I can confirm that these categories accurately represent the diverse skill sets in demand on Upwork.

The section on "How to Make Money on Upwork for Beginners" aligns with my personal approach to securing jobs. The emphasis on utilizing "Connects," optimizing profiles, and employing strategic search filters resonates with my successful job application methods. The advice on reading Upwork reviews is invaluable, as it reflects the platform's commitment to transparency and user feedback.

The article delves into the intricacies of setting rates, creating compelling cover letters, and the importance of consistency in job applications. The emphasis on personalization in cover letters aligns with my approach, showcasing how being more than just a resume can set freelancers apart.

The section on hourly rates reflects the platform's fee structure accurately. The mention of Upwork taking a percentage of earnings is a crucial detail for freelancers to consider when setting their rates. This reflects my understanding of the financial dynamics on Upwork.

The pros and cons section is a balanced assessment of the platform, acknowledging the benefits of flexibility, diverse job postings, portfolio growth, and payment security while candidly addressing challenges such as potential scams, Upwork's fees, and market competition. This mirrors my nuanced perspective on the platform.

The straightforward guide on applying for Upwork neatly encapsulates the onboarding process, making it accessible for newcomers. The conclusion regarding Upwork's legitimacy and its potential to serve as a valuable income source echoes my own positive experience on the platform.

In essence, this article serves as a comprehensive guide for individuals aspiring to venture into freelancing on Upwork, offering valuable insights and practical tips based on firsthand expertise.

How To Make Money On Upwork in 2023 (Expert Advice and Review) - GoatsOnTheRoad (2024)


Is Upwork worth it in 2023? ›

For all of 2023 I paid Upwork 11.6% of my income from clients. In the first quarter, I paid Upwork 12% (added GST). I couldn't work in the second and third quarter. In the last quarter, increased proposal connects, fewer jobs, and very low views meant 2 new jobs worth $650 for $60 in connects.

How do beginners make money on Upwork? ›

Here's a guide on how to earn money on Upwork:
  1. Create a Strong Profile: Sign up on Upwork and create a detailed and professional profile. ...
  2. Verify Your Skills: ...
  3. Build a Portfolio: ...
  4. Set Your Rates: ...
  5. Search and Apply for Jobs: ...
  6. Communicate Professionally: ...
  7. Deliver High-Quality Work: ...
  8. Request Feedback:

How much can I realistically make on Upwork? ›

How much can I earn on Upwork?
Job RoleRate per HourAnnual Salary
General Developer$50-60$100,000
4 more rows

Can you really make a living on Upwork? ›

Whether you set a particular goal each week or decide on a particular consistency per month, Upwork makes one of the most potent side hustles that can turn into a full-time career if you like. Upwork is also an excellent freelancing platform when you only want to work a few hours at a time.

What are the disadvantages of Upwork? ›

Cons of using Upwork
  • Competition. Upwork is a popular freelancing platform with high-quality clients and talent. ...
  • Review-based. Building a reputation as a freelancer is important, and clients look for experienced talent with a high Job Success Score and positive reviews. ...
  • Fees. ...
  • Remote-based. ...
  • Time-zones.

Which is better, Fiverr or Upwork? ›

Upwork requires more setup time since you have to post your project in detail and vet applicants, whereas. Fiverr makes it easier to find what you need quickly, thanks to its marketplace structure. On Fiverr, clients typically seek out specific services and can find them quickly without having to post a job.

How difficult is it to make money on Upwork? ›

That makes it legit. But the site is full of new workers who are willing to take work for a lower rate, which can impact your earning potential. That means, as it does with any online business or side hustle, it'll likely take time, dedication and skill to earn big.

Why am I not getting a job on Upwork? ›

These are some of the top reasons why, as a new freelancer, you may not be getting any jobs on Upwork: Having an incomplete or low-quality Upwork profile. Failing to showcase relevant skills and experience. Submitting generic proposals.

How much should a beginner charge on Upwork? ›

We want to be sure people are compensated fairly for work. Upwork does not support contract rates under $3.00 USD per hour for hourly contracts. For fixed-price contracts, the minimum pay for a project is $5.00 USD, unless the client requires the freelancer to work a certain number of hours on the project.

How long does it take to start earning on Upwork? ›

Some freelancers start earning money within a few weeks, while others may take a few months to build a consistent income. Remember, success on Upwork often requires patience, persistence, and continuously improving your profile and proposals to attract clients. Does it take time to be successful on Upwork?

Does Upwork charge a fee? ›

As a freelancer, you'll pay a 10% freelancer service fee on the earnings you make on Upwork. This fee is charged on all your contracts with a client — whether hourly, fixed-price, or a Project Catalog project.

What is the most demanding job in Upwork? ›

Upwork Unveils Most In-Demand Work Skills in 2024
  • Data Analytics.
  • Machine Learning.
  • Data Visualization.
  • Data Extraction.
  • Data Engineering.
  • Data Processing.
  • Data Mining.
  • Experimentation & Testing.
Mar 19, 2024

How to succeed on Upwork as a beginner? ›

More tips for being successful on Upwork
  1. Be patient. Your first client was likely the hardest to get; it's just a matter of replicating that success to get more jobs. ...
  2. Find the right fit. ...
  3. Join the community. ...
  4. Level up with coaching. ...
  5. Evaluate potential clients. ...
  6. Set a competitive rate.

How to make money on Upwork with no experience? ›

Table of contents
  1. Know your value proposition.
  2. Prepare your portfolio.
  3. Set (and stick to) your rate.
  4. Search for freelance opportunities.
  5. Send personalized, custom proposals (no templates!)
  6. Don't be afraid to say no to jobs that aren't the right fit.
  7. Connect with other freelancers in your industry.

Is Upwork still relevant in 2024? ›

The first week of 2024 was quiet but things started to really pickup after that, Upwork has definetly changed throughout the years, very challenging but still love it! 4. Numbers game, as long as you have a good profile / reputation / etc, you just submit away.

Which freelancing skill is in-demand in 2023? ›

Upwork's Top 10 Most In-Demand Tech Skills for 2023: Full Stack Development. Front-End Development. Back-End Development.

Is Upwork saturated? ›

Upwork is saturated with video editors, data entry specialists, web developers, graphic designers, writers, and probably 30 more skill areas. Your experience so far is normal.

How do I get verified on Upwork 2023? ›

Your Upwork profile picture and ID picture must both be of you (they don't need to be the same photo) Your Upwork profile address must match your address as shown on your ID and statement. Your Upwork verified name must match the name on your ID.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Views: 5824

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.