How to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half | Save Money on Food (2024)

Want to know the secrets to saving more money on food? (Spoiler–It’s not always using coupons!) We’ll share how to cut your grocery bill in half.

Let’s face it–food is expensive. The average family spends just over 10% of their household income buying groceries–over $6,000 a year–and even while average wages have gone down, the price of food keeps going up. When you are just trying to feed your family, that is a pretty scary prospect.

That said, as more and more people are beginning to realize, coupons can be a great way to save money on food. If you’ve ever watched TLC’s Extreme Couponing, you probably already know that sometimes those savings can be quite dramatic. The problem is that those dramatic savings often come from seasoned coupon users who have spent countless hours clipping & sorting coupons and searching for the very best deals.

Quite frankly, who has time for that?

How to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half | Save Money on Food (1)

A few weeks ago I was asked by the nice people at WINK Newsto share some tips for saving on groceries. They tagged along as I prepared for one of my own shopping trips, and then as I shopped with Kristen, a single mom of 4 who had never used coupons before and was looking for some practical ways to cut her food budget in half.

For Kristen and probably every other average mom (or dad) who is just trying to save some money on groceries, the idea of all that time and energy on a single shopping trip was not only overwhelming, it was unrealistic. However, as I explained to Kristen, it IS possible to cut your grocery bill in half without spending all your time clipping coupons. In fact, even if you never clip a single coupon, you can still save significant money on your grocery bill just by changing the way that you shop.

How to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half | Save Money on Food (2)

Like anything in life, you have to find the right balance. That balance won’t be exactly the same for everyone, but there are 5 tips I shared with both Kristen and WINK that everyone should know:

1. It’s not about the coupons

I’m going to let you in on a little secret that the producers of TLC’s Extreme Couponing (and every food company and grocery store chain out there) don’t really want you to know: Extreme grocery savings do NOT, for the most part, come from the coupons. The bulk of your savings will come from the store sales. The better the promotion, the bigger the savings, so the FIRST step in saving money on your grocery bill is to SHOP THE SALES.

Always, always, always buy food when it is on sale or at its rock bottom price. And by this I mean really on sale, as in 30-50% off the regular price, not one of those “Surprising Low Price” items. (The surprise is that it’s not really on sale!) Compare the store sale ads in your area to find out which stores have the best sale prices, and keep an ongoing price list so that you KNOW when something is a good price.

This does NOT mean that you should buy food just because it is on sale, but instead be on the lookout for sale prices on the food your family normally buys, whether it be all whole foods, organic, or gluten free. Almost everything goes on sale eventually.

Don’t assume you know which store has the best deals until you’ve actually checked–you may be surprised at what you find. Here in Florida, for example, many people assume Publix is the “expensive” store, but when you compare sale ads you will find that Publix consistently has the best sales week after week. Many people also automatically assume that Walmart has the best prices, but most sale prices at a traditional grocery store will beat Walmart’s “everyday low price.” While it has not yet come to my area, I have also heard amazing things about Aldi, so if you are lucky enough to have one in your area, definitely take the time to check it out and compare prices. Because in the end, it is all about the price you pay.

Thus, your goal from now on is to only EVER buy an item when it is at its lowest price. Period.

2. Stockpile, stockpile, stockpile

In order to only ever buy an item at its lowest price, you must buy enough of it while it is on sale to last until it goes on sale again. This is key. Most items go on sale every 6-8 weeks, which means you need to buy enough to last your family that long. If you buy only a weeks worth, you will be forced to pay more the next time you need it because you didn’t buy enough.

Let me make it more clear with an example. Say your family eats 2 boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios every week. The regular price for Honey Nut Cheerios is $4.50 a box, but when you go to the store this week, you see it is on sale for only $1.99 a box–more than 50% off the regular price! Instead of buying only 2 boxes like you normally would for your weekly shopping trip, you buy 12 boxes–enough to last your family for the next 6 weeks at less than half the price you would normally pay.

At first it may seem counterintuitive to be buying more than you normally would instead of less. However, because you are shopping the sales each week, you will be buying a larger quantity of a smaller variety of items, which means your overall grocery bill will still go down. The goal is to build up your own mini-grocery store in your pantry which you can then use to plan your family’s meals.

Remember that a well-varied stockpile does NOT have to take up a whole room of your house, and you do NOT need to accumulate a whole year’s worth of food. Sale cycles generally run about 6-8 weeks, which means your stockpile should contain about 6-8 weeks worth of a nice variety of food. It also means that it will take about 6-8 weeks before you’ve built up a nice varied stockpile and will start to see the most dramatic savings in your grocery bill.

Furthermore, stockpiling does not mean your family has to only eat a diet of processed food. There are plenty of healthy options for stockpiling, including beans, rice, whole grain pastas, whole grain cereals, frozen vegetables, cheese & other dairy products, canned tomatoes, & more.

3. Eat less meat

Going vegetarian just a couple times a week could save you as much as $1,000 a year. Meat costs usually account for a significant portion of people’s grocery bills, so cutting out even a little will make a big difference over time. One of the ways my own family has kept our grocery bill to around $200-300 a month is by eating very little meat and honestly I am shocked at the prices whenever I do buy meat!

I have personally been a vegetarian for almost twenty years, which makes it a little easier for me to come up with creative meat-free meals. However, since the rest of my family is NOT vegetarian, I do make an effort to cook meatless meals that even my meat-loving husband and kids can enjoy.

Here are some of our favorite family-friendly meat-free recipes:

  • Loaded Cream of Potato Soup
  • Skinny Shepherd’s Pie
  • Butternut Squash Lasagna
  • Roasted Veggie Cupcakes
  • Easy Eggplant Parmesan
  • Creamy Dill Vegetable Soup
  • Easy Broccoli Cheese Soup
  • Easy White Bean Chili
  • Easy American Goulash
  • One Pot Pasta With Feta
  • “Meaty” Vegetarian Lasagna
  • Easy Vegetarian Meatloaf

I realize that not everyone wants to become a vegetarian, so when you do buy your chicken, beef, or pork, remember to stick to the principles above–buy only what is on sale, and stock up if it is a great deal. Be sure to also check out these ideas for more great ways to save on meat.

4. Change the way you meal plan

If you normally wing it when it comes to meal planning, running to the store several times a week for last-minute dinner items, this step won’t be as painful as you might think. Instead of running to the store for your dinner supplies you’ll be able to run to your stockpile–a ready-made grocery store right in your own home. You may even find that maintaining a nice, varied stockpile by shopping the sales once a week saves you a whole lot of time, in addition to saving you from the expensive impulse and last-minute buys.

For those of you who normally plan your meals then make your shopping list based on that plan, this adjustment may be a little harder. However, you can still make it work if you get into the habit of planning your meals around what’s on sale and around what items you already have on hand in your stockpile. By minimizing the number of non-sale items you need to buy each week you will find that you can plan your meals in advance and still cut your grocery bill in half.

One great meal-planning resource that I have been really impressed with E-Meals. For as little as $5 a month you can receive a customized weekly meal planbased on your own store’s weekly sale ad. The simple recipes are delicious and family friendly, and although the service isn’t free, it does take a lot of the stress out of trying to plan meals around what’s on sale. They even have a great new app that allows you to get your shopping list, meal plan, & recipes right on your phone or tablet. You can also try it for FREE for two weeks!

5. Learn to match coupons to store sales

It is not by accident that using coupons is the last item on this list and not the first. Coupons can and do save you a ton of money on your grocery bill, but only if you follow these other steps first. When and if you make these changes in the way you shop–getting into the habit of shopping for only what’s on sale, buying enough to last your family 6-8 weeks, eating less meat, and planning your meals around your stockpile and what’s on sale–you will see a dramatic drop in your grocery bill, even without clipping a single coupon.

When you begin to match coupons to the things that are already on sale you will see savings that are even more dramatic–50 to 60% off your grocery bill or more! Doing this consistently, week after week, you can literally cut your grocery bill in half.

Learning to match coupons to store sales is not nearly as confusing or intimidating as it might sound. Two years ago I wrote a very easy-to-follow 8 week series called The Beginner’s Guide to Coupons that has since taught thousands of people how to do it, from the very first step of just getting started to making your first shopping list to building a stockpile. It breaks down the whole process into manageable “baby steps,” complete with assignments to get you going, and it is completely free.

Another great option for those of you who learn by listening, not by reading, is Grocery University. This incredibly comprehensive coupon course includes 2 hours of downloadable audio files that walk you step by step through the process of saving money with coupons. The course also includes a 40 page workbook and a bonus rock bottom price database.

One of the most common complaints I hear about coupons is that they are all for unhealthy processed food. While this is to some degree true, there ARE coupons available for healthier food options too. There are almost always coupons available for things like yogurt, cheese, soy or almond milk, frozen vegetables, oatmeal, coffee & tea, gluten-free foods, cereal, and basic pantry staples such as pasta, canned tomatoes, and rice. There are also plenty of coupons available for non-food items such as shampoo, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, and over-the-counter medicine.

The important thing to remember is that coupons come last, not first. Don’t buy something just because you have a coupon–manufacturer’s count on that! Wait for the sale, then use the coupon. Changing old patterns and shopping habits is never easy, but with these simple changes you really can cut your grocery bill in half.

Just think of what you could do with an extra $75 a week!

Finally, here are the links to the WINK News segments!

You may also love:

  • 15 Things to Buy at Trader Joe’s (and 5 to Avoid)
  • 10 Essential Pantry Staples to Always Keep on Hand

If you love this resource, be sure to check out our digital library of helpful tools and resources for cleaning faster, taking control of your budget, organizing your schedule, and getting food on the table easier than ever before.

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How to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half | Save Money on Food (4)

How to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half | Save Money on Food (2024)


How to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half | Save Money on Food? ›

Learn tricks to cooking on a budget

Tins, and dried foods such as pasta, rice, noodles and oats should feature heavily on your shelves. Replace fresh fish, veg and fruit with frozen. Choosing frozen salmon rather than fresh, as in these salmon and pesto parcels, can save you over 55 percent.

How to make your grocery bill cheaper? ›

11 tips for saving money at the grocery store
  1. Pay with a grocery rewards card. ...
  2. Sign up for the loyalty program. ...
  3. Clip coupons. ...
  4. Join a wholesale club. ...
  5. Go in with a list and stick to it. ...
  6. Buy items on sale. ...
  7. Avoid pre-packaged items. ...
  8. Compare prices between stores.

How can I make my food bill cheaper? ›

Learn tricks to cooking on a budget

Tins, and dried foods such as pasta, rice, noodles and oats should feature heavily on your shelves. Replace fresh fish, veg and fruit with frozen. Choosing frozen salmon rather than fresh, as in these salmon and pesto parcels, can save you over 55 percent.

What is the 6 to 1 grocery method? ›

It involves picking six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one fun item. Not only can it streamline your grocery shopping trip, but it can also help you shop with purpose so that you use your time more efficiently.

How can I halve my food bill? ›

Avoid convenience foods: Pre-packaged convenience foods like frozen meals or individually wrapped snacks tend to be more expensive. Opt for fresh ingredients and prepare your meals from scratch whenever possible. Reduce food waste: Be mindful of food waste by properly storing and using leftovers.

What is a good monthly grocery bill? ›

By Household Size

According to the USDA guidelines, you might spend $979 a month on a thrifty plan, $1,028 on a low-cost plan, $1,252 on a moderate-cost plan and $1,604 on a liberal plan. The USDA guidelines can provide a starting point for a food budget, but they don't consider all the variables that can affect cost.

Is it cheaper to eat out or cook at home? ›

Is It Cheaper to Cook or Eat Out? For those who want a quick and easy answer: It's generally cheaper to cook food at home than eat out.

How to spend $20 a week on food? ›

Jump to:
  1. Use a recipe book or videos.
  2. Plan your meals ahead of time.
  3. Buy own-brand food.
  4. Shop seasonally for fresh food.
  5. Buy cheap fruit and veg from markets and greengrocers.
  6. Buy frozen fruit and vegetables.
  7. Get a loyalty card.
  8. Student recipe books.

What is a reasonable food budget for 2 adults? ›

As the family grows, so does the average grocery spend. Two-person households spent $5,635 in 2022 on groceries, or food at home. That's up from $5,145 in 2021 – a $490 difference, or $254 per person.

How to spend $200 a month on food? ›

These are the top 5 things that I think have made the biggest difference in brining my grocery bill down to $200/month.
  1. Set a budget. ...
  2. Change where you shop. ...
  3. Space apart hauls. ...
  4. Buy staples & protein in bulk or on sale. ...
  5. Have an ingredient household. ...
  6. Buy store brand. ...
  7. Create a list. ...
  8. Meal prep.
Feb 17, 2023

What is the 5 4 3 2 1 rule for grocery shopping? ›

Each number corresponds to a specific food group that you'll purchase for easy, balanced meals every week. Following Coleman's method, you'd buy five different vegetables, four different fruits, three different proteins, two different sauces or spreads, and one grain—plus a special treat for yourself.

What is the 621 grocery method? ›

It's also incredibly simple to execute. The strategy behind this shop is that you buy 6 vegetables, 5 fruits, 4 proteins, 3 starches, 2 sauces/condiments, and 1 fun thing for you to enjoy.

What is 6 5 4 3 2 1 grocery? ›

In a TikTok video that has received nearly 1 million views, Chef Coleman broke down how exactly the 6-to-1 grocery method works. You buy six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one "fun" item for yourself. So it's 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

How do you slash grocery bills? ›

How to Save Money on Groceries
  1. Redefine dinner. ...
  2. Crunch some numbers while you shop. ...
  3. Round up your grocery cost estimates. ...
  4. Raid your pantry. ...
  5. Think before you buy in bulk. ...
  6. Know when to shop. ...
  7. Start freezing and storing meals now. ...
  8. Pay with cash.
Jan 18, 2024

Why is my grocery bill so high? ›

Well, there are a lot of ingredients that make up the recipe for food inflation—including droughts, high production costs and labor shortages. All these things and more affect the number you see on your grocery receipt and restaurant check.

How to cut grocery bill by 90 percent? ›

What's Ahead:
  1. Shop at discount grocery stores like Aldi or Trader Joes.
  2. Compare prices between stores — even if it means driving to a few different ones at first.
  3. Plan your meals for the week based on what's on sale.
  4. Clip coupons and look for discount codes.
  5. Always, always, always eat your leftovers.
Sep 11, 2023

How to only spend $100 a month on groceries? ›

Decide what you'll eat for a week, or even a month, and plan meals based around low-cost staple foods like oats and eggs for breakfast; tuna, peanut butter, cheese and nonfat plain yogurt for lunch; and inexpensive cuts of meat like chicken thighs or flank steak and dried beans and grains like brown rice that you can ...

How can I keep my grocery bill under $30 a week? ›

Before heading to the store, think about all the meals you want to prepare for the week and make a list of the ingredients you'll need for them. Then, when you're actually shopping, stick to the list. No impulse buys! Once you have all the ingredients you need for the week, prepare as many meals in advance as you can.

How can I cut my grocery bill by 90 percent? ›

What's Ahead:
  1. Shop at discount grocery stores like Aldi or Trader Joes.
  2. Compare prices between stores — even if it means driving to a few different ones at first.
  3. Plan your meals for the week based on what's on sale.
  4. Clip coupons and look for discount codes.
  5. Always, always, always eat your leftovers.
Sep 11, 2023

What is a good grocery budget? ›

The average cost of monthly groceries for one adult on the thrifty plan ranges from $242 to $303. And when it comes to a family of four, the average cost for their monthly grocery bill is about $975.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.