How to Become a Digital Nomad: Pros, Cons, and Common Jobs (2024)

Imagine if your office space could be as big as your daydreams. Picture the static hum of a cubicle shifting to the gentle lull of Australian ocean waves or the quiet buzz of a cozy London cafe. This is the life of a digital nomad, a remote work term that’s swiftly become more than a trend.

Digital nomads are people who work virtually from various locations, often around the world. So, one day, you might indeed be working from your home office, but the next might be at a coffee shop, the park, or even from a beach in Mexico. Sounds exciting, right?

This lifestyle could be yours, blending the lines between work, passion, and travel. Whether you want to work full-time or part-time, as an employee or a freelancer, let’s dive into the world of digital nomad jobs and how you can make it fit your personal and professional goals.


FlexJobs is the longtime leader in helping job seekers find the highest-quality remote, work-from-home, hybrid, and flexible jobs. You can sign up for premium-level access to our database of hand-screened job listings, as well as job search and career webinars, and many other great resources! Learn today how FlexJobs can empower your job search!

What Is a Digital Nomad? Definition & Meaning

A digital nomad is a remote worker with the option to live a nomadic lifestyle. Often, that means moving from location to location and staying connected digitally. Digital nomads use technology and communication tools to complete work remotely in order to travel the country or the world.

Some working nomads stay in one location for a while, putting down some roots for a few weeks or a few months before moving on. Some choose to change cities or countries more frequently. They work from coffee shops, hotel rooms, planes, coworking spaces, and even campgrounds.

No matter what your desired setup is, a digital nomad lifestyle relies on a remote job to fund any travel.

Digital Nomad vs Location-Independent

While these two terms may seem interchangeable, there are some differences. A digital nomad has a remote job and is a location-independent worker, but they travel nearly full-time. They have possibly sold their home and live fully on the go.

A location-independent worker typically has a home base with the option to travel with their job, working from different locations on occasion. Their job does not tie them to a specific city, state, or country, but they likely live in one place.

How to Become a Digital Nomad (Step-by-Step)

Launching a digital nomad lifestyle is an exciting journey, but you might not be sure where to begin. To help get your planning started, we’ve outlined a step-by-step road map to transition smoothly into your new work life.

1. Identify if Being a Digital Nomad is Right For You

Think being a digital nomad is your ticket to bliss? It might be. But let’s do some groundwork first. It’s one thing to daydream about beachside laptops, another to thrive without the creature comforts of a fixed office. Reality check: you’ll need to adapt to less—less predictability, less routine—and a bit more self-reliance.

Keep in mind, your vision of traveling may be driven by your vacation experiences. It’s essential to take ownership of the reality that being a digital nomad isn’t a perpetual holiday. Working on the go demands resilience and flexibility beyond the usual 9-to-5. Be honest with yourself as you analyze your digital nomad skills.

Ask yourself:

  • Am I ready to trade stability for adventure?
  • Can I be productive on the move?
  • Am I prepared for challenges, like finding reliable Wi-Fi away from home?

2. Evaluate Skills and Experience

Next up: audit your skills. Being a digital nomad means mastering remote work along with the skills you need for your role. You’ll be managing tasks, hitting deadlines, and syncing with a team spread across time zones. To thrive, you’ll have to move beyond simply getting the job done and learn to excel in a decentralized workplace.

Top-notch communication is nonnegotiable. You’re not down the hall; you’re worlds away, so every message counts. And tech-savviness? That’s your bread and butter. Make sure you can troubleshoot a glitchy video call as smoothly as you navigate a hotel check-in.

3. Break Down Your Finances

Are you asking yourself, “How much do digital nomads make?” Successfully transitioning to a digital nomad life requires a meticulous financial plan. Your digital nomad salary has to include various factors, like whether you’ll maintain housing costs back home. You’ll also want to itemize your projected expenses: lodging, meals, transportation, and consistent internet access are critical.

Determine where your income will be coming from, and ensure you’ve fully analyzed how much digital nomads make in your industry. For example, will it be a regular salary or variable freelance income? Calculate your monthly earnings and measure them against your nomadic living costs.

Dive into research to ensure your financial plan is robust and ready to sustain you. Your budget should be more realistic than optimistic; you need a viable financial blueprint for success.

4. Decide on Destination

Although it might sound fun and carefree to simply throw a dart at the map, that’s not always the best move when you’re launching a nomadic lifestyle. The world may be your office, but not every corner is suited for productivity. Balance wanderlust with Wi-Fi strength, cost of living, and lifestyle.

Prioritize your destination by ranking what matters most. After all, you get to define your own digital nomad meaning and boundaries. Is it fast internet, affordability, or cultural experiences? Not every paradise offers good connectivity, and not every cityscape suits a thrifty budget. Weigh the pros and cons: bustling city or tranquil beach? Each has appeal and drawbacks.

And remember, spontaneity has its place, but so does legality. Before you book your flight, check the visa requirements and digital nomad laws. Research is your ally. Read up on digital nomad visas to ensure your adventure doesn’t turn into a bureaucratic nightmare.

5. Build a Portfolio

Your portfolio is your global business card when you can’t meet in person. It should highlight your best work, not just fill space. Pick projects that showcase your expertise and align well with your long-term career goals. Quality over quantity is your motto here—a handful of standout pieces can make a bigger impact than a volume of mediocre work.

If your portfolio looks sparse, consider boosting it with freelance or personal projects demonstrating your skills and work ethic.Keep your portfolio dynamic, updating it as your experience grows. Ensure that your latest and greatest work takes center stage. Ask a friend, peer, or career mentor to review it to get a new perspective on ways to improve it.

6. Network

Your network is your lifeline, often leading to the best digital nomad jobs or opportunities to grow your professional network by supporting someone else. Engage actively on professional platforms like LinkedIn and join digital nomad communities where you can exchange tips and share opportunities.

Start local, then go global. When possible, attend meetups, workshops, and conferences relevant to your field. Even if you’re in a remote paradise, make an effort to find nearby coworking spaces or networking events. The goal is to build a support system that’s as mobile as your lifestyle.

Don’t underestimate the power of virtual coffees or skill exchanges either. Collaborate or trade expertise with fellow nomads. These connections can open doors to resources and knowledge that are invaluable when you’re a globetrotter. Remember, the strongest networks are built on genuine relationships, not just transactional interactions.

7. Optimize and Simplify Your Lifestyle

The digital nomad life likely means saying yes to simplicity. Start by decluttering—both digitally and physically. Trim down your possessions to the essentials. Ask yourself what you truly need for a productive and comfortable life on the go. Focus on being nimble, with a capsule wardrobe, a lightweight tech setup, and cloud-based solutions for your documents and work.

You never know when political unrest, natural disasters, job loss, or health concerns might require a quick move. Every item in your suitcase should earn its spot. Apply this principle to your digital life too. Organize your files, streamline your apps, and ensure your digital tools enhance—not hinder—your mobility.

Remember, this isn’t just about packing light. It’s a mindset shift. Cutting the clutter isn’t deprivation—it’s about making space for new experiences and adventures. With a lean lifestyle, you become a bit of a tech nomad, and you’re free to focus on what truly matters: your work and the world around you.

8. Research Companies and Apply for Jobs

Launch your job search with a solid strategy. Aim for companies that not only allow remote work but celebrate it. Look for those with a distributed workforce and a culture that aligns with your nomadic lifestyle. These are the environments where you’ll flourish.

Target your search by using job boards tailored to remote work. Then, tap into networks with employers who understand the nomadic way. Look at featured employer lists to get your research started. Tailor your resume to reflect on your ability to work autonomously and your proficiency in digital collaboration tools.

Showcase how your diverse experiences can add value to a global team. In your cover letter, highlight things like flexibility, cross-cultural communication skills, and a proven track record of remote productivity.

10 Best Jobs for Digital Nomads

Not all jobs are created equal. While technology has made it possible to work remotely in nearly any field, there are a few industries where you’ll find the barrier to entry is lower. Consider this list of the best jobs for digital nomadsto start strategizing a career transition.

1. Bilingual Jobs

Navigate the world of languages from your laptop as a bilingual professional. From translation to tutoring, your language skills open doors to diverse roles where communication is key. Bridge language barriers and enhance global connections—all in a day’s work.

2. Chat Jobs

Engage, assist, and connect with customers through real-time customer service roles. As a chat agent, your knack for typing swiftly and managing multiple conversations will be invaluable as you provide instant solutions and a friendly virtual presence to every live chat query that pops up on your screen.


Tackle a variety of tech challenges. Whether it’s system administration or networking, your technical acumen ensures smooth digital operations for businesses far and wide.

4. Data Entry Jobs

Accuracy is your middle name in the world of data. Transform raw data into organized spreadsheets and databases with precision and speed. You might grow your career by becoming a data analyst or even a data scientist. Your detail-oriented approach guarantees the integrity and reliability of information that companies depend on.

5. Editing Jobs

Polish and perfect content from anywhere in the world. Your eagle eye for grammatical detail and proofreading elevates written material to its highest standard. As an editor, you’re the unsung hero behind clear, compelling communication.

6. Graphic Design Jobs

Unleash your creativity as a digital designer. Your ability to convey messages through visual design makes you a vital part of any brand’s storytelling. You can capture attention and imagination from wherever inspiration strikes you.

7. Project Management Jobs

Project management roles require a keen organizational mind that can juggle various tasks and deadlines. You’ll ensure that every project component aligns seamlessly from conception to completion. Adept at coordinating teams and resources, project managers excel in keeping initiatives on track and within budget, even when working remotely.

8. Software Development Jobs

Code your way to a career without borders. Develop innovative software solutions with your Python knowledge, or troubleshoot iOS apps like a pro while enjoying the flexibility of a remote work environment.

9. Virtual Admin Jobs

As a virtual assistant, your role is pivotal in managing the day-to-day administrative tasks that keep businesses humming. From scheduling appointments to managing email inboxes as an executive assistant, your ability to juggle multiple tasks efficiently makes you the backbone of the operation.

10. Writing Jobs

Craft stories, articles, or copy with the power of words from any corner of the world. You might shape the voice of brands as a copywriter or clarify complex concepts as a technical writer. You can connect with readers worldwide with nothing more than your laptop.

Pros and Cons of Being a Digital Nomad

Embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle isn’t just a career choice—it’s a whole new way of life. While the freedom is unparalleled, the challenges are real. Here’s what to consider before you pack up and take your job on the road.

Pro 1: Experience Different Cultures

The richness of diverse cultures awaits you. If the idea of integrating into varying cultural landscapes energizes you, this lifestyle can be fulfilling. It’s a chance to immerse yourself in new traditions, languages, and perspectives—enriching both your personal growth and professional adaptability.

Pro 2: Freedom to Work From Anywhere

Imagine swapping your cubicle for a cafe in France or a hammock in Bali. The world becomes your office, offering a flexible lifestyle that’s tailored to your rhythm and preferences. Not only that, but you have the freedom to change locations as your interests evolve. In the future, you might end up in a location you haven’t even heard of at this point.

Pro 3: Global Brand Awareness

As a digital nomad, your personal brand isn’t confined to local markets. You have the unique opportunity to expand your professional footprint across continents, establishing a diverse and globally recognized brand identity.

Pro 4: Less Stressful Work Environment

Leave the office stress behind. The absence of a daily commute, coupled with the autonomy to create your ideal workspace, can lead to heightened productivity and well-being. Embrace the tranquility that comes from working in your chosen environment, be it a serene beachfront, a quiet mountain retreat, or your elderly parents’ spare room.

Pro 5: Simplified Lifestyle

Traveling to new cities and countries means you’ll be limited in what you can bring with you. Many digital nomads sell their homes and many of their possessions in order to live a simpler life and travel more easily. You’ll likely feel more freedom without the weight of your everyday belongings.

Pro 6: Worldwide Network

Connect with like-minded professionals from every corner of the globe. Your network will become as international as your travels, future-proofing your career with cross-cultural collaborations and opportunities.

Con 1: Internet Connection Problems

We all know that hot spots and cafe Wi-Fi connections aren’t always the most reliable or most secure. There may be times when you can’t get connected and you have to considerpublic Wi-Fi. Plan for internet problems, and have a backup for your backup plan.

Con 2: Loneliness

Like all remote employees, digital nomadic workers may find themselves grappling with isolation. But your ability to connect with your peers may be even more limited, if not completely nonexistent. Be realistic about this as a significant factor in how you’ll support your mental health and where you’ll find others to connect with while you’re traveling.

Con 3: Potential Unstable Income

Unlike the steady paycheck you might be accustomed to, the income stream for nomads can be as unpredictable as the travel itinerary. To mitigate this, a sound financial strategy and a diversified income are essential. Brace yourself for the ebb and flow of freelance gigs or part-time projects, and plan your budget with a conservative estimate of income.

Con 4: Tax Complications

Taxes can be a web of complexity for digital nomads, with obligations both in your home country and potentially in the countries where you work. Understanding your taxes and fiscal responsibilities is crucial to avoid penalties. It’s smart to consult with a tax professional specializing in expatriate taxes to ensure you’re not caught off guard.

Con 5: Time Zone Issues

Time zone differences might require you to work at night or in the early morning. It could mean your 3 p.m. deadline or meeting is actually in the middle of the night if you’re in a different country than your employer. Have a clear understanding of how different time zones affect when and how you meet your work obligations, and how to set boundaries with coworkers or clients.

Con 6: Visa Requirements

Dream destinations come with their own set of rules—visa regulations can be a complex maze for digital nomads. Navigating each country’s legalities is critical to ensure you’re working lawfully. Familiarize yourself with visa processes and work permits, and stay ahead of the game by keeping tabs on any policy changes. Don’t forget to research any of your alternative destinations as well.

Using FlexJobs for Your Digital Nomad Lifestyle

The digital nomad lifestyle isn’t just a dream—it’s an attainable reality today. If you’re ready to work and wander, FlexJobs provides resources and job listings to get you started on a global journey that can combine your professional and personal goals into one seamless lifestyle.

How to Become a Digital Nomad: Pros, Cons, and Common Jobs (2024)


How do you become a digital nomad? ›

Take a look at what it's like to live as a digital nomad in Peyton's vlog below!
  1. Identify your skill sets & strengthen them. ...
  2. Build a portfolio & start searching job boards. ...
  3. Start networking. ...
  4. Start simplifying your lifestyle. ...
  5. Build your savings. ...
  6. Determine your budget & decide on your locations. ...
  7. Get travelers insurance.

How to become a nomad with no experience? ›

20 Steps to becoming a digital nomad (no experience needed)
  1. Step #1: Figure out why you want to be a nomad. ...
  2. Step #2: Identify the skills you need (and strengthen them) ...
  3. Step #3: Research the job market. ...
  4. Step #4: Establish a reliable remote income. ...
  5. Step #5: Save up (a lot) ...
  6. Step #6: Do research.

What are the pros and cons of being a nomad? ›

Pros and Cons of Nomadic Lifestyle
Freedom and flexibilityConstant goodbyes
New experiencesUncertainty
It can be affordableFeeling rootless
You learn about yourselfIt can be isolating
2 more rows
Mar 15, 2024

How do I become a digital nomad and work remotely? ›

Follow the steps below to become a digital nomad and work from anywhere in the world:
  1. Establish yourself in a remote career. ...
  2. Move into self-employment. ...
  3. Make contacts and earn clients. ...
  4. Equip yourself to work as a nomad. ...
  5. Learn how to market yourself online. ...
  6. Plan your nomadic lifestyle. ...
  7. Start travelling.
Sep 6, 2023

Is 30 too old to be digital nomad? ›

Although you might think digital nomads are all Generation Z, the reality is that you can become a digital nomad at any age, in your 30s, 40s or beyond. Even better, you have some big advantages that younger people don't enjoy — and that can get your remote working lifestyle off to a great start.

What is a digital nomad's salary? ›

Digital nomad designers can earn an average salary between $50,000 and $80,000 per year, depending on their expertise and the type of design work they specialize in. Graphic design, UI/UX design, and web design are some popular design roles offering opportunities for remote work and competitive salaries.

What is the most common digital nomad job? ›

10 Best Jobs for Digital Nomads
  • Computer & IT Jobs. ...
  • Data Entry Jobs. ...
  • Editing Jobs. ...
  • Graphic Design Jobs. ...
  • Project Management Jobs. ...
  • Software Development Jobs. ...
  • Virtual Admin Jobs. ...
  • Writing Jobs. Craft stories, articles, or copy with the power of words from any corner of the world.

Where is the easiest place to be a digital nomad? ›

3. What is the easiest country to be a digital nomad?
  • Portugal has affordable living, a welcoming digital nomad visa, and also excellent internet infrastructure.
  • Georgia offers a one-year visa-free stay for many nationalities, besides a low cost of living and a growing digital nomad community.
Mar 5, 2024

What is the income requirement for digital nomad? ›

Most digital nomad visas have a minimum monthly or yearly income requirement to maintain visa status. The average minimum monthly income requirement is between $2,000 and $3,500. Some countries allow investment in local businesses or deposits in local bank accounts in place of the minimum income requirement.

What are the negatives of digital nomads? ›

Disadvantages of being a digital nomad in 2024 include potential internet outages, slow speeds, and limited access in certain regions, hindering productivity and causing frustration. Visa and Legal Considerations: Navigating visa requirements and work permits for different countries can be complex and time-consuming.

Is it realistic to be a digital nomad? ›

Working remotely can be isolating. The digital nomad lifestyle can be even more lonely when you are away from everyone you know. With no boss in sight, it can be hard to motivate yourself. To be a digital nomad, self-discipline is crucial, especially with the temptation of beautiful scenery and adventure.

What is the daily life of a nomad? ›

A nomad constantly changes locations, switching from one place to another. Most nomads have some kind of place that they can call home, which is usually where their family or childhood friends are located, but they wouldn't spend more than a few months a year there. Nor would they settle down in a new home.

How can I become a digital nomad with no experience? ›

The key to becoming a digital nomad with no experience is to start small. Don't quit your current job and jump right into learning these new skills for your new digital nomad job. Instead, create a plan or schedule to acquire certain skills by a specific date. Spend an hour after work attending an online course.

How do you train to be a digital nomad? ›

How to become a digital nomad
  1. Identify your current skills. ...
  2. Gain the right transferable skills. ...
  3. Consider freelancing. ...
  4. Consider taking classes online. ...
  5. Reduce expenses and possessions. ...
  6. Earn a passive income. ...
  7. Find a remote job or start a business. ...
  8. Choose your first destination.
Jun 13, 2023

How do digital nomads pay taxes? ›

Do Digital Nomads Have to Pay US Taxes? Yes, American digital nomads are required to file a US Federal Tax Return if they make over the minimum filing requirement—no matter where they live and if they're working remotely. The US is one of the few countries in the world that uses a citizenship-based tax system.

Who qualifies as a digital nomad? ›

A digital nomad has a remote job and is a location-independent worker, but they travel nearly full-time. They have possibly sold their home and live fully on the go. A location-independent worker typically has a home base with the option to travel with their job, working from different locations on occasion.

Do digital nomads make money? ›

If you want to know how to make money as a digital nomad, you can look into jobs like developer, copywriter, data analyst, translator, graphic designer, or many others. Maybe the position you are in right now could be a good fit.

Is it difficult to become a digital nomad? ›

Working remotely can be isolating. The digital nomad lifestyle can be even more lonely when you are away from everyone you know. With no boss in sight, it can be hard to motivate yourself. To be a digital nomad, self-discipline is crucial, especially with the temptation of beautiful scenery and adventure.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.