How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2024 (2024)

Jobs Abroad

Dreaming of working wherever and whenever you want? Consider becoming a digital nomad! Read on to learn more about what it means to be a digital nomad and how to become one yourself in 2024.

How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2024 (1)

By Ashley Williams

Published November 21, 2023

Who here hasn't dreamed of, or at least thought about once or twice, the possibility to work and live where you want? I think everybody has at least a few times, right?

Working as a digital nomad is an exciting lifestyle to live. The idea that you can work from anywhere globally, as long as you have a stable internet connection and a laptop, sounds like a dream to many. You'll be happy to know that this dream is actually attainable with the right planning.

What is a digital nomad?

Generally speaking, a digital nomad is someone who works remotely, giving them the freedom to live anywhere in the world. This term can be applied to anyone who has an online job that allows them to work remotely. Hence, it's not a specific job title like accountant or content writer. They’re not tied to one place, and they can work from anywhere as long as they have wifi.

Read more: Expat vs. Digital Nomad: Which is Right for you?

Pros of being a digital nomad

Being a digital nomad comes with quite a few perks. Here are some of the most notable:

  • Location independence: you'll have the freedom of working from anywhere and can travel in between destinations
  • Opportunities to meet new people: especially if you stay in hostels or coliving spaces
  • Exposure to different cultures: every destination means new food, music, people, and heritage to learn about
  • Affordability: possibility of saving more money in a place with a more affordable cost of living than the US

Cons of digital nomad life

However, you should consider a few things before you quit your job and book the first flight out of town – becoming a digital nomad is no easy feat.

Some potential challenges of living abroad as a digital nomad include:

  • No guaranteed, stable income: with the digital nomad lifestyle (and often with freelancing in general), you may experience uncertainty in your work and pay.
  • Difficulty navigating visas: visa processes vary from country to country. Some popular digital nomad countries have easy online applications, while others require you to apply at the local consulate in your home country.
  • Tax complications: we encourage international individuals to read up on IRS tax laws and consult a tax professional concerning earning their income outside of the US.
  • It can sometimes be lonely: you may feel like you're missing out on things back home that are happening with friends and family. It can also be difficult not having coworkers you can see in person.
  • It’s hard work: planning out your travels, handling work logistics, and even learning a new language can be challenging (but well worth it!).

Take a look at what it's like to live as a digital nomad in Peyton's vlog below!

1. Identify your skill sets & strengthen them

To be successful as a digital nomad in 2024, it will be necessary to first identify the skills you currently possess and which skills are in demand among small organizations. Next, make a plan to strengthen your most marketable skills by signing up for courses or organizing shadowing experiences that allow you to learn from industry professionals.

Essential skills needed to be a digital nomad:

  • Self-discipline
  • Organization
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills
  • Marketing & sales skills
  • Ability to budget and manage finances
  • Knowledge of popular software (Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace)

Gain new skills

Suppose you don’t have skills that can potentially be turned into freelance earnings. In that case, another option is to invest in yourself by taking an online course on Skillshare, Udemy, or FutureLearn and then use those skills for lucrative remote work possibilities.

Use what you already know and promote yourself with confidence! Are you a people person? Do you know everyone in the world? Maybe look into becoming a social media manager! Or perhaps the thought of coding gives you hives. Whatever your skill set may be, focus on that and really hone in on what makes YOU unique and sellable.

2. Build a portfolio & start searching job boards

Building a portfolio and searching for your first few gigs can seem intimidating, but breaking it down into actionable steps isn't as overwhelming.

Build a portfolio

As a freelance digital nomad, it’s essential to have a portfolio. Some sites to use are Squarespace and Wix, which allow you to create professional-looking websites where potential clients can see your skills and experience. If you don’t have anything to put on your site yet, create your own projects, such as logos or graphics that represent the type of work you would be excited to work on with future clients.

These platforms help build a website, and they're relatively inexpensive. A good portfolio website will show off your best work, be optimized for SEO (search engine optimization), and include an "about me" page that tells potential clients why they should hire you (this is where you'll want to have testimonials).

Turn to job boards

Once you’ve got the right skill set and mindset to become a successful digital nomad, remote workers have tons of opportunities to create their own business or find jobs on websites like Remote OK, and We Work Remotely.

There are also global freelancer job boards like Upwork, where you can find freelance writing gigs, and Fiverr, where you can find graphic design gigs. On the Go Overseas job board, you can find online teaching and other jobs abroad!

3. Start networking

How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2024 (2)

It takes time to build relationships with other companies and people involved within your industry — so the earlier you start, the better. Reach out to other professionals in the digital nomad space or your specific industry. If you’re a freelance creative, note different publications that might be a good fit for your work. It’s worth considering joining a professional association if available for your industry.

If there's someone prominent or influential in your industry that could help boost your career even further, try reaching out! Attending webinars or in-person workshops in your industry is an excellent way to network while learning how to accelerate your skills and gain industry knowledge.

Also, don't forget to ask clients or colleagues for referrals or recommendations when you’ve finished working for or with them! This helps your future clients have a testimonial for your previous work. You can showcase these glowing reviews on your website.

Join a digital nomad community

If you've ever heard the expression, "you're the average of the five people you spend the most time around," – this step will be a tremendous first-hand example. Joining groups with like-minded people, whether online or in person, will help inspire you to pursue your goal of becoming a digital nomad.

Not only will a community of nomads push you to become one yourself, but making connections and friendships within these groups can be beneficial in finding your community when you're traveling and working abroad.

There are great community-based digital nomad sites like Work Wanderers and amazingly supportive Facebook groups such as Nomadbase and Digital Nomads Around The World.

Don't forget to check out co-working spaces like Selina when you arrive at your location as well – they tend to be filled with other remote workers and travelers!

4. Start simplifying your lifestyle

While many people have the idea that traveling around the world while working from their laptops is glamorous, the truth can be far from it. In fact, you'll leave 90% of the stuff you own behind.

If that's not a factor that'll deter you and you're ready to commit, you'll need to minimize the amount of stuff you own. However be warned: ridding yourself of all of your worldly possessions can be highly therapeutic and, for many nomads, addicting. For things that are impossible to part with, look into getting a storage unit - that is if you're willing to pay the monthly fee.

5. Build your savings

Like any big move, building safety-net savings before leaping is good. This doesn't need to be a substantial lump sum. Be wary of postponing the start of your digital nomad life by waiting to feel fully prepared. But having savings to sustain yourself from three to six months without work is a solid start. This will ensure any emergencies or unexpected expenses that may come up during your trip (e.g., medical bills, flight delays, or cancellations).

Regardless of where you go and how crazy your work schedule is, you need an idea of how much money is required to survive while on the road and what steps should be taken to build up savings.

6. Determine your budget & decide on your locations

How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2024 (3)

You will need a location that works with the amount of income you’re making, so consider your job and its prospects for growth. Adopt a budget-minded mindset before you hit the road. If you pick a major city with a meager salary, it won't be sustainable in the long run. The most important thing is to choose an affordable place.

Next, consider the quality of living in each place you’re interested in. Fast internet connection is a usual necessity for many digital nomads. Some prefer a more social atmosphere, while others look for a location that ranks well in safety. What makes sense for someone else might not make sense for you, so don't feel pressured into anything that doesn’t fit your lifestyle goals or budget.

Luckily, there are many destinations worldwide with a lower cost of living than in the US. Often times these locations have excellent transportation systems and infrastructure, making it easier to afford a nomadic lifestyle by saving money on gas and car payments.

An excellent resource to check out to help you determine the best locations to suit your budget and income is

Read more: 10 Best Countries for Digital Nomads - Grab Your Visa and Go!

7. Get travelers insurance

Next on the checklist is getting travelers' insurance. You want to make sure you have health insurance, travel insurance, life insurance, and if you’re going to be driving a car around, some sort of car insurance. Depending on where you go, there may not be certain types of coverage available in your country.

It's essential to consider which insurances you'll want to sign up for. There are different types of insurance to consider, too. For example, many countries require health insurance if you visit for an extended period. Top-rated travel medical insurance for digital nomads includes SafetyWing, World Nomads, and IMG Global.

8. Optimize your digital workflow

We suggest exploring some of these digital services so that you can keep your workflow optimized and life organized while on the road.

Payment methods and banks

You’ll need to know how to get paid when working remotely. Bank transfers, Payoneer, PayPal, and Wise, are the most common payment methods. Most of these options allow you to withdraw your funds easily — though some will charge you more than others.

A business bank account is also essential for doing business online. It's easy to open one up with most banks, and it will give you better benefits than a personal bank account.
Get yourself a business credit card as well—they often offer more rewards than regular credit cards, allowing you to earn miles and points that can be used toward free travel or other perks down the road.


Virtual private networks (VPNs), such as NordVPN, are necessary for digital nomads. These services allow you to keep all your internet traffic encrypted. So, for example, while connecting to a public Wi-Fi network at a cafe in Paris, your banking information will still be secure and private.

Virtual Mailbox

If you don’t have a permanent address in the U.S., consider getting a virtual mailbox like Anytime Mailbox or Post Scan Mail that allows you to view and manage your mail anywhere.

Accounting Software

For tax purposes, it's crucial to track every expense associated with your new lifestyle and any income generated from freelancing gigs or other projects, so use accounting software like QuickBooks or Mint for this purpose (or even Excel).

9. Collect the necessary documents

How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2024 (4)

Get your documents in order. As a digital nomad, you’ll be away from home for an extended period of time. But before you can leave, it’s essential to gather all your documents and make copies of everything. So if your passport, credit cards, or any other important information gets lost or stolen, you’ll have copies available.

Documents you'll need:

  • Passport: be sure to have at least a 6-month validity on your passport.
  • Any necessary visas or travel permits: for visiting your intended country/countries
  • Driver’s license: you will use this as a form of identification once you arrive in your new country. If you plan on driving while abroad, consider obtaining an international driver’s permit before you set off on your adventure.
  • Social security card
  • Medical records: to help expedite any potential medical procedures needed while abroad
  • Insurance documents: including health, flight coverage, and other areas you deem relevant to your personal situation.

It is also essential to call your insurance providers and alert them of your international travels to help you with any concerns while abroad.

Explore Go Overseas’ digital nomad essentials

Here at Go Overseas, we love digital nomads! To support your globetrotting lifestyle, we've partnered with a range of major companies to provide you with discounts on things like travel insurance, accommodation, and more. Check out our digital nomad essentials to stock up on everything you need!

Is the digital nomad lifestyle right for you?

Digital nomads are changing the world around them in incredible ways by injecting creativity, empathy, and new skills into evolving industries. Be prepared for challenges if you decide to join the ranks of location-independent workers but know that your hard work will be worth it.

If you have been hesitant about taking your work overseas, now is a great time to make it happen! You can even search for your dream job abroad by exploring our global job board.

Not ready to launch your digital nomad career? Consider teaching, studying, or interning abroad to get your feet wet!

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How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2024 (2024)


How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2024? ›

Land a digital nomad job

You can go the LinkedIn route, make use of some connections, and do more networking. Depending on your field of activity, you may even look at local businesses — local to the place you want to go. Maybe your skills could come in handy to them, thus allowing you to build an enterprise.

How to be a digital nomad in 2024? ›

Land a digital nomad job

You can go the LinkedIn route, make use of some connections, and do more networking. Depending on your field of activity, you may even look at local businesses — local to the place you want to go. Maybe your skills could come in handy to them, thus allowing you to build an enterprise.

How to get started as a digital nomad? ›

Optimize and Simplify Your Lifestyle

The digital nomad life likely means saying yes to simplicity. Start by decluttering—both digitally and physically. Trim down your possessions to the essentials. Ask yourself what you truly need for a productive and comfortable life on the go.

Is 30 too old to be digital nomad? ›

Although you might think digital nomads are all Generation Z, the reality is that you can become a digital nomad at any age, in your 30s, 40s or beyond. Even better, you have some big advantages that younger people don't enjoy — and that can get your remote working lifestyle off to a great start.

How long does it take to become a digital nomad? ›

The road to becoming a nomad is often different for each individual. Some people stumble into it while others prepare for months (or even years). If you're the type of person who likes to be prepared, you'll be happy to hear that we have a whole list of steps you need to take to become a digital nomad.

What is the future of the digital nomad? ›

According to a recent report by MBO Partners, one billion people worldwide will be classified as digital nomads by 2023. This doesn't necessarily mean people traveling full-time, moving from country to country or city to city every few months.

What is the most common digital nomad job? ›

Virtual admin roles are some of the most accessible digital nomad jobs for beginners. In this role, you might find yourself managing email as an executive assistant, handling calendar coordination for a remote team, or any number of other administrative assistant tasks.

What is the downside of being a digital nomad? ›

Being a digital nomad has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of the cons will look like income insecurity, loneliness and lack of structure in your work and daily life. But for me, the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

Where is the easiest place to be a digital nomad? ›

3. What is the easiest country to be a digital nomad?
  • Portugal has affordable living, a welcoming digital nomad visa, and also excellent internet infrastructure.
  • Georgia offers a one-year visa-free stay for many nationalities, besides a low cost of living and a growing digital nomad community.
Mar 5, 2024

Who qualifies as a digital nomad? ›

Generally speaking, a digital nomad is someone who works remotely, giving them the freedom to live anywhere in the world. This term can be applied to anyone who has an online job that allows them to work remotely.

What is the income requirement for digital nomad? ›

Most digital nomad visas have a minimum monthly or yearly income requirement to maintain visa status. The average minimum monthly income requirement is between $2,000 and $3,500. Some countries allow investment in local businesses or deposits in local bank accounts in place of the minimum income requirement.

What is the average income of a digital nomad? ›

Digital nomad designers can earn an average salary between $50,000 and $80,000 per year, depending on their expertise and the type of design work they specialize in.

How to be a digital nomad with no skills? ›

The key to becoming a digital nomad with no experience is to start small. Don't quit your current job and jump right into learning these new skills for your new digital nomad job. Instead, create a plan or schedule to acquire certain skills by a specific date. Spend an hour after work attending an online course.

How much does it cost to be a digital nomad monthly? ›

You're likely looking at a minimum of $1,000 USD per month if you're a backpacker in South East Asia to well over $5,000 USD in Western Europe for a family of four. Keep in mind, that these are ballpark figures. The true digital nomad costs for essentials could be less or more depending on your choices and needs.

How do digital nomads get paid? ›

To create digital nomad passive income, you can start different businesses, affiliate websites, hire other people to work for you, sell courses, invest money, and a lot of other things that will accumulate income for you, which you don't have to actively work for.

Are digital nomads wealthy? ›

While there are some very wealthy digital nomads out there, you don't have to earn a million dollars or even $100,000 per year to become a digital nomad.

How do taxes work for digital nomads? ›

Do Digital Nomads Have to Pay US Taxes? Yes, American digital nomads are required to file a US Federal Tax Return if they make over the minimum filing requirement—no matter where they live and if they're working remotely. The US is one of the few countries in the world that uses a citizenship-based tax system.

What is the digital nomad lifestyle in 2024? ›

In the ever-changing world of 2024, the digital nomad lifestyle continues to appeal to people who want freedom, flexibility, and the opportunity to see the world while making a living. Imagine working to the sound of waves in Bali or in a high-rise apartment with vertiginous views of city skylines in Sydney.

How many Americans are digital nomads? ›

America has the largest population of digital nomads, with 17 million in total. 90% of digital nomads have received a higher education.

How old is the average digital nomad? ›

Digital nomads are predominantly young and male. According to data from the tens of thousands of Nomad List members presented in The 2024 State of Digital Nomads report, most digital nomads are young people aged between 23 and 44, with the highest percentage of digital nomads being 35 years old (8%).

What qualifications do you need to be a digital nomad? ›

Essential skills needed to be a digital nomad:
  • Self-discipline.
  • Organization.
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills.
  • Marketing & sales skills.
  • Ability to budget and manage finances.
  • Knowledge of popular software (Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace)

How much do you need to make to be a digital nomad? ›

How much do I need to make to be a digital nomad? It depends on the area you are traveling to and your lifestyle, but the average monthly spending of a digital nomad is between $1000 and $2000. Make sure that your digital nomad salary is at least this amount so you can live comfortably.

What is the average age of a digital nomad? ›

Digital nomads are predominantly young and male. According to data from the tens of thousands of Nomad List members presented in The 2024 State of Digital Nomads report, most digital nomads are young people aged between 23 and 44, with the highest percentage of digital nomads being 35 years old (8%).

Can you legally be a digital nomad? ›

I'm here to tell you otherwise. Being a digital nomad is completely legal! Before we dive into why being a digital nomad is legal and bust those myths you've heard about them, let's define what a digital nomad is. A digital nomad is someone who works remotely and travels the world.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.