How Long Should I Wait to Text My Ex-Girlfriend? (2024)

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1When should you text your ex-girlfriend?

2When should you not text your ex-girlfriend?

3Signs You're Ready to Text Your Ex

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Co-authored byJohn Keeganand Glenn Carreau

Last Updated: September 18, 2023References

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After a breakup, texting your ex-girlfriend can give you closure or even lead to a reunion—but when should you try to contact her? The key to texting an ex is giving yourself (and her) enough time to heal from the breakup. In this article, we'll help you recognize when you're ready to reconnect with your ex and make a plan for texting her! Read on to learn exactly how long you should wait before texting your ex-girlfriend.

Section 1 of 3:

When should you text your ex-girlfriend?

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  1. 1

    For a typical breakup, wait at least 30 days to text your ex-girlfriend. According to the famous no contact rule, 30 days is enough time for both of you to get in a better headspace and healthily process your feelings. Plus, when you draw boundaries and give her space to miss you, your ex will start remembering the good times you had together.

    • Sometimes, running into your ex is unavoidable. You might be in the same class or work together. In those cases, try to avoid any long and emotional conversations.
    • If you see your ex during the no-contact period, you don't need to be rude or run away. Acknowledge her and be friendly, keeping all conversation brief and light-hearted.[1]
  2. 2

    After a messy breakup, wait 6 weeks before texting. You and your ex-girlfriend will probably need more time to work through your feelings for longer relationships and more difficult breakups. However, most no-contact periods shouldn't go for longer than 45 days unless you and your ex agree to wait—otherwise, she might move on a little more than you want her to.

    • Spend that time healing and treating yourself with compassion. Regardless of your part in the breakup, you don't need to punish yourself. Practice mindfulness and work to understand your own emotions instead.[2]


  3. 3

    Hold off on texting until a birthday or holiday after no contact. Look for a special occasion at the end of the no contact period—or the soonest holiday if you've already passed the typical no contact period—and wait to text your ex-girlfriend then. A birthday makes a great excuse to pick up the phone and drop her a quick "thinking of you" text, but you can also do this for any holiday she's fond of.

    • It's best to do this if the breakup was mainly on fair terms. A cheerful "Happy birthday!" might seem out of place if your last interaction was a big fight.
  4. 4

    Wait 4-6 weeks after the breakup for your ex to text you first. If you're nervous or unsure about whether your ex-girlfriend wants to hear from you, you could wait for her to text you. That way, you'll know for sure she's ready to talk. Of course, this isn't a perfect solution—if you know that she's shy too, you might have to take the initiative anyway after the no contact period ends.

    • Even if you decide to give your ex a chance to text first, keep track of the amount of time that passes. If it's been more than a couple of months, consider taking the plunge and texting her first.[3]
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Section 2 of 3:

When should you not text your ex-girlfriend?

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  1. 1

    You shouldn't text her right after the breakup. Going through a breakup is upsetting and confusing, but trying to talk to your ex-girlfriend immediately afterward will only add to the turmoil. The amount of time you'll both need to process the breakup is subjective, but anybody should take at least a few days to gather their thoughts before having a productive conversation with an ex.

  2. 2

    When your ex starts dating again, it's probably time to let her go. It can be tempting to text an ex-girlfriend if you hear that she has a new significant other, but it's not helpful for either of you. Instead, you can use your ex's new relationship as fuel to let go and move on with your life. It's easier to heal once you accept that the relationship is really over between you.[4]

    • Exes can still be friends, but even that can be awkward when she's starting a new romance at the same time. Either reach out before she starts dating again or wait until her next relationship is firmly established to text her.
  3. 3

    Try not to text her after 8 PM, as it can send the wrong message. Your ex might think you're just trying to get a booty call if you send late-night texts. The best time to text her is early evening—after work but before 8 PM. If you text later, make your intentions clear and set up a friendly conversation that won't be mistaken for something suggestive.

    • Send your ex a simple and easy "How was your day?" or "How have you been?"
    • Extra context can also help to show her you're not trying to start anything. You could explain that you're just finishing dinner or got home after a night out and saw something that made you think of her.
  4. 4

    If you had a toxic relationship, it might be best to drop contact for good. Time tends to make you forget all the bad aspects of a relationship and only remember the best parts. However, remember that if your relationship was unhealthy, you are not obligated to reconnect with your ex-girlfriend. You're free to move on and look forward to brighter, happier relationships in the future![5]

    • For example, if your girlfriend was controlling or emotionally manipulative, it's best to leave the relationship in the past.
    • If you decide you don't want to reconnect or be friends with her, try blocking her number for a clean break.
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Section 3 of 3:

Signs You're Ready to Text Your Ex

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  1. 1

    Neither of you is angry anymore. The point of texting her is to reforge that connection, not throw insults. You and your ex-girlfriend will need to process any hurt feelings before texting. If you can take stock of your emotions and realize that you're not holding onto any anger or resentment, it might be time to text her.[6]

    • It's hard to tell how someone feels over text, so take cues from your ex as best you can.
    • If she texts back and seems open to a discussion, keep going. If she asks you not to text for a while, respect her wish—she could still be upset and need time.
  2. 2

    You don't feel lonely or desperate. It's easy to start missing your ex and want her to miss you too, but the best way to make her take notice of you is simply to live your life. Text her when you feel ready to draw healthy boundaries, and you have enough self-esteem to know that you want her in your life, but you don't need her to be happy. If you need to get your mind off of your ex in the meantime, there's a lot you can do!

    • Work out, or try some other form of staying active like hiking, swimming, or team sports.
    • Spend time with friends and family. Good support systems are the key to healing from a breakup!
    • Take a trip if you can—even a weekend getaway or a low-budget road trip. A change of scenery can be extremely helpful.
  3. 3

    You have a good reason for wanting to text her. Before you re-establish contact with your ex-girlfriend, you should take the time to think about why you want to text her so badly. It's important to make sure you're not texting on an emotional whim! Ask yourself a few key questions to be prepared when you reach out to your ex-girlfriend.

    • How will you start the conversation?
    • What do you want to gain from texting her?
    • Is this something your ex might want, or is it only for your benefit?
    • Could this make things worse between you?
  4. 4

    You're ready to apologize. If you mishandled the breakup or did something that caused your ex to break things off, you may owe her an apology. A proper apology has several parts: admitting what you did wrong, acknowledging your ex's feelings, and sharing your intentions to fix the problem.[7]

    • "I'm sorry that I didn't open up to you when we dated. I know you felt lonely, and I regret that I wasn't more emotionally vulnerable. Since we've been apart, I've been talking to someone about my issues and figuring out how to get past them."
  5. 5

    You want closure. Sometimes, texting your ex-girlfriend isn't about getting back together. You might regret how things ended, and clearing the air can be an important part of moving on. Give her a text when you feel ready to be totally honest, share your feelings with her, and listen to her in turn.

    • Getting closure is best done on a phone call or in person. Send a text to get her attention, but save the soul-searching for a verbal conversation!
  6. 6

    You've spent 30 days apart and want to get back together. The best time to try and get back together with your ex-girlfriend is directly after the no contact period ends. You'll know that you're truly ready to text her about getting back together if you've spent the no contact period figuring out what went wrong in the relationship and what you can do in the future to address those problems.[8]

    • Keep in mind that a discussion about getting back together is best had in person. Text your ex to invite her for a coffee or a walk in the park so you can talk.
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Win Your Ex Back with This Expert Series

Sometimes a breakup really just means one or both people need some space. If you want to get back together with your ex, this expert series will help get them (and make them want you) back.

1Get a Guy Back from Another Girl2Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back3Win a Guy Back After Being Dumped4Get Your Ex Back5Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back6Make Him Want You Back

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      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about exes, check out our in-depth interview with John Keegan.

      About This Article

      How Long Should I Wait to Text My Ex-Girlfriend? (41)

      Co-authored by:

      John Keegan

      Dating Coach

      This article was co-authored by John Keegan and by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health. This article has been viewed 250,971 times.

      33 votes - 70%

      Co-authors: 7

      Updated: September 18, 2023


      Categories: Managing Conflict and Difficult Interactions | Breaking Up

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      How Long Should I Wait to Text My Ex-Girlfriend? (2024)


      How Long Should I Wait to Text My Ex-Girlfriend? ›

      For a typical breakup, wait at least 30 days to text your ex-girlfriend. According to the famous no contact rule, 30 days is enough time for both of you to get in a better headspace and healthily process your feelings.

      Should I reach out to my ex for answers? ›

      If you experienced a respectful, mutual parting, talking to your ex may be a healthy choice. If it was a separation due to abuse, unhealthy patterns, or painful emotions, it might not be the best idea to text your ex or contact them in any way.

      Should I reply to my ex immediately? ›

      When you get a random text from your ex, it can bring up a lot of emotions. Replying to a text or a call too quickly can be a bad thing—if you haven't thought things through yet, you might end up saying something that you regret. Always give yourself time (an hour is good) to pause when an ex reaches out.

      What does your ex think when you don't reply? ›

      He could feel angry or upset.

      He might think you're being rude or fake, and may even try to confront you about it or get a rebound girlfriend in response. Anger usually gives way to remorse after a few days or weeks and is a normal response to breakups or the silent treatment.

      Is it worth replying to an ex? ›

      Plenty of people think that sending an "I'm thinking of you" text or following up to see how an ex is faring is helpful as they grieve—or might even be a positive step towards closure. But it's important to remember that closure is about you—not your ex—so texting him or her to say your piece may or may not be helpful.

      How do you know if your ex is not coming back? ›

      How to Recognize When Your Ex Won't Come Back, and How to Move On
      • 1 They found someone else.
      • 2 They're enjoying their life.
      • 3 They're reinventing themselves.
      • 4 They don't want to be friends.
      • 5 They block you.
      • 6 They deleted all your photos together.
      • 7 They physically avoid you.
      • 8 They act cold toward you.

      How long after a breakup to reach out? ›

      So, to be hyper specific we believe you shouldn't contact your ex until after you've completed a no contact rule of at least 21 to 45 days. If it's not been 21 days yet then don't reach out. If it's longer than 45 days then it's time to reach out assuming you've got the rest of the COOL acronym covered.

      How long to wait to respond to an ex? ›

      For a typical breakup, wait at least 30 days to text your ex-girlfriend. According to the famous no contact rule, 30 days is enough time for both of you to get in a better headspace and healthily process your feelings.

      Why is ignoring your ex powerful? ›

      They will see you don't need them

      Another aspect of why ignoring your ex is powerful is that they may figure out that you don't need them when they don't hear from you. There are a few ways that this may affect your ex too. They might decide that they want you back and contact you.

      How soon is too soon to text your ex? ›

      The way I see it I think every person who goes through a breakup should always aim to start with the 30 day no contact rule. This is the standard time period that most people recommend. Often when you are starting a no contact rule you have no idea how effective it will be on your ex.

      Is it OK to ignore text from ex? ›

      This could provide you with closure, but if you're still upset over the breakup, it's perfectly acceptable to ignore it. For break-ups that have caused a lot of emotional distress, avoiding contact with your ex may be best to give you time to move on.

      How do you know if your ex still thinks about you? ›

      If your ex is contacting you frequently or engaging with your social media often, this can be a good indicator that they are still thinking of you.

      Why is my ex not replying to me? ›

      Your ex may be so angry that they don't want to speak to you at all and so they're taking a lot of time to respond either so that they can mask that anger effectively or to send you a message that they're mad at you and don't want to talk.

      Should I text my ex for answers? ›

      Essentially, it's only a good idea to text your ex if you're crystal clear on what you want to say to them, why they should hear it, what you're hoping to get out of the situation, and if you're prepared to accept a different outcome.

      What to do if an ex reaches out? ›

      1. Think about how it will affect you. ...
      2. If you're currently dating someone, you should consider their feelings. ...
      3. Take your time responding. ...
      4. Keep your response light. ...
      5. Don't rush into a response, friendship, or rebound. ...
      6. Be open and honest with them. ...
      7. Be careful of falling into a "yo-yo relationship."
      Nov 29, 2018

      Why is my ex texting me like nothing happened? ›

      Probably he wants to feel light and find his mental peace by connecting with you and maybe even arguing with you. When keeping quiet on things becomes tough, this is their preferred way of sailing through the rough phase. Loneliness can be another major reason behind his urge to text you.

      Is it rude to not answer your ex? ›

      Ignoring the ex's text is not rude, unless there is shared childcare or there are unresolved distribution of property issues. Other than those reasons, there is no good reason to communicate with an ex. Just cut an ex completely out of your life. 100% no contact forever.

      How do you respectfully reach out to an ex? ›

      Try not to text unless you intend to benefit both parties. Think about whether it might cross your ex's boundaries or how they might feel hearing from you. Consider keeping your texts and other communication open but clear, simple, and focused on setting dates and times for further discussion, if desired.

      Is it OK to reply to your ex during no contact? ›

      Doing No Contact Correctly Doesn't Mean Ignoring Your Ex

      If your ex texts you during no contact, you should text back politely and casually. If your ex calls during no contact, it's somewhat different from a text because you won't have as much time to carefully think about and craft your response.

      How much is too much communication with an ex? ›

      Excessive contact: If your ex is constantly reaching out to you, whether through phone calls, texts, or social media messages, it may be a sign that they aren't ready to let go. It's essential to set boundaries and communicate your need for space.

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      Author: Laurine Ryan

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      Name: Laurine Ryan

      Birthday: 1994-12-23

      Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

      Phone: +2366831109631

      Job: Sales Producer

      Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

      Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.