How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (2024)

Last updated on Aug 13, 2024

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Adopt a growth mindset


Study their strategies


Practice gratitude and optimism


Learn from your mistakes


Celebrate your achievements


Keep trying and improving


Here’s what else to consider

Failure is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be the end of your journey. In fact, many successful people faced multiple rejections, setbacks, and mistakes before they achieved their goals. How can you learn from their stories and develop your self-confidence? Here are some tips to help you turn failure into fuel for your growth.

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  • Laila Rahman I optimize LinkedIn profiles, write compelling content, and provide virtual assistant services to help professionals…

    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (3) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (4) 11

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How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (12) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (13) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (14)

1 Adopt a growth mindset

A growth mindset is the belief that you can improve your abilities and skills through effort, feedback, and learning. People with a growth mindset see failure as an opportunity to learn, not as a sign of inadequacy. They are more resilient, curious, and persistent than those with a fixed mindset, who think that their talents and intelligence are fixed and cannot be changed. To adopt a growth mindset, you need to embrace challenges, seek feedback, learn from others, and celebrate your progress.

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    Our training in childhood unfortunately often reinforces that failing at something is bad. Full stop. And yet how can we learn and grow if we don't feel free to try out different strategies, and learn what works and doesn't work by sometimes missing the mark. Studying the lives of most successful people really helps to reinforce the growth mindset. If you are going to have success you need to learn about the landscape.


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (23) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (24) 8

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    Change your mindset: adopt a growth mindset.When you do this you'll soon realise that you can learn from your mistakes, challenges and failures. Easier said than done though!


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (33) 3

  • Sachin Singh 16k+ @Linkedin | DevOps and Cloud Enthusiast ♾ | 7x OCI Certified🥇 | Arthians | AWS 🌐 | Kubernetes 🚢 | Machine Learning 👾| Terraform 🏗 | | AlOps🤖 | 🌟Personal Branding | Technical Blogger
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    A growth mindset is believing you can improve through effort and learning. Embrace challenges, seek feedback, and celebrate progress. It's about seeing failure as a chance to learn, fostering resilience, and continuously improving.


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (42) 2

  • Cameron Eittreim Owner Act Fast Janitorial | Publisher l Writer l
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    Learn from successful people who failed multiple times by studying their journeys and mindset. Read their biographies and interviews to understand how they overcame setbacks and turned failures into growth opportunities. Adopt their perspective of viewing failure as a learning experience. Apply their strategies of resilience and problem-solving to your own challenges, staying persistent and adaptable. By doing so, you can gain valuable insights and strategies for achieving your own success.


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (51) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (52) 2

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    Success isn't linear. Learn from the grit & resilience of those who overcame setbacks. What went wrong? How'd they adapt? Growth hides in every failure! #coaching #mindset


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2 Study their strategies

Successful people who failed multiple times did not give up on their dreams. They learned from their failures and adapted their strategies to overcome obstacles. They also had a clear vision, a strong passion, and a realistic plan for their goals. You can study their strategies and apply them to your own situation. For example, you can read their biographies, watch their interviews, or follow their blogs. You can also find mentors, coaches, or role models who can guide you and inspire you.

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    Create a "Failure Chronicles" journal. Write down stories of successful folks who stumbled before they soared. - What were their epic fails- Their moments of despair- The exact steps they took to rise?Today, pick one story from the "Chronicles" and identify a lesson you can apply to your own journey. And then take action, no matter how small, based on that insight. 💎🚀


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (70) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (71) 3

  • Sachin Singh 16k+ @Linkedin | DevOps and Cloud Enthusiast ♾ | 7x OCI Certified🥇 | Arthians | AWS 🌐 | Kubernetes 🚢 | Machine Learning 👾| Terraform 🏗 | | AlOps🤖 | 🌟Personal Branding | Technical Blogger
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    Successful people learn from failure, adapting strategies with passion and clear goals. Study their stories, find mentors, and stay inspired. Success demands resilience and a relentless pursuit of your dreams.


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (80) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (81) 2

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    We live in an era ,where people want instant success and failure is an anathema . Hilariously enough it is this generation that shares motivational quotes about how failures are not the ultimate destination.Most of the successful people confessed to have had many failures enroute to their success.None of them ever had it easy.It is their sheer passion and never- say-die attitude that resulted in success.We must follow and observe their career graph,read their biographies , autobiographies to have an idea about how did they overcome failure.That will surely help us deal with failures a lot better.

  • Atchuthan Carvalho Empowerment Coach : I offer Strength-Based Coaching Conversations for Emotional Support, Clarity, Inspiration and Empowerment || WhatsApp : +91 9870229757
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    Studying the strategies of successful people who’ve failed is like getting a cheat code for a video game—suddenly, those tricky levels aren’t so daunting. Analyze how they approached challenges, what changes they made after each failure, and how they eventually succeeded. For example, if an entrepreneur faced bankruptcy but bounced back with a new business model, look at the specifics of their pivot. Understanding these strategies helps you apply similar tactics to your own journey, turning failures into stepping stones. Plus, it’s a great reminder that even if you hit a wall, there’s usually a door somewhere—you just have to figure out which key to use!


3 Practice gratitude and optimism

Gratitude and optimism are powerful emotions that can boost your self-confidence and well-being. Gratitude is the appreciation of what you have and what you have achieved, while optimism is the expectation of positive outcomes and opportunities. Successful people who failed multiple times practiced gratitude and optimism to cope with stress, overcome negativity, and motivate themselves. You can practice gratitude and optimism by keeping a journal, expressing your thanks, reframing your thoughts, and visualizing your success.

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    Whether you like to write it down in a gratitude journal, or say it in your head, being grateful is key for your mindset. It's so easy to forget the opportunities you have during the hustle of everyday life.. so slow down!


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  • Natalie Wong ✨You’ll experience a long-lasting transformation with my combination of RTT® Hypnotherapy and Image Consulting | Certified RTT ® Hypnotherapist | NLP Practitioner | Holistic Image Consultant 🧞♂️
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    If you are thankful and appreciative, you are cultivating a positive attitude. And, it's this positive attitude that can light up your path to success!


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (115) 4

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    Being grateful for what we have and being optimistic about future are two of the greatest assets we can possess.Very often people take their blessings for granted and have little expectations of future.But this smacks of a defeatist attitude.When we keep reminding ourselves of all good fortune that we are blessed with and also visualise good times,things will certainly fall in place.


4 Learn from your mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable, but they are also valuable sources of feedback and learning. Successful people who failed multiple times learned from their mistakes and used them to improve their performance and avoid repeating them. They also accepted responsibility for their actions and did not blame others or make excuses. You can learn from your mistakes by analyzing what went wrong, asking for feedback, finding solutions, and taking action.

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    One way or another, you're going to bed with your mistakes.So here's so couples therapy. Like with a partner, if you go to bed all angry, disappointed, hurt by your mistake, it will tear at the fabric of your relationship.But the relationship is with yourself. And sadder still, it was a missed opportunity to grow, strengthen, stretch the relationship. That's thru learning from it with grace, kindness, and gratitude. Not harping, nagging or criticizing but genuine desire to invest in the relationship. It is the ONLY relationship you will have your WHOLE life, so it's worth making peace before sleep.


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (132) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (133) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (134) 6

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    I agree…it’s too easy for people to just “quit” after making mistakes. Mistakes are meant to happen…it’s how you evolve. Take the time to reflect when they happen…adjust…keep your head down and keep moving forward! 🙏


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  • Natalie Wong ✨You’ll experience a long-lasting transformation with my combination of RTT® Hypnotherapy and Image Consulting | Certified RTT ® Hypnotherapist | NLP Practitioner | Holistic Image Consultant 🧞♂️
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    You make mistakes... We all do! But here's the thing: mistakes aren't roadblocks. They're more like stepping stones on your path to learning and growing. Instead of seeing them as failures, look at mistakes as helpful feedback.


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    The first step in learning from mistake is to acknowledge a mistake.Very often people do not acknowledge their mistakes and that turns out to be there undoing.Prudence lies in always being in look out of possible gaps even when we succeed and we must take immediate action to fix the same ,else it may well be too late.


5 Celebrate your achievements

Celebrating your achievements is a great way to boost your self-confidence and motivation. It also helps you recognize your strengths, appreciate your efforts, and reward yourself. Successful people who failed multiple times celebrated their achievements, big or small, and acknowledged their contributions and impact. You can celebrate your achievements by setting milestones, sharing your success, treating yourself, and reflecting on your journey.

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  • Natalie Wong ✨You’ll experience a long-lasting transformation with my combination of RTT® Hypnotherapy and Image Consulting | Certified RTT ® Hypnotherapist | NLP Practitioner | Holistic Image Consultant 🧞♂️
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    Your professional life can't be all good, all the time. Celebrate the little successes you encounter. Be proud of your achievements, big or small, and let them fuel your journey of continuous improvement.


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  • Raunak Rangwal🎖 KeyNote Speaker | Mindset-Coach | 3x Linkdin Top Voice | Business Enthusiast | Authored E-Book Mind-Shift | Transformed Minds Of 30,000+ People |🎖National Achiever Award 2024
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    One Thing I Have Found Help-full Is ! On a personal Note I experienced it IAm Till Now Rewarding Myself for Every Tiny to big Achievements !! Keep This In Mind ………Boost Self-Confidence: Celebrating achievements builds confidence and motivation.Recognise Strengths: It helps you see your strengths and appreciate your efforts.Reward Yourself: Acknowledge your contributions and impact.Set Milestones: Break your goals into smaller milestones and celebrate each accomplishment.Share Success: Share your achievements with others to celebrate together.Treat Yourself: Reward yourself with something you enjoy as a way of celebrating.Reflect on Journey: Take time to reflect on your journey and how far you've come.


6 Keep trying and improving

The most important lesson you can learn from successful people who failed multiple times is to keep trying and improving. They did not let failure stop them from pursuing their goals. They kept working hard, learning new skills, seeking new opportunities, and facing new challenges. They also had a positive attitude, a strong purpose, and a supportive network. You can keep trying and improving by setting SMART goals, tracking your progress, seeking feedback, and joining a community.

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  • Natalie Wong ✨You’ll experience a long-lasting transformation with my combination of RTT® Hypnotherapy and Image Consulting | Certified RTT ® Hypnotherapist | NLP Practitioner | Holistic Image Consultant 🧞♂️
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    Don't stop.Keep going.You can get better.Work on your attitude and keep setting goals.You are not alone. Find mentors who can support you.Everyone fails at some point, it's about getting up and learning from your mistakes.


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (187) 2

7 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Laila Rahman I optimize LinkedIn profiles, write compelling content, and provide virtual assistant services to help professionals enhance their online presence and productivity.
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    I resonate deeply with learning from those who've faced multiple failures. Their stories of perseverance and resilience have shaped my own mindset.


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (196) How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (197) 11

  • Rakin Hossain Rayean Only interested with the problem that matters
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    Resilience is the fundamental key to success. When you are failing something,you are actually uplifting yourself one step further than ever before. People are eager for the result of success. The secret is the process that paves you to be successful.


    How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (206) 2

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    Study their journeys: Analyse the stories of successful individuals who encountered setbacks, understanding the challenges they overcame.Extract lessons: Identify specific lessons learned from their failures, noting how they applied these lessons to achieve success.Apply insights: Incorporate the insights gained into your own approach, adapting strategies based on the experiences of those who turned failures into triumphs.


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    It pays to have a hobby outside of our work ,this will give us a fresh perspective of looking at things.we should follow the career paths of great sportspersons,performers who dealt with failures while some faded away after initial success .These real life stories will not only boost our confidence ,it will also warn you against what should be avoided.


Self-confidence How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (224)


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How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? (2024)


How can you learn from successful people who failed multiple times? ›

Throughout history, numerous individuals and companies have faced repeated failures before achieving groundbreaking success. These stories illustrate the principle that failure can pave the way for triumph.

How do you overcome repeated failures? ›

8 Tips to Overcome Failure
  1. Accept feelings and emotions. ...
  2. Failure does not mean your life is going to be over. ...
  3. Learn from failure and be constructive. ...
  4. Find inspiration. ...
  5. Don't give up. ...
  6. Be passionate. ...
  7. Surround yourself with positive people. ...
  8. Avoid isolating yourself.

Does repeated failure lead to success? ›

Throughout history, numerous individuals and companies have faced repeated failures before achieving groundbreaking success. These stories illustrate the principle that failure can pave the way for triumph.

How do you deal with multiple failures in life? ›

Top tips for coping with failure
  1. Give yourself permission to feel. ...
  2. Practise self-compassion. ...
  3. Reflect on the experience and adopt a growth mindset. ...
  4. Revisit your goals and create a plan for the future.

How do I come back from multiple failures? ›

  1. Make a note of your shortcomings: The first step to overcoming your failure is to identify areas that went wrong. ...
  2. Remain positive despite criticisms. Being let down by criticism is only human, but up to an extent only. ...
  3. Overcome your fear of failure. ...
  4. Restart like a beginner. ...
  5. Keep yourself motivated: Trust the journey.
Jan 19, 2024

How do you pick yourself up after multiple failures? ›

  1. Embrace Your Emotions. Astrakan Images / Getty Images. ...
  2. Recognize Unhealthy Attempts to Reduce Pain. ...
  3. Practice Healthy Coping Skills. ...
  4. Acknowledge Irrational Beliefs About Failure. ...
  5. Develop Realistic Thoughts About Failure. ...
  6. Accept an Appropriate Level of Responsibility. ...
  7. Research Famous Failures. ...
  8. Ask Yourself What You Can Learn.
Nov 29, 2022

How do you motivate yourself after repeated failures? ›

Visualize yourself achieving your goals and keep this vision in your mind. This will help you stay motivated and will give you the strength to keep going. It's also important to practice daily affirmations and positive self-talk. Remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities, and avoid negative self-talk.

How can you succeed in spite of repeated failure? ›

Finally, remember that failure doesn't define us forever; instead, it's an opportunity to learn from our mistakes so we don't repeat them! Therefore, stay positive no matter what happens —you never know where positivity could lead you...but we know for sure where a negative attitude will lead you...

How many times do successful people fail? ›

Modern theories of learning say that success is impossible without some degree of failure. Aim for the Goldilocks zone when setting a failure rate: roughly 16 percent.

What are the effects of repeated failure? ›

Failing frequently leads to unintentional self-sabotage.

Because they undercut your efforts and raise your chances of failure, these types of actions frequently become self-fulfilling prophecies.

How do successful people handle failure? ›

They Respect Their Vulnerabilities. Mentally strong people use failure as an opportunity to spot their weaknesses. Rather than dispute their shortcomings or hide their mistakes, they seek to be authentic. Their humble, self-aware approach assists them in developing strategies to become better.

How do I rebuild my life after greatest failure? ›

Photos courtesy of the individual members.
  1. Create A Contingency Team. ...
  2. Develop Your Personal Resilience Statement. ...
  3. Look Back At How You Did It Before. ...
  4. View Failure As A Part Of The Learning Process. ...
  5. Remember That An Action Failed, Not You. ...
  6. Fast Forward And Think About Your Future 'Comeback Story'
Mar 17, 2020

How can I be moved from unsuccess to success? ›

Here are a few tips for failing forward:
  1. Embrace failure: Accept that failure is a natural part of the process, and don't be afraid to take risks and try new things. ...
  2. Learn from failure: Reflect on what went wrong and what you can do differently next time. ...
  3. Be resilient: Don't let failure discourage you.
Jan 31, 2023

Does failure change a person? ›

Failure often allows you to examine what worked or what didn't even more so than success. It can foster your critical and analytical thinking skills, allowing you to innovate, redirect and try another way to execute something the next time.

Why am I repeatedly failing? ›

Feeling like a failure can be caused by a variety of factors, including unrealistic expectations, comparing oneself to others, experiencing repeated setbacks or failures, and struggling with low self-esteem. It often stems from negative thoughts, negative perceptions, and self-criticism.

Why would repeated failure lead to success? ›

Every failed attempt gives you an idea of what doesn't work and what should work. Don't think that every successful person just had luck on their side. Many people only focus on their success, not on their many years of struggle and repeated failures.

Why am I failing again and again? ›

Lack of persistence

Try new approaches. Persistence is important, but repeating the same actions over and over again, hoping that this time you'll succeed, probably won't get you any closer to your objective. Look at your previous unsuccessful efforts and decide what to change.

Why am I facing failures all the time? ›

Feeling like a failure can be caused by a variety of factors, including unrealistic expectations, comparing oneself to others, experiencing repeated setbacks or failures, and struggling with low self-esteem. It often stems from negative thoughts, negative perceptions, and self-criticism.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.