Government Grants: Accounting Treatment — Vintti (2024)

Most organizations would agree that accounting for government grants can be complex.

But properly recording grants is critical for accurate financial reporting. This article clearly explains the key principles behind grant accounting under both US GAAP and IFRS standards.

You'll learn the precise rules around recognizing grant revenue, the required journal entries, and what disclosures are mandatory. Real-world examples demonstrate proper accounting treatment and reporting to satisfy auditors and regulators.

Introduction to Government Grants and Their Accounting Treatment

Government grants provide financial assistance to businesses and individuals for assets, projects, or economic growth. Understanding the accounting treatment for these grants is important for proper financial reporting.

Defining Government Grants

Government grants include:

  • Capital grants - Fund fixed asset purchases like property or equipment
  • Research grants - Support research projects and activities
  • Training grants - Finance employee training programs
  • Operating grants - Provide general operating or program support

Grants can come from federal, state, or local government agencies.

Overview of Accounting Treatment Principles

Key accounting principles for government grants include:

  • Accrual basis - Recognize income when earned, not just received
  • Revenue recognition - Recognize grant income systematically over life of grant
  • Matching principle - Match grant income to related expenses
  • Disclosure - Disclose grant income and outstanding liabilities per GAAP and IFRS

Proper accounting ensures accurate financial reporting of government assistance. Understanding these principles is key for accountants and financial analysts when recording grants.

How do you account for government grants in accounting?

Government grants are recognised in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the periods in which the entity recognises expenses for the related costs for which the grants are intended to compensate. For grants related to assets, this requires setting up the grant as deferred income or deducting it from the carrying amount of the asset.

Some key points on accounting for government grants:

  • Grants related to income are recognised in profit or loss over the periods necessary to match them with the related costs which they are intended to compensate.
  • Grants related to assets are presented in the statement of financial position either by setting up the grant as deferred income or by deducting the grant in arriving at the carrying amount of the asset.
  • The grant is recognised in profit or loss over the life of the depreciable asset as a reduced depreciation expense.
  • Repayment of a grant related to income is applied first against any unamortised deferred credit set up in respect of the grant. To the extent that the repayment exceeds any such deferred credit, or where no deferred credit exists, the repayment is recognised immediately as an expense.
  • Repayment of a grant related to an asset is recorded by increasing the carrying amount of the asset or reducing the deferred income balance by the amount repayable. The cumulative additional depreciation that would have been recognised in profit or loss to date in the absence of the grant is recognised immediately in profit or loss.

In summary, the key is to recognise government grants systematically over the periods in which the entity recognises the related costs for which the grants are intended to compensate. The grants can either be recognised in profit or loss or used to reduce the carrying amount of assets.

How should a grant be recorded in accounting?

Capital grants received from the government should be recorded as deferred revenue on the balance sheet. The grant revenue should then be recognized over the useful life of the asset that was purchased with the grant money.

Here is an example of the accounting treatment for a capital grant:

  • Vintti receives a $100,000 grant from the government to purchase equipment.
  • On the date the grant is received, Vintti would make the following journal entry:
Dr Cash $100,000 Cr Deferred Revenue $100,000
  • The $100,000 would be reported on the balance sheet as Deferred Revenue.
  • As the equipment purchased with the grant money is depreciated over its 5 year useful life, Vintti would recognize $20,000 of revenue each year for 5 years with this entry:
Dr Deferred Revenue $20,000 Cr Grant Revenue $20,000

So in summary:

  • Capital grants are recorded as deferred revenue when received
  • The revenue is then recognized over the depreciable life of the asset acquired with the grant funds

For nonprofits like Vintti, there are no tax consequences to receiving a grant, as long as the funds are used to further the organization's mission. The accounting aims to match grant revenue with the related expenses over time.

What are the differences between IFRS and US GAAP in accounting for government grants?

IFRS and US GAAP have some key differences in how they treat accounting for government grants:


  • IAS 20 provides guidance on accounting for government grants
  • Grants are recognized as income over the periods intended to match them with the related costs
  • Grants related to assets can be presented by deducting the grant from the asset's carrying amount or be recognized as income over the asset's useful life


  • Limited guidance for business entities, more for NPOs/government entities
  • Grants are recognized as income when conditions are met, or may be treated as a reduction of related asset costs
  • Income approach is preferable

The main differences come down to IFRS having more prescriptive guidance based on the nature and conditions of grants, while US GAAP offers more flexibility in timing and approach for business entities.

Key factors when accounting for government grants are ensuring proper matching of income and expenses, presentation on financial statements, and adequate disclosure as required by each framework. Following the applicable standard helps ensure grants are accounted for appropriately.

Are grants treated as revenue?

Most government grants are not treated as revenue. Instead, government grants are accounted for in accordance with accounting standards such as GAAP or IFRS.

The accounting treatment depends on whether the grant is a capital grant or a revenue grant.

Capital Grants

A capital grant is a grant given to purchase long-term assets like property, equipment, or software.

Accounting treatment under US GAAP:

  • Record the full value of the asset
  • Record a liability for deferred income equal to the amount of the grant
  • Amortize the deferred income to the income statement over the useful life of the asset

This matches the grant income to the depreciation expense on the asset.

Revenue Grants

A revenue grant is given to support short-term programs or operating expenses.

Accounting treatment under US GAAP:

  • Recognize the full grant amount as income when the conditions are met
  • Match grant revenue to related expenses in the period

In both cases, the grant funds cannot be recognized until the conditions in the grant agreement are met. Careful review of each grant agreement is necessary to determine the proper accounting.

Consulting an accounting professional is advisable when accounting for government grants to ensure proper treatment. Key considerations include the type of grant, conditions, reporting requirements, and applicable accounting standards.

Accounting for Government Grants: US GAAP Framework

The key US GAAP standards that guide accounting treatment and financial reporting of government grants are FASB ASC 958-605 and FASB ASC 450-30. These provide guidance on revenue recognition, liability measurement, and disclosure requirements.

Accounting for government grants US GAAP

Under US GAAP, government grants are recognized as income when the conditions attached to the grant are substantially met. This usually aligns with the periods where related costs are incurred. If there are no conditions, the grant is recognized immediately. Grants related to assets are presented in the statement of financial position either by showing the grant as deferred income or deducting it in reporting the related asset.

Required disclosures include the accounting policy adopted, description of the grants, and an indication of other forms of government assistance with appropriate disclosure to indicate the nature, extent, and duration of the assistance.

FAS 116 - Accounting for Contributions

FASB ASC 958-605 distinguishes between reciprocal transactions (exchange transactions) and nonreciprocal transactions (contributions). Government grants are typically considered exchange transactions as the resource provider often receives a commensurate value in return.

Contributions are recognized as revenue when received or promised. Promises from government entities should be evaluated to determine if they are enforceable and measurable under FAS 116 guidance. Conditional promises to give are recognized when conditions are substantially met.


IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance

Understanding IAS 20

IAS 20 outlines the accounting treatment and disclosure requirements for government grants and other forms of government assistance. Some key points:

  • Government grants should generally be recognized as income over the periods necessary to match them with the related costs which they are intended to compensate.
  • Grants related to assets can either be presented as deferred income or deducted from the carrying amount of the asset.
  • The nature and extent of government grants should be disclosed, as well as unfulfilled conditions and contingencies attached to government assistance.

Essentially, IAS 20 aims to ensure transparency and appropriate matching of income and expenses when accounting for government grants. The standard provides flexibility in terms of presentation, while enforcing discipline around recognition and disclosure.

Comparing IAS 20 and US GAAP

There are some key differences between IAS 20 and US GAAP when it comes to accounting for government grants:

  • Income presentation - IAS 20 allows capital grants to either be deducted from the asset's carrying amount or presented as deferred income. US GAAP only permits the deferred income approach.
  • Contingencies - Stricter disclosure requirements under IAS 20 for unfulfilled conditions and other contingencies relating to government assistance.
  • Types of grants - IAS 20 has more specific guidance around accounting for different types of grants (capital vs income, monetary vs non-monetary).

However, both standards agree on the fundamental principle of matching grant income with related expenses. Key disclosure requirements around the nature and extent of government assistance are also aligned. Overall, IAS 20 provides more prescriptive guidance while US GAAP grants more flexibility in certain areas of presentation.

Core Principles for Recognizing Grant Revenue

This section outlines the key criteria that must be met before grant income can be recognized on financial statements under US GAAP.

Meeting grant eligibility requirements

To recognize grant revenue, an organization must first demonstrate that it has met all eligibility requirements set forth by the granting agency. This includes submitting required applications, reports, and other compliance documentation that shows the organization qualifies for the grant program. Some key requirements may include:

  • Being an eligible type of entity (nonprofit, university, etc.)
  • Meeting program guidelines for activities, locations, populations served
  • Complying with all accounting and reporting rules

Organizations should maintain clear evidence of meeting requirements before recognizing any related grant income. This helps avoid potential clawbacks or repayments if compliance is questioned.

Reasonable assurance of receipt

In addition to meeting initial eligibility criteria, organizations must also have reasonable assurance they will comply with all ongoing grant terms and conditions attached to the funding. This gives confidence that the granting agency will not revoke funds or require repayment.

Some examples include:

  • Grant performance - The organization must continually meet all operational and programmatic requirements tied to the grant funds. If unable to reasonably deliver services as outlined, revenue may need to be deferred.
  • Financial compliance - Grants often have strict rules on allowable expenses and documentation. Organizations must show ongoing adherence before full recognition.
  • Time requirements - Grants may require programs and funding to be delivered by specific dates. Reasonable assurance must exist that these deadlines can be practically met.

Establishing reasonable assurance helps validate recognition of the full grant amount under US GAAP. Reviewing and demonstrating compliance with all grant terms is key.

Capital Grant Accounting Treatment

Capital grant accounting treatment

Capital grants are financial assistance provided by a government to a company for the purpose of purchasing, constructing, or upgrading physical non-current assets such as property, plant, and equipment. As per accounting standards like IAS 20 and ASC 958-605, capital grants should be accounted for similar to a donation - recognized directly in net assets/equity over the useful life of the asset acquired using the grant proceeds.

The key steps for accounting treatment are:

  • Recognize the full grant amount as deferred income when the company receives the grant and records the cash
  • Transfer the deferred income to net assets/equity over the useful life of the asset purchased with the grant money
  • Recognize grant amortization in net assets/equity rather than as income in profit or loss

This avoids distorting operational results in the income statement.

Government grants accounting treatment example

Here is an example to illustrate capital grant accounting:

Company B received a government grant of $100,000 to purchase new equipment costing $150,000. The useful life of the equipment is 10 years.

  • On receipt of grant, Company B will:
Dr. Cash $100,000 Cr. Deferred Income $100,000
  • When purchasing the equipment, Company B will:
Dr. Equipment $150,000Cr. Cash $150,000 
  • Each year, $10,000 ($100,000 / 10 years) will be amortized from deferred income to net assets/equity.

This method appropriately accounts for capital grants directly in equity over the asset's useful life instead of recognizing an income statement gain.

Accounting for Government Grants Journal Entries

This section provides detailed examples of journal entries for different types of government grants, illustrating the accounting process.

Journal entries for capital grants

When a business receives a capital grant from the government, the following journal entries should be recorded:

  1. On receipt of grant:
Dr Cash $100,000 Cr Deferred Income $100,000

This records the cash received from the grant and recognizes it as a liability, reflecting that the conditions for income recognition have not yet been satisfied.

  1. As the grant is amortized over the useful life of the asset acquired using the funds:

Year 1

Dr Deferred Income $20,000Cr Grant Income $20,000 

This recognizes the portion of the grant attributable to the current year's depreciation expense.

Year 2

Dr Deferred Income $20,000Cr Grant Income $20,000

This continues recognizing the annual portion of the grant over the 5 year useful life of the asset.

Journal entries for operating grants

The receipt of an operating grant would be recorded as follows:

Dr Cash $50,000Cr Grant Income $50,000

This immediately recognizes the full grant amount as income in the period received, as long as all attached conditions have been satisfied.

Disclosure and Reporting Requirements for Government Grants

Organizations receiving government assistance must make certain financial statement disclosures under GAAP and IFRS accounting standards.

Type and nature of grants received

Entities must describe the types of grant programs they participate in and the nature of any significant restrictions or requirements. For example:

  • The entity received a capital grant from the state government to purchase equipment. The grant stipulated that the equipment must be used for research activities over its 5 year useful life.
  • The entity participates in an employee training grant program funded by the federal government. The grants reimburse 50% of eligible training costs, up to $100,000 over a 3 year period.

Disclosures should provide investors transparency into the types of government assistance the entity depends on to operate. This allows financial statement users to assess the impact of such assistance on the sustainability of operations.

Unrecognized grant amounts

The amount of promises to give that do not yet meet all conditions for revenue recognition must be disclosed. For example, if a grant stipulates reimbursing costs incurred over a 3 year project period, any promised amounts not yet earned should be disclosed in the footnotes.

This provides clarity into grant amounts the entity reasonably expects to receive in the future, allowing financial statement users to forecast the impact on future period revenue recognition.

The disclosures for government grants and assistance allow investors to analyze financial reporting impacts, sustainability of operations, and future earnings potential resulting from such programs. Robust disclosure meets accounting standard requirements while providing transparency for financial statement users.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways on Accounting for Grants

Properly accounting for government grants is critical for accurate financial reporting. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Adhere to strict revenue recognition principles when accounting for grant income. Recognize income only when performance obligations tied to the grant are satisfied.

  • Match grant income to the related expenses. This avoids distorting financial statements by recognizing income before incurring any costs.

  • Understand all terms and restrictions associated with a grant. This ensures proper classification and timing of revenue recognition.

  • Provide full transparency through disclosures in the financial statements. Disclose the nature, amounts, and any unfulfilled conditions or contingencies attached to grants.

In summary, properly accounting for grants requires careful analysis of the grant terms, prudent revenue recognition practices, clear matching of income and expenses, and complete financial statement disclosures. This maintains the integrity and understandability of the financial statements.

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  • Non-profit Organizations: Key Accounting Policies
  • Revenue Recognition: Principles and Application
  • Equity Method Investments: Accounting for Joint Ventures
  • Intangible Assets: Recognition and Amortization Rules
Government Grants: Accounting Treatment — Vintti (2024)
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