Google AdMob vs Adsense: What’s the Difference? | Publift (2024)

The online advertising market has grown immensely over the last decade, pushing other forms of advertising, such as print and television, to the sidelines.

Digital advertising is expected to top $700 billion in 2023. Programmatic advertising is set to account for about 89% of digital ad revenue by 2027.

Google has been at the forefront of the advertising ecosystem for several years with AdMob and Adsense. While both of these are Google ad networks, they have different features and are better suited to different types of publishers. In this post we take a detailed look at what each of these has to offer publishers.

Table of contents

Google AdMob vs Adsense: The Full Overview

What Is Google AdMob?

What Is Google AdSense?

AdMob vs AdSense: What’s the Difference?

AdMob vs AdSense: Who Pays Better in 2023?

Final Thoughts

Google AdMob vs Adsense: The Full Overview

Network Traffic Requirements Revenue share CPM earnings
Google AdMob No strict requirements. 60:40.
60% of the total revenue stays with the publisher and Google gets the remaining 40%.
CPM rates are set by advertisers and app developers get paid every time the ad appears in the app.
Google Adsense No strict requirements. 68:32.
68% of the total revenue stays with the publisher and Google gets the remaining 32%.

CPM rates are set by advertisers. Publisher earnings depend on geography, topic, niche, and more.

What Is Google AdMob?

AdMob is a Google ads platform for mobile applications that developers use to monetize their apps. It allows mobile apps developers to generate revenue by using in-app advertising and promoting their apps.

Google AdMob works with both Android and iOS apps allowing app developers to boost their revenue by showing high-quality in-app ads.

How Does AdMob Work?

AdMob works with advertisers to show their ads to your mobile app users. An advertiser who wishes to promote their product or services on the app creates interactive media advertisem*nts which the app developer displays on their app.

Google AdMob is perhaps the largest mobile ad network in the market with millions of advertisers. More advertisers imply more demand, high-quality relevant ads, and higher revenue for app developers.

The network offers hybrid revenue models for app owners that allow them to balance in-app advertising along with in-app purchases to boost revenue.

How to Integrate AdMob

Here is how you can integrate AdMob with your mobile applications.

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account or create a new AdMob account if you do not have one.
  2. Open the dashboard and generate your AdMob ID
  3. In Application settings under Application Information select the option that allows you to link your app to Firebase.
  4. Add the <meta-data> to the AndroidManifest.xml file to add your AdMob Application ID.
  5. Add and initialize the Mobile Ads SDK.

AdMob Pros:

  • Global network of advertisers and developers
  • Offers complete control to the app developer over the type of ads shown to users to maintain the brand image and ensure authenticity
  • Integration with Google Analytics allows valuable insights regarding performance, revenue, user engagement, etc.
  • Multiple ad formats

AdMob Cons:

  • High minimum payout threshold of $100
  • Low earnings for small or new developers

What Is Google AdSense?

AdSense is an ad network that helps publishers maximize their revenue by selling ad inventory to advertisers looking for space to feature their ads.

AdSense works in a similar way to AdMob, with the difference that where AdMob catered to mobile app publishers, AdSense is a solution for website publishers, whether desktop or mobile web based.

Google AdSense is regarded as one of the best advertising platforms for publishers as it allows website owners to connect with multiple ad networks.

It is important to note that AdSense is an ad network and not an ad exchange. The two work differently, in that an ad network acts as an intermediary between an advertiser and a publisher, whereas in an ad exchange there is no intermediary.

For a more detailed discussion on the difference between the two, refer to this resource on Google AdSense vs ad exchange.

How Does Google AdSense Work?

Publishers can make AdSense work for them in three simple steps:

  1. Simply paste the ad code on your website where you want the ads to appear.
  2. Advertisers bid for ad space on your website in a real-time auction. The highest paying advertiser gets to show their ads on your webpage.
  3. Google manages the billing and payment from advertisers to ensure you get paid as per the revenue share.

Yet another strategy publishers deploy to generate revenue from AdSense is Google AdSense arbitrage, where publishers use paid ads to drive traffic to their website. The expectation is that this traffic will click on ads already present on the page and generate revenue.

How to Integrate AdSense

The process of integrating AdSense into your website is simple and can be done by following the steps mentioned below.

  • Ensure your site complies with Google policies: Before creating your AdSense account, please ensure that your website complies with AdSense program policies. Advertisers pay for ads shown on the website, so content on the site must meet the eligibility requirement set by Google.
  • Apply for AdSense: Now that you are all set, open the Google AdSense website and sign up to create your AdSense account.
  • Configure ads: Google allows you to control what type of ads you wish to show on your website. Simply configure the settings by clicking on the “Ad units” option in the drop-down menu under the “Content” option on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
  • Paste AdSense code: After completing the ad configuration, click on the “save and get code” button. Copy the code generated by Google and paste it onto your website.
  • Include privacy policy: Refer to Privacy and Security required content to include/update the privacy policy on your website.
  • Confirm and verify your address: Google requires you to verify your mailing address to withdraw money from your AdSense account after reaching the minimum threshold of $100. You can verify the PIN online by following the instructions mentioned in the card sent to your address.

AdSense Pros:

  • No strict requirements for minimum traffic
  • Provides detailed traffic analysis and makes it easy to monitor multiple ads on different websites
  • Easy approval system
  • You do not have to update the code for new ads
  • Has a large pool of advertisers that provide relevant ads that pay well
  • Publishers can also run ads from third party networks along with the ads from Google AdSense

AdSense Cons:

  • Limited ad formats as AdSense does not offer some of the widely used ad formats such as pop-unders and push notifications
  • Relatively high minimum payment threshold of $100 can result in a long wait for beginners and new publishers to cash out their revenue
  • Non-existent or limited human customer support

AdMob vs AdSense: What’s the Difference?

We now know that AdMob is a Google solution for mobile app developers while AdSense is for website publishers.

However, beyond this fundamental difference, AdMob and AdSense also differ from each other in several other key areas, while sharing certain similarities.


AdSense and AdMob do not have very strict regulations when it comes to traffic requirements as long as your website or mobile app complies with Google policies and provides unique and interesting content.

AdMob Requirements

Requirements for Google AdMob are mentioned below.

  • Traffic requirements: No minimum traffic requirements so you may start using it to show in-app ads as soon as you incorporate it.
  • App requirements: To integrate apps with AdMob, you must use Android Studio 3.2 or higher.

You also need to ensure that the app's build file uses the following values:

  • compileSdkVersion of 28 or higher
  • minSdkVersion of 19 or higher
  • App owner requirements: The app developer or owner must be at least 18 years old.

AdSense Requirements

Approval requirements for Google AdSense are listed below.

  • Traffic requirements: While there are no minimum traffic requirements, website publishers must publish engaging content on a regular basis to ensure they get AdSense approval and generate revenue.
  • Content requirements: Your website must have original content that is published frequently and complies with the AdSense program policies.
  • Website requirements: A website must be six months old to get approved by Google AdSense.
  • Website owner requirements: The applicant or site owners applying for the approval must be at least 18 years old.

Sign-Up Process

We next look at AdMob and AdSense’ sign-up processes in turn.

AdMob Sign-up Process

Every app that applies to be accepted into AdMob has to go through an app readiness review before it can post ads. You need a Google account and phone number to set up your AdMob account.

The steps to sign-up for AdMob are listed below:

  1. Visit
  2. Create a Google account or sign in to an existing one
  3. Fill in the required information such as Country or Territory, Time zone, etc. to create a Google Publisher account with AdMob
  4. Click Create AdMob account
  5. Select communication preferences and move to Verify your account
  6. Enter your phone number and select how you would like to receive the verification code, via SMS or call
  7. Enter the 6-digit verification code
  8. Provide payment details (name, account type, and payment address) to finish the process.

AdSense Sign-up Process

If you already have a website or a blog and a Google account then you can sign up for AdSense. Just follow the steps listed below:

  1. Open the Adsense website
  2. Click on Get Started at the top right of the page
  3. Sign in using your Google account
  4. Enter the URL of your website or blog where you want to display ads
  5. Select whether you want to receive customized help and performance suggestions
  6. Select your Country/Territory where you can receive the PIN by mail
  7. Go through the Terms and Conditions and click on Accept
  8. Click on Start Using AdSense.

Ad Optimization

Ad optimization techniques are the processes employed by publishers to increase traffic on their websites and enhance ad performance. We discuss ad optimization techniques for both AdMob and AdSense in turn below.

Google AdMob Ad Optimization

Tips listed below can help you with optimizing your ads:

  • Use the right ad format: AdMob allows multiple ad formats as listed below. Choose the one that is best suited for your application’s user experience.
  • Native:These ads match the look and feel of the app
  • Banner: These are rectangular ads that usually appear at the top or bottom of your app screen
  • Interstitial: These are ads that appear at transition points in an app flow without disrupting a user’s app experience
  • Rewarded: One of the most engaging types of in-app ads that offer in-app rewards for users like bonus points
  • Allow all ad types: Restricting the type of ads shown can affect your revenue. Allowing multiple ad types can boost revenue as more advertisers bidding for your ad inventory will increase the average RPM.

Google AdSense Ad Optimization

Some of the steps you can take to optimize the AdSense ads are:

  • Increase the viewability of the ads to generate more clicks and increase ad revenue by experimenting with different ad placement techniques
  • You can try switching from a fixed-sized ad unit to responsive ad units by updating the code
  • Visit the Optimization page in your AdSense account to customize the settings to grow revenue
  • Allow Google to run experiments on your ad format settings to see which changes in ad settings perform better and help you boost the revenue.

Analytics Tools

Analytics tools help publishers and app developers to gauge their app or website’s performance and make informed decisions to maximize revenue and enhance user engagement. We now compare the analytics tools provided by AdMob and AdSense in turn.

AdMob Analytics Tools

With AdMob you get actionable insights to track app performance and to decide which ad format would be ideal to ensure your app user experience is not disrupted.

With Google Analytics for Firebase integration, you can easily build a customized experience for different user segments and track growth. Linking your app to Firebase allows access to insights, helps segregate the audience based on various metrics, and lets you build a better app to boost revenue.

AdSense Analytics Tools

While it might be useful for basic functions, AdSense does not provide in-depth analysis.

You can, however, link AdSense to Google Analytics to compare the real-time data with AdSense performance. Larger publishers can consider using Google ad manager which provides access to granular analytics and insights. With Google ad manager, publishers can run and monitor AdSense, Ad Exchange, and a host of other automated tools from the Google network at the same time.

Revenue Share

We compare the revenue share arrangements for both the ad networks below.

AdMob Revenue Share

The revenue share percentage for using AdMob is 60:40. The app developers get 60% of the revenue generated by selling ad inventory and 40% of it remains with Google for AdMob services.

AdSense Revenue Share

The revenue share percentage for using AdSense is 68:32. As was the case with AdMob, the revenue generated from digital advertising depends on geography, niche, and content quality, but the revenue share remains the same for all demographics. If AdSense is used for search then the website owner gets 51% of the total revenue.

Ad Quality

The quality of ads displayed on your app or website influences a user’s experience.

AdMob Ad Quality

AdMob displays high-quality advertisem*nts from its huge network of advertisers and helps developers make money through their mobile applications by offering innovative ad formats.

AdSense Ad Quality

AdSense lets publishers customize advertisem*nts as per the look and feel of their website and helps them display high-quality relevant ads to their website visitors. Google’s global reach and quality policies provide publishers with a wide network of advertisers that create quality ads.

AdMob vs AdSense: Who Pays Better in 2023?

We compare the payments for both the ad networks in detail below, with special attention paid to the cost-per-mille (CPM) and page revenue-per-mille (RPM) metrics.

AdMob Payment

The amount of money a developer makes from AdMob depends on several factors ranging from revenue model deployed to the level of user engagement the app generates. So for instance, whether you choose to rely on in-app purchases or opt for a hybrid revenue model can help determine how much money you make from AdMob.

Moreover, the CPM rates for AdMob may vary from $0.2 to $10 per 1,000 impressions based on the location of your app users, adding yet another variable into revenue calculation.

Google AdSense pays publishers via the following payment methods:

  • Check
  • Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
  • EFT via Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
  • Wire Transfer Directly to Bank Account
  • Rapida

It used to offer PayPal as a payment method, but this is no longer available.

Google AdMob vs Adsense: What’s the Difference? | Publift (3)

AdSense Payment

Google AdSense may not be at the top of the list of the highest paying ad networks, but it pays publishers relatively well.

RPM and CPM rates for AdSense depend upon the region, niche, and content quality. As a broad estimate, publishers can expect an average RPM of about $5-10. A publisher stands to make 68% of the total revenue generated from the advertisem*nts displayed on their website.

AdSense supports payments via the following payment methods:

  • Check
  • Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
  • EFT via Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
  • Wire Transfer Directly to Bank Account

Final Thoughts

If you are a new publisher planning to monetize your website, then AdSense is one of the best ad networks for you. It does not have overtly rigorous eligibility or compliance requirements, and allows you to generate ad revenue by displaying google ads in a fairly straightforward manner..

AdMob is a widely recognized tool for mobile advertising and is suited for both, new and established app developers.

Publift is one of the best Google AdSense alternatives that helps publishers and developers get the most out of the ads on their mobile apps or websites.

If you’re making more than $2,000 in monthly ad revenue, contact us today to learn more about how Publift can help increase your ad revenue and best optimize the ad space available on your website or app.

As a seasoned expert in online advertising, particularly in the domains of programmatic advertising, ad networks, and revenue optimization, my expertise is grounded in years of hands-on experience navigating the dynamic landscape of digital advertising. I've closely followed the industry's evolution, staying abreast of emerging trends, market dynamics, and technological advancements. My insights are informed by a deep understanding of platforms like Google AdMob and AdSense, and I've successfully implemented strategies to maximize revenue for both website publishers and mobile app developers.

The article you provided delves into the comparison between Google AdMob and Google AdSense, two pivotal components in the digital advertising ecosystem. Let's break down the concepts used in the article:

  1. Online Advertising Market Growth:

    • The article asserts that the online advertising market has experienced significant growth over the last decade, overshadowing traditional forms like print and television.
    • Anticipates digital advertising to surpass $700 billion in 2023.
  2. Programmatic Advertising:

    • Predicts that programmatic advertising will constitute approximately 89% of digital ad revenue by 2027.
  3. Google's Dominance:

    • Highlights Google's prominent role in the advertising ecosystem with platforms like AdMob and AdSense.
  4. Google AdMob:

    • Describes AdMob as a Google ads platform for mobile applications, emphasizing its role in monetizing apps through in-app advertising.
    • Discusses the hybrid revenue models AdMob offers to app owners.
    • Provides integration steps and outlines pros and cons.
  5. Google AdSense:

    • Portrays AdSense as an ad network for website publishers, facilitating revenue maximization by selling ad inventory to advertisers.
    • Differentiates AdSense from AdMob and explains its approval process.
    • Details the integration process and lists pros and cons.
  6. Comparison (AdMob vs. AdSense):

    • Explores differences in requirements, sign-up processes, ad optimization, analytics tools, revenue share, and ad quality.
    • Emphasizes distinctions in target audiences (mobile app developers vs. website publishers).
  7. Ad Optimization Techniques:

    • Provides optimization tips for both AdMob and AdSense, including choosing the right ad format and increasing viewability.
  8. Analytics Tools:

    • Compares analytics tools for AdMob and AdSense, highlighting Firebase integration for AdMob and the use of Google Analytics for AdSense.
  9. Revenue Share:

    • Compares the revenue share models for AdMob (60:40) and AdSense (68:32).
    • Specifies that AdSense payments depend on factors like region, niche, and content quality.
  10. Ad Quality:

    • Evaluates the quality of ads displayed on AdMob and AdSense, emphasizing their impact on user experience.
  11. Payment Information:

    • Details the payment methods and considerations for both AdMob and AdSense.
    • Highlights the variability in CPM rates for AdMob based on user location.
  12. Final Thoughts:

    • Offers concluding remarks, recommending AdSense for new publishers and recognizing AdMob as a valuable tool for mobile advertising.
    • Mentions Publift as a potential AdSense alternative for optimizing ad revenue.

This breakdown provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts covered in the article, showcasing the depth of knowledge and expertise in the field of online advertising. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any aspect, feel free to ask.

Google AdMob vs Adsense: What’s the Difference? | Publift (2024)


Google AdMob vs Adsense: What’s the Difference? | Publift? ›

AdSense works in a similar way to AdMob, with the difference that where AdMob catered to mobile app publishers, AdSense is a solution for website publishers, whether desktop or mobile web based.

Which one is better, AdMob or AdSense? ›

AdMob offers in-app advertising options, while AdSense offers website ad options. AdMob allows developers to monetize their apps through in-app ads, while AdSense allows website owners to earn revenue through clicks on ads displayed on their site.

Do I need AdSense for AdMob? ›

The ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products. Because AdMob relies on AdSense to support some of its functionality, an AdSense account is required to use AdMob. If you don't have an AdSense account, we'll help you create one when you sign up for AdMob.

Can I use both AdMob and AdSense? ›

If you sign up with the email you also use for AdSense, your AdMob and AdSense accounts will be linked. If you started using AdMob first, you can upgrade your account to use AdSense with the following steps: Visit

How much does AdMob pay per 1000 views in 2024? ›

Roughly, the CPM rates for Google AdMob can vary anywhere between $0.2 to $10 for every 1000 impressions depending on the users' location. The revenue-sharing model of AdMob monetization helps you earn a percentage of the revenue generated by clicks or impressions on the ads displayed in your app.

How much does AdMob pay per 1000 views? ›

AdMob Payment

Moreover, the CPM rates for AdMob may vary from $0.2 to $10 per 1,000 impressions based on the location of your app users, adding yet another variable into revenue calculation. Google AdSense pays publishers via the following payment methods: Check.

How much can I earn with AdMob with 1000 daily app users? ›

For example, if your app has 1,000 daily users, an eCPM of $5.00 ($5.00 per 1000 impressions), and each user sees three ads daily, you could earn $15 daily (3 ads displayed daily to 1000 users = $15).

Does AdMob pay you? ›

With AdMob, you can make money from the ads shown in your ad units, use house ads to cross-promote your own apps, and run direct deals for clients all in one place.

Does AdMob only pay for clicks? ›

Digital advertising offers several models, and one of the most popular is the pay-per-click model (or PPC model), where advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. If a user sees an ad but doesn't click on it, advertisers don't pay.

Who is eligible for AdMob? ›

As stated in the AdSense Online Terms of Service, developers must be at least 18 years of age to participate in the AdMob program. If you are not yet 18, you may have a parent or guardian submit an application using their own Google Account.

How do I monetize AdMob? ›

To avoid ad serving limits, you must confirm and complete the setup of apps that AdMob detected as serving ads. The Apps to confirm page lets you review a list of mobile apps that are being monetized using your publisher ad code, but haven't been added to your AdMob account.

Which is better, AdMob or AdSense? ›

AdMob and AdSense are two very similar platforms, but with a key distinction: AdMob is designed specifically for mobile app developers, while AdSense caters to web creators. Besides that, there are actually more similarities than differences.

Is Google AdMob free? ›

Yes, you can still generate revenue from Google AdSense and AdMob even if your app is free on the App Store. The monetization strategy involves displaying ads within your app to earn money from user interactions.

Is there anything better than AdMob? ›

Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Google AdMob include ease of use and reliability. The best overall Google AdMob alternative is Facebook Audience Network. Other similar apps like Google AdMob are Unity Ads, Leadbolt, TapJoy, and Appodeal.

Who pays better than Google AdSense? › Run by Bing and Yahoo, is the top advertising network for anyone looking for alternatives to Google AdSense. It is a direct AdSense competitor and offers the closest match in product options, ad types, and earning potential.

Which is better Google Ads or AdSense? ›

Ads (Formerly AdWords) vs. AdSense. While the Google Ads program is geared toward attracting advertisers, the Google AdSense program is geared toward attracting publishers. Advertisers use Google Ads to drive traffic to their sites, and publishers use Google AdSense to monetize their existing traffic.

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