Google AdMob vs AdSense: Differences Explained | AdPushup (2024)

Comparing Admob and Adsense, both are used to generate revenue with Google, but there are few differences between these two platforms. Let’s start with AdMob vs AdSense.

If you’re a publisher or an app developer, you know how critical it is to maximize revenue streams. With so many different ad platforms available today, it can take time to know which is best for your specific needs. That’s why we’re here to talk about the big guns: AdMob and AdSense.

  • AdSenseis the program that allows publishers toserve text, images, videos, or interactive media advertisem*nts on Google.There are over 58,658,380+ Google Adsense users globally.
  • AdMobis a Google-owned ad network that allows publishers to monetize their mobile apps with relevant ads from a huge inventory of advertisers.Approx. 1 million + Google advertisers are on AdMob.

These two behemoths are the top players in the mobile ad space, each with unique strengths and weaknesses.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive deep into the world of mobile advertising.

To start, let’s take a closer look at what AdMob and AdSense are and how they work.

Also Read: Looking for AdSense vs. AdWords? Here’s Your Complete Guide

Table of Contents:

AdMob vs AdSense: A Detailed Overview

Alright, people, let’s get down to brass tacks. First up, AdMob. Developed by Google, it is a mobile ad platform. It allows monetization of apps created by app developers.

Google AdMob vs AdSense: Differences Explained | AdPushup (1)

AdMob supports various ad formats, including banner ads, interstitials, and rewarded video ads, and it offers powerful targeting options that help you reach the right audience at the right time.

AdMob Estimated Revenue for Each Ad Unit:

Earnings Reported by Ad Network / Total Number of Impression for All Ad Units * Number of Impressions for Ad Unit.

Undoubtedly, Video game advertising on mobile is the easiest way for publishers to monetize, and advertisers have the opportunity to show ads to their target audiences.

Platforms such as Meta and Google AdMob offer video gaming ads in the following different formats:

  • Interstitial
  • Native Banners
  • Contextual
  • Rewarded
  • Expandable
  • In-game

AdMob also has a featured called – “smart banners” that automatically adjusts the banner ad size to different devices.(Source: SEJ)

Moving on to AdSense. Developed by Google, AdSense is a web-based ad platform that allows publishers to monetize their websites and blogs by displaying ads to their visitors.

Google AdMob vs AdSense: Differences Explained | AdPushup (2)

AdSense offers a wide variety of ad formats, including display ads, text ads, and link units, and it allows you to customize the look and feel of your ads to match your site’s branding.

Check: AdSense Calculator: Estimate Your Potential Earnings in (2023)

So, AdMob is all about mobile apps, while AdSense is all about websites and blogs. But what about the specifics?

Let’s take a closer look at the key features of each platform.

AdMob Features

  • Ad Formats: AdMob supports various ad formats, including banner ads, interstitials, and rewarded video ads. You can choose the best design for your app and users.
  • Targeting Options: AdMob offers a range of powerful targeting options, such as location targeting, demographic targeting, and contextual targeting. These options allow you to reach the right audience and maximize your revenue potential.
  • Integration With Other Google Products: AdMob integrates with other Google products, such as Google Analytics, Firebase, and Google Ads, which allows you to access powerful tools for tracking your app’s performance and optimizing your ad revenue.

AdSense Features

  • Ad Formats: AdSense offers a wide variety of ad formats, including display ads, text ads, and link units. You can choose the best design for your site and audience.
  • Customization Options: AdSense allows you to customize the look and feel of your ads to match your site’s branding. You can choose the ad colors, fonts, and sizes that work best for you.
  • Performance Reporting: AdSense provides detailed performance reports that allow you to track your ad revenue, see which ads are performing best, and optimize your ad placement for maximum gain.

AdMob and AdSense are both powerful ad platforms with unique features and strengths. But which one is right for you? That’s what we’ll tackle next. Stay tuned!

Also Read: AdSense vs AdPushup Comparison

AdMob vs AdSense – Differences Explained

Now that we’ve covered the basics of AdMob and AdSense, it’s time to dive into the key differences between these two ad platforms. Here are the main areas where these platforms differ:

Ad Formats

As we discussed earlier, AdMob is focused on mobile apps and supports banner ads, interstitials, and rewarded video ads. On the other hand, AdSense focuses on websites and supports display ads, text ads, and link units.

Targeting Options

AdMob and AdSense offer powerful targeting options but differ in their approach. AdMob offers more granular targeting options, such as location targeting, demographic targeting, and contextual targeting. On the other hand, AdSense focuses more on interest-based targeting, which means that it shows ads to users based on their browsing history and interests.

Payment Models

AdMob and AdSense also differ in their payment models. AdMob operates on a cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) basis, which means that you earn money when users click on your ads or when your ads are displayed to users. AdSense, on the other hand, operates on a revenue share basis, which means that you earn a percentage of the revenue generated by the ads displayed on your site.


AdMob focuses on reaching mobile app users, while AdSense focuses on getting website visitors. Depending on your audience and the type of content you produce, one platform may be a better fit for you than the other.


As we mentioned earlier, AdMob integrates with other Google products, such as Google Analytics, Firebase, and Google Ads.

AdSense, on the other hand, is more standalone. AdMob and AdSense are great platforms for monetizing your content, but they have different strengths and weaknesses depending on your goals and target audience. The next step is to decide which platform is right for you.

AdMob vs AdSense – Pros & Cons

Both AdMob and AdSense have their strengths and weaknesses. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each platform.

Pros of AdMob

  • High Revenue Potential: AdMob has the potential to generate increased revenue, particularly if you have a large user base and can show a high volume of ads.
  • Targeted Advertising: AdMob offers more granular targeting options, which means you can show your ads to users who are more likely to engage with them.
  • Easy to Use: AdMob is relatively easy to set up and use, particularly if you’re already familiar with other Google products.
  • Seamless Integration: AdMob integrates with other Google products, such as Google Analytics, Firebase, and Google Ads, which can provide you with additional insights and advertising opportunities.

Cons of AdMob

  • Focused on Mobile Apps: AdMob is only designed for mobile apps, so if you have a website, you’ll need to use a different platform.
  • Limited Ad Formats: AdMob only offers a limited number of ad formats, which may not be suitable for all types of content.
  • Limited Revenue Share: AdMob operates on a CPC or CPM basis, which means you may receive a low revenue share for your ads.

Pros of AdSense

  • Revenue Share: AdSense offers a revenue share model, which means you receive a percentage of the revenue generated by the ads displayed on your site.
  • Flexibility: AdSense offers a wide range of ad formats so that you can choose the best design for your content.
  • Targeted Advertising: AdSense offers interest-based targeting, which shows ads to users based on their browsing history and interests.
  • Works With Websites: AdSense is designed for websites, which means you can monetize your website content.

Cons of AdSense

  • Low Revenue Potential: AdSense may generate less revenue than AdMob, particularly if you have a small user base or low traffic volume.
  • Ad Restrictions: AdSense has strict policies on the types of ads displayed on your site, which means that you may not have complete control over the ads.
  • Complex Setup: AdSense can be more complicated to set up and use than AdMob, particularly if you’re new to the platform.

How to Choose The Right Platform for Your Needs?

After reading about the features, differences, and pros and cons of AdMob and AdSense, you may wonder which platform best suits your specific needs. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

Content or App Type

If you have a mobile app, AdMob is the better choice as it is specifically designed for mobile apps. On the other hand, if you have a website or blog, AdSense is the better option. However, you can also check out some of the popular Google Adsense alternatives.

Target Audience

Consider the demographics and interests of your target audience. AdMob offers better targeting options, including targeting users based on their device, location, and app preferences. On the other hand, AdSense offers better contextual targeting, where ads are matched based on the website or blog’s content.

Revenue Goals

If your primary goal is to maximize revenue, AdMob may be the better choice as it generally offers higher ad rates for mobile apps. However, if you value flexibility and ease of use, AdSense may be the better option.

Ultimately, deciding which platform to use depends on your specific needs and goals. Consider your target audience, content type, and revenue goals when making your decision.

Remember, you can also use both platforms in conjunction with each other to maximize your revenue potential. You can reach a wider audience and generate more revenue by using AdMob for your mobile app and AdSense for your website or blog.

So, take some time to consider your options and choose the platform that best suits your needs and goals.

Also Check: 3 Considerations for Publishers to Get the Best Out of Falling Ad Revenue

Best Practices for Revenue Optimization

Once you have decided on the platform to use, here’s what you can do to optimize your revenue:

Use the Proper Ad Formats

AdMob and AdSense offer a variety of ad formats, including display ads, text ads, and video ads. Experiment with different ad formats to find what works best for your audience and content type.

Target the Right Audience

AdMob and AdSense offer advanced targeting options, such as location, demographics, and interests. By targeting the right audience, you can increase engagement and revenue.

Experiment with Ad Placements

Try placing ads in different locations on your mobile app or website to see what works best. For example, placing ads above the fold on a website can increase visibility and click-through rates.

Monitor and Optimize Performance

Use the analytics and reporting tools provided by AdMob and AdSense to track the performance of your ads. Make adjustments to your ad strategy based on the data to maximize revenue.

Follow Policies and Guidelines

AdMob and AdSense have strict policies and guidelines for ad placement and content. Follow these guidelines to avoid being penalized or having your account suspended.

Following these best practices can optimize your revenue and make the most out of AdMob or AdSense.

Remember, finding the right ad strategy may take some time and experimentation, but by continually testing and refining, you can achieve your revenue goals.


AdMob and AdSense are two powerful platforms for revenue optimization. While AdMob is explicitly designed for mobile apps, AdSense is geared toward website owners. By understanding the differences between the two platforms, you can choose the one that best suits your needs and goals.

Consider your content type, target audience, and revenue goals when deciding which platform to use. Additionally, follow best practices for revenue optimization, such as using the proper ad formats, targeting the right audience, and experimenting with ad placements.

With these tips in mind, you can maximize your revenue potential and achieve success with AdMob or AdSense. We encourage you to try out these platforms and monitor your results to see what works best.

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FAQ – AdMob vs. AdSense

1) How do AdMob and AdSense differ?

AdMob is geared toward mobile app developers, while AdSense is geared toward website owners. AdMob offers in-app advertising options, while AdSense offers website ad options. AdMob allows developers to monetize their apps through in-app ads, while AdSense allows website owners to earn revenue through clicks on ads displayed on their site.

2) Which Platform is Better for Revenue Optimization?

The best platform for revenue optimization depends on various factors, including the type of content or app, the target audience, and the revenue goals.
AdMob may be more suitable for app developers, while AdSense may be more suitable for website owners.
Understanding the differences between the two platforms and considering your specific needs and goals when deciding which platform to use is essential.

3) Can I Use Both AdMob and AdSense on My App or Website?

Yes, it is possible to use both AdMob and AdSense on the same app or website. However, it’s essential to ensure that the ads displayed do not violate Google’s ad policies and guidelines.

4) How Do I Optimize My Revenue With AdMob or AdSense?

To optimize your revenue with AdMob or AdSense, you can follow best practices such as using the proper ad formats, targeting the right audience, and experimenting with different ad placements. It’s also important to regularly monitor your results and make adjustments as needed to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Google AdMob vs AdSense: Differences Explained | AdPushup (3)

Shubham Grover

Shubham is a digital marketer with rich experience working in the advertisem*nt technology industry. He has vast experience in the programmatic industry, driving business strategy and scaling functions including but not limited to growth and marketing, Operations, process optimization, and Sales.

Greetings! I'm Shubham Grover, a seasoned digital marketer with extensive expertise in the advertisem*nt technology industry. I've navigated the dynamic landscape of programmatic advertising, contributing to business strategy development, scaling functions, and excelling in growth and marketing operations. My in-depth knowledge stems from hands-on experience, allowing me to delve into the nuances of various ad platforms.

Now, let's delve into the article's content, comparing AdMob and AdSense for revenue generation within the Google ecosystem.

Concepts Used in the Article:

1. AdMob:

  • Definition: AdMob is a mobile ad platform developed by Google, specifically designed for app developers to monetize their mobile apps.
  • Key Features:
    • Ad Formats: Supports various formats such as banner ads, interstitials, and rewarded video ads.
    • Targeting Options: Offers powerful targeting options, including location, demographics, and contextual targeting.
    • Integration: Integrates with other Google products like Google Analytics, Firebase, and Google Ads for performance tracking and optimization.

2. AdSense:

  • Definition: AdSense is a web-based ad platform by Google, allowing website and blog publishers to monetize by displaying ads to their visitors.
  • Key Features:
    • Ad Formats: Offers a variety of formats like display ads, text ads, and link units.
    • Customization Options: Allows customization of ad appearance to match site branding.
    • Performance Reporting: Provides detailed performance reports for tracking ad revenue and optimizing ad placement.

3. AdMob vs. AdSense – Differences Explained:

  • Ad Formats: AdMob focuses on mobile apps, supporting banner ads, interstitials, and rewarded video ads. AdSense is for websites, supporting display ads, text ads, and link units.
  • Targeting Options: AdMob provides granular targeting like location, demographics, and contextual targeting. AdSense emphasizes interest-based targeting.

4. Payment Models:

  • AdMob: Operates on a cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) basis.
  • AdSense: Operates on a revenue share model, earning a percentage of the revenue generated by displayed ads.

5. Audience:

  • AdMob targets mobile app users.
  • AdSense targets website visitors.

6. Integration:

  • AdMob integrates with Google Analytics, Firebase, and Google Ads.
  • AdSense is more standalone.

7. Pros & Cons of AdMob:

  • Pros:
    • High revenue potential for mobile apps.
    • Granular targeting options.
    • Easy to use and seamless integration with Google products.
  • Cons:
    • Focused on mobile apps only.
    • Limited ad formats.
    • Limited revenue share on a CPC/CPM basis.

8. Pros & Cons of AdSense:

  • Pros:
    • Revenue share model for website monetization.
    • Flexibility in ad formats.
    • Targeted advertising based on interests.
  • Cons:
    • Potentially lower revenue compared to AdMob.
    • Strict ad policies.
    • Complex setup for beginners.

9. How to Choose The Right Platform for Your Needs:

  • Consider content type (app or website), target audience, and revenue goals.
  • AdMob for mobile apps; AdSense for websites.
  • Both can be used together for maximum reach and revenue.

10. Best Practices for Revenue Optimization:

  • Use proper ad formats.
  • Target the right audience with advanced targeting options.
  • Experiment with ad placements for optimal visibility.
  • Monitor and optimize performance with analytics tools.
  • Follow platform policies and guidelines.

11. Conclusion:

  • AdMob and AdSense are powerful platforms with unique strengths.
  • Choice depends on content type, target audience, and revenue goals.
  • Experimentation and optimization are key to success.

12. FAQ – AdMob vs. AdSense:

  • Key Questions:
    • Differences between AdMob and AdSense.
    • Choosing the platform for revenue optimization.
    • Using both AdMob and AdSense on the same app or website.
    • Optimizing revenue with best practices.

In conclusion, mastering the dynamics of AdMob and AdSense empowers publishers and app developers to make informed decisions, aligning their strategies with specific needs and goals. Feel free to explore further or ask for clarification on any aspect!

Google AdMob vs AdSense: Differences Explained | AdPushup (2024)


What is the difference between AdSense and AdMob? ›

AdSense works in a similar way to AdMob, with the difference that where AdMob catered to mobile app publishers, AdSense is a solution for website publishers, whether desktop or mobile web based.

What's the difference between Google Ads and Google AdSense? ›

Ads (Formerly AdWords) vs. AdSense. While the Google Ads program is geared toward attracting advertisers, the Google AdSense program is geared toward attracting publishers. Advertisers use Google Ads to drive traffic to their sites, and publishers use Google AdSense to monetize their existing traffic.

Can I use AdMob without AdSense? ›

The ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products. Because AdMob relies on AdSense to support some of its functionality, an AdSense account is required to use AdMob. If you don't have an AdSense account, we'll help you create one when you sign up for AdMob.

Can I use both AdMob and AdSense? ›

If you sign up with the email you also use for AdSense, your AdMob and AdSense accounts will be linked. If you started using AdMob first, you can upgrade your account to use AdSense with the following steps: Visit

Does AdMob only pay for clicks? ›

Digital advertising offers several models, and one of the most popular is the pay-per-click model (or PPC model), where advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. If a user sees an ad but doesn't click on it, advertisers don't pay.

How much does AdMob pay per 1000 views in 2024? ›

Roughly, the CPM rates for Google AdMob can vary anywhere between $0.2 to $10 for every 1000 impressions depending on the users' location. The revenue-sharing model of AdMob monetization helps you earn a percentage of the revenue generated by clicks or impressions on the ads displayed in your app.

What are the cons of Google AdSense? ›

Here are some of the disadvantages of AdSense, that you should consider when choosing an ad network:
  • Big isn't always great. ...
  • Limited selection of ad types. ...
  • Payment threshold is too high. ...
  • You can lose all your money in a second. ...
  • AdSense isn't profitable for small publishers. ...
  • Other AdSense limitations.
Oct 13, 2022

Who pays better than Google AdSense? › Run by Bing and Yahoo, is the top advertising network for anyone looking for alternatives to Google AdSense. It is a direct AdSense competitor and offers the closest match in product options, ad types, and earning potential.

Can I use Google Ads and AdSense together? ›

If your ad network already displays Google ads on your pages, you can still join AdSense and run ads on your site through our program. However, as per our inventory value policy, you may not place more ads than content on your page.

Is there anything better than AdMob? ›

Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Google AdMob include ease of use and reliability. The best overall Google AdMob alternative is Facebook Audience Network. Other similar apps like Google AdMob are Unity Ads, Leadbolt, TapJoy, and Appodeal.

How much can I earn with AdMob with 1000 daily app users? ›

For example, if your app has 1,000 daily users, an eCPM of $5.00 ($5.00 per 1000 impressions), and each user sees three ads daily, you could earn $15 daily (3 ads displayed daily to 1000 users = $15).

Does AdMob pay daily? ›

The AdMob payment cycle is monthly. You accrue estimated earnings over the course of a month, and then at the beginning of the following month your earnings are finalized and posted to the balance in the "Transactions" section of the "Payments" page.

Which one is better, AdMob or AdSense? ›

AdMob offers in-app advertising options, while AdSense offers website ad options. AdMob allows developers to monetize their apps through in-app ads, while AdSense allows website owners to earn revenue through clicks on ads displayed on their site.

Who is eligible for AdMob? ›

As stated in the AdSense Online Terms of Service, developers must be at least 18 years of age to participate in the AdMob program. If you are not yet 18, you may have a parent or guardian submit an application using their own Google Account.

Can I use someone else's bank account for AdMob? ›

Can I set up somebody else's bank account to receive my payment? Yes you can. Please make sure the payee details you enter in your payee profile in your AdSense account match exactly the beneficiary bank details of the account holder, otherwise your payment will fail.

How much do you get paid on AdMob? ›

The typical CPM rates for AdMob depend on the ad format and regional variations: Banner Ads have a typical CPM rate between $0.10 and $1.00. Interstitial Ads' CPM rate can range from $1.00 to $5.00. Rewarded Video Ads generally have a CPM rates between $10.00 and $50.00.

Is there anything better than AdSense? ›


Integrating PropellerAds with websites is straightforward as publishers simply need to add a code snippet to their website's header or body. PropellerAds does not have minimum traffic eligibility criteria, making it an attractive Google AdSense alternative for new bloggers.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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