Futures Contracts Calculator (2024)

The outstanding futures contract calculator helps you determine your profit or loss, whether you are long or short in the futures market. This article will cover what a futures contract is, how futures contracts work, and explore a real-life transaction. As a bonus, we'll compare forward vs. future contracts and futures contracts vs. options.

We'll begin at the beginning and discuss the definition of futures contracts.

What is a futures contract? Definition

A futures contract is a legal agreement of asset delivery between two parties put together by an exchange (e.g., CBOE, CME, NYMEX, etc.). Buyers and sellers lock in prices for a physical transaction that will occur at a predefined date in the future. The futures contract specifies the quality and quantity of the asset. It also indicates location and delivery time.

Future contracts are beneficial for companies/factories that want to make agreements at specific commodity prices, avoiding market price fluctuations until delivery in the future.

Let's see an example of a futures contract: An airline company wants to acquire thousands of oil barrels but does not want future oil price fluctuations to affect their margins. As a solution, they can get an oil futures contract with a specific buying price to reduce their risk.

Besides, because the futures exchange regulates the contract, it reduces counterparty risk. In other words, the exchange assumes the buyer's risk of not having money for paying for the goods.

Investors and companies can invest in a wide range of assets in the futures market aside from commodities. You can trade bitcoin, bonds, currencies, among others.

Similar to call and put options, we need a buyer and a seller, or the one who is "long" and the one who is "short", accordingly to the investing slang. We are going to explain their roles in the next section. If you are considering the stock market will rise, you could check how much you can gain with the call option calculator.

How do futures contracts works?

Unlike stocks, which you buy on a particular day and can forget about, a futures contract has an expiration day and asset delivery date. Until that moment, the exchange is in charge of taking into account price fluctuations and their effect on participants money balance:

  • If the underlying asset price increases, the exchange debits money from the seller's account and puts it into the buyer's accounts.

  • If the underlying asset price decreases, the exchange debits money from the buyer's account and puts it into the buyer's account.

Everyday futures market exchanges do this balancing operation. But what about the risk of not having enough money to pay the other party?

If one of the participants is close to not having enough funds to cover the balancing operation, the exchange calls them and requests they put more funds into the account. If the participant fails to comply, the exchange closes the position, taking all the necessary funds to make the settlement. People named that call: the margin call.

Our future contracts calculator helps you determine the daily amount of money the exchange transfers between the participants based on contracts trading specifications.

What are the future contracts trading specifications?

To negotiate future contracts, we have to understand its components:

  1. Future contract trading code: Refers to the contract exchange code. For example, the E-Mini S&P 500 Futures Contract has the trading code ES.

  2. Future contract month code and year: It is a combination of a letter and a number that indicates the month and year of contract expiration. "H22" refers to a contract expiring on March 22.

  3. Contract size: Indicates the exact deliverable quantity of the asset, which could be barrels of oil, ounces of gold, or cash if the contract refers to a financial asset.

  4. Tick value (Tv\rm TvTv)and tick size: Minimum price fluctuation of the contract's price. The exchange defines the tick value. For example, the ESH22 contract (E-Mini S&P 500 Futures Contract with expiration at March 22) has a tick size of 0.25 and a tick value of 12.5 USD.

  5. Point value (Pv\rm PvPv): If the tick value represents the minimum price fluctuation to the right of the decimal point, the point value represents the same but to the left side of the decimal point.

Check the following picture to understand the terminology in our nifty futures contract calculator.

Futures Contracts Calculator (1)

Here you can see:

  • Trading code, including the expiration date: ESH22;
  • Contract size: 50 times the value of the index (50 × 4777.50 = 238,875 USD);
  • Tick size and tick value: 0.25 points (12.50 USD); and
  • Point value: If 0.25 points value 12.50 USD, a point values 50 USD.

Furthermore, notice that today, the contract has a decrease in value of 4.75 points or 19 ticks (19 x 0.25 = 4.75 points).

How to profit? – A futures contract example

Continuing with the example above, if the contract has a decrease in value of 19 ticks and each one values 12.5 USD, the long position holder (contract buyer) has lost:

Loss=12.5USD×19=237.5USD\small \rm{Loss = 12.5\ USD \times 19 = 237.5\ USD}Loss=12.5USD×19=237.5USD

However, this is the seller's profit, assuming they only have one contract.

You can input the same info in our handy futures contracts calculator and compare it yourself. The formulas we used are:

Pv=Tv×NTpp\rm \small Pv = Tv \times NTppPv=Tv×NTpp

PLbuyer=Pv×ΔNp×NC,\rm \small PL_{buyer} = Pv \times \Delta Np \times NC,PLbuyer=Pv×ΔNp×NC,


  • Pv\rm \small PvPv — Point value;
  • Tv\rm \small TvTv — Tick value;
  • NTpp\rm \small NTppNTpp — Number of ticks per point;
  • PLbuyer\rm \small PL_{buyer}PLbuyer — Profit or loss for buyer;
  • NC\rm \small NCNC — Number of contracts; and
  • ΔNp\rm \small \Delta Np ΔNp — Number of points moved.

On the other hand, if you want to determine the number of points at a specific selling price, you use:

ΔNp=PricesellcPricebuyc,\rm \small \Delta Np = Price_{sell-c} - Price_{buy-c},ΔNp=PricesellcPricebuyc,


  • Pricesellc\rm \small Price_{sell-c} Pricesellc — Selling contract price
  • Pricebuyc\rm \small Price_{buy-c}Pricebuyc — Buying contract price

Finally, to determine the profit or loss for the seller of the futures contract, you use:

PLseller=1×PLbuyer,\rm \small PL_{seller} = -1 \times PL_{buyer},PLseller=1×PLbuyer,


  • PLseller\rm \small PL_{seller} PLseller — Profit/loss for seller; and
  • PLbuyer\rm \small PL_{buyer}PLbuyer — Profit/loss for buyer.

We will explain another futures contract example with the above oil futures contract: The Crude Oil WTI Feb '22 (CLG22). From the contract specification we see:

Ticksize=1cent/barrel\small \rm{Tick \ size = 1\ cent/barrel}Ticksize=1cent/barrel,

if the contract has 1000 barrels, then,

Tv=10.00USD\small \rm{Tv = 10.00\ USD}Tv=10.00USD, and

NTpp=100\small \rm{NTpp= 100}NTpp=100.

Today, we see the Crude Oil WTI Feb '22(CLG22) is trading at 75.82 with an increment of 0.25 points so far. Assuming we have five contracts:

ΔNp=0.25\small \rm{\Delta Np= 0.25}ΔNp=0.25

Pv=10USD×100=1000USD\small \rm{Pv = 10\ USD × 100 = 1000\ USD}Pv=10USD×100=1000USD

PLbuyer=1000USD×0.25×5=1250USD\small \rm{PL_{buyer} = 1000\ USD × 0.25 × 5 = 1250\ USD}PLbuyer=1000USD×0.25×5=1250USD

How to use our futures contracts calculator for drawdown protection?

If you have a portfolio with a high beta, verify it with our Portfolio beta calculator, you can consider starting a short position in a stock market index futures contract. Let me explain.

Notice we could have earned money if we were the buyers in the E-Mini S&P 500 Futures Contract when the index increased in value. In the opposite case, when E-Mini loses value, the buyer loses money, and the seller gets that as a profit.

Suppose the stock market crashes, and the index falls in value, impacting its futures market contract. In that case, if you are short, you profit even though your stock portfolio is losing money. Such profits from the futures markets can help offset the loss, reducing the overall losses or even making you net profits. We recommend experimenting with the Maximum drawdown calculator for finding out how much you have to recover in case you loose money in the stock market.

As a final note, investors consider buying gold futures contracts as an excellent way to protect themselves against market crashes.


What is the futures contract definition?

A futures contract is a financial instrument that allows participants to take or reduce risk against an asset's price fluctuation. The agreement includes the delivery of an asset at a predefined price, regardless of the current asset market price on the day of delivery. An example would be a semiconductor factory that acquires a long position in a gold futures contract because it expects the mineral's price to increase.

What are the differences between futures contracts vs. options?

We will mention two main differences:

  • Futures contracts involve delivering standardized assets where quality and quantity are ensured; meanwhile, options give the right but not the obligation to buy or sell stocks at different prices than the market.
  • Futures contracts give exposure to a broader range of assets than options. Some of them are metal commodities, oil, and agricultural goods. Options only provide exposure to stocks and indexes.

What are the futures contract month codes?

Here is a table of the futures contract month codes:



























What are the differences between forwards vs. futures contracts?

Let's explore two main differences:

  1. Future contracts are legal agreements of delivery of a standardized asset. The futures exchange market ensures quality and quantity when creating the contract.

  2. Forward contracts are also agreements of delivery of assets between two private parties. They trade it over-the-counter; consequently, there is no third-party entity to verify quality and quantity as with future contracts.

How do I estimate the profits of my futures contract?

To calculate the profits of your futures contract:

  1. First, identify the tick value and how many ticks the contract moved.

  2. Considering the number of future contracts you have, multiply the tick value times how many ticks the contract value moved times the number of contracts you have.

  3. The result will be a profit or loss, depending on whether the contract value went up or down and whether you were long or short.

Futures Contracts Calculator (2024)


How do you calculate the fair value of a futures contract? ›

This is the relation between the present price of the stock (PV), and the fair price (fV) when there is no possibility of arbitrage: 'fV = PV(1 + R)', where R is the risk-free rate of return.

How to calculate contracts on futures? ›

Also known as a contract's notional value, contract value is calculated by multiplying the size of the contract by the current price. For example, the E-mini S&P 500 contract is $50 times the price of the index. If the index is trading at 2,250, the value of one E-mini S&P 500 contract would be $112,500.

How much is each futures contract worth? ›

A futures contract's value is typically its contract size multiplied by the current price.

What is 60 40 rule futures? ›

Futures, forex, and options

Section 1256 contracts get special tax treatment of 60/40. This means that positions held for any amount of time will receive 60% long-term capital gains treatment and 40% short-term capital gains treatment.

What is the formula for futures contract? ›

The formula for computing futures prices can be expressed as: Futures Prices = Spot Price * [1 + (RF * (X/365) - D)], where: The risk-free return rate, RF, signifies the rate one can earn throughout the year in a perfect market.

What is the price vs value of a futures contract? ›

Price: Forward contracts have a constant price, while futures contracts fluctuate. Value: Forward contract values fluctuate according to the spot price, whereas futures contracts are reset to zero daily after the mark-to-market process.

How to calculate profit or loss on futures contracts? ›

Calculating profit and loss on a trade is done by multiplying the dollar value of a one-tick move by the number of ticks the futures contract has moved since you purchased the contract.

How many futures contracts should I buy? ›

If you're new to trading futures, don't floor the accelerator. There's no reason to begin trading five or 10 contracts at a time when you're just beginning. Don't make the beginner's mistake of using all the money in your account to purchase or sell as many futures contracts as you absolutely can.

What is an example of a futures contract? ›

An example of a futures contract is an agreement to buy 100 barrels of oil at Rs. 5,000 per barrel, to be delivered in three months. The buyer and seller lock in this price today, regardless of future market fluctuations.

How much is 1 tick of ES worth? ›

The minimum tick is one-quarter of an index point, or $12.50 per contract. If /ES rises or falls, say 30 points (about 1%), that translates into a gain or loss of $1,500 (30 points/0.25 minimum tick = 120 ticks; 120 x $12.50 = $1,500).

How much is an S&P 500 futures contract? ›

Recent Contracts
E-Mini S&P 500 Future Dec 2024$5,309.50$5,306.25
E-Mini S&P 500 Future Mar 2025$5,356.25$5,370.00
E-Mini S&P 500 Future Jun 2025$5,385.00$5,470.00
E-Mini S&P 500 Future Sep 2025$5,333.50$5,820.00
6 more rows

What is the smallest futures contract? ›

Micro E-mini

Do you need $25,000 to day trade futures? ›

Minimum Account Size

A pattern day trader who executes four or more round turns in a single security within a week is required to maintain a minimum equity of $25,000 in their brokerage account.

What is the 80 20 rule in futures trading? ›

In investing, the 80-20 rule generally holds that 20% of the holdings in a portfolio are responsible for 80% of the portfolio's growth. On the flip side, 20% of a portfolio's holdings could be responsible for 80% of its losses.

What is the 6% rule? ›

The 6% Rule in retirement planning is a guideline that suggests you can safely withdraw 6% of your retirement savings annually without depleting your retirement corpus.

What is the formula for the fair value of a contract? ›

Fair value formula = Cash [1 + r (x/360)] – Dividends

r is the current interest rate that the broker charges. x is the remaining days in the futures contract.

What is the formula for fair value? ›

Fair value is the price an investor pays for a stock and may be considered the present value of the stock when its intrinsic value and its growth potential are considered. Intrinsic value is calculated by dividing the value of the next year's dividend by the rate of return minus the growth rate.

How to calculate the fair value of a forward contract? ›

The key forward commitment valuation equations are:
  1. LongForward:Vt=PV[Ft−F0]=[Ft−(1+
  2. ShortForward:−Vt=PV[F0−Ft]=[F0−Ft](1+r)T−t Short Forward: − V t = PV [ F 0 − F t ] = [ F 0 − F t ] ( 1 + r ) T − t ,
  3. LongForward:Vt=St−PV[F0]=St.
  4. ShortForward:−Vt=PV[F0]−St=(1.

How does Warren Buffett calculate fair value? ›

Warren Buffet Fair Value Calculator. Warren Buffett calculates a stock's fair value based on the future cash flows it will generate, minus an appropriate risk premium.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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