Pricing and Valuation of Forward Commitments (2024)

Refresher Reading

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2024 Curriculum CFA Program Level II Derivatives

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Forward commitments include forwards, futures, and swaps. A forward contract is a promise to buy or sell an asset at a future date at a price agreed to at the contract’s initiation. The forward contract has a linear payoff function, with both upside and downside risk.

A swap is essentially a promise to undertake a transaction at a set price or rate at several dates in the future. The technique we use to price and value swaps is to identify and construct a portfolio with cash flows equivalent to those of the swap.Then, we can use tools, such as the law of one price, to determine swap values from simpler financial instruments, such as a pair of bonds with a cash flow pattern similar to those of our swap.

Look out for the big picture: value additivity, arbitrage, and the law of one price are important valuation concepts.

Forwards and swaps are widely used in practice to manage a broad range of market risks. As well, more complex derivative instruments can sometimes be understood in terms of their basic building blocks: forwards and option-based components. Here are just some of the many and varied uses for forwards, futures, and swaps that you might encounter in your investment career:

  • Use of equity index futures and swaps by a private wealth manager to hedge equity risk in a low tax basis, concentrated position in his high-net-worth client’s portfolio.
  • Use of interest rate swaps by a defined benefits plan manager to hedge interest rate risk and to manage the pension plan’s duration gap.
  • Use of derivatives (total return swaps, equity futures, bond futures, etc.) overlays by a university endowment for tactical asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing.
  • Use of interest rate swaps by a corporate borrower to synthetically convert floating-rate debt securities to fixed-rate debt securities (or vice versa).
  • Use of VIX futures and inflation swaps by a firm’s market strategist to infer expectations about market volatility and inflation rates, respectively.

Learning Outcomes

The member should be able to:

  1. describe the carry arbitrage model without underlying cashflows and with underlying cashflows;

  2. describe how equity forwards and futures are priced, and calculate and interpret their no-arbitrage value;

  3. describe how interest rate forwards and futures are priced, and calculate and interpret their no-arbitrage value;

  4. describe how fixed-income forwards and futures are priced, and calculate and interpret their no-arbitrage value;

  5. describe how interest rate swaps are priced, and calculate and interpret their no-arbitrage value;

  6. describe how currency swaps are priced, and calculate and interpret their no-arbitrage value;

  7. describe how equity swaps are priced, and calculate and interpret their no-arbitrage value.


This reading on forward commitment pricing and valuation provides a foundation for understanding how forwards, futures, and swaps are both priced and valued.

Key points include the following:

  • The arbitrageur would rather have more money than less and abides by two fundamental rules: Do not use your own money, and do not take any price risk.

  • The no-arbitrage approach is used for the pricing and valuation of forward commitments and is built on the key concept of the law of one price, which states that if two investments have the same future cash flows, regardless of what happens in the future, these two investments should have the same current price.

  • Throughout this reading, the following key assumptions are made:

    • Replicating and offsetting instruments are identifiable and investable.

    • Market frictions are nil.

    • Short selling is allowed with full use of proceeds.

    • Borrowing and lending are available at a known risk-free rate.

  • Carry arbitrage models used for forward commitment pricing and valuation are based on the no-arbitrage approach.

  • With forward commitments, there is a distinct difference between pricing and valuation. Pricing involves the determination of the appropriate fixed price or rate, and valuation involves the determination of the contract’s current value expressed in currency units.

  • Forward commitment pricing results in determining a price or rate such that the forward contract value is equal to zero.

  • Using the carry arbitrage model, the forward contract price (F0) is:

    F0 = FV(S0) = S0(1 + r)T (assuming annual compounding, r)

    F 0 = FV ( S 0 ) = S 0 exp r c T (assuming continuous compounding, rc )

  • The key forward commitment pricing equations with carry costs (CC) and carry benefits (CB) are:

    F0 = FV[S0 + CC0 – CB0] (with discrete compounding)

    F 0 = S 0 exp ( r c + CC CB ) T (with continuous compounding)

Futures contract pricing in this reading can essentially be treated the same as forward contract pricing.

  • The value of a forward commitment is a function of the price of the underlying instrument, financing costs, and other carry costs and benefits.

  • The key forward commitment valuation equations are:

    Long Forward: V t = PV [ F t F 0 ] = [ F t F 0 ] ( 1 + r ) T t


    Short Forward: V t = PV [ F 0 F t ] = [ F 0 F t ] ( 1 + r ) T t ,

    With the PV of the difference in forward prices adjusted for carry costs and benefits. Alternatively,

    Long Forward: V t = S t P V [ F 0 ] = S t F 0 ( 1 + r ) T t


    Short Forward: V t = PV [ F 0 ] S t = F 0 ( 1 + r ) T t S t

  • With equities and fixed-income securities, the forward price is determined such that the initial forward value is zero.

  • A forward rate agreement (FRA) is a forward contract on interest rates. The FRA’s fixed interest rate is determined such that the initial value of the FRA is zero.

  • FRA settlements amounts at Time h are:

    Pay-fixed (Long): NA × {[Lm – FRA0] tm}/[1 + Dmtm] and

    Receive-fixed (Short): NA × {FRA0 – Lm] tm}/[1 + Dmtm].

  • The FRA’s fixed interest rate (annualized) at contract initiation is:

    FRA0 = {[1 + LTtT]/[1 + Lhth] – 1}/tm.

  • The Time g value of an FRA initiated at Time 0 is:

    Long FRA: Vg = NA × {[FRAg – FRA0] tm}/[1+ D(T–g) t(T–g)] and

    Short FRA: –Vg = NA × {[FRA0 – FRAg] tm}/[1+ D(T–g) t(T–g)].

  • The fixed-income forward (or futures) price including conversion factor (i.e., adjusted price) is:

    F0 = Q0 × CF = FV[S0 + CC0 – CB0] = FV[B0 + AI0 – PVCI],

    and the conversion factor adjusted futures price (i.e., quoted futures price) is:

    Q0 = [1/CF] {FV [B0 + AI0] – AIT – FVCI}.

  • The general approach to pricing and valuing swaps as covered here is using a replicating portfolio or offsetting portfolio of comparable instruments, typically bonds for interest rate and currency swaps and equities plus bonds for equity swaps.

  • The swap pricing equation, which sets rFIX for the implied fixed bond in an interest rate swap, is:

    r F I X = 1 PV n ( 1 ) i = 1 n PV i ( 1 ) .

  • The value of an interest rate swap at a point in Time t after initiation is the sum of the present values of the difference in fixed swap rates times the stated notional amount, or:

    V S W A P , t = NA × ( FS 0 FS t ) × i = 1 n PV i (Value of receive-fixed swap)


    V S W A P , t = NA × ( FS t FS 0 ) × i = 1 n PV i (Value of pay-fixed swap).

  • With a basic understanding of pricing and valuing a simple interest rate swap, it is a straightforward extension to pricing and valuing currency swaps and equity swaps.

  • The solution for each of the three variables, one notional amount (NAa) and two fixed rates (one for each currency, a and b), needed to price a fixed-for-fixed currency swap are :

    NA a = S 0 × NA b; r a = 1 PV n , a ( 1 ) i = 1 n PV i , a ( 1 )  and  r b = 1 PV n , b ( 1 ) i = 1 n PV i , b ( 1 ) .

  • The currency swap valuation equation, for valuing the swap at time t (after initiation), can be expressed as:

    V C S = NA a ( r F i x , a i = 1 n PV i ( 1 ) + PV n ( 1 ) ) S t NA b ( r F i x , b i = 1 n PV i ( 1 ) + PV n ( 1 ) ) .

  • For a receive-fixed, pay equity swap, the fixed rate (rFIX) for the implied fixed bond that makes the swap’s value (VEQ) equal to “0” at initiation is:

    r F I X = 1 P V n ( 1 ) i = 1 n P V i ( 1 ) .

  • The value of an equity swap at Time t (VEQ,t), after initiation, is:

    VEQ,t = VFIX(C0) – (St/St–1)NAE – PV(Par – NAE)

where VFIX (C0) is the Time t value of a fixed-rate bond initiated with coupon C0 at Time 0, St is the current equity price, St–1 is the equity price at the last reset date, and PV() is the PV function from the swap maturity date to Time t.


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Pricing and Valuation of Forward Commitments (2024)


What is pricing and valuation of forward commitments? ›

Pricing involves the determination of the appropriate fixed price or rate, and valuation involves the determination of the contract's current value expressed in currency units. Forward commitment pricing results in determining a price or rate such that the forward contract value is equal to zero.

What is the price and value of a forward contract? ›

We can consider the price of the forward contract “embedded” into the contract. The forward value is the opposite and fluctuates as the market conditions change. At initiation, the forward contract value is zero and then either becomes positive or negative throughout the life-cycle of the contract.

What is pricing and valuation of interest rate forward contracts? ›

The price of a forward or futures contract is the agreed-upon payment for the underlying on the settlement date, denoted by “big F”. On the other hand, the value of a contract is the gain or loss to the contract party, denoted by “big V”. The value to the short is opposite that of the long.

What is an example of a forward commitment? ›

For example, a producer of a commodity like wheat knows he must sell his crop at some point after the harvest. A futures contract with a forward commitment allows the producer to find a buyer in advance, locking in the sale price for the producer and the buyer over that same time period.

What is the difference between a forward commitment and a contingent claim? ›

Derivatives typically fall into one of two classifications, either forward commitments or contingent claims. The primary difference between the two is around obligations. Forward commitments carry an obligation to transact, whereas contingent claims confer the right to transact, but not the obligation.

What is the meaning of forward pricing? ›

Forward price is the predetermined delivery price for an underlying commodity, currency, or financial asset as decided by the buyer and the seller of the forward contract, to be paid at a predetermined date in the future.

How do you calculate forward pricing? ›

(fair price + future value of asset's dividends) − spot price of asset = cost of capital. forward price = spot price − cost of carry. The future value of that asset's dividends (this could also be coupons from bonds, monthly rent from a house, fruit from a crop, etc.) is calculated using the risk-free force of interest ...

How do you calculate the value of a forward rate agreement? ›

Formula and Calculation for a Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) Calculate the difference between the forward and floating rates or reference rates. Multiply the rate difference by the notional amount of the contract and by the number of days in the contract. Divide the result by 360 (days).

What is an example of a forward contract? ›

Wheat prices increase: If the price of wheat rises to Rs. 2,500 per quintal in six months due to supply shortages or increased demand, Raj benefits from the forward contract. He can sell his wheat to Maya Flour Mills at the agreed-upon lower price of Rs. 2,200 per quintal.

What is the forward pricing rate? ›

An FPRA is a written agreement between the Government and a contractor which sets the rates used for bid and proposal purposes for a period of time in the future.

What is the relationship between interest rates and valuation? ›

Higher interest rates tend to negatively affect earnings and stock prices (with the exception of the financial sector). Higher interest rates also mean future discounted valuations are lower as the discount rate used for future cash flow is higher.

What is the difference between futures and forwards valuation? ›

Forward vs. Futures Contracts: Key Differences

Price: Forward contracts have a constant price, while futures contracts fluctuate. Value: Forward contract values fluctuate according to the spot price, whereas futures contracts are reset to zero daily after the mark-to-market process.

What is the forward commitment price? ›

Summary. A forward commitment price agreed upon at contract inception remains fixed and establishes the basis on which the underlying asset (or cash) will be exchanged in the future versus the spot price at maturity.

Which derivatives is a forward commitment? ›

A derivative could have a forward commitment, which is an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a future date at a predetermined price. There are three main types of derivatives with forward commitments: forward contracts, futures contracts and swaps.

What are forward commitment fees? ›

Standby commitment fees, also known as forward commitments, are fees a builder pays to a lender before entering into a sales contract with a borrower. These fees are not subject to our interested party contribution limits because they are not attributable to the specific loan transaction.

What is forwarding pricing? ›

Forward pricing is the standard methodology for which open-end mutual funds are transacted. Forward pricing primarily refers to open-end mutual funds which are not traded on an exchange with real-time pricing. Open-end mutual funds are bought and sold from the mutual fund company.

What is a forward commitment in a mortgage? ›

It's called a forward commitment. Here's how it works: A forward commitment allows a home builder to buy a block of homes loans upfront and lock in an attractive interest rate, say 3 to 5 percent, which when compared to an average market rate of 7%, helps to sell homes faster.

What is the price of a forward bond? ›

The value of a forward contract is the bond price less the present value of coupon payments less the present value of the price at expiration. Forward contracts are used to mitigate the risk associated with price volatility between today and some future date.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.